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MSC Syllabus

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(A Central University)
Suryamaninagar, Tripura – 799022.


Tripura University (A Central University)
Department of Statistics
Choice Based Credit System MSc Statistics Syllabus

Semester Code and Name of the Core Courses (Credits) Code and Elective Courses (Credits)
STAT 701C (A): Measure Theory and Probability (02) STAT 704E: Basic Statistics (04)

STAT 701C (B): Theory of Distribution (02) STAT 705E: Mathematical Analysis (02)

STAT 702C (A): Linear Models (02)

STAT 702C (B): Sample Survey (02)

STAT 703C: Practical I and R Programming (04)

STAT 801C: Statistical Inference (04) STAT 804E: Official Statistics (02)

STAT 802C (A): Economic Statistics (02) STAT 805E: Demography (02)

STAT 802C (B): Industrial Statistics (02) STAT 806E: Research Methodology (02)

STAT 803C: Practical II (04)

STAT 901C: Multivariate Analysis (04) STAT 905E: Advanced Sample Survey (02)

STAT 902C: Design of Experiments I (02) STAT 906E: Operations Research (04)

STAT 903C: Practical III (02)

STAT 904C: Project I (04)

STAT 1001C: Stochastic Processes (02) STAT 1006E: Statistical Decision Theory and
Bayesian Inference (02)
STAT 1002C: Design of Experiments II (02)
STAT 1007E: Advanced Time Series and
STAT 1003C : Reliability Theory and Survival Analysis Econometrics (02)

STAT 1004C: Practical IV (02)

STAT 1005C: Project II (04)

Compulsory Foundation: Computer Skills (Offered by IT and CSE Department) (04)

Elective Foundation: Yoga/ Song/ Play/Sculpture/NSS/Communicative English (02)

Total Credits Required for Post-Graduation in Statistics: 68 (Sixty Eight)

1. One (01) Credit is assigned for each 25 marks and one (01) contact hour/week of
teaching for theory or two (02) contact hours/week of teaching for practical/project.
2. For each course, 30 % marks are to be allotted for internal assessment.
3. All practicals in core courses are to be done using MS Excel, R, SPSS etc.
4. Practical classes for electives papers will be conducted in the theory classes. The
questions for both practicals and theory will be set in the same question papers.
5. Midterm evaluation in every project by seminar.

STAT 701C (A): Measure Theory and Probability (02)

Classes of sets, fields, sigma-fields, minimal sigma-field, Borel sigma field. Measures and their
elementary properties. Measurable functions, Lebesgue measures, Lebesgue-Stieltjes measures and
signed measure. Integration, monotone convergence theorem, Fatou’s lemma, dominated convergence
theorem. Absolute continuity. Radon Nikodym theorem, Product measures, Fubini’s theorem.
Basics of probability spaces, random variables, expectations and moments. Basic theorems on
probability. Basic, Cr, Markov’s, Holder’s, Minkowski, Jensen’s, Liapounov’s, inequalities.
Characteristic function and their elementary properties, moments and applications, uniqueness
theorem (statement only), inversion theorem and its applications, continuity theorem, Polya’s
conditions (statement only), Bochner’s theorem(statement only). Bivariate and multivariate
characteristic functions.
Convergence of a sequence of random variables: convergence in probability, almost sure
convergence, convergence in rth mean and in distribution, their relationship.
Definition of independence, Borel-Cantelli lemma, Borel 0-1 law and Kolmogorov’s 0-1 law,
Chebyshev’s and Khinchine’s WLLN, necessary and sufficient condition for the WLLN,
Kolmogorov’s inequalities (statement only), SLLN and Kolmogorov’s theorem.
Central limit theorem, Lindeberg-Levy and Liapunov forms of CLT. Statement of Lindeberg-Feller’s
CLT and examples.

Suggested Books:
[1] Ash, R.B. and Doleans-Dade, C.A.: Probability and Measure Theory. Elsevier.
[2] Sharma, A. K: Measure Theory. Discovery Publishing House.
[3] Billingsley, P: Probability and Measure. John Wiley.
[4] Basu, A. K: Measure Theory and Probability. Prentice Hall of India.
[5] Sen, A. K: Measure and Probability. Narosa Publishing House.
[6] Laha and Rohatgi: Probability Theory. John Wiley New York.
[7] Bhat, B.R: Modern Probability Theory. New Age International Publishers.
[8] Capinski, M. and Zastawniah: Probability Through Problems. Springer.
[9] Chung, K. L: A Course in Probability Theory. Academic Press, New York.
[10] Feller, W: An Introduction to Probability Theory and its Applications, Vol I. John Wiley.

STAT 701C (B) : Theory of Distribution (02)

Probability Distribution- Bernoulli, Binomial, Multinomial, Hypergeometric, Poisson, Geometric and

Negative binomial distribution, Uniform, Exponential, Cauchy, Beta, Gamma, Normal, t, F and chi-
square distributions.
Power series distribution and various distributions as its particular cases. Exponential family of
Order statistics and their distributions and properties. Joint and marginal distributions of order
statistics. Extreme values and their asymptotic distribution (statement only) with applications.
Distributions of range, asymptotic distributions of sample median and sample quantiles.
Properties of distribution functions and characteristic functions, marginal and conditional distributions
of bivariate discrete and continuous distributions, compound, truncated and mixture of distributions,
concepts of convolution.

Suggested Books:
[1] George Casella and Roger L. Berger: Statistical Inference. Wodsworth & Brooks Pacefic
Grove, California.
[2] Johnson, N.L., Kotz, S. and Balakrishnan, N: Discrete Univariate Distributions. John Wiley.

[3] Johnson, N.L., Kotz, S. and Balakrishnan, N: Continuous Univariate Distributions. John
[4] Mood, M, Graybill, F. A and Bose, D.C: Introduction to the Theory of Statistics. Tata
McGraw-Hill, New Delhi.
[5] Pitman J: Probability Distributions. Narosa Publishing House.
[6] Dudewicz, E.J. and Mishra, S.N: Modern Mathematical Statistics. John Wiley, New York.
[7] Rohatgi, V.K: An Introduction to Probability Theory and Mathematical Statistics, Wiley
Eastern, New Delhi.
[1] David, H.A., and Nagaraja, H.N: Order Statistics, Third Edition, John Wiley.
[8] Arnold, B.C, Balakrishnan, N, and Nagaraja, H.N: A First Course in Order Statistics. John

STAT 702C (A): Linear Models (02)

A brief review of linear algebra: vector spaces and matrices, characteristics roots and vectors of
square matrices, quadratic forms and their canonical reduction.
Linear statistical models, illustrations, Gauss-Markov model, normal equations and least square
estimators, estimable linear functions, g-inverse and solution of normal equations. Error space and
estimation space. Variances and covariances of BLUEs. Estimation of error variance, estimation with
correlated observations, least squares estimates with restriction on parameters. Simultaneous estimates
of linear parametric functions. Fundamental theorems of least squares and applications to the tests of
linear hypotheses. Test of hypotheses for one and more than one linear parametric functions. Fisher-
Cochran theorem, distribution of quadratic forms. SS of a linear estimate of an estimable function, set
of linear estimate, df etc. Sheffe’s and Tukey’s approach.
Simple and multiple linear regressions, fit of polynomials and use of orthogonal polynomials.
Analysis of Variance - fixed, mixed and random effect models. Analysis of covariance.

Suggested Books:
[1] Datta, K.E: Matrix and Linear Algebra, Prentice-Hall of India Private Ltd.
[2] Rao, C.R: Linear Statistical Inference and its Applications, Wiley Eastern Ltd.
[3] Searle, S.R: Matrix Algebra useful for Statistics, John Wiley, NY.
[4] Kshirsagar, A M: A Course in Linear Models. Marcel Dekker, N. Y.
[5] Joshi, D D: Linear Estimation and Design of Experiments. New Age International
[6] Mukhopadhyay, P: Mathematical Statistics. Books and Allied (P) Ltd.
[7] Weisberg, S. Applied Linear Regression. Wiley.
[8] Chatterjee, S. and Price, B: Regression Analysis by Example. John Wiley, New York.
[9] Goon, A.M., Gupta, M.K. and Dasgupta, B: An Outline of Statistical Theory, Vol II. The
World Press.

STAT 702C (B): Sample Survey (02)

Basic concepts of finite population and sampling techniques. Simple random sampling – with and
without replacements, characteristics and methods of selection, estimation of population mean/total,
standard error and its estimate, determination of sample size.
Stratified random sampling – definition, method of selection, estimation of population mean/total with
standard error and its estimate, problems of allocations-proportional and optimum, comparison with
unrestricted sampling.

Systematic sampling – method of selection, estimation of population mean/total, sampling variance,
comparison with simple random sampling and stratified sampling.
Cluster sampling – equal and unequal size, estimation of population mean/total, standard error and its
estimation, comparison with mean per unit estimator. Two-stage sampling with equal and unequal
first stage units, estimation of population mean/total, standard error and its estimation, comparison
with single-stage sampling.
Use of auxiliary information in sample surveys. Methods of estimation – ratio, product, difference and
regression methods, sampling variance and efficiency of the estimators.

Suggested Books:
[1] Cochran, W. G: Sampling Techniques. Wiley Eastern.
[2] Sampath, S: Sampling Theory and Methods. Narosa Publising House.
[3] Singh, Daroga and Chaudhary, F. S: Theory and Analysis of Sample Survey Designs. New
Age International (P) Limited Publishers.
[4] Mukhopadhyay, Parimal: Theory and Methods of Survey Sampling. Prentice Hall.
[5] Murthy, M. N: Sampling Theory and Methods. Statistical Publishing Society.
[6] Mukhopadhyay, Parimal: Small Area Estimation in Survey Sampling. Narosa Publising

STAT 703C: Practical I and R Programming (04)

Practical Based on Core Papers of this Semester.

Programming on R:
Data types in R: numeric, character, logical; real, integer, complex, strings and the paste command,
matrices, dataframes, lists, setwd, read.table, read.csv, write.matrix, write.csv, creation of new
variables, categorisation, cut, factor; round, apply, creation of patterned variables, saving output to a
file; source; print, saving workspace/history.
Graphics in R: the plot command, histogram, barplot, boxplot, points, lines, segments, arrows, paste,
inserting mathematical symbols in a plot, pie diagram, customisation of plot- setting graphical
parameters, text and mtext, the pairs command, colours and palettes, saving to a file; graphical
parameters such as mar/mai/mfrow, xlab/ylab/las/xaxp/yaxp/xlim/ylim /cex/axis/tck/srt
main/title/legend/locator, identify.
Basic Statistics: r help-command help, help.search(), R mailing list, contributed documentation on
cran, one and two sample t tests, bartletts test for variance, f test for equality of variances, multi
sample means, chi squared tests - homogeneity, independence, exact tests and confidence intervals,
checking the assumptions, distribution fitting.
Vector matrix operations: matrix operations, addition, subtraction, multiplication, linear equations and
eigenvalues, matrix decomposition and inverse, the linear model and qr decomposition, determinant, g
inverse, finding a basis, orthonormalisation, finding rank.
Linear models: the lm function; fitting a linear model; anova/ancova/regression models, the summary
function, goodness of fit measures, predicted values and residuals; residual plots, the anova table,
confidence intervals.
R functions: some useful inbuilt R functions - sort, order, rank, ceiling, floor, round, trunc, signif,
apply, lapply, by, programming in R- for/while/if loops, functions, the source command.
Random number generation and simulations: rnorm, rchisq, rt, rbinom etc; sample; set.seed, monte
carlo techniques, problems on monte carlo techniques.
Regression: case study from regression analysis.
R libraries: what is an r library? How to load a library? How to use an unknown library? How to get
help- documentation and vignettes?

Suggested Books:
[1] Randall L. Eubank and Ana Kupresanin: Statistical Computing in C++ and R. Chapman
&Hall/CRC The R Series.
[2] Verzani, John. Using R for Introductory Statistics. Taylor & Francis.

STAT 704E: Basic Statistics (04)

Types of statistical data: primary and secondary data, Classification, Tabulation and Diagrammatic
representation of data, Frequency Distribution, Cumulative Distribution and their graphical
representation, Histogram, Frequency Polygon, Frequency Curve and Ogive.
Measures of central tendency: Arithmetic geometric and harmonic mean, median and mode. Measures
of dispersion: Mean Deviation, Variance, moments, skewness and kurtosis and their measures based
on quantiles and moments.
Correlation Coefficient and its Properties, Spearman’s Rank Correlation Coefficient. Correlation and
Regression Analysis, Fitting of Linear equation by the principle of Least Squares. Partial and multiple
Random Experiments and Random Events, Classical and Axiomatic definitions of Probability
(discrete sample space only), Conditional Probability, Independence of Events and Bayes Theorem.
Random Variable and its Probability Distribution, Cumulative Distribution Function, Probability
Mass Function and Probability Density Function, Mathematical Expectation, Variance and Moments,
Simple Theorems including theorems on expectation and variance of a sum of random variables and
expectation of product of Random Variables . Moment generating functions; characteristic functions;
probability inequalities (Tchebyshef, Markov, Jenson).
Introduction of some distributions: Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson, Geometric, Uniform, Normal,
Exponential distributions.
Population, sample, Statistic, standard error, estimation, confidence interval and confidence level,
confidence interval estimate of proportion and mean. Hypothesis and its types, errors, critical region,
level of significance, power and p-values. Test statistics: Student’s t-test, Chi-square, F and Z-
Statistics and their applications in testing of hypothesis. Exact and Large sample tests. Analysis of
Non-parametric test - sign, median, run, Mann-Whitney test. Chi square test of goodness of fit, Chi
square analysis of contingency table.

Suggested Books:
[1] Mukhopadhyay, P: Mathematical Statistics. Books and Allied (P) Ltd.
[2] Mukhopadhyay, P: Applied Statistics. Books and Allied (P) Ltd.
[3] Goon, A. M. ,. Gupta, M. K and Dasgupta, B.: Fundamentals of Statistics; Vol. I, II
[4] Rohatgi, V.K. and Ehsanes Saleh, A. K. Md. : An introduction to Probability and Statistics

STAT 705E: Mathematical Analysis (02)

Real number system, cluster points of sets, closed and open sets, compact sets, Bolzano-Weierstrass
property and Heine-Borel property (statement and use), sets of real vectors.
Sequence, series, convergence, real valued function, limit, continuity, uniform continuity,
differentiability of univariate and multivariate functions.
Sequence and series of functions, uniform convergence, power series .
Riemann integral, Reimann Stieltjes integral, Multiple integral.
Complex numbers, Argand diagram, holomorphic functions of a complex variable, Laurent series,
Green’s theorem, Taylor’s theorem, Cauchy’s theorem, theory of residues, contour integration.

Suggested Books:
[1] Goldberg, R. R .: Methods of Real Analysis.
[2] Burkill , J. C.: First Course of Mathematical Analysis.
[3] Ahlfors: Complex Analysis.
[4] Rudin.W: Principles of Mathematical Analysis. Mc Graw Hill
[5] Malik .S.C. and Arora, S: Mathematical Analysis. Wiley Eastern Ltd.
[6] Jain, P. K and Kaushik, K. K: An Introduction to Real Analysis. S. Chand.
[7] Apostol, T.M: Mathematical Analysis. Addison- Wesley.
[8] Bartle, R.G: Elements of Real Analysis. John Wiley & Sons.
[9] Berbarian, S.K: Fundamentals of Real Analysis. Springer-Verlag.

STAT 801C: Statistical Inference (04)

Theory of Estimation: Methods of estimation: maximum likelihood method, method of moments,

minimum chi-square method, least-squares method. Unbiasedness, efficiency, consistency. Sufficient
statistics, Fisher-Neyman factorisation theorem and obtaining sufficient statistic. Minimal sufficient
statistics and exponential family, sufficiency and completeness, sufficiency and invariance. Uniformly
minimum variance unbiased estimators. Rao-Blackwell theorem and Lehmann-Scheffe theorem.
Cramer-Rao lower bound and Bhattacharya system of lower bounds in the single-parameter regular
case. Cramer-Rao linequality. Estimation by confidence intervals.

Tests of hypothesis: Simple and composite hypotheses, two types of errors, critical region, review of
notions of nonrandomized and randomized tests, level, size, power function, generalized Neyman-
Pearson lemma (Sufficiency part only), fundamental Neyman-Pearson lemma (Proof: Existence and
Sufficiency parts), UMP Tests. Monotone Likelihood ratio. UMPU Tests, one parameter exponential
family (without derivation). Concepts of locally most powerful tests. Similar tests, Neyman structure,
UMPU tests for composite hypotheses.
Likelihood ratio test, its properties and its asymptotic distribution. Applications of the LR method.
Sequential tests, SPRT and its properties, Wald’s fundamental identity, OC and ASN functions.
Sequential estimation.

Nonparametric tests: U-statistics, Kernel and systematic kernel. Test for randomness, Sign test,
Median test, Mann-Whitney test, Wilcoxon test for one and two-samples, rank correlation and test of
independence. Kolmogorov-Smirnov Test, Kruskal-Walli Test, Friedman test.

Suggested Books:
[1] Kale, B. K: A first Course on Parametric Inference. Narosa Publishing House.
[2] Rohatgi, V: An Introduction to Probability and Mathematical Statistics. Wiley Eastern. New
Delhi (Student Edition).
[3] Lehmann E. L: Theory of Point Estimation. John Wiley.
[4] Lehmann, E. L: Testing Statistical Hypotheses. John Wiley.
[5] Rao, C. R: Linear Statistical Inference and Its Applications. Wiley Eastern.
[6] Mukhopadhaya, P: Mathematical Statistics. Books and Allied (P) Ltd.
[7] Wald, A: Sequential Analysis. John Wiley, NY.
[8] Gibbons, J.D. & Chakraborti, S: Nonparametric Statistical Inference. Marcel Dekker.
[9] Randles, R.H. and Wolfe, D.A: Introduction to the Theory of Nonparametric Statistics. John
[10] Lehmann, E. L: Nonparametrics: Statistical Methods Based on Ranks. Spinger.
[11] Conover, W J: Practical Nonparametric Statistics. John Wiley.

STAT 802C (A): Economic Statistics (02)

Components of time series. Methods of their determination. Variate difference method, Yule-Slutsky
effect. Correlogram. Autoregressive models of first and second order. Periodogram analysis.
Index numbers of prices and quantities and their relative merits. Construction of index numbers of
wholesale and consumer prices. Income distribution-Pareto and Engel curves. National income and
methods of estimating national income. Human Development Index, Poverty Index, Income
Inequality measurement and GDI.

Suggested Books:
[1] Goon, A.M., Gupta, M.K. and Dasgupta, B: Fundamental of Statistics, Vol II. The World
[2] Mukhopadhaya, P: Applied Statistics. Books and Allied (P) Ltd.

STAT 802C (B): Industrial Statistics (02)

Control charts for variables and attributes, CUSUM Chart and V-masks; Acceptance sampling by
attributes; single, double and sequential sampling plans; OC and ASN functions, AOQL and ATI;
Acceptance sampling by variable-use of Dodge-Romig and other tables. Tolerance limits.
Capability indices Cp, Cpk and Cpm. Estimation, confidence intervals and tests of hypotheses relating to
capability indices for normally distributed characteristics.

Suggested Books:
[1] Montgomery, D. C: Introduction to Statistical Quality Control. John Wiley.
[2] Wetherill, G B: Sampling Inspection and Quality Control. Halsted Press.
[3] Wetherill, G B and Brown, D W: Statistical Process Control - Theory and Practice. Chapman
and Hall.
[4] Biswas, S: Statistics of Quality Control, Sampling Inspection and Reliability. New Age
International Publishers.
[5] Mittage, H.J and Rinne, H: Statistical Methods of Quality Assurance. Chapmann Hall.
[6] Balagurusamy, B: Reliability Engineering. Tata Mc Graw Hill.
[7] Lewis, E E: Introduction to Reliability Engineering. John Wiley.
[8] Mahajan, M: Statistical Quality Control. Dhanpat Rai & Co Private Ltd., New Delhi.
[9] Gupta,H.D: Quality assurance through ISO 9000. South Asia Publication, New Delhi.
[10] Smith, G.M: Statistical Process Control and Quality Improvement. Printice Hall.

STAT 803C: Practical II (04)

Practical Based on Core Papers of this Semester.

STAT 804E: Official Statistics (02)

Introduction to Indian and International statistical systems. Role, function and activities of Central and
State statistical organizations. Organization of large scale sample surveys.
Role of National Sample Survey Organization. General and special data dissemination systems.
Population growth in developed and developing countries, evaluation of performance of family
welfare programmes, projections of labour force and manpower. Scope and content of population
census of India.
System of collection of Agricultural Statistics. Crop forecasting and estimation, productivity,
fragmentation of holdings, support prices, buffer stocks, impact of irrigation projects.

Statistics related to industries, foreign trade, balance of payment, cost of living, inflation, educational
and other social statistics.

Suggested Books:
[1] Basic Statistics Relating to the Indian Economy (CSO) 1990.
[2] Guide to Official Statistics (CSO) 1999.
[3] Statistical System in India (CSO) 1995.
[4] Principles and accommodation of National Population Censuses, UNESCO.
[5] Panse, V. G., Estimation of Crop Yields (FAO).
[6] Family Welfare Yearbook. Annual Publication of D/o Family Welfare.
[7] Monthly Statistics of Foreign Trade in India, DGCIS, Calcutta and other Govt. Publications.

STAT 805E: Demography (02)

Sources of demographic data, Rates and ratios of vital events. The life table, its constitution and
properties. Makehams and Gompertz curves. Abridged life tables. Stable and stationary populations.
Different birth rates. Total fertility rate. Gross and net reproduction rates. Different mortality rates.
Standardized death rate. Internal and international migration: net migration. Inter-censal and post-
censal estimates. Projection methods including logistic curve, fitting.

Suggested Books:
[1] Keyfitz, N: Applied Mathematical Demography, Springer Verlag.
[2] Chattopadhyay, A. K. & Saha, A. K. : Demography: techniques and analysis
[3] Chiang, C. L. : Introduction to Stochastic Processes in Biostatistics
[4] Shryock, H. S. et.al.: The Methods and Materials of Demography
[5] Keyfitz, N.: Applied Mathematical Demography

STAT 806E: Research Methodology (02)

Introduction – Meaning, Importance, Characteristics, Types of Research, Research Process and

Research Design.
Selecting a Sample Design. - Sampling Distribution, Principles of Sample Survey, Sampling and Non-
Sampling Errors, Types of Sampling, Determination of Sample Size, Types and Collection of Data,
Measurement in Research - Types of Measurement Scales, Reliability and Validity, Different Scaling
Data Preparation and Processing of Data, Classification and Tabulation, Presentation of Data,
Frequency Distribution and Its Characteristics.
Correlation – Simple, Multiple and Partial, Regression Analysis, Test of Significance – Small sample
and Large Sample Tests, Cross Tabulation, ANOVA, Multidimensional Scaling Technique,
Discriminant Analysis, Factor Analysis, Cluster Analysis, Nonparametric tests.
Report Writing – Framework and Types of a Report, Essentials of a Good Report, Presentation of a

Suggested Books:
[1] Singh, Y. K.: Fundamental of Research Methodology and Statistics. New Age International.
[2] Kothari, C. R.: Research Methodology: Methods and Techniques. New Age International.
[3] Bhuyan, K. C: Multivariate Analysis and Its Applications. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd.

STAT 901C: Multivariate Analysis (04)

Multivariate normal distribution – distribution of linear combination of normally distributed variables,

marginal and conditional distributions, distribution of quadratic forms. Random sampling from
normal distribution, maximum likelihood estimators of parameters, distributions of sample mean
vector and matrix of corrected sum of squares and cross products.
Estimation of partial and multiple correlation coefficients and their sampling distributions (null case
only). Hotelling’s T2 statistic – properties, distribution and uses, tests on mean vector for one and
more multivariate normal populations and also on equality of the components of a mean vector in a
multivariate normal population. Mahalanobis – D2 statistic and its use.
Classification and discrimination procedures – discrimination between two multivariate normal
populations, sample discriminant function, tests associated with discriminant functions, probabilities
of misclassification and their estimation, classification into more than two multivariate normal
populations. Fisher’s dicsriminant function.
Wishart matrix – distribution and properties, characteristic function, reproductive property, marginal
and conditional distributions. Distribution of sample generalized variance.
Principal components – definition, MLE of principal components and their variances. Canonical
variables and canonical correlations – definition, use, estimation and computation.

Suggested Books:
[1] Anderson, T.W: An introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis. John Wiley.
[2] Giri, N.C: Multivariate Statistical Inference. Academic Press, NY
[3] Bhuyan, K. C: Multivariate Analysis and Its Applications. New Central Book Agency (P) Ltd.
[4] Kshirsagar, A.M: Multivariate Analysis. Marcel Decker.
[5] Rao, C.R: Linear Statistical Inference and Its Application. John Wiley.
[6] Sharma, S: Applied Multivariate Techniques, John Wiley.
[7] Srivastva, M.S. and Khatri, C.G: An Introduction to Multivariate Statistics. North Holland.
[8] Anderson, T.W.: An Introduction to Multivariate Statistical Analysis, 2nd ed., Wiley
[9] Morrison, D.F.: Multivariate Statistical Methods, 2nd ed., McGraw-Hill

STAT 902C: Design of Experiments I (02)

Design of Experiments: Basic principles of experimental design. Randomisation structure and

analysis of completely randomised, randomised blocks and Latin square designs. Analysis of missing
plot technique.
Factorial experiments. Analysis of 2n factorial experiments in randomised blocks.
Split Plot Design, Strip-Plot Design and their applications.

Suggested Books:
[1] Dey, Aloke: Theory of Block Designs. John Wiley.
[2] Joshi, D D: Linear Estimation and Eesign of Experiments. New Age International Publication.
[3] Mukhopadhyay, P: Applied Statistics. Books and Allied (P) Ltd.
[4] Chakrabarti, M.C: Mathematics of Design and Analysis of Experiments. Asia Publishing
House, Bombay.
[5] Gupta, S.C and Kapoor, V. K: Fundamentals of Applied Statistics. Sultan Chand.
[6] Das, M.N. and Giri, N.C: Design and Analysis of Experiments. Wiley Eastern.

STAT 903C: Practical III (02)

Practical based on core papers of the current semester.

STAT 904C: Project I (04)

Survey based / Review based report preparation and presentation.

STAT 905E: Advanced Sample Survey (02)

Concept of sampling design, sampling scheme, estimator, sampling strategy, Unequal probability
sampling with replacement – probability proportional to size with replacement sampling, estimation
of mean/total, method of selection, standard error of estimate and it’s estimation, comparison with
SRSWR, gain due to PPSWR sampling.
Unequal probability sampling without replacement – Des Raj’s ordered estimator, Murthy’s
unordered estimator, Horvitz-Thompson estimator of population mean/total and estimate of variance,
Yates-Grundy estimator of variance. Midzuno Scheme of Sampling, and Rao-Hartly-Cochran
sampling procedures.
Multi-phase Sampling – Double sampling for ratio and regression methods, Hartley and Ross
estimator, Multivariate ratio Estimator (Olkin’s estimator).
Problems of finite population inference under a fixed population set up – PDF of data, likelihood
function, sufficiency, UMVUE, admissibility, average variance under a model, comparison of
strategies. Inference from finite population using prediction theoretic approach - principle, prediction
under polynomial and multiple regression models, predicting a super-population mean.
Errors in surveys – types of errors, mathematical models for measurement error. Problems of non
response – Hansen and Hurwitz technique, Politz-Simon technique. Randomized response techniques
– Warner’s model and unrelated question model. Variance estimation – methods of random groups,
the Jack knife, balanced half sample, and the bootstrap. Small area estimation – direct, synthetic and
composite estimators.

Suggested Books:
[1] Sukhatme, P.V. and Sukhatme, B.V.: Sampling Theory of Surveys with Applications, Piyush
Publications, New Delhi.
[2] Cochran, W.G.: Sampling Techniques, John Wiley and Sons, New York.
[3] Singh, Daroga and Chaudhary, F. S: Theory and Analysis of Sample Survey Designs. New
Age International (P) Limited Publishers.
[4] Murthy, M. N.: Sampling Theory and Methods. Statistical Publishing Society.

STAT 906E: Operations Research (04)

Definition and scope of Operations Research, phases in Operations Research, models and their
Review of linear programming problems, duality in linear programming, duality theorem and dual
simplex method. Parametric programming: parameterization of the cost vector ‘c’, parameterization of
requirement vector ‘b’. Sensitivity analysis: variation in cost vector ‘c’, variation in the requirement
vector ‘b’, addition and deletion of single variable and addition and deletion of single constraint.
Integer programming: all integer and mixed programming problem, Gommory’s cutting plane
Nonlinear programming: Kuhn Tucker conditions, quadratic programming problems, Wolfe’s and
Beale’s methods for solving.
Introduction to decision analysis: pay-off table for one-off decisions and discussion of different
decision criteria, decision trees. Decision-making in the face of competition, two-person games, pure
and mixed strategies, existence of solution and uniqueness of value in zero-sum games, finding
solutions in 2 x 2, 2 x m and m x n games.
Sequencing and scheduling problems. 2 machine n-job and 3-machine n-job problems with identical
machine sequence for all jobs; 2-job n-machine problem with different routings.
Replacement problems: block and age replacement policies, replacement of items with long life.
Queuing theory: basic characteristics of queuing models, arrival and service distribution, steady-state
solutions of M/M/1 and M/M/C models.
Inventory problems and analytical structure, EOQ formula. Deterministic inventory systems with and
without lead-time. Single period stochastic models of inventory controls.

Suggested Books:
[1] Taha H A: Operational Research - An Introduction. Macmillan.
[2] Kanti Swarup, Gupta,P.K. and Singh, M.M: Operations Research. Sultan Chand and Sons.
[3] Sharma, J K: Mathematical Models in Operation Research. Tata McGraw Hill.
[4] Sinha, S M: Mathematical Programming - Theory and Methods, Elsevier.
[5] Murthy K G: Linear and Combinatorial Programming. John Wiley.
[6] Hadley G and Whitin T M: Analysis of Inventory Systems. Prentice Hall.
[7] Starr, M K and Miller, D W: Inventory Control - Theory and Practice. Prentice Hall.
[8] Mckinsey, J C C: Introduction to the Theory of Games. McGraw Hill.
[9] Wagner, H M: Principles of O.R. with Applications to Managerial Decisions. Prentice Hall.
[10] Gross, D and Harris, C M: Fundamentals of Queueing Theory. John Wiley.

STAT 1001C: Stochastic Processes (02)

Notations and specification of stochastic process, stationary process, martingales, random walk and
ruin problems, expected duration of the game, generating function of the duration of the game and for
the first passage times, random walk in the plane and space. Markov chains - classification of states
and chains, and related problems.
Determination of higher transition probabilities, stability of a Markov system, limiting behavior of
finite irreducible chains, ergodic theorem, graph theoretic approach, reducible markov Chains.
Markov processes with discrete state space – Poisson process, properties of Poisson process, Poison
process and related distributions. Generalization of Poisson process – Pure birth process, Yule-Furry
process, Pure death process, birth and death processes.
Markov processes with continuous state space – Brownian motion, Wiener process, differential
equations for a Wiener process, Kolmogorov equations, first passage time distribution for Wiener

Suggested Books:
[1] Adke, S. and Manjunath, S.M: An Introduction to Finite Markov Process. Wiley Eastern.
[2] Bhatt, B.R: Stochastic Models - Analysis and Applications. New Age International.
[3] Medhi, J: Stochastic Process. Wiley Eastern.
[4] Prabhu, N.U: Stochastic Processes: Basic Theory and its Applications. World Scientific.
[5] Ross, S.M: Stochastic process. John Wiley and Sons.

STAT 1002C: Design of Experiments II (02)

Incomplete block designs; Balanced, connectedness and orthogonality, BIBD with recovery of inter-
block information; Group Divisible Design, PBIBD with 2 associate classes. Quasi-Latin square
designs, Youden square design, Lattice design, Mutually orthogonal Latin square (MOLS) design.
Analysis of covariance. Analysis of non-orthogonal data.
Factorial experiments, complete confounding and partial confounding.
Optimality criteria for experimental designs.
Design for study of response surfaces; first and second order designs.

Suggested Books:
[1] Dey, Aloke: Theory of Block Designs. New Age International.
[2] Dean, Angela and Voss, Daniel: Design and Analysis of Experiments. New Age International.
[3] Chakrabarty, M.C. : Mathematics of Design of Experiments. Asian pub. House.
[4] Das, M.N. and Giri, N. : Design and Analysis of Experiments. New Age International.
[5] Joshi, D.D. : Linear Estimation and Design of Experiments. New Age International.
[6] Khuri, A. and Cornell, M. : Response Surface Methodology. Marcel Dekker.
[7] Montgomery, C.D.: Design and Analysis of Experiments. John Wiley, New York.
[8] Myers, R.H. : Response surface methodology, Allyn and Bacon.

STAT 1003C: Reliability Theory and Survival Analysis (02)

Life distributions, reliability function, hazard rate, mean residual life, common univariate life
distributions viz. exponential, gamma, Weibull, lognormal, Rayleigh etc.
Notions of ageing: IFR, IFRA, NBU, DMRL and NBUE classes and their duals and relationships
between them, loss of memory property of the exponential distribution.
Series and parallel systems. Reliability concepts and measures, components and systems, coherent
systems, reliability of coherent systems.
Estimation of survival function from censored data: Actuarial estimator, Kaplan-Meier estimator.
Regression model for survival data, Cox’s proportional hazard model, Accelerated failure time model.

Suggested Books:
[1] Barlow R.E. and Proschan F: Statistical Theory of Reliability and Life Testing. Rinehart and
[2] Nelson, W: Applied Life Data analysis. John Wiley.
[3] Sinha, S.K: Reliability and Life Testing, Wiley.
[4] Zacks, S: Reliability Theory. Springer Verlag.
[5] Biswas, S: Statistics of Quality Control, Sampling Inspection and Reliability. New Age
International Publishers.
[6] R. E. Elandt – Johnson and N. L. Johnson: Survival models and data analysis

STAT 1004C: Practical IV (02)

Practical based on core papers of the current semester.

STAT 1005C: Project II (04)

Final project submission and presentation.

STAT 1006E: Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Inference

Game theory and decision theory – composition, decision and risk functions, Nonrandomized
Decision Rules, randomization. Optimal decision rules – ordering of the decision rules, geometrical
Theorems of decision theory – admissibility and completeness, existence and admissibility of Bayes’
rules, existence of a minimal complete class.
The separating hyperplane theorem, essential completeness of the class of non-randomised decision
rules, Jensen’s inequality, the minimax theorem, the complete class theorems and their applications,
solving of minimax rules.
Sufficient statistics, essential complete class of rules based on sufficient statistics, exponential
families of distributions, complete sufficient statistics and their applications.
Bayesian estimation – Different loss functions, choice of prior distributions, Point estimation,
Bayesian Computation.

Suggested Books:
[1] Berger, J. O: Statistical Decision Theory and Bayesian Analysis. Springer.
[2] Ferguson, T. S: Mathematical Statistics - A Decision Theoretic Approach. Academic Press.
[3] Bansal, A. K: Bayesian Parametric Inference. Narosa Publishing House.
[4] Box, G.E.P. and Tiao, G.C: Bayesian Inference in Statistical Analysis. Addison and Wesley.
[5] De. Groot, M.H: Optimal Statistical Decisions. McGraw Hill.
[6] Sinha, S.K: Bayesian Estimation. New Age International.

STAT 1007E: Advanced Time Series and Econometrics (02)

Time series as discrete parameter stochastic process. Auto covariance and auto correlation functions
and their properties. Detailed study of the stationary processes: moving average (MA), auto regressive
(AR), ARMA and AR integrated MA (ARIMA) models. Box-Jenkins models. Discussion (without
proof) of estimation of mean, auto covariance and auto correlation functions under large sample
theory. Choice of AR and MA periods. Estimation of ARIMA model parameters. Spectral analysis of
weakly stationary process. Periodogram and correlogram analysis. Forecasting: exponential and
adaptive smoothing methods.
Nature of Econometrics. The general linear model (GLM) and its extensions. Ordinary least squares
(OLS) estimation and prediction.. Generalized least squares (GLS) estimation and prediction.
Heteroscedastic disturbances. Multicollinearity problem, its implications and tools for handling the
problem. Ridge regression. Instrumental variable, Use of dummy variables and seasonal adjustment,
Errors in variables.

Suggested Books:
[1] Box, G.E.P and Jenkins, G.M: Time Series Analysis - Forecasting and Control. Holden-day,
San Francisco.
[2] Anderson, T. W: The Statistical Analysis of Time Series. Wiley, N. Y.
[3] Montgemory, D. C and Johnson, L. A: Forecasting and Time Series Analysis. McGraw Hill.
[4] Kendall, Sir Maurice and Ord, J. K: Time Series. Edward Arnold, London.
[5] Brockwell, P.J. and Davis, R.A: Time Series-Theory and Methods. Springer - Verlag.
[6] Madnani, G. M. K: Introduction to Econometrics - Principles and applications. Oxford and
IBH Publising, New Delhi.


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