Define RM
Define RM
Define RM
RM (relationship marketing):
Relationship management forms part of the vision and business ethics that a company seeks
to embrace in a critical value system. When an organization chooses to build a block of
business with a focus on relationship management, the goal and customer to make money to
build a synergistic effect of seeing the function and business through RM for the function
with all departments of the organization Is to combine the relationship with. lens. This helps
build a strong customer-oriented and customer-sensitive culture of points and features at all
levels throughout the organization. In any organization, multiple departments are associated
with external customers. Starting marketing, sales, and distribution of post-sales services, the
quality and finance departments are associated with customers, and the direction of customer
interaction is shaped in line with the organization's RM outlook.
The best CRM can be described as enabler from RM in each organization. CRM includes the
process including software components and automation hardware and helps to manage the
participation of customers. While RM works on strategic levels, CRM will help to implement
strategies. The success of CRM is a widely seen concept due to the positive marketing of
CRM solutions from IT companies that have developed CRM packages. This has helped
multinational organizations to implement a large standard customer management process in
geography and markets.
Many to many marketing describes, analyzes, and utilizes the properties of the marketing
network. "
Definition of marketing:
"Marketing is an activity, set of institutions and processes to create, communicate,
communicate and exchange products of value to customers, clients, partners and society in
AMA Definition for Marketing and Marketing Research Is reviewed and re-approved /
changed every three years by a panel of five scholars who are active researchers.
Marketing research is the ability to connect with consumers, customers, and public marketers
using the information used to identify and define marketing opportunities and issues. Create,
modify, and evaluate marketing activities. Monitor marketing outcomes. Improve your
understanding of marketing as a process. In marketing research, you specify the information
needed to solve these problems, design information collection methods, manage and
implement the data collection process, analyze the results, and analyze the results and their
implications. I will pass it.