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Atomic Structure: Atom:Atoms Are The Smallest Particle of Element That Contain

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Atomic structure

Atom:Atoms are the smallest particle of element that contain

the characteristics of elements.
John dalton (1805) consider that all matter was composed of
small particles called atom.
 1896 J.J Thompson's discovery of the electron and Proton.

 1909 Rutherford's Nuclear Atom.

 1913 Mosley's determination of atomic number.

 1913 Bhor atom.

 1921 Bhor-Bury scheme of electronic arrangement

 1932 Chadwick discovery of the neutron.

Structure of atom:Each atom consists of three permanent
particles- electron, proton and neutron.Proton and neutron
remain at the nucleus in the center of atom while electron
continues to move round the nucleus.
Electron: Electron is one of the permanent particles of atom
containing negative charge. The amount of this charge is
-1.60x10-19 coulombs. It is expressed through the symbol e. An
electron has the mass of 9.11x10-28g. The the mass of electron is
1/1840 of proton and neutron.
Proton: Proton is one of the permanent particles of an atom
containing positive charge. The charge is +1.60 x10-19 coulomb.
It is expressed by p. The mass of proton is 1.67 x 10-24g.
Neutron: Neutron is another permanent particle of an atom
containing no charge. Neutron prevails in atoms of all elements
but hydrogen. Expressed by n,a neutron has à mass slightly
above than proton.
Atomic Number:Atomic number of an element is determined
by the number of protons present in the nucleus of that
element's atom. . Proton number or atomic number is
expressed by Z. Since all atoms are charge neutral, so it
contains the same number of electrons as is the number of
protons at its nucleus.
Mass Number:The mass number of an atom is denoted by the
total number of proton and neutron in its nucleus. The mass
number is expressed by A.
Neutron Number: The summation of electrons and protons, we
can get the number of neutrons in an atom by deducing its
proton number from mass number. The mass number of
Sodium (Na) is 23, its proton numberis 11; so the number of
neutrons in sodium is (23 - 11) = 12.
Atomic Models
In the 18th and 19th centuries, many scientists attempted to
explain the structure of the atom with the help of atomic
models. Each of these models had their own merits and
demerits and were pivotal to the development of the modern
atomic model. The most notable contributions to the field were
by the scientists John Dalton, J.J. Thomson, Ernest Rutherford
and Niels Bohr. Their ideas on the structure of the atom are
discussed in this subsection.

Rutherford’s atomic model

Atom has a tiny dense central core or the nucleus which
contains practically the entire mass of the atom, leaving the
rest of the atom almost empty.
The entire positive charge of the atom is located on the
nucleus, while electrons were distributed in vacant space
around it.
The electrons were moving in orbits or closed circular paths
around the nucleus like planets around the sun.
Limitation of Rutherford’s atomic model
The assumption that electrons were orbiting around
the nucleus was unfortunate. According to the
classical electromagnetic theory if a charged particle
accelerates around an oppositely charged particle,
the former will radiate energy. If an electron
radiates energy, its speed will decrease and it will
go into spiral motion, finally falling into the nucleus.
This does not happen actually as then the atom
would be unstable which it is not. This was the chief
weakness of Rutherford’s atomic model.
Bohr's atomic model
Bohr's atomic model specifies the circular size of
the energylevels.
The Bohr model states that the electron moves
from lower to upper energy level when the atom
absorbs heat and it moves fromupper to lower
energy level when the atom emits heat
The Rutherford model doesn't explain the atomic
spectra but the Bohr modelcan explain the atomic
spectra of hydrogen (H) atom with one electron
When an electron moves round its principal energy
level, it doesn't absorb or emit any energy.
However, it absorbs energy when it moves from
lower to higher energy level. The same way, an
electron emits energy when it moves from higher to
lower energy level. This absorbed or emitted energy
is hv = hc/^. Here,
Limitations of Bohr's Model

 Although Bohr model can explain the spectrum

of hydrogen containing oneelectron, it cannot
explain the spectrum of ions or atoms
containing more thanone electron.
 When electrons are transferred from one
energy level to another,according to Bohr, there
will be a single line in the spectrum. But highly
sensitive apparatus shows every line consists of
several fine lines. Why cach lineis the
summation of various lines is not explained in
 The Bohr model specifies that orbits of electron
in an atom is circular.However, later on, it was
proved that the orbits can be of oval shape too.
Quantum Numbers and Atomic Orbitals
Quantum Numbers are numbers that describe the
quantum mechanical properties of orbitals.
1.The Principal Quantum Number (n).
2. The Secondary Quantum Number (l).
3.The Magnetic Quantum Number (ml ).
4.The Spin Quantum Number (ms ).
The Principal Quantum Number (n):
• Gives the main energy level or shell
• Describes the size and energy of an atomic
• n can have any integer value greater than zero
n = 1, 2, 3, 4, …
The Secondary Quantum Number :
• Gives the sublevel or subshell
• Describes the shape of the orbital:
• Sometimes called the ‘Angular Momentum
Quantum Number’
• l can have any integer values from 0 to n-1


• The energy of the orbital depends on l only in a

multi-electron case; for
electrons with the same n, energy of l=1 < l=2 <
• Albert Michaelson worked with high resolution
spectra and discovered
that the lines in the hydrogen atom’s spectrum
were actually made up of
multiple smaller lines.
The Magnetic Quantum Number (ml):

• Gives the exact orbital

• Describes the orientation of an atomic orbital in space (how it
lines up on the
xyz plane)
• ml can have integer values from –l to +l including 0
• The Zeemen effect showed that if a gas discharge tube was
placed near a strong
magnet some single lines in the spectrum split into new lines
that were not
initially present

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