Gender and Society - Module 1
Gender and Society - Module 1
Gender and Society - Module 1
need to step back and examine gender from a new perspective. Doing this requires
that we suspend what we are used to and what feels comfortable, and question some
of our most fundamental beliefs. This is not easy, for gender is so central to our un-
derstanding of ourselves and of the world that it is difficult to pull back and exam-
ine it from new perspectives. But it is precisely the fact that gender seems self-
evident that makes the study of gender interesting. It brings the challenge to uncov-
er the process of construction that creates what we have so long thought of as natu-
ral and inexorable – to study gender not as given, but as an accomplishment; not
simply as cause, but as effect; and not just as individual, but as social. The results
of failure to recognize this challenge are manifest not only in the popular media, but
in academic work on language and gender as well. As a result, some gender schol-
arship does as much to reify and support existing beliefs as to promote more reflec-
tive and informed thinking about gender (Eckert & McConnel-Ginet, ND).
Gender and Sexuality as a Subject of Inquiry
Learning Outcomes:
Nature and Definition of Sex vs. Gender
Indicative Content
Sex refers to physical or physiological differences between males and females, including both primary
sex characteristics (the reproductive system) and secondary characteristics such as height and mus-
Gender is a term that refers to social or cultural distinctions associated with being male or female.
Sex Gender
Biological characteristics (including genetics, Socially constructed set of roles and responsibili-
anatomy and physiology) that generally define ties associated with being girl and boy or women
humans as female or male. and men, and in some cultures a third or other
Natural Learned
Cannot be changed, except with the medical treat- Although deeply rooted, gender roles can be
ment. changed over time, since social values and norms
are not static.
PRACTICAL POINT: At birth, the difference between boys and girls is their sex; as they grow up
society gives them different roles, attributes, opportunities, privileges and rights that in the end create
the social differences between men and women.
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Sex is a biological categorization based primarily on reproductive potential, whereas gender is the
social elaboration of biological sex. Not surprisingly, social norms for heterosexual coupling and care of
any resulting children are closely intertwined with gender. But that is far from the full story. Gender builds
on biological sex, but it exaggerates biological difference, and it carries biological difference into domains
in which it is completely irrelevant. There is no biological reason, for example, why women should mince
and men should swagger, or why women should have red toenails and men should not. But while we think
of sex as biological and gender as social, this distinction is not clear-cut. People tend to think of gender as
the result of nurture – as social and hence fluid – while sex is the result of nature, simply given by biology.
However, nature and nurture intertwine, and there is no obvious point at which sex leaves off and gender
The dichotomous view of gender is specific to certain cultures and is not universal. In some cultures,
gender is viewed as fluid. In the past, some anthropologists used the term berdache to refer to individuals
who occasionally or permanently dressed and lived as the opposite gender. The practice has been noted
among certain Aboriginal group. Samoan culture accepts what they refer to as a “third gender.” Fa’afafine,
which translates as “the way of the woman,” is a term used to describe individuals who are born biological-
ly male but embody both masculine and feminine traits. Fa’afafines are considered an important part of Sa-
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Aristotle, Plato, and other Greek philosophers viewed women as the inferior sex and are properties
of men whose only job was to obey their husbands, bear children, and take care of the household. They
were forbidden to learn philosophy, politics, and science.
Herodotus, a Greek Historian, observed the Egyptian civilization citing that Egyptian women en-
joyed higher social status than Greek women because they can inherit property and engage in trade and pol-
itics. However, Greek influence quickly spread in Egypt through the conquests of Alexander the Great
across Asia and Africa.
Confucianism has stringent written rules that dictate how women should conduct themselves. The
written documents titled “Three obedience's and four virtues” and “Precepts of women” states that women
should obey their father, when married she is to obey her husband, and when widowed she is to obey her
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Sexual orientation refers to a person’s emotional and sexual attraction to a particular sex (male or
Sexual orientation is typically divided into four categories:
heterosexuality, the attraction to individuals of the opposite sex;
homosexuality, the attraction to individuals of one’s own sex;
bisexuality, the attraction to individuals of either sex; and
asexuality, no attraction to either sex.
Heterosexuals and homosexuals may also be referred to informally as “straight” and “gay,” respec-
tively. Philippines is a heteronormative society, meaning it supports heterosexuality as the norm. Consider
that homosexuals are often asked, “When did you know you were gay?” but heterosexuals are rarely asked,
“When did you know that you were straight?” There is no scientific consensus regarding the exact reasons
why an individual holds a heterosexual, homosexual, or bisexual orientation. There has been research con-
ducted to study the possible genetic, hormonal, developmental, social, and cultural influences on sexual ori-
entation, but there has been no evidence that links sexual orientation to one factor (APA 2008). Research,
however, does present evidence showing that homosexuals and bisexuals are treated differently than hetero-
sexuals in schools, the workplace, and the military.
Gender identity is an individual’s self-conception of being male or female based on his or her asso-
ciation with masculine or feminine gender roles. In other words, it is the extent to which one identifies as
being either masculine or feminine.
Gender expression – aspects of a person‘s behavior, mannerisms, interests, and appearance that are
associated with gender in a particular cultural context.
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Language is political, hotly contested, always evolving, and deeply personal to each person who
chooses the terms with which to identify themselves. To demonstrate respect and awareness of these com-
plexities, it is important to be attentive to language and to honor and use individuals’ self-referential terms
(Farinas and Farinas 2015). Below are some common identity terms and their meanings.
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“Transgender,” vs. “Transgendered,” “Trans,” “Trans*,” “Non-binary,” “Genderqueer,”
“Genderfluid,” “Agender,” “Transsexual,” “Cisgender,” “Cis”
Transgender generally refers to individuals who identify as a gender not assigned to them at birth.
The term is used as an adjective (i.e., “a transgender woman,” not “a transgender”), however some individ-
uals describe themselves by using transgender as a noun. The term transgendered is not preferred because it
emphasizes ascription and undermines self-definition. Trans is an abbreviated term and individuals appear
to use it self-referentially these days more often than transgender. Trans* is an all-inclusive umbrella term
which encompasses all non-normative gender identities (Tompkins 2014). Non-binary and genderqueer re-
fer to gender identities beyond binary identifications of man or woman. The term genderqueer became pop-
ularized within queer and trans communities in the 1990s and 2000s, and the term non-binary became popu-
larized in the 2010s (Roxie 2011). Agender, meaning “without gender,” can describe people who do not
have a gender identity, while others identify as non-binary or gender neutral, have an undefinable identity,
or feel indifferent about gender (Brooks 2014). Genderfluid people experience shifts between gender identi-
ties. The term transsexual is a medicalized term, and indicates a binary understanding of gender and an in-
dividual’s identification with the “opposite” gender from the gender assigned to them at birth. Cisgender or
cis refers to individuals who identify with the gender assigned to them at birth. Some people prefer the term
non-trans. Additional gender identity terms exist; these are just a few basic and commonly used terms.
Again, the emphasis of these terms is on viewing individuals as they view themselves and using their self-
designated names and pronouns.
Transgender Transsexual
Refers to those trans people who live permanently Refers to people who identifies entirely with the
in their preferred gender, without necessarily need- gender role opposite to the sex assigned to at birth
ing to undergo any medical intervention/s. and seeks to live permanently in the preferred gen-
der role. Transsexual people might intend to under-
go, are undergoing or have undergone gender reas-
signment treatment (which may or may not involve
hormone therapy or surgery).
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It is an area of knowledge, is about looking into, analyzing, and examining society so that we notice
power relations in the seemingly “simple things.” It helps us see the issues in our everyday lives through a
different lens.
The goal of this lesson is to define and appreciate gender studies. Gender is a big part of our individ-
uality and society; it is a form of social organization, and it is often unnoticed. In different cultures and dif-
ferent times in our history, gender roles played a big part of social organization.
Gender Stereotype:
Pink is for girls; Blue
is for boys
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As a subject of inquiry, Gender Studies utilizes a systematic approach in identifying problems, mak-
ing hypotheses and assumptions, gathering data, and making conclusions. This systematic process is re-
ferred to as the research process.
Qualitative approach — focuses more on the meanings created and interpretations made by people
about their own personal or vicarious (observed) experiences. For example if you want to know how wom-
en, men, or LGBTQ+ live their lives on a daily basis and how they make sense of their lived experiences,
then the qualitative approach is fitting. Some of the methods used in the qualitative approach are as follows:
Phenomenology—conducting intensive interviews with individuals who have experienced a particular
event an understanding their “lived experiences”;
Hermeneutics—understanding the meaning of texts and what they convey about human realities
Ethnography and ethnomethodology—immersing in a community and taking note of their experienc-
es, beliefs, attitudes, and practices.
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Module Exercises
SEX vs. GENDER. Write S if it refers to sex, otherwise, write G if it refers to gender.
1. Women give birth to babies, men don't.
2. Girls are gentle, boys are rough.
3. In one case, when a child brought up as a girl learned that he was actually a boy, his school marks
improved dramatically.
4. Amongst Indian agriculture workers, women are paid 40-60 per cent of the male wage.
5. In Europe, most long-distance truck drivers are men.
6. Women can breastfeed babies, men can bottle-feed babies.
7. Most building-site workers in Britain are men
8. In ancient Egypt men stayed at home and did weaving. Women handled family business. Women
inherited property and men did not.
9. Men's voices break at puberty; women's do not.
10. In one study of 224 cultures, there were 5 in which men did all the cooking, and 36 in which women
did all the housebuilding.
Contemplate. Let us think how gender is portrayed in your community. List down as many words
or phrases used to (a) identify and (b) describe the following genders.
Contemplate. The following are common statements we hear from people. Reflect why you think people agree
or disagree with the statement. Reflect about your own thoughts: Do you agree or disagree with each statement? Why or
why not?