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gratitudeto MiguelTarnes,
lr4yrnfirrite RafaelTam€s.
To Cesar Hrnostroza. our friend and our guide: Pablo Mayer.Diego Genov6s,Rail Uriza, Errrilio
Althoughyou preierto stay out of tlre is Canales. Ariuro l\4onroy,and Mario,who took me In
inrpossibleto leaveyolrout of it: everything
hasyour likefanrilydLrringnryfirst stepsin dentistry.
To all of
footprint.Youaretl.remosti{nportant piecein eachof you.MonteLibanolaysin this book.
Toour two artists,the peoplewhofilledour liveswith
ToWalterDevotoand AngeloPutignano, because this colors,Luis AlbertoVillanueva (Beto) and Daniele
bookand manythingsin our livesafe only possible Rondoni. Yourwork is not only printedIn thrs book.
because of you. it is deeplyprintedin our lives.We cannotimagine
whichroadwe wouldhavetakenwithoutknowing you.
Vincenzo. Gaetano. lVlonaldo,Daniele,
andSinrone. for
sharingStyleltalrano. To tl.ienlemoryof Luis Bellet,whoseunexpected
absence leftin us a terriblevoid.
To the dentistswe admirethe most, LorenzoVanini
and Francesco lvlangani. ToJoanChavarria and JordaCabeceran: Workingwith
youhasbeena pleasure.
To the peoplewho, with tlreireyesclosed,gaveus
theirwordsto begineachoneoi thesechapters. lt is a To our assistants in ltalyand Spain.Half of whatwe
dreamto sharethese pageswithyou.Pascal,Daniele. areis because of you.
Jean.Crisiophe, Francesco. Serhiy,Bernd. Ricardo. To the ones who havesufferedfrom our chaosand
GalipL. ui z . a n d L u i s . desksfull of composiies. Letr-rsdedicate this bookto
you.ln the end it wasnot sucha mess.Weloveyou!
To ManuelRuizAlfaro,our friend and the graphic
and editorialdesigner whosetalentmadethis booka ToJuanManuelCasasandlVarcos Sando,for providing
reality.Thankyou for the countless hourson Dropbox us with theil materialin the momentwe neededit
and Skype.for yourtalentand professionalism. In the the Inost.while it was the worst possiblentoment
end, we did it. it is possibleto build a wltolellooli for them.As we promisedyou,our thankfulness is as
i0,000 km arvayfronreacl)otherlwww.asterizco. conl wicleas this book.
ToAsunci6n Mendoza andEnrique Solano, forteaching To Josd Lurs Lopez.thanks for your 30 years of
us to nevergiveLrpour dreams. experience and knowledgein the world of books.
editorialdesign,and publishing. Youradvicemade
O u r g r a t i t u d e t o t h e c o n r p a n i e s3 M ( U S A ) , l ( e r r this prolectreal.
( S w i t z e r l a n d )S, m i l e L i r r e( S w i t z e r l a n d )M
, icerium
( l t a l y ) K u r a r a y( . J a p a n ) l.v o c l a r ( Li et c ht enst e i n) , To Quintessence Publishing.for the beautifuljob,
Heraeus(Germany), DMG(Gernrany), FGM(Brazil), carriecl out together
LM (Finland).for providingmany of their products
withoutaskinganythingin returnthat couldharmthe To anyonewhom we wronglyand unfairlydid not
objectiveness ol thecontentsof this book. mention.Unfortunately we do not lraveenoughspace
in thiswholebookto mentioneveryone wewish.Forgive
We want to mentionour teachersMiguelRoig,Luis u s .
Jan6.and Juan Basilioas representatives of every
memberof the UlC,who gaveus the knowledge and An apologyto oLrrfan.rilyand iriends- nothing.
the toolsto buildthis book. absolutely nothing,is worthspendingtimeawayfrom
To MoisesMitraniand ftlinaNudel.lrecause theywill
represent and conveymy gratefulness and affection
to everyone whowasinvolved in my 5 wonderful years
of dentaltrainingat the Technological University ol
Mexico(UNITEC). Toall of you,classntates, teachers. Sincerely,
and assistants, all my bestthoughts. Thankyou. Jordi and Anna
w Gr,to'n t*'
r **l J
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.J gr l i V3n6Lr ta. Anna Sal ai
Interviewwith PascalMagne
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Q: Whatdoes/ayersmeansto you?
1B 19
Weare madeof layers,atoms,and universes, as big The amazingpart camewhen I took the slidesand The planetwe livein is an infiniteset of The single cells that form us bear an
and as smallas that sounds.Are we a small layer analyzedthem under the microscope.I landedthe layers,starting from the nucleusand incredibleresemblanceto the planet
of a biggeruniverse,or is eachof our atomsa tiny firsttimenearthedentin,d iscovering a small unknown finishingin the invisiblemagneticfield and the atomsthat form matter
universethat putsustogether?Probably bothnotions jungle.Watchlng everycell of the cementum,every locatedin is amazinghow look pretty much Iike a solar system.
canbe realor at leastcannotbe provenwrongyet. conglomeration of prismsin the enamel,and all the ice layersin the earth'spoleshavebeen lvlanypatternsseem to repeatfrom the
interactionbetweenits frontierswiththe dentinjust pilingup for thousandsof years:A single submicronworldto the massiveuniverse,
Walkingthrougha forest,I got a smallwoundin my mademe feel intriguedand broughtto the surface material,andthousands of differentlayers includingproportions, measures,relatlve
arm.Dayslater,a blackscabappeared. I caressedits bothmy ignorance and my curiosity. of it havebeencreated. weight,and shapes.
roughness with the tip of the finger.Curiositymade
me detachit, causingthe appearance of a newone Weand our organsarenottheonly onesbuilt in layers, Rememberthe first time you glanced We have expressedthese thoughts to
dayslater.After I left it alonefor a coupleof days,it which often are hiddenand not evident;thinking at a largemountainfull of lines?lt was highlightthe importanceof layers in
startedto fall into tiny pieces,revealing new,white aboutit carefully,we realizethat actuallyeverything incredible ngthe different
appreciati layers. our life, generally,professionally, and
skinbelow, smoothandsoftas velvet. Thisis the way is madeof layers,including atoms,molecules, DNA, Thanksto layers,we can understand the scientificallyspeaking.Looking into a
that the majorityof us discovered ihat we are made cells,tissues,organs,livingbeings,soil,mountains, age of our planetand that our size and single layer we learn about the whole
of layers. ice,atmosphere, planets,stars,planetarysystems, age,comparedto our solarsystemtime ensemble, and studyingthe entireentity
galaxies,and the entireuniverse. Manytimes,even line, are ridiculously
small; all we know we are able to learnmanythingsfrom its
I especiallyrememberthe first time ltook a natural the insubstantial things are understoodin layers: aboutthe humanracewouldcorrespond lndividua I strata.
tooth in my hand, placedit carefullyin a stone computer sofiware,conscience,weather,music, to a second,whilethe age of our planet
trimmeruntil it was left as flat as a paper,and then hierarchies, andcartoons, just to mentiona few. wouldoccupythe time of a century. Biologically,layersare the keystoneof
dehydrated, dyed,andfixedit betweentwo tiny pieces our existence.Losingand injuringthem is
of glasswithan organicresin. inherentto the is our
naturalcondition as wellto try to maintain
them as bestwe can,because mostoften
our layersare irreplaceable, Or are our
regenerative capabilities
infinite? Theyare
.a|.. ..
l, I
Chapt er l
Jordi Manauta.Anna Salat. DanieleRondoni. MiquelCoronel
Interviewwith DanieleRondoni
I I ttryto appty%OLO ) tikewordsthatshapepoems,
l i ken o te sth a t cr e a tem u si c.
Jsan )lLtr,'A
' !r'r-
that requires
is a discipline merelyacquiredknowledge,
training,anddiligence or do youthinkit is necessary
havespecia I artisticskills?
Rondoniwasbornin Savona,lialy,wherehe has A: Matchingcolor and transferringthe information
beenrunninghis owndentallaboratory
since1982. for applicationto esihetic materialsrepresentthe
a mimeticrestoration.
maincriteriafor fabricating For
He has taughiat the Institutefor DentalTechnicians dentaltechnicians,a primary method to improve our
in Savonaand has oresented numerouslecturesand knowledgeof color matching is the study of dental
coursesin ltalyand aroundEurope. anatomicalfeatures whatelements
to determine dictate
He is an activememberof the European Academyof
Esihetic Dentistryand the ltalian Societyof Dental I thinkthat to matchdentalcolor,we needknowledge, a
Ceramics.Specializing in estheticrestorationusing graspof dentalanatomy,andmoreandmoreexperience.
new-generation materials, he has collaboratedwith and passionare
In addition,artisticskills,sensibility,
severalmanufacturerson the designand development important qualitiesthat enable to pay attention
of newmaterialsand techniques. to and reproduce the is also importantto
becomefamiliarwiih the estheiicmaterials with which
Mr Rondoni haspublished articlesin prestigious
several we chooseto do a restoration.
internationalmagazines.He wrote the book Iecnica
di Multistratificazionein Ceramica (Multistratification of naturalcolor,togetherwithextensive
Techniques in Ceramic,UTEI 1998), and some of his knowledge
of materials,is an idealcombination.
workwasselected by LorenzoVanini, for inclusion
in the
volume,Conseryative Restoration
of AnteriorTeeth(Acme,
?B 29
BriefHistoryof Colorin Eentistry
In dental estheticswe look for harmonythat is Colorhasno materralexistence. Toobserveit, we need
obtainedfrom the esthetictriad:shape,texture,and threeelements:lightas a physicalstimulus,the eyeas C o l o rm a t c h i n gr e m a i nsa " trialand error"method,
color. a receiver,
and perception as an individual
factor. i n w h i c ht h e p r o f e s s i onal
placesshadeguidestn the
mouth with the purposeof establishing the best
C o l o r tr ad iti on a llyhas rhree dimensions-h u e , Coloris not reallya true propertyof an objectbut an m a t c h , i g n o r i n gt h e c haracterrstics of color and
c h r o maan , dva lu e -andolheressential aspect st h a r impression in our mind (subjective significance), IVost naturalphenomena that changetoothcolor
arenot alwaysconsidered,
namely,translucency and of thetime,whenwe lookat somecolorwe immediately
a preview
it; in thai momentwe havecreatedin our minds
o'fthaTcolor,because therers a tendency to
g Sincethefirstcolor shadeguidesmadean appearance
eariy in the 20th century,they were designedto
Factorsto take into accountfor successful restora. choosethe samecolors(eg,A2, B1). Evenbeforelhe I matchthe colorof naturalteethwith no particular
a r r a n g e m e nolr m e t h od(1). In 1929 shadeguides
tion-toothintegration are, in order of importance, shadeguideis placednearthe teeth,we havealready
(1) shape,(2) opacity/translucency, (3) Chroma,(4) formedan ideaof the possible colors.Thisis a mistake were classifiedby tonalities.In 1939 the "Lumin
surfacelexture,/5) enamelValue.(6) intensives, (7) that shouldbe avoidedby observing the objectmore, effect"(colorconsistency) was describedin natural
cha.acterizations. (87 opalescences. and (9) Hue, longer, closer,and moreobjectively. teeth,andthisledto the birthof dentalshadeguides
In manystudieson color measurement, the inten- as we knowthem today(2), providing us sincethat
sives,opalescences, andcharacterizations havebeen Today, oneof the mostreiiable datain shadematching t i m e w i t h i m p o r t a nbt u t limltedinformation.
to the positionof leastimportance, but we is still the appreciation of the expertobserver.
that thesefactorsare as crucialto the inte. why manyin dentistryconsidershadeselection
to be
d Thebest-known shadeguide,the VitaLuminVacuum
grationof a restoration as anyof the aforementioneda n a rt ; we c o n s id eit r a s a v is u a d
l is c ip lin ean, d ,a s i n guide (Vident).has existedsince 1956, and its
characteristics, anydiscipline, the keysto success areknowledge, time, I philosophyis stillrelevant wasnotuntil1998
andtraining.Themorewe practicecolormatching, the tF that researchers attemptedto developa different
Toothcolormatchingis one of the most empirical mo ref a milia we r will b e wilh s u b t lec o lo rc h a r t g e s , slradeguide,the Vita 3D Master(3), but the only
misunderstood, and poorly taught disciplinesin changesmade in this new systemwerea different
dentistry.Estheticsis the perfection of restorative lf we say "green"and 50 peopleare listening, we can arrangementof similar colors and a dif{erent
dentistry;attemptsto achievethis goal are often expectto find 50 different "greens"in theirminds,even nomenclature scheme.Electronic colormatchingis
f r u s t r atin ga. n d in adequatecolor matchingis a il wespecify a colorthathasalready beenseencountless showingverypositive and promising data,but much
factorresponsible for manyfailuresin the searchfor timesby eachoneof them.lf thesesamelisteners have technologyremainsto be developedand evolved
exceence. in front of them hundredsof "greens"from whichto beforeperfectlyreliabledata can be obtainedfrom
choosethe colorgreen,eachlistenerwill againchoose thesemethods.
However, this complexity doesnot meanthat color a different colorthanthe others.Visualmemoryis very
is a mystery;we can makereference to hundreds of poor compared to acousticmemory,and,furthermore, Recent attempts to produce a differentcolor
scientificconceptsand physically measurable data, t h en o me n c la t uoref c o lo ris rn s u f f ic ie a
nnt dv a g u e . matchingsystemdate backonly a fewyears.These
suchaswavelength, lighttemperature, spectrum, and includeselective (4) andpersonalized colormatching
so on. Furthermore, color includespsychophysicalIt i c i mnorati vo f^ nr2.+ i .6 W i th model S an d CO I O r ( 5 . 6 ) . b a s e do n s c i e n liliccolorprinciplesand the
a r r u Pr J ,u l u ru B rL a sP rr r J. guides.As professionals, we must learnto distinguish differentiation of the diverse tissuesof the tooth.
between different tonesof toothshades; it is mandatory
to becomean experton this issue. Thefutureof colormatchingin dentistrywill most
l i k e l y i i e i n a c o m b i nationof personalized
matchinganddigitalimagingtechnology (7).
MunselI ColorClassification
AlbertHenryMunselldividedcolorinto threemain aspects:
Hue,Chroma,and Luminosity (Value);this schemeis univer-
sallyrecognized as the basisfor othercolorsystemssuchas
CIELAB(L+A+B+ colorspace).Application of this classifica
of dentalcolor
tionio ihe discipline matching allowsa better
understanding of the subject.
Chroma:The degreeof colorsaturatlon;
andweakcolorshavea lowchromaticity.
3? 33
Munsellwheel,in whichcolorsare
to theirChroma
(x-axis). and Hue(2.
L' il
Systemsin Dentistry DentalShadeGuides
31 35
The Vita shadeguide is the most commonlyused The most commoncolorsiound in humanteethare
guidein dentistry,
Thesimplecolorarrangement is the in the rangeorange-red.yellow, whichcorresponds io
reason whythisguidebecametheworldwide standard. tonalityA of the Vita shadeguide.Probably90/6 to
Almost everyrestorativesystem basesthe colorson 9516of teeth in healthypatientscorrespond to this
this scaIe. part of the scale,and deviationsfrom this are often
or verysimilarto the colorA. Whenthe
The color arrangementwas determinedafter natural teeth correspondto colorsin the shaderangesB and
tooth color was studied and grouped into four C, the marginof error is minimalwhen employing
categoriesaccordingto their incidence;the most a color philosophythat only takes into accountthe
commonis orange-red (A), followedby orange.yellowtonalityA, such as the color theoryof LorenzoVanini
(B), brown.gray(C),and, leastfrequent,brown(D). or the techniquedescribed by DidierDietschi.
Each Hue has subdivisionsaccordingto their Workingwithan A tonality, the usercanachieve some
saturation (Chroma). Withinthe orange-red group,A, finalcolorchanges tricks:(1) mixing
the shadeA1 is a delicateexpression of this tonality, compositeswith light.curedstains,(2) placing a ThefourVITAshadesclearlyevidence
whileA4 is the strongest colorin this category. lf we middlelayerthat will act as a screen,or (3) playing Huewhentabsof maximalchromaticexpressionare
separate the leastsaturatedtabs,41, 81, C1,and D2, withthe enamelthickness to increaseor decreasethe compared.
the differences arebarelyvisible(1); however,whenwe Value,and in this waybeingableto achieve anycolor.
comparethe mostsaturatedtabs,A4, B'4,C4, andD4, Forexample,shadeC is easilyobtainedby increasing
it is easyto appreciatethe differencesin chromaticity the enamelthicknessto lowerthe Value.
(2,3). .
All moderncolorguidesoperatein a similarway.Other
attempts to organizeshade guides differentlyhave
failedto finduniversal
acceptance but neveriheless
usedby someclinicians,
-r-HUe: -Co'liii' cate-g-ory-
. . which the'dehtin?ilbody
I Value:Opacity,transpar
ency,anddegreeof white- 7-
nessof theenamel.
3B 39
O Ei
Primaryopaquecolors: red, A mixtureof opaqueprima.
yellow,and blue.The combi- ry colors producesthe color
nationof the threegenerates black. These acrylic colors,
black. as with any pigment, are
basedon the subtractivecol.
or system.
The pigment(subtractive) color systemis especially colors,which"subtract"color,and the final outcome Whenwe are trying to achieveestheticintegrationin
interesting to ihe dentalfield,because the materialswe of the restorationwill give the impressionof being restorations,an understanding of colortheoryis man-
work with, suchas compositeresinsor ceramics,are grayish.This problem is common in daily practice. datory,althoughit may seema topic only for painters
mixturesof pigments, and eventhe mosttranslucent The use of highly opaquemassescan solvethis and artists. Unlesswe understandthe basisof color
materialhas some degreeof opacity.lf we look at problembut will makethe restoration lookartificial, theory,we willfind it difficultto achievethe desiredre.
the basic differences betweenadditive(light) and so it is necessaryto study the outcomeof different sultsin dentistryor,worse,will onlyobtainacceptable
subtractjve (pigment)systems,in the secondsystem, layercombinations. resultsrandomly. Coincidental successis not a goalto
wheneverwe makea mixture,the resultingcolor will aspireto in dentistry.
be darkerthan ihe lightestof the originalcolors. For example,in painted ceramics,to diminish the
luminosityof an excessively white crown, we need
Thisfact is clinicallyimportantbecausewhena tooth to achieveneutralgray.To do this we must ascertain
is stratifiedwe use mass superimposition; if not the dominantdentinalcolor,and thendetermine the
managedcorrectly,the resulttendsto a neutralgray. complementary color(whichis the oppositecolorin
This meansthat the color methodwe are working the colorwheel).Forexample, if the basecolorof the
with is the subtractivetranslucentsystem,subtractive restoration is orange,
thecomplementary coloris blue.
becausewe use pigments that absorb light and Knowingthis, we can be sure that if we add bluewe
translucentbecausethe shadeslet light passthrough will lowerthe luminosityof the restoration, sometimes
to somedegree. for our convenience
andsometimesto avoidaccidents.
lf we start with a very dark base colot the masses To saturate a color we must know the dominant
addedafterwardwill be darkenedby the underlying dentinalcolor.
and perception
Thehumaneyeis ableonlyto perceive wave- Conesare responsible for color vision,and As the levelof ambientlight drops,the first Excessive light causescolor confusionand
lengthsincluded in a range between380 there are three types of cones,which are colorsto disappearin the gloomare redand retinalfatigue,generatingpersistentimages
and 760 nanometers(nm). Uliravioletrays sensitiveto red,green,or blue: yellow;blueand violetare moreevident,not and the perceptionthat all colors tend to
(lessthan380 nm) and infraredrays(great. onlybecause of the energythey reflectbut white.In conditionsof high.intensity light,
er than 760 nm) escapethe perceptionof Red: Erythropsin(L), sensitiveto 500 to alsobecauseof the dispositionof receptors appreciationof colorcan be very imprecise.
humaneye. 700 nm (red light). in the eye.Thesemeansthat poor light con, Intenselightingcausesdefectsof perception
Green:Chloropsin(M), sensitiveto 450 to ditionscan misleadour perception. in general.
Colorperception is regulatedby absorption 630 nm (greenlight).
and reflection mechanisms. B lu e : Cy a n o p s in(S ), s e n s it iv et o 4 0 0 t o Poor lightingcreatesdefectsin red.yellow The light shouldbe soft,diffuse,and white
500 nm (blue light). perception,crucialin dentalcolormatching. for best results.
In the eyethere are millionsof specialized
cells able to deteci differentwavelengths Shortwaves(blue)havehighenergyand are Everytlme we attemptto recognizea color,
from the environment; theseare the rods small (S), and long waves(red) haveless issuesof perception
and conesthat collect components energyand are bigger(L).
different intoconsideration.
of the light spectrumand transformthem
into electricalimpulses,whicharethen sent
to the brainthroughthe optic nerves.This "Theparadoxof realityis that no imageis
processis responsible for creatingthe color a s c o m p e l l i nags t he onewhichexistsonlyin
sensation. the mind'seye."
. Directtransmission:
The light passesfreelyand . A iransparent
objectallowslightto passcompletely.
findsno obstacle. . A translucent
objectallowslightto passpartially,
andihe remaininglightis reflected. Composite resinsamplesof differ.
. Diffusetransmission:
Lighttakesmanydirections . An opaqueobjectcompletelyblocksthe passage entopacitybutthesamethickness.
a{tor h i++ino the nh ipnt Diffuse of light. Under direct light, the samples
Transmission revealor hidethe text underneath,
. Selectivetransmission:
Only certalnwavelengths Restorativematerialsintended to simulatethe natu- according to theiropacity.
areableto pass. ral tooth colorhavedifferentlysizedparticlesand
diverseopticalcharacteristics; they absorbsome
. Reflection:
Lightis rejected, rayswhiletransmitting and reflecting
teractionamongthem createsthe colorsperceived
. Refraction:Light travelsat a differentspeedand by the eye.Compositeresinand ceramicenamels
direciionwhenincorporated intoanothervehicle. are materialsthat absorba relativelylargeamount
of light.The dentinsare more opaqueand reflect
. Diffraction:The light siops travelingin straight a significantamountof light.The pigmentshavea
with the beams
linesand createsself.interference c A l a.+ i ,/a.hc ^r^+ i ^n
Refraction Diffraction Underdirectlight,a highlytrans.
blackbackground and an opaque
composite(righf) hides the back.
5S 51
r-- -___lnE .tr
A s me n t ion e d p re v io u s ly ,t h e Ch ro maZ o n e c o lo r st a i n , K u r a . are m ixedwith ba-
mostfrequentlyencountered den' ray)witha hybridcomposite resrn sicstainsto match
tal Hueis shadeA, but sometimes (3 , 4 , 5 , 6 ). d ry P , Ld I Jriducr.
teeth show other tonalitiesthat
may be similarto A but havecer' Composite resinsandstainsmust
tain slightd ifferences. be mixedcarefully andveryslowly,
because the incorporation of bub-
Althoughthe majorityof dental bles is a commonproblemwhen
shadesarein the rangeof red.yel. these techniquesare performed
low-orangeHue, supplementa ry (4, 5)
tonalit ie cs a n b e f o u n d .T h emo s t
common are gray ano Drown; Severalshadescan be obtained,
more u n u s u a la re p in k , p u rp le , a s s h o wnrnt h e e x a mpl e st o. h e l p
green ,o r b lu e (1 ). , Co mme rc ia t c h c o lo rs in a t y pi c a lc a s e s .
ly. il is v e ry d ilI ic u ltf o a c q u ire T h e s ee x a mp le sa re i l l u s t r a t i v e
tonesout of the commonrange (l ): t h e c h ro ma t ic i t yw a s i n .
of colors.A goodtrick is to de- creased to demonstrate the diffen
velopcolorsby mixinga traceof ent shadesthat can be achieved
light-cured stains(2) (eg,Enamel withthistechnique.
In a famousfilm, there are sceneswhere
lmaginecombin in gs o c k s wit h Whenit is not possibleto have viewersare taken manytimes and briefly
srmrlarly coloredshoes.At home, a speciallamp,the colorcan be to a greenambientlight.Our brainadapts
we seea perfectmatch,in which capturedunderambientlightand in less than 1 minute to this environment
two differentmaterialsgive the later corroboratedunder anoth- and makes us believethat the lighting is
impressionof being the same er differenttype of lighting.This white.This happensmany times, and yet
color.Whenwe arriveat the of- providean idea of the possible comparingthe real light with the edited
fice, we realizethat the colors variationsthat canhaooen. light,we canseethe enormous difference.
are quite obvio u s lyd if f e re n t i
The same phenomenonhappens
when we placea restorationand
try to blendit in with a iooth,two
completelydifferent materials
that areverysimilarbut,whenin.
adequatelychosen,can causea
failurein colormatching.Toavoid
this undesirable effect,calledme-
tamerism,we needto usecontin. Undercertainlight, objectsmay appearto
uouslightsourcesat a standard havethe same color,but undera different
light temperature(5,500 K). typeof Iighting,the colorsmayturn out not
to be identical.
Samplesmatch Samplesdiffer
8ANaturalIight High-intensity
light Neonlight
51 55
. C a n dl e:1,00 0K
. Tungsten: 1,800K
. Halogen:2,800K
. N e o n:3,20 0K
. Daylight: 5,500K
. F l a s h:5,77 0K
. Xe n on: 9,30 0K
G lG lli
{ltl ll
' H I D :1 2 ,00 0K
. Lightning: 30,000K
llll/h. ,rl{ I I A l i \ ' llt
I'j i
o !D
Theiwo siliconemoldsare An enamelshadeis placed The trasparentsiliconeis
designed to fit perfectly i n i h e w h i t e s i l i c o n ea n d positioned on the guides.
and stamp an enamel spread with an instru- lvlildpressureis applied
shellof veryprecisemea' ment. u n t i l t h e flask remains
surement. closedby itself,
An initial polymerization
is done throughthe sili.
The purposeof personalizing a generic Second,to designa reliableshadeguide, conefor 20 seconds.The
shadeguideis to geta systemas closeas each tab should providea sample of and a
siliconeis removed,
possibleto realitywhenwe createlayers. enameland dentinin overlapped layersof second polymerization
To do this we musttake into accountthe differentthicknesses. lt is mandatoryto performed.Thecomposite
followingparameters. superimpose the layersbecause the final shellcanbe meassuredaf.
colorof the toothresultsfromthe interac. terwardif needed.
to knowthe material tion of enameland dentin.
First,it is essential
in is idealto performthe color
matchwith a shadeguideprepared from A simplemethodfor fabricatingperson.
the restorative materialthat will be used, alizedgenericshadeguideswill be de-
because eachmaterialhasdifferentphysi- scribed.Thistechniquequicklyproduces
cal and opticalproperties. Eventhe same two.layer samplesand provides a preview
color(eg,A3) in differentbrandscan be of a simplestratification, whichis of great The maximumthicknessin
very dissimilar. However, it is mandatory c linicaI value. thirdis 0.2 mm.
the cervical
thatthe dentallaboratory relyon the same
materialthat will be used in the dental
clinicto ensure consistency.
The maximumthicknessin
t h e m i d dlethirdis 0.5 mm.
The maximumthicknessin
t h e i n c i salthird is 0.7 mm.
Differentbrandcomposite syringes.
Theyareall intendingto be A3 dentin,anddespitethistheyappearcomplete'
Whichoneis the real43?Everycompanyusesits owncolorgradingandcompensating
ly diiferent. methods.
materialas trustworthy
is the reasonto usethe samerestoring shadeguide,no matterwhichmaterialwe choose.
5B 59
Oncethe "sheJl"hasan optimalthickness. it must be posi-
tionedagainin the whitesilicone.Thisstepcan be avoided l{v x'.'t
onceexperience is gainedwiththe flaskingmethod.
At AI A( Ar f:
@nerpdMmx*idl" i{hBer',q,"Ji9 iEr@'riF}'sdliiie|lil
ftFcqffia aio tiitiln-hiElv,iiihErilalirinsfredldli oi a dihmqrrll
f ; Aii7l. ii
A snap'onclip is glued to the internalsurfaceof the sample;
this devicewill allow the sample to be attachedto a special
stick on which it will rotate.
A\ A3 AX A1 lj
A' Aq.
(-l f(:.: tl t e t . : nlI lllc rs f,r.rti y .
it !]l -r1 :Jncll f c nr c r ll ar l | rr-r:rn l r:
\ rll-lllra, S l i : r':Sln lS lr i' ilir a l
irn (l Sp r E ar aiav enly f/ th i r
As an exercise,we haveselecteda crown
S llalLl J Lrrll ihe ' , r l lr :r i: llll
wth muiipe characterizationsrn orosr
l lra! -: l lr f l i illeti.
to pertorm color matching and preparea
custornizedshadeguide for t. The goa is
to previewthe resut ng stratificattonoi
-_ll_n n
An acetate sheet rs placedto Firstthe dentin is select.
cover the uncureclcompos ed. In the cervicalthird,
rte. and then a glass sl de rs we choose a chromatic
useclto co|l.lpressthe |llate dentln (ln 5) and n the
naL med um third we choose
a ess chromatic deftln
( n 3).
Whenthe materialis com. In the incisaithird we find
pletelyspread,it is polym. th ree white characteriza
erizedthroughthe glassfor tions. Dista and mesia
40 seconds,and then the characierlzationshave a
acetateis removed. cold white (+), and tlre
centerhas a powerwhite
After lt has beenfrnished,pollshed,
^ ^-^^-t +1.^ r^t. ^ L Ur r p d r ir I
to the tooth(7). The matchshoud
be perfect;if it is not,a newtab is
opaque model, both samples look
alike (8). The comparisonbetween
rhe orig,nalc"owr and lhe tab s an
6v.6llAn+ r^+6rd^-a in ralr, nn
rv I u,y vr r.
66 6/
Effectsof Backgroundon DentalColor
6B 69
and DentalColor
lvlodern toolfor communication,
is an amazing
documentation,and color analysis.To use imagesas a
tool.we musttakeseveralparameters into account,such
as standardized andthe
rightmagniflcation. '' -"=ztt'
Thispictureis takenwithpointflashes(lateralflashes) Diffuselightphotography is an interesting illumination
Thiskindof flashand its orientationprevent re'
extensive picturepresentation. The velvetyappearance makesthe
Thisis an idealtechnique
flectionon the toothsurface. for resultingimagebeautiful andreveals somefascinating color
documentation and imagecolordetermination. and surfacefeatures.However, it wouldnot be especially
preferred for colorselectionor as a routinepicture,because
diffuselight photographs hide severalessentialaspects
seenin a regularimage.
Witha true ringflash(C) or a pseudo.ring flash(the point This imagehas been digitallymodifiedto increasethe
flashesascloseas possible (B),the lightis
to the objective) contrast(60%)and decrease the brightness(aO/. to 60/").
directlyreflectedby teethtowardthe lenses,flatteningthe Colorfeaturesappearimmediately in a verynoticeableway.
imageand makingthe reflectingsurfacegreater.Therefore, Colorbecomesso strongthat soft tissueslook swollen.
the surfaceandtexture.
it is idealto highlight Thisis one of the most importantimagesthat we should
knowhowto obtain,to enableprecise appreciation of color
to the computer(F),
Oncethe colorpictureis transferred In reflective
cross.polarizedlighi photography.
several areableto transformtheseimagesto gray speciallydesigneddevice(polar_eyes,,
scalemodeto createa blackand whitepiciure.Thissori specularreflection,which obscuresthe fine detailsof
of imagegivesusefulinformation for analysisof enamel dentalstructure, is completelyeliminated,
creatlnga high
opacityand the overallValue;color picturesdistractus contrast/ hypersaturateddentalimagethat can be visually
fromthis DUrpose. analyzedor numerically calibrated.
/s 71
lmageexposure Choosinga digitalcamera
Lightis the essence of imaging. Veryfewgood'quality dentalpictures canbe obtained The authors have no prefer- in posteriorsegments,intra.
wlthoutartificiallighting.Through'the'lens(TTL)technology is a systemthat makes encefor camerabrands;we orally,or extraorally. Theprod-
the flashfirebeforethe camera the
registers image, measures the amountof lightthat present these options only ucts in the lowerrowrepresent
returnsto the photoelectricsensor,andforces the flashto release the rightamountof becausethey have wireless t h e e c o n o m i c aaln d m i n i m u m
lightfor the finalshot.Moderncamerashaveaccessible features to choosethe right twin-flash compatibility.This equipment for achievingqual-
amountof Iightneeded; EVis an almostuniversalfeature in moderncameras withthe option providesversatilityin ity photogra phy.
symbol +/-. However, changing parametersin a camera without knowledge can make clinicaland siudio photogra.
it impossible to obtainthe rightexposure. phy becauseof the abilityto A cameramust have:
separate the flashesfrom the
bodyand to createa mlnistu. e Wireless f lashcontrol
Moderndigitalcameras witha TTLfunc'
dio intraorallyor extraora lly. : Autocleaning sensor
tion are capableof belngprogrammed .
Theequipmentin the top row TTLcompatibility
to obtain diversedegreesof lighting.
is the idealchoicefor mostsit. . 6lvlPresolution or more
Whena pictureis dark,we say it is un'
uations,in anteriorsegments,
derexposed. slightlyunder-
In dentistry,
exposedimages(-0.7 EVl-1.0EV)reveal
moredetailof the internalstructuresof
the tooth. Althoughdark picturesap'
pearto be deficient,usefulinformation
can be obtained from them. Camera Objective Fl a s h
H +2.O
The same sceneis now shownoverex'
posed(+0.7 EV +1.0 EV),with an ex'
tsl cessof lighting.Allfinedetailsaregone,
Acrylicon paper.
3. Colorideallyshouldbe determined
undera 5,500K lightsource,and
the assessmentshouldbe repeated
4. Expertisein digitalphotography
and imagingwill improveaccuracy
in colormatching.
Personalized picturesarethe
with high'quality
bestmeansof communication
76 77
Chapter 2
:.:; I to i-l ! i!itll:rlr l'-.1
nto) I
reproducethe naturaldentin?
Angelo Putignano,MD, DDS, holds severaltitles at A: The successof an estheticrestorationis often attrib-
Universityof Marche,in Ancona,ltaly:
the Polytechnic utedto the colorchoice.
Dentistry,Schoolof Dentistry;
Professorof Restorative
Headof Operative Dentistryand Endodontics, School However,besidesthe chromaticcorrespondence, the
of Dentistry; Dean,School of DentalHygiene. opacityof the dentinis one of the principalfactorsde.
terminingthe estheticsuccessof the restoration.
He is an active member of the ltalian Society of
OperativeDentistry and the EuropeanAcademyof Theplacementof a dentincompositematerialwith cor.
Esthetic as wellas a foundingmemberof the
Dentistry rect opacity,fluorescence, and Chromawill guaranteea
ItalianAcademyof EstheticDentistry. goodestheticresultthat may also reducethe metamer.
ism, whichis a significaniphenomenon regulatedby
He hasa privatepracticelimitedio restorative
dentistry the variabilityof the light receivedby restorations.
in Ancona,ltaly.
Therefore,lhe ln compositeseems the right name for
An internationallectureron adhesiveand esthetic this complexmaterialusedto substitutefor the denfin,
restorations,Prof Putignanois coauthorof the books ratherthan simplydentin,whichis the nameusually
Guidetinesto AdhesiveiDentistry:The Key fo Success availablein the traditionalcompositeresin systems.
(Quintessence Publishing,2009) and Restauri Estetico- Thenewterm avoidsconfusionand unifiescriteria.
Adesivi lndiretti Parziali nei Settori Posteriori(lndirect
ConservativeRestoratlon ofPosteriorTeeth,UTEI 2008).
B? B3
The In Layer
We call the dentinthe ,r /ayer,becauseit is Under normal condiiionsthere are two types t
lo c a t edo n tie i nsid eand is lhc deepesln lhe of dentin, the primary dent n, developed
stratification. since the formation of tooth germ, and the
secondary dentin, which usually begins its
The baseChroma(Hueand Chroma)is given formation at the moment of contact with the
b y t h e de n ti n,w hichdominates
the chromatic opposir-rgtooth and continues throughout
nature of teeth. life. The dlfference between developmental
periodschangesthe optical propertiesof both
De n t i n s the m o st abundanttissue in the k nds oi dentin,which is why the desatrration
la ^ l n r qi:nap :na ^l-o-.-or- ^ r^n .c -l-o ^-r-o. Of Tne lOOln S
L U " rP s^. Lr csPL' e more chromatic,and closerto the surfacethe
c' PPd | !' ' r r
similarityto enamel,dentin is physicallyand dentin becomesless saturated.For example,
opticallycompletelydifferent.Generally,dentin in an 42 tooth, the dentin near the pulp would
i s reddishyellow and has a high chromaticrty likelybe shadeA3.
and a remarkableopacity. lt is also a highly
tissue.becauseol lhe presenceof The gradualchangeof Chroma is also evident
l lLrorescent
certain proteins,such as photochrome. from the cervicalthird to the incisalthird; the
closerto the incisaledge,the moredesaturated
The physiologicaging processcauseschanges and more opaquethe dentin will be.
- -6-1.-2 .-t-" -,/- .p1.. i fe. The den.-nal
th ckness ncreases, whi e the diarneter O-r nei^oos o' st.aT'cat o- e-pra: ze
of the tubules, the volume of the pulp, and accJratereproduct'onof desat.-:l,or
the permeabilityand opacity of the dentin with restorativematerials.
Dentin.almostas a rule.showsa low chroma. The final outcome of these events is the
ticity whenteeth are youngand increases in transitionfrom an originally
whiteand opaque
chromatic ity as theyage. dentin to a significantly darker and more
translucentdentin.As a consequence, it is
The changein chromaticity,a slow increase logicalto claim that whiledarkerdentinhas
of the orange-redcomponentof the tooth lessopacity,whitedentinhas high opacity.
causedby aging,resultsfrom two phenomena
I'{{ that take place in dentin.First, the dentin Thesechanges occurthroughouilifeand over
l.:, becomesthicker due to a contractionof extended time periods,because accumulation
l,:, the pulp,whichdecreases in volumeand is of waterand pigment is slow,
replacedby appositionof secondarydentin dependenton severalfactors.
to occupy the resultingspace; in addition,
sclerosisof the dentinaltubulesmakesthe
dentinlesspermeable. Second,the hydration
of the tooth and the additionof pigments
to the compositionof the dentin affect the
chromaticity.Dentin losesopacity over time
and becomesmore transparent;this is the
resultof a mineralization processnear the
dentinoenameljunction. Changes in the
enamelalsomodifythefinalappearance of the
'! tooth.Enamel,whichdecreases in thickness
and turns smootheras a resultof physiologic
wear,becomesmore translucentover time,
t andtherefore dentinalcoloris morevisible.
Dentindisksarranged from thinnestto thickest(iert Dentindisksarranged fromthinnestto thickest(/eft
to right)underdirectlight.Thethickerthe sampleis, to right),undertransmittedlight.The thickerthe A largeperceniageof the lightthat hitsthe dentinis Endodontically
so it
the betterit masksthe blackline. sampleis,the lesslightgoesthrough. reflected
back.Thislightis returnedwithmoreenergy is appropriateto restoresomelayersof theseteeth
because suchtissuesarefluorescentwith morefluorescent materials
and possessphotochrome andfluorophore. Deuseo.
Whatis fluorescence? In dentistryit can be defined The most importantfeatureof the fluorescence
as absorptionof UV light by a structureand the phenomenon is the "innerglow"that contributes to
spontaneous emissionof visible light within the the vitalappearance of the naturaltooth,that is,the
visiblelight spectrum.Whai is responsible for the lightemission from inside.
fluorescence? The dentin layer and its proteins
that bind it io the enamelare the most fluorescentAgingresultsin a decreasein the fluorescence of
compoundsin the body.Enamelis alsofluorescent dentinbecauseof proteinloss,tissuemineraliza-
but to a considerably lesserdegree. tion, and pigmentation. Agedcompositesalsolose
fluorescence but verys lightly
90 9l
Differentbrandsof 43 dentin
compositehave been photo.
ferencesin Chromaand Hue
Naturaltoothphotographed un-
der directlight,blacklight,and
transmittedlight,our standard
97 93
Two differentcompositeres-
ins designedto simulatethe Sametooth sectionsunderblack
dentinoenamel junction are light. (8) The proteinlayer pro.
shownunderUV light to evi' videsextremely highfluorescence.
dencetheirhighfluorescence. (9) The tooth withoutthe protein
The compositetooth fabri- The tooth fabricatedfrom The final Value has been The tooth shows less Val.
cated with a reproduction the samecolorsbut with. improvedslightlyafter the ue after placementof the
of the protein layer looks out a reoroductionof the enamellayering(5), which enamel composite (7, 8).
brighter under direct light proteinlayerlooksdarker createsan interestingfea- Generallywhen the proper
(1) and undera fluorescent underdirectlight (3) and ture but does not change materialis selected,accept.
lamp (2). These kinds of under a fluorescentlamp the Valuedramatically.
The ablefluorescence and Value
materialsconsiderably in. (4),eventhoughthemateri. tooth gains some opac. is important
creasethe Valueof the res- alsarealreadyfluorescent. ity when observedunder to knowthe limitsof "fluo-
toration. transmittedIight(6). rescenceenhancers. "
(/eft)Sampleof dentincomposite
A2. (cente) Compositetooth built
with an esthetic layering tech.
nique. (right) Sample of dentin
composite AO.
NO i
f {,,
& t-
ri '
t0-l ts5
Selectionof DentinShades
for Stratification
dentinsin their systems.
Wherecomposite resins,acrylicresins,and
ceramics fail currentlyis on the efficiency
of lighttransmission; the compositeis not
ableto opacifyeffectively withoutlosingits
translucence and lighttransmission prop.
provingas materialsevolve.Fluorescence
of materlalshas been calibratedto the
naturalteeth,and color propertieshave
improvedconsiderably over the last de.
. Highfluorescence
. Adequateopacity
. CorrectHueand Chroma
. Favorable physicalproperties
with DentinComposite
T0 simulatea des-aturati-oit it i5 Some esthetie composite systefls have varlous The purpose of the superimpositjonof different
important to addchromatjclayersin thedepths dentir shades within the A range, beyond the dentinalcolorsis to achievea more natural,deeper,
of the cavityto the stratification,
to develop conventional A1 to A4, that allowus to dev.elop more and estheticdentinal body, in this way avoiding
whatwecalla chromatie core,Forexampler if a and moreintenseahromaticity. monochromaticeffects and the risk thai the
natural stratificatiqns
toothhasa base. caloroJ A.1,the deeperlayers Proper stratilicationof three dentins according restoration will look like a pateh.
of dentinarelikelyto benearto shade43i to the techniqueadvocatedby Dr LorenzoVrnini
allowsdevelopmentof many more colors than are Veryfewsystemsare optlmalforan idealovellapping
dentinA3 + dentinA2+ dentinA1= AI tooih(4) commercially avarlable.lf we stratifya toothwithA3 dentinalreproduction.
dentin as the deepest layer,A2 dentinas the middle
The largerthe cavitypreparationi the more layer,andA1 dentinas the superficial dentin.we will
colorsshouldbe ine.lud.ed
in the stratification. obtainA1 baseChroma(4).
ln a verysmallcaviiypreparatio-n,
useof one
dentinshadeshouldworkopiimally, As mentioned,stratilicationallows generate
naturalcolorsandshadesthat arenot commercially
Depending on the compisitesystem,dentin available.lf we stratifya tooth with an A4 dentinas
desaturation c.anruintheJinalqutqome.
ln those the deeplayer,43 dentinas the middlelayer,and A1
casesit is betterto workwith only one.dentin as the superfieialdentin,-wewill obtain A1.5 base
evenin largecavitiqs;. Chronra(5),
lEB 109
Using the overlappirgdeniin tech.
ninrr e wo .a n .r ea- F 12 r lr lf glgnI
colorsfromthe A spectrum, without
lhe needfor complexcomposrie sys-
tems and with fewersyringes.With
these12 colorsis possible
to match
95/o of Ihe teethwe wouldpoten.
tially needto restore.
Sculptinga CompositeResin
The ability to handle compositeresln materials Thecorrectuseof modeling liquidsdemandsknowledge
correctlydependson the use of specificmaterials of the properties of the materialwe are using.These
that preventcomposite from sfickingto instruments.liquidsact as a thinnerof composite resinsand in fact
Goldenor black-coaied instruments and microbrusheshavethe sameorganicfractionas the material.
arenot recommended because thevleavemicroscooic
tracesas they deteriorate. Because modelingliquidslackfillers,theycan reduce
the physical properties of the compos'teand change
We use a hydrophobic resin(EnaSeal, it completely
and from the opticaland mechanical points
Micerium,or Fortify,Bisco)for two main objectives:of view.Because of theseshortcomings, it wouldseem
(l) as a modelingliquidand(2) to recover the oxygen- logicalnotto suggest the applicationof thesekindsof
inhibitedlayerafterdiamondburs are usedto make materia ls,
correctionson the alreadypolymerized composite.
However, if theyare usedcarefullyand with the right
Two importanttools neededfor delicatemodeling technique, theygivethe brushan optimalconsistency
are the siliconetip brushes,usedfor plugging and that prevents composite from stickingto it, maintains
distributionof compositewithoutthe risk of pulling the bristlesuniformly together, and helpsthe brushto
the comDosite from the site. and the naturalsable slayc tean.
brushes, usedfor surfacehomogenizing andflattening.
Whenii is not possibleto achievea highlyaccurate Theappearance of the compos-
shapeduringmodeling,a correctionis madewith a ite shouldbe as if it had just
coarse(80-pm)diamondbur usedat low speedand been modeledbut with precise
withoutwater.The restoration will becomecovered shapeand contours,especia lly
with white powderwhile the bur is operating.The on the proximal
walls,to prevent
removalof the white,powderydebrisis verysimple. errorsfrom carryingoverto the
Theentiresurfaceshouldbe moistened witha natural followingsteps.
bristlebrushsoakedin modeling fluid.Whenthe fluid
contactsthe powder,it develops the samerefraction No polymerization is neededaf.
index,causingthe powder to disappearoptically. ter the liquidexcessis removed
Chemically, the restoration
becomesclean,but it is withair,
essentialto removeexcessliquidwith plentyof air.
this processrecovers
In addition, the oxygen-inh
layerpreviouslylostduringthe correction.
116 117
Thenextdentincomposite usedin the stratification
a lightershade(A3).Thislayeris alsoplacedobliquely,
covering all the previouslyapplieddentin,occupying
approximately 60/o to 65/o of the total volume,and
reaching iwo-thirdsof the cervical-incisal
The last deniincompositeplacedcorresponds to the
selectedbasecolor(A2),stratifiedin the samewayas
the other shouldcoverboth of the previous
dentins.but it is importanlto respectlhe spaceoI
the opalescentmasses(incisaland proximalgaps).
Approximately 90/6 Io 95/o of the final volumeof the
toothshouldbe formedwiththis dentin.
A speciallydesignedspatula(Misura,LM.Arte,LlVl
helpsto calculate
of enamel.
The processis begun
with a root madewiih
a h igh-Ch roma den.
tin (A4 or A5). When
the processis being
started from scratch,
it is convenientto use
a fiberglasspost to fa-
cilitatethe modeling.
121 125
A saturated dentin(A4) I||tr 5||dp|| rts srdtstr rs
is usedto connectthe carried on with a less
me s i aal nddistalco nes saturated dentin (A3).
and modelthe palataI More volume will be
surface. In thisway,the added over the mesial
coreis finished. and distal cones. The
architecture is cop ied
from the deep layers,
176 177
The opalescentmass is
nl r.a.l +^ ra..rorta tha
As a teachingmethod,we are not necessarily hard. o p a l e s c e n c ea n d t r a n s .
will start by showingonly er to achievebut require parency ai the incisal
the basic stratific a t io n great accuracyin control- edgeand middlethird of
(enamel, dentin,and o p a l. lin g t h e t h ic k n e s swh
, ic h t h e p r o x i m aI w a l l s .W i t h
escence). With th is tech. is thekeystone of layerjng. an opalescentmassinvad.
nique,we cansuccessfully i n g t h e i n c i s a lt h i r d , t h e
resolvethe vast majority T h iss k ill is o n ly a c q u ire d e n a m e l w i l l ne c e s s a rily
of cases.After mastering t h ro u g h p ra c t ic eo f t h e becomethinnerandthere.
tho hecinc u,o nen ho. basic stratificationtech- foremoretransparentand
comeacquainted with ad. n iq u e s . naturallooking.
vancedcolor effectsthat
nhibited layer
P r o x i m aw
l a l l sa r e b u i l t w i t h a m e d i u m - V a l ueen amel
to a 0.5-mmthickness. Dividingthe stratification into
smallersteps facilitatesmodellngand ensureshigh
precision,optimal polymerization, and contraction
control.Thesewallsare built incrementally; placement
of the materialin onemassis difficultand imprecise.
13S 131
ttL 133
Stratification reeipes for
the simplified tslhnique:
A4 ,5 = A 4 + 4 6 A5=As+46 A 6= A 6+ A 5
EI lJc.
S c ul pti nga c entrali n c is o rwit h t h e s im p lif ie dt e c h n iq u e
of an 42 tooth:
136 137
Theincisaledgeshowssubtleopalescent(1) Thecomposite toothfrom the simpli-
both blue and amber, fied techniqueis shown photographed
withoutthe use of any kind of opales. witha flash.(2) Theimagehasbeendigi-
cent masses.Theseeffectswereachieved tally enhanced to revealthe opalescent
throughpropercontrolof thickness and effects.(3) The imagehas beenconvert-
the useof optically enamelcom- ed to blackandwhiteto revealthe Value.
138 139
Summaryof Stratification
Single dentin and enamel Simplified layering tech- Lorenzo Vanini's technique. Mameloncharacterizatio n
comoosite restoration.Sim- nique.This techniqueuses Three dentin compositesare technique.Moreopaqueand
ple to use, the techniqueis two dentin composites and used to build the dentinal less chromaticmagsesare
indicatedfor noviceusers be. gne enamelcompositeand body. Many advancedeflects usedto enhancethis p€rt ot {or the maior'
of its abilityto matcha is appropriate are usedin the.middlelayerto the tooth,regardless
ot the
large numberof restorations. ity of casesin whichwernust achievenaturalrestorati.ons. numberof dentinlayers.
Radialtechnique.This tech- Personalized block tech- Newton Fahl's technique. Single.shadeteehnique,This Reverse technique. Whiter
niqueusestwoor moredentin nique. Suitable lor trans- This technique consists of technique is recomm€nded dentin compositesare used
composites and one enamel lucent teeth (body) andlor using a chromatic enamel for provisionalrestorations, in the innermostportion for
comoosite.The color is de' opaque teeth (dentin), the (Vita) or body on the mar- some posteriorrestorations, masking,and chromaticden.
rived from the center and technique involvesthe use gin zone and an achromatic and caseswhereestheticsis tin or body compositesare
becomesdesaturatedtoward of a singlemassto build the enamel(non.Vita)on the in- not essential. used near the surfaceto in-
the surface,
Usedfor thefree- wholetooth. The incisaledge cisal portion of the restora- creasethe chromaticity.The
handtechnioue. can be characterized for fur- tion. Fewdentin composites mamelonscan be personal-
ther estheticintegration. are reouired. ized as well. This technique
is indicatedto opacify dark
featuresof teeth.
110 111
4. Theuseof highlychrornatic a lifelikeappearanceona
restoration theamountof color
andinereases that can be generatad.
in thin layersprovides
5. Stratification highaccuracy
112 113
Chapt er 3
Jordi Manauta. Anna Salat
Interviewwith WalterDevoto
66 To defi nethe
is to
C h a r l e sR o b e r An
t on
Q: Whatwouldbe the correctwayto considermasses
thattry to imitateenamel?
Dr Walter Devoto graduatedwith honors from the A: We alwaystry to rmitatenaturewith our materials
Universityof Genoawiih a degreeln dentistry. and our stratificationtechniques.
118 119
We call rhe massesthat are used ro reproduce a way that is similarto the way it travelsin natural
ihe enamel Out layers. teeth. To do this we measurethe refractiveindex
of the enamel and try to find the same in the
Theenamelis primarilyresponsiblefor regulating composites.The refractiveindex is the way the
the Value,or tooth brightness,and is characterized Irghttravelsth|ough an object. rhal is, ils speed
by a high degreeof translucency(comparedwith and its direction.The vast majorityof composite
tlre dentin)and uniqueliglrt effects. massesdo not havethe same refractiveindexas
natural enamel, so if the composite is placed
Enamelis composedmainlyof hydroxyapatite and in the same thickness as the enamel, optical
a lesserpercentageof organicnratterand water. integrationwill not be achieved.Clinicianstry
The crystal structure of enamel prisms ailows to solve the problem through layering,placing
light to passwith little restraint,whilethe organic enamel composite layers that are thinner t han
interprismatic substance shows high opacity. those of the naturalteeth.
Without this interprismaticsubstance,enamel
would appear gray or blue. The composition It is vital to design layering techniques for
of the enamel makes it a unique complex of each specific composite becauseeach one has
refection,transmission,and absorptionof light. different formulation and properties. The final
Theenamelacts as an advancedsystemof optical compositethicknesshas a particularimportance
fibers; it helps to transmit light into the dentin, [or inlegralion ol Ihe restoration. because I
which is then responsiblefor spreadinglight and regulatesthe light and color in the tooth.
consequentlygeneratinga complex combination
of light effects(1), The combinationof the highly Natural enamei is translucentand luminous at
translucentenamel prismatic structurewiih the the sametime, whilecompositesact as a vitreous
more opaqueinterprismaticmatter makesenamel material; this makes it difficult to maintain
both translucentand a high.Value substanceat the preferredlevelsof luminosityand translucencyat
same l'me. lndrslrially it rs still nor possiblero the same time, becauseopacity increaseswhen
al ign two componentsso differentwith the same luminosity does and vice veTSa.This fact has
di spositionand nanometric djmensionsas the hamperedclinical practice.UsLlallythe level of
enamelpflsms. translucency we wouldwish for enamelcomposite
would force the materialto lose brightness,t hus
There is a differencein behaviorbetweendental decreasingthe Valueof the restoration(creating
materials and natural enamel. The goal, of d ts l dy l 5l l aPPc at at tLc ) .
course,is to make light travelon the materialsin
(1) Color phenornenain the (2) Enanrelcryslalline cor'r1.
enalrel are Lrnrclre.Enaifirel ponentsallov./free passageoi
i .i r i c. i .r r ' r - 1,r l- , c\/<f- ln.i light; organic n]atter,tn con
u l j l L .rI f u et 5 { 1|d t r 5 |l tur e upl| trast. blocks lrght. Thrs con.
callyefficert than the denlin. tfadrctloncreatesa com lllex
systemthat absorbs,reflects,
ancl transmits liBht. The or.
ganrc componentcreates an
oi liglrt, re.
sultrngIn a whiteappearance.
Without tlre organic conrpo.
nelrt, the enanrel would be
entirely transparentand have
a Sraya ppearance.
(3) Coloreffectsareobtained
throughtwo perfectly aligned
polarizedfilters, causinga
phenomenon of laghtscatter.
ing in the subtletooth sec.
t ro n .
A disadvantage of transparentand translucent
(semitransparent) materialsis that they loseValue
as theirthicknessincreases. Theybecomegrayor
blue, representative of a violentlight absorption
E4 155
andOpacityof Enamel
Lightrefractionand dentalenamel
vacuum 1
Air 1.00029
lc e 1 .3 1
Water 1.33
Hu ma nc o rn e a 1 .3 3
Acetone 1.36
A lc o h o l 1 .3 6
Q u a rt z 1 .4 5
Glycerin L47
Methylmethacrylate L4a
Acrylicglass 1 AO
S a lt 1.50
Ceramicenamel 1.50
Fnarnpl .nrn nnc i to 1.51
Silic o no il r .5 2
r .5 2
A fracturedtooth has beenrestoredintentionally with Salt 1 trA
A lu min u mo x id e L76
S a p p h ire r .7 7
Cub ic z irc o n iu m 2 .r 5
Dia mo n d 2.42
T it a n iu md io x id e 2.49
S ilic o n e 4.01
So far the onlymaterialreportedto
a l l o w t h i c k n e s s essi m i l a rt o t h o s e
of naturalenamelwasdeveloped in
2008;its properties havebeencon.
stantlyimproving sinceits introduc.
tion. lf it showscontinuedsuccess,
we couldbe lookingat the futureof
dentalmateria ls.
A posteriorrestoration
has beenfabricatedfrom a highly
chromatic dentincompositeand a 0.6-mmoptically efficient
enamellayer(EmpressDirect42 Enamel,lvoclarVivadent),
The high luminosiiyand the white effectsare particularly
outstanding, considering
especially that no other mass or
whitestainwas placedto help increasethe Valueand no
An anteriorrestorationhas been
fabricatedfrom a 0.8-mm layerof
an enamelcompositewith a high
Hri,UE1,Micerium). No bevelswere
Co m p aredwith dentinall issue s , The synergybetweenthe enamel
enamel structure has a highly and dentin makes the tooth an
translucentappearance, Actually, o b je c t t h a t p la y s wit h lig h t in a
enamelhasa highdegreeof opac. uniqueway,thatallowslightto pass
ity,especiallyin areaswith thicker throughenamel, whereit is stopped
enamel,and only allows partial by dentin.Bothenameland dentin
passage of light. havea completely differentappear.
ance when analyzedseparatelyor
In areassuch as the incisaledge. together.
enamelallowslightto passthrough
very efficiently,providingtranslu-
centand opalescent effectsdespite
the tact that no tooth struclureis
lranspareni.The incisal edge is
wherelessdentinis foundand the
translucency of enamelis bestap.
lmmediately aftera tooth is isolat- Colormatchingand analysismust
ed from moisture, dentalelements be performedbeforecompleteor
beginto dehydrate,and effectsare even partial isolation,when the
visibleafter only 3 minutes.The teethare fully hydratedt otherwise
lo ssol watermolecules occursim- thereis a highriskof mismatching
mediatelyin the organicmatrix. colorby choosing a whiteronethan
This decreasesits refractiveindex, is appropriate.
resultingin a disparityof the in.
dice so f the organicand inorgan ic
matter.This phenomenonblocks
Ine passageoT gnl as rT occurs
in an e mulsion; enameland dentin
obtainan opaquewhitecolor.l\4axi-
mum toothdehydration is appreci-
ated after 30 to 45 minutes,and
completerehydration of thetissues
cantakebetween 24 and48 hours.
A fullyhydratedtoothhasa deeper
(1a, 1b).
c o l o r a n d t r a n s lucency
Afterjust 30 minuLes o[ moisture
isolation, the tooth losesits color
depthdue to dehydration (2a,26).
Enamelis the tissue that loses
water most rapidly. Dehydration
Li l l c tho nac c :oo nf lio h +
162 163
To appreciatethe opalescenceof a T h ei d e a lc o m b i n a t i ow
n o u l db e a n
material,it is necessaryto observe enamelthat hasthe propertyof be-
at differentangleso'f incidenceand ingwhiteunderdirectlightandam.
transmission(eg, movethe sample ber and orangeundertransmitted
and look at it under direct light light or, in otherwords,the alrility
and transmitted light. Opalescent to looklikean opaquematerialbut As the amount of whiie
enamelsalter the passageof lighl: allowpassage of light in a veryef- in the glassesincreases,
they look blue and white under di- ficientway. opacity alsoincreasesand
rect light (3) and show amber and blockslight transmission.
orange effects when observed un ln manyrestorativemateri'
der transmittedlight (4). als, opacityincreasesVal-
ue but dramatically
fha nr ccr oa nf lio h +
F :
1 ;:
F ;t _
Thenaturaltoothenamelactsas an efficientmask
for thedentinandincreases thetoothValue.In areas
whereenamel is removed (\, 2, 3), the overalltooth
chromaticityincreases dramatically, and thus the
Valuedecreases. Whenthe toothls observed in the
areawhereenamelhasnot beenremoved, dentinis
blocked,andwe cancomparetheenamelValuewith
the Valueof the restof the tooth.
Thethickness of enamelchangesacrossthetooth.In
the incisalthlrd cansee increasedtranslucency;
however, thirds,thereis a
in the middleandcervical
boostof opacitydueto the proximityof the dentin.
thicknessof enamel,theValuerises,
and properties
oi the underlying
h6 h7
Enamel mineralization also affects the With passageof time the enamelsurface
brightnessor Value:hypomineralized and wearsout, and the mineralization continues
porousenamelshavea lowerdensity,con. to increase. Theenamelreflectslesslightbe-
ferringless translucency and more bright. causeof its lackof brightness;
this phenom-
nesson the enamel,whichtherefore reflects enonis commonlyseenin olderteeth(3).
much lighi;this is the most commonsitu-
ationin youngand whiteteeth(1). On the Thedegreeof translucency of naturalenam-
otherhand,fully mineralized enamelshave el.canvaryfrom ioothto tooth.Theopacity
greaterdensityand highertranslucency,and dependson the densityandthickness of the
thereforeare very transparent,absorbing enameland thus affectsbrightness.
light moreefficiently(2).
is moreseriousthan selecting
light (bright/dark)than to color itself
enamelor a less saturateddentin.This
conceptis particularly
areworkingwith iesschromatic colors.
Thepatient'sagehelpsto determine
Value.TheValueof naturalteethis highin
massesto overlap
the Valueof teeth,it is usefulto com.
parethe naturalenamelwiththe shadeguidefrom the
restorativesystemto be used.lf the guideallowsthe
(1, 2) a morerealsituation
willbe rep.
lt is idealto makecustomoverlapping enamel b y l u m i n o s i t yB: 1 ,A 1 ,
83, A3.5,84, C3, 44,C4.
theteethof youngpeople, andof adultsin anddentincomposite shadeguides(seechapter1).
whomenamelis wellpreserved, and lowin
the teethof olderadults,especially
teeth A0.5 A1 A1.5 A2 A2.5 A3 A3.5 A4 44.5
t til illlt rl
el n
The enamelof primaryteeth is very po.
rous and slightlymineralizedand there,
foreis whiterand hasa veryhighValue.In
contrast,the enamelof permanentteeth
is mineralizedoverlongerperiodsof time
and becomes moretranslucent,smoother, Compositeshade guides fabricatedwith the same
and darker.
restorativematerialenableus to overlao shadesoriorto
as witha snapshellovera dentincore(1)
E or in iabs that havedifferentthicknesses Blackandwhiteimageof Vitashadeguideorderedby luminosity: 81, A1, 82, D2, A2,C1.,C2,D4,A3, D3,
acrosstheir [r
length(2). Both solutionshaveprovento be effective, 83. A3.5,84, C3.A4. C4. lt is easierto ditferentiate
theValuesin this image.
but a problemstill to be solvedis the fragilityof thin
shadeguides.Formaximumprecision, it is mandatory
to build a personalized shadeguide to obtainmore The ideaoi Valuein colortheoryis misunderstood.A helpfulapproachto train our sightto distinguish
thicknesses. We understand Valueas the amountoi whitethat a colorsis to rearrange the colorguidesby luminosity
colorhas.Whileit is truethatan A1 toothhasgreater (4),that is,reorganize
fromthelightest to thedarkest
Valuethan an A2 tooth,this is a cumulative effect, color.Thismethodis usefulfor two things:first,as
because whenthe chromaticity is increased
we can an exerciseto distinguishcolorsand, second,to
observe a darkertooth,whichhasnothingto do with locatethe intermediate chromaticitvof teeth(5)
the lackof brightness of the object,althoughin the
finalresultit seemsthat it does(3).
7S v1
for EnamelReproduction
Because of currentimprovements in com-
'', \ posite formulations,it is importantto
understandthat many classifications of
ri compositeresinsexist,according to their
particles(microfilled, hybrids, nanohy-
'i brids,nanofilled,etc),the degreeof trans-
':i'tl lucency(body, incisal,opaque,enamel,
dentin,etc),or their locationin the resto.
i i. ..r ration(opalescent,
' cervical,
o ,o
.\--rtr .--
Composites for enamelreproduction are
moretranslucent than are thosefor den.
tin and haveopalescentfeatures,Thebest
materialsare the ones that imitatethe
opalescence and translucencyof natural
brandsof medium-Value enamel Whenthe samedisksare observed under enamel.
composite(0.5-mmdisks)are observed transmittedlight (2), it is evidentthat
underdirectlight(1). The threesamples eachcomposite transmitslightdifferently, Enamels, whenclassified in a system,can
are completelydifferent,althoughthey The compositeon the left has very poor h a v ea n u m e r ical
designation(I,2, or 3),
supposedlyshouldhavea verycloseap- opticalproperties.The compositeon the a shadeguidedesignation (Ai, 28, 3lvl3),
pearance. right,despitebeingverybrightand more
an alphabetical designation(XL, L, D) a
opaquewhenobserved underdirectlight, q uaIifying designation(light, medium,
majntainsa perfectbalancebetweenthe
dark),or evena name(pearl,ivorywhite,
amount of whitenessand translucency
facialenamel).Most enamelcomposites
are pairedwith a corresponding dentin
composite (eg,41 dentinandA1 enamel),
whilein othersystemsthe materialsare
sortedby Value(seepage247).
t._ -
172 173
The incisaledge is one of the most excitingareas Depending on the translucency found on the incisal
to study and understand. becausein this area are third,the shapeof the dentinmustbe adaptedto that
concentrated mostof the opticalphenomena we can situation.A thin dentinalcoreis requiredfor a highly
observein a tooih. translucent effect(1a, 1b), a mediumthicknessis
neededfor normaltranslucency (2a. 2b). and a thick
The jncisaledgeis formedexclusively of enamel,but layeris neededwhen this area is opaque(3a, 3b).
thirdcloseto themiddlethirdalsopossessesThesethicknesses
the incisal will determinethe spaceavailable
dentin.tvlanydegrees of translucency arefoundin this for opalescentmassesand enamel.
area,strongly dependent on the ratioof enamel-dentin
thickness,Toreproduce theincisalarea,we haveto play
withthethickness of thedentinal body.
When opalescentmasses are In. Opalescent
masses:The beautybehindthe enamel
serted, immediatelylight is trans
mitted more eJficiently throughev.
ery laye( g ving the incisa third a Unfortunatelythe productionof a cornpositeresinmaterlalv/iththe same
,l fer p'ope'ues :" i'e e-a-e c-'re'rt r s sl ll o 7 a p'o- se. Opa esce^ce
tle der' ^o'P s t' .1). Pe rs a- -r'r1s c c"a.acter s: c oi rle ralL'a erd'r-er.Spec'c opalescert
oard or 'L o tl-,'" - < n OS. (arl ._ .
-F,ooucel-ese eire- s especa r ,,r e-'tl-ey
err - 6 c< r n :cca < cl1 ^ | .1 htr
sible lo pre,i5ely drstinBLrish the are strongiy present. i\4anymanufacturersclaim that their enamelshave
end of the dentinalbody (1, 2, 3). natural opalescence,but scientificand clinical data indicatethat these
statementsdo not correspondwith reality.
Underdirectlightthe sectionsre.
vealthe diversecolorsof the dif.
f e r e n tlayers(4a,5a,6a).A btack
and whitepicturereveals the loss
of Value betweenthe different
thicknesses (4b,5b, 6b).Thefinal
enamellayerjncreases the tooth
Valueand slightlysmoothesthe
v i d i n ga naturalappearance thatis
especially visiblewithlightinterac.
t r on .
160 18r
Chapter 4
Jordi Manauta. Anna Salat
Interviewwith LorenzoVanini
' '
II IS nottruethatwe cansolveproblems
whatis neededis
- t\ r'A\.rl- /l\
.r l :- il- :o !; r ;i
Q: Opalescences, intensives,
and characterizations:
Howdid you cometo developthesetheoriesand gain
I acceptance?
to determinethe color
and to build a good restoration
colorchart,with my classlfication
in the anteriorteeth
these importantdimensions.
on the reverse
allowsprofessionals to communicate using numbers
and letters.Nothingsimilaris foundanywhere in the
internationalliterature,which meansthat everybody
Prof LorenzoVaninigraduatedwith degreesin medicineand
surgeryfrom the Unrversityof Paviaand has speni the last 30 speaks about color using only their personal
yearsworkingas a specialist with particular
in estheticdentistry, impressions-this is not scientific!
interest in the conservativerestorationof anterior teeth and
research relatedio compositeresindentalmaterials. Color determinationis the basis of and the most
important step in estheticrestorativepractice.From
He conceived a new methodfor colordetermination in dentistry this theory,I developed the iechniqueof anatomical
and a particular
technique for composite (1995)andthe composite
stratification systemEnamel
materials,widelyesteemedin the iniernational field todayand Plus,thefirstfluorescent composite.I introducedtheuse
adoptedas a teachingmethod by numerousuniversities in of the heaterto increasethe comoositetemoerature and
Europeandthe UnitedStates.At the sametime he hasworked,in therebyeliminatebubblesand improve polymerization
withGerman firms,on researchto develop innovative of the material.Most importantly,however,I wrote a
bookin whichI described all mytheoriesandtechniques;
He is an activememberof the ltalianSocietyof Conservative all the materialin the book is original,born from my
Dentistry,ltalian Academyof ConservaiiveDentistry,and the brain.Nowwe arestillworkingon the newHRi,the first
AmericanSocietyfor Dental Aesthetics.He gives advanced enamelcompositewith refractive indexof 7.62, and
proficiencycourses, bothlocallyand on an international level.He we are rapidlyimprovingthe physicalpropertiesand
is a professor
of restorative
dentisiryat the UniversiiyLa Sapienza, the qualityof this material.This is all I havedone:I
Rome,and visitingprofessor in esthetics at the Universityof the havecreateda colordetermination method,a layering
Mediterranean, l\4arsei
lle. technique, and a reallynewmaterial.
Workingwiththe chemistDr ThomNiem,ProfVaninihasplanned But now I havea questionfor you: I wouldliketo find
and developed the new EnamelPlusHRi composite(Micerium), out whatothershavedone.Whataretheir methodsfor
which has the same refractive indexas naturalenamel.he rs colordetermination,
theirtechniques for stratification,
the authorof numerouspublications and coauthorof the book
andtheircomposite systems?
ConservativeRestoiationof Anteriorleeth (Acme, 2005). He
maintainsa privatepracticein SanFedele,
I thinkthat answering
will be reallydifficult!
186 187
In naturalteeththereis a borderbetween Althoughwe siratify these three effects
enameland dentin,a highlyfluorescent between enameland dentinmaterials, jn
organiclayercalledthe dentinoenamelnaturalteeththesefeaturesnormallybe-
j un c t i on . long to the enamel.In somesituations,
can be part of the
Forthe purposesof stratification, there dentinor in contactwith the surface. To
is also an intermediate layer(lvlid)that simplifythis concept,we will treatthese
is createdafterthe dentinalbodyand be- propertiesas part of the intermediaie
iorethe finalenamellayer. layer(Mid).
. Intensives:Intensewhite featuresor
. Opalescences: Specialoptical proper.
tiesof transparenceand iridescence
. Characterizations:
tiesof certajnregionsof the tooth
To achieveinconspicuous incisaledges,opal- Opalescentcomposite characteristics:
escenceshouldbe a phenomenon occurring
naturallyin the material,withoutblue pig. Restorative materials shouldhavelightreflec.
ments,to be ableto reflectblue light under tion propertiessimilarto those of natural
directlight(1, 3, 5) andgenerate amberglints teeth. ldeallythe restorative materialmust
undertransmittedlight(2, 4, 6). Thedynam. have:
ic propertyof thesematerials(changingas
lightingdoes)enablesus to achievesubtle . Oneor moresmallinternalphases(fillersof
or intenseopalescence with a singlemass 380 io 500 nm) dispersed in the material.
simply by addingmore material.Examples . Highdispersion of all the internalphases.
of composiies specifically designed to repro- . Verydifferentrefractiveindicesbetweenthe
duceopalescences are TransOpal(Empress matrixandf iller.
Direct,lvoclarVivadent), OBN (EnamelPlus . Hightranslucency.
HFO,lVicerium), XT (Adonis,Sweden& Mar- . No stainsor pigments.
tina),and EffectBlue(lVliris 2, Colt6neWhale- . Compatibility wilh the restorative system.
dent)(7). The organicmatrixof composites
shouldserveas a freespacefor lightto travel Werecognize fivekindsof opalescence, classi-
freelyafterbeingscaiteredby composite fill' fiedfromtheyoungest to the oldestteeth.The
ers.To optimizelightdispersion, particlesiz- typesdependon the dentinalshape,whichwrll
es shouldbe slightlygreaterthanthe incident containthe opalescent masseson the incisal
wavelength (380to 500 nm). edgeand between mamelons.
We recognizethree basic pat. Cloud:Thereis a diffusewhite
ternsin intensive shapes: area,wlthsmallintense andweak
clusters.The limitsof theseare
1. Spot imprecise and not easilylocated.
2. Cloud Thesearethe mostfrequently ob-
3. Band servedintensivefeaturesand are
presented in variousintensities.
Spot: Thereis a uniformwhite
area.The borderof the spot is Band:Bandsshowa texturedpat-
welldefinedand insideits limits ternof whitebandsthat run hon-
is an uninterrupted or barelyin- zontaland parallelto eachother,
terruptedwhite spot. Spotsare normallyextending thefull length
associated with the most pow- of the facialor buccalarea.The
erful types of intensive;in other spacesbetweenthe bandsand
words,strongwhitetonesusually theirthicknesses areuneven. The
correspond to thistypeof stain. marginsbetweenthe bandsare
they are sharpthey givethe im-
198 199
+: This categoryis the least in. +++: This is the most intense
tenseand most translucent white white normallyfound in the ab.
of the iniensives.Theuseof such senceof pathologic conditions.lts
masses is clinically interesting.coloris similarto that of milk.De-
Whenusedin subtlethicknesses,spiteits opaqueaspect,it allowsa
it enhances the Valueof the area, smallpercentage of lightto pass
and if usedin higherthicknessesthrough.Generally thesekind of
it is ableto reproducewhite"con- massesare used in subtleincre'
fused" spots. ments.
Intensivemassescan be gener-
ated by mixinga bieachmass
(XW body, Filtek,3M) with a
whitestain.Wecanincrease the
strengthof the whiteby adding
morestainand areevenabieto
createparticular shades.
20s 2S1
Thethree intensivesizes Small Medium Large
The intensivescan coverbiggeror The intensivesoccupy less Theintensives occupy half or The intensivesoccupymore
smallerareasof teethwhilepreserv. thanone-third
of the coronal slightlylessthan half of the thanhalf and as muchas the
andlorshape. rur rdLe \ rdu rd r/ uuLLd rr. coronalsurface. entirecoronalsurface.
Whenwe understand the characteristics
of these intensive
(shape,size,and intensity),
features it becomeseasyto make
of the spotswe find in naturalteeth.
an accuratedescription
makingcommunication betweencliniciansand technicians
almostmathematic, but stillsimple,
We can use the aforementioned to describethe
featuresin the drawinEs:
(i) 2S++
(2)2 M++
2S1 2S5
l . ai: , :r 'il .rtyr
g i :,e
i l i rte'.i s ri rJ es
To performour intensivedesignil
is importantto havea completely
smooth surface,which is accom.
plishedby layeringthe dentinsand
+ho nnel p<noneec nr on i c al w
type 3 intensives
Mi l l i ngtec hn iq u e Modelingtechnique
2SB 209
Layeringcombinedi ntensives
Theintensives classification
is especially
for caseswithdifferentintensive types,
and sizes.As an example,we will developa tooth with threedifferent
210 211
{;.d 1
- .' f) a.':
Theseproperties basicallyappear
in white,amber,and is
importantnot to confusewhite
characterizationswith intensives.
Accordingto the LorenzoVanini
of characterization:
1. Differentiatedmamelons
2. IVliddlethirdtonalitychange lr'.,;
3. IncisaI halo :.:i'r
4, Amber/brown spot
5, Fissures ':'a
Thefirstcharacierization belongs
to the dentin,and the re ma in in g
four belongto the enamelstruc'
The first characterizationcompris.
es the bodylayerin the mamelons
area,whichis chromatically distin-
guished from restof the dentin;this
colorchangemaybe amberor white
and is oftenfoundin young(white)
and adult teeth (amber).The best
methodfor achievinga successful
lype I characterization
is the useof
(5) Place the final enamel (10) Place the high chro-
layer. maticitymass,
(6) Finis ha n d p o lis h . ( 1 1 ) P l a c et h e f i n a le n a m e l
( 1 2 ) F i n i s ha n d p o l i s h .
Type 2 characterizationin-
volvesthe middlethird of the
buccalsurface.A subtlecolor
change,whichmay be amber
or white,can be appreciated.
Thistypeis verysimilarto the
but witha
type 1 classification
tures lead to an increaseor
a decrease in chromaticityof
the tooth, dependingon the
colorof the characterization.
216 217
This characterizationcorre. Whitehalo:An opalescence phe-
s p o nd sto th e i ncisalhalo,which nomenonoccursat the incisal
is an opticalphenomenon arising edgewhenthe whitelight is di.
fromthe opalescence itselfor to- videdin two: red (absorbed) and
getherwith counteropa lescence. blue(reflected),Whenprismsare
Physically, it doesnot exist. ableto reflectboth red and blue
light,a whiteeffectwill be manr-
As wasexplained previously (see fested.Normallythis occurson
page 190), when Iight hits the the outlineof the incisaledge.
incisaiedge,the longwaves(red
liohl) .ro sc th e eniir c c nar 4gl Amber halo:Whenprismshave
wilhoutbeingreflected eitherin. a particulararrangement, some-
ternallyor externally, while the timesbluelig h twill b e t ra n s mit -
short waves(blue light)are re. ted andredlightreflected, result-
flectedbackto our sight,result. ing in an am b e rh a lo ,a s h a p p e n s
ing in the commonlyobserved in the counteropalescence phe,
blueincisaledges. nomenon.
A tooth entirelymodeledwith
an opalescentmass shows a
b l uishcolor under direct light
( 1 ) . Whenthis sametooth,illu-
m i natedwith the samelight,is
rotated 30 degreestoward us
(2), a full light reflection
in the incisaledgearea.A white
s t r ip will appearwhereactually
no while pigmentwhatsoever is
p resent.
St r a i g h i h al o b u i l d u p i e chnique
( 1 ) lV odelthe desireddenlina ls h a p e .
leaving enoughspacefor the incisal
(2) Placea small incrementof white
mass(+) in the incisaledgeof the
(3) With a microspatula (Applica,LM
instruments), contour this mass
fromthe insideandoutwardto give
a unilormand continuous appear.
ance.In this caseonly half of the
halo is placedand then polymer.
(4) Completethe incisalhalowith the
samewhite mass,
Thesametechniqueis usefulwhenthe
incisaledgeis not completely
Suggested colors:
A0, A0.5, ++
772 273
Chro m a ti sp
c o t:
accumulationof pigments,
Eitherbyleakage, d isharmonies
in the enamelprismsstructure,or any combination of
amberor brownspotscan appearon
the facialenamel.Thesespotsareoftenlocatednearthe
incisaledge;theyalwayshavea translucent appearance
and highchromaticity.
I :
-L+rL v^ lLl u
Lt Et . ^t ^r t^d+L: t^t J^P
^ ^vL
+ ,.
(i) l\4odel
the deniinalbodyand opalescent effects.
(2) Placea mixtureof translucent amberandlightbrown
stainin a roundedshape. Suggestedcolors:
(3) Placethe facialenamel,polymerize, and polish.
(4) Digitallyenhanced pictureof the finishedtooth.
(5) Modelthe dentinalbodyand opalescent effects.
(6) Placea mixtureof translucent amberanddarkbrown
stainin a roundedshape. Suggestedcolors:
(7) Placefacialenamel,polymerize, and polish. ambermixedwith
(8) Digitallyenhanced pictureof the finishedtooth. dark brown
271 225
Fissures,cracks,and fractures
are probablyone of the
Type5 characterizations
featuresof teeth,be'
causemanylackthe knowledge to reproducethem
methodto reproduce
or usean inaccurate them.
276 727
Forthesetechniques it is importantto takeadvantage
of probably oneof the mostimportantadvantages of
compositeresins,whichis the abilityto hardenthe
materialat the chosenmoment.
It is mandatoryto obtain
a wall as perpend icular
as possibleto the buccal
surface. Soft composite
resins are not ideal for
this technique because
they melt easilyand give
r ^ ,,n .la .l ahr nac
The secretof this techniqueis to place the facial
enamellayerin variousincrements,dependingon
the number of crackswanted.
sible .
A small increment of Gani l o nrpccrrro nn tho Once tho inr rp mp n t i< nn.
23S 231
We can developas many The tooth cracksare illu-
cracksaswewantor aswe minatedwith direct light
can fit in the restoration, (4), transmitted light
according to the needs.In at I1Ole (5), transmit-
the naturaltooth,multiple ted light al 75/o (6), and
fissures are often trans- transmittedlight at 25%
parentand white. (7). The cracks are ex-
737 733
DevotoW Cllnicalprocedurefor producingaestheticstratified
composite resin restorations.Pract Proced Aesthet Denl 2OO2;
231 235
Jordi Manauta. Anna Salat
Interviewwith DavidKlaff
"Orderis pleasure
of the reason,
but disorderis
delightof the imaginatio n."
qr Lrll'r'ritfl r,-Ji{i
Q: Howhasyourpracticechanged withyourknowledge
of the correctclassification
of teethaccordine
to their
color features?
A: The abilityto communicate
and discussthe shade
ZZBN of a toothhasalwaysremaineda complexanddifficult
process,whetherbetweenpatientanddentistor dentist
and dentaI technician.
RonGoldstein wrote,"lf the eyesarethe windowof the soul,then Determining the shadeof a particulartooth using
the smileis the windowof the heart." classicshadeguideshasalwaysprovedto be inaccurate
and imprecise,evenwith the development of more
Dr DavidKlaff has spent 42 years in dental practice,first as a gu
scientific ides.
generalpractitioner,thenas a prosthodonticspecialist,
the skillsto perfectthe smilesof his patients.Overthe years,he Digitalshade-charting
althougha promising
hasestablished expertisein restoringnaturalstructure,
form,and currentlyremainsjustthat,promising.
functionand providing naturalesthetics.
of a classification
He hasbecomerecognized as a leaderin adhesivedentistry,and the alternatives
in the choiceof shade matching,
his skills includefully comprehensive diagnosisand treatment whichis a highlydesirablesituation,improvingboth
planning, expertisein restoring singleand multiplejmplants;and communication and accuracy.
)i designingrestorations that provide excellentlongevity
and ultimate
ii estheticresults. Distinctanddefinitive
choicescanbe madein thetooth
matching process;the variations
in tooth morphology
Dr Klaffis a memberof the BritishAcademyof AestheticDentistry, and opalescenteffectscan be mappedin a fashion
the European AcademyofEstheticDentistry, theAmericanAcademy understandable by all involvedin producingthe
of EstheticDentistry,and the AmerrcanAcademyof Restorative restoration.
Dentistry, and currentlyhe is the treasurerof the lnternational
Federation of EstheticDentistry.He teachesnumerouscoursesin systemshavedefinitelyeasedthe process
adhesionand compositerestorations everyyear. of toothmatchins.
i zqs 711
717 713
We recognizemanydegreesof chromaticity,ranging
from the lightercolors,A0 (bleach),
to dark47. The
mostfrequentlyusedareA2 and A3.
In 0 ln 1 ln 2 In 3 ln 5
UUI I Out 2 Out 3 Out 4
Fourenamelvaluesare recognized:
. 1 (bleach;+++)
. 2 (young;++;
. 3 (adult;+)
. 4 ( e l d e r l y-;)
Translucent shade:TS1(+++),TS2(++),TS3(+)
Universal Enamel:UE1(+), UE2(++),UE3(+++)
GenericEnamel:GEl (+),GE2(++),GE3(+++1
Incisal:lL (+++),lM (++),lD (+)
Translucent: TL (+++),TN (++), TD (+)
Vita:Ai (+++),A2 (++),A3 (++),43.5 (+), A (-)
E n a m e l : A 1 (E+ + + ) ,4 2 E( + + ) .A3E(++).43.5E(+),A E (-)
Intensity: XL (++++),L (+++),lvl(++),D (+)
Manufacturer: pearl,ivory,neutral,clear,etc
.q&hrava Jivc,qeLeg.Eqnqe.
distlng!,,it-t1ad tl.pqtqxqe{Ke'
L Thr€slT!.€lrektnc
A mu,i,ttiiB lorit*
types,sorted by age.Althoughthe aetng OFale6:seiia.e,
fuctor is highly varisble,opalescenc€ ,hlesqnee &' M$ltiplernamdlo. nF 1 usually. co.r'r'espandsto newly OlEilesseilee.4,:.
ej'uptedkstfi lidlbqulBsrpatie$$,.rbnd Pfoxlf|Alopa'lp'efenee,
i! fbundir teeth inw,htbh,theirsir
haswoi.n!n tngdultp.c0ettts.
hf dalbrlnto grgy"anlb,eiblqe.€tdi
one,,whit*rls *re natcl'
rat h!1€.d4rFM fidnl xhes!-friplqlicht
in rlhd]frEpenamei.
X .OFaleseenee,S 3
Qpalescence Opalescerrce4 0pfile*9]cerr$e
lntensives lntensive
25S 251
The classificationof characterizations correspondsCharacterization type 3: Incisalhalocharacterization.
exactlyto Vanini's
colortheory. Theeffectcan be white,amber,or the combination of
both.Manymassesand manycolorscanbe used(see
Characterizaliontype 1: lvlamelonsdisplaya different chapter4),
colorfrom the rest of the dentinalbody,The varieties
are white,amber,and a combinationof both. This Characterization type 4: Chromaticspot. The color
followstheshapeof ihe opalescence,variety may range from a translucentamber io a
withthree,four,or multiplemamelons. translucent dark brown.They may come in various
sizes;the largestspotsusuallyarefoundin the elderly
Characterizationtype 2: Colorincreasesor decreases and aredueto pigmentinfiltration.
in the middlethird.Thecolorcan be whiteor amber,
but colorcombination rare.It is possible Characterization
is extremely
to find a powerful,almost-brownamber, usually in different
type5: Cracks,fissures,andfractures
shape,sizes,and colors.
L--l t*-rJ
associated withpathologic conditions.
type 3 white Characterization
type 3 amber
L.J LJ .fr
Characterization type 1 white Characterization
type 1 amber type 4
type2 white
Characterization type2 amber
Characterization Characterization
type 5
252 253
Colormust be takenin order-ln, Out,opalescences, and
Evencomplexteethcanbe classified.
?56 257
Ch a p t e r6
PalataI Features
Jordi Manauta. Anna Salat
Interviewwith SmileAcademy
ll Perfection
is achieved,
notwhenthereis flOth ing
moretO add, ort whenthere
tot?ke aW ay "l ,
Antoinede Saint-Exup6ry
Tffi Q: Arecolorandfunctioncompaiible?
762 263
The palatalsurfaces
of maxillaryteethhavea closerelationship
with posterior
and cuttingmovements.
,''s,. .
761 t.l
'r'vi:e /-1.
Flat palatalanatomy. Thereare
very slight differencesbetween Differentiatedpalatal anatomy
the variousanatomicalstruu- I ridgeand two lin-
with a lingua
tures;the lingualfossa,the cin- gualfossae.
gulum,and the proximalridges
Tir r-ro ?
Minimalpalatalanatomy. There
are slight differencesbetween DifferentiatedpalataI anatomy
the variousanatomicalstruc. withtwo linguaI ridgesandthree
tures.Thelingualfossa,the cin. linguaI fossae.
gulum,and the proximalrldges
are roundedand not very differ-
Differentiated palatalanatom
Structuresare more o itterenti- palaiaI anatomy
ated.Thelingualfossaendsin a withthreeor morelingualridges
pit, and the cingulumis split by andfouror morelingualfossae.
the linguaI groove.
266 767
A s t a nda r d d e n tin The marginalridgesare l I i c nra{orahl o +n hrri l rl Internal gradient layers lVamelonsare character- Afterthe intensive is even'
stratificationis needed increasedwitha lesschro- one ridge at a time. will be dev-.loped fromthe izedwithan lightintensive ly distributed,this effeci
to startthe palatalsur. maticdentin. bottomof the lingualpit white(+) effect. provides a naturalappear-
face. u s in ga b ro wns t ai n . ance,
The opalescentmass Marginalridges are en- T h e c in g ulu m a n d lin g u a l It is importantto create F l ni s hi n g i s a c c o m p l i s h e d Polishing is accomplished
i s p l a c edi n th e i ncisal hancedwith a whiteopal. ridge are also modeled t h e lin g u a lp it s if s t a i n s witha diamondbur, w i t h d i a m o n da n d a l u m i .
edge. escentenamel. with white opalescent haveto be addedin later n,rrn
^Y i .l a
nrc + ae
e n ame t . steps.
268 769
The startingpoint is a correctly Opalescent massis modeledin the An orangestainis p la c e din t h e l i n . The marginalridgesand cingulum It is also importantto modelthe A dark brownstain is placedin
stratifieddentincore. incisalarea.It is importantio re. BU dt tu55d dt gd l a subtlelayerof are coveredwith a subtlelayerof enamelby sectors.As the incisal the crackarea.ln the incisalabra-
spectthe facialshapeas well, a b o u t0 . 2 mm. enamel.lndependentlayeringof edgeis approached, it is important sion, a hybrid compositemixed
each area allowsformatlonof a to modelthe desiredshape,in this with brownstainmusi be placed.
c r a c ki n t h e c i n g u l u m . casean aDraston. Stainsarenot idealfor largeareas.
little space,we can reproducea
highlycharacterized restoration.
i s a l m ostlikea stainingtechnique
but withthe addedbenefitof cre.
Oneby one,the lingualridgesand Independentmodeling of each Marginal ridges are constructed
the cingulumare modeledwith a structureallowsgreateraccuracy. with ihe same white color (either
white or a bleach
light intensive dentinor intensive),
2/8 7/1
Thefollowing a richpalata
seriesdetailshowto develop andpolishing
I surfacebyfinishing
with bursand abrasive
materials. Thenecessaryinstruments aredescribed in detailin
Developmental are T h e o r n n vp c :r e ch: no.l Lingual ridges will be
marked near the incisa
I delicately, to preventthe shapedto producea type5
edge. creationof violentmarks. palataI anatomy.
277 2/3
5. of materialallowgreateraccuracy
Smallincrements in modeling.
4. A stratifiedpalatalsurfaceclarifiesrestoration
thicknessand if the
tooth hassufferedwear.
5. Successful of a palatalsurfaceis
and integration
7/1 275
Chapter 7
Posterior Teeth
Jordi Manauta. Anna Salat
Interviewwith FrancescoMangani
3 3 Gi v em e a
a n da p l a c et o s t a n d
a n d I w i l l m o v eth e world.),
Arch i me d e s
I ilnil importantin posterior
Q: Whyis stratification
it doneonlyto improveesthetrcs?
2BE 281
A correciunderstandingof toothstructuresand
of enameland dentinallow
us to performaccuratereconstruction of the
Functionand esthetics
aresynonymous, andthe
proofof thisassertion
is the posterior
, 'ca ci i nr ' , : - , . ^i" r' -i .r1 a ' i -i ;;; t:= ri rri r n-r.
Thesecretto fabricatingesthetic
andfunctional posteriorteethis to generatecorrectand precise
occlusalanatomy. lt has beenwell proventhat single.shade stratification
techniques solvethe
majorityof casescorrectly.Toachievea corTect anatomy throughlayering,we propose a sectional
modeling technique in whichoneincrement is usedfor eachcusp,Eachoneof theseincrements, Once the transveTseridge is po-
whencorrectly modeled, resemble pizza slices.Theprocedure is startedwiththe simplestcusp, lymerized, the distolingual cusp is
andthenonecuspis addedat a timeto acquiremoreanatomical referencesto definetheremaining modeled, and the distal sulcus will
and moredifficultstructures.Thechoiceof the firstcuspandthe orderof layering arepersonal, be defined at the same time.
butwesuggest startingwith theeasiest(mostregular-shaped andmedlum.sized) cuspandworking
towardthe mostdifficult(irregularly
shapedand large.or verysmallsized) cusp.
Thelargercusp(mesiolingual), which
at the beginningwas the most diffi'
cult to model,nowwill be easyto de.
velopfrom all the previously
anatomical references,
A sectioned on a max-
stratification The mesiobuccalcusp is initiated
illaryleft molarwill be performed witha smallincrement
of compos-
in whitecomposite as an example. l Lc l c5l l l . l rl l s l5 tl l e ca5l esl UUSp
The procedure will be startedon on lhis molar becauseo[ ils regu-
an occlusal ClassI cavitywithvery lar shape. Before polymerization,
fewanatom icalreferences. slopeswill be developed,and the
limits,whichmust be locatedat the
main sulcuswhere the rest of the Thefinalappearance shouldbe a mo.
cuspswillconverge,will be detined. lar with richanatomy,
tions and depressions,
and a harmo-
ni nr rc rpor rl ar < ' rrfa.p
i/'h I
iwl lVodeling
of an occlusalsur-
face requiresthree specific
(8a) A roundedmicroplug-
oar + ^ . la \ / a l^ n c l^ n a (
(Bb)A sablebrushsoakedin
modelingliquid to smooth
the slopes and remove
781 285
Mesial BuccaI Palatal
T ho mociel hrrn-
Ld r, dru pdrdrdl
A h roma.
ticity dentin(46)
ic n lr . o . l in +hp
n eck, fading in
the middle th ird.
ed with the same
dentin(A3) while
the marginalridge
is modeled.
786 287
The previoussteps leavea Thefirst layerof the occlu. The spatulais usedto draw TheoDalescent materialis olacedon the axialwallsof eachcuspand blendedfromthe top
circumferential structure sal surface!s madewith a a sketch of the occlusal of the cuspto about2 mm in an apicaldirection.Thepresence of the opalescence
and emptyocclusalsurface. high-Chromadentin com- anatomy.Now the material be unnoticeable.
posite(A6),whichis nol po- ;c
^^l \/m ar i ?p.l
2BB 7E9
The previoussteps createda Thelayering of theocclusalenam. Distobuccalcusp buildup is Therestoraiion is shownafterthe finalenamelcompositemodelingand beforethe finishingand polishing
circumferentialstructure("fish el compositeis started.The sec. complishedwithout invad ing stage.Althoughsomeglossis apparent, this effectis the resultof the uncuredcompositein the oxygen.
mouth") that leavesspace for tional (pizza)technrqueis used, naturallimit (buccalgroove). inhibitedlaver.
the occlusal
surface. siarting with the mesiobuccal
cusp,whichis the easiest.
A brown.orangesulcus(seepage
295) has been developed with
brownin the centerand orange
in the periphery.
29S 291
Afierdentinis modeledand before Cuspsmust be characterized one Theocclusalsurfacegainsnatural- Withthe properorder,all the buc- As cuspsaremodeled, morerefer. The completionof siratification
the enamellayeringbegins,small at a time. Each cusp can hold nesswhenmanyof thesemicroin. udr L u -p r d rs B c i rs r d L c u , e n c e sa r eg a i n e dt.h u ss i m p l i f y r n g shouldbe easyafterall cuspshave
increments (+)
of white intensive manyrolls,depending on its size, .rarnan+c rra nl r.prl thosethat werethe mostcomplex heon n r e v in , r c lv n n : . lo
are placedin a "roll "shape(see but normallythereareoneto four. at the beginn ing.
I2a, IZb).
Enamelcompositeis placed on Withthe sameenamelcomposite, After polymerization the next cusp A brown-ocher stainis developed, F i n i s hingand polishingare com-
the externalwallsto createa fish each cusp is coveredone by one, alwaysgenerating
is characterized, withbrownin the centerandocher pleted.
mouihand enablebuildingof the startingfrom the easiest,in this the sulcusthat will determine their in the periphery.
occlusalsurfacewith the sectional casethe mesiobuccalcusp. d ivision.
Incrementsmust be done in a
white composjteresin,placedin
For highly characierizedoccrusaI very small amountswith a fine
surfaces,we suggestthe use of rP arurd drru d r u|| 5 dP tr.
white effects,especia
lly in areas
whereenamel th icker.
An occlusalstain is generally, in. 0i ange:A slightchromaticstain
terpretedasthe resultof that blendswith the dentinand
perspective and is a difficulttaSk looksalmosttransparent. A flow'
that oftenfails. able43 compositeis suitableas
we .
The classificationwe propose Ocher:An intermediate.intens ity
10 types of stain.
distinguishes stainthat is visibleas a reddish
whichare generatedfrom a two. (lightbrown)stain.
color mixture, in the center Brown:A hrgh.intensity brownslain
andonein the periphery. thatis the mostcommonstain.
Bla c k :T h eh ig h e s t . in t e n ssitt ya in .
representing the most opaque
291 795
It is important to distinguish
occlusal characterizations not
only by color,but also by shape,
location,anddispositlon if we are
to simulatethemcorrectly.
796 797
An old tungstenbur is modifiedwith a A roundedNo. 1/2 diamond The mainsulci are redefined The restoration is sandblast'
diamonddisk. Both instrumentsmust bur ls used to developthe a secondtime withthe modi' ed at 2-har pressure from a
be rotatingduringthis procedure; trim- slopesthatcharacterize
each fied bur. 1O'cmdistance to remove the
min g s h o u ldc o n t in u eu n t il a f ine t i p i s ridgefrom eachcusp,widen. d e b r i sf r omthe milling.
created. ing from ihe bottomto the
798 299
Workingwith Ceramics
306 307
and polymerization
2. Materialcontraction deptharestillproblems. New
materialsthai promisethe abilityto applythick layersarejust more
transparentand containa greateramountof catalyst,whichmeans
that theyarelessestheticand haveinferiormechanical properties.
4. Stainapplication
becomesan involuntary
to modela
3SB 309
Ch a p t e rB
ic Phenome n a
Jordi Manauta. Anna Salat
Interviewwith SerhiyRadlinsky
,=? \)
,^ 9"
ye,.=a"--= (^
-* ),-*O-gFh-;'.'
.;:-o.-.>''=^'=1-_-ta-,q--' '=L{ :
t; --.-- -L>-
')-.--/v ^:
f-X'lt'x--- -+W- -',\
V i.
\\ \)
Q: For completeintegration
of estheticrestorations,
sometimes physiologic
defectsof teethmustbe repro-
duced.In whichcasesdo you thinkthis is the correct
311 315
P henomena
Phy siologic Delicatemixingwill generatetwo indispensable colors,opaqueorangeand
opalescentbrown.More colorscan be generateddependingon the case,
althoughthesetwo colorswill sufficefor the majorityof cases.
of age-related Materialsrequired:
for reproduction
316 317
Cervicaldefects:Attrition,Abrasion,and Pigmentation
By followingthe layeringtechnique
correctly,we can easily create a
cervical defect with a diamond
disk. This milling will uncoverthe
deep chromaticlayersand achieve
Naturalopalescent is layeredin the The final enamel layer must be Thefinishingstagedefinesthe pri.
the color effectswe are seeking.
fr a p <n e .a
l a fi i n i h a i n .i c.a l a n d smoothand as closeas possible to maryand seconda ry anatomy.
proxtmaI areas. fha fi nrl .l ac i ra.l c h2na
318 319
CervicalDefects:Erosionand Pigmentation CervicalDefects:Erosion,Pigmentation,
and IncipientCaries
T massesplay an rmpor-
tant rolein increasingthe
g lls Thewallscanbeincreased
A dentincoreof the de- The palatalwall is creat. Wh ilet h e re ma in inwa
siredcoloris obtained. ed with a medium-Valueare built,the dentincore moreif necessa ry.
enamel. should be surrounded by
t h e in c is ael n a me l.
I incisa
I edge is shown
(13a). When opalescent
T lookingdefect(14a),but
the strongcoloris not evi'
A chromaticdentin(A6) A dark brown stain is The incisal edge is filled
is placed,and a grooveis placedto fill ihe groove. with the modified opaque
modeledin ihe center. orangedentin.
322 323
Erosion Fignrentation
The fissureis closedwith the A high.glosspollsh must be
remaining facialenamel.Once achieved. Theabsenceof tex.
the composrteis polymerized tures and incisal irregular-
the modifiedopalescentbrown ity are importantto replicate
will be placedin the cervical agedteeth.
321 325
3?6 327
Ch ap t e r 9
Pathoog ic Phenome n a
Jordi Manauta . A nna S al at
altltlrrtm(| G(rndl}i
ttff Si^tii4^d[itTI]..i+^.T,*
6'#, tr
:1: i.
Q: lt is controversialto advocate of
the reproduction
pathologicphenomenain restorations. Why do you
thinkit is imoortantto knowhowto do it?
33? 333
In a course,during the hands-ondemonstrations,I asked,"Whathaveyoudone?
participantsgenerally At onecourse,
a participantcameto me and askedme a very,very "Well,I havetriedto restoreit withverydarkcolorslike
q uestio
interesting n: a C4,but alwayswith an unsatisfactory outcome."
Note:I am stillawaiting
Note2: the picturescamewhilethis bookwas being
f inishe d .
featuresin teethoffera wide rangeof colors
rarelyseenin healthyteeth.
Stratifyingthesecharacterisiics,notonlyto solvebizarre
cases,but alsoto acquirea deepappreciation of dental
color,increases our abilityto identifycolorand become
skilledln stratification
and modellng.
Beforethe enamel layer of a An incrementof a milky white
posteriortooth is placed,a car. compositeis placedwith a de-
ies lesionwill be stratifiedon a pressionin the middleto house An incrementof a milkywhite To highlight the effect, an An ocherstainis placed,slight-
proximalsurface. the stains. compositeis placedwith a de- opaque white stain is placed ly coveringsome of the areas
pression in its centerto house in some areasof the created of whitecharacterization.
the stains. crrcte.
This type of characterization
has only two applications,
artistic and the educational.
However,these photograPhs
are the ones that arousethe
most curiosltyin lecturesand
coursesbecause of the appar-
ent complexity of the restora
A milky white composite resin An orangestainis also placed After polymerization is com-
is placed inside the ename as a liner,io beginenhancing pleted,an ocherstainis placed
wall for a decalcificationeffect, the Chromato the maximum in the sameway,this time in-
A high.Chromadentin (A6) is tevet. creasingthe amountof mass
placedas a liner in the floor of andthusthe innervolume.
the cavity.
A recentlystratifiedand pol' A No. 2 round e dd ia mo n db u r An irregularshapeis maoe Io Darkbrownstainis usedto fill A blackstainis placedas the Thecavityis closedwith milky
ished composiieresin tooth is usedat low speedto create improvethe naturaI appear- mostof the cavityand saturate finalchromaticlayer.
Themass white and enamelcomposite
will be transformed. a cavity,leavinga thin layerof anceof the lesion. the lesionbody. used in this case was dark resins. This effect cannot be
the facialenamel. brownstain mixedwith black m echanicallypolished.
338 339
Thissituationis probablywherewe find the strangest
colorsand the mostcomplicated
is importantto knowhowto reproduce thesestainsfor
the followingTeasons:
. lt is highlyprobable a patient
that we will encounter
withsuchstains(depending on the country).
. lt helpsus to understand dentalcolor.
. lt improves our abilityto stratify.
A root is constructed We mustlearnto develop The mixture of dentin, Corrections can be car- Betweentheamberspots, Somenaturalopalescent The same opalescentis An orange stain is used
from a dentincomposite many dentin intensities. now saturated with dark ried out to obtainthinner some white intensiveis is placed in the incisal usedto developa type 2 to make the division be-
massmodifiedwithocher ln ihi< eaco laee
brown, helps to create wallsor structures. placedto createopaque a r e aa n d p r o x i m awl a l l s . characterization to create tween bands more evi-
s t a i n .T he p a la talw all is stainand a smallam o u n t a band typical in these enamelaTeas. a transparentband that dent.
formedwith a high-Va lue of brown stain we re teeih. will act as a filter,
enamelcom ite. pos mixedwithihe dentin.
A mixtureof dentin,or- A n amber o pale s c ent Near the proximalarea, Forthe final layera high' The finalized stratifica- Theflnishingand polish-
d | |B g 5 c d||t, d ||ri d r||r dr l u ssu tu prdut lntensivespotsare mod' valueenamelcomposite tion reveals how every ing make ihe interna I
amountof brownis used some c ha racter izations eledin a stripedshape. is used to developtwo mass behaves underthe characterization
to buildthedentinalbody. in ih e in ci< a I p r lo e whitefissures. tr||d|| rer LU ,|| P U r rrc . again.
340 311
M i l d f l u o r o si s Strongfluolosis Severefluorosis
A cientrncore with a
four-mamelon (type 2)
upd tr5s tr||Le \La. LU ,
2.\ ic { .:hf i .r+ arl Thi c
can vary,depending on
the tooth that is being
prdLc u u|| LU p uL L||tr
lighter intensives(3a,
Poweri ntensive
features The last enamel com-
nnc i l o l l ,or;c n l r.a.l
Dark brown
/6a 5h 5,^\ nv prqharl -
O n :n r r c rrr: n oe owing the u nderlying
A composite speaking,
mixtureis not ideal,chemically andthesemasses where enamel is miss.
are not corrmerciallyavailable. requirelong curing
Thesetechniques ing, a modified dentin
. ^ rn n n q i t a rp c i n .2n
polislirg .
l i 14esandexhaustive
d ||||dr rd y e '
3. Toothdefectsarereproduced purposes.
for artisticand educational
316 317
Ch a p t e r1 O
Surfaceand Po ishi n g
Jordi Manauta. Anna Salat
Interviewwith RicardoMitrani
the correctintegration
of an estheticrestoration?
352 353
Suggested m
. Burs:Periocare diamondbur831.524(Dentacare)
. Disks:OptiDisc (Kerr)
. Rubber:OneGloss Set (Shofu)
. Brush:Goat-hair brush(Micerium)
. Felt:Feliwheel(Micerium)
. Pastes:ShinyA (Micerium),ShinyB (Micerium),
ShinyC (Micerium)
with aluminum ldentoflex(Kerr):Rubberpolishers withdiamondabra. ShinyG (Micerium):
brush. Cerium(lV) oxide(Generic). N
particleson removable
oxideabrasive stainless
steel siveoarticleson stainless
steelfixedmandrels. ShinyF (Micerium):
Softfelt disk. C|
manoret5. J
Sgqndhiy andis,i-ry
. Roundedridges
. RoundedproximaI areas
. Straight,/ovalcervix
. Short appearance
. Strong texture
. Rounded,unevenincisal edge
. Ro u n d edangles
. Youngteeth
. Feminine teeth
. Nonwornteeth
. Textured teeth
Ceramist: AlbertoViIlanuev
a, Zaragoza,Spain.
. Parallelridges
' Paralel proximalareas
. Straighicervix
. Shortappearance
. Softtexture
. Flatincisaledge
. Straightangles
Associated with:
. Olderteeth
. lvlascu
. Wornteeth
. Slighttexture
Ceramist: AlbertoViIlanueva,
. Converging
. Converging
. Roundedcervix
. I nno an n a : r r n . o
. Adult teeth
. Feminine teeth
. Largeteeth
. Gi n g i vallos s
361 ,
i.::*:i:,, ={}, (*.-o-to-,,
, rz,n.sil, .
rvat .,t., , )),' , 0^-- t Vt'^
i ." ?,' :., cvacl:
) ;r;-t" r , , \,' -,' -t' ' ,
tsasicFolishimgFrocedures I zu*r . = tOLt, , r - t,.- :i ,
- p\.a..e 1v '- '
: t,,r , r '.
'r; .'l '-i' ;-.
.{(.,],..1 r{
- i'"c1'sf-' '' 'r'.- A 3-pmdiamondpasteis em- A 1 - p md i a m o n dp a s t ei s e m . A aluminumoxidepaste
ployedwith a naturalgoat-hair ployedwitha naturalgoat-hair is employedwith a felt wheel
brushusedat 1,000rpm with brushusedat 1,000rpm with u sedal I,000 rpm with no wa-
no water and ai 10,000rpm no water and at 10,000rpm ter and at 20,000 to 30,000
with abundantwater.A high withabundant water.lf no high rpm with abundanlwaler.An
gloss should be noticea ble glossis evidentaftercomplete extremely highglossshouldbe
after this step. Prophylaxis removalof the paste,we must evidentafter this step.lf it is
brushesare not suitablefor returnto the abrasiverubber nol,we musfreturnto previous
this task. poInts. stages.
Toemphasize thetoothsurface The resultis plainlyevident:a
and what we have achieved. perfectlypolished composite
the toothhasbeencoatedwith restoration that will resistthe
silverpowderto makesurface passageof time and the hos-
textureevident.ln this case,a tile oral environment more ef-
f lat toothwascreated. fectively.
366 367
step hy step
u0 The nextstep is to start The lobescan be divided Thesecondary anatomyis It is possibleto generate
reproducing the second- witha finediskor a modi- drawnwith a pencil.The grooves withthe dlamond
ary anaiomy,in this case fi e r l h r r r r /n ao e 2 a R \ groovesand depressions bur, moved gently from
the divisionof the lobes. of the lobesareshown. mesialto d istaL
A rubber point can be The same rubber point A npnc i l ic rrc a.l ln The pencil lines are re-
usedto smooththe rough is usedto givean initial draw some developmen- produced,one by one,
textureleft by the bur. glossto the restoration. tal grooves:parallel, nar- with the bur tip, whichis
row,and winding. movedcarefully, following
the samehorizonta I paih.
It is szridthat hybridcom posite resins are clifficult It is true that a hybrid compositerequiresmore The naturalappearance of a restoratiorr
is largely A snrooth surface will let light pass through
to po sh and nraintaln.The clin ca rea ty s that inr a'd,"tler'o- d-"'rg pol s'i g I . deterrninedby the sLrrface nrorphology.The vrzry eas ly. vlhi e a texiured surface,,vil create rnore
-r rges.
it is possibleto obtain ideal surfaceswith such not easy lo oblarn ,r high gloss,bJL.once a hr6h rn which light interactswith a smooth surfztce rellections,thereforesignificantlyinfluencing the
materials,ancl, becauseof their conrposition, gloss is obtained, hybrid materials have been is completelydifferentfrom the way in which it coior appearanceof the tooth.The manufacturer
they provideoptirnalstabilityovertime. shown to be more stable than microfilledand interactswith a texturizedsurface. does not reconrendthe intraoral use of this
nanofilledcomposites. powoer.
Folishingand color
377 373
The initialsituationshowsa fake glossihat correspondsto the oxygen-inhibited
Goat.ha ir brush Goat'hairbrush Feltwheel
the rarycompo;ite resin on the su-rfac.e
+ 3- p mdiamond + 1-pmd ia mo n d + 1'pm aluminum oxide i\sl/r: 'cL('t' c
r-''" q
11t{,.'-.1-, 'r'(1
?,a.u. -
371 375
A stone cast ready to receivethe
estheticwax'up. lt is important
to have a well.trimmedand well-
presentedtype 4 stoneprepared.
Wax-upAs a Toolfor Morphology
and Layering
376 377
1) provides
the mamelons.This is done at low
Me d iu m. V a lueen a me lis p l a c e da t
a verylow temperature (98"C)so it
meltsdelicately with the underlying
d e n t in .O n c ec o o le d t, h e w a x - u pi s \
contoured witha sharp,hardspatula
(Nystromll, LM Denta l),
ProximalareasaTedefinedwith a
No . l1 s c a lp e l.T h e in it ialg l o s si s
obtainedwith a toothbrush and wax
lubricant(lVicrofilm, Kerr).For the
highgloss,a dry microfiber clothis
nreae.l tha c,,r{r.o
^vor /
378 379
wax-upis, at the sametime,the beginning
andthe endof a successfultreatment."
"Waxf iguressometimes
380 381
1. Thefinalappearance
of a restoration
is directlyaffected
by its shape
and surface.
3, Progressivepolishingisthekeyto avoiding
to therestoration's
textureand surfacecharacteristics.
382 383
DanieleRondoni. FerranPiug . Jordi Manauta. Anna Salat
Interviewwith GalioGurel
3BB 389
Normalgingivais cl.raracterized
clinically byits pinkcolor,firm
consistency, scallopedmargins,firm interdental papillaethat
fill thespacebelowthecontactareas,andabsence of bleeding
on gentleprobing.Specialconditionsoccur,especiallyin
complicated implantcases,that requirea materialthat can
imitateDerFectlvthe lostnaturaltissue.
Observingnatureclosely, chromatic
wecannoticedlfferent features
in theanatomy
of pinkareas,and eachdetailcorresponds
to a naturalfeature. A
It is importantfor us to havea completematerialssystemthat can imitateall
of the naturalopticaleffectsand at the sametime is simple,so we can achieve
excellentresultsin a fewsteps:
It is importantto havestainsavailable
to reproduce
individual Theycan
be mixedwith the compositemassesor useddirectlyunderthe pinkcomposite
begins.ln t h is
Marginstratification A layerof TPT is placedas a final layerto Inthefinalstep,thefrenulumis createdusing
TPLis usedto developa light createan impressionof naturaldepth. a mixtureof TPTand redandwhitestains,
391 395
'- . , ,i\:' L
'r! i.-. I
r I ',!r: l
': .ill'! I
;'.. I
Technician: Rondoni,
An acrylicresinmodelwitha boneshapewill On the rootsurfaceand the bone,the blood A mixtureof TPDandSWis usedfor thefren-
of the softtis-
be the basisfor stratification vesselsare characterizedwith SBL and SR, ulumto enhance the ischemic
suethickness. All materialsthat will act as a SWis usedto createsomeischemic features.
baseshould be sandblasted.
A correctbondingagentand a light-curing A layerof TPT ls placedto hide the blue and In addition,a thin layerof TPT is appliedto
adhesive areappliedto the sandblastedsur. red effects slightly. hidethe whitespotsnearthe margin.
face and polymerized for 1 minuie.lf the
area is large,polymerizationtime must be
398 399
Theframewax-upmust be preparedverypre- Oncethe metal frame is completed,a thin, Then the pink ceramicsare stratifiedin a After the secondfiring, the outcomecan be
ciselyaccordingto the final shapedesired. opaquelayeris placedand fired in the oven. way very similarto that usedfor composite assessed,and correctionmasses can be
resins.Thefinal dentallayersare carriedout added,as necessary, in orderto proceedto
with the desiredeffects. the finishing stage.
The dentinalbodyand the incisaledgeare This bodywill act as a framefor further and Low.speed greenstonesand diamondburs Afterglazingand firing,mechanical
preparedfirsi. moredelicatelayering. are usedto definethe final shaoeand ore. ing is stillneeded.
parethe teethfor the finalglazing.
102 103
A, NohlE Theprosthetic
AlaniA, lvlaglad of gingivalaesthetics.
Br DentJ 2011;210:63-69.
2, Thetransparency and opacityof pink materialsplaya fundamental Coachman C,SalamaM, GarberD,Calamita M, SalamaH,CabralG.Prosthetic
rolein integration
of restorations. gingival
reconstructionin fixedpartialrestorations. procedures
3. Laboratory
and maintenance.
lnt J Periodontics Restorative
of pink masseswith primarystains(blue,red,white,and
3. l\4ixture
brown)allowsthe creationof anycolor. KimTH,Cascione D,KnezevicA, Nowzari usinggingiva.colored
H. Restoration
ceramicanda ridgelapponticwithcircumferential
A clinicalreport.
4. Underlying effectsplaya fundamental
rolein the naturalappearance J ProsthetDent2Q1O;1.O4:7I-76.
of the softtissues.
MahnDH.Theaesthetic replacementof mandibularincisors
lVixingmasses,makinga customshadeguide,and takingnoteof an implant.supported
fixed partialdenturewith gingiva
the mixingratiowill allowus to repeatrestorations
with a reliable PractProcedAesthetDent2OO7:79:597-603.
RondoniD. lmportanzae fondamenti
nel restauroestetico
Chapter 12
Jordi Manauta. WalterDevoto
with LuizNarcisoBaratierl
o[d ewor.))
I ahann Wa[ffgmngntanGaethe
Q: In a deepanalysis
of composite
the mostimportantthingto assess?
Prof LuizNarcisoBaratieri
wasbornin ihe smalltownof Capinzal, 2. Theopalescence. Opalescence canbe definedin a simple
SantaCatarina,in southernBrazil. mannerastheobject's abilityto reflectlightwithshort(blue)
wavelengths and to transmitlightwith large(red,orange)
Hegraduated witha degreein dentistry
fromthe Federal lJniversity wavelengths. Opalescent materialspresentthe abilityto
of Santa Catarina, 1976. He has a certificationin changeHue, Chroma,and Valuewithoutchangingtheir
and completedhis master'sand doctoraldegreesat translucency. As a consequence, transparent or translucent
the BauruSchoolof Dentistry in SaoPaulo,Brazil.He obtaineda materials canappeartotallyopaque, evenin tinythicknesses
degreefrom the University of Sheffield,
England,in s u c ha s 0 . 1 t o 0 . 5 m m , d e p e n d i nogn t h e m a n n e ri n w hich
2000. lighthitstheirsurface, andcan presenta numberof colors.
110 111
Yetothermanufacturers propose systemsthat contain Certainconclusions may be drawnfrom this general
of compositeresinsusuallydesign
only general dentinand enamelmaterials.Usually, analysis:Manufacturers have a tendencyto offer
kits madeup of a numberof syringes that contain
dentincomposites in thesesystemsare veryintense, systemsthat are, at leasttheoretically, increasingly
dentinand enamelmaterials. The dentinmaterials
and the enamelcompositemodifiesthe basecolor simplifiedto speedup and optimizethe final result,
are dividedinto colorgroups(A, B, C, and D) and
with white or amber nuances.Thesemanufacturers"Globalization" in deniisiry leads manufacturers
Chromaaccording to theircolorsaturation.
suggestidentifyingthe requiredenamelaccording to develop products that can be accepted by
to the age of the patientand the thicknessof the differentmarketswith diverseneedsand operational
Thedifferenttonesof chromaticityarethenindicated
residualenamel,whichphysiologically losesValueor o h i l o s o o h i e s .
by numbers,the highestnumbercorresponding to
whitenessovertime,allowing thedentina I basecolorto
the darkestdentincolor.Thereare two trendson
showthrough.In addition,almosteverymanufacturer
the marketat present.First,some manufacturers
offers"specialeffects"enamelsfor reproduction of
simplifytheirsystemsand eliminateall dentinHues
highlytranslucent layers,suchas the orangeor blue
exceptA. Onthe basisof reportsin the literature
opalescence of the incisalthirdof naturalteeth.
the authors'clinicalexperience,
be a wisedecision.
117 113
of Materials
Objectively,it is clear that when we compare
Thereis, therefore, muchopportunity for confusion. compositesamplesthat are the "same" color and
Experience showsthat the instructions that come eventhicknessbut differentbrands,the Chromaand
with productsare oftenof littleuse.Whatis more, translucencyare completelydifferent.This accounts
ofte nfa ll i ntothetrap of dividingmate ria ls
c l i n i c i ans for the need to create an individual color scale,
into thoseconsidered "simple"and thosedesigned especiallyif we use differentcompositesystems.
for the "esthetically obsessed," as if there might
be patientsor dentistsinterestedin esthetically
displeasing restorations. IVloreover,
m a t e r i alswith cha properties. as if a
syringe could possibly containsucha m iracleproduct.
However, methesed ifficulties:
therearewaysto overco
il &
Tobe perfectlycIear,themiracleproductdoesnotexlst. -3
lf used badly,eventhe most esthetically favorable
materialcan giveterribleresults,just as the worst
material,in the right hands,can give satisfactory
results.Consequently, continualpracticewith the
materialof choice,construction of varioussamples,
and applicationof different
techniques Just one shade of translucentor semiopaque
i e +ha nr+ h +^ c, r..pce
compositematerialwill changecolor dramatically
depending on its thickness. A fundamental exercise
The firsl lhinp lo srrppeslis constructionof a to understand the role of thicknessis to prepare
personalized shadeguide.Too often,color guides e n a m e ld i s k s o f 1 . 0 m m , 0 . 7 m m , 0 . 5 m m , a n d
presented by a manufacturerare unrealistic. 0.3 mm and overlapthem with a dentin disk to
Moreover,theyareoftenmadeof a differentmaterial a nnre. i 2+ p + ho.h:noa
suchas plasticor paper,or sometimes are missing
An lnteresting exercise
is to try to decidewhethera tube
containsa dentinor an enamelshadeof composite
resinwithoutlookingat the label.Somesyringes turn
out to be of littleuse,and othersofferthe possibility
of successfulintegrationinto differentrestorations.
Naturally, this experiment doesnot revealeverything,
but it is a goodbeginning for a criticaland analytical
The nextstep is io focuson the physicaland opticaI Oncewe havecompleted thissimpletrial,wecanpredict
propertiesof the composites we more preciselythe thicknessesneededwhen that
eralscalefor correctguidance. particularmaterialis used.Thestrategywe proposeis
to usethe CeramicSampler, in this casefor composite
resins,to prepareuniformdisks of the approximate
thicknessesof everyshade.Wewill buildthe following
restn Dark Light Deep Memelon
features Enamel Dentin Opalescence
Intensity starns stains dentin masses d i sk s :
. D e n t i n s2: . 0 m m .
Fluorescence . B o d i e s0: . 3 m m , 0 . 5 m m , a n d 1 . 0 m m .
Hybrid . E n a m e l s0:. 1 m m , O . 2m m , 0 . 3 m m , a n d 0 . 5 m m .
but aboveall on clinical dentinthai makesup the mostimportantlayerfrom a
Basedon the recentliterature,
experienceandpassion forthefield,we haveattempted volumetric andchromatic pointof view,andrepresents
to set up a systemfor evaluatingthe composite the cruciallayerfor the finalrestoration for integration
materialspresenton the market.Whileconcentratingwith the restof the teeth.At ihis point,it is possible
on the anatomicalform of the naiuralteethand with to modelthe dentlnalbodythreedimensionally, as has
the previouslyanalyzeddisks, it is possibleto make beenshownbefore, limitingmassesof dentinto two at
somesuggestions on the is in fact mostandexoloitins
thethicknessvariationof thetooth.
A rigid siliconeimpression
was takenfrom an intact
naturalincisorto allowthe reproductlon of a copy
in composite. of the basedentinalmass
was followedby application of the seconddentinto
simulatedifferentmamelonanatomies. (leftto right)
Basemassandyoung,adult,and old teeth.
Thiscopywasusedto dividethetoothintothreelayers:
dentinalbody,dentin(to createfeaturesof internal
anatomysuchas mamelons andopalescence),
faciaI superficia
I enamel.
42S 121
43 Teethreproduction
with differentcomposites
\,) LU
Ena me l
4. Therelationsh
ip of enamel.dentin
is thekeyto successfu
5. All modernmaterialshaveexcellentproperties,
but theyalwayshave
at leastonepropertythat is markedly
io another.
1?1 125
Ch a p t e r1 3
tn o
Jordi Manauta. Anna Salat
Interviewwith LuisJane
JLou( alotgt."
Dr Luis Jan6 has spentthe last 25 yearsof his life trying to A; To claim that stratificationtechniquesshouldbe
understandhow to reproducethe beautyof a smile. Biologyand used exclusivelyby specialistsis to ignore anatomy,
integration havebeenthe mainphilosophies of minimallyinvasive biomechanics,and cosmetic dentistry. To ignore
dentalrehabilitation,whichhasguidedhim all this time in both stratification
techniques in undergraduatetrainingand
his privatepracticeand histeachingroles,first at the University
of continuingeducationfor generalpractitioners is to
Barcelona and recentlyat the International
Universityof Catalonia promotemonochromatic teethwithpoorbiomechanical
as directorof the Operative and EstheticDentistryDepartment. means overlooking the shrinkageand
curingstressproblemsin resins.Stratification is much
Lecturerat numerouscourseswithin and outsidethe university morethanhighlighting an incisaledgeor buildingsome
in Spain,Europe,and SouthAmerica,Dr Jan6 has published mamelons. Todisregard theseprinciplesis the sameas
numerousarticlesand bookchaptersaboutcosmeticdentistry. ignoringall the beautythat naturegaveus alongwith
the mandateof preserving and reproducing it.
Heis a memberof numerousnational
includingthe EuropeanAcademyof EstheticDentistryand the Ultimately,limiiing knowledgeof stratificationtech-
SpanishSocietyof Prosthodontics. niquesto specialists is like restricting
the knowledge
of humananatomyto surgeons. Paraphrasinglvlichel.
angelo,we can say that insideany compositecase
residesthe beautyof a tooth;we just needto knowhow
to stratjfyit.
130 131
No dentalprofessional we haveknownhasan instinctive
lt is true that
talent for dental color comprehension.
some of them havesharperskills, but the height of
excellence is gainedaftersomepractice.
Dentincompositeresinis the key to achieving a Enamel composite resin provides the beauty of
perfectrestoration. be chromatic
lt shot-tld (yellow' a restoration,and the secret is to learn the right
orange)and fluorescent, but most of all it needs amountof enamelto be placed.Toomuch will result
to havethe rightopacity.Spendall your time and in a graytooth,and too littlewill resultin an opaque,
whichdentincompositels the
effort discovering fake-lookingtooth. Play with the thicknessesof
right one, Learn how to layer it perfectly.Four enameland dentin to discoverthe endlessesthetic
layeringtechniques havebeendescribedin detall pcssibilitiesof any compositematerral.
Mid Classification
fverything placed betweenthe dentin and the The most difficult casesfor color matchingare
enamel will give the tooth its personalityand the ones that you do not understand.Learn to
uniqueness.The featuresof nafural teeth and placethese conceptsin order,and they will help
the classificationof naturalphenomenaare the you to analyzeand understandeveryfeatureof
most important conceptsto learn, becausethe anytooth.This informationwill be usefulnot only
placementof these masses is not technically for reproducingthe tooth but for communicating
complicated. and keeprecordof the slightestdetails.
Pafatal PosteriorTeeth
In recentyearspalatalrestorations havegained Stratification is not optionalin posteriorresto.
considerable importancefor rehabilitatjon of rations;it is mandatory, evenwhenthe single.
erodedand abradeddenlLrres. Accuraterepro- shadetechniqueis used.Layeringis the most
ductionof shape,anatomy, and functionin this powerlulweaponin the battleagainslcontrac.
areawill provide
function.Color,whichmaynot tion and stress.Start stratifying one shadein
appeartoo important,will provldeexcellence manylayers,and soonyou will be ableto add
and a senseof thickness that will be veryhelp- more and more colors to your restorations.
ful in the presenttreatmentand in futureyears. Stratifyingin posterior restorationsmeans
p e a c eo f m i n d .
Physiologic Pathofoeic
Understanding how teeth behaveover time will Reproducethem for fun or for artistjc reasons,but
permityouto predictthefutureof naturalteethand at least a challenge,to do these exercises,
the waythey behavewith or withoutrestorations. to understandcolor complexity,to gain skills, and
Learning to stratifythesefeatures notonlyprovides lose fear of complex stratifications.Once you see
knowledgebut also representsa step toward that pathologicphenomenaare not as complexas
i n t e g r a ti ng
in specialca s e s . you had imagined,color analysisof healthyteeth
will becomean easv and oleasanttask.
Becausea perfectstratificationis only half of the
work,the surfacemust be as perfectas possible.A
beautifulrestorationsimply does not existwithout
perfectpolishing. Takea low.speed fine diamond
bur and start exploringtooth geography. Then,with
the other materialssuggested in this book,make
anycomposite shine.Thisis the onlywayto ensure
ln daily practice,compositeresinsare the materials
most commonlyused for restorative dentistry.They
are used for preventiveseals, minimally invasive
restorations,buildups,and complexdirectand indirect
restorationsin anteriorand posterior
However, predictability
of resultsis more important
than simplicity,becauseit is the factorthat provides
advantages in termsof bothworkqualityand economy
for clinicians Toconquer estheticdentistry
(beauty,function, and predictability)professionals
shouldbe analyticalandpreclse andadhereto protocol.
Everydentistshouldpractice estheticdentistry,
thereareno patients
askingfor unesthetictreatments.
rsivier'.a Iran" q@siytet
Fil G!
An Atlasof CompositeResinStratification