The Invention of Shoes: Learning Outcomes
The Invention of Shoes: Learning Outcomes
The Invention of Shoes: Learning Outcomes
Learning outcomes
By the end of the lesson, students will be able to:
● list the comic characters and express what makes them comical.
● describe the humour in the farcical situation.
● identify the exaggeration to make the story funny.
● compare the sensible tanner with the rest of the characters.
● express the tanner’s ability to be calm in the face of opposition.
● identify direct and indirect objects.
● identify strong and weak forms of words and use them in sentences.
● write paragraphs using the right format.
● What is the difference between invention and discovery?
● Why would anyone want a pair of shoes when everyone was used to walking barefoot in those
● Can you refer to the pictures on the first page and say what the story will be about?
Understanding the Text problem. But they could not think of any because
crops could not be grown if they got rid of the soil.)
Play the text in parts, on the screen. / Ask students
to read the text in parts. / Read the text in parts. Discuss:
Pause to check comprehension. Do you think this is a comical story? Why do you
think so?
Once upon a time…what use are you?
What kind of a king do you think was Hobu?
Ask students: So they thought some more…replace it with mud.
What was King Hobu’s problem? Why was he angry
with his minister, Gobu Rai? How did he threaten Ask students:
them? How did everyone respond to King Hobu’s What did they do to get rid of the dust? Did the
warning? (Gobu Rai was worried. He wondered how sweeping help to clean the kingdom? Explain what
he could solve the king’s problem. The pundits and happened. (No, it did not. It only raised the dust to
the courtiers were frightened of the king’s fury. The cover the whole kingdom, even the king’s face and
cooks stopped cooking and everyone in the palace chest. People could not open their eyes. They choked
was weeping.) How did Gobu Rai try to solve and coughed. No one could see the sun because of the
the problem? (He gathered together scientists, dust.) Why was the king upset over this? How did
mechanics and scholars to find a solution to the king’s they try to clear the dust? (Twenty-one lakh
Which part of the story did you enjoy the most? Explain why you liked it.
What can we learn from the tanner who made the first pair of shoes?
Have you or anyone you know ever been calm and done the right thing when everyone else was
tensed up? Share with class.
Tell students:
A paragraph is a set of sentences that talks about a single idea. It begins with a topic sentence, and
has other sentences supporting the main idea of the paragraph. These sentences maintain a flow.
The concluding sentence sums up the main idea of the paragraph.
How should a paragraph be written?
Write 6-8 short sentences. As far as possible it is better to keep the sentences precise so that the
meaning is clear.
● The first sentence is the topic sentence and introduces the reader to the central idea.
● The following sentences talk in detail about the topic. They develop and support this idea.
● The last sentence concludes the paragraph, by summing up the details.
Underline the direct objects and circle the indirect objects in the sentences.
1. The goat chewed on the grass quietly.
2. My grandmother gave me a bag of toys.
3. Can you pass the sugar, please?
4. Sonu handed the torch to Kiran.
5. The arrow split the apple into two.
6. Father got us popcorn.
1. happy a. dive
2. poke b. terror
3. nudge c. filthy
4. dirty d. push
5. fear e. joyous
6. jump f. stab
2. Answer in brief.
a. Why was Gobu Rai worried?
The king was unhappy that his feet got dirty every time he stepped on the ground. He wanted
a solution for that soon. Gobu Rai was the king’s minister. He did not know how to solve the
problem and was worried.
b. What was the result of dusting the kingdom with brooms?
The dusting of the kingdom with seventeen lakh fifty thousand brooms created so much dust in
the kingdom that everybody started coughing and choking. The king’s face was covered with dust
and even the sun could not be seen because the air was filled with dust.
3. Answer in detail.
How did the chief tanner solve the problem? How did the king and Gobu Rai react to the suggestion?
Words in Use
2. 1.
e 2
f 3 d 4
c 5 b 6 a
2. Yes, they were miserable.
3. In truth, he was furious.
Listening text and answers
New shoes, new shoes,
Red and pink and blue shoes.
Tell me, what would you choose,
If they’d let us buy?
Buckle shoes, bow shoes,
Pretty pointy-toe shoes,
Strappy, cappy low shoes;
Flat shoes, fat shoes,
Stump-along-like-that shoes,
Wipe-them-on-the-mat shoes,
That’s the sort they’ll buy.