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e r

, ,
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News 20 ALM: Over Our Dead Bodies
Eye Spy 30 Bruce L. Steele on Stuart
Marshall's call to arms. 52
Montca Dorenkamp watches a
Outspoken •................•. 4 .world of (mts)representation .. 5 3
LeHers 10
BOOKS:Joseph Hansen
Stonewall Riots 10 Raphael Simon meets queer
Blurt Oul.. 11 detective fiction's "Mama
Jennifer Camper 12 Du.ck" ••••••••••••••••••..•.•• 55
Sotomayor 14 BOOKS:Violence Against
GLAAD Tidings 32 Lesbians and Gay Men
Gossip Watch 48 ;::,:~~.~~~.
:~~ .e66
Gaydar 49
Out on the Town 50 LIP SERVICE
The Lambda Literary Awards,
!\!.o- >

Field Tripping 51 Women's Festivals 57
Going Out.. 62
MUSIC: Consumer Guide
Tuning In 66 Joe Clark raps it up 58
Dancing Out. 67 SIT AND SPIN
Bar Guide 68 Chicago's "SkfppynBelanger • ..60
Community Directory 71 POETRY:U-Haul
Classifieds ~ 75 Jim Cory••••••••••••••••••• 60
Personals 82
Oh Really, Liz? '. .

Maer Roshan interoiews Liz Smith ••.•••••••.••.••••••••.••.••••.•••••..• 34

Don't Believe the Hype:
Queers in the news, by Maer Roshan. ..••.•••.•••.••.•.•..••••••.•..••..• 39
Dress Me Down
Dale Peck gtves usfashion to sweat by•••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~44
Cover design by Marla Perez. Cov_ photo by Marina Gamier

OutWeek IISSN 1047-84421 is pubnshed weeIdy (51 issues! by OutWeek Publishing Corporation, 159 West 25th
St, New York. N.Y. 111Xl1(212) 337·1200. Approcation 10 mail at S8COild cIa$S postage ratas is pending at Newycn.
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The entira contents of OutWeek ara copyright<!:> 1991 by OutWaek I'lblishilg Caporation. and may not be repro-
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TURN ~ELf~PITYINTO Jani MK dill Valle, lainIIrip,VIdDrIa A. Brownworth, Mark CheerU, Joe
ctart.1.owIII B. ~ 10,ScoIt HamIl, ArIhIr S.l.eoIIIrd, IMiI t.t:Iloni*I,
Kn! 0c3nb, DIrIcan Oebome, Rachel "'PPer, Del Ri:hanIs, Raymond ReIgn,
mUTI CAL eTloN / MaIr RotIm, George Sax..an. Waller, Allen Whb, Canie Wo«ord
VOES 1lllS , Cliff O'Neil, RexWockntr, John Zeh
MO~~MGNr OF PINS BAIlly BaR, MIcB Barr, JrIf BbII:her, PIIBr I!owIn, Malt CavIch,
HAVE PINS? SInh Chim, AU R,tDII Colemill, Mne-dIrisIine d'Meeky, &Ieie Day, lIiea DenneIg,
John IJona/u, Mo!ica 1lonnIIIInp, Tom Eubanb, Dawn Fatal, DaviI FtinbeIg,
IIeaIrix Galla, t.t:I1IIII Golf, .IfMIe Gomez, Jon GrIIIIbeIg,
Noelle HIInhIn. £meet ~ Mark IIarriIgbI, Joe E. Je/fre)'I, lMry ~
MariI. MaggenI, Jin Mm, MicIaeI Paller, Sydnrf~, John I'rI8IDn,
.lin PnMn!;Ino, Kurt B. fIe9IIIrI, Allen RoskoIf, Ame R~, Sarah Sc:IUTal,
lIa st.wberg, Karl SoehnIein, Jarnee Sl Jarnet. WI:kie Starnpe, Bruce C. Steele,
Otis SIIart, LizTrcay,.Iom W-, John WI1\J, Mmne X.
Eva YaaManlawaa, Linda ~
\ AIeon Bec:hdeI, Mark BlIdett, JeooWer Camper, Tom KaIn,
KIll Kovick, Andrea NaIaIe, lame Prud'homme, Daniel Sotomayor
Billlytlura,G"II CIuk, Des! Del Valle, Usa Ebright, ChaI1es Fowler, Marc GeIer,
BrainJ. Gonzalez, Morgan Gwenwald, Mariyn Humphries, Teru Kmvayama, AndI'lW
L1chtet.,,;, tL Lilt, PaIIy Lynch, Jim Mub, Tom McGovern, Tom McKitItrick,
Scott Morgan, EIIin B. '"'"" RInk. Usa Romerein. Lee Snider/PIIOID Images,
BIn Thomb«ry, ThenIa C. TbadiI1~ t.tchuI WabIIeId, C:r, WIqJII




159 W. 25th St, 7th Aoor, New Yor1c,NY 10001
(212) 337·1200 FAX: (212) 337·1220

4 OUTWEEK .June 28, 1991

- -
Isses IS

0'1 the ""eek
LlZA WITH. A GUN sperm banks, impotency coun- I "I I
Goshl I just had to write seling and penis enlargement
to thank you all for the fabu- therapy. I I
lous cover interview with me WexRockner
and all those fabulous letters ChicagoI I
about me which you saw fit to PS. And Whilewe're on the sub-
print. Whoever would have ject, what about women's I I
dreamf!d that such a tiny, half- restrooms? Surely there must
assed, amateur rag like yours be special goings-on in there I I
I would have the gumption to . that do not exist in our facilities,
treat a star and a lady like or else why the long lines? We I I
mys~lf in the way you>~J~.I'm must demand equal access or I
sure that stars everywhere are we must close them all.doWn I '., . I
just beating down your dar-
ling, little door after seeing
the special treatment you
I M.a.'. h",,+ hs .... _UI'''''.!,i...... s ...... hi.+",,_ I
gave me. Mama would have I have long been a fan of I ryE Office Assistant Misael Mai-
just died! Michelangelo Signori Ie's "Gos- don.lIdojoins the trendy ranks of I
Liza Minnelli sip Watch" and truly believe I the tunemployed with the likes of
Addresf, Sexuality and
Opinion on OUting Withheld
that lesbians and gay men-I
mean, queers would cease
I Graphic Artist Yvette "Rage"
existing on this planet if it
WHERE THE wasn't for the appearance of I na "Kat" Simpson, Administra-
GIRLS ARE his column every Monday. tive Assistant Jay "Right?". Byrd I
I'm writing to report further However, I have heard a rather I and you-know-who!Thanks to all
on the oppression of men by
women's-only spaces. Boys, we
disturbing rumor: Signorile has
actually only written three
I those laid off for making it one I
have anoth~r castrator in our columns, and each week the
wild and wacky week, and,
midst: women!s health clinics I people's and publication's I remember, it's all for the good of I
Such clinics provide. "services" names are changed and the I the community! .J
such as gynecological exams, sentences rearranged. I, of '----------
counseling and abortions strict- course, cannot exist on the face
ly for womenl Thank god, the of this planet until this allega- FREAKY, SELF-SERVING, SEX- your long-distance service has
Supreme Court has seen fit to tion has been answered, NEGATIVE MONSTER WHO been terminated due to out-
start cracking down on these M,Musto WON7;TAKE MY PHONE CALLS, standing payment due, If a
separatist playgroundsI But until Manhattan WHAT KIND OF A ROLE MODEL payment plan is not agreed
they have all been rightfully shut DO YOU THINK I AM? upon and begun within the
down, we must, as the true men Michelangelo Signorile re- next ten days, we will be
that we are, storm these witch sponds: YOU SCUM-5UCKING, HANGING ON forced to take legal action.
havens and demand equal ser- SLiME-AT- THE-BOTTOM-OF- THE TELEPHONE US Sprint
vices for men, such as 24-hour THE-DCEAN, SELF-LOATHING, This is to inform you that Irving, Tex.

All letters to the edi-

rr tor must be creepy,
weird and potential-
. • Due to an editing error, last week's issue reported that staff writer Nina Reyes won an ly libelous to be
Academy Award for best actress, Reyes actually won a GLAADaward for best local lesbian considered for publi-

and gay reporting .• Also in last week's issue, 16 women were aCcidentally referred to with cation. Equa/Week re-
the "C" word. EqualWeek regrets reducing these girls to an offensive term for their sexual serves the right to
organs .• Finally, due to a self-loathing editing error, City Council hopeful Tom Duane was take out what we
referred to as "openly gay,n Assemblywoman Deborah Glick was called a "lesbiann and don't like. On second
Congressman Barney Frank was identified as a "Massachusetts representative." In actuality, thought, don't write
Duane is queer, Glick is a major dyke and Frank is a big fag. us-we'll write you.



Signorile Stages Coup, Sets Up Puppet

Editorial Board and Turns Column in on Time •

by Drunken Osborne
159 w. 25m ST.-After a
week plagued by threats of lay-
offs and other financial cut-
backs, Michelangelo Signorile
allegedly staged a coup at
Equalweek magazine, resulting
in the departure of its editor in
chief and the setup of a puppet
editorial board headed by
News Editor Andrew Miller,
The controversy began on
Friday, May 31, when the entire
staff was notifed of impending
25 percent across-the-board
cuts at the ~year-old lesbian
and gay news magazine. In the
tense days that followed, Editor
at Latge Michelangelo Signorile,
who also pens the notorious
"Gossip Watch" column, was
mysteriously absent from all JUST WHO THE HBJ. DO WE THINKWE ABE?-4Clockwise from Lila} , Edita at Large Michelangelo Slgnorile,
management and other emer- Features Editor Vickie Stan; Ms Ecfttor Sarah Pettit, Editor in Chief Andrew Miller and News Editor Nina Reyes
gency staff meetings.
"Not so mysterious, n c0m- out to Signorile, Signorile penned the now-notorious LiZl ing Signorile's old job as fea-
mented Arts Editor and fonner allegedly shrieked, "I am interview) at gUn point, demand- tures editor, denied· any
Yale classmate of Jodie Foster Tanyal" and fired a spray of buI- .- ing to discuss, for the record, responsibility for Signorile's
Sarah Pettit. "He never man- lets, effectively damaging the Halston, outing and her trother's crazed response, "I'm ..over
aged to show up fur meetings fax machine, Xerox machine, role in the 196) Stonewall Ri~ that tired, old rumor mill,n
before. Why should this be stat machine and long-distance police swat teams finally storrred Starr screamed. "The rumor
any different?" telephone service. the 7th.fioor dike. mill is what's really responsi-
Finally, on Wednesday "Those things never When the dust settled, the ble for everything that's hap-
June 5, the day layoffs were to worked right in the first place at editor was gone, Byrd and pened here.n
be fonnally announced, Signo- this dump," quipped Pettit, tliree other EqualWeek staff "Is that my phone?" won-
rile returned. According to who, along with being arts edi- members were laid off, and dered newly appointed News

Administrative Assistant Jay tor and former classmate of Signorile had installed Andrew Editor Nma Reyes, who refused
Byrd, Signorile claimed to be JOdie Foster, writes the "Blurt Miller as puppet editor in chief to taIk to the press.
Liz Smith when Byrd answered Out" and "Lip Service" columns of the magazine. Minnelli, in heavy negotia-
the door intercom, and then he fur the magazine. "I'm not anybody's pup- tions with Davis for a second
stonned the office, backed by After a half hour of terror, pet!n contended Miller. "And if 1 cover inteIview, also refused to
an unruly gang later identified during which Signorile demand- hear that again, I'm going to go ~ on the situation.
as Liz and Sydney, James St. ed an extra column of jump work for Mademofse/le.n "It's a size thing,n summed
James, Michael Musto, Anne space for all future "Gossip Features Editor Vickie up Arts Editor and Jodie F05ter
Rubenstein, Madame X, Jay Watch" columns and Minnelli Starr, who allegedly staged a ex-dassmate Sarah Pettit, who

Blotcher and LiZl Minne1li. held Advertising Coordinator coup of her own a few agreed to speak to this reporter
When Byrd tried to call Matthew Davis (who also months· back, effectively tak- ooIy if she ~ the last word T


EQUALWEEI, being a
smoke-free environment, SMOKING OUT
forces its smokers out onto
the street in front of our building. We congregate, we commune, we puff-puff away and rip our co-workers
into tiny shreds. We did our own 'little survey down at the smoker on West 25th Street this week and asked
that tired, old question: Why do you hate EqualWeek? .
Production Manager Diana Osterfeld: I'm not a smoker, I want to Copy Chief
make that clear, but I do hang out here occasionally on my way to the deli to pick Walter
up an herbal Ice tea and the occasional rice cracker: .•Oh, why do I hate Out... 1 Annstrong:
mean ... EqUaJW88K1 Well, I'm fIVe feet tall" ,almost-and I get really pissed off DmI, Idon't IroN if I
that the whole damn office is built for tall people. I mean my feet dangle from the tBIe t..1bv pas-
toilets, and I have to pile telephone books to stand on in front of the light 1able, siomIe can you get
and Christ, I mean, if you want to do quality work you have to get some damn abotJajlb? .. ,No,y,
respect, and really, how CAN I, when I have to slare into everybody's navel all the ~1aI<abotJ
time? Get that camera ollt of my face I Bugger offl ITIOI1OIJ3IT¥ 1f}W"
boyfrieOO ~ haviIYJ
Former Receptionist, Former Production Queen ·for the Fonner Magazine sex inthe SlaIn
. hunt, Former Assistant to the Publisher, PresentmermSort of Undefined
room at
Darla Fjeld: I don't hate Out, oops .. ,EqualWee~I hate Vickie Starr. Also, I'd get a hell of a lot more MlgaRness, , .
work done if I could smokB at my desk, and I don't understand why we can't have a goddamn beer at
our desk as well during business hours. I mean, hell, they're a bunch of boozers at the nfTl8S, are they
not? Besides, half the advertising staff are looped on MartInis three seconds after noon, daily, and the
other half.wear crotchless pantyhose and are so fucking high on cocaine that their noses look like they're
going to falloff, I just want my fair share. And I want to make it perfectly clearthat what I said was, It's
time to tum over a new 1eaf-mT, It's time to fire the editor in chief.

Systems Director Vondora Corzen: It's hard to say-when tlte bullshit equipment Is
failing apart and the crazy white-boys In charge won't even get up off.the money under their
asses to cut a fart. I am sick of this bullshit. Just get me down to the passport office, and I'm out
of here, Somebody tell Sarah I borrowed all of her lesbian mysteries for the trip, I promise I'll lh..• whaIever
bring them back after Leningrad. And for all the people that have been giving me heartache, I NhI Reyes: Ijust
won't miss you one tiny, Itsy bit. Outta my face, bitches, And, by the way, where the hell did those
assholes In production put the goddamn 1ake-out menus-I mean, I want some sag panssr, and I
AcOOemyand aI the w0n-
., want It now, and If I don't get It, I'm gonna take my screwdriver and remove that damn Diana
derful people who VOIBd
-.... . Osterfeld's head, because It is definitely attached with screws, Loose ones,
fa'me. ~ OON•

- ••••••••••••••••
I~s TIME to step into fashion with a
TIMELY new addition to the
Michelangelo line of marketing
Real non-animal product band and actual plas-
tic crystal set off a face decorated with a beam-
ing Michelangelo "It tells time like a dream,
and you will treasur,e it always, » says Vickie
Starr ( major shareholder in MKhelangelo Inc.).
Also comes with Michelangelo headband embla- .~.
zoned with his signature all-caps motto: YOU
YOU ALL. Visit the EqualWeelc boutique, where
you can purchase the Michelangelo nightlight,
coffee mug, doormat, screen saver, toilet-seat
cover, coasters and, for a limited time only, T.
shirts with entire "Gossip Watch" columns silk.
screened on them! TIME'S UP!

go to the party-Lower East dance steps on a Mac, Quark

Side, dean, trashy, one-bed- 3.0, Freehand with a laser
room very Bombl, kinda mouse. Heavy Film Com-
Paper when paper-still meant ment or Paris Review with-
Paper, cool. Lots of Helvetica out the fuckin' words. By licblllllill Sililrill
black boys extended 140, Joan Didion waves. me guess I tell you
black hair cropped, tall, over. She's a mess. Same black this to gain some sympathy gelo, darling, it is no sudden
cheekbones talkin' graphics, since MiamHhe for myself. I whither at the coincidence that this enlight-
film. A coupla Garamond
book, that is. Gatta find Mad0n- memory of them calling me enment comes at a time when
boys around the edges, blond na. Walk across the room too ·Cinderella" on the elementary the GODDAMNED EXECU-
(natural!), heartland, smile a abruptly. Iltde, black dresses school playground, Of course, TIVES AT SLIM-FAST, wHO
lot (even when they laugh!), flutter out of my way like I don't advocate this ·self- CAN Raf IN HEll AS FARAS
OK, so sometimes you just pigeons-very back-issue ltaJ. loathing and lam- I AM CON-
wanna take a Garamond boy Ion Vogue ,IA Style in a heap enting" bu11shit. ~~ CERNED, refused
Oike you wanna leaf through on the F train tracks, And there is no to give in to my
an Us magazine in a doctor's Nobody's lookin' at me, way that I am going l\1li E! request for kiwi
office) and fuck him. so everyone suddenly looks to feel sorry for (212) 337.1200 flavor, and I went
Madonna's not here. like an Absolut ad same some poor; li~e, absolutly mad
Still, I mingle, pretty cool, pret- shape and product but differ- picked-on ex-fea- F: and joined a gym
ty Interview-just wanna ent target audience. Go to the tures editor billion- because I have
look at the pictures and, of bathroom (no Madonna!) and aire who has an l\1li E! had it with these
course, the ads. See some check my look in the mirror: unlimited annmt of (212) 337.1 SCUM-SUCKING
friends (meaning, I haven't Lots of white space but I can people available to· BASTARDSWHO
fucked them-meaning, we work it-kinda DetaIls with- take calls, fetch cdfee and news- RUN TIIESE SHIT-LICKING
act like we have). Where's out the cover lines, very New papers, whi1e I have friends who DIET-PLANSCAMS,and I look
Madonna? We talk experi- Yorker when it was delivered are sick with AIDS. at myself, and I HAlE MYSElF!
mental pornography, perfor- in see-through shrinkwrap. Go And while me and my Some might think that I am
mance architecture, ballroom back out everyone's fucking, friends are being beaten to a older and wiser, but I'm just a
girI/boy fucking, My pulp on the street, AIL DUE TO mess! Just a silly kid who needs

Comrade meets Bel- 1HE SELF-LOATIflNG, SELF- to be told "the right thing to do,
c ter Homes and Gar- INFLICTED HOMOPHOBIA to see, to BEl"(which, ifl could
JE dens---l. can dig it I
pour myself an Ahso-
OF AN ARROGANT SON OF remember, is probably what my
A BITCH LIKE MYSELF, I'ni parents told me). They told me
• • lut with Evian water somehow supposed to feel that I STANK IlKE 1HE SCUM
.- to smooth the transi- sorry for this EGOMANIAC AT THE BOTIOM OF'THE
tion, wheat-past~ that makes millions of dollars TOILET! TIlEY SAID JIMMY
myself against the a year by perpetuating this IANUCa WHO I1VED NEXT
wall, down the drink, whiny, lathered-up foam of DOOR WAS BE'ITER TIIAN I
and everything turns glamorous anger? PUCK ME! WAS!WAS TIflNNER TIIAN I
black and white: very No, Mr. Editor at Large, you WAS! I HATE MY FUCKING
Gap ad, Lennie are Naf the finest thing ever PARENTS AND TIiEIR GOD-
Riefenstahl without to walk the planet, you are DAMN UGLY FACES, AND
the subtitles, Village not a leader of the communi- I LOOK IN TIIE
of these chicks are EXCUSES!You see, Michelan- AM! I HATE MYSELF!"
Madonna. Pretend
I'm Madonna Confi- EQUALWEEK
dential to myself: For-
I~• give me, Madonna, Tic- .00 Last
r, Confidential to the Tac-
world: Forgive me,
• • week's
• 0 0 soluti~n'
Mommy ....


SHOOTING THE and sisters are dying of AIDS, television, I would like to straights (and until the story
MESSENGER I submit that if all the queer point out that one doesn't go is about one queer actor,
The comparison actors and actresses publicly "get" a job acting like one cheating on his lover with
between the struggle for acknowledged their sexuality "gets" a haircut. If I am fortu- another queer actor, you are
racial equality and the queer last week/month/year, all that nate enough to be offered a making the queerness of the
equality movement is ill- would happen is that they job, the subject matter isn't actor the dirt). The reality is
advised. If I stood in the mid- would be virtually unemploy- objectionable and the role is that celebrities sell maga-
dle of the Great Lawn, you able-and our loved ones good, I take the job, regard- zines, actors are seemingly
could tell I am an African would still be dead. I see less of the medium, and expendable people-and
American, but not that I am absolutely no correlation thank the Lord. OutWeek was pretty much
queer. The degree to which I made on this controversy.
wish to share my sexuality You should be honest. The
with the general populace is a srONEWALL RIOrS BY ANDREA NATALIE goal was hardly "role models
matter of personal choice. for the young" and whatnot.
Being African American Like your het professional
doesn't avail itself of similar colleagues, it was numbers,
choices. The mere fact that

notoriety and reflected glory,
one can choose to be closet- pure and simple.
ed or not is an arguable luxu- Am I hoping/wishing/
ry voiding any similarity longing for some sort of
between the struggles. . "break" from the Fourth
As an actor, the work I Estate regarding this? Proba-
audition for and/or get takes bly and I know it is impos-
into account my obvious sible. When I entered this
blackness but not my (not- profession, I knew the deal.
so-obvious) queerness. While So what if I cannot work in
I most likely will not be the future or am scared of
"bought" as a Danish prince, confrontations regarding my
I can be as a husband, a sexuality in the workplace, or
father and other straight someone else is afraid to hire
characters, and that is where me becauseof same? I guess
the employment i.s. Being this is more progress, even
outed would more than seri- though it feels painfully like
ously hinder my pursuit of betrayal Although it would be
these jobs in the same way more useful to boycott shows
that general knowledge of and/or the sponsors of
Herbert Marshall's (Bette shows with negative or no
Davis' husband in The Letter gay characters, to out writ-
and TheLittle Foxes)having a ers, directors, production
wooden leg would have hin-' between queer-thespian pub- Granted-journalists heads and studio execu-
dered his. While I do not con- lic-admission and PWAlHIV- have a duty not to lie. The tives-PEOPLE IN POWER
sider my queerness in any positive longevity. double standard heretofore WITH THE CLOUT TO MAKE
way a handicap, the reality is It has ·been pointed out observed that queer actor's A FUCKING DIFFERENC~I
that those who do the hiring to me by people who have no lives were off-limits is confin- guess that would have taken --...
do. real experience in the enter- ing, confusing and frustrat- some explanation to the read-
Those of you who do not tainment business that, in the ing. Queer readers have as ers. After all, actors have no
risk losing. a livelihood or theater, this sort of bias isn't much right to their role mod- rights or feelings, and the
expression may say .that so prevalent, and I could-if I els as straights to love or to alternative takes too much
making money and having a were politically correct sim- trash, Queer journalists have newsprint, has too many big
career means nothing when ply refuse to appear in a as much right to provide dirt words, has no "hook" for the
thousands of our brothers homophobic medium such as for circulation numbers as cover, So much easier to

shoot the messenger, outer: self-hatred. The outer tending not to be gay" is "I .
And we who are suffering longs to punish the outee for could make it if I were not
the slings and arrows of this being gay. At the same time, gay," This combined self-
outrageous fortune want you the outer is, by outing, con-' debasement and self-elevation
to know-it hurts. nected to the straight-made gives the outer strong but tem-
Name Withheld success of the outees, The porary bursts of energy, Out.,
Manhattan lack of self-respect forbids the ing is really pouting. .
outer to respect or promote Robert Patrick
YOU PUT YOUR LEFT openly gay people (like Atwater, eaJit
FOOT IN, YOU TAKE him/herself). Outing permits
YOUR LEFT FOOT the outer to punish other gays NOTHING COMES
The debate about outing
as well, by ignoring them. The
obvious correlation of "this
reflects the force driving the person is successful by pre- Am I the only one who

e uon't 1-00 •
itn H'emOrr oi, s!, ~ " f.


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.lu_ 2&, .._ .. OUTWIiEK ....

finds it ironic that while PC the lesbian and gay communi- various frivolous or paranoid Jordan Peimer get}hrOugh the
queers are aggressively ty; he.grossly failed to under- reasons, depending on the whole of that great travel arti-
"equalizing" everyone under stand the FBI's overall charac- prevailing political climate, or cle on Los Angeles [no. 101,
the sun, they're also slavishly ter. at the whim of its director. June 5] without mentioning
wearing Calvin "I'm-Married- Why didn't he cite the There is little congressional Musso and Frank's, the best
Which-Proves-I'm-Not-Gay" case of Committee in Solidari- oversight of the agency, and place for serious drinks
Klein's underwear as this sum- ty with the People of EI Sal- even that is often ignored. (Frtzgerald,Hemingway, Parker
mer's beach and dance attire? vador, or CISPES, which was Your author concludes by and Faulkner all drank there,
Isn't this just a wee-bit hypo- systematically spied on in the suggesting that our big prob- legend has it) and serious
critical, or is looking hot far 1980s, even after specific con- lem is that the FBI discrimi- food? I remember well the
more important than maintain- gressional directives to cease nates against lesbian and gay night when our table fell into a
ing integrity? .' surveillance? How could he potential employees. Is the bemused momentary hush
Stephen de Francesco have overlooked the FBI Coin- entire purpose of the lesbian upon realizing Jeff Stryker was
Brooklyn telpro operations in the and gay civil rights movement dining away at the booth
1960s? Among other things, to get us in there so that we behind us, I agree with what
I, SPY Cointelpro put out vicious dis- too can engage in illegal and Peimer had to say about "the
Duncan Osborne's recent information on Martin Luther immoral surveillance of people gym-fag poseurs" at Marix and
article on FBI surveillance of King, produced voluminous working for peaceful social La Fabula, but I would add
the lesbian and gay communi- reports on movie-star activists change? If so, I want no part this: I lived in Los Angeles ,
ty [no, 102, .June 12] did us a and assassinated Black Pan- of it. Shame on you for allow- from 1984 to 1990 and have
great disservice. Only because ther Fred Hampton. What ing such shallow swill on to yet to find a better deal on a
the author did not examine the about the break-ins at ACT UP the pages of your magazine, better margarita than I did at
totality of FBI behavior could offices around the country, Carol Hayse Marix West Hollywood, I say
he conclude that we have litHe when nothing was taken Chicago all this, having lived this past
to worry about. Because the except the computer discs? year here on the East Coast,
author limited himself to a his- The FBI will scrutinize any L.A., MON AMOUR seeking out as good a margari-
tory. of, that' agency, vis-a-vis . individual or organization for How, oh how could ta from DC to New York. No


r I I I J .1 I I I I I I I I I I I I I I I L I




GET IT SfAlrrep! .. .
~ , /. ,-;: 'I I'

15 A MoR£ -,
, so EASV'To


.. ~.
luck-margaritas just don't
come any 'better than at Marix
West Hollywood,

These two things, and
fast, fresh Chinese food at
Chin-Chin's in the Sunset gal-
leria are among the things I
miss most about LA Thought
your readers should know.
Thanks for your article.
Robert Drake


Jordan Peimer, you're
firedl Missing Persons did •

"Walking in LA" But enough

about you, I just want to know: HELD OVER THRU JULY 14 TH L~~~~I~~S
Which one is Liz, and which
one is Sydney? closet-before-it's-tlme comedy:'
T. March' " -Wi.iam Raidy, NEWHOUSE NEWSPAPERS
San Diego •


. Enjoyed your cover story and
on gay nudism very much [no. HARVEY RERSTEIN'S
103, June 19J (and nice to see
the lovely Lidell Jackson in,
sort of, all of his gloryl),
No stranger to being pub-
Iicly naked (I Prefe r to stri p
when cameras are rolling, but
just about any excuse will do),
I have been present at two America's Largest
gatherings of Males Au Naturel GaylLesbian
here in Manhattan, Nice peo'-
pie, interesting times. But the Computer
insistence on maintaining a Information
respectable non-sexual atmo-
sphere both times reminded Q,r Service
m'eof the old "sun-worship-
per" fil ms: Yes, we're naked, ..
but we're wholesomely naked.
Now pass that volleyball,

maintain eye contact, and have
fun, goddammitl
I know nudism as an
institution always has striven
to debunk the basic outsider
assumption (when people get
together naked, sex is always Call us with your
the point). 'Males Au Naturel,
and I guess other groups like
,718 ,
it, bring to their events that
history, But, gentlemen, there
was something appreciably
surreal about a party I attend- 849-1614
ed two years ago: Fifty barer. (modem)
ass gay men of all ages sitting
around in a Christmas-deco-

"un_ 2CI.1_1

OUTW•• K 13

rated apartment, sheet music Although oncologists (physi- SrONEIYAtt R/OrS BY AtlDREA NATALIE
in hand, earnestly singing "0, cians who treat cancer) use
Come All Ye Faithful" to piano the word "cure" to refer to a
accompaniment right before survival time with treatment of 'QNE'tJ I i'1 !lOIYE • I

they dished up the red-and- greater than five years, I still BREAK OIlT TI/£
green Jell-Q. would not be so bold as to use
]"0 y JELL!
I laughed, I got hard, I'm the word "cure" with the word
probably not MAN material, AIDS, despite the fact that sur-
Fred Gormley vival time with infection has
Manhattan lengthened from five years
early on in the epidemic to 12
DOCTOR, DOCTOR, or 15 years now. In addition,
GIMME THE NEWS many of the opportunistic
In response to charges infections that afflict AIDS
levied by Michael Goff in a patients are coming under
recent OutWeek [no. 100, May control~lf not cure-and
29] that I am a "pollyanna"
most are beginning to be
AIDS physician: thought of as preventable.
Since Mr. Goft' works pri- Yes, patients do die. We
marily as a design consultant all do eventually, However,
and has no training or exper- careful attention to detail in -.,-
tise in medicine, I suppose I care combined with appropri-
can overlook his lack of knowl- atel prophylaxis drugs can sig-
edge of the meaning of "man- nificantly extend life,
ageable chronic illness," There The fact that patients are -.
is a distinct difference between living longer should in no way -
"manageable" and "curable." relieve the powers-that-be ~ -- -;?'

biD ~OO"fAR -mAl Til AIDS lIIE S\p£ OLI>

VIRU~ IS ON"filE RISE. f~CU5E5•• I •


f ~


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from pressure to provide
.funding for a cure for AIDS. rr
I suggest that Mr, Goff ,
direct his energies against • Lidell Jackson's name was misspelled in last week's feature on gay nudists. OutWeek
those that are not our friends regrets the error .• The photo of Laura Wetzler and Robin Burdulis [no, 103, June 19]
in the fight against this epi- incorrectly identified the, two women. Wetzler was the one on the right. • The phone
demic, rather than against number published to order the Red Hot and Blue safer-sex posters was incorrect .. The
those of us involved in edu- correct number is 1-800-343-4002.
cation, 'research and day-to-
day care of those people who 15,1971, the 1993 event. It would be intensely angry responses to it
suffer from this disease, What I have come to real- great. to see those who are from some white gay men in
Larry A. Waites, MD, ize is how little credit we give still around, and maybe it will later issues. At the time,
MPH to the history of our own polit- help to show some respect although I hadn't read
San Francisco ical movement. All those peo- for those who helped us get Robert's piece, the criticisms
ple who struggled for lesbian to where we are now, of it made me suspect that I
WHEN WE GET and gay rights in pre- Rick Landman would agree with what Robert·
TOGETHER, WE'LL Stonewall and ear1yStonewall Manhattan had to say. Now, having finally
BE CAUSING A days do not get the respect read it, that suspicion is con-
COMMOTION that other movements give STILL NOT firmed, I do agree with Robert.
It was great to read that their founders. Eachera seems SLEEPING WITH THE I spend a lot of my time
there will be a third National to be more politically correct ENEMY educating relatively well-
March on Washington for than the last and trashes the While cleaning out my meaning straight people
Lesbian and Gay Rights in former without a full under- apartment today, I came about homophobia and het-
April 1993 [no, 101, June 5J. standing of the times, across some back issues of erosexism and other queer
I was one of the New York I was wondering if it OutWeek, in one of which [no. issues. I mostly find this
organizers for the first March would be possible if the . 90, March 20J I found Robert Homophobia 101 stuff irr:itat-
on WaShington on October organizers of the 1993 march VazqueZ's piece, "(No Longer) ing and sometimes infuriat-
14, 1979, as well as the could arrange a meeting of Sleeping With the Enemy," I ing, I would definitely not
march on Albany on March former march organizers at remember reading some want to go through it all with
my lover, a boyfriend, or a
.. trick, at home. And, if my
lover and I were non-monog-
amous, I wouldn't sleep with
straight men, not even rela-
tively well-intentioned ones,
I'm aware that many gay
men are full of internalized
homophobia, but my chances
of hooking up with a homo-
• Are you experiencing anxiety, confusion, or stress from coming phobe would be greatly
out, relationship problems, HIV status, or addictive behavior? increased if I were to date
straights, As for missing out on
the many wonderful, sensitive,
C\I • Psychotherapy in a gay"positive environment can help you to
:8 eager-to-be-educated hetero
C') better cope with the problems and challenges you may face. men out there, who cares? I

~ could never fuck, let alone date
co • With over 12 years of experience selVing the lesbian and gay or have a relationship with, all
conuUlmity, Butch Peaston provides compassionate therapy that the wonderful people of any
can open doors of understanding. description in this world, By
• limiting myself ,to gay men, I've
still got lots of wonderful homo
males to choose from (I'm liv-
BUTCH PEASTON ing with one).
• So what's wrong if_
Psychotherapist /

Robert wants to cut himself


(212) 243-1570 some slack by dating only
• men of color? It's not like
• I2-steplAddiction Specialist· Group or Individual Sessions he's said that all white men
Convenient' Chelsea Location are evil, malicious racists, or
that there are no worthwhile,

16 OUTWEEK "une _. 11_11

--_ ...--~- -.
WHEN. YOU 'DON'T KNOW _- ...---_ ...
..-- --_ ..- -
. . -


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• ......c::» IIVI-=- ... c;a .•
• (this week's actions, rallies and zaps) I
.June 19--ACT UP presents a demonstration at .June 22--Queer Nation presents the second.
• the United Nations. Appeal to the United 18ke Back the Night Match. All queers fed up
Nations Disaster Relief Organization, and with intimidation, harassment and violence I
• shame our city, state and federal govemments perpetrated against us by hets should meet at

I for their unwillingess to devote the time, ener- 10 pm at Sheridan Square. Info: the Queer I
gy and money needed to end the AIDS crisis. Nation Hotline at (212) 97&8720. .
I Meet on tewesteps of the New York Public Please send action announcements to Dale I
Library at Fifth Avenue and 42nd Street at 8 Peck, C/O OutWeeIc, 159 W. 25th St., 7th floor,
am.Info: (212) 564-A1DS.
L: --------------------- New York, NY 10001. .J
non-racist white men to be
found. It's not like he's fool-
luxury apartments ing himself into thinking that
• all men of color are free of
internalized racism. He's just
dis tin ( t i'v e d e ( 0 decided to maximize his
chances of finding a man or
men who understand what
it's like being a queer man of
color in this country, and to
cool..,artments ••• minimize his chances of end-
ing up in bed with a racist.
More power to you,
... hot locations Roberti
David Robinson
A Jewish GWM in San
21 renovoted buildings... Francisco
PS, My non-Jewish
GWM lover agrees with me,
spodous aportmenls, Go, Miss Vazquez, go! .

featuring hardwood floors, Rex Wockner forgot to
mention Sweden when he• was•

listingcountries that allow immi-

security, and new kitchens gration of Q8!i men and lesbians
who have relationships with
nationals. The others are Aus-
pricessfllrling at 5370 tralia, Denmark,the Netherlands,
Norway and New Zealand.
William F. Chafin
the best of south beach Manhattan

New World Order

Brevity is the soul d wit, so
keep it short, comrades. All
letters must include your
name, address and daytime
phone number, although
we'll withhold your name
rental office aOO address at your request.
We reserve the right to edit
1601 jefferson avenue copy for style, clarity and
(especially) length. ,Remem-

- be!; it's not a size thing. Send
VINTAGE miami beach, fl 33139 dence to: Lette1s to
the Editor, 159 W. 25th St., 7th
PROPERTIES (305) 534-1424 floor, New York, NY 10001.
Or fax them to (212) 337-1220

'1 a ou ••WEEK .. une:ze" .._ ..


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SUNDAY, JUNE 23, 1991

254 WEST 54TH ST

by Duncan Osborne
NEW YORK-Several weeks ago,
the director of the city's anti-violence
agency was arrested after he and five
other activists chained themselves to the
doors' of City Hall to protest police vio-
lence against gay men and lesbians.
Most heads of agencies in the gay
and lesbian community demonstrate a

low-key Style, eschewing confrontation

in favor of working on the inside with
government while activists play the role
of the angry mob on the outside. But
the leadership style of Matt Foreman,
the executive director of New York City
Gay and Lesbian Anti-Violence Project, ." ,.,-,.,...,..-

makes him something of an anomaly. HE IS EVERYWHERE.-Matt Foreman on the stump

"I didn't think 1 would be an
activist,n Foreman told OutWeek. "I was fight over the Julio Rivera murder. And way," said Dadey. "Matt has the luxury of
'not hired to be
, . an activist. n ~emmygayand~S~~ being able to be that kind of advocate."
Even so, at last year's Human have worked with activists in ACf UP and Foreman's aggressive approach,
Rights Campaign Fund dinner, when Queer Nation, those alliances have typi- which stands in stark contrast to the
activists who were seeking a bias-moti- cally been kept low-profile. cool, behind-the-scenes maneuvering of
vated iabel on the Julio Rivera killing For instance, at a recent demonstra- his. predecessor, David Wertheimer, has
heckled Mayor David Dinkins, Foreman tion and lobbying day in Albany, orga- achieved some major successes for the
raised his voice as well, nized by the Empire State Pride Agenda, Anti-Violence Project. According to
"I didn't go there to heckle him," participating Queer Nationals burned an attorneys in the Rivera case, it was, in
Foreman explained, recalling that he effigy of Republican state Sen. Ralph part, pressure from the lesbian and gay
yelled, "That's a lie!n when Dinkins Marino, Dick Dadey, the Pride Agenda's community that moved the cops to
claimed that he routinely spoke out executive director, expressed the senti- solve the case, and that pressure was
against anti-gay violence. "But I'm not ment that he had to distance his organi- largely attributable to Foreman's efforts.
going to distance myself from people zation from that action because the Similarly, an assault on two lesbians in a
that did," . Pride Agenda would be returning to Park Slope diner received a bias desig-
In fact, Foreman very- visibly allied Albany to lobby Marino. nation after Foreman raised a hue and
the Anti-Violence Project with Queer "I definitely see Matt as someone cry over the case. And recently, the way
Nation throughout last years months-Iong who is more visible in an activist kind of

. , •e

• •


129 West 20th Street, New York, New York 10011-0022

by Dale Peck at $7 and $10, run Wednesday through fags and dykes a chance to get in on the
NEW YORK-You've probably seen Saturday at 8 pm, both this week and auction--and the action.
the pre-Pride preparations about next. For reservations, call (212) 260- Fmally, how could we fail to men-
town-banners flying over Christopher 5485. The Bank is located at 225 E, tion the Women's One-World Theater
Street, notices from Heritage of Pride Houston St, at Essex Street. and their newest creation, Muffdtver's
posted in the Center and the bars asking Gay Male SIM Activists brings a lit- Holiday on lai WOW turns ten this year
for volunteers. But for many queer orga- tle more satrilege to the Limelight with and, in a three-show run, promises "vari-
nizations, every day is Gay and Lesbian their Eighth Annual Leather Pride Night ety entertainment featuring the lovely
Pride Day, and their June programing is on June 23 at 10 pm. Erotic art works, women of WOW, past and present. n
only a continuation of a yearlong effort. leather clothing and gear, theater tickets " Scheduled guests include Lisa Kron and
Take as an example Slope Activities and other '''valuable goods" will be al)C- Split Britches. Catch them at La Mama,
for Lesbians, one of my favorite groups. tioned in a benefit for Heritage of Pride, 74A E. 4th St. Performances are Thurs-
While SAL works hard year-round, spon- GMSMA's own. Hocutt-Ferguson PWA day through Saturday of this week, at 10
soring a plethora of events for Park Fund and other ofganizations. Ten bucks pm. Admission is $12, and reservations
Slope, Brooklyn-based lesbians and tak- . at the door will· give all leather-leanirig . can be made at (212) 475-771O.T
ing road trips to Manhattan, Queens and •

Connecticut, this week alone, SAL is
offering a pimic in Prospect Park and a
benefit for the Lesbian Herstory An:hives CITIZENS OF THESE OTHER COUNTRIES .. \
Building Fund
"It's the only thing going on in
Brooklyn for gay men and lesbians,
since there is no Gay Pride here," ~
mented SAL gal Debra Jean Seltzer, who
hastens to add that, like every SAL
event, this one is open to residents of all
parts of the city. The pimic happens on
June 23 at 1 pm.
SAL's other event during the week
before Pride is a benefit party, which
Seltzer desaibes as "aImast more impor-
tant" than the pimic in Prospect Park. The
benefit takes place on June 20 at 7:YJ pm
at the Roost, a Park Slope establishment
located at Seventh Avenue and 8th Street.
Seltzer calls the party SAL'snot-very<overt •
way of "trying to give the Archives the
nudge to move to Park Slope. n j
Over at the Bank, that financial-
turned-night-club-turned-performance- NEW YORK-What if they threw a benefit reading, and everybody came?
space, a very special production of Other Countries, New York's organization of writers and artists of African descent,
Romeo andJuifet is about to go up. Sub- was the popular host on June 9 to "The Long Read" at New York's Lesbian and Gay ~
titled A Gay Retelling of Life, Love and Community Services Center. Gale Jackson, pictured here, who read a passage from
Anal Penetration, the performance, James Baldwin, was one of a galaxy of stars that included Samuel Delany, Cheryl
acc~rding to Chad Beguelin, who plays Clari<e, Assoto Saint, Roy Gonsalves, Jacqueline Woodson, Bil Wright and Essex
Juliet, was put together by "a mixture of Hemphill with lany Ducket.
club people and theater people" and The evening's proceeds will go toward Other Countries' next journal, a collective
promises "a happy ending, at least as it's response to the AIDS crisis, titled Sojoumer: A Chronicle of LMng. sarah penit
staged right now." Performances, priced

22 OUTWEEK .Ju... ae, 11_11

Or. Charles Franchino

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office hours by appointment

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and gay men- karate for women and
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ueer ers: lerce an rou
The group was awarded the per-
mit after dropping legal costs and fees
in its suit.
Police, who were able to contain
hecklers on the sidelines with no arrests,
counted approximately 800 marchers
and placed 3,000 people on the side-
lines watching the parade. But parade
organizers estimated that there were
1,000 viewers and 2,000 participants.
The marchers withstood rampant _
verbal abuse from some onlookers, who l
repeatedly shouted, "Homos!" and other ~
intended insults. Other spectators held ai
anti-gay placards emblazoned with ~
virulently hateful slogans, such as "Kill ~
Yourself," "Brought to You by K-Y, l.
Fuckin' Queer Product" and "Botulism Is
. Bad Meat in the Can,"
by Janis Altar d,1 Vall, approving traditional parades only,- Yet there were those who strongly
HUNTINGTON, NY-A victory in Parade organizes labeled Naughton's suppated the lesbian and gay community.
federal court allowed history to be policy discriminatory and homophobic "I have gay friends, and Idon't think people
made here on June 9, as hundreds of and, with leg;d help from the Suffolk chap- should be dehumanized for the way they
lesbians, gay men and heterosexuals, ter of the New Yak Civil Liberties Union, choose to live. There's so much racisn and
young and old alike, marched,. chanted took the case to federal court in late May. 's why there's so much
and cheered in Long Island's first official The court rendered Naughton's denial of hatred and so many problems in the
Lesbian and Gay Pride parade. the permit unconstitutional under the F'1ISt world, n remarked Diane Van Bremmur,
"We showed that we can come and Fourteenth amendments and who marched with the SIraights for Lesbian
together as a people and fight this hate,- ordered Huntington to compromise
commented David Kilmnick, a member with the Pride and Freedom Commi~~. S •• LONG .SLAND on P_II. '74

of the parade-sponsoring Long Island

Pride and Freedom Committee, at the
end of the day,
Although the event concluded with-
out any serious incidents, anti-gay spec-
tators fanned a gauntlet along the parade
route, toting signs that read "Silly FagelS
[sic], Dicks are for Chicks" and "God
Made Adam and Eve, Not Adam and I
Steve- "and shouting bigoted epithets.
Over the last several months, the
Long Island Pride and Freedom Com-
mittee had been denied parade permits
by the towns of Port Jefferson, North-
port and Hempstead
But" the controversy began in
earnest in April, when Huntington High-
way Superintendent William Naughton
rejected the group's application, stating
that he had "a long-standing policy of _I WANTTO lET IT SHOW.

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by Carrie Wofford anti-gay assaults, declaring that lesbians sentencing gay-bashers, how useful to
BOSTON-Nearly an obsession for and gay men are more victimized than queers, ultimately, are these much-
the gay and lesbian community, hate any other minority group, sought-after hate crimes laws?
crimes· legislation has garnered consid- 1'hese laws, even more than their
erable press of late. practical effect, have done a lot to make Laws as Deterrents
In Florida, gay lawyers dedicated people aware that anti-gay violence is a According to many activists, the
four years to that state's legislation, problem,· asserted Kevin Berrill, who existence of laws has done little in the
which was finally passed on May 1. In tracks hate crimes for the National Gay 14 states which have passed hate crimes
New York, two separate gay and lesbian and Lesbian Task Force, or NGLTF, legislation to halt the escalation of vio-
organizations have lobbyists working on The unanswered question, howev- lence against lesbians and gay men. The
the anti-bias bill, and Washington's er, is: If lesbians and gay men remain existence of hate crimes laws also has
national organizations devote full-time unwilling to report the bias motivation not changed the fact that, in most cases,
staff positions to the cause. Last year, of an incident, and if law enforcement gay-bashers still can expect to be
even the US Department of Justice rec- officials continue to be reluctant about released with little more than a slap on
ognized the epidemic proportions of aggressively arresting, prosecuting and the wrist as punishment.



NEW YORK - For the third year in a row, gay and les- the thousands of Puerto Ricans who have died of AIDS. reminding
bian Puerto Ricans led a rollicking contingent of their friends celebrants that AIDS is the leading cause of death among the cily's
and families on June 5 in New York's Puerto Rican Day Latinos. A memorial service sponsored by the Hispanic AIDS
parade. The event is the largest of the city'S many warm- Forum and SIDAhora, the Spanish-language publication of the
weather Pride celebrations, People With AIDS Coalition. was held later in the day.
This year's parade also included a one-minute silent tribute to - Andrew Miller
For instance, in California last year,
of 48 arrests made in connection with all HATE CRIMES REVISITED
hate crimes, only 17 alleged perpetrators
were prosecuted. And of those 17, only WASHINGTON-The Supreme While observers suggest that it is
five defendants served time for felonies, Court has agreed to hear a case involv- unlikely that the Supreme Court would
while 12 received probation or brief sen- ing a cross-burning in St. Paul, Minn., . write a broad opinion striking down all '
tences for misdemeanor convictions. that could dramatically impact laws hate crimes laws, should the teenager
Theoretically, the activist argwilent concerning hate crime and hate speech prevail, the court may very well invali-
goes, bias-related violence laws will throughout the nation, date all laws proscribing hate speech.
deter hate-motivated as>aults by increas- At issue isa St. Paul ordinance And attorneys might use such a
ing penalties for individuals convicted of making it a crime to place a burning victory to strike down statutes on I
suCh crimes. At the same time, some of crosS, swastika or other symbol likely to . bias-motivated crimes in the f!rture, A
the laws that have been enacted, suCh as arouse "anger, alarm or resentment in case could be made that what differ-
the widely celebrated federal Hate others on the basis of race, color; creed, entiates a hate-inspired assault from
Crimes Statistics Act passed by Congress religion or gender." any other assault is the accompanying
last year, merely direct law enforcement Ed Cleary, attorney for the white speech; therefore, the enhanced
agencies to compile data on the number teenager who burned a cross on the penalties which hate crimes legislation
and kind of reported hate crimes, lawn of a Black family in St. Paul, mandate could be construed as pun-
Existing hate crimes statutes pre- claims that the ordinance violates his ishing protected speech,
sent a two-fold problem. FII'St, the laws client's First Amendment right to free The court will hear arguments in
have not been implemented once speech and that cross-burning, like flag the case in October, with a decision
passed, either because they were never burning, is constitutionally protected expected the following year,
funded or because police and judges "expressive conduct." -Dun~n Osbome
ignore them. Second, gay activists treat
the laws as a panacea, assuming victory




NEW YORK-The stacks of New Yort(s first lesbian and The library is named in memory of two revered and
gay lending library slowly began filling with queer books on beloved writers and activists, Pat Par1<erand Vrto Russo, and is
June 6, as the community's literati gathered to formally open located in the New Yor1<City Lesbian and Gay Community Ser-
the Pat Par1<erNrtoRusso Center Library. vices Center at 208 W. 13th St.
Jewelle Gomez, pictured here donating a copy of her "Too often, lesbian and gay literature is allowed to go out
recently published novel, The Gilda Stories, joined Assoto Saint, of print," explained writer and editor Stan Leventhal, who host-
Sarah Schulman, Mariana Romo-carmona and other gay and ed the dedication, "The goal of this library is to honor and pre-
lesbian luminaries to read excerpts of queer literature in the dedi-. serve the works originating from this community."
cation ceremony, -Ellen B. Neipris and Nina Reyes

• .. _ • .,.. ••• cr ••• ~7

• •

once they have passed legislation. Legislature took an additional step liberally interpreting civil rights protections
But some lobbyists and advocates toward recognizing the particularly odi- to indude lesbians and gay men. In 1989,
believe that the ~ important, if unquan- ous nature of hate-motivated violence of Boston's 97 reported queer~bashings,
tifiable, benefit of hate aimes legislation by increasing prison sentences for con- the police made only sevep arrests, the
may be that the laws will place bashers on victed gay-bashers. Finally, in 1989, Cali- courts found only four df the seven
notice that· . aimes will not fornia mandated the collection of statis- alleged perpetrators guilty,( and Boston
be tolerated in this society, tics for hate crimes motivated by sexual- Police Department statistics indicate that
Jeff Peters, a gay lobbyist in Florida, orientation prejudice. the four convicted bashers each selVed
recalletl that a judge in South Florida, But effective law enforcement to six-month suspended sentences.
while handing down a sentence to a back up those laws has not been forth- The number of cases reported to
gay-basher, said, "I didn't know it was a coming, activists point out. From 1984 to police and to community-based anti-vio-
crime to kill fags." 1990, the number of arrests made in con- lence groups generally differ wildly,
"The existence of the law will nection with anti-gay assaults in San due, according to activists, to a number
change that," Peters speculated. Francisco did not increase, and the Sah of factors. The two reasons most widely
Howie Katz, the bias bill coordina- Francisco Police Department, or SFPD, cited, however, are the restrictive defini-
tor for the New York City Gay and Les- can't even provide the number of arrests tions used by law enforcement officials
bian Anti-Violence Project, agreed that made for queer-bashings in 1990. Capt. to classify bias-motivated crimes and
the effectiveness of hate crime legisla- John Willett, director of the SFPD's fear on the part of victims that their
tion may be far-reaching: All that is newly established Hate Crimes Unit, complaints will be dismissed or that they
needed are "a couple of high-profile could reveal only that the SFPO made a will be treated with contempt if they
convictions," he told OutWeek, and the total of 48 arrests for all types of preju- state that they believe that the incident
law might "prove to be a deterrent," dice-related crimes last year. . was motivated by anti-gay prejudice. In
"We don't see any reason to break New York City, last year, for instance,
Grim Statistics [those statistics] down,n explained Ken queers ,reported 507 bashing incidents to
In 1984, California became the first Cady, the assistant district· attorney in' the community-based AVP, but only 102

state in the union to approve legislation charge of hate crimes. assaults were recorded by the police.
which made hate crimes against lesbians In Booton, the ratio of arrests to bash- Activists also assert that the dramati-
and gay men a civil rights violation. Sev- ings is equally grim. despite the fuct ~ cally increasing numbers of reported
eral years later, in 1987, the California , the Slate's attomey general in 1979 began incidents do not indicate an actual rise
in the number of bashings but rather
I I •
reflect a new awareness about the
(A brief mesaage from American Uk ~ Corporation. ·.importance of reporting queer-bashings.
the .t 1Jwlng Benefits" Company In the World)
Police departments nationwide
IF SOMEONE YOU KNOW IS LIVING WITH · defend their performance in arresting
basliers by claiming that they do not
AIDS • • have the resources to go after perpetra- .
• , -
CHANCES ARE ·tors; and, in San Francisco, both activists
and cops '~gree that the problem has
been compounded by the state legisla-
HAS SEVERE FINANCIAL PROBLEMS I ture's failure to fund a 1989 law mandat-
ing collection of hate crimes statistics,
despite its endorsement of the idea of
1-800-633-0407 collecting statistics on hate crimes, with
.' CHANCES ARE the result that no money to staff the pro-
ject was ever allocated.
WE tAN MAKE A DIFFERENCEI For activists like Barbara Cameron
of San Francisco's Communities United
BUYS lesbian victim assistance group, the

LIFE INSURANCE POLICIES law therefore became a symbolic act,

and essentially meaningless. "In terms
FROM THE TERMINALLY ILL of a person's daily life," she said,
FOR CASH pointing to victimization as a part ot .
life, the law "is not that important."
QUICKLY, CONFIDENTIALLY, AND In Massachusetts, where the 1990

WITHOUT ANY HASSLES I passage of a statistics collection act for

hate crimes was widely hailed as a victo-
American Life Resources Corporiiltion is dedicated to enhiilncing the quality ry, legislators and gay lobbyists together
of life of the terminally III. We are located at 2977 McFarlane Road, are "still figuring out the criterian that
Coconut Grove, Florida 33133.
will define a hate crime, Joyce Collier,

R. Allen Wood, D.C. ,


For Peak Perfonnance!
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Group's forming: male
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director of the Victim Recovery Project, bashing where [perpetrators] get off,n she [she or he] begins to think'about it.n
or VRP, explained. noted, asserting that she believes that the Statistics in New York also seem to
Florida's recently enacted hate- real panacea would come ."
through the indicate that educating Iaw!enforcement
aimes measure may not really be able education of police and judges who--law officials and the judiciary may be as
to protect anyone, despite the attention or no Iaw-may not respect the right of important as passing hate dimes legisla-
it has received from Florida activists. gay men and lesbians not to .be bashed. tion: Although New York: §tate has not
Even more alarming is the "fact that a yet passed a bias bill, the percentage of
Florida lawmaker, state Rep. Kenneth The Role of Education arrests compared with the number of
Pruitt, announced that he may very well Collier's view raU;es a Iatge and fre- bashings is roughly the same as that in
be the first person arrested for gay- quently asked question: Is advocacy- San Francisco or Boston, .
bashing under the new legislation, such as the anti-gay-violence awareness Boston activist Jim Brinning, who
Asked to explain his motivation, Pruitt training for law enforcement officials- was queer-bashed in 1988, llgrees with
told the Tampa 7Hbune, "These are the more important than passing laws? Collier's view. While the tnen'who sav-
very people wbo are causing the epi- "It's not the legislation that's the agely' beat him are Walking the streets,
demic [ot] AIDS," issue it's the training, n Collier assc!rteCL he pointed out: "The judge is being more
Joyce Collier, of Boston's VRP, "It's been a really long, slow prOCe5& closely monitored now, My Case helped
admits that hate aimes laws may not be about educating district attorneys,' [ButJ to expose that judge,'John Pino, helped
enough. "We have tons of cases of gay- by the time a judge sees the fourth case, to publicize [his homophobia] within our

by ELLEN •



d' ,. :..
, '.




BROADWAY AT CITY HALL PARK-Last month, Eye who had no biking experience previous to her two-month
Spy documented the historic moment seconds before four trainirig for this cross-(Ountry voyage,
of th!' eight Sisters of the Reproductive Freedom Ride were . Not all of the (,)'clisls are gay, although at least one biker
off and pedaling their way across America to spread the for- girt told us,that she hopes that a few others will cross the bor-
bidden word. der as they cross state lines. We'll check back when they
"It's going to be a fantastic experienetr-riding with all return from Seattle. '
these women," commented an elated Jeanne Burke (right), Keep pedalin', girls.

30 OUTWIEIEK .June _, 11~11

. own community. Today, we see a lot
more favorable disposition of cases." Free Written Estimate
Another Bostonian who swvived a 1271 McDonald Ave.
brutal gay-~shing, MiChael Cronin, (bet. Ave J and Bay Pwky)
maintains that even though his attacker
F Train to Bay Pkwy Sta. '
received a fi~year sentence for violat-
ing Cronin's Pvil rights under the Mas-
sachusetts hate crimes law, he believes
his victory only came about because he
approached the case as a seasoned anti- MAACO COLLISION EXPERTS Open Mon.-Fri.
violence activist. YOUR AUTO PAINTING SPECIALIST Call for Sat. Hours
"The police were initially unclear
about what to do [with my casel, but I
helped them with that, n Cronin recount-
ed, "The court system was so cumber-
some and so tiring. I don't think the
numbers of successful resolutions has
increased, but, linl the ones where "Song of Singapore" will donate $2 of every ticket purchased for
we've stuck it out, the judges were fairly the 7PM performance on Sunday June 30, to GMHC!
strict [in their sentencing)."
All of which goes to show, Cronin
hypothesized, that the existence of gay "What funl A bubbling, brimming
and lesQian comnlunity-based anti-vio- musicall" . -John Simon, New York Magazine
lence advocacy groups is as important,
perhaps, as hate-aimes statutes. "I don't "Funny and fabulousl Come early
think there's a direct connection and bring your dancing shoes!"
between the content of the law and the -Leida Snow, WINS Radio
~tencing," he concluded,.
,<.; The importance of community- "A madcap musical I Donna Murphy
• •
based anti-violence efforts is also evi- is a terrific singer and a funnier
<fenced by the increases in the numbers a than Rita Hayworth and
Q~ queer-bashings which are reported.
~.: In 1984, the fust year San Francis- Dorothy Lamour." -Mel Gussow, N.V.Times
;" ,
Ge'S CUAV began recording anti-gay
~cks,only 185 bashings were report-

But in each of the. following years,
the numbers sharply increased, with last
year's report showing ~25 bashings,
Similarly, New York's Anti-Violence Pro-
ject has tracked a dramatic rise in hat~
motivated incidents, with the first third
of this year already showing a 32 per-
cent increase over last year's statistics
during the same perioo.

Why Focus on Bias Laws?

In many cities, since police use a
narrow definition to classify hate crimes,
incidents will not be identified as bias-
motivated unless explicit epithets were A musical adventure
the only words
spoken. Directed by AJ. Antoon
"That's not always easy to do,"
admitted Assistant District Attorney lUes.-Frl. at 8; Sat. at 5&9; Sun. at 3&7
Cady of San Francisco's hate-crimes Pleasearrive 1 hour prior to curtain for drinking, dancing & dining.
bureau, "The problem in California is
Special $5 parking on E. 15th St. between Irving Place & Union Square
that we have to prove the crime was SONG OF SINGAPORE 171,,111 Place(15t~ stJ 228-0844
motivated by hate alone, "
In the end, then, what appear to be
strong laws may actually get in the way
HAT. C"IM •• on p._. 74

CBS's Northern Exposure \

by ScoB Shennan
When was the last time you saw a really great TV show? depicted as having the problem, Although Maurice is por-
CBS's Northem Exposure is turning Into a real "must-see." trayed as a bit silly and ignorant in his bigotry, by the end of
For weeks it has been intriguing viewers with its comic and the show, he has adjusted to living alongside his gay neigh-
complicated plot twists, An especially satisfying one involved bors. The closing sequence shows the gay couple dancing at
the revelation that the show's fictional hometown was named a local tavern, comfortable and accepted by the straight
after its founders a lesbian couplel In relating this piece of townspeople.
history, a character commented that the two women "had a One of the best aspects of this episode was the lovers'
good thing and were lucky to have it." ease with their own sexuality. They expressed their intimacy
This sensitivity continued with the May 20 episode, and affection with quiet comfort and pride, Because they
when a regular character, Maurice, entered into an agreement accepted their love as natural, it was easy for the audience to
to sell a house to two men, Being a rather enlightened sort, it do so as well.

never occurred to him that they might be closer than friends. Thank the producers of Northem Exposure for this won-
Maurice gets the message, however, at a celebration dinner: derfully fair and humorous show. Encourage them to bring
The lovers explain how they met at a Halloween party, and back the gay couple as ongoing characters. Write to Joshua
then they naturally reach across the table and hold each Brand and John Falsey, executive producers, Northem Expo-
other's hands. sure, c/o Finnegan-Pinchuk Productions, 4225 Coldwater
. As a confirmed homophobe, Maurice has a hard time Canyon, Studio City, CA 91604.
accepting the idea that he has sold a home to a gay couple, The week the episode aired, Northem Exposure was the
and the rest of the show explores his personal struggle. sixth-highest-rated show. Let's make sure this popular pro-
Unlike so much television, it's not gay people who are gram continues presenting positive gay images .

Angered with ho",ophobic Tv, ",ovies and artides?

Want to see ",ore lesbian and gay-positive i",ages?
Fed lipwith right-wing censorshipca",paigns?

Join the GLAAD MEDIA GRAM Campaign this Pride Weekend!

9he Gay & l.esbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) has a new r--------------~---, •

• MEDIA GRAM Campaign that makes your voice heard! By joining,

you authorize GI.AAD to send ove11\ight messages on your behalf to key
I I wan I 10 learn aboullhe MEDIA.RAM I
media and advertising decision-makers nationwide in response to media I call1pailli. Send lIIe 1II0reInfor.allon. I
events that affect our community. Why should you sign up? I I
• Ifs ..... tl.1 to counter right-wing censorship, boycott and I I
letterwriting campaigns that make positive lesbian and gay characters I Address I
all but invisible on television and in film. I I
• Ifs ... , because GLAAD identifies the targets and key opportunities, I City State Zip I
writes the appropriate messages, and sends them for you. I ~.
I Tel ( ) I
• Ifs .ffectl,. because ifs a powerful way to let media executives I I
know we're here-watching, reading and listening. I 0 I'd like to help canvass. Call me immediately! I
Look for GLAAD MEDIA GRAM canvassers this Pride Weekend. : 0 I'm enclosing an extra gift :
Retter yet, become a canvasser yourself and return the coupon for I to support GLAAD's work I
more infornlation about GLAAO and the MEDIA GRAM Campaign. I GWD/NY 10 v... St•• 3f, Ntw Y..... NY10013. (212) 966·1700 I
!I L ~


You can never insure Asian Lesbians oIlbe East CoaSllAslan
that you won't ;become a Pacilic Lesbian Network-New Yorle) ,
crime victim: No crime We are a political, social and
victim is to blame for the supportive network of Asian
crime committed against PacUic lesbians. Pliuruning
them. Nevertheless, meetings on the 1st Sunday
these few safety tips my and social events on the last
be helpful: Friday of each month,
(212) 517-5598
• Identify local "danger zones" in
the places you frequent. Avoid
these areas, especially when you
are alone. Keep on top of the
news, especially the lesbian and
gay press, to learn if a .particular
neighborhood has become a tar- •

get for gay bashing.

• Plot our "safe" routes from sub- ,.;.-

, .
way stations and bus stops to your
·home and other places you fre-
quent often. Note well-lit streets ;-:.;.,.:
-u'., ';_.'
..=«:,":":;:;",:;,-., '-;":"--.;.,

and stores open late at night.


, _,1
• If you feel threatened or unsafe, -:.; ....

trust your instincts and remove --".:

yourself from the situations quickly

as possible. Run. Bang garbage -_.-,

cans. Make noise. Yell "Fire". Call
911 for police assistance as soon '-
as possible.

• Letting someone you don't know

into your home makes you vulne- ,

rable to robbery and assault. If you

leave a bar with someone you've just
, :-;';'-

met, introduce her/him to a mend or

the bartender. Let other people
know you are leaving together.
Exchange names and phone num-
bers before you get home.

• Women should beware of men in "-;.

"mixed" bars who claim to be gay .;.;.;.,
and invite women to their -homes. .

• Be wary of taxis that wait out-

side of gay and lesbian bars and
clubs. Try to leave bars, commu- -'-'-'-'.

nity centers, and other gay/lesbian

identifies facilities with people you
know. Assailants sometimes wait
for potential victims outside places
where lesbians and gay men meet.

• Carry a whistle. consider taking

a self-defense class.

• Most importantly, be alert and

remain aware of your surroundings. 267 West 17th Street (cor 8th Ave) New York 212255.1150


, -'.'

r "C,O·'_' __

t ::-


by maer

photos by
• •
marina garnler

OUTWBBK "of.:,." , ..
''_ - '
•:Osi;:> •. -. " ,
- - .,' ",


, •

I ,

iz Smith is the most

famous gossip columnist in AmerIca. Her syndfcoled column
aJP!ars daily in some 60 and she isseen
on 129stations throughout the conttnent via Fax 7V's nationally
.~Personal.ities. 7btsMarch, Smith jumped ship.from the
New York Daily News, lured to Newsday by a reported $1-mfilion-
per-yearcontmct that has made her rich,
But it ham 1all been smooth sailing.
Over the past year, her high pro.ftle in the
'!rump divorCe spectacle (she aJ11eared
a/ongsfde a tearjid Ivana on the cover of <. ~,
\. t:;
the Daily News) drew slinss.from some ~.

who accused herofJUrthering her

celebrity status at the expense of journalis-
tic tntegrlty. And to a segment of the gay
community, Liz Smith has become a sym-
bolof a different sort. "She's a symbol of a
time that should be long gone, " sa~ ber
most rabid crlIic, OutWeek columnist
Michelangelo SfgnorlIe. "She represents a
body of people who live a lie in order to make it." Liz loves to be
~m~thenthat~m~N~d~~~a~ng photographed, Including
a story on ga~ and the media (seepage 39), nv' requestfor an
--- - with bosom-buddy Ivana
tnteroiew was greeted with stony silence. "Are you kidding?" Trump (righ.t}".
Sm~ 's assistant ftna/ly sputtered. "She wouIdn 1touch that mag-
azine with a ten-foot pole. " End of <N,"",'~..~n. called for an interview. tbe only ground TUIes tdre that I'd be
A few da~ later, I tried again, this time in a carefully com- fair and slick to thefacts.
posed letter ~ich acknowledged that ~ it sounds like a strange So here are thefacts: Liz Smith is 68years old, the Texos-bred
request, but talking to OutWeek would give her a chance to product of a generation wIxx;e sexua/iIy was not discussed, much
answer her crltfcs on their own tutf and, perhaps, end the snip- ~ . she bas been a C()1'msten/ SUJPOTterof
I ing once and for all, thefigbt against the AIDS epidemic and other gay causes. As an
My phone rangpromptly at 9:30 the next morning. '7bis is early board memberofthe American . for AIDS
Liz Smith, n drawled a familiar voice. "NIce letter, but I won 1do Research, she bas helped to raise a mm of money to
it," she continued without a pause. "Allthey'll do is attack me figbt the disease, as well as quietly some ofberOUJn,
again. I don 1even look at that magazine anymore. My.friends !f, in her column, Smith deftly skirts issues of sexuality and
know not to mention it to me! They're likfJ tarantulas, squeezing provides sympathetic cover for closeted celebrittes, she has occa-
themseJues to death, n sionally spoken out on gay-related issues, like taking theater crllic
My haf-<XJtN:ioUs protesIS were dealt wiIb poItteIy but fitmIy. "lJ John Simon to taskfor bts comment about AIDS and the theater
wou/d be the brave thing to do, n I said.ftnally. ~ this j»InI in nv' community. She bas also not shied away from publidzing openly
life, I don t need to be btr:lw, "she 1f!jJIied. She bad apoint. gay personaIiJies like Haroey Fterstetn and Larry Kramer. Her
Finally, last April, I gave it one more try and sent another rave review of Kramer'sThe Nonna! Heart is dtsplayed promi-
Jetter. Another phone call and two anxioUs hours later, Liz Sm~ nentlyon the cover of the play's paperback edfJfon .

• ,

. ."

But it is not Liz Smitb tbe columnist that bas been under
attack so much as Liz Smith the' , Her prominence in
the media has made hera compeOing targetfor a community
desperatefor vIstbility. Her response has been somewhat ambiva-
lent. "W'bat do they want me to ber she asked in an tnterview
with 7 Days last year. .'7be great lesbian of the western world?"
Liz Smit~th the celebrity and the column J-
ftes manyoftbe that come up time and time again
in discussions of gays in the med about journalism
and sexuality, activism and outing, which wfJl only mUsh1'OO11..l
in the coming years. .
Is Liz Smith a vtcttm or VfIIaW You decide.

Maer Roshan: How did you teel when this outing stuff all
liz Smith: I was flabbergasted. You'd open the maga-
zine and it says,. "Puck you, liz," seven times in one para-
graph. I don't understand why. Who are these people who
have so much to say about me? I've never even met them.
Instead of going after people who deserve it, they go after
their own defenders. I think a lot of it is people who Want to
become famous by making points off my reputation, But I
don't worry about it anymore. They're no different than the
National Enqutrrff'. They want me to come, out and I want
them to go back in.

MR: Many people believe this kind of activism is the only

way to confront a society that lies about gay people.
IS: I consider myself an activist I've done my part in my c0l-
umn to confront stereotypeS. Iwent to the mat with Jolm Simon
when he said all people in the theater would get AIDS. But what
has all this ranting, this anger, this . in the SIreetS
achieved? Not one single, positive thing. Even people I know who
are tolerant and Iiberal-I see them ab;olutely ainging and reject-
ing everything as a result It's set the gay movement back for years.

'MR: Do you think: you've been an unfair target?

IS: They write, "liz Smith has done nothing about AIDS." I
was one of the first people to write about AIDS in a popular
medium. I was one of the earliest people invited to join the
AmFAR board. It devastates me when they say I just found out

" .0 aremese I.

pIe wno nave so

muc to say about

come out an 1want

'II •

em togo ac tiJ.~"

about AIDS. I've raised more money for this , ,

disease than the whole staff of OutWeek c0m-

bined. I've mown hundreds, hundreds of pea-
_ pIe who've died, some of whom I've nursed
out of this world,
With AIDS, the end resultis that they've
frightened awa emyone who was willing to
help--like [William F.] Buckley for instance.
It was OK to ., Mrs. Buckley with what they
hated about her husband. I thought her work for
AIDS was her statement about her husband's
position, So they drive away someone who's
raised millions of dollars for AIDS. Shell move _..and with Ivana's
on to other causes. But who loses out in the end? laWyer, Michael
Kennedy (opposite,
MR: How do you respond to all the specu- left), and Marlo Thomas
lation about your sexuality?
IS: I don't want to make statements about
(right). 'j.

my mythical sex life. Millions of people don't

want to be defined by their sexuality, I'd like to be defined by definition of "pursuit of happinessn is how you want to pursue
my work, my life. These people you see soul-kissing in the Gay' your own life. There's plenty of role models in the gay commu-
, (Pride] parade, they want to be defined by their sexuality, and, nity, LefSignorile be a role model. You don't win role models
they are. But what happens when their libido dies down? What by holding people up.
will they be defined by then? I'm a divorced woman, I spent my
adult, mature life married for ten years, Let people speculate. I'll MR: You've been criticized for glossing over the sexuality
lead my life the way I choose to. of people you write about
IS: I don't write a column about sexuality, I write a column
MR: Does it all come down to sex, or is it about love, as about what I perceive. I'm willing to let people make their own
well? - statements. If they're telling a lie, the public will realize that.
IS: Of course, ifs about love. But does love mean advertis- pretty quickly.
ing it to everyone? Does it mean you have to march down the
street being an exhibitionist asshole? I don't understand sepa- MR: But for a journalist, isn't there a responsibility to sepa-
ratism, people who live in enclaves and groups by themselves. I rate fact from fiction before laying it out as truth?
don't believe in Uncle Taming, But I think it's important to go out IS: In my column, Idon't force people to tell me what they
and learn how people who are different can accept you on your don't want to tell me. I don't really write about people's sex lives. I
own terms, to be true to yourself without raving and carrying on. also don't write about age. Those are things that people are very
sensitive about And, in the end, they don't really matter that much.
MR: Do successful gays and lesbians have a responsibility
to come out as role models for the community? MR: I was thinking of the Malcolm Forbes-liz Taylor thing.
IS: They have a responsibility to live their lives honestly, as IS: I never, never said they were having a hot romance or
they choose to, without having to explain it to anyone else. The believed they were. It was obviously about publicity. But I

.. .

know they also cared a lot for each other. When he died, liz
was devastated. When I spoke to Malcolm Forbes, we never dis-
cussed who he slept with. That was not the face he presented to
me. And it's not my job to turn a rock over and expose people
who are under it. I let people tell their own versions of their his-
tory. What
, difference does it .make?

MR: But the sex: life of straight people seems to be open

tenitory-the whole Trump thing.
IS: Donald Trump laid it all out for the world to see. If a
gay person wants to lay it all out, that's fine. We're living in a
world where everything is now discussed in print. Has that
added to the quality of the world in Western life? Is it going to
become a law that we all have to lay it out?

MR: What do you think is the effect of outing celebrities

like Jodie Foster?
IS: I don't know whether Jodie Foster is gay or not I don't
give a shit. I think a lot of it is speculation. They buy into the
whole scandal-bullshit thing. Someone knows a waitress who
slept with someone who slept with someone else ... , and, in the
end, they'll try and ruin her career. Her career would be ruined.
There's no justice in that fact, but it's a fact nonetheless. Acting is
about image. Producers are not going to cast an openly gay guy
in a hot leading-man role.

MR: Do you feel like you've been victimized by all this?

IS: I guess I'm sounding like a lunatic. I just flOd it all
so frustrating. I have so many regrets that this happened.
Things were starting to change, and I think all this violence
and screaming has turned things back again, played into the
hands of the bigots. It's all right to be mad. All this hatred
against the gay community drives me crazy too. But don't
sell it to me as a joyful ideology. It's terrorism.
Since this started, they threaten me, tie up my phone
lines, tie up my fax sophomoric, little harassment like that. I
don't know what they think they'll accomplish. I'm not impor-
tant enough to be targeted like this. The other day, I was walk-
ing my dog, and a guy comes up on a bicycle and screams,
"Hey, it's the greatest lesbian of the Western world" These are
the things they do. I said thank you and walked on ....
,. -"



,; ,

,.,,,' ,
",',4 ,

,~ '.

The '90s have become Ihe

media age for queers. Nol

since Anlla Br,anl waxed I-'
• •

homophobic more Ihan a
decade ago have lesbians
and ga,s graced so man, by mae r roshan

lelevlslons and newspa-

'pers nallonwlde. But In ,

looking at the media's

imes have changed,"
"ga, glasnost," some ask Jerry Nachman portentously announced in his office last March.
"Look around, and you'll see. We've finally decided to take you
guys seriously, n
Ihl quesllon: Where do A week later, Nachman, the plain-ta1king, chain-smoking
editor of the New Yom Post, launched the St. Patrick's Day parade
we go from here' controversy as a front-page banner and gleefully fanned it to its
beer-soaked finale. The furor mushroomed from a local-tabloid

"une 28, 11_" OUTWEEK 39


One of the earliest

protests against
the media took place at
CBS in 1984.

media's perception of the gay and lesbian community. It's an

emerging queer consciousness that's been apparent for some
time now, a new openness to our issues that one editor has
tagged "gay gIasncst." After a decade of angry activism and a
steadily mounting AIDS toll, the media has slowly awoken to
our' victory gay activists have triumphantly daimed
as their own. •
Yet even now, the press perceives gay peopl~ largely as
outsiders,.as a strange and hostile minority on th~ periphery of
their general audience, Coverage of gays and lesbians is often
stilted and superficial. And if stereotypes of gay people as hap-
less victims have fallen by the wayside, they have given way to
images of us as shrill 1S.
Still uncomfortable with homosexuality, many editors
and producers are reluctant to explore the full diversity of
our community. The gay reporters who could be a resource
• to the mainstream press prefer to remain mostly closeted,
, afraid to make waves in newsrooms that are subtly (or not
headline into a nationally televised spectacle. Caught up in the so subtly) homophobic. The result, despite notable
barTage of beer cans that descended on Fifth Avenue, the media progress, is that the media still overlooks a community
finally woke up to the rabid homophobia that is, for most of us, which in some cities, like New York, makes up a sizable
a fact of life. Their belated discovery triggered a critical avalanche portion of its audience.
of editorials from tbe New York Times to the Irish Echo, an "Nobody," notes Jerry Nachman, "is perfect.»
unprecendented backlash that, in some quarters, was cause for In the midst of all this, there are also signs that the initial
alann. But for the queer community, it was a political windfall, success which gay activism has had with the media has begun
The paranoiac Patrick Buchanan responded by comparing to wane, under fire from both inside and outside the gay com-
gay activists to Nazis, while accusing the media of fueling a munity. "'Ihere's no question that groups like ACf UP and
hotllO<Onspiracy to "bash" the Catholic church. "Homosexual Queer Nation helped to focus attention on a wide variety of
rights, n the Post's loopy Ray Kenison chimed in, "is the media's gay issues," says Peter Jennings. "Media coverage has started to
latest half-baked cause.n reflect the progress that gay people have made generally in
He may be half-right, for a change. this society. But I think there's been an increasingly negative
backlash in the press against a lot of activist tactics. And it's a
Times have changed, and Nachman wasn't the only one to dissaffection that I know is shared in many segments of the
notice. In the past year, tbe New YorilTimes, which still hasn't gay community.» .
wholly embraced the word "gay, n somehow stumbled upon the Lisa Brenner, a lesbian reporter at the Associated Press,
word "queer. n Time fondly (and openly) eulogized a gay COlTe- agrees. "I think a lot of gay people have started to look beyond
spondentwho died of AIDS, Newsday discovered "queers in all the flash generated by activism to see what it's really
suburbia," and Dan Rather focused on gays in the military. achieved. We've begun to look inward instead of outward, to
What we are seeing, according to nearly three dozen main- debate things like outing and [use of the labeD 'queer.' Now that
stream reporters, editors and 1V news producers interviewed in we've finally got the media's attention, we have to decide what
the three months since the parade, is a turning point in the it is we want to say.»

The tactics and sensibilities of

queer activists have carried over
Into other movements.

1be EndoIl ..... ce

"You won't understand any of it," sighs the voice on the of the virus. According to Randy Shilts, the San Francisco
telephone, "until you understand about AIDS.n When the epi- Gbroniclereporter and author of And the Band Played On, • •

demic first surfaced and nobody noticed, I.any Kramer began "AIDS spread because indolent news organizations shunned
screaming. A decade later, he has lots of company. their responsibility to provide tough adversarlal coverage. ~

When AIDS appeared in the early '8Os, the gay community 'Instead," daims Shilts, "journalists lazily based their stories on
suddenly found itself mortally dependent on the mainstream the official truth of government press releases."
media. But as thousands fell ill without much notice, cautious Yet, despite the media's deadly indifference, most gay organi-
expectations gave way to bitter resentment "For many of us, n zations were wary of taking on the press. "For a long time," says
says Rodger Macfarlane, one of the last living founders of Macfarlane, "we tried to be good boys and girls, not make too
GMHC, "AIDS WdS the end of innocence." many waves. We didn't want enemies before we had any friends."
In the two years following the discovery of my, the media
ignored the biggest health crisis in recent history. During the first
19 months of the epidemic, a period in which the centers for •
Disease Control had logged 958 cases of AIDS, tbe New York
TImes devoted a mere seven articles to the topic. At the same
time, seven incidents of tampered Tylenol generated 54 TImes
articles in only three months. "If people had stopped having sex
the way they stopped taking Tylenol," notes Mcfarlane, "a lot
more of us would be alive today."
Newsweek ran its first major AIDS stOIy ("Is the Party
Over?") after 484 people had already died, a far higher number
than fatalities from the relentlessly publicized Legionnaire's
Disease and Toxic Shock Syndrome combined. The networks, ',""',J··...
.;.,·:t: :.' •
meanwhile, virtually blacked out the epidemic until late 1983. A
CBS producer who suggested an early AIDS segment says that
(.-., \/
the idea WdS dismissed as "too faggy." '.

In Covering the Plague, his study of AIDS and the 'T"f

media, James Kinsella, who is also an editor at the San Jose \\!O~£t'vf •I
Mercury News, discovered early on that few journalists felt
personally affected by the crisis. Isolated from, and generally
disdainful of, the gay community, most reporters perceived
AIDS as a gay issue irrelevant to their larger audience. Their
willful isolation allowed them to ignore an _epidemic that
was silently striking thousands.
Peevish about
sexuality, the media
The TImes ran seven AIDS-related
shied away from the
stories In the first 19 months of the
explicit education
epidemic. Tainted Tylenol got 54
that may have
TImes stories In thr_ months.
stemmed the spread

Larry Kramer was one of the first to

.speak out against the media. Ten
years later, he has lots of company.
But in 1983, an emergency meeting was arranged with the
editors of the TImes. A group of gay leaders (lany Kramer was Ga,s Bash Back •

not invited) arrived with annloads of statistics and story ideas. When a gay-basher was corn~ in the West Village last
"We jumped through hoops to get simple facts in front of year, the New Yom Post jumped on the story. "GAYS BASH
them," says Virginia Apuzzo, one-time bead of the Gay and BACKl" brayed the tbree-inch headline. It became both a slogan
Lesbian Task Force.,~They all nodded solemnly, and nothing and epitaph for a decade in which we took matters into our
ever happened." own hands.
Finally the media's stubborn silence pushed many gays It began with ACT UP which, in the mid-'BOs'iuncorked the
into action. "We learned to play the game," says Kramer, in-your-face activism that rapidly swept the gay community, pre-
Unable to bring the press to the epidemic, Kramer set out to senting a potent cocktail of telegenic theatrics and pyrotechnic
bring the epidemic to the p-ress. In a series of well-publicized politics that the press lapped up greedily. "We got inOre done in
. diatribes, he went after the administration, the mayor and top one march on Wall Street, n crows ACT UP founder Kramer,
editors by name. His one-man crusade got him unceremoni- "than in a dozen meetings with the TImes. n
ously ousted from GMHC'1i mostly closeted boarQ, but in the Queer Nation followed suit, and while ACT UP fought to
process he inspired a new generation of activists who traded·' acknowledge gay death, Queer Nation sought to validate gay
caution for confrontation. life. Bdth bolTOwed heavily from the civil rights movement of
Gradually, eyen mainstream gay organi7ations became the '60s, adding a media~vvy '80s twist "In ten years," says
more sophisticated in selling the epidemic to the media. "The Apuzzo, "gay people went from limp wrists to clenched fists.
strategy was to put a human face on this disease," says lhat's pro~."
Macfarlane. "We'd send people on oprah and say: 'This is what "'These are not the naive protestors of yesteryear, n notes a ..
AIDS looks like. This is what gay people look like.' n , gay reporter at the Washington Post. "They've managed to lure
But the coverage remained sordid and sensational. "There's the media by playing to its basest instincts. And they know as
been a tendency to demonize or lionize gay people because of much about sound bites as they do about T rells."
this disease," says Richard Goldstein, executive editor of the
Village Voice.' "The press still has no real sense of the middle. n Where Do We Go From Here?• •

If imitation is the sincerest form of flattery, then ACT UP

Breaking should be flattered indeed. In recent years, ACT UP's brand of
While obracles remain, one thing is clear: AIDS radically activism has'been the model, for activists protesting everything
altered the relatiOnship between the media and the gay commu- from, the Persian Gulf war to breast cancer. "'There's no doubt
nity. "I think we finally realized how little gay life meant to the that gay pe<jple are more visible in the media, n says a reporter
media," says Ann Northrop, a fonner CBS News producer arid . from Newsday. "And activism has a lot to do with it,"
• •
current actiVist. _ But the visibility that activists have won for gay issues is the
.In breaking the media blockade, lesbians and gay men result of pointed and often controversial tactics that have
were literally fighting for our lives. And by understanding the increasingly come under fire. Journalists in particular, while -
role that the media played in our lives, a newly galvanized expressing a grudging admiration for activist's achievements,
queer conununity had begun to perceive the press much as have often taken a predictably dim view of their tactics.
I<ramer did: "as an enemy, but a useful one." "They've declared all~ut war on us," said a journalist at the
"It's a new way of doing things now," says Northrop. "In WasbtngtonPost. "How smart is that?" In recent years, activists
the beginning, we tried to talk to the press. Now, we've learned have zapped dozens of newspapers, tied up hundreds of fax
to talk through the press." lines, targeted individual reporters, launched massive letter-writing
See FFlC>NT PAGE c»n pag_ 96

.. .. The Biograph Cinema

225 West 57th Street
New York City

Opening Night
June 7th
American Preview of Monica Treut's
My FQt~eris Coming
Ron Peck's
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Diredors will be present
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call for details and reservations:



HOUSE: denim Jacket with hood, $50; House boxer shorts, $30; baseball cap, $10, Model: Del,

odie Ravioli had a fast answer when I asked her what the fashion-con-
scious queer should be seen in this summer. "Men," she said, "should
just be naked And women should wear pretty pastels." Codie herself
wore black on the clay \ye talked, a little something cut high 10 the leg
and low in the neck, so that all her best assets---wld I use that term
broadly were revealed Her. lips were very red, her hairi very blond
and-what color were your eyes, my dear? Alas, I forget. Plunging
necklines and a stray chest hair or two diverted me. •
Since we agreed that nudism-or should I say "naturism" won't,
unfortunately, be the rage this summer, I let Codie guide me into Patricia Field, the semi-

submerged palace of low couture at 10 R 8th St. where every drag queen and butch thing
should start their summer shopping spree. Besides Pat Field's signature makeup, wigs and
hair pieces, the long, curving walls are packed with, well, risque choices for the dare-any-

B v D A L E p E c K
44 OUTWEEK.rune 28, 1_1,

thing dyke or bare-anything boy. say, worn under red hot pants, and liability~nless you work for Citibank, I
If prudish het values keep you from topped by something, preferably in suppose. Of course, there are a million
being naked, then Patricia Field provides mesh, that shows off those pectorals ways to become un-invisible, from dress- .
you with clothes that Ql3ke nudity seem you've been working on all winter. Just ing up in a tutu, magic wand and roller-
commonplace. Start with, for example, a like Superman, right? skates a la Rollerina (you'll have to, ask
$44 chain mail G-string, accented by a The point of clothes shopping, I the Belle of Three Counties where she
$52 pair of black denim chaps (if you hope we all know by now, is not just shops) to outing yourself with an OUf-
like to sweat, the latex chaps are just 12 '. acquisition. For queers, iden- post "Absolutely Queer" T-shirt which,
bucks more). For the big girl or tity has always been tied up in appear- along with other queer-identifying T-
boy-in you, Pat Field has simple, flow- ance, and our ability to be invisible, once shirts, can be found at, among other
ing gowns in purple, white and black. viewed as an asset, is now considered a places, the Loft (89 Christopher St.) or
The '60s are, of course, in again. To
recapture their spirit, Maria Ayala recom-
mends headbands ($10) of her own

$12.95 EACH PLUS
5.75% SALES TAX)
P.O. BOX 06103

••• that man right out of your hair. .."


c -'-'.''''-
.9! ,

PATRICIA FIELD: fishnet bodysuit, $84; PRIDE SHAMPOO is more than a new shampoo: unlike any you have used
black vinyl bodysuit-Ray Dragon, $88; before,·.AJIDE SHAMPOO will donate 50% of all profits to AIDS support,
Black vinyl hiphugger pants-Alan education and advocacy organizations that provide vital services to our
Hams, $100; Red and black patent community.
leather belt, $24; Shoes custom
designed by JoJo. Hair: Perfldia's Wig PRIDE SHAMPOO is a wheat based, natural product that provides superior
World, $110, Model: JoJo. cleansing properties derived from wheat germ oil and conditioning agents
from proteins of wheat. PRIDE SHAMPOO is 100% biodegradable, not
tested on animals, contains no animal by-prOducts and is packaged in
design and as many colored accesories recycleable containers.
as possible as long as they match. Hot
shorts are hot and-for the women . PRIDE SHAMPOO creates another
positive way for you to help fight AIDS .
whose mothers once burned their
'es:: push-ups, underwires and
•••• ~-
PRIDESHAMPOO is available at the value of SMAM POO
bras made out of daisies (this last item $5.95 plus $3.50 (shippingand handling).Simply ..
will run you $68, proving once again that write your name and address on a note card and
mail your payment of $9.45 to: PRIDE SHAMPOO,
less is a/ways more) should be worn 570 AMSTERDAM AVENUE, #4S, NEW YORK, NY 10024.
exposed this summer, not lost under
some sweaty, body-hiding shirt. Boys
should prepare for "the superhero P.S.Be sure to look for PRIDESHAMPOO on Christopher
Street during the Gay & Lesbian Parade,Sunday,June 30, 1991.
look"-black spandex leggings ($58),

your favorite activist meeting. And, of mend Oomsey's (431 Kent Ave.) under tions intact. Like most "cooln East Village
course, in the gay '90s, the question isn't the Williamsburg Bridge in Brooklyn for stores, House is probably smaller than
just, "00 I look queer?" but, "What kind those used, faded Levi's. But my new your living room. Oammed into that tiny
of queer do I look like?" Banana Repub- favorite store is in the East Village: space are items that range from the indi-
lic dyke? Sweater queen? Myself, I like House, located at 84 E. 7th St. It's a little vidual-a necklace made from plastic
the East Village look, not least because hard to find because someone stole their Japanese babies ($45)-to the
the girls and boys are, by and large, sign, but look hard--they're still there. exquisite a see4hrough pullover, done
wearing each other's clothes. If Patricia Field caters to the dare-to- in pwple chiffon with gold piping ($40),
There are a million and one places bare crowd, House offers "unisex cloth- Black satin boxer-style shorts (more like
to buy East Village, and not all of them ing, silver jewelry and fun hatsn for those the ones Mike Tyson wears than those
are in the East Village. I strongly recom- of us who still have some of our inhibi- your dad wore) are also available, with
exposed front zippers and cl~ plastic
panels on each side ($35). Multicolored
boxers without the plastic sides are just
THE 8TH ANNUAL $30: House also has a wide selection of
printed T' 'gns range from the
grisly visage of Pinhead, the villain of
Hellraiser, to simple penises (always a
favorite, among boys at least). Baseball
caps with the same designs are also
A BENEFIT FOR available I think they're $5, but don't
quote me on that.
Whenever I truly yearn to spend
Ii HERITAGE OF PR~DE & money though, I head west, to Amalga-
mated, whose proprietors, Greg (who'll
THE PINK PANTHERS & wow you with that Southern accent) and
THE HOCUTI-FERGUSON PWA ASSISTANCE FUND Damien, realize that today's queer look is
rooted in the '50s, not the '60s. The store
AUCTION OF is located at 19 Christopher St-for you
EROTIC ART, LEATHER CLOTHING, literary types, that's right next to Oscar
SfM AND BONDAGE EQUIPMENT, Wilde Memorial Bookshop.
EARLY ISSUES OF DRUMMER (INCLUDING 'I), ,• This summer, Damien and Greg
DINNERS FOR Two, AND MORE ... • are offering the first article of clothing
DOOR PRIZES • LEATHER TITLEHOLDERS designed for them by Give Smith. It's a
CASH BAR • .fREE HORS D'OEUVRES hip-hugging swimsuitlhot pants with
• \.J exposed front zipper available in
SUNDAY, JUNE 23 , 1991 sparkling blue, maroon or black ($60).
Amalgamated always carries the best
6:00-10:00 PM AUCTION STARTS AT 7:30 chiffon shirts--my favorite on this trip
was a long-sleeved maroon piece by
UMEUGHII AT 20'" STREET, NYC Artichoke Design for $160. Until I get a
, raise, though, I'll stick to things like $35

, --- sleeveless, ribbed cotton T-shirts in

ALL MEN & WOMEN WELCOME blue, white, orange or green (a cut
<,, above the Hanes T-shirt whose sleeves

, you ripped off last summer). And for
the superhero in you, Amalgamated
also carries a Speedo-s~le swimsuit,

- black with white stripes ' own the sides
,) and with a big, plastic la I in front that
, AND OTHERS tells everyone who d , igned it (Bf .
FOR 1I0RE INFORMATION, CONTACT Bosi, $56). The store if also littered
with hats, belts, shoes, scarves, jewerly,
accessories and a bookshelf full of
kitsch that defies cataloguing. One
other thing to remember about Amalga-
mated: Something's always on sale. T

4& OUTWIEIEK ",une _, .._ ..


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ALL Tanning
Packages Sale Ends
May 28, 1991 Photo: Dean Faiella

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for men and women


·T he phone was ringing of my dismissal, since, if

off the hook, only on outirig, Rote1lo and
"No, I'm not fired", I I are in bed together,)
blandly told somewhat But frankly, all this
bemused friends and seems a little. strange. It
assoCIates. was Rotello who put Liza
"No, I was net fired, " Minnelli on the cover last
I politely eJilplained to month, in a "queer-cen-
somewhat badgering sored"

interview that
media people. "And no, marked one of the lowest
the magazine is not being turned into as being less so, and, as time went on, points in OutWeek history, 'I'hat, he says,
a queer Better Homes and Gardens, n they felt that he pandered to more was also forced upon him. But, it was I
So, just what the hell is going on mainstream readers in a desperate quest who kicked and screamed in Rotello's
here at OutWeek, anyway? for advertisers, Thus, it would seem that, office about the Uza piece, and Rotello
If you had asked me yesterday, I with him gone, things in our banana who categorically defended it. And
might have had an answer. But now, republic would get pretty hot and spicy Features Editor Vickie Starr also urged
I'm not so sure. This has been one once again. that the story be killed and was over-
queerly tangled web, involving conflict- If only life were like the movies. ridden by Rotello. He never mentioned
ing personal accounts, outlandish Rotello (a man I've worked with, that he was being forced,
rumors, egos the, size of the Waldorf and learned from, for two years, and In all of the editorial meetings fol-
ballroom and media reports which without whom, it should be noted, there lowing Rotello's ouster, nothing ever
were, as usual, inaccurate and biased. would be no OutWeek) now says that came up about a shift in the politics of
All I can tell you is, if Judy qarland's he was pressured by management over the magazine, either among the editors
death started the Stonewall Riots, then the past year or so to institute changes or in talks with the publisher, Steven
an interview with her daughter Uza 25 that would make Outweek less contro- Polakoff, We editors did dream up a
years later was the impetu&for a revolu- versial. He says that he fought off much million and one ways to stir things up in
tion of another kind. the future. (Stay tuned, and fasten your
The major-motIon-picture ver- - seatbelts. You're in for a bumpy ride.)
sion: As a rift developed in OutWeeks
ruling junta, memos flew through the
• . last week Polakoff was quoted by
the Voice's James Ledbetter that the
office like bullets through the streets of magazine would be "less angry." This
some South American capital: "There seemed to play right into what Rotello
will be a 25 percent across-the-board
layoff, We'll tell you next week who
tonewall had said to the papers. Ledbetter
inferred as much.
gets the ax." (Well, something like that), Rotello now says that perhaps led-
Citing what it called yawning in- of this puppeteering but had to play better "extrapolated" from their discus-
competence, as ·evidenced by the mis- along at times. He is quoted in Newsday sion that there would be more Uza-like .
handling of the layoffs, the entire staff saying that his firing had to do with his features, as Ledbetter also reported,
of OutWeek rose up. In a lengthy list of resistance to turning OutWeek into an attributing it to a "source," But I wonder
demands, it called for the resignaton of "entertainment magazine." And he told how Rotello, now out of the office,
Editor In Chief Gabriel Rotello. It was a The New York Times that he was let go would be privy to such information-
brilliant display of worker solidarity because he didn't agree with what, he which is completely false anyway. And
reminiscient of Norma Rae-with Arts said, were the publisher's desires to why would Ledbetter accept it from
Editor Sarah Pettit in the Sally "You- make the magazine "less political." (In him? Come to think of it, why didn't
Really-Like-Men Field Academy Award- the same article, OutWeek's new acting Ledbetter use my on-the-record informa-
winning lead role. editor in chief, News Editor Andrew tion regarding the Liza Minnelli piece in
Management immediately acced- Miller, in discussing the editorial direc- an interview I gave him last week? Why
ed to most of the demands, ousted tion, said, "As far as radical goes, you didn't Ledbetter call any full-time editors
Rotello and allowed the staff to take ain't seen nothing yet." Go figure.) In at this publication for comments about
part fully in all discussions and deci- other words, according to Rotello, the its editorial content? Sounds like some-
sion-making regarding the plan-ned staffs call to purge him fit neatly into one's been had. i
layoffs and cutbacks. management's own wishes to oust him, . Meanwhile, back at 'the palace, as
The 12-part network TV mini- because he wouldn't do what they the staff sweeps up the debris from last
series starring Amanda Donohoe in wanted him to. week's coup d'etat, Polakoff professeS .
the Sarah Pettit role: Once upon a (No doubt, it was this twist to the that Ledbetter misunderstood what he
time, there was a radical, little maga- story that birthed the unfounded rumors said, and assures me that the magazine's
zine: While most of the editorial activist edge will remain.
board and the staff were quite We shall see. Tune in
progressive politically, its editor next week.
in chief was perceived by some il I IIII 0 illOrill And happy Bastille Day.T

ing as he gets further and further away
from reality. In fact, his secretary says .
that the only person who has power
over his column is Rance Crain of
Crain Communications, editor in chief
of Ad Age and Cratns, a business maga-
AdAge trage zine, which is sold on the street, mailed ,
free to certain executives and never
t's not really ageist, it's just that there to believe that 'AIDS awareness adver- read by anyone. Unfortunately, people
Ihappen to be so many old men who tising' is a vital answer to that particu- do read Ad Age.
can't keep up With reality. Last week, lar problem. There is plenty of aware- According to Crain: "We don't edit
while addressing a group of Southern ness. Let's try for solutions, not more our columnists at alL.OUr policy is gen-
Baptists, George Bush shed another awareness, n Bernstein wrote. It takes a erally that our columnists write what
overly public, theatrical tear on his deci- pretty feeble mind not to see that the they want to write ....He's got a lot of
sion to send troops to the Gulf. Just to be only solution available at this point is wisdom, and we have a lot of respect
sure that no one· missed his misty eyes, awareness. for Sid. In the past, he's been publisher
the president pointed them out On. the His rationale for keeping the adver- of Ad Age, and he's an important part of
way out of the speech, a reporter caught tising community out of the epidemic is our operation." So, Crain just passes the
him off guard and asked about the les- even more disconnected: "AIDS is still buck, refusing to take responsibility for
bian who was recently ordained in Bush's heavily concentrated among the homo- the writing in his publication. After
own Episcopal' ministry. The crotchety sexual population and certain entertain- you've called Bernstein, why don't you
president's response: "Pemaps I'm a little ment and artistic circles, in contrast to call Crain at (212) 210-0100.
old-fashioned, but I'm not ready for that." the general population." Anyone with connections in the
Ready for what? Gay people in Bernstein told "Gaydar" that "all advertislOg business should let Ad Age
the ministry? There are homosexuals deserve to get the disease know that a trade publication is only
currently two pretty because of what they do," and he went valuable if it is tapped into the world you
closeted gay men lead- on, "Everyone knows how to avoid get- are advertising in, not the world where
ing Bush's Washington, ting AIDS already, and it is their own bread was a dime and beer was a nickle.
.. DC, house of worship . fault if they do," It's not so often that Crain has invited responses to Bernstein
Geo~e for publication in the magazine.
Busli What our presi we fmd such barely disguised homo-
dent can't deal phobia. How about infecting his life All of this is a scary warning to cor-
,. with is that with a barrage of faxes and calls in this, porations who keep their old-timers on
some gay the first "Gaydar" zap. His direct num- salary long after their real contributions

people might ber is (312) 649-5202--and you are in have ended. Bernstein has been with the
want to stop for a good conversation. Fax him at company since 1922. And now Crain, in
living the lie. (312) 280-3179. effect, is providing high-cost nursing
Another It would be nice if you told him care. Usually, corporations have the
anachronism, about teenagers who don't get enough good sense to put their "emeritusn exec-
Sid Bernstein, AIDS information or condoms because utives away in a nice office where they
a columnist no one can deal with sex. And remind can't hurt themselves or the company.
for Advertising him that, besides the fact that we are Even the Ancient Order of Hiberni-
Age, spent a good part of the "general population," the ans (infamous organizers of the St. Pat's
\ portion of demographics 9f !he disease are' chang- parade) have recognized that a time
his last two ing and affecting everyone. comes to infuse new blood and ideas.
columns If this geriatric hissy fit isn't just Last week, they suspended ossified lead-
attacking another un-Christian attempt to veil er Frank Bierne, who opposed having
Ads some flaming homophobia, it shows a gays and lesbians in the parade. Hiber-
Against few deeply repressed urges in the writ- nians around the country were justifi-
f AIDS, a er. To crib a line from Spy: After ably embarrassed by his conduct and
;;! new group speaking with the man, "you just want comments on the parade, and they
So that wants to wipe his chin. It's not that he's actu- called for the New York chapter to drop

to raise ally drooling, but he certainly gives that him so they all wouldn't get dragged in
i awareness of impression." (Spy used these technically the mire with him.
=' the disease unlibelous words to describe the hus- Joe Nicholson, who reported the

and of band of a very public, well-coiffed parade story all along in the New York

commuOlty- AIDS doctor and researcher,) . Post, quoted a source as saying: "Frankie
research efforts. Bernstein is some kind of execu- Beirne represents a certain Old World
•• "I don't happen tive director at the magazine and thus .element of the Irish-American community
'P has no editor, which that is dying out... .Frankie is still running
~. means no one
::I t•.
- iloae 8 checks on his writ- s .... GAVDAR on pag .. 97

"un__ ... _.. OUTWEEK 49

Sometimes the life of a columntst bas Us Sydney: Do you think that the majori-
benefits. When Liz and Sydney heard about ty of parts offered to women in Hollywood
the party for Ammula Donohoe :s new ftlm, are like that, and that actresses aren't taken
Dark Obsession, directed by her boyfriend h), very seriously?
Nick Broomfield, they cleared tbetr calen- AD: You wouldn't believe the shit
dars and hoped to meet the woman who that's out there ...or maybe you would. I go
brought female sexual j/exibIlity" to unsus- into the office and say, "I would do this
pecting households across America. That part if you make it worth my while." You
night, they went to Limelight e:xpecttng to say know, make the character real, more than
little more than "Gee, tbanks for all you've just an appendage to the male lead, to
done.» Instead, Sydney and a barely cober- prove that he's virile. The agents say: "Who
ent Liz found themselves sitting on a couch is this bitch? Get her out of here." I'm read-
with Ms, Donohoe, asktng her about her lat- ing this book, A Women:S History of the
est trek into Tabooland. Wefound Ms, D0no- World, right now, and it is really incredible
hoe provocative and articulate about the the way that women have been taught to
problems and issues facing women today. have a negative perspective about them-
Versed in thetr craft and sensitive to what selves ....As a woman, you live and know
happens in tbe world around them, the these things, but reading about it is so
celebrities of the future should look very much more powerful.
much like Ms. Donohoe. Liz: You seem to have taken on roles
which have been controversial, mostly be-
Amanda Donohoe: Those are cause of the sexual openness. Is this some-
great hats you're wearing. AMANDA DONOHOE thing you think you've done consciously?
Sydney: Thank you. We're doing sort AD: I was in a religious school grow-
of a Maine fishing thing this season. (pause.) We just wanted to ing up, and I refused to kneel during prayers. I've always been
start off by saying thank you for .LA. Law, as well as The Rain- the type of person to question things. I like being controversial,
bouJ1 ,and the support you've shown for the lesbian and gay although I don't try to be controversial. I seem to always find
community. There are some people who would try to distance controversy. I want to deal with the seamy side of sexuality. For'
themselves fron'i roles like these. me, sex is just another form of communication. There are pe0-
AD: I have too many friends who are gay or lesbian to ple that want to pretend that it doesn't exist, yet we spend all
disrespect them by pushing a role Dike this] away. our time talking about sex.
liz: The movie you're in now, Dark Obsession, has just Sydney: .I think you've definitely had a positive ef-
received an NC-17 rating from the MPAA Rating Board. Do you fect....You've made people think about larger issues and forced
think that the rating is representative of a certain amount of them to question their beliefs.
consetvatism, or a backlash regarding issues of sexuality? AD: I want people to question things. Why did I do this, , if
AD: I think we are definitely feeling a backlash now. It's not to have them question ...! would be on some sort of ego trip
become so conservative that it's almost as if otherwise.
the '60s never happened. The NC-17 rating is - Liz: What projects are you working on for
so arbitrary, it's used only to suppress sexual- the future?
ity. Sex. is regulated, while violence is not. AD: I'm writing what I hope will be treat-
Here you have the Teenage Mutant Ninja ments for films. One is called S/M: Sex and
Turtles going around killing people, and the Magic. When I saw Robert Mapplethorpe's work,
audience loves it. I found it very honest ....! think his wolk is about
In Hollywood, the whole attitude ,
relationships and their dynamics. That's what ~
toward sexuality is so strange. Look at Pretty • and Magic would be about as well. Another one .
Woman--here is a movie that started as a is called Curiosity Killed the Cat, about someone
dark, serious treatment of prostitution and, who believes their lover is cheating on them and
after. it became Disneyfied, ended up as a hires a private detective to find out It's about the
happy film: You can be a prostitute and distrust and jealousy that develops because of
meet Mr, Right. Never mind the fact that you what they find out
might contract AIDS or die. s•• LIZ & SYDNEY on page 97

t's $50 for the first acceptable terminal racquetball elbow. They sip
I specimen," the young woman on coffee from Bun 'n' Burger and chat.
"Dear prospective donor," the ques-
the telephone explained cheerily. "But
the flfSt visit is not paid. You'll be paid tionnaire begins. "Thank you for your
for the second visit, no matter what interest in ldant's sperm- donor pro-
the results." gram. As you know, donor sperm is
The topic of the conversation was needed for couples who are unable to
spenn. have children on their own due to male
When I fl1'Stbecame a spenn mer- infertility. By becoming a specimen
chant, it was the summer of 1982. I was donor, you will be helping many pe0-
living near Columbia University and ple obtain the families they so greatly
had spotted an ad in the school news- desire.» My nose wrinkles at the rani-
paper looking for donors. My priority at pant heterosexism. The couple is still
the time was ecomonics, not progeny; I chatting and digging into their Bun 'n'
was a jobless New Yorker, one month Burger pastries.
in town, fresh from college. When I My semen, the survey ex-plai~,
anived at the sterile, nondescript office will be analyzed for sperm count,
on upper Madison Avenue, I was sperm movement and extracellular
directed to a quiet, private room deco- debris (a curious term not elaborated
rated in soft grays and dominated by a upon). The specimen will then be
plush chair, Under the soft light of a frozen, thawed and reanalyzed to check
gooseneck lamp lay a stack of Playboy magazines. My objec- for ayosurvival rate. I am cheered by the thought of my little
tive was to arouse myself to distraction and take care that the buddies embarking on such an adventure, as opposed to their
results went into a plastic container. Thankfully, I found some routine fate at my-or somebody else's-selfish hands.
male underwear ads in the back pages.and was able to com- The exhaustive survey asks for characteristics of direct rel-
ply. My man-juice passed muster, and I received the going rate atives, maternal and paternal, as well as medical history, You
for the era-$20. But when I was beseeched to come back on are obliged to sign a waiver, surrendering all rights to ever find-
a regular basis, I hesitated. I envisioned being hooked up to a ing out which Park Avenue swell received your life-giving
jack-off machine like DOn Johnson in A Boy and Hts Dog, seed. There is one difference from days of yore; the potential
forced to commit my seminal fluids to create offspring I would donor is asked to sign a waiver, proving that he is not "a mem-
never see. I never returned. But here I was, nine years later, ber of a high-risk group, n which includes homosexuals, bisexu-
intrepid queer journalist, back at ldant Laboratories on upper als, IVDUs, men who have made it with prostitutes and transfI.l-
Madison Avenue. sion recipients. All donations are screened for HIV. ..
On first viewing, little has changed. The medical staff is still Back' at the window, a short, stout man with a Moe
polite, curt and offhanded about their role in Howard haircut and a sloppy moustache
running the cum factory, The man ahead of me reviews my application. I am wide-eyed and
at the window, a skinny nebbish with brown obsequious to a fault. I peer over the window
hair, is obviously a regular. He holds a check and see a small machine with a rotating table,
for $220, the standard fee for five visits to the bearing a plastic container of pearl-gray liquid,
whipping chamber. The tall, milk-fed blond Moe explains that the sperm is swirled around
receptionist greets me, noting that I am on time for 15 minutes, in order to liquefy it before
for my appointment. "You want to become a freezing. I have not filled out my racial back-
potential paid donor," he says, with a smanny ground adequately; he seems puzzled by my
delivery of an Ed McMahon Publishers Oear- Lithuanian Jew-Nicaraguan pedigree. "Are you
inghouse commercial. I am handed a question- Caucasian," he asks. "Was.your father a Mesti-
naire and sit down to fill it out. A young cou- w?" I shrug, The Arrogant Blond One, standing
ple comes in, reeking of thirtysomething. She is behind me impatiently, breaks in, "He's Cau-
unfailingly pert and blond, a dedicated career- casian, definitely Caucasian.» Moe jots down
woman. He is also blond, no doubt a jaunty, -Ie r the infonnation.
arrogant bonds trader. Probably suffers from IIII _•• FIELD TRIPPING on page 97

• •

"", .

OVER OUR DEAD BODIES. Directed by Stuart Marshall. RELAX. Directed by Chris Newby. The New
·Festival. The Biograph Theater. 225 W. 57th St. (212)996-5848. June 21 at noon and June 22 at 2:15 pm.


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" A CALL TO ARMS-Director Marshall zeroes in.

by Bruce C. Steele Marshall, whose Desire and Comrades His previous works on historical sub:;-
Is AIDS activism a form of denial? in Arms appeared, re- jects were often dry and
Do we tell ourselves that "as long as spectively, in the 1989 glancing, as if the souls of
we're fighting, people won't die," as and 1990 New Festivals, his subjects, living and
Douglas Crimp contends in this has finally tackled a dead, eluded him. But in
insightful and inciting new film? topic of immediate and Over Our Dead Bodies, the
Documentary filmmaker Stuart continuing significance. interviews are probing and

52 ou. LII'EEK .. une -. 1111.0

often confessional, and Marshall's
point of view-that activism is a curi-
ous yet politically effective form of
mourning crystallizes and hits home.
The tension between grief and
anger is the ftlm's central issue. Over
Our Dead Bodies begins by highlight- s fucked up and homopho- . puffing away nonstop as Louise and
ing some of the recent AIDS and bic as they often are, Thelma, lighting up is, if not the
queer activism in New York, London
movies still provide the best glamorous thing to do, once again at
and San Francisco, but the flim is not
an analysis or proftle of the ACf UP,
escape from such escapist least a normal thing to do. (Even the
Queer Nation or Outrage! chapters national debacles
as Operation Wel- firemen in Backdraftsmoke,)
Marshall visits. He includes a lot of come Home. And if you live in New In Spike Lee's latest, the only
powerful footage of past demonstra- York, there's simply no better place to thing that gets lit up is crack, which
tions and lets members extoll each go AWOL than the New Festival. is definitely not glamorous. Finally
group's party line: inclusion, identity, With everything from Marleen (A dealing (sort of) with the drug scene,
education, drug accessibility, "a call to Question of Silence, Broken Mirrors) Jungle Fevertakes Wesley Snipes'
arms," "putting the camp back in cam- Gorris' latest, The Last Island-a sort character, Flipper, into a crack house
paigningn and so forth. Yet the ftlm- of dystopic Gilli- called the Taj
maker has no interest in group
dynamics or in deconstructing political
gan's Island in by Mahal, in search
which the million- • of his brother
correctness. Activism is the back-
aire and his wife
1nont.ca and the color
ground: The foreground, as the title
states, is death and, as one person are fags, and the dorenka1np television he has
says, "all those contradictions" that professor gets to stolen from their
develop when we are forced to inter- sleep with Mari- - parents, At Lee's
twine great personal pain with com- anne to Jaime Chavarri's not-spec- best, the massive crack house looks
munity pride. tacular-but-(thanks-to-beautiful dizzily full of endless, seemingly
In exploring the different political Manuel-Bandera)-very-sexy Las Cosas entangled bodies; at his worst, it
expressions of grief and anger, Marshall del Querer, the Festival effectively looks like an anti-drug public-service
contrasts activism in the United States erases all thoughts of yellow ribbons, announcement (overdone shots of
with the more fledgling UK movement. With over 140 films to choose drug paraphernalia on the floor cut
The main difference, according to Simon
from, one would be hard-pressed to with silhouettes of junkies pacing
~Watney of London's Outrage!, stems
from the combination of a lower AIDS
pick a favorite. Even so, The Great back and forth). But at its best and
death toll in Britain and the presence of Lie would be in my top three, The worst, the whole scene looks as out
socialized medicine, which has muted 1941 film stars Bette Davis and one of place in the movie as Flipper does
the magnitude of the crisis. And with of the few women whom we could walking through it. .
England's more oppressed and fractured want to upstage her, Mary Astor, and But, then, everything looks a bit
homosexual community, British gays is fabulous for so many reasons, one out of place here, where no character
have "experienced [AIDS]as a series of of which is its attitude toward smok- is developed very far beyond the sub-
personal tragedies," rather than seeing ing. Cigarettes are lit up so often in plot that defines his or her position.
the crisis as symptomatic of pervasive this film that several lines of dialogue Part of the problem is that this is a
social inequities. In the United States, on film only of subplots. Lee seems
comment on it. Of course, in 1941,
the other hand, the enonnity of the grief
smoking was at least as much a part determined to do it all and, as a
borne by each individual has exploded
into an extraordinary awakening and of life as having cocktails before din- result, doesn't do much,
rage that essentially took over the ner. Between them, Davis and Astor Consistent with his other work,
fledgling gay liberation movement. smoke as much as-Nick and Nora the sexual politiCS (cut across class
If any single speaker seems to Charles drink in the original Thin and race lines) of Jungle Fever are
express the film's point of view, it's Man movie, Which is a lot. not always palatable. We can only be
singer and PWA Michael Callen. "I've And now, after a long, health- thankful that yet another subplot
been a heretic," says Callen, an eight- conscious pause, smoking seems to which focused on gays was taken
year survivor who sees most of the be back in. Whether it's Christian out altogether, Even so, the movie is
attention paid to experimental drugs Slater posing with a cigarette ala at times homophobic unable to
as misguided and even destructive.
Humphrey Bogart (who, of course, find good Black men, what can a
But despite his doubts about some of
died of lung cancer) in Movieline, or Black woman do? "Be a nun or be
the movement's goals, Callen says that
continuing the struggle is imperative Susan Sarandon and Geena Davis , gay," Ho-hum.
to our survival: "If I ever stop to face

....n. _ ..._.. ou. WEEK 53

the enormity of the loss, I won't be minutes many of the insecurities, emo- entertaining and hard-hitting, broach-
. able to go on. My strategy has been to tions and rationalizations that surround ing countless r'ecognlzable feelings
present a moving target." a healthy gay man's decision to be test- and issues in this time of plague with-
,'<"i~,.:... ·The co-feature with Over Our ed for antibodies to IllY. . out offering the comfort of judgment
'~Det,d Bodies is Chris Newby's Relax, Newby, a Briton, maneuvers con- or resolution.
one of the best short films in this year's fidently down the fine line between To my mind, Over Our Dead
Festival. Featuring stunning black-and- narrative and experimental film, with Bodies and Relax comprise one of the
white photography and a brilliant use an impressionist style, found footage festival's most important and com-
of sound, the film compresses into 20 and creative editing. Relax is both pelling programs this year ....

eleton an ose
Joseph Hansen Shares the Mystery
by Raphael Simon For one thing, Hansen doesn't iden- just not true."
Queers get treated like second<iass tify as a detective. (He does identify as a "You didn't feel that you were
citizens when they get treated like citizens gay man, his wife and his daughter picking up on something about detec-
, . at all; detective novels get treated like notwithstanding.) This comes as no sur- tive novels? That maybe there was a
, ., second-class literature when they get prise if the detective in question is reason ..."
treated like literature at all. But, if sheer Hansen's own Brandstetter, a character "No, I didn't particularly think about
volume is any indication, queers make who is very much the strong, silent type. it. I learned later on that an awful lot of

;:-first-class detective novelists. Moreover,
,.• " ~'-' '$.,'
Brandstetter's creator, in contrast, is a mystery writers are extremely conserva-
·';t:{ mysteries are now an ever-increasing sta- fussy, funny kind of man, a sort of pro- tive politically. Really, what I wanted was
.pie of lesbian and gay presses; in fact, the fessor on a camping trip. He does not to write compelling stories that contained
most widely read self-identified lesbian drive, an anomaly in Los Angeles, where the freight of-well, if you like-propa-
author in the world (according to her he has lived for almost half of his 68 ganda, although I don't like that word.
publisher, Naiad Press), Katherine Forrest, years. In general, he is very cautious The truth about something people seem
. writes detective fiction. about his movements both the small to have the wrong idea about It's a very
Other important authors for the for- ones Oike getting out of my car) and the simple message-that aside from sexua1
mer reader of Nancy Drew who is now big ones (like going up to San Francisco preference, we're just like everybody
a dyke or the former reader of the for a gay writer's conference.) else. Now, it seems like an extremely,
Hardy Boys who is now a Nancy are, to
In conversation, however, Hansen is comphcated message, because a lot of
name but a couple, Barbara Wilson, almost gregarious. He loves to talk-real- people still haven't gotten it. I keep beat-
known as the "political" lesbian mystery Iy, to lecture. an the past years, Hansen ing my little dnun. n
writer, and Mich'ael Nava, whose detec- has taught writing dasses.) What strikes the reader first about a
tive Henry Rios is, like the author, a gay How did Hansen get started in the Joseph Hansen mystery is that despite
latino lawyer. aime-fiction business? the gay hero and often even despite the
. Is this recent proliferation of queer "I wanted to do something that gay theme- "aside from the sexua1 pref-
r' mystery writers evidence of some subtle would get mystery readers involved and erence"-it is "just liken any other mys-
,;.',:,. .' . biological principle? The only thing we yet would be perfectly candid about tery novel. A typical Dave Brandstetter
/ know for sure is that queers are born homosexual life." investigation begins with a drive aroµnd
, . with a doset to break out of--QIld a dos- "So it was an eye toward getting a some out-of-the-way IA neighborhood,
et is a detective's inevitable domain. But particular audience?" sun-soaked but gritty. Hansen's famously
does that mean that every queer is born a "Right.., an audience that needed to plain writing style owes much to his Cali-
detective? Several weeks ago, I had lunch understand, not an audience that already fornia crime precursors, Chandler and
with Joseph Hansen, self-described understood." . Hanunett, and seems not to reflect what
"Mama Duck" of queer detective fiction "A purely political intent..." we usually recognize as gay sensibility.
, .' and author of the recently published A "Yep, I' put in a lot of stereotypes In various Hansen mysteries, the
" Country of Old Men, which he has and turned them upside down in Fade- . white and straight-appearing Brandstet-
declared the last of the 12-book-Iong out. That was the main joke in the first ter has affairs with Black men half his
Dave Brandstetter mystery series. one. It's the young boy who pursues age and drag queens who work in the .
Between bites of a Chinese pork the old man and not porn industry. Far from
dish, I tried to suggest to Hansen that vice-versa. There are being a taboo, homo-
there .might be an essential and enduring many cliches that I sexuality is the given.
relationship between homosexuality and turned around in there, But, at least in the eyes
detective fiction, but he wasn't buying because I know and of the straight publish-
any of it. you know that they're ing world, this way of

54 OUTWEEK "une ze. 1_1

representing homosexuality is taboo. represented in' two
As Hansen tells it: "My straightfor- ways at once---w; an
ward approach (by that, I do not mean incidental non-issue
graphic sex), my totally non-apologetic (as for the comfort-
approach, non-'Oh, the pain of it, I must ably gay Brandstet-
commit suicide because I'm gay' ter) and as a traumat-
approach-they weren't ready for it. I ic secret demanding
didn't get anywhere [in New YorkJ, but investigation (as for
fortunately there were sleaze publishers many of his quany).
out here [in LA] who were willing to Or at least as a
publish the books in the hope that they traumatic non-secret.
would sell as pornography." In Hansen's new
"Which they weren't?" novel, A Country of
"Well, some of them became Old Men, a writer of
pornography because I wanted them to detective fiction is at
go on being printed." . work on a book
Hansen's ftrst mystery ~ovel was about his youth, and
published pseudonymously under the people from the writ-
title Known Homosexual, with sex er's past keep pop-'
scenes added at the request of his pub- ping up, terrified that
lisher. (The novel has recently been some early foible will
republished with Hansen's real name be revealed in the
and the equally sensationalistic title, book. Everyone has
Pretty Boy Dead, on the cover.) Hansen something to hide,
stopped writing porn when he became the proverbial skele-
a mainstream success. But traces of his ton in the closet.
past life as a pornographer are visible in Near the end of the
his later books. story, it develops that
Near the opening of my favorite the writer has been
Brandstetter mystery, Skinflick, a miser- playing with his
able adolescent boy bums pile after pile friends: They need
of porn magazines in a large open fire in not have worried.
his backyard. The obvious moral is that This ending is a p0s-
the boy does, but need not, fmd the sibly unsatisfying
sight of other. people's or his own- conclusion for a mys-
sexuality so shameful. As Hansen admit- tery novel but a cer-
ted to me, his novels contain not only tainly pointed mes-
images of people comfortable with their sage: The closet is
sexualities but also "a lot of concealment, empty-is, in fact,
closetedness." the skeleton.
Whether to create art about homo- Now Hansen
sexuality or to make art about other claims to be through
subjects that portrays incidentally gay with detective fiction,
characters remains a central dilerruna for which, he says, he
gay artists. Many of us would like to can write with "my
choose the second option, but- hands tied behind
because the world won't let us, and my back." Like the
because, in any case, it is hard to know character in his last
what "incidentally gay" means-that is book, he is at work '
not always possible. on a series of autobi-
In most mystery novels, an even- ographical novels
handed, emotionally opaque detective and plans to pursue
pursues a dangerous woman or man only serious fiction in
~ who has something to hide. This is the the future.
~ fOIlDand, sutprisingly, it has proven lib- I asked Hansen
S erating for queer writers, perhaps if he knew Christo-
€. because it allows homosexuality to be pher Isherwood.

Self-described 'Mama Duck' of queer detective fiction

....n. 2., .._.. OUTWEEK 55

. "I knew him slightly, yes. We room, talking about this, that and the This is no small task, since the notable
spent one evening together. Once other thing, including astrology, which SUIVeysdone in the past-more than 30
upon a time, I had admired A Single was always kind of an interest of his, of them---are disparate, unsystematic and
Man, very much. I had written a review you know, Then he took me out to din- incomplete. Moreover, a very high per-
of it. And IsherWood appreciated the ner ..,But he would not give me a quote centage of homophobic aimes· go unre-
review. So I thought maybe I could get for my book." . ported, and, therefore, police records and
him to give a plug to my book Strange "But you got to have a date with the news media are of limited value. Not
Marriage. That was not my title. I had h·tm ... " satisfied with these sources, Comstock
a nice title: A Name for Loneliness. A "But I got to have a date with supplements this standard information
sentimental title, but pretty-a little too him, right. ..,The other day, a friend of with the results of his own SUIVey,which
pretty. I wouldn't use it now. mine said that Don Bacardi said to reveals nuances heretofore unnoted-
"He said yes, he would read it, him, 'Oh; do you know Joe Hansen? including eight types of anti-gay and -les-
but [affects English accentl 'No, no, We love his work.' Nice to hear. 'We!' bian violence, the most common settings
don't send me the galleys-long, He's still talking about Christopher Ish- of these crimes and, most Significantly,
slithery things. Don't send me those, erwood as if he were alive, I suppose subcategories identifying the race, gen-
they're always slithering off the he always will be." der and class background of victims and
table. Don't care for those at all. "Do you feel you've been influ- perpetrators. Vwlence Against Lesbians
Send me the manuscript.' So I sent enced by any gay writers in particular?" . and Gay Men is important not only
him the manuscript. "Influenced to get far away from the because the statistics show lesbians and
"And then he called me and said: closet and stay there, yes. Like Ten- gay men to be the victims of violent
'Let's talk about your book. You come nessee Williams, who didn't and attacks at a disproportionately higher rate
see me. You know where to find me.' wouldn't come out for 10,000 years. And than the general population (in one sur-
So I went down to Santa Monica Gore Vidal. They were another genera- vey, four times higher) but also because
canyon, and I took a couple of candle- tion. Not much older than mine. But I the number of bias-related crimes grows
sticks for the house, black Mexican pot- disapprove. I disapprove of people fak- each year. In addition, current events
tery candlesticks, which much swprised ing then- stuff. 'I'm really writing about in Los Angeles and recent meetings
and took him aback. He's a very shy gays, but I make it a straight couple,' or between gay leaders and police officials
man, very shy. He had a way of flap- whatever. I don't like that Phooey! I bet- in New York City, have underscored the
piQg his hands against his sides, very ter open my fortune cookie. What does general indifference of the police to
stiff, when he didn't know what to do. yours say?"~ respond to these crimes.
"Well, he showed me around the A Country of Old Men, the final Comstock presents empirical data
house. We had a drink. I guess they Dave Brandstetter mystery, is available that reveals a startling proftleof victim
were martinis. We 'sat in his living from Vtking at $17.95. and perpetrator. For instance, his survey
establishes the disturbing fact that les-
bians and gay men of color are more fre-
quently the victim of anti-gay and -les-
bian violence than are white lesbians
and gay men. As one might suspect, inci-
dences of homophobic violence happen
Comstock. Columbia University Press. $35 d. 296 pp.
most frequently within the vicinity of a
lesbian or gay bar, but surprisingly, the
by Eric Brandt began to harass this angry crowd with second most-frequent setting for violence
This week will see the anniversary jeers and name-calling. They seemed is in the "safety" of one's own home.
of an astounding event: Last June, hun- genuinely surprised when dozens of the It is notable that lesbians are mQre
dreds of lesbians and gay men gathered infuriated queers immediately broke off commonly victims of violence set in the
at the Christopher Street piers to "take from the crowd of marchers and con- home. In fact, there seem to be several
back the nightn from those who seek to fronted them physically. The psycho- statistics that point to the fact that anti-
do us harm. Even in the jaded eyes of social dynamics of the straight world lesbian violence often has several char-
the media, we made front-page history which would encourage such foolhardy acteristics not shared by anti-gay vio-
as we marched through the Village, stop- confidence continued to baffle me lence. Though Comstock offers some
ping every few blocks to hear yet months afterward-until I read Gary discussion of why these aspects are spe-
another grisly testimonial of a brother or Comstock's very revealing book, Vio- cific to anti-lesbian violence, his focus is
a sister being harassed, mugged, beaten, lence Against Lesbians and Gay Men, more on the dynamics of violence ~

knifed or killed, The litanies of injustices the latest issue from Columbia Universi- which are common to both gays and .
and the responses of voiced fury made

ty Press' lesbian and gay studies series. lesbians. dearly, there is a need for fur-
for an unprecedented demonstration. In this work, Com- ther study of the dy-
This catharsis was remarkable in stock rigorously collects, namics peculiar to anti-
itself, but what was even more amazing compares, surveys and lesbian violence.
was the fact that four adolescent summarizes the very dis- The proftle of the
straight males, outnumbered 200-to-one turbing statistics on generic gay-basher
and moved by some insane logic, homophobic violence. which emerges from
5& OUTWBBK .June _ ... _ ..

TOMES AND TOMATOES AT THE Writers, edited by Dennis Cooper. With Hunter
AMERICAN BOOKSELLERS ASSOCIA- was the channing Dale Peck Oistings editor for
TION CONVENTION •••Yes, it's true. It's me. this publication) shaking his very own groove
I'm back-the Hedda Hopper of alternative let- thing. We got to know each other during"a nlid-
ters. And here is what I -have to say: SNAP! night stroll past the crowns from the Love Ball 2,
Another year, another ABA. But, this year, the on display in the windows of Barney's. '
Ameri~an Booksellers Association convention Sunday morning, the convention center:
was in New York Qune 1-4 at the JaVits Center), more books, books, books; people, people, peo-
and, since New York is the capital of the pub- . ple. I decided on a stroll through the gay and les-
lishing world, it was a busy, busy, busy weekend bian neighborhood. First I stopped to chat with
It actually started on Friday, May 31, at 6 pm. The occasion, Nancy Bereano, whose Firebrand Books has just published Jewelle
fast becoming an Institution (capital "I"), was the third annual Gomez's tbe Gtlda Stories and Eloise Klein Healy's latest collection
Lambda literat)' Awards, the primary awards for Gay and Lesbian of poetry, Artemis tn Echo Park This fall, Firebrand will publish the
(capital "G," capital "L") literature. This is not to be confused with collected essays of Minnie Bruce Pratt, whose Crime Against
Queer, Homo, Other or Alternative literature, The awards took Nature raised more than a few eyebrows last year.

place in the Grand Ballroom of the Grana Hyatt Hotel. Highlights I continued my s~oll through the Cleis Press booth where
included a humorously heart-wrenching acceptance speech a by Director of Publicity Lisa Frank and I chatted about the arts, fund-
Allen Barnett ("Like my new tie? I bought it to match my lesions.") ing, Pittsburgh and fall titles. One fmal stop took me into the
Ii' '

Barnett, author of the well-received 7!Je Body and Its Dangers, had Alyson Publications booth. In addition to the forthcoming vQIl1µle, ,
struck a deal with his doctor to blow the coop (Co-op Care at Leatherfolk, edited by Advocate Senior Editor Mark Thompson,
NYU) long enough to receive one Lammy as well as the honorat)' publisher Sasha Alyson has recently launched the Alyson Wonder-
Ferro-Grumley Foundation Award. Other Lammys were lariated by land line of gay and lesbian children's books.
Paula Martinac, Michael Lassell, Marilyn Hacker, Cherry Muhanji Sunday evening, happily, brought with it a brief respite from
and Alan Berube, among others. the hellish whirl of book parties. I accepted, instead, an invitation
Ira Silverberg (Mr. Book Editor-Book Agent-Book Publicist; from Peck for spaghetti in Harlem. The sauce was extra spicy, just
see "Letters," no. 101, June 5) turned up in a tasteful skirted tuxedo the-way I like it
to co-present (with this columnist) the Gregory Kolovakos Award Monday: more books, more business. Monday night, however,
for AIDS Writing to David Wojnarowicz (visual-oriented work cate- was the party piece de tisistance. Silverberg, Scholder and I, each
gory) and Kenny Fries (poetry category). donned new outfits and headed for the Atlantic Monthly Press party.
This was not a good weekend for sleeping. I picked up David Through the masses we went, ascending directly to the top floor bar, I
Trinidad (poetry editor of this publication) not 100 early Saturday where moments later entered the one and only Shirley Ma~ine.
morning and headed up to the monolithic, densely populated con- (She must have another one of those books coming out) We stood
vention center. (More than 26,000 people were in attendance.) We there with the fun Amy Salit of National Public Radio's Fresh Air chat-
decided to stop at the Amethyst Press booth first, to stand under ting, happy, admiring The Shirley's considerable diamond bracelet
poster-size reproductions of our book covers and shake a few hands. when in walked the beleaguered (but wealthy) Bret Easton Ellis,
Newly freelance book-publicist Michele Karlsberg, who was looking cute and spiffy as ever and none the worse for...whatever.
working the aisles of the gay and lesbian neighborhood of publish- Next was the small press party and the Before Columbus
ers' exhibitions, told of her involvement in poet Assoto Saint's Foundation awards at the too, too downtown Nuyorican Poets
talked-about new anthology, 1be Road Before Us, scheduled for an Cafe. It was only to be a cameo appearance, though, before head-
October release from Galiens Press. The book is a project of the ing to our favorite EI Teddy's for a final farewell to this year's con-
Other Countries Black gay collective Saint helped to found. Karls- vention. Tortillas and (apparently) shatp-tongued talk were on the
berg was trying without success to explain to poet-girlfriend Latifah menu. Oooh, more spice. -Eric Lattky
Rapp why, in fact, the convention wasn't boring to someone who
isn't involved in the frenzy of book business. 'T' yawned, wasn't SIGN ME UPmIf you're into cruising chicks and com-
interested and wasn't buying it muning with nature while taking in some food for your ears, then
It all seemed to be moving so quickly. Faces and conversa- you've probably already made your summer plans to attend the
tions were coming and going (ahnost) quicker than even I could women's music fest in your area. But the scene doesn't have to be J
keep up: journalist and writer of note Martha Frankel; A Different limited to the warmer season. Now the Association of Women's
Light/San Francisco's Richard Labonte; New American Librat)' edi- MUSicand Culture has teamed up with the National Women's Mail-
tor Carol DeSanti with author Sarah Schulman; Ann Grossman, ing List to keep both artists, and fans informed of the women's
sales manager of the highly tooted InBook. music scene throughout the year. Currently in progress (or was that ,11"
Before I mew it; it was, ~ party time. Home for aperitifs, a process?), the group envisions a quarterly calendar for each region
chance to slip on the proper evening wear, a dash of EgoiSte (For a of the country that will accept concert listings from producers, pub-
Man) by Chane!. ("To assume he is uncaring or aloof is to misread licists, booking agents and artists for a nominal fee. NWML. will
him...") Up to the Consortium party at the new Groliers Club with then send the calendar to the 60,000 or so women already receiv-
Amy Tie Me UP! Tie Me Down! Scholder of San Francisco's City ing their mailings, along wjth any new women wishing to join in
Lights and Silverberg. And over to (Oh, again?) the limelight for the fun. For more infonnation, or to find out how to receive the
the Voice Ltterary Supplement party, where, dancing on stage, was calendars (projected as being ·suitable for being hung on a refrig-
queer writer Dennis Hunter, whose work will be seen this fall in erator door") , call 007) 632-5763 , or write to Gail Benvenuta, PO .
the Amethyst anthology Discontents: Tbe New Crowd of Queer· Box 2256, Sebastopol, CA, 95473. -Victoria Starr

.Jun_ 2&..... 11 OUTWEEK 57



• ,
His survey chapter, Comstock examines the role ality-most notably Jo~ Boswell's 0:Jris-
and position of adolescent males within tlanlty, Social Tolerance and Homosexu,-
'the social order. As homosexuals, aJity-bas been to 'interpret Jewish and
.. ~
establishes the according to Comstock's analysis, we are Christian saiptures as ultimately tolerant,
"alien" to the archetypal family structure and even accepting, of homosexuals.
• which supports and protects American CoImtock, on the other hand, sees the
patriarchal society. In other words, aible as offering a warning to us. His
disturbing fact merely by sleeping with whom we exegesis of Leviticus 20:13, which pre-
want, we challenge the way current scribes corporal punishment for homo-
society is organized and swvives, Noth- sexual relations, suggests that we should
that lesbians and ing new here. But what ts interesting is be very worried indeed. Homosexuals
Comstock's argument that, as "aliens," were bashed in Israd in the sixth centwy
we are perceiYed as a threat most,direct- BCE, in Geneva in the 1560s, in Holland
gay filen of color ly to the power and authority of straight
adolescent males.
in the 1730s, in England in the early 19th
• century and in the Nazi extermination
Comstock argues the provocative camps, and Comstock explains why this
thesis that the social location of adoles pattern is likely to continue, Our only
are filore cent males is similar to that of lesbian- hope is in anning ourselves with, among
and gay-identified people, and he pro- other things, a lesbian and gay history
ceeds to list the ways in which we are filled with resistance to violence
frequently the similarly disempowered. Add to these Violence Against Lesbians and Gay
disdained similarities Kinsey's fmding Men has the occasional tendency to
that nearly one out of every two lapse into an academic prose cluttered
victitn of anti-gay teenage males has some homosexual with au courant sociological jatgon. And
II ,';
contact, and the result is a group of by constantly referring to the work of
worried, frustrated and angry adoles- other, often little-known scholars (a
and -lesbian cents. The consequence is socially common malady of doctoral disserta-
sanctioned fag-bashing. tions), Comstock conditions, rather than
In this work's final chapter, Com- reinforces, his argument. But whether
stock analyzes why straight society you ultimately agree with Comstock's
violence than are attempts to give legal authority and theo- theories and predictions or not, there is
logical sanctity to the hateful hurting and no denying that this book is an impor-
killing of homosexuals. The trend in tant and provocative resource packed
white lesbians recent theological studies of homosexu- with infonnation .•

• •

and gay tnen. ie, orn Ire


Comstock's research is composed in this

A eonsumer Guide
way: The assailant is most likely a
stranger (66 percent of the time), a male ,by Joe Clark The Beautiful South,
(83 percent of anti-lesbian attackers, 99 Choke (EIektra)
percent of anti-gay attackers), Under 21 RlckAstley, Free (RCA) Dig here for rhinestones, not-dia-
years of age (46 ~t) and white (67 Dance queens, take good care of monds, in the rough, as semi-precious
percent). Though Coms~ock's statistics yOur old Astley albums: It looks like Rick treasures of devious wit and self-mock-
indicate that most incidences of anti-gay lfuS gone soul for good. On paper, you'd ery masquerade as pop. One big prob-
and -lesbian violence are perpetrated by think R & B should gain from Rick's nat- lem: Paul Heaton's distinctive and charm-
a lone. attacker, victims of homophobic ural finesse and, of course, that voice. Ifs ing voice, which should stand alone, is
violence are more likely to be outnum- too bad, then, that Free turned out sabotaged by Briana Corrigan's stagger-
bered than the victims of violence in wishy-washy, oblique and soft-focus. ingly unwdcome vocals in the Single "A
general. Though this is a rather thin Considering the expectations of his typi- . Little Time, n which sounds like Lynn
statistic when one looks at the numbers, cal danox>riented fans and the mirror Anderson scraping her tonsils on a black-
Comstock stresses it to bolster his argu-

age-difference between them and him, hoard. No matter. May the Beautiful . --
ment that anti-gay and -lesbian violence "peer pressure" is a concept with great South forever remain ahead of their
is a "group-specific behavior,n that is, a relevance here, and I admire the newly unlikely stylistic rivals, Wilson Philips.
manifestation of the "insecurity" of ado- long-haired Rick for resisting it Rick stiII
lescent males who have nothing better to bas much to give; if he would only put Clint Black,
do on a Saturday night. his mind to it, I'm convinced he could Put Yoursellin My Shoes (RCA)
In the book's most compelling blow our doors off. The man with the superstar name


has a voice to matm. Black's bloodcur-

dling delivery wraps itself lovingly •

around these bulletins frQm today's revi-

talized country landscape. Black wrote,
or co-wrote, each of these clever and
often witty songs, GloriOusly, he's also
sole vocalist on all but one, and, of
course, that very song is the only notable
disappointment Even with melancholy
subject-matter, Black infuses his vocals
with a confidence and poise people
think that only Sinead o'Connor has.

Budt Pets, Men:urotones (Island) .

Brainy, self-involved, monotonous,
not-altogether-unappealing Texan guitar
rock, with two good singles and a selec-
tion of songs about lust.

The UIac 11me,

And Looefor All (Fontana)
Affect with effect,

Monic IDve, Down to Eartb (Warner)

Effect without affect (in case you
haven't heard it yet).

Mother love Bone, Apple (Polydor) PlAY THAT RJNKY MUSIC Whits boys playas Young Black Teenagers.
Really quite proficient and self-
assured conventional rock fromariother piness rocks hard no longer. But don't Various Artists, Je Rap en FranCaIs
Seattle OOnd, with power to spare and cry for them, Aigentina, since .a disc0nso- (Station 12/f )
the requisite tortured vocals. To be late Moe Berg is still worth listening to. Little more than a self-indulgent
played back-to-back with the Black Snappy production (again by Rundgren compilation of French-language "rap"
Crowes, who rilight not be the better himseIO and trademark ecclesiastic har- (actually dance) songs more politically
band forever, monies set off the most recherche lyrics correct than artful, je Rap en Francais
since the Smiths (for example: "I know does contain a stunning dance track
Poor Righteous Teachers, it's been said that talk is meap, but we every deejay and dance
fan should Qwn,
Holy l1ite1/ea (Profile) know the power it really hasJMust it be "I.e Rapper Olic, n by Montreal radio ~
One out of three, anyway. rigid.and so benign? Can't it be free and jay I.e Boyfriend, which sets new stan-
efficadous?") Moe Berg, logocentric idOl dards for fun(ky), fast-moving dance-pop,
PopwmEatI~ for the '9Os. (Play "Spot the Sample" with KC and the
(MreforStmity (RCA) Sunshine Band and Sly and the Family
These pUrposeless electronic sounds Queeosryche, Stone.) And the video, featuring a beard-
will cause fans to miss the raging, evis- Empire (EM{) ed drag queen as Miss Kier of Deee-Lite,
cerating saw-toothed rants of the last A grander, thrashier Styx with better is so gay! Buy it, play it, love it Available
album. Also gone is the shameless revel- hair and lyric;. Empires sensitive song- from Trans-OlnacIa Records, 2620 Trans-
ing in the very artifacts of pop culture writing excuses these overrated Seattlites' Qmada Highway, Pointe-Oaire, Quebec,
most hated by intellectuals comic occasionally tentative meanderings on , H9R 1B1. (514) 425-2500,
books, Tv, trashy dance music. There is guitar. The curious track "Best I Can"
scant compensation in Pop Will Eat may have disability advocates scratching Young Black Teenagers, ,'"
Itself's usual obsessive statistic; on eam their heads, but in the lowest-conunoa- Young IlIIlck Teenagers (MCA)
track (BPMs, running times accurate to denominator world of today's rock; we Here we go again: More rap songs
hundredths of a second, even length of should be thankful to have anything at about beating up women. Though ,the
studio tape required) and groovy Sigue all to puzzle over, . ~"' band is admittedly adept at the rhythm
Sigue Sputnik-like ]apanized-over art. and the rhyme, "Traci"
Better luck last time, sting, (lords?) is an orgiastic
Tbe Soul Cages (A&M) depiction of domestic
The PUtsuitofHappiness, " The text is a weav- violence, complete with
~fded Story (QuoysaIis) ing of words; Sting pr0- the sickeningly realistic
Newly dejected, the Pursuit of Hap- vides the thread sound effects of.a face

..u... 28........

being slapped and a woman sobbing.

That's obviously the band's intent, too: •

Nothing could be clearer than lines like

"Arm by arm and leg by leg,/l dismem-
ber your body till you start to beg. n
These nightmare miscreants, together Dd: Ji"'- "Skippy" Belanger
with over-blond homophobe Tairrie B
(also on MCA Records, you'll note), are
enough to give white rap a bad name.
CITY: Chicago
Boycott it at a store near you.
CLUB: Roscoe~s .
808 State, Ex.El (ZITlfonuny Boy) CTuesday~ Friday, Sunday.J,
I confess, I was an 008 State skeptic Europia ('Wednesday~
until I heard the monumental, era-bridg- Sa-eurday.J
ing single, "Cubic," which may redefine
the synthesizer and the electric guitar for 1. Rhythm of Time by Front 242
a generation. Ex.EI subtly mirrors rock
2. Spice by EON (import)
albums in its smattering of consciously
lower-key songs: They're ripened 3. Feel the Drums by Emotive
tracks not flIler-that happen to tap .,. Devotion by 'Nomad
rather than kick. Already immense and 5. Last 'D'ain (0 'D'anscentral by KLF (import)
growing with each release, the maturity 5. EnerllY Flash by Beltram (import)
of 800 State's dance-music acumen cori- 7. Voices (Dub Mix) by KC Flight
, founds the dance floor, since you can't
dance to these songs without looking 8. House Fly by Tricky Disco (import)
like a fool. I love them anyway. 9. Sexitivify byMC~ featur,ng Sima (import)
10_ Decay by MK
The Tragica1ly Hip,
RoadAppks (MCA) • ,
Canadians by passport, not by
sound, the Tragically Hip invite you to
think back to REM'searly albums, where

the' confidence and innovation of the byJim Cory
music locked into a love-hate relation- He blew my last 5 bucks on shampoo
ship with the vulnerability of Stipe's I fumbled home drunk on his birthdays •

lyrics. Here, vocallst Gordon Downie is

the sentimental foil for the onslaught of He brought home lost dogs he knew we couldn't keep
his bandmates. Rare is the male rock Hungover, I left 4 loads of our clothes at V Do It
vocalist who dares to suggest, through The worst was the time he found the whiskey & tried to pour it
micro-variations in tone and timbre, the out
jittery emotional realities of the young I punched him in the mouth & he bled
man he is. The Hip undermine their g1o-
• Then he ran to my desk ripped handfuls of poems to bits & flung
riously macho music , with the pained, them from the window
insecure undertones of Downie's vocals.
At the end it took just a look to get things going
The band is obviously suffering from
pressure to produce a radio-friendly Most of it now a blur
sound, but they rebel with lyrics of "Mac- Except for 2 things:
beth" and "Fried Chicken." Once, lying in bed, he said: "Jim, I never heard you sing. Sing
me something."
Rheostatics, My eyes were slugs of jelled beer but I closed them gathered air
Me1vliie (Intrepid) in my lungs & sung him the only thing I knew
Difficult listening hour: Luckily for A spiritual
us, parallel universes have managed to
intersect long enough to link up the When I looked over, he was crying
spartan plucking and banging eX the the There was that & the silence after the V-Haul pulled away
Rheostatics' musicians (Tim Vesely, the
two Daves, Bidini and Oark) with the
high-pitched peregrinations of crooner Jim Cory was awarded a literature fellowship
Martin Tielli. The alchemy here is the by the Pennsylvania Arts Councllfor 1989,
transfonnation of music into Canadiana. He works as a reporterfor a trade magazine
s•• CONSUMER QUIDE on p••• 87 and lives in Phtladelpbia.T
60 OUTWEEK "un. 28, .._ ..


pride & preiudice
TUESDAY: JUNE 25,1991 2:30 '530 PM
FIlM: "James Baldwin: The Price of the Ticket"
TOPIC "Sissy" Eastern Writers
WEDNESDAY: JUNE 26,1991 3:00, 600 PM
FIlM: "Word is Out"
TOPIC Coming Out Post'Stonewall
THURSDAY: JUNE 27, 19911 230, 3:30 PM
FIlM: "The Times of Horvey Milk"
TOPIC Where Do We Go From Here?:
Planning for Gay lib in the 19905.
208 W. 13TH STREET
FRIDAY: JUNE 28, 1991 2:00, 5:00 PM
FIlM: "Silent Pioneers"
TOPIC Aging & the Homosexuol Community
SATURDAy: JUNE 29, 1991 300·6:00 PM
FIlM: "Women Like Us"
TOPIC Toword Maintaining an Independent
Lesbian Identity
FOR FURTHER INFO CAll (212) 996·5481.
PorliolSupport From: NYCH, Stonewall Community
Foundation, and CSFC.



In Concert with the

ON Debbie Kenyon, Music Director



Tickets: $50 (Patron) - $35 - $25 - $17 - $10

On sale at the Alice Tully Hall box office, Lincoln Center 65th 51. and Broadway
or call CENTER CHARGE at (212) 874.6770
Interpreted lor the hearing Imrcmed house nght for Patron tickets call (212) 691.7590 COPYright June 1991

·ADVANCE LISTINGS G.ry Andr.wa. D.n Paragon. Mark

Falango. Arthur Jam ... David 8, Milia
THE KARATE SCHOOL FOR WOMEN Joaeph Clanclarulo and R.ndy Mooll.
811'-01'lnll 'or Lllbllna Ind GIY $10 or $5 plus TOF. Westbeth Theatre
Min. A five-week course meeting 'rom Centar. 151 Bank St, between West and
7:30-8:45 pm taught by leeblan mal1ial Washington streeta. We and Th at 8 pm,
artists. $55. Beginning July 1. 149 Fr and Sa at 7 and 9 pm. Reservations:
Bleecker Sllnfo: (212) 982-4739. (212) 279-4200. Through June 29.
HERITAGE OF PRIDE presents a bTHE BANK presents Roml. and
Comm.nlty Lonl", ollering randomly Jull.I-A G.y Relelllng or ure. Love
selected members of the community and Anli PlnmUon. $7 with reserva-
the opportunity to speak for three min- tion or pa88/$10 without. 225 E.
utes at the 1991 Lesbian and Gay Rally Houston St, at Essex Sl We-Sa at 8:01
at Union Square Park on June 29. EntJy
forms are available throughout the . C•• plle.. II,·I.le 'el. pm. Reservations: (212) 260-5485.
Through June 29.
community and In various publications. Send announcements and listings to: 159 W.
Submit them to HOP. clo the Center, 25th St., 7th floor, New York, NY.10001. Next bMCGREGOR'S presenta Chrla Lynam,
208 W. 13th Sl, New York, NY 10011. the' British comic famous for his "anal
For more Info, call (212) 691-1774. deadline: Monday, June 17, for issue #105,
pyrotechnics." $10 plu8 a one-drink
available in New York on Monday, June 24. minimum. 15 Sl Marks PI. We-Sa at 9
LIVELY ARTS pm. Reservations: (212) 674-1851.
Aleo see the dally listings for showings Through June 29.
I of one or two daYI'.
, ART IN GENERALpresents Poaillo ... or
, LOOP 0' LOOP PRODUC1l0NS presents Aulhorlly. installations by LIane a
RIVln H.II - ... Wlth Propa, ~ Written M.cdon.,d. GI.nn Uglon and Judith
and directed by Carol Polcovar. Musical
,. Welnp.llon; Among Good Chrlatlan
director: Walt Veasy. $10, or $5 plus Peopl .. , photographic and video instal-
TnF. Wings Theater. 154 Christopher St lation by CIIlh.rtn. Saalfleld. Jocelyn
Fr at 11 pm. RHervations: (212) 627- Tlylor and J.cqu.llne Woodaon; 11Ie
2960. Through June 21, Whol.Jllol. 8.rlea, an installation by
Bonnl. V.n AlI.n; Olvera. VOICII, an
bTHE CLUB AT LA MAMA ETC pre- audiotape by Coad 10 Coad: NaUoRlI
sents Mu"dI,.r'l Hlilla, .Ift "", In • Women ArUda or Color; and Pall and
celebration of the Womsn's Ons-World H.nI to btll",. tIIIIt 1'lCInt ten,..11 110 I11III ... I wart. wlthoal WOW. Pr ... nl, a window installation by
Thllater's tenth anniversary. Featu ring bul In tI.c ..... h.a Ion. by In. no. It·. blrth •• y tim. for Ih. salin Wi..... 79 Walker Sl Info: (212)
"the lovely women of WOW, put and Wcimen'. o Wod. ,",,1IIIr, Join LI MaMa ETCII n prIIIIIII MIIINI".". 219-0473. Through June 29.
present," Including Spilt Britches, Uea Hlllla, "" lui. Fellllrlng-thel""" womenot WOW...... nll PlllIIIl, ~
Kron and othere. $10-$12. 47A E, 4th ..... 1 ... a_lnclud. Bpln BrItchea allll UII KnIll, .l1li IIrprt •• IU- bWESSELL O'CONNOR GALLERYpra-
St. Th-Sa at 10 pm. Reservations: Incl .... _••• II. lIIIIt's iii aarprt .. , $10-$12. 47A E. 4th It. ThuratllJ Frlay sents Whit. Heat, a group show of
(212) 475-7710. Through June 22. allllllturllly onIJ 1110 pm. R, .. lVIIIolII: (212) 475-mO, paintings and photography by
Chrlalopher Ciccone. Lula d. Jllua.
THE SALMAGUNDI CLUB prsHnts Its Thl PtIII cll .. I. hla Intl.encl. Rlrky Hlmr. Monty Python. B,rtoll Rln.ldo Hopr, Corrado Levi. Loring
AnnUli Non-Mllllbtr PhoIOillpl!y •• Bncht .n... rly Wal'lI. M•• I'm more Intrll.'. by .omlthln. call .. McAlpin. Rldg •• ay Blnn.tt. Adam
8culpiur. ExhlblUon. This year's exhi- ......... a .. ' pyrolechnlca.- II YOl, 100. Wlnt ,to know .1IIt tIIIl m . 'Roldon. 81ephen 8chofleld and Jo.e
bition will feature work by lesbian phe>- , 1II1... dl. on over McGlllon (.nybody IIIIr15 wllIlIIII.mbll' II II the V"'arr.bl •• The show Is designed to
tographere PJtnny Aim and 8hOlhlna.
47 Rfth Ave. Mo-fr from 1-6 pm. Info:
01. Boy "r) 10 a.. Chrla Lynam. "II,"
yo•• 11,- II,. My Pet HilmI playwrllhI"'mli
fablilo.a. bit b. carmi whe,.
Dun "'y BynI, $10 10 III
bring together diverse artists "in joyful
celebration of Gay Pride 1991 and in
(212) 255'7740. Through June 22. In•• n. Y" hlY. 10 buy on •• rlnk, 15 81. M.ra PI. WI-I •• 1 I pm. painful acknowledgment of the decade-
R.. mUORI: (212) 874-1851, Throagh lin. 28, long struggle with the AI OS pandemic.'
NEIKRUG POTOGRAPHICAprM«ItB He 580 Broadway. Tu-Sa from 12-5 pm.
AnnUli R.I.d X ElhlblDon, This year's For all or yoa who've ".r Wlnt •• 10 II..,. .om. hit holll .. 11(or maybl (212) 219-9524, Through June 29.
exhibition will feature work by lesbian jail IIIk..,." by ICIIIII fI_ dyke). now'I yonr clllllICI to rub .,dlll
photographers Prlnny AllYl and with 10IIII l'OI.h.•houl ...... '1111 CIIII. for AnII-VlollIICI EII.caUOII, which bTHE IRISH LESBIANAND GAYORGA-
8bo"'n •. Alavi wiD be elgnlng copIee of mOIl of •• know be.tt.r aa BroC!klynWom.n'. M.rtlal ArIa. PIIIIIIIIIII NIZATION presents an Exhlbilion of
her postsr, "Her Erection," at the recep- 11IIni Ann •• 1 Bollrl., Dlnc,. All procaelll bllllflt the CllllerJBWMA, ao photographs and clippings from the
tion on June 14 from 6-9 pm, and AnnII ,0 .11 knocked for • loop on the CIII:I. URI. $20 ror 1...III.nd $5 lor chI!- press covering ILGO's participation in
8prlnkll will be signing copies of her 1I1In. PI,r 83 fIh AV8IIII1bllWllll421111 .1III43nI1tII .... Jln.11. 7 the 1991 St Patrick's Day parade. Irish
book, Poet Pom M0d6mi.~ and will be ,
pm, 11.... a Info: (718) 7.1775, Al1B Centar. 553 W. 51st St, at Eleventh
available for "tlts-on-your-head Avenue. Info: (212) 967-7711 ext.
Polaroid8." 224 E. 68th St W&-fr from Uk. a PIIIr G,..naWlY mIIUIlnt, the Grall. Cllb aftlll ov.... poll ... 11 3078. June 23-30.
1-6 pm and Sa from 1-6 pm. Info: (212) .ootl •• orklng flllpilca. dlnlnl bool .... Ith privacy clrtalna .nll roar
288-7741. June 14 through June 27. floOll or nmpiuoa.1y decadllll '01111'111. No•• On tile LIn. ProllllCllona PS 122 GALLERY presents Public
THE NEW SCHOOL presents Ollphlc
.1". q ... ra I chanc, 10 a.. Ihl •• PIC •• 1 In I"or •• bl. prlc •• lth
Ho... or lllira (,n .... ,). I IIlnc. p.rty OJ•• by JII.n Lou•• Yo. can
S.. c.. /PrIvale 11Ioughtl, an exhibition
featuring the work of IIInley Banoa and
Prill .. an exhibit of broadsides, poste .... "III .rtnk tn. from 18-11 pm. $II. 111. Groll.r. H E. 12nd It. betw .. n Rob.rt Marahall. Opening reception
buttons, shirts, stickers and bannere PlrIIl"" M.IIllOn IYI... ", J.ne 20. 10 pm. Into: (212) 671-2832. June 6 from 6-8 pm. 150 Firet Ave., at
used In the lesbian and gay pride move- 9th Street Th-Su from 12-6 pm. (212)
mentfrom 1970-91. Bridge Gallery. 66 RIlllIy ....... pull IIIEcIIIIIy EIonIndItI. I WID""" ilion" ~II 228-4249. June 6 through June 30.
W. 12th St. Info: (212) 741-8778. by lhIPI-.. PJtncl .... llld lII TIley ....... 1nIIIc arII..
Through June 28. tic l1li*"011, .. rlDnIIIIICI, d.IIIie.1III d. by Wllmlll ror WOIIIIn. b THE NEUROTIC THEATRICAL COM-~.
THEATER NADA presents An Evenlnl
2B Ninth In., 11131118L (That's thI Va.1l, bit YOlImIw IIIIIt,
J_ 24. 3-8 pm, Mill anvl_thellHlll, bIlfnlm 1-2 pm DIIIJ
yoII1) PANYpresents Ka/• .,1 Kal,.,/ K""rI
Written and directed by Guy Bernotaa.
With 8hlily Mill. $8. 167 Ludlow Sl Original music by Dal. J.nrt .. and Tom
Fr at 10 pm. RHervations: (212) 420- • Blbll. With 81"e R. Barron. Beth
1466. Through June 28. Dodye ..... NOli Bym". S.. n Plb1ck
Clmpb,lI. 81.ve DI.r.nd.rfer. Jamll
bPRIDE PRODUCTIONS presents K. Doyl •• Wolf Ellinberg. Irenh
Moliere's ilamI.t Latl••, adapted by Jakubllk. Eve Mlrlow.. Dawn
Do•• I.a SlrI.nd. Starring David Ey., Ga.. I.a •• Chlrlon. Plrao .... Jeff Prln.
Brlln C. La.llioff, CIIrt.r AlI,n WlnId., and Brlu R"la. $10 or TOF. Gene

62 OUTWEEK .June 28, .._1


Frankel Theatre. 24 Bond St We, Fr and two-drink minimum. The Duplex; 61 6:30-8:30 pm. RSVP: (718) 398-1756 or Benent Party for the people who went to
Sa at 8 pm and Su at 3 pm. Reservations: Christopher St Th at 8 pm. Reservations: (718) 638-4404. the National Lesbian Conference. A
(212) 242-3657. Through June 30. (212) 255-5438. Through July 25. DAM/Queer Nation video of the
THE FERRO-GRUMLEY FOUNDATION Conference will be shown. $5. Crazy
T. SCHREIBER STUDIO presents Enid THE CASTILLO CULTURAL CENTER re- presents Allen Barnett, one of the win- Nannies. Seventh Avenue South at Leroy
Rudd's o,.".t Cou.ln, a two-woman presents Jam" Chapman'l Our Youn, ners of the 1990 Ferro-Grumley award Street 6-10 pm. Info: (718) 789-2073. '
play dealing with the mystery and quest of Sluk M,n A" Olin, .nd Nobodl for lesbian and gay literature, reading ,
power and sexuality. Directed by Terry SlIm. to ~", a look at some of those Irom his book, The Body and Its DangefB. PROFESSIONALS IN FILM AND VIDEO
Schrelbar. Starring Gwendolyn Lewis and men whose livas and deaths are reflected A selection from the other-1990 Ferro- present BroadclIllV: How to Break In,
Glnana Molina. Fres. 83 E. 4th St Th-Sa in drug-abuse, crime, police-brutality, Grumley award-winning work, Her by How to Do the Job, When to Get Out With
at 8 pm and Su at 3 pm. Reservations: alcoholism, poverty and AIDS statistics. Cherry Muhanji, will also be read. Dance' a panel of writers, producers, directors and
(212) 420-1249. Through June 30. $20. 500 Greenwich St, suite 201. Th-8a Theater Woll<shop. 219 W. 19th St 7 pm. performera. $7. The Center. 208 W. 13th
at 8 pm and Su at 3 pm. Reservations: St 6:30 pm. Registration: (212) 228-5266.
EVE'S GARDEN presente Prlnny Alavl'l (212) 941-5800. Through Aug. 31. GAY ACTIVIST ALLIANCE IN MORRIS
C,I,b"tln, Wom,n, a photography COUNTY presents Womyn'l N.atwort and GAY MEN'S HEALTH CRISIS presents a
exhibition. Alavi will be presenting her
poster, "Her" ErflCtion at the reception.
BLUE ANGEL lliEATER presenlB "',ant,
New York's nightly, audience participation,
Men'l Rap Group at 7:30 pm, before their
General Meetlnll at 8:30 pm. Tonight's
Health Seminar: Nutrttlonal IIIUII and
Blnefltl Information. 129 W. 20th St.,
119 W. 57th St, suite 420. Mo-Sa from musical beauty contest. $50 Includes topic: Queer Nation. 21 Normandy sixth and third floors. 7 pm. For more
12-6:30 pm. Reception: May 7 from show and dinner. $30 for show only on HeighlB Rd. Morristown, NJ. Info: GAAMC information, call the GMHC hotline at
5:30-8 pm. Info: (212) 757-8651. Tu- Th/$32.50 for show only on Fr-Su. Gay Helpline: (201) 285-1595. (212) 807-6655. TDD (212) 645-7470 for
Through June 30. 323 W. 44th St Tu-fr at 8:30 pm, Sa at the hearing impaired.
7:30 and 10:30 pm and Su at 3:30 and ACT UP Gen8ral M.. Ung. Cooper Union.
lliE CARNEGIE HALL MUSEUM presente 7:30 pm. Reservations: (212) 262-3333. Fourth Avenue at 7th Street. 7:30 pm. QUEER NATION TAKE BACK THE NIGHT
lte Inaullural Exhibition, featuring mem- 1~lo: (212) 564-AIDS. PLANNING GROUP General Meeting.
orbilia of gay Russian composer Peter THE WPA lliEATRE presente R,d S"" NYU Law School Building. Vanderbilt Hall,
lIylch Tchalkonky. Included In the exhi- on Sunnt, a new play by and starring IN OUR OWN WRITE Writer's Worklhop 2nd floor student lounge. 40 Washington
bition are pages from Tchaikovaky's origi- Chari .. BUICh, creator 01 Vampire for lesbian and gay writers. Workshops are Sq. S., at MacDougal Strest 7:30 pm.
nal manuscripts, some of his diaries and Lesbians of Sodom and Psycho Beach . held on the first and third Mondays 01 the
lettere, and lettere to him. 881 Seventh Party. Directed by K.. nalh 811011. Staming month. Please bring work. The Center. 200 HERiTAGE OF PRI DE Group Marahal
Ave., at 57th Street 11 am to 4 pm. Inlo: Ralph Buckley, Roy Cockrum, Andy W. 13th St 8-10 pm. (212) 620-7310. Tralnlnll. For those interested in working
(212) 903-9750. Through June 30. Halliday, Julia Hallton, Mart Hamilton, the Rally, the March or the Dance on the
Judith Hanlen, Arnie Kolodn.r. 519 W. HERITAGE OF PRIDE G8n8ral Member- pier. The Center. 208 W. 13th st. 8 pm.
THE HELL'S KITCHEN AIDS PROJECT 23rd St. Tu-Th at 8 pm and Su at 7:30 Ihlp M .. tlng. All interested persons Info: (212) 691-1774.
presents C,/d"tlon. of Llf" an art pm-$22. Fr and Sa at 8 pm and Su at 3 invited. The Center. 208 W. 13th st. 8
exhibit by People With AIDS. The Adam pm-$26. Reservations: (212) 206-0523. pm'. Info: (212) 691-1774. THE COALITION FOR LESBIAN AND GAY
Clayton Powell, Jr. State Office Building. RIGHTS Ganeral Meeting. The Center.
163 W. 125th St. Mo-Fr Irom 9-5 pm. CHERRY LANE THEATRE presents David SOUTHERNERS presente a L"blan and 208 W. 13th St8 pm. (212) 627-1398.
Through June 30. Stevenl' ."" Sumof U•. Starring Robarl Gay History Month Potluck. "Bring sto-
Lanllng and Matt Sallnglr. Directed by ries about your relatives and your child- TWENTYSOMETHING presents a Rap
bWILD PLUM GALLERY presents Kevin Dowllnll. By the writer of Breaker hood" to explore your Southern roots. Group on "Overcoming Insecurity ..
N.tu,,1 Ab.trutlon., photographs by . Morant, this play is about a father who For food divisions: A-£ brings desserts Twentysomething is a social group for les-
the late Bob Keane. Procesds will benefit tries to help with his son's gay relation- or appetizere, F-J brings entrees, K-O bians and gay men in their 208 and eariy
the People With AIDS Health Group. ships while looking for a new wife. 38 brings vegetables or salads and P-Z 30s. $3. The Center. 208 W. 13th St.
Madison st. Sag Harbor, Long Island. Commerce St $22.50-$32.50. Tu-fr at 8 brings potatoee, starchee or breads. Iced 8-9:30 pm. Info: Perry at (212) 242-3038.
Reception: June 2 Irom 5-7 pm. Daily pm, Sa at 7 and 10 pm, Su at 3 and 7:30 tea and soda ·provided. $8 non-mem-
hours: 11 am to 6 pm. Info: (516) 725- pm. Father's Day Special: (212) 989-2020. bersl$5 members. The Center. 208 W. THE EAGLE presents Out In th, '90.
2969. June 22 through July 1. 13th St. 8 pm. Inlo: the Southerners Nlllht. A portion 01 the bar proceeds win

THE FRIENDS OF ALICE AUSTEN HOUSE Hotline at (212) 674-8073 • benefit GBS and Out in the '90s. The
THE ACTOR'S PLAYHOUSE presents prssent Allee AUlten: The Lartly Life. Eagle. 142 Eisventh Ave., at 21st Strset.
Robert Patrick's TIl, H.unt,d Hon and From her bio, Alice Austen sounds like TUESDAY, JUNE 18 10 pm. Info: (212) 691-8451.
Hamy Aamlln's ,.f, SIX. Directed by
Eric Coneklln. Starring Harvey Almaln
the Gertrude Stein of Staten Island. Visit
her house, now a museum, and see pic- lliE llilRD ANNUAL NEW YORK INTER~ WEDNESDAY, JUNE 19
and Jason Wortman (The Haunted Host tures that she took of upper middle claBS NATIONAL FESTIVAL OF LESBIAN AND
only). The HaunfBd Host. written and set in men and women. 2 Hylan Blvd. Staten GAY FILM presents Tranlporlatlonl: THE THIRD ANNUAL NEW YORK INTER-
1964, fIlIls the story of a "Greenwich Vinage Island. Th-Su. 12-5 pm. Info: (718) 816- L.. blin Shortl at 4 'pm, R8dHot .nd NATIONAL FESTIVAL OF LESBIAN AND
playwright haunted by the ghost of his 4506. Through December. BIUI at 6 pm, I Want MUlcle: Sports GAY FILM presents Ava y Gabriel at 4
young protllge when the dead man's double Shortl at 8 pm and Brolherlobrother at pm, Simon,at 6:10 pm, HomoPromoat
walks into his life: $18,501$22.501$27.50 MONDAY, JUNE 17 10 pm: The Biograph Cinema. 225 W. 8:10pm and TIIr" B,wlld,,,d P,op/,
on We and Th and $22.501$27.501$32.50 57th St Inlo: (212) 966-5848. at 9:45 pm. The Biograph Cinema. 225
on weekends. 100 Seventh Ave. S. We and THE llilRD ANNUAL NEW YORK INTER- W. 57th Stlnlo: (212) 966-5848.
10 pm and Su at 3:30 and 7:30 pm. GAY FILM presents a Benefit Reception General Meeting. Lincoln Hospital. NEW YORK ADVERTISING AND COMMU-
Reservations: (212) 691-6226 or (212) for Houllng .WOrtl at 5:30 pm, a benefit Conference room 3. 234 E. 149th St. NICATIONS NETWORK presents Str .. 1
~. Through July 14. screening of Ab60luflll p"./tI" at 7 pm, Bronx. 9:30-11 am. Info: Janet Goldberg ManagemalE An IntroducUon. With Jonlan
FfI.k Orl.ndo: A Trlbut, to o,lphln, at (212) 293-2658 or Rosaline Morales at FrIedman, University 01 Marylanlkertified
lliE CENTER presents New Yortln Junl, Selrl9 at 9 pm. The Biograph Cinema. (212) 295-5605. strese management educator. Networking,
a hletory 01 the lesbian and gay pride 225 W. 57th Stlnfo: (212) 966-5848. media watch and career/communication
march. The show Includes bannere, plac- WOMEN ABOUT presents a Mailing news befors 1I1eprogram. $7 members. The
aids, lIysra, postera, costumes, organiza- THE NEW FESTIVAL and HOUSING Party. For more inlo or to join Women Center. 208 W. 13th St 6:30 pm.
tional records, various other documents WORKS, INC., present a benefit reception About, can (212) 642-5257. Registration: (212) 228-5266.
and memorabilia. 208 W. 13th St. Info: and screening of Peter Adair's J1b6oluf,/y
' ..
(212) 620-7310. Through July 19. Po./tIr •. $25 for the screening onlyl$50 THIRTEENIWNET and THE MAYOR'S HERITAGE OF PRIDE Dance V Commlt-
for reception and screening. The Biograph , OFFICE FOR THE GAY AND LESBIAN t.. Meeting. The Center. 208 W. 13th Sl
VILLAGE PRODUCTIONS presente Our Theater. 225 W. 57th Sl Reception at 5:30 . COMMUNITY present Celebrate Gay and II pm. Inlo: (212) 691-1774.
Town (0 Sappho, 0 Wlld,1 pari 2). pm/ecreening at 7:30 pm. Tickets and info: Lesbian Prldl W•• k. The program lea-
Featuring the woll< of Keith Angora, Kevin (212) 966-0466 after 2 pm. tures highlights from Outl, Thirteen's pre- THE CENTER FOR ANTI-VIOLENCE EDU-
Brolsky, Janis Astor del Valle, Barbara sentation of a diverse selection 01 docu- CATIONIBROOKLYN WOMEN'S MARTIAL
Kahn, AI Luongo, Carol polcovar, Walter TOM DUANE presents a Fund-Railing mentary, public affaire, drama. film and ARTS presents its third Annual Boatrlde
Veasy and Raven Hall. Directed by Seth Party to support his campaign for New performance specials. Thirteen/wNET. Dance. All proceede benefit the Center/
Gordon. Performed by April Dawn York City Council. Refreshments served. Ethan Allen Hi1l:hcock Room. 356 W. 58th BWMA. $20 lor adults and $5 for children.
Adams, Kevin Carter, Kathleen Hunt, Please bring your checkbook. 649 St 5:30-7:30 pm. RSVP: (212) 560-2928. Circle Une cruise lines. Pier 83. Twelfth
Joanna Joseph, Alan Lang, Marleanne Warren St., #1 B, between Fourth and Avenue between 42nd and 43rd streets. 7
Meringolo and Mark Spina.$10 plus a Fifth avenues. Park Slope, Brooklyn. DYKE ACTION MACHI NE presents a pm. llcke1B and info: (718) 788-1775.

"une 2B, 11_11 OUTWEEK 63 •

I :rHE GAY GAMES presents a Gay Pool GAY ACTIVIST ALLIANCE IN MORRIS at 8th Street Park Slope, Brooklyn. 7:30 the physical postures, deep relaxation
'I Tournement to benelit New York In '94. COUNTY fJ[acutlve C;ommlUII Mlltlng. pm. Info: (718) 965-7578. and breathing practices which revitalize
$180 firet prize, $120 second prize. A raf- The meeting Is at George's In Montclair. and strengthen the body and calm the
lie will also be held, and a buffet will be 7:30 pm. Call lor details: GAAMC Gay THE ANSWER IS LOVI NG pre8ents mind. This cla88 Is especially lor those
served.$10. The Candle Bar. 309 Helpline: (201) 285-1595. Women Talking Wom.n', Talk. Tonlghfs who are HIV-posltive. IYI. 227 W. 13th
Am8terdam Ave."1-11 pm. Inlo: John topic: "Lauglng/Crylng.' From their fiyer: St 12-1:30 pm. (212) 928-0586.
Lunnlng at (212) 228-2706. DIXON PLACE PI'8ll8!lI8 Diane J"p Rill, "On this last Friday of the 8eaeon we are
In a DRAB-dre888d as a boy--improve. going to lighten up, giggle, belly laugh BODY POSITIVE presents an HIV
I GAY MEN OF THE BRONX General Rles appears as Mr. Bruce, and the and have eome hell of a good time.' $10. Worklhop for Women. The workshop will
I Mttllng. Host08 Community College. evening promises a "hair happening." 1964 E. 35th St Brooklyn. 7:45-10 pm. discuss how HIV allects both straight
I Grand Concourse, Building A. room 227.
HI pm. Info: Jimmy at (212) 365-6239,
Free. 37 E. 1st St., between First and
Second avenues. 8 pm. (212) 673-6752.
Info: Ruth Berman and Connie Kurtz at
(718) 998-2305.
women and lesbians, using eeH-expression
on HIV Issues through poetry and theater,
I Charles at (212) 378-34397 (SpanI8h) or and exercise lor meditation, relaxation and
II Ed at (212) 792-8078. CONTINENTAL DIVIDE present8 ne 'BETH AM presents a L•• blan and Gay Immune stimulation, Child care available,
Icout., a rock 'n' roll band led by an Pride Ihabbal. Featuring epecial read- Ru1ge18Church, 236 W. 73rd St, 4th floor,
BODY POSITIVE presen1ll an Altematlve openly gay lead linger. No cov.er, 25 Ing8, music and a se!mon, lollowed by a at Broadway. 1-4 pm. (212) 721-1346.
HIV Treatment Fol1lm. The panel will fea- Third Ave., at St Marks Place. 9:30 pm. festive Oneg Shabbat with refreshmenl8
I ture Dr. Rid Ichllllr, discussing (212) 529-6924. and a discussion. 178 Bennett Ave. 8 pm. HERITAGE OF PRI DE Independlnt Mar-
I, homeopatHy; Terry Weillr, mallage Info: Desma Holcomb at (212) 923-8690. .hal Training. For those Interested In
therapist and shiatsu practltlonsr; and ON THE LINE PRODUCTIONSpresen1ll working the Rally, the· March or the
Prima Pleva, yoga Instructor. Rutgers Hou .. of ltaln, a party for gay men and BODY POSITIVE presente a Friday Night Dance on the pier. The Center, 208 W.
Church. 236 W. 73rd St., 4th floor, at lesbians. DJ Jason Loud. Open bar ~ay loclal. Tonlghf8 theme: "Midsum- 13th St 2 pm. Info: (212) 691-1n4.
Broadway. 7 pm. (212) 721-1346. 10-11 pm. Next On the Line party Is July mers Night Psycho Beach Party." Bring
11. $6, The Groller, 29 E. 32nd St., your shovel and Speedo'8. For all HIV-posi- DIXON PLACE presents Dudl.y, a.k.a.
CONGREGATION BETH SIMCHAT TORAH between Park and Madison avenues, 10 live Individuals and their friends. Middle Dudley Saudnere, In a new perlo!mance.
presents a Jlwl.h Women'. Ro.h pm. Info: (212) 678-2932, ColieglalB Church. 50 E. 7th St, off Second $6 or TDF. 37 E. 1st St, betwesn Rret and
Chodllh/Nlw Moon Cllbrallon. AvenUe. 8-10 pm. Info: (212) 721-1346. Second avenues. 8 pm. (212) 673-6752.
Congregation Beth Simchat Torah Is Naw FRIDAY, .JUNE 21
Bethune St 7:30 pm. (212) 928-9498. THE THIRD ANNUAL NEW yoRK INTER- FOUNDATION presents 1111 1991 Pride Fairfield County, Connecticut presenl8 a
NATIONAL FESTIVAL OF LESBIAN AND DancI, with a performance by Rhythm Gay Prldl Danci. Hot and cold hors
GAY MEN'S HEALTH CRISIS present8 GAY FILM present8 Or" Our 01111 Elpr .... $12 In advance/$15 at door. d'oeuvere and music provided by a OJ.
Eroticizing laler I.x. Th8 Cenl8r. 208 W. 'DIIIII and R./ax at 12 pm, AdID. Camp Friendship. Sixth Avenue and 8th Cash bar. $12 In advance/$15 at door.
13th St 8-10:30 pm. RD•• rlD at 2 pm, HDmDPrDmDat 5:20 Street Park Slope, Brooklyn. 8 pm to 1 Norwalk Inn. East Avenus. Norwalk, Conn,
pm, Ma.llch.n In Uniform at 7 pm, am. Info: (212) 529-8021. 8 pm to 1 am. Info: (203) 845-0668 •
I •


pre8en1ll The Many FacII of Actlvl.m.
CIf"ral Eca'", at 9 pm and Th.
Erlnln,. and A Va/.mln. '(If
N.'.Dn at THE DUGOI,JT presents Dldley'. Man QUEER NATION presen1ll Takl Back thl
Featuring guests Plter Jewell, lormsr . 11 pm. The Biograph Cinema. 225 W. Bar. Featuring Matth.w Courtney, Boby Night. the second march againet anti-les-
president 01 the Naw Jersey Les.blan and 57th St Info: (212) 966-5848. Hid! and Phillip Roth's Boy~Life. $3. 185 bian and anti-gay violence. Assemble at
Gay Coaltlon, and Maryann MII.lna, a Christopher St,just east of the West Side Sheridan SquareJStonewail Place. 10 pm to
member 01 Queer Nation. St George's THE EAST .COAST LESBIAN FESTIVAL pre- Highway. 11 pm. Info: (212) 473-5625. 12 midnight Info: Alan Klein at (212) 260-
Church. The comer 01 Ridgewood and senl8, on the night stage, 1111Wuhlngton 5652, Uz Powere at (212) 368-2089 or the
Woodland roads. Maplewood, NJ. 8:30 IIlIi...with M.lanle Mon.ur, lue Fink SATURDAY, .JUNE 22 Queer Nation Hotline at (212) 97H72o.
pm. (201) 743-5322. arid June and Jlan Millington. On the day
stage, ifs Coyotl, ChIVI and II... CyIron THE THIRD ANNUAL NEW YORK INTER- SUNDAY, .JUNE 23
THE EAGLE presents Movie Night: reading in the Writer's Tent The lour-day NATIONAL FESTIVAL OF LESBIAN AND
'",um. The Eagle. 142 Eleventh Ave., at festival also Includes the Writere' Tent, GAY FILM presenl8 Club des F1lmmesat THE THIRD ANNUAL NEW YORK INTER-
21st Strest 11 pm. (212)691-8451. with new and es.lablished lesbian autlhorl, 12 pm, Drtr OurDull 'DIII •• and R./u NATIONAL FESTIVAL OF LESBIAN AND
the Artists Gallery, the Jewish Lesbians' at 2:15 pm, Exlramuffl. at 4:15 pm, GAY RLM presen1ll Clanll• .uno D• .unD
CELLBLOCK 28 prese!!ts Daddy., Top. Tent and the Lesbian Video Festival. Prices Think YDUanll QDDllnl,h' at 6:50 pm, at 12:30 pm, TIl. Lullalanll at 2:30 pm, I
and Ban. A portion 01 tonlghfs recelpl8 vary for one- to four-day packages. Ara , 6abrl.' at 9 pm and Drama In lhall Ole a Bachelor: Croll-DrII.lng In
goes to the PNA Coalition. 28 Ninth Ave., Poyntele, Penn.·For complel8 details, call B/Dnll. at 11: 10 pm. The Biograph Gennan Cinema at 4:45 pm W,lnln,.n
downstairs, be.tween 13th and 14th (718) 643-3284. Cinema. 225 W. 57th St Inlo: (212) 966- IIIIclll at 6:45 pm and a Ineak Preview at
streel8. 8 pm to 3 am. (212) 733-3144. . 5848. 9 pm. The Biograph Cinema 225 W. 57th
D.nlll GraVl. leads a discu88ion about presents, on the night stage, flHh Nolan, THE EAST COAST LESBIAN FESTIVAL
THE THIRD ANNUAL NEW YORK INTER- breast care. The Center. 208 W. 13th St karen William., Alii Dobkin and presents, on the day stage, Mimi
NATIONAL FESTIVAL OF LESBIAN AND 6:308 pm. Info: Irma at (212) 408-1131. LaVInder Jan •. On the day 8tage, ifs BazoeWlka, Jamie Andenon and luede.
GAY FILM presents Fr.ak Orlando: A Batya, Jan Corll .. and Zoe L.wl •. The The lour-day festival alsoinclude8'the
Trlbu1ll to Delphine I"rlg at 2:45, TIll.. SOUTHERNERS Btllrlng CommlHee lour-day festival alao Includes the Writers' Tent, with new and established
B, Thr.. at 5:20 pm, TIm•• 'qua" at Milling. Ralph Jones' home. 250 W. Writere' Tent, with new and eatablished lesbian autthore, the Artis1ll Gallery, the
7:30 pm and LII CD.a. 11., Qu"" at 24th St, I2CE (enter at 255 W. 23rd St), lesbian aunhore, the Artists Gallery, the Jewish Lesbians' Tent and the Lesbian
10:30 pm. The Biograph Cinema 225 W. between Seventh and Elgth avenues. 7:30 Jewish Lesbians' Tent and the Lesbian Video Festival; Prices vary for one- to
57th St Info: (212) 966-5848. pm. Inlo: the Southerners Hotline at Video Festival. Prices vary for one- to lour-day packages. Poyntele, Penn. For
(212) 674-8073. lour-day packages. Poyntele, Penn. For complete details, call (718) 643-3284.
THE EAST COAST LESBIAN FESTIVAL complel8 details, call (718) 643-3284.
preeen1ll, on the night $ge, Kann Blth, GAY SONS OF HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS WOMEN ABOUT presen1ll Canoeing on
Jaml. Andlr.on, Kay Gardner and Glnlllli Mlltln,. 7:30 pm. For details, WOMEN ABOUT present8 Kayaklng, the Carmen RIVlr on Long Island. For
LUll Cloutier It Glnett. Be,.eron. The call (212) 233-7867 or (212) 798-7224. Canoeing and Birding In Sebago Bay. $5 more Info or to join Women About, call
four-day festival also Includes the contribution to the boating Club required. (212) 642-5257,
Wril8re' Tent, with new and established GAY MEN OF THE BRONX present Dinner For more Inlo or to loin Women About, •
lesbian autthors, the Artls1ll Gallery, the at Rainbow Chi ... 1436 Williambridge Rd. call (212) 642-5257. CENTER KIDS presen1ll lis Annual Plcnlc~ .
Jewish Lesbians' Tent and the Lesbian 7:30 pm. Info: Rusty at (212) 293-6042. In Centllli Park. Call Doug Robinson at
Video Festival. Prices vary for one- to GAY MEN'S HEALTH CRISIS presents (212) 923-1976 for info.
four-day packages. Poyn1llle, Penn. For SLOPE ACTIVITIES FOR LESBIANS pra- Keep It Upl, a workshop to help you reaf-
comp'- detafls, call (718) 643-3284. sents a Blneflt Party for the LESBIAN lirm your commitment to eafer aex. 10 PROFESSIONALS IN FILM AND VIDEO
HERSTORY ARCHIVES BUILDING FUND. am to 5 pm. For complete details, call the presents a Berbecue. For complete
QUEER NATION W .. kly M .. lln •. Help the Archives buy 1111 own building GMHC hotline at (212) 807-6655, details, contact (212) 645-3351.
Scheduled: a pre-action meeting for the and a permanent home. Admi88ion
Take Back the Night man:h. The CenI8r. 208 Includeslree beer and an Italian buffet INTEGRAL YOGA INSTITUTE presents SLOPE ACTIVITIES FOR LESBIANS and
W. 13th St 7 pm. Info: (212) 978&-8720. dinner. $10. The Ro08t Seventh Avenue Hatha Yoga Clall. Hatha Yoga refere to PALS present a Gay Pride Picnic in

&4 OUTWEEK .June 28, 1_1

Prospect Park. Bring food and beverages, MEDIA NETWORK and THE AMERICAN Fiorenci Volkmln PlncuI, clinical P8Y- Together; Dr. MlrJorle Hili, director of
game8 and sports equipment Prospect CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION LESBIAN AND chologi8t. Panel: Dionne Freene" YES, the Mayor'8 Office for the Gay and
Park We8t and 9th Street. 1 pm. Info: GAY PROJECT pre8ent8 Prldl f1'd the Center; and Dr. Harold Kooden, P8Y- Le8blan Community; and WIlliam
(718) 965-7578. , PrlJudlce, a film and lecture 8erles on chologist; Betty Powell, Black lesbian Rubenlteln, ACLU Lesbian and Gay
hom08exuallty. Today'8 topic: "'Sissy' . feminist, educator and activist Donnell Project. Donnell Library Center
THE PLEASURE PRINCIPALS In aaaocla- Eastern Writers." Film: James Baldwin: Ubrary Center Auditorium. 20 W. 53rd St Auditorium. 20 W. 53rd St. 12:3G-a:30
lion with LAVENDER AND LACE praaent The Price of the Ticket. Moderator: 3-6 pm. [See June 25, 27-29J pm. [See June 25-26, 28-29]
ECIIIIY Exonentad, a multimedia 8a1on. Patrick Merll, former editor of the New
Featuring erotic arti8tic expl888ion, perfor- Yolt Native. Panel: Michael DinnIn" NYABN Blllxual Women'l Support QUEER NATION Wllkl, Mlltlng. The
mance, dance and vi8ual8 by women for 8enlor editor, St. Martin'8 Press; SllIh Group. $3 donation. The Center. 208 W. Center. 208 W. 13th St. 7:30 pm. Info:
women . 28 Ninth Ave., at 13th St 3-8 pm. Mlchlael Fllhlr, pciet and co-founder of 13th St 6:30-8 pm. Info: (212) 459-4784. (212) 9788-8720.
Men can prsviaw the show from 1-2 pm. Black and White Men Together; Glbb,
Hue from RFO magazine; Donald GAY MALE SIM ACTIVISTS presente 101 JULIUS' presents Foot Frlendl Bar
BISEXUAL PRIDE DISCUSSION AND VIning, autobiographer and publisher and WI,lto lie I Man to I Bed, Self-explan- Night, for men Into bare feet, sock8,
SUPPORT GROUP Glneral Melling. Doric Wlilon, playwright Donnell Ubrary tory. $4 members!$6 nonmembers. The sneakers, shoes and boote. 159 W. 10th
TodaY'8 topic: "The Blaaxual Continuum: Center Auditorium. 20 W. 53rd St. Center. 208 W. 13th St 8 pm. Info: (212) St, at Waverly Place. 9:30-11 pm. Info:
Variations of Bisexuality." The Center. 208 2:30-6:30 pm. [See June 26-29] 727-9878. (212) 675-7352,
W. 13th St 3-4:30 pm. (212) 459-4784. •
MOSAICBOOKS pre8ent8 Mattha. Ind RIp SlIIlon. Topic: Being Gay in the presente Outing Vellul Coming Out The •

Coartnl' (word8) and Johanna Kopp Bronx. 1 Fordham Plaza, 8uite 800. 6-8 Political and PI,chologlcalldlntlty, a ALAN HERTZBERG in conjunction with
(voice). $2 donation. 167 Ave. B., at 10th pm. Info: Rutty at (212) 293-6042. panel dlscu8sion featuring Blurl, THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY,
Street 4 pm. (212) 475-8623. Decker, Dr. MarJorie Hili, Glbrlel MEDIA NETWORK and THE AMERICAN
GAY MEN'S HEALTH CRISIS presents a . Rotelo, Charles SlIvllltlln and Pedro CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION LESBIAN AND
GAY MALE SIM ACTIVISTS presente lte Hellth Semlnlr: Medicil Treatmentl. Velalquez. The Center. 208 W. 13th St GAY PROJECT pre8ents Pride and
Eight Annual Llttlilr Prllli Night. 129 W. 20th St., third floor. 7 pm. 'For· 8-10 pm. Info: (212) 799-9432. PreJudice, a film and lecture 8eries on
Featuring erotic art works, leather cloth- mors Information, call the GMHC hotline homosexuality. Today's topic: "Aging and
Ing and gar, theater tlcket8 and other at (212) 807-6655. TOD (212) 645-7470 NADA presents Gay Nation, a band featur- the Homosexual Community." Film:
goods to be auctioned off In a benefit for for the hearing Impaired. ing Chrll Cochl'lne and Scoll Heron,.!n a Silent Pioneers. Moderator: Arlene
Herllage of Pride and GMSMA'8 Hocutt- performance entitled The Gay Nation Kochmln, executive director of SAGE.
Fergu80n FWA Fund. $10. The Umelight LESBIANS AND GAY MEN OF NEW Revue. The l8VUewill feature a revolving list Panel: Gerry Faler, SAGE; Mlrlln
Sixth Avenue at 20th Street 6-10 pm. BRUNSWICK pre8ent AnnUli Ga, and of guest musicians and performers, Inlcud- Dublrman, hl8torian; Rlchant Plant, his-
Info: (212) 727-9878. Lllblln PrIde Night. Bring your musical ingDancenol .. , Kathy Danger, Richard torian; and Davll Plitt, activist. The
and poetic h.lents. Friend's Meeting ElovIch, J.. Grsen, Almon Gllmll.d and Center. 208 W. 13th St. 2-5 pm. [See
HERITAGE OF PRIDE Oroap Marshal House. 109 Nichol Ave. New Brun8wick, Linda Austin. $7. 167 Ludlow St10 pm. June 25-27, 29]
1I"I11IInl. For those Interested In working NJ.8 pm. Info:'(908) 247-0515. Reservations: (212) 420-1466.
the Rally, the March or the Dance on the YOUTH ENRICHMENTSERVICESpresents
pier. St. Vincent Hoepllal auditorium. HERITAGE OF PRIDE Generel Member- THE EAGLE presents Movie Night: a Lasblln and Ga, PJlde Celebrstlon. The
Seventh Avenue and 12th Street Info: Ihlp Melting. All interested persons Po.tt.rd. Fromth, Ed". The Eagle. Center. 208 W. 13t St. 6-10 pm. Info:
(212) 691-1774. Invited. The Center. 208 W. 13th St. 8 142 Eleventh Ave., at 21st Street 11 pm. Dionne Freeney at (212) 620-7310.
pm. Info: (212) 691-1774. (212) 691-8451-
SOUTHERNERS present8 a Working CELLBLOCK28 presents Hot AlII. 28 Ninth form8 at the AnnualChrlltopher Str .. t
AIDS CEtmR OF QUEENS COUNTY pre- Eyenlng for Pride DIY. The Center. 208 Ave., downstairs, betwesn 13th and 14th AIDS Candlelight Vlill. Christopher
sente CIIIIII Orllnlltlon MIlling. ACQC. W. 13th St 8 pm. Info: the Southerners streets. 8 pm to 3 am. (212) 733-3144. Street and Sheridan Square. 6:30 pm.
97-45 QU88I18Blvd., SUD 1220. Rego Park, HoUine at (212) 674-8073.
NY. 6:3O-a:30 pm. Info: (718) 896-2500. THURSDAY, dUNE 27 lliE AMERICAN CIVIL UBERTIES UNION
COUNlY presenla Womyn'l Network and The Groner. 29 E. 32nd Sl, between Pari< FORUM pre8ent8 Treltmlnt Cholcl .. FILM AND ViDEO COUNCIL present a
Mln'l RIp Group at 7:30 pm, b8fore and Madison avenue8. 9 pm: Info: (212) Baing In Informed Conlumer. The pro- Media S,mpollum asking the question,
thelrGlnll'l1 Milling at 8:30 pm. 679-2932. gram hopes to update service providers, "Now that the community i8 under attack,
Tonlght'8 topic: "Gay and Smiling advocates and consumers regarding cur- what kind of product Is neces8ary?"
Through 33 Years of Activl8m." Barbara ONE DREAM lliEATRE presente two one- rent HIV and AIDS treatment options and Dlscuseants include, Alfredo BeJar, film-
Gllllng8, founder of the New York chapter act monologuaa: TIl, Imp".6Ible Hf..!I.. to identify service gaps, barrler8 to care maker, Latino Collaborative; Oon
of Daughtere of BllltIs, dlscu8888 activist written and performed by Brendl and 8trategie8 to alleviate these prob- Derolb" executive director of the Media
In the early days of the laablan and gay
rlghte movement 21 Normandy Helghte
V.glr, and L,tt,,,,,,M/~b'l, written
and performed by Dnld Miler. 57. 232
lems. Work8hops Include: "Pedl;ltrlc/
Adolescent AIDS Treatment Modalities,"
Network, Ada Gay Griffin, Third World
Newsreel, Alln Hertzberg; gay activist
Rd. Morrl8town, NJ. Info: GAAMC Gay We8t Broadway, at North Moors Street ·Clinical Trial8: "Altsrnatlve Treatments: producer and vldeomaker, Jim .. Lee,
Helpline: (201) 285-1595. 9:30 pm. [See June 24] "HIV Treatment and lte Interaction With gay Asian activist Marie Nelth.I, head
Other Drugs," "Acce88/Barriers to of the Donnell Library Media Center, Hyl
ACT UP 011111'11MIIIIIII. Cooper Union. THE EAGLE presents Ol/Untb. 'go. Treatment" and "Nutrition Information Jang Plrk, director of Downtown
Fourth Avenue at 7th Street 7:30 pm. Night. A portion of the bar proceeds will and Choice." $12. Bronx Community Community lV, John Ro.e, president of
Info: (212) 564-AIDS. benefit GBS and Oulin the '90s. The College. Gould Memorial Library the New York Film and Video Council,
Eagle. 142 Eleventh Ave., at 21st Street Rotunda. Unverslty Avenue and West John SClglloHI, executive producer of
ONE DREAM lliEAlRE presents two one- 10 pm. Info: (212) 691-8451- 181st Street. 8 am to 4:30 pm. Info: Before Stonewalt, Gretl Schiller, film-
act monologues: TIl, ImpiJulbl, Hurt. Bronx AIDS Services at (212) 295-5598. maker; SUlln Stone Shapiro, Indepen-
written and performed by Brendl CELLBLOCK 28 present8 Rlk McShane dent producer, NFLCP; Chuck Sherwood,
Vuglr, and Lift'" t" M/~""',written Pimp PlIIy. 28 Ninth Ave., downstairs, ALAN HERTZBERG in conjunction with executive director, Cape Cod Community
and performed by Davlll Milir. $7. 232 between 13th and 14th 8treets. 8 pm to 3 THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY, lV, NFLCP, Ellen Spiro, videomaker,
We8t Broadway, at North Moore Strset am. (212) 733-3144. MEDIA NETWORK and lliE AMERICAN Mare Weill, executive producer of Point
9:30 pm. [See June 25] CIVIL LIBERTIES UNION LESBIAN AND of View and Deborah Zimmermin of
WEDNESDAY, dUNE 26 GAY PROJECT .presents Prldl Ind Women Make Mov!"es. $2. Downtown
CELLBLOCK 28 presente NIW Vorkltl'lP • PreJudice, a film and lecture series on Community lV. 82 Lafayette St., two
lAd PlIIIIII AIIocllUon Plrty. 28 Ninth ALAN HERTZBERG in conjunction with homosexuality. Today's topic: "whers Do blocks south of Canal Street 7-10 pm.
Ave., downstairs, between 13th and 14th lliE NEW YORK PUBUC UBRARY, MEDIA We Go From Here?: Plannng Gay Ub for
etree1l. 8 pm to 3 am. (212) 733-3144. NETWORK and THE AMERICAN CIVIL the 19908." Film: The Tim.. of Harvey
LIBERTIES UNION LESBIAN AND GAY Milk. Moderator. David Rothenberg, gay NEW, IMPROVED
TUESDAY, dUNE 25 PROJECTpreaente Pllde Ind PreJudice, a activist and radio commentator. Panel:
. film and lecturs serle8 on homosexuality. Rlchant Buml, executive director of the LISTINGS
ALAN HERTZBERG In conjunction with TodaY'8 topic: ·Comlng Out Post- Lesbian and Gay Community Services
THE NEW YORK PUBLIC LIBRARY, Stonewall." Aim: Wont I. Out Moderator. Center; Jam .. Credle, Men of All Colors NEXT WEEK!

.lu...,28 ....... OUIWEEK &5

Tuning In: A TV/Radio Guide for 01 reek Readers
Information must be received by Monday to be included in the following week's issue. Send items to
OutWeek Ustings, 159 W, 25th St, NY, NY 10001. Compiled by Dale Peck.
ME (Arts and Entertainment. 555 fifth Ave., 10th floor., NYC 10017, (212) 661- magazine; 99,5 FM (:30)
4500) CCTV (Rick X. P.O. Box 790, NYC 10108) GIS (Gay Broadcasting 1:30 PM WBAI-FM An Aftsmoon Outing. Local news about the gay and
System. Butch Peastan, 178Seventh Ave., suite A-3, NYC 10011.(212)243-1570) lesbian community with Larry Gutenburg. 99.5 FM (:30)
GCN (Gay Cable Network. Lou Maletta. 32 Union Square East, suite 1217.(212) 10 PM GCN Be Our Guest entertainment for and about the lesbian/gay
477-4220) GUI (Gay and lesbian Independent Broadcasters. (212) 473-1689) community; Manhattan Cable, CH 0/17 (:30)
GMHC (Gay Men's Health Crisis. Jean Carlomusto. 129 W. 20th St., NYC 10011. 10:30 PM GMHC Uving With AIDS Health and politics, Manhattan Cable,
(212) 807-7517) HI PROD '(Robin Byrd Productions. P.O.Box 305, NYC 10021, CH V/35(:30)
(212) 988-2973) WABt-TV m W. 63rd St., NYC 10023 (212)
, 45&-7777) WBAI- 11 PM GCN Gay U.S.A.: news and entertainment from around the coun-
FM (505 Eighth Ave., 19th floor, NYC 10018 (212) 279-0707) WCBS-TV (51 W. try; Manhattan Cable, CH Vl35 (1:00)
52nd St., NYC 10019. (212) 975-43211 WNlt- TV (30 Rockefeller Plaza, NYC Midnight GCN Men in Rims: male erotica, interviews with adult filmstars;
10112. (212) 664-4444) WNET-TV (356 W. 58th St., NYC 10019.(212) 560-3000)
Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 (:30)
WNYW-TV (Fox. 1211 AVlAM, NYC 10036. (212) 556-2400) WPIX-TV (220 E.
12:30 AM RB PROD Men For Men: Robin Byrd presents gay male porno
42nd St., NYC 10017.(212)949-1100)
stars; Manhattan Cable, CH Vl35 (:30)
10 AM WABC- TV Sally Jessy Rllphael Scheduled: actors who played
fathers on TV, including Robert Reed (Brady Bunch) and Conrad Bain
1:30 PM DIVA-TV Day of Desperation The activist video organization's
version of what went down at ACT UP's Jan. 23 demo. CH 0/17,
(Diff'rent Strokes). Am I opening the magazine to a libel suit if I tell
you how a (male) friend of a friend of mine was once hit on by Robert
2:30 PM WBAI-FM Rompiendo el Silencio Todos los viernes, Gonzalo
Aburto con temas y noticias para la comunidad latina gay y lesbiana.
Reed? OK,then I wonitell you, CH 7.
11 AM The Dillna Montford Show The host interviews Sergio Duran of the 99.5 FM (:15)
7 PM WBAI 99.5 FM AIDS In Focus, Michael Alcalay, producer.
, the Gay and Lesbian Switchboard, Manhattan Cable, CH 0/17,
1 AM RB PROD The Robin Byrd Show. male and female strippers;
1:30 PM WUSB 90,1 FM The Word Is Out Marc Gunning hosts a weekly
Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 (1:00)
lesbian, gay and bisexual variety show,
2 PM WUSB 90.1 FM Lavender Wimmin News, songs and music pro-
duced by women for women. SATURDAY, .JUNE 22
2:30 PM WUSB 90.1 FM This WilY Out More queer news, 8:30 AM WBAI-FM Any SlIturdaywith David Rothenberg; live call-in; 99.5
2:30 PM GLiB/WBAI99,5 FM GIlY Nightlife is Much, Much More Fun Host FM (2:00)
Mark Allen leads a tour of New York's queer club scene, 6 PM WNET-TV Fllmily Values The lesbian community of San Frencisco
'8:30 PM ,The Brenda and Glenndll Show Manhattan Cable, CH 17 rallies to help gay men with AIDS. CH 13.
9 PM GBS Out in the !US: community news, discussion, interviews. BQ 7 PM WNET- TV Out in AmericlI A roundtable discussion of the goals and
Cable, CH 56 (1:00) achiev~ments of the gay rights movement, featuring a panel of educa-
9 PM GCN GIlY USA Paregon Cable. CH C/16 (:30) tors, political leaders and artists. Host Andy Humm. Rebroadcast at
11:30 PM Tomorrow/Tonight Uve: entertainment; Manhattan and Paragon 4:50 am. CH 13,
Cable, CH 0/17 (1:00) . 7 PM GCN G,IY USA News and entertainment from around the country.
Midnight CCTV The Closet Cllse Show. K10sst K1ips; Manhattan /paragon Bo, Unity, ACV Cable, CH 56 (1:00)
Cable, CH C/16 (:30) IPM WNET- TV Rlldio Cfllze Sst in a Miami Beach nightclub, gay men
from the Seattle Men's Chorus recreate the spirit of radio broadcasts
• from the 1940s, CH 13•
TUESDAY, .JUNE 18 9:30 PM WNET- TV Resh and Pllper A portrait of lesbian-feminist post
10 PM RB PROD The Robin Byrd Show. male and female strippers; Suniti Narnjoshi, who reads excerpts from her work and speaks about
, Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 (1:00) her relationship with an English feminist poet CH 13,
10 PM WNET- TV Absolutely Positive Petar Adair's movie, composed of 10 PM WNET- TV Victim Dirke Bogarde plays a lawyer confronting a gang
interviews of people living ,with HIV, Repeetad Friday at midnight CH 13. of blackmailers who murdered his one-time lover, CH 13.
10:45 PM HBO Kids in the HIIII Canada's comedy troupe, which features 11 PM Gay TVMaie porn; Manhattan Cable, CH Vl35
drag routines and openly gay members, 11:40 PM WNET-TV My Bellutiful LaundrettfJ Stephen Frears movie about
11 PM GBS Out in the !US: ne~, infonnation and interviews; an English hood and his Pakistani lover who renovate a laundromat
Manhattan/Paragon CableiCH C/16 (1:00) CH11 '
'1:15 AM TMC Without You I'm Nothing So is Sandra Bernhard a lesbian or 1 AM RB PROD The Robin Byrd Show Male and female strippers.
is she? Or should I ask. Should I list this program or shouldn't I? Paragon Cable, CH C/16 (1:00)
1:20AM WNET-TV A Specilll DayA "dowdy housewife" and an "ostra-
WEI)NESDAY, .JUNE 19 cized homosexuar mest by chance in Italy, Starring Sophia Loren and
9:30 AM WBAI99,5 FM Ghosts in the Mllchine This radio show is hosted Marcello Mastroianni, CH 13,
by OutWe.k Features Editor Victoria Starr. 2.5 hours. " 1:30 AM RB PROD The Robin Byrd Show Male and female strippers.
8 PM WIND-TV CasulIl Sex Your must to avoid for all time: "Disease-con- Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 (1:00)
scious friends vacation at a health spa in hopes of meeting safe part-
ners: Instead, they mest Andrew Dica Clay, CH 20. . SUNDAY, .JUNE 23
10 PM WCBS-TV SCllndll/Pasty-feced Dan Rather (I know; I've seen him 3:10 AM WNET- TV A TlIste of Honey A homoely young girt becomes preg-
up close) "examines the abuse of children by someone you had nant by a Black sailor and is cared for by a kind homosexual frieild,
placed yourlglstiil: such as a teacher or a day-care worker, Sounds CH 13.
like a program for a little thinly veiled homophobia, CH 2. 7:30 PM WBAI 99,5 FM The GIlY Show., Co-hosts Marte Becker, Bob
11 PM WIND-TV QiHIS The Cheers bar is "promising to become a gay ha{lg- Storm, Larry Gutenburg and Allan Ross interview Kurt Wolfe, host of
'out," scaring off Sam's customers. Then good riddance, I say, CH 11, Out in the '90s' Rick X. host of The Closet Casfl Show; Mark Johnson,
Midnight RB PROD The Robin Byrd Show. male and female strippers, live artis1; and Nona Hendryx. recording artist Alternates with Out/ooles.
caU-in show; Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 10-.30PM RB PROD Men For Men: Robin Byrd presents gay male porno
stars; Manhattan Cable, CH V/35 (:30)
THURSDAY, dUNE 20 11 PM GBS WilY Outl Mark Chesnut and Mic~elle VanVoomies host Rich
1 PM WBAI-FM This Way Out; the international gay and lesbian news Volo is the producer, CH C/16 (:30)

aa OUTW •• K .t" ,.. :us. ~_ ..

, ,.
'I', •

' .

• •

Monday Saturday
La Bouche (A last Monday of the month party B.rilfoot Boogi. '(For adults, kids on 2nd and 4th
for the summer, Dancing upstairs, a '30s Saturdays. Smoke- and alcohol-free, 8:30
and '4Os jllzz motif downstairs. Doors open pm to 12:30 am, $5Ikids free,) 434 Sixth Ave.,
at 10 pm,) 679 Sixth Ave., at 18th Street. 4th floor, between Ninth and Tenth avenues.
Pyramid (Michael T. presents New York Nights, (212)857-5152.
Alternative music With OJ Bad Taste, $11 Center (2nd and 4th Sa, 9 pm to 1 am, $8, OJ
Pyramid, 101 Ave, A (212)420-1590, . Karin Ward.) 208 W. 13th St. (212)620-7310.
+ C.nter (Women & Friends. Rrst Sa. OJ Karin
Tuesday Ward, 9 pm to 1 am,) 208 W 13 St. (212)620-
+1\oClub Edelwei .. (TVs, TSs, gays, bi's, sin- 7210.
gles, couples; Tuesdays are especially for +Clit Club (Erotic lesbian videos, slides and go-
lesbians, but everyone is welcome,) 167 W, go giris,Doors open at 10 pm.) The Pyramid,
29th St. (212)868-6989. 101 Ave, A (212) 420-1590.
D.nc.teri. (Chip Duckett's Gay Tuesdays, Columbi. Dance, (Next dance is Sept 21. Third
Send Information to
Doors open at 10 pm. )29 E, 29th St Info: Saturday dances with OJ Karin Ward. 10 pm
OutWeek Listings, 159 W. 25 to 3am. $5,) COlumbia University Earl Hall.
(212) 353-8n5. ,
th St., 7th floor, NY, NY 118th Street at Broadway. (212)629-1989,
+G ... nd Central (Women's nighl) 210 Merrick
Rd, Rockville Centre, LI. (516)536-4800, .
10001. Fax: (212) 337-1220. 419419 N. Highway, SoU1tiampton, LI. (516)283-
Roxy (John Blair's 'Muscle on Wheels,~ Gay Jb[naw info] +[woman] 5001.
rollerskating, Doors open at 8 pm. Varied Flower (,Guaarana, dance, music, trance,
*[attracts TVs] Featuring guest DJs and a mixed crowd. 225
cover.) 515 W 18 St. (212)645-5156.
E, Houston St, at Essex Street (212)505-
Wednesday 5173.
1\oCh.nnel &9 (Drag Extravaganza, with Unda Love Zone (dancing & perfonners)70 Beach St.
Simpson. Go-go stars, OJ Dany Johnson. Staten Island. (718)442-5692.
Sexy, upbeat, East Village fag and dyke +G,irl S.turd.ys (Shescape presents Saturday
crowd, $5,) Pyramid, 101 Ave, A (212)420- pm/$5 after, Doors open at 11 pm,) 77 Nights for Women,With go-go girls and a
1590. Houston St., off West Broadway, (212)941- guest OJ. $8 before 10:301$10after,) 20/20. 20
The Bunkhou,e (Club Trash, a night of WORE- 6757, W. 20th St" between Fifth and Sixth
alternative music, with Freddie and OJ Th. Pump Room (Jason and Andrew present avenues. (212)645-6479,
Kamakazie. ~ay 8: guest hostess Cherry go-go boys, a light show and a large dance Meet (OJ Aldo Hernandez, Go-go boys, videos
Vanilla,) Montauk Highway, Sayville, (516) lIoor, $121$8.)The Roxy. 515 W. 18th St. (212l and a slide show. $51$7,)432W 14 St
567-BUNK, 645-5156, Pa... nel (John Blair and The Athletic Complex
+ Exc.libur (Ladies Night. $1 drinks.) 10th Stingr.y'. (New club, new sound system, present New York's hottest go-go boys, OJ
Street andJefferson behind football sta- everything else is a surprise. No cover Tommy Richardson. $15.)2-29 W, 28th St
dium, Hoboken, NJ. (201)795-1161. tonight) 641 W, 51stSt. (212)664-8668. (212) 563-9292.
1\oLimelight (Disco 2000, with Michael Alig and 1\oRoxy(LOcomotion. Gay men, straight women,
Larry Tee, Doors open at 10 pm. $10,) Sixth Friday some lesbians,) 515 W, 18th St, betWeen
Avenue at 20th Street (212)807-7850. Th. B.nk (Nightmares on WaX/Damnation '91: Tenth and Eleventh avenues. (212) 645-5j 56.
Limelight (Juan Davila and Marc Berkl8y pre- Alternative music hosted by Lee Chappell +Silv.r Lining ~75 Cherry Ln, Floral Parli~ LI.
sent Uck It at Umelighl Featuring dancing, and Michael T, OJ Brian Damage, MiJed (516)354-9641,
loun:ging, and the Lick It Lounge,) Sixth crowd. $101$7.) 225 E. Houston St., at Essex. Sound Factory (Mixed crowd but' mostly gay,
Avenue at 20th Street (212)807~7850. .' (212f 505-5033. Serious House music, No arcohol, Doors
P.r.llel (Victor Anonymous? and David + Clit Club (Jocelyn & Julie present Clit Club open' at 11 pm.) 530 W. 27th St, between
Cameron present Depravity. 'Unparalleled "WeSt. With go-go girls and lesbo videos, $1 Tenth and Eleventh avenues. (212) 643-m28.
depravity, psychosexual go-go dancers, drinks between 8 and 9 pm. Doors open at 8 Sting ... y', ($8,)641 W, 51st St (212)664-8668,
twiested shciws, This week: JFK Superstar.) pm, $5)432 W 14th St. (212) 406-1114. The World (Christina Vista and Junior Vazquez
229 W, 28th St. (212)563-9292. Columbia D.nces (Rrst Friday dances, 10 pm to present an after-hours party, Doors open at
b+P,ychedeUc Muffroom (The Prom Queen 2 am,) Columbia University Earl Hall. 116th midnight) 254 E. 2nd St., at Avenue C.
and Dega present dancing for dykes, with Street at Broallway, Daytime phone: (212)
an outdoor patio and pinball, $5.)47 W. 20th 8~3574, Sunday
St. (212)807-7850, + Hatfi.ld'. (Women's nighl) 126-10 Queens The Men', Room (Dallas presents muscle men
.Silver Lining (2-4-1 drinks.) 175 Cherry Ln. Roral Blvd, Kew Gllrdens, Queens. (718)261-8484. . and .boys. Go-go boys, three floors and 60-
Park, LI, (516)354-964" HEAD D.nc. (Homocore mix and deviant fags foot ceilings.) 51 W. 26th St (212) 576-1890,
Stutz (2-4-1 drinks,) 202 Westchester Ave. · .and dykes. OJ Nobody's Pussy, This w"ek +Clit Club (Jocelyn and Julie's Tea Dance. $1
White Plains, NY. (914) 761-3100, . · only: Two Queens, a King and a Drum drinks from &-7 pm. Go-go girls and.free fin-
Machine perfonn at 1 am, $5,) Pyramid, 101 ger food, OJ Usa Legendary. 3-8 pm.) 432 W,
Thursday. · Avenue' A (212)420-1590, . 14th St. (212)406-1114. .
1\oCopacebene (Susanne Bartsch. Last Th of the Me. Culp. (For inen, with dancing, video and Clubl.nd (C~ip Duckett presents Boys in
month, Iffy door) 10 E, 60th St" at Fifth live l!ntertainment. $71$10,) 47 W, 20th St , Clubland. Uve dance acts, go-go boys, strip-
Avenue, (212) 755-6010. (212) 807-7840. pers, drag queens and the works. Opening
Excelibur (St drinks.) Located at the corner of + MiII.nnium (Ladies Night) 1770 New York June 23; thereafter the last Sunday of every
10th Street andJefferson behind football Ave. (Route 110) Huntington, LI. (516)351- month.) 254 W, 54th St
stadium. Hoboken, NJ, (201)795-1161, · 1402. + Crazy'Nanny'. (Sunday evening Tea Dance,
Wield', (2-4-1 drinks, female impersonators,) P.... II.I (Page and Don's Friday night, featuring Free before 9 pm!$5 after,) 21 Seventh Ave,
126-10 Queens BlVd, Kew Gardens, Queens, an eclectic crowd, party, $51$12,) 229 w, South, (212) 366-6312.
(718)261-8484. 28th St. (212) 563-9292. . 1\oFUCII (DJs Craig and Victor, IndustriaJ, house,
bThe Men', Room (Dallas presents muscle Sting ... y', (Free before 10 pm. $7 after.) 641 W, bass, soul and disco, Downstairs, the
men and boys. Go-go boys, three lIoors and 51stSt. (?12) 664-8668. Lesbian Luv Lounge, OJ Lori E. Seid and
60-foot ceilings.) 51 W. 26th St (212) 576- + Visions 56-01 Queens Blvd" Woodsid e, guests, $5,) Pyramid, 101 Avenue A. (212)
1890. Queens, Club: (718) 899-9031. 420-1590, :
One W.y (Hamlet presents a sexy environment + lelly', (OJ Moaning Usa spins the records
for dancing and drinking. Free before 11 for dancing dykes. Doors open at 8 pm. $3.)

..lune _ ... _ .. OUTWEEK 67

~. ,..
' .

46 Bedford St. (212192S-9322.,

Monster (Sunday:Tea Dance at 4 pm,ISO Grove
St at Sheridan Square, (2121924-$,
Parallal (Michael Fesco presents Sunday Tea
Dance with Hi N.R,G. Music, MEF's go-go
boys of the future. Open bar 5-7 pm, Free
hot dogs. $6.1229 W. 28th St (2121563-9292.
• Peggy Sue', (Ande and Dany Johnson pre-
sent Perk Up, Featuring dancing, a pool Eighty-Eights, 228 W. 10th St, 924-00!8
table and a roof. I 120 University PI" between Chelsea
. -
13th and 14th streets.


C,oast; 64 Seventh Ave. (14th St167!H1385 The Hangout (J'sl679 Hudson St,242-9272'

• SOB, (Le~cia Montalvo presents The Lust

The Break, 232 Eighth Ave. (22nd StI621-0072 Julius, 1,59W. 10th St,929-9672
House. Rrst Sunday of the moilth, beginning Cellbfock 28, 28 Ninth Ave" 733-3144iM-WI Keller's, 384 West StlChristopher, 243-1907 .
June 1. OJ Marlow, $5,1 204 Varick St, at Kelly's Village Wast, 46 Bedford St,929-9322
Houston. (2121243-4940, Chelsea Transfer, 131 Eighth Ave. (bet 16th and
. ,
Marie's Crisis, 59 Grove St; 243-9323 -
Every Night (or almost) Eagle's Nest, 142 Eleventh Ave, (21stStI691-8451 The Monster, 80 Grove St .(Seventh Ave,I924-3558
• Bedrock (Lesbian club, closed Mo and Tu.1 Lavender and Lace, at the Vault, 28 Ninth Ave" New Jimmy's 53 Christopher St, 463-0950
121 Woodfield Rd. West Hempstead, U. (51BI 255-6758 (Fr, 7-11 pm andSu,3-8 pm, womenl Ninth Circle, 139W. 10th St,243-9204
486-9516. ' Private Eyes, 12 W. 21st St (bet Rfth and Sixth Reeds, 8 Christopher St, 675-7333
~Club Edelwei .. (Tuesdays are for lesbians, avenuesl206-7770
but it's open to alrTu-Su.llB7 W, 29th St Sneakers, 392 West St, 242-9831
Rawhide, 212 Eighth Ave., •(21st Stl, unlisted Two Potato, 145 Christopher St, 242-9340
419419 N. Highway (Rte 271, Southampton, U. Spike, 120 Eleventh Ave"243-9688
'. Ty's,114 Christopher St, 741-9641
Grand Central 210 Merrick Rd, Rockville Centre,
West Village Uncle Charne's, 56 Greenwich Ave., 255-8787
.U. (5161536-4800, Badlands, Christopher and West streets, 741-9236 Tribeca
Magic Touch (Anglo/La1h:il~ianl73-1,3 37th Rd, Boots & Saddle, 76 Christopher St, 929-9684 Altar, 161W. Broadway. 571-7272,
Jackson Heights, Queens. (7181429-8605. The Comeback Bar, 507 Wast St, 242-2432 G-spot, 50 Warren St, 219-2588 (Fr and Sa, womenl
Mogster SO,Grove St, at Sheridan Square. (2121 Crazy Nanny's 21 Seventh Ave. S,' 366-6312
92":3557,' . West Side
~ Pandora'i lox Sheridan' Square ti 7th
D.T:s Fat Cat 281 W. 12th St,243-9041 Candle Bar,:m Amersterdam Ave., 874-9155
Avenue, (2121242-1408:
11Ie Pyramid (LOok under daily listings for indi- Pandora's Box, 70 Grove St (Seventh Ave.1242- Cat's,730 Eighth Ave., 221-7559
... ,
and themes, Also check Going 1408 (women I

events, I tOl Ave, A, (2121 continued next page

Dugout, 185 Christopher St, 242-9113
420-1590,' '.\ '
Spectrum (Look under daily listings tor individ-
ualparties and themes, Coors served.IS02
64th St.j',pt'*ighth ,avenue. Bay Ridge,
Brooklyn, ~{I) 238-8213, .
• Tod', (Nr~llt:~lub and restaurant, Mostly
women;.';lJut men are OK,12 Georges Rd,
New Bnfnswick, NJ. (2011545-8990. '


I ,


&8 OUTWEEK .. u.... -. 11_11

New York

$65 •

tax included
Charming, newly renovated Brownstone
Private bath w/refrigerator OR shared bath
eTelephones e NC e Continental Breakfast
e Advance reservations suggested
(212)243-9669 FAX (212) 633-1612
318 Wesl 22nd 51., N.Y.C. 10011

;'v'\!..J • • ••••

-vitin •, •
• ,

• ,.

• ,
• •

• •

)\IU <Ut: inn-vited hl experience llur st\'le of

sm.ll1·lllltel hospitality. Where stran~ers

Dl'(Ome friends and friends become doser.

• I

• ,

Includes continental breakfast. Single or •
double occupancy. Add 9.7% tax. Subject to •
<wailability. Advance reservations suggested. •
F"r n'St'rmti""s, call1,80(),842-.1450

• •
c L-/tER I
Inn Town Bed & Breakfast
26 Cholndlt'r ..t Bt'rkt'lev, Boston, MA 02116 ,

Station House Pub,~7 Merrick Rd., Seaford, 785-9IKII .

Don"'t Tell .,Ma~, , 343 W. 48th St,757-0788
- " -~ Queens
Gents, 360 W. 42nd St, (Ninth Ave,)967-0659 (area code 718) Long Island Suffolk
Sally's Hitleaway, 264 W, 43rd St,221-9152 Breadstix, 113-24 Queens Blvd., F1Irast Hills, 23IHI:m (area code 516)
Town &. Country, Ninth Ave, at 45th St,307-1503 Friend's Tavern, 78-11 Roosevelt Ave" Jackson 419,419 North Highway (Rt 27), Southampton,
Trix, 246 W.,48th St, ( 664-8331 Heights,397-7256 283-5001
The Works, 428 Columbus Ave, (at 31st), 799-7365 Hatfield's, 126-10 Queens Blvd.,Kew Gardens, 261- Bunkhouse, 192 N. Main St, Sayville, 567-2865
East Side 8484 Cherry's, Bayview Walk, Cherry Grove, Fire Island,
.' .......,

Bogart's, 320 E. 59tIi St,688-8534

• .1
Hideaway, 87-36 Parsons Blvd" Jamaica,657-4885 597-6820
Love Boat, 77-02 Broadway, Elmhurst, 29-8670 Club Swamp, Disco/Annex Restaurant, Montauk
BrandYs Piano Bar, 235 E. 84th St,650-1944
Magic Touch, 73-13 37th Rd" Jackson Heights, Hwy, Wainscott, 537-3332
Club 58, 40 E,'58th St,,318-1546
4~5 Crew's QU,arters, 36 R Pines Blvd., upstairs, Fire
G,H, Club, 353.E. 53rdSt, 223-9752 Island,597-6873.
Johnny's Pub, 1~ E, 47th St,355-8714 Staten I'sland Ice Palace, Cherry Grove Beach Club, Fire Island,
NY Confidential,.•. " 306 E. 49th St,308-8390 (area co.de 718) 597-6600
Rounds, 303. E. 53rd St, 593:-0807 SandcaS1ie, 86 Mills Ave., 447-9365 KIss, 161 Farmardie Dr., Lake Ronkonkoma, 467-9273

South Dakaota, 405 3rd AVII., (29th St) 684-8376 Westchester Club 608, 608 Sunrise Highway, W, Babylon, 661-9580
Star Sapphire, 400 E 59th St.,688-4710 . (area code 914) Millennium, !nO New York Ave., Huntingdon, 351-
The Townhouse, 236 E. 58th St, 754-449 Playroom,590 Nepperhan Ave., Yonkers, 965-6900 1402
Twenty-Nine Palms, 129 Lexington Ave., 686-8299 Stuiz,, 202 Westchester Ave.,White Plains, 761-3100 Starz,836 Grand Blvd" Deer Park, 242-3857
Thunders, 894 Jericho Turnpike, Smithtown, 864-1410
East Vill~ge' Long Island Nassau
The Bar, 68 2nd Ave" (4th St.) 674-9714 (area
, '
. .-
516) ..' New Jersey
Pyramid, ;01 Ave. A,420:-i590 Bedrock, 121 Woodfield Rd., West Hempstead, (area code 201) ,
..:.......:... .;.." .
Tunnel Bar, 1161stAve.,f71h St) m-9232 486-9516 (women) . Charlie's West, 536 Main St, E. Orange, 678-5002
, -~

.•Brooklyn .". . . Blanche,47-2 Boundary Ave" Fanningdale, 694-6906 Feather's, 77 Kinderkamack Rd.,, River Edge, 342-6410
Grand Central, 210 Merrick Rd., Rockville Centre, Friendly's, 6310 Park Ave., W.New York, 854-9895
•(~~ cod.• '718) ~ Excalibur, 10th and Jefferson, Hoboken, 795-1023
After Five Plus, 5 .Front St, 352-0139 Pal Joey's, 2457 Jerusalem Ave" N. Bel!more, 785-
.:. Nite Lite, 509 22nd St, Union City,863-9515
Spectrum,802.64th Sti(Eightit Ave.), 745-9611 9301 .
'. ,'" " , .• r Vibrations, 165 Cedar Lane, Teaneck, 836-5518
Sweet Sensll1ioil$,6322 20th St., 435-2580 Silver Lining, 175 Cherry Lane, New Hyde Park,
. :.
354-9641 ,
Yacht Club, 366 Berksire Valley Rd" Jefferson, 697-
'. ,

:., .;.

Japanese Restaurant
r - c 1

1\ (I
() " . / :&. If
. -
12 A
• ",

A ~

I! t r • I I II) •
~~ J1,vltl 1\
I I. ' .- .. .. --

7th Ave. at 21st St. 507 WEST STREET (Corner JANE&WESTStsJ

, 212-242-2432
. ,620-9684 ••

,Ii ".

Open M-F, 12-3, 6-midnight

Sundays, 5-11
Free Delivery

70 OU."LV .•• .c: _.. ·i.' .

: ' .,.
. ,. ,
. ..
"',-' .-.

A.C.O.c.-AIJS CEN1BI OF and church and upholding tha BISEXUAL INfORMATION. activitiea and up-to-dat. Teen HOTT·LlNEfor Healthl Call
IIJEENS civil rights of La.bian and Gay COUNSEUNG SERVICf.INC. national monthly, 'THE BODY Monday to T~ursd.y, 7pm to
County Social Serivecea Educa- Athailts.M.atings the fir.ts A profellionally staff.d, non- POSITIVE" l$2S/yearl_ (2121721- I!pm.At othartin)ea,l.sve a ma.
tion - Buclciea- Coul1l8rllg - sup- Sunday Community C.nter, 1 to profit organization for biaexu- 1348. 2085 Broadway, Suite 308, 18g. and we'll call you backl
poIt Groups Val...... 0ppaItuni- 3 P.M. Dial • Gay Atheists all, th.ir famili'l and partners, NY,I00'23
tin 171818118-2500,lvoiceI17181 1718/889:1737, 24 houllI. facing probleml of a plycho- .COMMUNIrY RESEARCH
88&-28IIIi(11IDI logical or m.dical kind. We allO BROOKLYN'SWBIAN AND INIT1ATIVE. NY ICRII
• ARCS (AlDS-llElATED work with thOie in doubt about GAY POUrICAL CLUB lAMBDA The Community Research Ini-
ACT "(AIDS COAlJTJON TO t:anmmys.m-I th.ir .. xuality. Confidentiality il INDEPENDENT DEMOCRATS tiative of New York I"CRI.NY" is
UNLEASH POWERI for Dutch ... , Orange, Putnam, protected by law. For informa- L.I.D, .ndorses and works for a not-for-profit, community-
488A Huds'on Street, Suite G4 Rock/and, Sullivan, Ulstar snd tion phone: 1212149&-8500 candidat.s in local, state and ba.ed center for AIDS and HIV-
NYC 10014 12121 584-2437 A Wsstch.ster • counties. AIDS national ... ctions,IoW .. for leg- ralated clinical r.sea rch. Cre-
diverse, non-partisan group of education, client .. mcea, crisis BISEXUAL PRIDE illation, and conduc:1llcommUMy at.d in 1887 by peopl. with
individuals united in. anger and int.rv.ntion, IUPPOrt groups, DISCUSSION GIIOIIt outreach through atra.tfaifland AIDS and their physicians, CRI
committed to direct action to c8le managllment, buddy and Topical discUlliona on issu.s of meeting a on spacial topics. Join NYtellll promising experimen-
end the AIDS crieis. Gen. meet- hospital visitor program, 214 inter.st to the community in a u.. 338 Ninth St., Suite 135 Brook- tal treatments which many
ings Mon. nights 7:30, in The Central Ave., Whit. Plains, NY congenial atmospher., fol- lyn, NY11215 (718198H482- ' restor. or sta billze immune
Great Hall,Cooper Union, on 1080819141993-0808 838 Broad- low.d by an informal dinner at • unction, and treatm.ptl and
Cooper Square between Astor way, Newburgh, NY 12250 19141 a friendly local restaurant. CEN1BI fOR NfII.VIOIENCE preventions for AIDS and HIV-
snd St. Marlts Pllce's. 582-5005 AlDSlin.11141.13- Every Sunday; 3:00- 4:30pm at . :OOICLYN
. related opportunistic Infec-
,." the Community Center 208 W. 13 WOMEN'S MAII1IALAIITS tions.There is no chang. for
ADW SURVIVORS OF Streat, NYC. Part of the New a non-profit organization teach- participstion in CRlltudiel.
SEXUAL ABUSE ASIANS. FRENDII- N Y York Area Biaaxual Network. ing aaIf-defanaa and karete for 17 Many laboratory t88ts and
I~"SAGEI A not-for-profit organization y.afl. 5 week cour •• s in .. If- physicall are provided fr.a of
Mondays, 7:00 p.m. to 8:30 p.m. which promOl88 friendships with BISEXUAL WOMEN'S d.fenaa for women. Community charge to participants, Child
Siga Room It the Centar A8ian/Pscific Island.r, Alian- SUPPOII1' GROUP workshops in aaIf-d8fanaa. Ongo- clre can also be provided. All
~,.rim.ntal Th.rapy Gr.up Am.ricari, and non-Asian gay Discullion a. CR Group meeta ing cia .... in karate a lIIi chi for Id.ntifyinll inform.tion ia k.pt
far W_n IAgea 21 and upl to man through IOci.I, CUItuIll~adu- every 2nd a 4th W.dnesday, woman. COu..... a. workshops in confidential ..Call 12121481-1050
support the r.cov.ry pro c ... cationll, and s.rvic. activitiel 8:30 - 8:00 pm at the Community SD for leabiana a gay men. Slid-
and frea you from the pain and and programs, Call our HotLin.: Cent.r, 208 Weat 13th Street, ing fa. Icale according to CONGREGATION BEnt
liI.nca of •• xual abusa. In a 212-674-5838,or write to: P.O.Box Part of NYABN. incom •• Call for mqre·info. 718- SIMCIUUTORAII
lafa .. tting; we sha re fa.lings, 81128, NY. NY10183-8112a. 7.... 1775. 421 5th Ava~ Brooklyn, NY'I Gay and L.lbian Syna-
dllVlllop relationship. with inner BIWAYS NEW YORK NY11215. gogue ServicII Friday at 8:30pm
children, and .xplor. and ATR (ADS TREATMENT Monthly locial events for the fi1 B.thune Straet For info. call:
rei .... b.liefs and patt.rns IESOIIIICES, IC.I BileXUal community and friends, CIRCLE OF MORE UGHT (2121829-8488. ...
that block growth. This re-inter- Publilh .. a quarteJly Directory of Ca. NYABNfor dataila of upcom- SpirituallUppolt and iharing in a .. ~--.
IIrative proc.ss .. sists in clinical trial. of .xparim.ntal ing 8V8n1I. (2121459-f184 lIay/lesbian affirmative IIroup. CONGREGATION
uncov.ring your .. If worth and AIDS/HIV tr8atm.nlll in NY/NJ, Wast-Park Preabyterian Church B'NAI J~1IJR1ft."
inn.r strenllth, Psychothera- and Philadelphia, and h••• duca- BFAC IBISEXUAL POUTICAL 185 Wast 88th Street Wed: wor- Monthly Spiritui~(Glthiir,ilfg. and
pilta Joyce Z. Mayers, CSW., tional materiabr/.eninalll for trial AClJON COIlMlTlEE) ahip lervice 8:30 p.m, program
and Robbya Stuart-Rus •• II,
MA. facirltate the group.
psrticipant&. ATRalso advocat81
for imPIOV8/ll8nt1in the trial.-
Political action on issuea of
importance to the BileXUal/Lea-
7::30.Marsha 12121~
Ii. (2121891-7118.
Char- ~=~~~~
and familiea,#ogrlm incrud ..
tem. 259 W. 30th St., BIh fI~ NYC, bian/Gay community. Monthly mUlic and dilcU88ion led by'our
AFRICAN AIEIICAN 101Q1,12121211&41911. Publications meeting( potluck h.ld 8:00pm on COMMUNIrY COUNSEUNG Rabbis. Cal 12121787-7800
WIM.N·UNITED FOR trait/donation requasted. fourth Thuniday of the month at CENTER
. SOCIErAL CHANGE m.rilb.rs hom.s. Call NYABN Gay AffirmatiV. Psychoth.rapy DlGNIrY-BIGAPPIl
Leabian a Gay Community Cen- BAR ASSOCIATION FOR for this month's location. ((2121 for Individuals, Couples .and A community of Lesbian and Gay
ter 2111 Wut 13th Straet, NY~NY HIIIIAN RIGHTS 459-4784 Groups by liclinaad clinical Catholics. Ac1iviti1ll include Litur·
Meeting avery Thul'lday 8:00 P.M Lawyers R.ferral S.rvice for locial work.rs Ind plycholo- giea and IOciala avery Sat., 8:00
the Lesbian and Gay Community BrsEXUAL YOurH lIiata. Sp.cial experience e in pm, at the C.nter, 208 W, 13
AIDS RESOURCE CENIER (ARCI Full Range of L.gal S.rvic.s InformallOcial a IUpport group addictions, atrall managem.nt, Strait; NYC,Cali/212181&-1308.
Supportive houling for ~ome- 12121 459-4873 Fr.e Walk-in for Bisexual kidalyouth. Monthly d.prellion, car.er coun .. ling,
lell PWAs IBailey Hou.e and Lagal Clinic. Tuasday 8-8 pm, m.eting/potluck lunch held '. r.lationahip conc.rns, AIDS DIGNIrY NEW YORK
apartment.l, Non~judgmental Lubian a Gay Community 1:OOpmon fourth Sunday of the anxi.ty and cominll out illuel. Lesbia.n and gay Catholicland
plltorll car. for PWA. and Centr. Ground Roor month at m.inbers homa" Call Sliding f.e scal., InlUranc. friends AIDS Ministry, Spiritual
loved ona .. Volunteer opportu- NYABN for thll month~ location. accepted. Villag.Jocation. For D.velopment Th. Cath.dral Pro-
nitiea, 12121481-1270, 24 Wast BIDS (BISEXUAL DOMINANCE 11111group II psrtoftha New York irnmedillll appoiritmant, call 212- , ject. Worahip S.rvicea a Social-
30th St., NYC 10001 • SUBIUSION GRO .. I Area Bilaxual Network. 353-2898. A Itlff mamber will Sun. EI-.7~ Jeihh', EpiI-
Share SIM experiencea ind ratum your caR within 24 hours, copal Church 218 Wast 11th Straat
AlDEClAlU-NY fanlllsiel with othefl in a posi- BLUS-BRONXWBIANS O~2179 .
1A8lan talbiani .f tha E.. t tive, non-judgmantal atmo- . UNIIED II SISIEIIIOOO COMMUNIIY IEAIl1I PROJECT
C.. at/A8ian Pacific Laabian .sphare. Firat Sunday of the Is an activa, visibl., multicul- 2111 Wast 13th Street, NYC,New DROP-II COME our
N.twa .... N.w Y.... I W. Ira a month, 4:45Rm It tha Community tural m.mbership orglnization York 10011 FOr Appointmantl and RAP GROUPS
politiCll, aociiland aupportiv. Center 208 W, 13 Street, NYC, that il addreaaing the locial Information 12121 875-3559 Fer L•• bian. and Bi .. xual
natwork of A.ian Pacific 1•• - Thil group is pirt of the New and political needs of the Bronx ITIYNoic.IPROVlDING CARING, W.man, FridaYSlterting April
bilns. Planning meatinga on the YorkArea B_xual Natworlc. Lelbian community. R.gular SENSITIVE AND LOW COST 5th 8:30-8:30 p.m, For Gay and
lit Sunday Ind socill event. m.etings, tha 3rd Fri, 8:30-8 pm HEALTH CARE SERVICESTO THE Bi.. X1111 M.n. Saturdays IIIIrt-
on tha I.. t Friday of uch BlJOUX (l'HE BISEXUAL o 208 W. 13 th St. and the 2nd . LESBIAN AND GJ« COMMUNnY ing April 6th 11:30 a,m.-l:30 pm
month. CIII12121517-5588 for JEWISH GATHERINGI Wed, 8:»8pm at One Fordham "$5.00 Donation Rap Graup far
more information. Comel NOlhl Schmoozal Meet Plaza, Bronx. Call UII 212-829- CO_UNIrY HEAIl'H Lesbian end Bi.saxual W_n
other Jewish bilexual land 8817IEngliahl or Miriam 212- PROJECraHEAlJll ~ ov.r 40 lit. $ 3rd Saturday 8-8
AMERICAN GAYI aUillland ahara your interellll 4O&-2892ISpsniahll lION lIE fOR 1EENS p.m. "$5.00 Donation Rep Gra ..
IEl8lANA11IBS1S at a "show- and-tell." Sacond Do you hive question. about for Lelbian Ind Bi-Saxual
AGA. IncJ701 7th Avenua, Suite Friday of .ach month, 8pm at BODY POSITIVE your health? Your Body7 Coming Woman Every Saturday 2:30-
M/Naw York, Naw York 10038 The Community Canter 208 Wast If you or your lov.r haa tested Out? Safer Sex? Feellik. you 5:00 p.m, "$5:00 Donation Rap
A non-profit" aducationel orgs- 13th Streat, Part of the N.w HIV+, we off.r IUPPOrt groupa, hlv, no one to talk to? Not any Gr.up for .ay and Bi-S.xuel
nization dadicatad to preaerv- York Area BileXUll N.tworlc. for 18minl"', public foruml, rafer- morel Now you can call the M.n Every Sunday 2:30 - 5:00
ing laparation batwaan Itate more info. Call 1201/440-3902. encelibrary, referrall, social HOTT-L1NE. 212-255-1517The p.m. "$5.'011Donation

EDGE EDUCATIONII A l1li- FM .v.ry oth.r Sund.y, 7~ not compromia. the immune Koraan. who ara committed to labor unions working on
AlID 8AY.ENVIIONIEn' 8:30pm .nd join .. -ry TUllday aywtam further. including .ham.- • upporting IIch other, craating domestic p.rtn.rehip b.n.fit •
For the p/IyIic.11y dia bled La.. • t 7:30pm to gpm to bacom •• tiv. Ind holi.tic .ppro.ch ... po.itive vi.ibility Ind con- and AIDS i.. uII, For more
bi.n .nd G.y Community. P.O. member of GUB. No .xp.rieno. Wed 8pm. 201 W, 13th Sl(2121 fronting .nti-Illbian .nd g.y inform.tion c.1I(212)823-8880,
Box S05 Vill.g. St.tion, N.w ne.d.d, 505 Eighth Av.nu., NY, 874-HOPE. bia. within the Koraan commu-
York, NY10014 NY l0018AtIn: OiItLooka or c.1I nity. For more information can WBIAN AND 8AY
Mack, All!n.121214T.H_ HEllTAGE OF PIlUlE, INC. e.n.(2121477-e558 RIGHTS PROJECT
THE FIfTH NEW YORK WIIAN Org.nizera of N.w York'. lll- 'of the Amarloan Civil Ubartl ..
AND lAY EXPERIIEn'AL 8AYaLU81AN bi.n .nd elY Pride .v.nta: the LATINO GAY"" OF NOV Uni.n KNOW YOUR RIGHTS!
will be h.ld .t Anthology Film in An office of the NYC D.pl of on the Pi.r, Call 12121881-1774 Is d.diclted to con.cioutn .... 844-8800, ext. 54Ii
S.pt.mb.r 1811. Submillion. Hlllth, provid .. 6nkag .. betwn for m.. ting .chedul. or more rlising. .ducation, eupport and
will b. icc.pt.d until Jun. SO. NYC Health a. Hum.n IvcI,.nd inform.tion. 208 Wilt 13th .mpow.rm.nt for Latino g.y LESBIAN a OAYTEACHERS
Pl.... ...,d your 18 or Sup.r - 8 the La.bi.n a. elY community, Street, NY. NY10011. men. We a ra incluM of Latino ASS0ClA110N- NYC
printa or vid.o tnnaf.r (only film focuaing in All health COIIceme; g.y m.n of .11nation.liti .. , col- The LGTAhal been in exil1llnce
will be .how .t the fuIiv.1) with .... ourc. informltion for health INITIIVYE FORLESBIAN AND ora Ind .'11'" W. m.. t weekly .ince 1874. W. promote the
needland righ1l of Gay/Lalbian
r.turn po.t.g. to Jim Hubbu, IIrvic'l conlum.ra .nd IAYYOUTH. .nd publllh • monthly cllender
503 Bro.dw.y, Rm 603, New provid.... 125 Worth Street, Box CounaaIilg, cIrop-in C8I1IIIr (M-f. 3- of .venll, For mora information educators, students and par·
York, NY 10012 E.rly .pplic.- ff7, N.w York, NY 10013. For info 8pml, rap group., Harv.y Milk cIIl17181834-8785 or writ. to .nll, We re currently in activ.
tiona and premi.r .. will be cll(212IS81i. High School, AIDS and lifer I8X P.O, Box 7108 Grand C.ntral negotiation. with the Board of
given priority, For further info infIInnaIion,lIIfamIa, profaIIicnal Station N.y.. N.Y.10183, 'Education concerning the multi-
pi .... c.II(2121825-588S. lAY MALE"" ACTIVISTS educ.tion, 12121833-8820(voic.1 cultural curriculum, .ensitivity
Declicl1ld to .. and rllponlillle (21218.\'H&28mfor deaf, lAMBDA ISW.DIHNIE tr.ining of guidance councllora,
FRONI'RUNNEIIS SIM linc. 1881, Op.n m.. ting. NIl EDUC:A1ION AN) soci.1 work.r., and teach.rs
A running club for Illbian .nd w/p..ograllll on SIM techniqu .. , HISPANIC UNnED GAYS. LES- Pr.cedent-IItting litigation and many oth.r iau ... We .Iso
g.y .thl.t .. of all .biliti .. , Fun ifNtyIe --. poitical Ind _ill BIANS n.tionwid. for I.. biane, g.y have a friendly working relation-
Run. of 1~ nil .. held avery s.t conc.rn., Aleo ep.ci.1 .venll, Education.I •• rvic .. , politic.1 men and peopl. with AIDS. ship with the U.F.T, For more
.t lOam and W.d •. at 7pm in .p .. k.r. bureau, work.hop., action, counseling and 80cial Membership 1$40.and upl inc. information call (71818~-
C.ntnl P.rk and av.ryTu.a, at damoa, eIIinity groupa. ~ .ctiviti.. in Sparilh and EngiIh by newsletter and invitations to (7181598-1884
7pm in Proapect Park. For infor- more. GMSMA - D.pl 0, 488A .nd for 1he l.IIino Laabian .nd Gay special evenll. Volunteer night •

mation: c.1I (2121724-9700. Hud.on Street, Suite 023 ,NYC COllmlrily. G..raI maatinga &:OIl on Thur.da.,.. Int.ke cana: 2- lESBIANS AND GAYS
10014.(2121727-9818. pm 4d1 Thulllday II -ry rnonIh at 4pm Mon thru Fri (2121911S-8585. OFRATBUSH
lAY ARIICAN AMERICANS OF 208 Walt 13111Straal Call 201-8- Brooklyn'. social organization
E8.A.A.1 GIIAD (GAY MEN 7824 or write H.U.G.L,P.O.Box 228 lAVA for both gay m.n and le.bians.
i. a comml/nity b... d .upport OFARlIeAN IIUCENT) Canal SIraat SIa1ion, New York, NY WBIANS ABDur P.O, Box 106, Midwood Ststion
group formed in Wlltchllter 80 V.rick Str .. t, NYC·l0013 I 10019. VlSUALART BrkIyn, NY 11230,(7181 &9437
County, V.riou •• ctivitill are .upport group of G.y M.n of can for .Iid .. for I.8lbian AlliSll'
pl.nned for the coming month8. AfriCin Dllc.nt d.dic.ted to IDENTIIYHOUSE Exhibition, Gay &. L.. bian Com- WIIAN HERSTORY ARCHIVES
Call 914-37&-0727 for men info. conlciou.ne .. -railing Ind the Now in our2Odl year. we provide munity Center, NYC. For more P,O. Box 1258 New York, New
d8V8lopmant of the Laebiln .nd peer coun .. ling, therapy refer- information, lind SASE to : York 10118212/874-7232Sinc.
GAY CHRISTIANS GlY Community. GMAD i. inclu- ral•• nd group, for thele,bian, Miriam Foug.ra, 118 Fort Graen. 1974, the Archiv .. has illlpirad,
OF QUEENS COIINIY eiv. of African, African-Am.ri- g.y Ind bi18xu.1 community. Plac., Brooklyn, NY 11217. shap.d and refl.cted lllbian
ServicII held once. month at can, Caribbean and Hi,plnic! CaUua at (2121243-8181. Vllit us lives everywhere. Call to
UNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST Latino m.n of color. M.. ting. at !i44 8th Av•. , belween 14th- WllIAN AND lAY arrange a vi.it or to volunt .. r
CHURCH OF FLUSHING, 147-54 ara h.ld, we.ldy, on Frid.y.. For 15111SlrNIB, Manhat1ln, ADULT EDUCATORS for Thuraday worknighll.
AlII Avenue, Rulhing, New York, inf!lrmation, c.U 71&-802-01112. M.. t with oth.r 1"lIi.n. Ind
11355, in the evening of the 3rd rmRNA1IONALGAya ga.,. who work in .dult educa- UFBJNE
Thuredey of .. ch month. For GAY MEN'S HEAIJH LESBIAN HUMAN RIGIffS tion •• 1Ilach.ra, adminiatrltora, THE NATIONAL lESBIAN AND
more info c.1718-3Q.3841, P.O, CRISIS HOTUNE COM_SlON coune.lora, tutors, .tc., to di.. lAY TOu..FIIEE SERVICE
IIaK 4154, College Point, NY. 11& FOR INFORMATION ON SAFER work. to focus the .potlight of CUll iau .. such I. coming out 1.-..ufE.
• SEX AND HIV-RELATEDHEALTH world opinion on the opprNaion to ltaff .nd atudenll, malllrials
GAY rATllEll"S FORUM SERVICES,AND I'OR INI'ORMA- of g• .,. and I.. bi.n. throughout and curriculum, workshop and LOST PEER SUPPORT
A .upport org.nization for g.y TION ON ONE-TIME, WALK-IN the world, Curr.ntly organizing conf.rence particip.tion. w. SERVICES lillSl
f.th.r'., their lov.ra, .nd oth.ra AIDS COUNSELING SERVICES an Inti aympOlium on G.y Ind m .. t the fir.t Frid.y of .very LOlt P.. r Support Servicll,.
in child-nurturing .itu.tione, 111-807'- IIM4I-7470 TDD leabi.n illuea to be held in month at8:OG pm at the Lalbian new program to provide counsel-
Monthly m.. ting. includ •• (hrthl Heari.......... 1 Mon.- MOIcow Ind lenin-grad in July and g.y CommunitY Center 208 ing and .upport to th. Illbian,
potluck aupp.r, .upport groupe Fri.1Q:30am.tog pm. 12:1J1to3al 1811; in addition to many other Wilt 13th Street Call Bryna Dia- gay and bisexual community of
on v.ried .p.ci.liz.d topic., .' exciting proj.CIl. For mora info mond at 12121932-7902lda.,.1 for G.... lIlr Wastch8l18r, IIplaming
.pe.k.ra, .nd soci.lizing.M .. t- 8AY ITMII cous:noN writ. IGlHRC, 2878 Fol.om information ita. limvoIunte.r tnining. ThOll
ingt: lat Frid.y Blch month, 7pm, On. of the coll.ctionl on uhibit Strllt, SF CA 84110, or c.1I int.rllt.d in b.coming group
.tTh. C.nter, 208 W. 13th St, will b. Alternlt. Lif.atytll out (415)847-01&3. 11IE WIIAN AND GAY facnitatora .nd pe.r counaalora
Wilt of 7th M, Contnbution:sa. of the Clo •• t. Thil i. the only BIG APPLE CORPS ahould call the Loat switchboard
Bring. m.in COUIII for 4 peopl. gly/lllbian ltamp coll.ction of INSI'IIUIE FOR HUIIAN Get your inatrum'!Il out of the at (8141 949-4822 for furth.r
lor pay. $5 food charg.,1 For it. kind, It h .. won g gold IJENIIIY rc. clo •• t .nd come play with u•• dellil., Exp.rienc. and begin-
information c.ll: 212-97&-7541or aw.rd •• o f.r. For inform.tion N.w York'. non-profit I.. bi.n Symphonic, Marching. J.zz. Dix- ning volun1ll8ra welcom.d.
212-28WZ38 on GlHSC, lind. SASE to: Ind gly paychother.py c.nt.r. iel.nd, Rock, Rute En.. mbl ..
• GLNSC, P.O. Box 230940, H.rt- Uc..... d paychologilll, psychi. and Woodwindl. 123 W.1t 44th LONG ISlAND ACT-UP
llAAD-MyalUlMN ford, CT 0I1C1.W1MO trilla, .nd clinic.l_ill worke ... St Suite 12LNew York,NY10038 Maa1IT~.t8pmat181 POll
AI.IMNCE ..... 1IEIiWAIIIN Sliding Ic.l. f.... In.ur.nc. (2121_2822. /!we, in WNtbury, N'£ Support u.
80 V.rick StrIet, NYC 10013(2121 aTIIa..,... .ccepted.lndividu.I, coupla, and for change on Long IllancL Maing
-"700 GLAADcomblll homo- CUll OFNlWYORK f.rmly th.rapy. V.riety of Men'. LESBIAN a lAY COMMUNITY addlllC PO 1laK514, Wealbury, NY
phobia in th.m.di •• nd .111' Soci.1 club for hllVY, chubby .nd women'. group. fo~ming SERVICES CENTER ll!i11O.51&a-4IIII2.
wh.r. by promoting vi.ibility of g.y m.n a. th.ir admir.r., continUClUlly..118W. 72nd Straat. 201 W.at 13th Straet N.w Yorlt,
the I.. bi.n .nd g.y community Monthly .0ci.l •• t the -c.ntar', 212-__ NY 1001112121820-7310 8.m- UM
.nd organizing gra .. rooll we.1dy bar nighll Thured • .,. .t 11pm everyd.y. A pia ce for i. a support and information- .
ra,polll8 to .nti-g.y bigotry. Do the ·Ch.I ... Tranlfer', monthly INIEIIITYJNY community orglnizing Ind net- group for I.. bi,n •• nd bi.lXu.1
you h.ve 30 minutl •• month to Fat Appl. R.vi.w, bi-monthly Laebi.n .nd GlY Episcopali.ns working, lociale.rvic .. , cul- women inter •• ted in f.ntaey,
fight homophobi.,Join the GlMO FAR. panpela. For mora inform. .nd friend •• Euch.riat and pro- tur.1 progr.m., Ind aocill role-playing. bond.g., c1iacipline,
Phon.T .... ICaI(212~1700 for tion c.1I Erni•• t 914-88&-773& or gram -ry Thuraclay, 7:30pm, St .venta aponsorad by the Canter S/M, feti.h .. , .lternate gender
infonnllion. wri1I: Ga.tNNY. Dept 0, P.O, IIaK luk.'. Church, Hudson .nd .nd mor.than 150 community id8ntiti.. , coatulll8l and so forth.
10. Pelhlm, NYlea. Chriatopher 811, INI'O: P.O, Box org.nizltiOlll. M.mberahip i. available only to
lUI-lAY AND WllIAN !iZ02" NY NY 10185(718172II-Ui4 women 18 year. and old.r,
1IEAL-11INIth Etlucad .. WllIAN AND lAY Actual .xp.rienc. ie not
G.y and Lesbian Ind.p.nd.nt AlDlUai_1 ICLGO-{KOREAN LESBIAN WlRNETWORK requir.d but g.nuine interllt
Broadcaltlra invitll you to IIIn. We.1dy info•• nd .upport group AND lAY ORGAMlADONI An organization of Laebi.ns .nd .nd .n open mind .ra. For infor-
into OUTLOOKS on WBAI-NY. 88.!i for trIIlm8n1I for AIDSwhich do I•• group of I.. bi.n .nd gay G.y. who ere .ctive in their mation plelle writ.: P.O. Box

893, Murray Hill Station, New Usa (2121829-9817. grama, aupport grou", educa- into group. No fee. For further tion to not just focus on'AIDS
York,NY10158 tional and referral S4!Mces for infonnation call Donna Belich but on someone' work and
N.Y.WOMEN'S SOfTBAU. PWA', and PWAn:'L of Plann.d Plr.nthood/HUB at artistic vision. We are inter-
MAllANATHA: RMIISIDBIS GUU (212)585-5001 ested in receiving responses
fOR LESBIAN/GAY CON- For experienced, serious Soft- PEOPLE WI11I AIDS from thosa people in the fol-
CERNS ball Players, Coaches' ind •
IEAIJII GJIOII» TASK fORCE lowing disciplines-painting,
Monthly program meeting on Managers. We plily mod/faat Und.rground buyer's club . ANNOUNCEMENT drawing, sculpturing, iIIulrtra-
second Sunday for gay/lesbian pitch weekends in Manhattan importing not-yat-approvad The legal Action Center tion, architecture and environ-
Christiana and frienda. Educa- and Queens. Try-outs begin mecic:a1ionaand nutrilional sup- located at 153 Wav.rly Place, mental design, intarior design
tional, political, and aocial Feb. 11 thru April- or until pl.m.nta.31 West 28th St 4th NY, NY 10014, hu begun two and graphic design. Should
activities acheduled, 12:30p.m. filled. (212)255-1379Janet fh)or(212)532-az8D new programa. All their aer- be interelted please call Eric
Riverside Church, 490 River- vices are free. Th. HIV/AIDS StllusS at (718)855-8491
side Drive, Sunday worship NORTH AMERICAN PINK PANTHER PATROL Legal SeMce Project provides
10:45 a.m .. For info.,call (212) MANIIIOY LOVE Community atraet patrol in free legal aervIces to people WHAMI-WOMEN'S HEALTH
222-5800 (ext 290) ASSOCIATION (NAMBlA) East and W.st Village d.di- with HIV/AIDS.Their scope of ACfION AND MOBIUZAnON.
Dedicated to sexual freedom cat.d to deterring violent HMce is wide, encompalling A direct action group commit-
MEN OF AlL COLORS and especially interested in crime against gaya and laa- child care and custody, dis- ·tad to demanding, securing and
TOGETIIBI NY gay intergenerational rela- bians. For info and me.ting crimination; ., housing, healthy defending.absolute reprciduc-
A multi-racial group of gay men tionships. Monthly Bulletin time for Wast Village, call health planning, confidentiality live freedoin and'quality health
againat racism. Meetings every and regular chaptar meetings 212-475-4383. for Elst Village and employment. The cate for all women. We meet
Friday night at 7:45 at the Ln· on the first Salurday of each Patrol info, call 212-248-8588. HIV/AIDSAgency Training and every Wed. at 8:30pm at 105, E
bian and Gay Community Ser- month. Yearly membership is 70 A Greenwich Ave., Box Assistance Project provides 22nd Street, 4th floor. 212-713-
vices Centar,208 W. 13t1I'Street $20; write NAMBLA. PO Box 107, NYC10011 technical alliatance to public 5986Mailing addra.ss: WHAMI,
For more info. call: (212)245- 174, Midtown Station, New and private agenciaa about PO Box 733, NYC10009
8388 or (212)222-9794. York, NY 10018 or call (212) PROFHSlONALS IN legal and policy issues·on
807-8578for infonnation. RUNVIDEO HIV/AIDS and drug abull. WOMENS ALTERNATIVE
MmOPOUTAN TENNIS 338 Canal Street, 8th Roor, NYC They provide training, individ- COMMUN. CENTER (WACC)
GROUP (MTGI NORTHERN UGHTS l0013212~1 ual consultationa, and model A non-profit, Lesbian commu-
Our 200 member leabian and AIlBINmIIES policy guidelines; among other nity center serving Queens,
gay tannis club includes play- Improving Quality of Life for QUEER NATION itams. If you have any further Nassau and Suffolk Counties.
era from beginning to tourna- People with AIDS/HIV. THE Quaer Nation ia a multi-cul- questions, pleaa .. contact Ma. Thurs. night weekly discus-
ment level. Monthly tennis AIDS MASTERYWORKSHOP: tural direct action group dedi- Catherine 0' N.il at (212)243- sion groups. 8:30 pm, for other
pa!1ies. Winter indoor league. Exploring the possibilities of a catad to fighting homophobia, 1313. The A•• oci.tiDn of activities please conta ct us at
Come play with ual For infor- powerful and creative 1if8in the qu.er invisibHity,and all forma Nur ... in AIDS Cars (ANAC) 516-483-2050. ~.
mation: MTG, Suita K63,498-A face of AIDS, Cal (212)2!i5-85li4 of oppraasion that any queera haa monthly meetings with "
Hudson St., New York, NY might face. Anyone can sug- speakera and networking AmNTION WOMEN SOfT-
10025.(718)852-8582. NYC GAYa LESBIAN \lest an action and ahould opportunities. For me.ting info, BAll. PlAYERS': ,,
Afm.VlOLENCE PROJECT come to meetinga prepared to please contact Janet Vac- There is a Manhattan softball
MOCA (MEN OF COLOR AIDS Counseling, advocacy, and organize and implement it QN, cariallo at (212)340.-8724 league looking for players;
PREVENTION PROGRAM.I information for survivors of 208 W. 13th St, New Yorll, NY especiallyexperierfCed pitch-
Providea safer sex and AIDS anti-gay and anti-l8Ibian vio- 10011. Call 212-978-8720 for THE OUTREACH USING COM- ers. Ifinterested please call
education information to gay lence, sexual assault, domestic meeting info. MUNAL HEAUNG crOUCH) Mary at (718)377-7219 Hope
and bisexual Men of Color; violence, and other typea of Community volunteers provid- to hea r from you., iloori~
. '...
coordinates a network of victimization. All seMces free SAGE: ing a weekly buffat supper for •

peer-support groups for gay and confidential.24 hour hot- (SENIOR ACTION the Brooklyn AIDS commu- WRESnING fOR CAYS
and bisexual Men of Color in line (212)80Hl197 IN A GAY ENYIRONMENI) nity. TOUCH me.ts Monday aLESBIANS'
all5 boroughs of New York Social Service Ag.ncy. pro- .VIII. 5pm to 8:30pm- at down- Watch the men o.the knights
City 303 Ninth Ave, ~ew Yorll, PARENTSIRIIENDS OF viding care; activitieS, a .du- town Brooklyn Fri.nda Me.t- wrestling club inaction every
NYl000lor call (212)23&-1798. LHBIAN AND GAYS cational ser.vices for gay 8. ing House (110 Schennerhorn Sunday at 7:30 PM at the GAY
Let P/FLAGhelp you and your leabiln a.nior citizen •• Alao St. n.ar Boerum Place)~ Urn- CENTER.The club alsci"con-
NATIONAL GAY AND famiy deal with the upheswl of aervaa over 180 homebound ited transportation may be duct training clalle8 on altar-
LHBIAN TASK fORCE your coming out Our meetinga •• niors 8. older PWA's .208 arrang.d. Info: (718)822-2758. nats Saturdays afternoon (1st
i. the national graasroota polit- are free: monthly on the 4th West 13th St NYC,001" (212) TOUCH walconles contribu- 8. 3rd Saturdaya for m.n 2nd
ical organization for lesbians Sunday, at 3:00 pm, in Duane 741-2247 tion. of funds, food and volun- 8. 4th Saturdays fot woinen)
and gay men. Membership is Church, 201West 131h.lnfo?cal teera. for more information please
$3OIyea r. Issue-orientad pro- Jeanne, 212-483-(1829 SETHIAN GAYS, c.all:718-839-5141
aodomy laWl, AIDS, gay rights PEER COUNSBJNG fOR SUR- For al IIIIIintareatad in ralch- LESBIAN AWANCE
ordinancea, families, media, VIVORS OF BIAS ASSAUI1, ing out 10 esoh other in axubar- Meeta firat and third Monday
etc. through lobbying, educa- DOMESTIC VIOLENCE AND InCI to apontaneously explore . of each month at 7:30 pm at
tion, organizing and direct SEXUALASSAUI1 and expand upon the SatlVJane . the Unitarian Church on
action. NGLTF 1517 U Street The New York City Gey .nd Robarta ·Philoaophy" al it 'Sawkill Road in Kingston. For
NW, Washington, DC 20009. Le.bi.n Anti-Violence Pro- relates to our lives, pallonally, Infonnation, call 914-828-3203
(202)332-8483. ject (AYP) is off.ring fr •• sexually and politically. Call AI
pe.r counseling for I.sbian, (212)725-1289,x287 UNnYl4
NEW YORK ADVERTISING and gay men who are aur- NEEDS YOUto become a part
AND COMMUNICAnONS vivors of bia, allault, dom .... SUNDANCE OUTDOOR of itl Organizers for Gay
NEtWORK tic violence and .. xual . ADVENTURE SOCIETY Games IV,to be held in New
NYACN is the community's assault. Trained volunte.r A non-profit club off.ring Out- York in 1994, Olympic-style
largest gay and lesbian pro- p•• r counHlora will be avail- door activitiaa for every aaa- sports and cultural ev.nt is
fesaional group, welcoming all able from. to I PM nery aon including hiking, biking, largast in world. Theme is
in communications and their W...... d.y .nd nursd.y .t skiing, water activitias a.nd INCLUSION,.v.ryona is
frienda. Monthly meetings, 3rd the AYP office., ZOI We.t other outdoor Ictivitiea for the neaded. SUPPORT THE
Wed 8;3Opmat the Community 13th Street. AVP offer. fraa Gay/Lnbian community. For GAMES b"yvolunteering, join-
Centar. Members' newsletter, counsaling, advocacy and information or complimentary ing or making a donation. Call
job hotline, annual directory. information and referral. to Newslsttar cI11(212)598-4728. .212-732-3812 or write UNITY
Phone (2121517-0380 for more survivora of bi.. a .. ault, '14, PO Box 202, NY,NY10038.
info. Mention OutWeek for domeatic violence and aexual TASKfORCE
one free newsletter. alllult Call 1Z12)III7-01l7f11r ANNOUNCEMENTS VISUAL ARTS PROJECT
IIIOrs hnlllllltiolL Woman's HIVSupport Group at In Honor '" Artistic Vi,iDn
N.Y.FEMMES 349 East 1491hStrest Room)109, Bfac:tM by A.1.D.s.
Support and dilcullion group PEOPlEWI11I on Thurada.,. 11:111-12:30.This The Viaual Arts Projects is
for lesbiana who asIf identify aa AIDS COAUTlON ia an on going closed group for interested in documenting and
Femme and are primarily (212) 532-029Cl'I-800-828-328tV women who are HIVinfectad. collecting art worll (slides) by
attrected to butch women. For Hotline (212) 532-0588Monday 2-3 individual consolationa are those people who have AIDS
memberahip information call thru Friday lOem-epm Meal pro- required before admittance or Arc. It is the Project' a intan-
"un__ . ... _..

AVP lence, Furthermore, Foreman has been "I think if they're gOnDa march, it's
Continued ~ro .... page 20 a vocal critic of the pqlice whenever all right within the Constitution, but they
cops define bias crimes was changed to they have been insensitive to victims of shouldn't be jumping on each other in
include incidents only partially motivat~ bias crimes or have declined to arrest front of us," commented spectator Jason
ed by bias, a change long sought by the by claiming that an assault BeIgh. "Do it at home. n
Anti-VIOlenceProject. is the result of an interpersonal dispute . One 18-year-old youth, Chris, who
,Throughout his 17-month tenure, rather than anti-gay prejudice, b~ieves that homosexuality is not an
Foreman has presided over tremendous "The cops will not see bias," said inalienable right, tried to defend the
growth at the Anti-Violence Project. Foreman, "I think I'm completely frus- younger teenagers: "These little kids
Full-time staff has grown froµl four trated by t:hi$ process," aren't used to it. It's just not normal.
positions to eight, and the ~ualbud- But some other executive directors We've just been brought up a certain
get has increased by 50 percent. admire Foreman's work and see success way, n he told OutWeek. Furthermore; he
The statistics that "r~qicalized· in his style,' .advised, "Hold back a little bit 'til society
Foreman are not pleasant. Apti-gay vio- "I think Matt has been a particularly gets adjusted."
lence has increased 65 percent, and the effective spokesperson for the gay com- But parade organizer David Kilm-
or~ization's counseling caseIoad is up munity and, in fact, a leader in the gay nick believes that pride, affirmation and
30 percent between 1989 and 1990. "I community," said Derek Hodel, execu- empowerment are contagious. "When
was moved by the sight of violence vic- tive director of the People With AIDS we all reached the parking lot, and we
tims and the utter unresponsiveness of Health Group, "I think that is because were all dancing and hugging, it was
the system;" explained Fore1nan. I, Matt is not afraid to say what he thinks; If just such a great feeling, especially for
, But while Foreman's outspoken he has alienated funders, I think that says the people of Long Island, who never
advoc~<;y has' won p.otable successes more about the state of our community had anything like this before," he
and glv~n. .
anti-gay violence a new than it says about Matt Foremap,"T, observed. "The diversity of the parade
promiri~ce in public discourse, it has , , was incredibl~ys, 'straights, children

also coSt the Anti-Violence Project fund- LONG ISLAND in strollers!
ing: Some donors have ceased con- Continued ~ro .... page 24 "Next year, n he added, "maybe
tributing to the coffers of Foreman's well have 4,000 marchers!n....
agency because they object to Fore- and Gay Rights contingent. . -jfledfrom New York
man's CQ01Tontationalmanner, The Suffolk NYCLU, Lo9g Island
• •

"The adVQcate stance has.C05\: the Parents and Friends of Lesbians and HATE CRIMES
Contlnu.d 'frolTl pag_ 3'1
organiz;ltion a couple of major donors, Gays, Lesbian, Gay and Bisexual
AVPwould be financjally better off with Alliance at SUNY/Stony Brook, Citizens of efforts to prosecute gay-bashers,
,.7. , " ' •
a 'different approach," Foreman for Equal Rights Fund Political Action So why focus on hate crimes laws?
acknowledged, 'pointing out that the Caucus, Anti-Violence Project, , ACT "Laws don't exist in a vacuum-
PrOject nwerthe1esscontinues to have a UP/Long Island and Queer Nation were [they]; have an impact on everything
loyal donor base, . among the 31 groups to participate in else that has come," stressed CUAV's
. Board members of the Anti-Vio- the event. Barbara Cameron.
lence Project, however, expressed a less And immediately following the With the hate crimes law iri
cataclysmic view of Fore1nan's impact parade, a rally featuring speakers, place, agreed Howie Katz from New
on the agency's finances. . including Rev, Jeanne Wtlson Baum, York's AVP,people are more likely to
"We have had one or two donors Suffolk County Human Rights Commis- trust the system, to report crimes and
who have had complaints about certain sioner Marge Sherwin and both Joel press charges.
aspects of Matt's style," said iJ9ard mem- Kupferman and Judy Weinstock from "At the present time [with an] un~-
ber SteVen Rosen, And board Presi~t .Suffolk NYCLU, was held outside the lightened judiciary..., we've got a better
Ruth Herring said that the directors are Hungtington Town _Hall, chance of expanding our rights through
fully supPOrtive of Foreman, adding: "We In the Town Hall parking lot, how- the Legislature," Katz added, "Things
. have had some· expressions of concern ever, apprbximately 15 Huptington have changed in the sense that more
from lessth3n a handful of donors....To teenagers gathered to hurl stink bombs and more people in the general public
focus on th()5ewould be unfair." and derogatory remarks at two men have become aware of the issue, and
SP«ifically, donors have objected kissing and embracing, that is important."
to, Foreman's sometimes contentious "I'm against gays 'cause they're fag- For lobbyists, as the NGLTF'sKevin
relationship with the police, gots," shouted a 13-year-old named Berrill points out, hate crimes legislation,
"Before Matt, AVP had much less Kim, "It's disgusting! We were put on even if it is largely symbolic, "makes~ .
CQnfrontational relations with the cops,· this world to reproduce, and they're sense as a first step. "
said Rose.n. But in Foreman's tenure, having sex and putting their dicks in "Anti-gayviolence is the least c0ntro-
police' have come to be seen as part of each other's assholes!" versial issue on the lesbian and gay agen-
the anti-gay violence problem as much "They're the ones who brought da, rglvenl how prejudiced legislators are,"
as they are part of the solution. AIDS upon us," accu~ Jonathan Pate, Berrill concluded. "When legislators vote
In a few instances, the cops have another young resident opposed to the for hate crimes, they learn that the sky
been charged with ' the vio- parade. "It's not right n -doesn't fall in--it gives them courage."....


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every time you have sex isn't
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-how you can handle unsafe.
Entertainment Featuring
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stay there. ' .. Kate Clinton
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g,s, 409 W Clay #4, 28,Wann, Sensitive, run in Prospect Park. bOi<#4444 YUPPIE GF,35, 5'6", 135,
HouSton, 1X 77019 GHFwould like you a squirt of kumquat but not square •.. but BVgr, alcohoV drug
to join me for a as you bite, the hot JUSTINE definitely artistic- free SF native/
GWF champagne limo breath of a woman A new mail order looking, so not really Manhattan dweller
se6suos With sweet ride around the city speaking from the company for the yuppie, but could seeks to end years
physical featlJres, on my B-Day. You heart Love fresh, S&M woman. TI) be pass atthe country of serial monogamy.
Illng thick brown are fem; blond 25-35, food, dancing, kids, on our mailing list club and JUST Softball, Diane
tt:aif; brown eyes intelligent. no drugs, Calif, O'Keefe, AI send name and LOVES Kurys films,ferron,
3IJ",slender. Fitness matlJre, good sense Jarreau, colors. address stating you MONEYIAMBI- gardening, politics
conscious, healthy, of humor. Send Attractive Androgy- are 21. Justine, P.O, TIOUSI But spiri- and cruising the
is looking for very photo + letter ASAP neous, successful Box 922947, Sylmar, t1Jal...vegetarian_.• page of Elle and
feminine petite to Outweek Box 4483 entrepreneur / CA 913922947 kind, sweet,. sensi- Mirabella. Sweep
women who loves Teacher, LWF,33, tive, youngish, me off my feet and
sex. life and her- OKSOISMOKE Write w/ photo or HEY THERE pretty, long- into a domestic
self,who is spiritual & DRINK drawing to Outweek I'm a nice, cute, haired,yet strongl partnership. Photo/
warm, and affec- These are not my Box#4420 100% lesbian who Iconoclastic and Phone gets mine.
tionate and believe worst habits. (I needs to meet more absolutely Outweek Box 3771
in forever. Discreet also bite my nails, BISEXUAL fun dykes to hang original.Very smart
when you leave but lesbians should PERVERlDYICE out with, No specifi- (both in the way HOW DO I SPEll
Mes. Service (212) not have long nails (Also anti-war cations-just like to you'd describe a REUEn
807-5501, Beeper anyway) this-26 activist; ACT UP-er, have one hell of a hand bag and a Musicl Living color
(718) 223-9926 GWF is looking for and general pillar of good time.Outweek scholar). All you Ry girl dances and
someone to play the community) Box 3945 have to be is wildly look alike, jack of all
TAKE IT TO with on Tue & Wed seeks women who clever, as tomboy as trades, Les. F, in
BE YOU (the worst days off like to play in new ANDROGYNOUS, they come, over 30 , need of serious
To touch. To talk. possible) or after ' places as well as in GWF,ZI and not too tenni- dance partners. B
35 In recovery. midnight (how did I the traditional Healthy body & psy- . nally cynical or all U and write 2 me.
Health Care get this job?) If you whips-and-chains che, fascinated by chicken to for OutWeek Box4385
worker. I value still eat meat & venues. No "Ishmael"from heaven sake write
political action cook with butter smoke/perfume. "fanny & alexander, instead of guessing. D.1t - WE WORKED
honesty lesbians drop me a line Msgs: 459-4811 seeking similar OutweekBox # 3659 TOGETHER ALL TOO
nature da.ncing we'll see a movie w/similar fascina- BRIEFLY
Non~sr:nokers or I'll cook you din- CATCH ME IF tions for romantic FAILED at that ridiculous
laughing baseball ner, we'll do snow YOU CAN friendship or rela- SOUTHERN lADY excuse for a pub-
let's gol bongs on the roof. 'cuz it's spring and tionship, Must be Seeks matIJre lishing company. I
To Outweek OutWeek I'm runnin' free I I'm honest, able to woman with sense had a major crush
Box #4507 Box 3722 a cute, fun dyke communicate,& of humor, I'm 36, on you, but couldn't




per minute
.40¢ first minute

per minute
20¢ first minute



quite figure you out attentive, somewhat tasy play, UR WAfJM, about yourself, ting, close to
!twas always fun spiritual and politi- attractive sensu- SENSrnvE, Honesty,non- nature, the richness
talking to you - cally aware seeks ous 21 to 81 fun HONEST, smoker, sober and of three lives
write back, will du? these qualities in an loving generous androgynous,5'5", drug free a must entwined, Bonnie &
E.L Outweek . "out" woman who is warm giving femme 30, blonde, blue Send photo and let- Bill, P,O,Box 62.
Box 3315 emotionally articu- to drag passable eyed, virgo wants ter, Outweek • •
Little Genesse,
late, sensually spiri- butch desirous of to getto know you: Box 3662 NY. 14754
HOT DYKE SEEKS tual, dynamic yet an attractive GF pal I like to sit in a cafe
SAME grounded, willing to to call to invite to and sip cappucci- HEAVYSET BISEXU- mel's
Baby I'm an listen and learn and join U in some of nos, go to the ALWOMAN
infemo--will you be
my fuel? I can bum
allow for a possible your many plea- movies or just stay and her husband _arsoilis
relationship. Old sures. Write; home and cuddle are seeking a very
even the most enough to know Fantasia Box 1234 by candlelight Let's heavy bisexual GWM,32,6',
inflammables. 5' 6" better; young' Edgemere, keep it simple and woman for loving 1751BS, HIV+
23 y.o, GWF short enough to take NY 11691 slow, Tell me triad, Country set- Asymptomatic,
brown hair-eye risks? Send photo
glasses make my and letter to:
. - pierce
VISion - your Outweek
soul to depths you Box 3804
never knew it had.
A photo/ phone 1 OUT, LOUD
will get you the AND PROUD
same--ifyou have 26 Yr, old Queer TS
the courage to see woman tired of
in yourself what I exclusionary poli-
can show you. Out- tics in the wom-
week Box 3719 en's community •

seeking friends,
LEFT HANDED maybe dates,
ABCDE maybe more, Intel-
Seeks same. Who ligence, maturity,
knows why some and a sense of
people "click". All I humor are prime
know for sure, is importance~ The
that I'm 32 with unadventurous
short red hair. I need not apply if
wantto make the you're new to TS
world a better place women, we don't
for Lesbians and bite (unless you
gay men. I also ask nicely). Note
wantto eat Chinese w/phone, photo
food and take long optional. To Out-
walks. Send me week Box 14224 '0
. .,. ', ..::':

something that

describes you, Out- RENAISSANCE

-, '"':'''''

week Box 3845. WOMAN
":".' ,. ,;..

LESBIAN same in SSF Bay
COUPLE Area. 41, les not bi.
WITH Classics iIIustr.
8yr old daughter Comics, Atlantic
seeks contactwith Mo. Zen oriented L@t th@ Gay Conn@ction h@lp you find that tp@ciallnan
other lesbians & Christian.Oh yes- . frOIn right h@r@in th@ N@wYorfe ar@a.
gays with chHdren Sex maniac, Out-
7-9 yrs. We are
~p@afe privat@ly on@-on-on@ with othu gay In@n, and with our r@lnatch f@ahlr@,
week Box 3718
Manhattan based you control who you tp@afe with whil@ Inaintaining your privacy.
and prefer same. SEXY To lid@n to, or I@an a p@ttonalad for othu In@nto h@ar,
Lets have fun and PLAYMATE WANT- try th@ all-Inal@ Gay ~@I@diont.
give each other sup- ED
port Write GF Br skin mixed
toOutweek 5'7" androgynous (JAY
Box14129 31 fun hot creative
(~ONNI~(~'I'ION" SI~U~(~'I'IONS'"
into Art Music,
ONE DATE Rock to Bach, Pim
ATAnME sum Boxer, shorts, 1-.900-4St?-M[[T(633~
Probabilily or II,,'~hiht variff. Ohly 9&>¢Ptr mih.
GWF, 29, Attractive, lingerie pleasant Dilly 9&>¢pit mihul.,
sincere, funny, surprises, being
insightful, stable, pampered and fan- Mud b. 18"yurt or oldor. ©J.rt.l, Inr., 1991
Try our Gay Conntrtion d.lno #: (212) 9S7-gj?{)9

"un. _, .._.. ou. 'WEEK 83

sophisticated, men who enjoy ASYMPTOMATIC Queens_Write me, HELP,I'M a relationship send
-attractive, non- receiving through HIV+ Box 2479, STARTING TO photo and phone
smoker, prof. in the physicaVrectal . GWM Mid 40's, 5'9" NYC 10185 Look at women I number to PO Box
arts, live in NYC, exams given safely, 160lbs, ok looks, ,
Give me a reason 31 Jackson Heights .
seeks healthy, call 212-647-5646. Ubertarian!right SUM MATURE not tol I'm a health, NYC 11372
finan, secure masc, Any special needs philosophy, looking White guy wants to attractive 35 yr old
handsome male, will also be for, amongst other suck and be fucked white career ori- IT WAS THE
25-42, for dating, addressed. things, conversa- by condom clad ented business BEST OF
laughing, and inti- Call at9 pm, tions on ideas in Hispanics and Professional. I have TImes, it was the
mate ·eves, love our culture, Similar Black nice guys. No a great sense of worst of times-38
theatre film, travel, BOUND IN interests may lead Pain, Safe Sex Only. humor&ama yo GWM, health
wild (but safe) RUBBER SIRIII elsewhere. Out- Discreet Married romantic with a care prof., hand-
times, and the YoII All you Bi- week Box 4703 Men Welcome. Beard, You, a some slightly inse-
ocean (Puerto Rico, Dudes who were No$, Outweek together white or cure, seeking simi-
The Hamptons, FIP.) hot sweaty rubber GWM »TOP/80T- Box 4705 Black man 30-45 in lar man, 25-40 for
Latinos, Europeans, gear (coats, boots, TOM good health & good friendship &
. & ltal. Amer. pre- gloves wet/daysuits Uncut in shape AWONDERRJL shape and not romance, Let's
ferred-are you out ectl. And enjoy the seeks GWM 2B/32 UFE afraid of commit- .share these times
there?, Phone & tactile sensations . Top/Bottom in GWM,31,5'lO,Br Hr, ment I enjoy most together. To Out-
photo if poss. to that only rubber shape No Drugs Hazel Eyes, Hand- of the usual and week Box #4663
Outweek BoX/472 against flesh can UPhoto Letter some,Romantic,sks Plenty of the
produce. Sir-are Phone" Box 1084 Husky guy for life- unusuall Photo/ 25-35 GOD
I WANT TO KNOW you man enough to NY. NY 10113-0910 mate, My interests Phone Outweek If you have !l beau-
GAYS AMERICAN gear-up this hot 35, RUGGEDFFTOP Inc. Box 4625 tiful face, and a
Or Hispanic I like 5'W, 160 Italian 48, x-football player Photography,Quiet spirit to match, ..
white blonde or jock in your rubber sks wide receiver 4 Evenings at home, CHUBBY Send your photo to
brown hair no gear and show me day/night games, the Beach, Movies GWM, meet a well
drugs no money I what it takes to sat- Feel that hot wet &Much More. 38,5'5- endowed,cute,ho~
like lick ass very for isfy a rubbennan? flesh seething up Together let's share 200, hairy ches~ romantic, mostly
2 or 3 hour I prefer Sirl Do you need a and down my arml and build a won, br/hzl., U/C seeks top guy. Outweek
25 to 60 years old. rubber buddy who Slim/trim/18 phone derfullife. FDR Sta- lean, imaginative Box/4661
Send phone and can handle the req. Outweek'Box tion, P.O.Box 8539,' chasers under 40
photo to Outweek steamy action that 4510 New York, NY for sweaty, safe CUTEGOM
Box 4721 only 2 hot men in 10150-1920 goodtimes, mid- 24rrr120
rubber can create? GM (HISPIBLK) 28, town, day/nite/ Attractive boyish
LOOKING 4 AN If gearing me up in 5'10" GBM 30, 5'11-, 160 lunch, Photo/ look nice body, Ivy
OPPOSITE Rubber turns you on Seeks sincere Vers" Masc, clean descrip, to TIm J., grad student sin-
To attract-GWM 35, sir-I can take itll sur Gm/Bim, 18-28 seeks tall GBM (Bi Box 144, Annex, cere/romantic, enjoy
6'3",205, Ibs, It br- fers-divers-hogs a (ltal,Hisp,S.Amer,Mi or married ok) for 25W. 45th Stree~ classical music.
hair, mous, ho~ tan plus. Only serious d.Estn,Eurpn,Asian) good, ho~ exotic Suite #1401, NYC, Seek GWM 24-~,
Scandinavian rubber men with for Friendship, times. Lets dine, NY 10036-4998, student, hairy at let-
healthy, honest and gear need reply Health laugh, hug and then GOM, BB's hassids ter/ photo / phone to
happy, Come on w/foto & hot LTR. oriented/muscular, make passionate E. Indians, fantasy OutweekBox #4669
guys here I am. (State gear & inter- uncut over 8" a+, love all night wrestlers-
Detailed letter, ests) to Box holder Discretion assured. Should be over 6' all +'s June in FUN & HUNG 32
photo and phone to P.OBox 20868, Photo a mustlll tall, Masc, discree~ Key West GWM6FT11O
Outweek NY.NY10023 Outweek Box 4485 No fats or fems. sane, solid, fit mus-
Box 4722 Serious Replys GWM EARLY50'S, cles, dark hair/eyes,
MOM, WHERE'S NARC'STIL Only. Send 5'8", Grey hair hung, fee~ bondage,
ASIAN FRIENDS HOBBES? MUSCLEMEN Photo/Phone # with green eyes, attrac- roles, games, phone
GWM, professional Grown-up Calvin 30,57",140, cute, a hot note. I will do tive, sincere loyal . sex, trips, pleasur-
magician, 37, 5'11", still needs Hobbes Jewish, intellec- the same. POB executive edu- able pain, tickling,
.150lbs, seeks Asian to be my best tual type, bottom, 20808, Midtwn sta- cated, seeks nice teasing, stroking,
penpals, friend, friend, partner in looking for top into tion, New York, NY guy, GWM good touching, rubbing,
relationship I like crime and tiger in showing off. Send 10129 person, loyal, 40-50, spanking, licking,
long walks and bed. I'm 35, 5'11", Ph/Ph & stable and attrac- kissing, manipulat-
, quiet talks, new 165, BL/GR, good letter telling me GWM, tive for friendship ing, harnessing,
plays and old body & looks, mis- what you like. Out- 29;BLONDE/BLUE and possible lasting fuc~ing, sucking,
books, chocolate, chievous eyes and week Box 4707 GQface, muscular relationship Box whispering, sleep-
travel, and cooking, up for anything, body, 6'1" tall, .6609 NYC 10128 ing, holding, argu-
I play piano and Hobbes smile a lo~ WEEKDAY BUDDY seeks similar yup- ing, seeing, doing,
chess and live 2 brings out my best, Sought by, wmm, pie who is intelli- HI MY NAME IS again, again and
hours from Man- knows when to 6'168, br/br, 35, gen~ looks great in DAVID again. Dark roast
hattan. Joe, PO Box climb out on goodlooks, tight bikini briefs, and Looking for you lets coffee, too much
1092 Bethlehem, a limb with me and muscular body, has fresh breath. get serious GWM 42 sugar, open ,fields,
PA.18016 when to pull me clean shaven non- No Reply without 571951bs success- cool summer
back. So which limb smoker. Business photo. Box 4053, ful secure sweet breezes, my lips
KNEES UP is this, Hobbes? professional. Your 524 W. 23rd St guy looking for a your neck, your feet
Lean,attractive OutWeek Box .
4708 place, Manhattan! NYC 10011 special man to start my face, today



Leave a message or
listen to one left by
'other men
With up to B hot guys

Exclusive one-on-o
rematch feature


Privately coded


;, ".'-'~
" " ,,' • • •

• '.
'tlimorrbW;the' . character and GIMBTMSEEK TALL tall or short. well Paris would like
- . .'
Hamptons, bliUer-. . medium sized mus- GWMTOP .ATlRACTlVE endowed, I'm 33 meet a..handsome
flies, heartbeats, cles, Photo and 30-40 Someone GIM 5'10",175 drk tVe, intelligent American

boy up to 30 have a
• •

giggles, joys, toys great letter to Out- who is specil. looking to meet cln shv, very aggres-
ploys, boys, boxers, week Box #4659 knows what he GBM 25-35 who sive in life and a fantastic meeting

white socks, no '.'

wants and.is not enjoys Jazz, Dining warm, canng guy intemational Paris -
drugs, no booze, .., , CLIPPER afraid of finding it I out. interesting con- looking for a boy USA" Serious onlyl
and you. Reply· .' . .' HAlReuts am 6', 28, affection- versation and pos- friend to be proud of, To Outweek Box
explicitlY 380 '~ Handsome, hung ate, need to be sesses a good Note / P.icto: #4524
.Bleecker, #135 New WM barber, 32. touch and be loved sense of humor, I P.O.Box 7901
York, NY 10014 gets hot giving buz- by a compassion- am 6'2" 22OIbs, Bm NYC 10150-1915 COLLEGE SnJ-
zcuts~flattops, ate person. Fun and hair and eyes. If DENTS 18-22
crewcuts, .military, hot sex is Pllrt of interested in meet- COUPlf SEEKS Vacationing Europe,
etc. Already shorn our relationship. ing an exciting per- RUENDS June thru Septem-
Sought by hot guys also an auto- Ph/ph to POB 7833, son and establish~ Happily-married ber, welcomed by
skin4head, 5'6" 130, matic turn - on POB FOR Sta, NYC 10150 ing a good GWM,30-37,seek musician / writer,
bVbl, I'm into show- 2291,• NY, NY 10185 friendship possible other GM couples S.W, London, I Am
. 'ing off, mutual wor- IIGDADDY relationship s@nd for socializing & 5'10", slim, warm,
ship, fantasy arid KlNDAIUTCH WANIED phone and photo to friendship, We're gentle, straight-
inventive naughty-. WItH GOOD FORA Box 4588 Clean / well educated pro- looking and have my
ness, Send ph/ph + QUE~R SMARTS GBM 30 years old Safe onlyll fessionals who own house close to

ideas to Box 478 . GWM 6'1", 33 fit n wiry hung heavy enJoy museums, city centre, You are
532 LaGuardia ..PI,· hunky,.HIV + asym. seeks a versatile EXUBERANT theatre, travel, good any nationality, non
. NYC 10012 . Healthy, endowed ae/dc Daddy. No GUY food & stimulating smoking, similar
. with.hotmix of Dntn drugs, race un- WITH conversation. Reply build, gay or bi or

SEEKING I.G LOVE . styl.e,Wigstck/Carn important I am fun Kissable .Iips looking to Box, FDR Station, just out Write with
With a man having' . egie Hall taste & exciting, high .for same, 20's - 30's NYC 10150, photo in beach
a big wit. bislJeart. , life can be a real . energy can keep to date. Seeking ware /sportsware.
big intellect and big bitch what the heck you up all night bright,. in your face SAFE RAUCH To Outweek Box
hard muscles, I'm· optimism, guys any Sense of humor a kind of guy w/a cute SOUGHT #4525
the same along .'',. .color, Pic. nice/not must Photo / phone smile and a goal in You call the shots for
with striking good . .. riec.to OLitweek to Outweek Box life, ItaVLattops, fit this 37 yo slim GWM BIWM,48 KENNY
looks, a strong .'. Box #4642 13939 and cln cut are +'s, whose 6 lIT' will ROGERS LKS.
I . ..t I. I I stand at attention for House, 20' boat in
wild wicked scenes Hampns sks Bi/G
and an enema at pal, 18+, for watr
your Lair P.O,Box skiing, parassailing,
1715 Bloomfield, deep sea fishing,
NJ07003 sun, swimming,
sharing, If more
INTIMACY happens fine, but
. GAY CHAT LINES GWM 33 5'5"122
br/br sks intimacy
want friend 1st to
Over ()OO. titles New York w/guywho's Box #4510
from $19-29.95 •
secure in being
(212) 319-2270 gay, shares my in + MARKE.SIDE
in film, TV, gossip & CWI4/4
Boston the news, enjoys Crew cut tit-ring.
(617) 262-0040 people, but also Be in touch, I'm
staying in. I'm shy dying for more.
San Francisco & serious yet ver- You're my guy,
bal & social & live Norm. P.O.Box 7966;
(415) 781-4488 in the East Village. New York, NY 10116
Chicago Write Box 20668,
NYC 10009-8973 PlAY THE
(312)332-7877 DATING GAME
Call us, AFTER the computer Sexy GWM 29 blond 25, boy is blond
/ blue 6ft 160 Ibs w/wit & charm, likes
answers dial the free seeks uncirc. guy drama, Do you still
for fantastic uncut call it disco?
membership number 7-1-0-5 to experience. I could BACHELOR 12
take your breath 28, br/br, 170,5' 10', 1 ___
be connected for FREE and
away. (212) 714- gym god-in-
anonymously to the next caller. 82I1. P,O.Box 8309, progress, over-
NYC, NY 10116 sexed, undersup-
I Local tolls, if any extra. Be 18, plied, do you have a
ASIAN IN PARIS sense of humor?
Not a 550, 540, or 900 call.
., I'm'll, thin, artist in BACHELOR 13


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• •

<. ,

28, br/bl,sarcastic DENNIS HANDSOME OutWeek Box 14503 send letter and as Saint parties,
but sviteet.Gore ' SAVAGE SEEKS. FACE AND phofb to Outweek North Jersey. Letter
Vidal, David LeaVitt" litde KIWI: Hand- BODY GWM, 6'2", 25 Box 14408 and! or Photol
Ann Rice!ijo'Yo'l,I .some, literate GWM WM 30 Brn Hair, Brn Seeks very finan- Phone 1to PO Box
Read? PICKA 32. 5'10" 130 HIV-, in eyes, 155lbs, 5'll"_ln cially dominant MID-20'S, W/M, 625
BACHELOR &: YOU search of short cute order of importance, companion for inti- 6'2" -BB BVBI- Easy Bloomfield, NJ.
MAY WIN A FABU- youngGWM open I want Honesty, mate rendevous going, passionate, Masculine a +.
LOUS PRIZE, OUT- to high culture and intelligence, wit, etc". ,Look forward passive, bubble-
WEEK BOX 4470 solid friendship, looks. woking for a to being the "Spice butt, virile seeks GOM,42. 155,5'6",
Your self-portrait regular guy like me of your life". Mar- "Together" Profes- avg looks, secure,
ARnST .gets mine, Send (dedicated to the- ried men OKI Please sional honest, with sense of
180 Ibs, 30 years old.· to Outweek ater) to be a longtime send note with responsible, lov- humor, in shape
"looking for lolle" Box #4402 companion, (My phonal to 521 Third ing- top 1M-for seeks similar guys
Must be6'l or over, grandparents met Avenue, Suite 1179, possible relation- 35-50, for fdshp &
athletic ,built MIXED through a personal NewYork,NY 10016 ship, Photo I phone safe sex. Likes
aggrl}ssive, DIET ad; It can world receivesll Commit- music, reading, &
employed, butch, . IS BEST Send me a letter. To UNIQUay ment?? gym excs, quiet
ageless. send photo GAM, 35, 5'9", 140, OutWeek Box #4369 DESIRABlf Send to Outweek eves at home. No
and phone to Out- nice looks, healthy, GWM, Tall, attrac- BoX#4410 drugs, smokers, 1
week Box #4449' funny, secure. LOOKING FOR tive, smart. gener- nite. Hairy a +, Let's
seeks slender, RlNTIME ous, 45, actor/play UT1lE BROTHER talk. Outweek
GLM19,5'r, healthy, drug free, Hot stud wants fun write seeks pas- BOYS Box 3699
142lBS GM ZOto 35, any in the afternoon. sionate, caring, seri- Hot, dick-worship-
Seeks funny, strong race; who is also GWM 3Oy.o.6ft 165 ous relationship ping little brother(s) 4OYEAROLO
sincere, individual interested in travel, Ibs. into all scenes with guy, 35-50 .. My (cocksuckers - in- HISPANIC
for friendship, possi- go.od food, videos, seeks hot, horny interest~arts, his- training) sought by HANDICAPPED
bly more. Phonel languages, nature, fuck buddy for mid- tory, religion, poli- in-shape grad stu- Exec, looking for
Photo unneccesary, romantic moments day trusts. Respond tics; recreation-the- dentw/good brain, romance, friend-
honest letter will do. and a lot of safer now-you won't be atre, concerts, big heart + huge rod. ship, and more,
Please write to sex. foto/letter to dissappointed, Send movies, travel, tim- Ph/ph to P.O.Box Must
be compas-
Outweek P.O,Box 361, descriptive letter & nis, horses, frisbee, 7966, NY. NY 10116 slonate, sensitiVe,
Box #4474 NYC 10009 photo I phone to reading, Please or call 212-594-9486. and open-minded.
Photo a mustl Out-
·-HEYYOU· week
GWM 25 seeking Box 3565 ,
manmade wonder
into fun, fiction, ASPIRING ACTOR
and fantasy. Must Hisp Male, 22. 5'S"
be sensitive, mas- 135, Bl. BR seeking
culine, and pos- to meet WM in the
sess a sense of movie industry both
humor. Me I'm cute in New York and
attractive and as Los Angeles
horny as hell. Shy Outweek 1Box 3729
and quite and sen-
sitive to the needs ASYMPTOMATIC
of my fellow man, HIV+39
Need you to bring GWM, successful
out the wild beast hlth care profes-
that awaits, No fats sional, 6' non-
or fems. Phone and smoker, in great '
photo to Outweek shape physically &
Box 14417 emotionally, wants
to meet similar non
COUPlE drug using men of
SEEKS any race to date. I
• • • RUENDS enjoy working out
GWM couple, early biking, travel, the
. 30's averagel good symphony, opera,
Gay "TALKING PERSONALS" to meet buildllooks, beach, theater,
Nice Guys for Dating and Friendship bearded, healthy, cooking, good con-
and meet Hot Guys that like to Seeks similiar cou- versations, NYC & 1-.

get WILD! Categories for your lifestyle! ple or single for gay community
It's Fun-Safe-Easy-24 Hours friendship and sate events. I'm very
fun, No smoking, self-examining as
drugs, drinking, well as fun &
Gay owned 8. operated. $2/min. More info: (3051 565-4455, Ext: 4322 romantic with the
sports. Enjoy music
• and dancing such right man, and find



per minute
40¢ first minute

per minute
20¢ first minute



Southern Conn. = enjoy life, hot safe- in the park and then HOPELESS writer,. 31, seeks
1his an attractive friend for fun and
combination in oth- A+, Photo appreci- sex & monogamous explore each other ROMAN11C?
ated, P.O. Box 132, relationship. I'm 30, in front of an open Love to cuddle, romance, I'm 6'1",
,rs. Send a descrip- 160, dk bl, stache,
tive letter, phone 1 & North White Plains, 5'11",1751, NO fats, fire ptVph. Send to make love by can-
NY 10603-0132 fems, fakes. Send Outweek Box 3843. dlelight, take long goatee; like books,
if possible a recent
photo /phone/letter walks in the park? plays, and Steve
photo to Outweek Reeves movies; an
Box 4204 /BWEEVES & fantasy_ Outweek GWM27 I'm 22, 5'6", 1501,
Crean cut, boyish, Box 3808 BLACK HAIR Italian, attractive human but capable
30's, top seeks cute , , BREVES and REAL Try me of greatness, funny,
botlDm for safe fun / GAY COUPlE - Would you like to on, I might be moody but worth
24,5'5", 1401bs,
friendship. Photo / PINEHill sit back watch x thelover that fits. the haSsle. Hope
bright, .affectionate,
. you're great shape,
romantic, career
tel to: Suite F-32, NY 24&34 GWM& movies drink a beer PtVPh, Outweek
496A Hudson St, GHM looking to have a smoke and Box 3688 affectionate,
oriented, desires
NY, NY 10014 meet other gays spread your strong thought-provoking.
monogamous rela-
tionship with cute, (couples or singles) hairy legs and get HOT OutweekBox#4113
adventurous, fun DEUTCtlES HAUS for friendship hiking your dick sucked JUICY MOUTH
honest, loving., hairy Doesn'tfit my or whatever boys do without reciproca- Wanted by two rrAUANOR
guy under 35 who schedule. Ned in the woods week- tion. Send your horny HIV neg white , LA11NGUY
enjoys jazz, soft GWMGerman Col- ends in the Ulster/ photo and number males age 50 in All American regular
music, travel, danc- lege Studentfor six Delaware country Mike Outweek Santa Rosa Calif. on guy - 6' 175,30, blue
weelq; and mQreof borderwritli Box Box 1 4238 a regular steady eyes, handsome
ing candle lit din-
ners, kissing cud- conversational 222 Highmount, basis. Keep our straight - acting, fun
, ,
tutOring at home NY 12441 HANDSOME juices drained. Write & horny seeks good
dling passionate
Approx. 6 hours. a HUNGGUY~ Doug and George looking Lating or
sexl Ple~se write Italian boy to
me soon. Tuan, P.O, week - sex nota', GBM5'5", Seeking other hand- Box 282 Fulton, CA
object Outweek Box 28 YEARS OLD some hung guys. Dig . 95439- Come soonl explore NYC & each
Box 98209 PiUs- other. Your Photo
burgh"PA 15227 ,#4211 Handsome, firm, shaved Balls Eric
looking for 24 - 36 212-242-7198 HOT MUSCUlAR and Phone gets
. DICK WORSHIPER Blck or Hisp, (body BOY mine. CIAO/
I won't accept the " wANTS conscious) big HANDSOME SUMO Looking for week- Adios. Outweek
impossibility of find- Well flung Top; Me brother type to Not nearly as big as end lover 5'T, dark Box 13994
ing a decent,sensi- 36 GWM 170 Ibs spend quality time they are but -enuf 4 hair/eyes, trim,
tive man who is 5'10" send photo to together. Send MEN who like their extremely cut, LA11N
.' , beautiful, 25. Look- SllUPPER
warm and funny P.O,Box 1118 Grand Photo & Phone Ito mates well-padded
with a fully func- , Central Lock Boxes Outweek Box 14230 and proportioned. ing for aggressive, 25 body builder
tiona I brain. Am NewYQik, NY 10163 I'm 5'9" 25O#'s 32 yo muscular, hung boy hung Big Nuts
. looking for,a seCure
.-:,,' - GHM 23 YO 5'r musc. calves-n- up to 30year old, Seek Men 50 uplf
independent com- DO,.,INANCE I
135LBS thighs, cushy butt, Must be sexy, ver- you get off on Strip-
panion to share' SUBMISSION Seeks a GHM OR blk/br, smart, litry. bal, hot Must like to persl Get off Strip-
I want to surrender GBM to be my big gdlkng, LAT" great dance, wrestle, ping This show 4u
life's pain and won-
der, willing to work • control to,an in-. daddy that hung 9" + kisser UR: Masc., laugh. We would Send letter &
tDward permanence' shape dominant age between 18-40 Mat, sensual, well have great, steamy, #What U wantto
I. _-.

mlln, I'm 6'4", 185

to put your hot dick hung top man/cud- safe times together, see. Outweek
when the ~otential
is real. An'i ~5, pro- ·Ilis, br/bl, stache in my juicy mouth dler 3O-45yo 4: Tenderness a +. Boxl3997
fessional, tall, slim, . outside, we're and ass, I will give it mind! body feast- Write to Outweek
and attractive. Enjoy equal companions to you like no one ing-n-manhandling Box 3647 LEAN SEXY
world, travel, . in bed, you're in else ever give to you ' w/a future? Photo/ SANECUlEI

charge P.O,Box 610, before. Please send Phone pis. to I HAVE 160 Ibs Indiana bred,

watching, film, SQuthampton, NY photo / phone to Outweek GREATTASTE... not white bread in
beautiful music and 11.969,Travel City,

Outweek Box 4150 Box #4334 and so do you. That's bedl40 and looking
crea#ng good •
Tri-State . why we'll getalong. 32. You could be 20';
karma. Are you a , GWM HEYLITI1E Our first date, you'll lefs see Photo
kindred spirit? Out- GAY AND 27 5'11-150 BI\IBR BROTHER say how much OutWeek Box 3970
week Box 3606 INTE~CIAL People say I'm hand- Tall (6'.3"),blonde big you'd like to kiss
GJM soine I am seeking a brother in good me ",and of course, l£1TER WRITERS
BIG GUY SOUGHT 40, 5'10"1551bs,cute, fellow ardent male, a shape and good we'll kiss, etc. I'm a I am a fellow assoc,
By attractive blue blue eyes and wise man who likes to looking, 35, wants 23y,0. queer, just with the HRCF,I
eyed masculine ex- desires masculine Bi give and receive hot little brother 18- back in NY, great need people, to
cop, 5'8", 155, very or Gay Black man sexual and emo- 30 to play,with: . tight body,fine face, write letters and / or
muscular, well pro- sensitive and mature tional bliss, who intense, safe fun, mind, humor, Send a make phone calls to
PQrtioned,easy to'8)(plore who we wants to savor exis- massages, biker's picture and 3 rea- our senators con- I-
going, healthy, are. Fato/Phone if tence on many lev- tights, football jer- sons why I should . ceming Gay & Les-
mainly dominant possible to P.O,Box els, a man not put off seys, jock straps. respond, Outweek bian issues, Aids
regular gl,lY, Prefer 20, NYC, NY 10012 by the unconven- Let's fine the fan- Box 3493 issues a~d such
football player/ tional , who enjoys tasy. Rick P.O,Box please call or write,
power lifter type GAY BLOND relating with inti- 938 Rock Center Sta. I WANTA let's make a differ-
for h!lt safe fun. SEEKSRJN macy and kindness. NY, NY BOYFRIEND encelll call or write
Westchester/ GWM25-35to Let's take long walks 10185-0009 Handsome, built Mike (718) 321-2589


p.o. Box 70-1175 search of a daddy, I OlDER smoke, drink, do tolaugh,Readyfor well-endowed, sex.
East Elmhurst. just want to meet BROTHER OR DAD drugs, eat meat. some dates and Versatile, hairy
NY 11370 someone who has GAM 19,5'6",140 Ibs make love. If you some sweaty danc- ' cheSt. upbeat.
the power to help swimmer is l!loking like the same, call ing, Good kisser a manly, bright. 34, 5'S"
MARRIED BUT m me end my perpet- for a older man (23 +), lefs talk or some- must Send a letter seeking attractive
31,6',155 seeks ual struggles. Even who can help me find thing, The more and photo to me, in-shape masculihe
weekday AM I noon . if only advice and the way, Very new to pleasure. The more Get my attention. 25-45 yr old with
trystw I uncut top in moral support I'm the scene don't know gain. 725-1289 x282 Outweek extra-hairy body for
Chelsea I w. Village kind, illt. gd Ikng, whatto do Write Out- Box 3621 unprintable excite-
Areas. Hairy and I or sincere. Just need week Box 14250. QUEER MALE, 23, ment & pos, relation-
BB a tum-on. Top push in rt direction. Photo pref. nGHTBOD SANE & SEXY ship. Beard, stache
body available for Outweek Box 3737 seeks other com- Unpretentiously or clean-shaven
3 ways call PERSON patible guys for masculine GWM, fine. Photo limpor-
Steve 989-8597 NEW FRIENDS TO PERSON urban frolic, I'm Br/Br, good looking, tant) & letter/phone
WM, 35, 6'1", 185, Manto Man, I young, mature, need great athletic bid, to J, C!)rt 532 La
MONOGAMY, handsome, mascu-
ANYONE? line, works out, and
GWM, early 4Os, sincere, Career-ori-
successful profes- ented business pro-
sional, 5'9", br/bl, fessional, but hot &
moustache, hairy, creative; humorous,
healthy, 160 Ibs. with probing, and sup-
a good sense of portive. Seeks simi-
humor. Enjoys lar very tall guy for
movies, theater, explosive action,
good music, dining intense friendship,
out, reading, travel, and/or caring, long-
good conversation, term relationship,
Seeks GWM, 25-38 Call Art. btwn
who is intelligent. 8pm-12mid, at (212)
warm hearted, slim 675-7352.
nonsmoker with a
good sense of NICE NORMAL GUY
humor, a sane but Ivy prof, 33, 5'6",
passionate attitude brlbr, 135,haven't
towards sex, and broken anY mirrors.
who is also seeking Have usual guppy
a serious relation- indicators: gym,
ship, Write to: P.O, travel, restaurants,
Box 99, NYC, NY theatre, books hard
10028 worker but love a
good time_(Narcis-
NASTY TOP sistically?) looking
Really good looking for somebody else
bottom seeks really kinda like that Box
nasty top to explore 74'D, New York,
all the different NY 10163
ways you can domi-
nate me over make NJSINGLE
me serve you. I GWM, 36, 5'11", 115
want to be knocked has Christmas wish
outto my senses by to behalf of a couple,
how erotic you can Seeking intell,
make being tied up romantic, sincere,
and make to serve, attract. GWM to
You could be a boy share music,
from the S/M or an films,books, cud-
aggressive busi- dling, hugs, kisses,
ness man. Photo & love, life. A funy
letter to Outweek chest to snuggle
Box 4246 against would be
nice. if honesty, car- ,.
NEEDAGENnE ing, monogamy are
PUSH in your vocabulary,
GWM 25 looking for send descriptive
a man to help me Itr/ph/ph. Outweek
get my life in order, Box 3736
I'm not a loser in

Guardia PL Box 476 I of Nihongo Inter- hopes for pay-off by ater photo., cooking
NYC, NY 10012 ested in exchange age 40, Now 36, 5'8", bicycling nature.
of language 135, br/br, HIV +, Seeking other rare
SCIENCE, lessons also needs potential find who is good
SCI-R desires romance. I lover who under- looking, masc., very
GYM, film, big enjoy dancing I'm stands. Outweek health-conscious,
questions,Bright 6'1'150 Ibs 28 yrs Box/4255 or call intell., well-built w /
down-to-earth, old. Broad mind (212)~5923 musc., arms &
midwestern GWM, with a fair fluency peds, sense of
31,5'8",145, bVbr, in English, Seeking WANTS hllmor, enjoys the
seeks attractive sincere relation- TO FALL arts, mature, hon-
unpretentious guy ship. Photo & IN LOVE est affectionate,
of similar build and Phone appreciated.Down-to-earth red- non-cig, smoker.
age, into some of Returned upon head actor dancer Let's exchange let-
the above for request Send to looking for some- ter and photo. Out-
friendship, dating Outweek Box 4187 one to share my life week
and ...1Send to with, Mysterious Box 3623
Outweek Box #3790 TABOO eyes and an unfor-
Tall masculine gettable smile are YOUNG
SHAVEO GBM,34, 190 Ibs, definite require- AND
HEAD seeks masculine ments -also a ETHNIC
Pretty blue eyes, 6', Gay/Bi Black or sense of who you 5'9', 1501bs, 20yrs
vegetarian, 33, thin, Hispanic male. He are, fun, adventure, youngGBM, who
sincere; wants long must be a mature witty; able to laugh, looks Latino, Col-
term cheap taw dry minded stable indi- in-shape body, lege educated, in
deeply meaningful vidual (35-45 yrs romantic, sponta- search of a GBM or
affair w/some old) who enjoys . neous, sta. acting, Latino man for a
down home Hip good music, art. no drugs, NS, I'm friendship or rela-
non-straight-acting movies, and inter- 5'lO"l45lbs.,3O yrs, tionship interests
man with a esting conversa- old and wantto should include
voyeuristic appre- tion, If you are a date someone who house music, club-
ciation of slliaze. A romantic and sensi- will be both a best bing, movies kiss-
man creatively tive guy who's fun . friend and a lover. ing and safe sex,
diverse, bright & , loving and witty Send Photo &.Ietter Include photo, I will
witty, sensual & then drop me a line. to Outweek respond, Outweek
direct, having a No drugs, drunks, Box 3684 Box #4333 Y,,\>:
strong sense of drop outs photos 0 fj)
self, a good grip & get quick reply. To WHOLESOME . WRESnE 0
great eyes_ A Outweek Box #4362 VAlUES Ex-college jock
laughing dancing Handsome, mascu- lacks opponents
sentimental bitch TAll ATtRACTIVE line 40, 6'2" 190, and floor space,
goddess sap. GIM bn!blue, clean Slow and easy or
someone, clearly 6'5', 225lbs, 30 yrs, shaven, muscular, rough and sweaty.
queerly fabulous. Seeks a style con- hung All American Ring, mat. or mat-
Write with Photo to . scious 25-35 black with successful tress. Or do you just
POB582 . male of similar build business career like to watch?
NY, NY 10023 • who interests and wholesome
, Photo; phone, and
include: Movie, the- values seeks single fantasy to
SOUD ater, arts, books. prof, 25-45 with Outweek Box #3687
GENTLEMAN 5'U- For companionship WASP/Irish good
47 HIV - 185.secure or possible relation- looks for fun! lAS VEGAS
educated trav- ship, Must have a friend/poss. reI. LOOKING
elled/mature gd good sense of Photo and phone a 35 Brown, Brown
IkS/lrsh Amrcn humor, Photo / mustfor replyl Out- Rugged good looks
. quick witsmile/nn Phone get prompt week Box/4193 big neck muscled
smkr/drnkr sks yngr response. To Out- arms stocky build
Fra Grp gent of week Box 3971 WISE likes out doors and
quality objct dating MEN guys 18-45 hairy a +
prhps more Out- THE STOP I am educated
week Box 4084 WRmR'S HERE aquarius HIV-only
UFE GWM, 38 5'9' 150 br no crap IXI friend
SPIRITED A GWM Poet/ Artist / br moustache and only Box Holder
AMlmOUS Became a masseur trim beard, hairy, 80032/ P.O.Box las
JAPANESE to free up mornings defined, muscular Vegas N,V, 89180
MAN but lost evenings, build, handsome, (Military $ Hairy
Into Music, Art Lit, charged a book's masc" intell" Wanted.)
Film & conversa- expense on Visa to unpretentious,
tion seeks student Get it published and Enjoys movies the- I T

All orders and cancellations must be received by noon on Friday. No exceptions!

* Orders must be mailed to or dropped off in sealed envelope at OUTWEEK address. .... MASSAGE
* All telephone numbers in ads must be verified prior to publicetion. Young German Man gives Massage
* Full payment must accompany ad order form and must be paid by in-dividual placing ad. call Mark beeper 212-713-9339
* All corrections and changes are $10.00 After you dial the number punch in your
number and !'will;call YOu back.

20 yr old college athlete clean cut &
IN 11fE RESH . . attractive. well endowed 5'6* 1551bs.Any-
One very exquisite well endowed fountain where! Anytimel I sensualMassage I
of youth gives the complete massage 212-287-5438 : BeymdI111£lgination :
Charles 581-3179
. .- BOY By 22yr. old Latino, Cute, Sexy, fun build, L .J
5'10",150# 19y-o college student IN/OUT--$90 Pedro-Dial 517-0213 or page
with beautiful body and cute face availa ble me at 458-4755 after it rings, enter your EUROPEAN EXFOOTBAlLPLAYER
for bodywork. Very friendly. Call for in/out phone # followed by pound sign: (I). 6'3" 220 Lbs Muscular
. appts,10am-4am any day. Also available Hung 9" + Thick
with Chris, Damon (212) 243-8387 Bodyrub and More
. Call Brian (212) 988-1442
DETAILED QUESTIONAIRES FROM l00'S OF Excellent masage with release, tall sculp-
GUYSI THE WORLDS MOST AMAZING SYS- tured German Italian, Big Balls and feet I
TEM! TOUCH TONE THE AUTH CODE: am very good, not like the restl Call Bruce
6904(818) 566-T1T11 (213) 370-2266 (212) 922-9186 .
By attractive, sensitive, considerate, and tal- 6'ln 135Yrs/WASP
ented guy in mid-40's, For the massage you Swedish Ins. Grad" In 1 Out
won't soon forget, in beautiful surroundings Reasonable: Village Location
in East Chelsea; call 9:00 am -10:00 pm, 7 Steve (212) 7n-1217
days a week, $75 for 11/2 hrs. $90 for 2
hours_ MARC 212-255-8854

Deep and relaxing Swedish
rob ends with a release by
a Good-looking guy.
$50 IN/OUT $75
DancerslStudents $40
Mark (21"2)864-0091
Dark Browm Stud on West 40's Adminis- REIKI/ESALEN MASSEUR
TREAT YOURSELF TO THE BEST!!I ters Erotic Bodyrubs IN/OUT $45 per hour Genuine, professional, deep
Don't let a boy do a man's job, For the best Clifton 212-581-3907 sports massage-Gordon
massage you've ever had, you deserve a
caring, experienced, good-looking man. SUPER MASSAGE Royce pager # (212)508-5376
Call 7 days a week, 9A.M. - 9 P.M, $60/1 hr, Full Body Professional Swedish Massge by . enter Ph. No. after beeps
$75/1 lI2hr. Convenient Chelsea location. handsome Masseur. Release stress and witt. phone, llam-llpm

GARY (212)255-0925 Improve $80/hr./IN-$lOO/hr, +
body conciousness,
ATHLmC MASSAGE Rex (212) 36&-0761 trans./our.
by young good looking blond at your resi- •

dence or my studio_ Call Alex, 212/969-8836 SENSUOUS MASSAGE

Strong, safe Bodywork, Handsome Italian,
Ted (212)721-6718

"une 28, '1•• '1 OUTWEEK 93


22 Year old college guy give's great mas- CA. Muscle, first trip East available June This Young exec GQ Master will
sage-l to 1 and 1/2 hour sessions only. 10-30 ONLYII 6' 1901, blonde flattop, 25yr initiate the novice or expand the
Deep relaxing experience. , hung 91/2x6, Top Only, $150 212-473-3053, horizons of the experienced, Call Luke:
• Physically and psyguily rewarding. Out Call Kurt All calls verified IN/OUT 10am-12pm only 212-772-1097
Only.Call Greg 212~2-5077 Scenes from $1001N/135 Out
$50 an hour $70 1 and 1/2 COMP4tUSClE-COP
Huge dominant BB 6'3", 53c, 2Oa, ATHLETIC MASSEUR
YOUNG GOODLOOKING RUSSIAN 32w, washb'oard abs, take charge S&M atti- Handsome/clean cuVgreat nude massage,
gives stimluting massage & tude, photos, also into wrestling &sensuous
private hair design, your place Regional Title Holder, 5'11", 218#, 5Oc, 19a, situations John 212-741-3282
or mine. Legit Onlyl 32w blond deep blue eyes, Play with Me.
(212)969-8836 Matt & Kurt (212) 518-3214 NICE GERMAN MASSEUR
Gives good massage well Hung please call
PLEASURING THE HEART NaNYOmrSHO~STTOP Mark at beeper 212-713-9339 Enter your
Sensuous, deep, healing bodywork Fully equiped mirrored playroom, Sling, rack numer after beep,
by handsome young expert n.
suspension, elec enema, CBT, VA,WS,
Swedish/Tantric -In/Out SM, BD. 6 tt. 212, very handsome, healthy, HANDSOME 37
Paul (212) 228-18891 hung, J)yrs dominant Clete, 212-24U550. Masculine classy looks
Call Nowl Hung big and pretty
SENSUOUS MASSAGE $80 Dave 212-242-7198
Strong, safe bodywork handsome Italian MARK
Ted (212) 721-6718 Deep Southerner w/athletic, well-det. CAUFORNIA • GREG
body. Very handsome, versatile and well- 24 year Old Pretty Boy 6' 170 Brown Hair and
6 FT BLONDE DANCER hung. Friendly and articulate. 6'2", 180lbs" Eyes 212-410-1590
Swedish or Tantric Massage 32 yrs.(212) 721-3810
West 14th StreetArea BISEXUAL STUD SVEN
Robert 212-929-4019 Very handsome top 6' 185# 8"
Blond, Blue Eyes Muscular Hardbody
$200 IN/OUT
EXTREMELY Br/GAY WOMEN ONLY! Absolutely no rushing
HANDSOME Dreams, do come truel Come play any Beeper (212)314-8017
BODYBUILDER game you like in my safe, sensual space .

bring toys or we can play with minel Call WANNA HORSE AROUND??
The pvt. memoirs of the elite Tedra at 212-465-3168 Hot Horse hung Italian stud
& discerning few, shall always with a thick 10" tool, muscular, ripped, Are
remember the voyeuristic TONY you ready to ride??
journey experienced In the pri- Call Vince 212-532-5768
vacy of my condo. A sensu- Young latino br hair br eyes 5'9", 140 Ibs 20
ous SWedish & hot towel full- yr old good looking 8" uncut fullfill your
bOd~ rubdown, throu~h the pleasures call bprl (212)899-4271 ·ISRAEU STUDS·
touc' of my aesthetical pro- 2 Hunky Horny BB's.
C0rtioned suntanned milscu- panc FANTASY Hung Big, X-thick"
ar Italian physique. 5.'81/2, Tall drk hndsme hairy uncut thick straight Very Masculine, X-handsome watch or join
1651bs, Clean, dlscrejlt, pri- app. masc. 5'11" 170lbs hrd body mature in.Visa / Me/ AMX Accepted,
vacy well-assured. e~
11 am-1 Opm, 7 days, 1 0-
a~t. men most welcome_ Out Only beeper #212-
707-982712p-la Enter your phone after
Kobi or Tomer 212-356-7212

30min., $175-70 min. $265 the beep .. ONE HOT BOY

up to 2 his. Out serviceavail. 24,6'2", 175lbs hung 8" and thick, clean-cut
HOT BLOND SWIMMER w/smooth swimmers build. tops, Daddies
TONY LANZA Clean Cut. All-American Young/Good Look- and boys.
212-677.-7656 ing/Blue eyes smooth chest, tight butt. 982-4589
Sensually exquisite photo set Jason (212)922-9186
avail. f0W-0ur ~vt, collection ALWAYS HARD
(4 B& 5X~. "Send a HANDSOME HUNK 6'2" 1901 Very good looking blond jock.
chk.lm.o., for $3 .00 payable 5'9", 155, smooth, 22yr, old gives great
to Cash only please (incl's 8"/cu1/thick w/big juicy low hangers Ken
bodywork and morel Versatile and hot (212) 206-7138
postage), aloni with a name, Bodybuilder into hot funl
address, and ail To: Occu- MATT 315-5097
~~nl, P.O. Box 1094, Murray TOTALLY NaN IN TOWN
Professional Touch
0604, Allow 2 wks for deliv- Models and Escorts

Awesome studs will show you VEGAS from Your Pleasure is our Businessl
gaming to shows and MORE. Porn stars /
travel available Call (BOO) 879-8069 ext #2 All types
. MUSCLE JOCK Call (212) 469-8930
Smooth Beefy masculine BB tanned Anytime
clean cut 2151bs 5'11" 20A 54C 32W hot You've tried the Rest
safe action discreet can travel Kirk Now try the Bestll

94 OUTWBBK "un_:ze" .._ ..

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6'3", 246#, 53C, 20A, 32W, Rockhard Abs, Smooth, green eyed blond 5' 10",145,firm
• huge Picture frame shoulders ask for Matt,. build 8 inches & thick .
5'10" 188# 48C, 18A, 31W; Jr-BB, & former $125 in 718-212
print model-Scott fotos avail. $150 in 201,914& 203
--(212)518-3214 Steve, 212-429-1666, Out only,


If you haven't tried us lately, you don't know 23 Years Old, Good LOoking .
what you're missing, IN/OUT-Call Anytime
In I Out 24 hour Alex 212~459-8909
Call Philip (212) 473-1939 Sexy, Intelligent and Hot


Clean cut, all American, Young/Good Look- Athletic bodywork from boyish 150# 5'9" 27
ing/Blue eyes smooth chest! tight butt.. yo with a very muscular build and a nice
Jason (212)922-9186 tan line. Clean cut and friendly. Also avail-
able with Damon. Noon to 4am.
Chris (212) 496 6710


Two Weeks for the price of one

Four weeks for the price ~f two
Eight weeks for the price of four

Clip this coupon and mail it in with

your OutWeek Personal
Offer expires June 30,1991.
Personal Mail forwarding charges not included.
One Ad per customer

L ~

.' ,
"un. _."_" •

FRONT PAGE an editorial last year. After ACf UP dis- very much against this sort-of thing.
Contlnu_d 'from page 42 rupted the CBS Evening News last winter, Personally, I think the victims of this
Dan Rather allegedly threatened to retali- must sympathize very deeply with the
campaigns and, last January, staged their ate by cutting off AIDS coverage. "A plight of the Jews in the Warsaw ghetto
most daring operation yet, a primetime weak threat," counters Cotter, "since they who had to walk around wearing yel-
raid on ABC, CBS and PBS news. hardly had any to begin with." In the low Stars of David."
""We aren't afraid of controversy," aftermath of the CBS raid, employees The outing controversy is one of
says ACf UP's departing media coordina- were required to don new security many that has divided the gay commu-
tor, Laurie Cotter. "We're successful badges, which were derisively referred to nity in recent years, as activists have
because we give the media what it as ACf UP badges, begun to challenge the unwritten rules
wants: a simple message, good visuals And as the focus of queer activism that guided gay conduct in the past. It's a
and lots and lots of noise." has broadened to include more general dispute over tactics and, increasingly,
But even Cotter admits that despite civil rights issues, new tactics conceived to over the very definition of being gay,
ACf UP's best efforts, AIDS coverage has promote gay visibility have come under And to some, the battle lines seem to
begun to recede along with the perceived fire even within the gay community. have fonned largely along generational
threat of the disease to the general (read: lines. The media, meanwhile, watches
"straight and white") community, ~ DUling from the sidelines.
"It's getting harder and harder to . Nothing has been as inflarnatory as "I think a lot of us are confused as
keep people interested in this disease," outing. After OutWeek ran the Malcolm to what's going on now in the gay com-
says Gina Kolata, an AIDS reporter at Forbes story last year, the mainstream munity," says David Boyle of the Boston
7be New Yom TImes. "People are getting media responded with a self-righteous Globe. "Are you gay, or are you queer? Is
tired of hearing about it. n According to burst of indignation. "Reporters don't outing OK, or is it not? If you guys can't
Kolata, who is herself another frequent belong in people's bedroorm," sniffed the figure it out, how can we figure it out?"
target of ACf UP (last year she received Miami Herald, the paper that had Droken Ultimately, the effect of ten years of
hundreds of ACT UP Christmas cards the Gary Hart sex scandal just a few years activism has been decidedly mixed, par-
mailed to her home, inscribed, "The before. But many lesbians and gay men ticularly in the media. "There's no doubt
blood of PWAs is on your hands"), have objected to sacrificing closeted the activists have brought a lot to our
recent activism may have the effect of celebrities at the altar of visability. The attention," says Craig Turner, metro editor
actually slowing AIDS coverage. Village Voice's C. Carr blas~ outing as of the LA Times. "But it would help if
"As a reporter, I just do my job and "internalized homophobia,n while James they would explain things to us rather
try to ignore it," says Kolata. "But there Kinsella simply calls it "fascist." than hit us over the head with them."
are a lot of people who deal with "It's true we need role models," says "Sexuality has definitely become
AIDS---«nd a "lot of reporters too-who Kinsella, "but there must be better ways more of an issue now than it ever was
shy away from this disease because of all to find them." before," says a gay reporter at the
the abuse." To its supporters, outing is a natur:il· Miami Herald. "But I doubt whether
Another journalist, a news editor at extension of the activism that preceded straight journalists are more sympathetic
CBS, is ev~ more caridid. "There is just it. Homophobia in this society, they say, to us than they used to be. You turn on
so 'much shit reporters can take before it has its roots in dangerous stereotypes the television, and your image of gay
affects their coverage," he says. widely perpetrated by the media. And by people will be people in white T-shirts,
Cotter admits that the slowdown of outing celebrities, they are simply doing screaming. There still isn't any sense of
AIDS coverage raises new dilemmas for the media's job for them. "All we're our diversity." ...
ACf UP, "I think we're at a crossroads, n doing is telling the truth, n says an anony-
she says. "We need coverage more than mous member of OUTpost, the group
ever, but the only way to get it is to that's been papering New York with
become .more and more outrageous or "Absolutely Queer" posters. "It's the press
start working more in the establishment. that's been offering a distortion."
It's something We've got to ~ about." Meanwhile, all the moral posturing
Meanwhile,. once-admiring journalists hasn't prevented some segments of the ~

~ve begun to criticize the strident tone press from cashing in on the more sen-
adopted by actiVists. sational aspects of outing. During a
"There comes a point when you recent news segment aired on New
scream so much that people have to York's WABC-1Y, a reporter earnestly
look away," agrees Edwin Diamond, a attacked outing as "a disturbing threat to
media critic at New York magazine. "It privacy," as the tantalizingly
may have been necessary in the begin- panned OUI'post posters of Jodie Foster ,
ning, but after'a while it becomes coun- and Merv Griffin.
terproductive, n While Peter Jennings admits that otine
"[Gay activists] run the risk of alien- "there's a prurient quality to outing that
ating their closest supporters," warned
7be New Yom TImes, a frequent target, in
some of the press may pick up on," he
insists that the establishment press "is
9& OUTWEEK "une 28, 1_1

continued "from page 5"1 conti nued "from page 50 continued "from page 60

I am handed a smaIl1>lastic contain- Later that evening, back at home on For the eggheaded Rheostatics, patrio-
er and a worn black folder, containing the Lower East Side, our fearless twosome tism is the accumulated respect for sepa-
three het-porn magazines. I realize that contemplate other supposed icons, ration, the provinces, winter, hockey
these will not do; Iask for two packets of Sydney: I guess that Sandra Bern- and, I suppose, the ideal of cultural self-
K-Y and head for room C. The cubicle is hard woke up on the lesbian side of reliance. Melvale is deep stuff, and not
a benign beige, bathed in flourescent her bed for the Love Ball. initially involving; apart form jaw-scrap-
light Next to the sunny yellow air fresh- liz: Which side of the bed is the ing awe, the reward is a session of
ener on the wall, a sign admonishes: lesbian side on, anyway? eavesdropping on the murmurings of
"This room is for your use. Please keep it Sydney: No, didn't you hear her say Qmadian culture. An American release is
clean always." A tissue is sticking on the that she wanted to French kiss and fin- rumored, but for now get it from
ceiling. In the comer by the door lies a ger-fuck that stuffy old biddy, Judy Intrepid Records, 65 Jefferson Ave., Suite
dessicated centipede. Iplop down on the Peabody? Then I also heard her ask the 205, Toronto, Ontario M6K lY3; (514)
La-Z-Boy recliner, upholstered in brown House of FlorentlBellevues if they had 588-8962.'Y
Vinyl, next to the table with the paisley an eggplant or cucumber she could use A final note: Rejoice, 0 lovers of
Kleenex: dispenser, and flip through the later. She didn't say exactly how she was record albums, you can get Red Hot &
dogearecl offerings. The first is High Soci- going to use it, but I think you know Blue on vinyl. Find a record store willing
ety from July 1987, ostensibly an office what she meant. to special-orderfrom England and askfor
favorite. The Club .
International. and liz: Well, if it's anything like what OJrysa/is CHR. 1799. Tbe biggest benefit to
Gallery are 1991 summer issues, The you usually do with them, I guess Ms. this format is the expansive graphics,
potential for stimulation appears dismal; Peabody's going to be a little reluctant which otherwise seem bridled and
pictorial and Rction titles range from to sit down for a day or so. repressed on CD and cassette.
"Cooze Crazy" to "Pussy Playtime to Sydney: So, have you heard about
"Alan Porks Alicia.n I put aside the maga- the new club sweeping the nation?
zines and recall this morning's wake-up
Liz: You're ignoring me. But all continued "from page 49
with D., the irresistible East Village man- right, what club is that?
boy: But my divine inspiration is edged Sydney: Why, it's a nationwide a religious parade, and it's gone beyond
out by a case of performance anxiety. chain of clubs called C1ubland. They're that and left him behind. n Bierne's
The plastic container beckons and leers. going to have all sorts of wacky events, ouster is a big step in the right direc-
Ten minutes and two K-Y packets have like Buddy Holly's plane crashing tion, and it's surprising that the Times,
been used up. onstage and the Madonna ring toss, which covered· the parade controversy
Attempting another grip, I am finally where patrons throw rings at employees so well, chose not to write about per-
able to accomplish my mission, I fill the wearing those Gaultier cone bras. haps the most concrete impact of
container with the pride of a child. Three liz: Sounds like a sort of Coney- Mayor Dinkins' march with the lesbian
tissues are shredded before I have wiped Island-of-the-Night-life mind to me. and gay contingent.
the lubricant from my hands. I proffer my Sydney: Rumor has been mon- Nicholson also put Liz Abzug on
man~seed to a young Latina in a white gered that there will be a monthly gay the spot last week about her timely
lab coat and a plum blouse, She dons party there. coming out-now that she is running
rubber gloves before taking the container. liz: Oh, yay! Maybe a Jeff Stryker for public office. Days later, the Post
"Is this enough?" I ask disingenuously, ring toss?'Y editorialized against bringing sexual
daring her to challenge my manhood. li()~: --- orientation into political campaigns. A
She weighs the transparent cylinder with 1. In which she has an affair with bow to members of the Abzug camp
impartiality: 18.55 grams. I am to call another woman. who felt Nicholson was picking on their
tomorrow for the results. gal? You decide how much that name
Outside, I am walking downtown on I I counts for, and if they know sexual
Madison in the morning sunshine, feeling .• I identity is where Abzug is most vulnera-
oddly drained emotionally. The K-Y has We Wah & Bar-Chee-Ampee ble to Tom Duane, a gay man who
dried, and I am peeling little epoxy ba1Is The New YorkOty [esbian & <iay came out years ago and has been
from my palms and fingers. I mull over Nati~ American Qroup
involved in the community forever,
the natural offspring I may never have, All Gay and Lesbian Everyone should learn from those
and I feel a slight twinge of loss. At the Indigenous Americans are Hibernians. Rance Crain should dump
turnstile' of the Citicorp Center subway, invited to Bernstein, Eric Brclndel at the New
an Asian man hawks a nearby Szechuan call for
York Post should get rid of the embar-
restaurant. He shoves a menu and for- rassing shadows cast by Pat Buchanan
tune cookie in my hand. Gliding down infonnation and Ray Kerrison over reporters like
the escalator, I crack open the stale cook- about future Nicholson and Amy Pagnozzi, and
ie. A small white paper pops out, remind- gatherings. Irish New Yorkers need to tum a dis-
ing me, "A perfect statue never comes 212-n9-3151 cerning eye at their Cardinal. Talk
from a bad mold."'Y about embarrassing.'Y

"une _ ... _.. OUTWEEK 97

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