NCM 105 Week 1 Part 2
NCM 105 Week 1 Part 2
NCM 105 Week 1 Part 2
- AI is used when EAR and RDA can’t be determined. IN THE VIDEO GIVEN
- This is the intake above the upper intake level (UL) can THE SCIENCE OF NUTRITION
be harmful.
NCM 105
Example of food label High - This means that one serving provides
20% or more of the daily value for a particular
nutrient. May also appear as “rich in” or
“excellent source”
Sodium free or Salt free, less than 5 mg of You have to use labels to make helpful food choices
sodium because if you can see in this picture, if you would want
to have a cleaner way or a better way to eliminate your
Sugar free, less than .5 grams of sugar per um bowel or your faces. Then, you have to look into the
serving. content of the fiber content of that food. If it wants to
have if you want to have a better way of eliminating
your faces. So if you would look into if you would
2 Components of Nutrition Labels compare it to the food labels. Then you have to make
1. Nutrition declaration - standardized statement sure that you have to get a more adequate diet fiber than
or listing of nutrient content of food. that of the other food source of that food.
2. Supplementary nutrient information or
nutrition claim – states or implies that food has
some particular nutritional properties.
As you can see in this food label, you have to start here
on the on the top. You have to look into the serving size.
And then next is you have two check for the calories.
How many calories is it? And then we get to limit this
nutrient on the upper part. And then we get to have this
enough nutrient on the bottom part. On the middle part
and then get to look into the footnote. And then after that
you have to quick guide to percentage of your daily