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Niagaiad Technical Certfication Program niagara Lab Exercise Guide ~ Lab 31 — Security and User Admini Configuring the Hierarchy Service: «Hierarchies use queries based on tagging and relationships to search for data to be displayed. + Abiererchy requires at least one query definition. + Hierarchies can have group level or list level flters that allow matched data from queries to be shown in branches of the hiererchy structure. + The order of definitions fs Important. 1. Unfold the Station's Services container and double-click the Hierarchy Service. 2. In the Palette SideBar open the Hierarchy palette. 3. Drag a Hierarchy from the palette and drop onto the Hierarchy Service property sheet. Name the new hierarchy GUT. This hierarchy will be used to grant easy access to the .px views. 4. Drag a QueryLevelDef from the palette and drop onto the GUT Hierarchy (No need to rename the QueryLevelDef). . Set the query to e:graphic Set IncludeGroupQueries to true Click the Save button. Right-click on the Hierarchy folder in the station, and select RefreshTreeNode. Observe the result. You should see a list of graphical views that were created earlier, but only those views that were tagged with the c:graphic tag from your Custom dictionary. 5. Drag a Hierarchy from the palette and drop onto the Hierarchy Service property sheet. Name the new hierarchy All_Points. 6. Drag a QueryLevelDef fram the palette and drop onto the All_Points Hierarchy (No need to rename the QueryLevelDef) a. Set the query to n:point (this is an implied tag) Set IncludeGroupQueries to true Click the Save button. Right-click on the Hierarchy folder in the station, and select RefreshTreeNode. Observe the results, you should see a Ist of all the components in the station that have the implied nzpoint tag from the Niagara dictionary. 7. Drag a Hierarchy from the palette and drop onto the Hierarchy Service property sheet. Name this new hierarchy ZoneControl. RefreshTreeNode and observe the changes. 8. Drag a QueryLevelDef from the palette onto the ZoneControl Hierarchy. Set the Query to hs:vav or hs:rooftop. 9. Drag out a RelationLevelDef from the palette onto the ZoneControl Hierarchy. 2. Set the RelationID to n:parent b, Set Inbound to true . Click the Save button. 4. RefreshTreeNode and note that the RelationLevelDef did NOT produce a change. 10. Drag a new Hierarchy from the palette and drop onto the Hierarchy Service property sheet. Name this new hierarchy HeatingSystem. 11. To the new HeatingSystem hierarchy, add a new QueryLevelDef called BuildingHeatSystem. Set the query to: hs:heat or hs:heating or hs:boiler. 12, Right-click on the Hierarchy folder in the station (Nav SideBar), and select RefreshTreeNode. 0 bay 19,2017 OPFscevces Naagarad Technical Cetification Program niagara4 Lab Exercise Guide a 13. Drag 2 new Hierarchy from the palette and drop onto the Hierarchy Service property sheet. Name this new hierarchy BoilerControl. 14. To the new BollerControl hierarchy, add a new QueryLevelDef called BollerPoints, Set the query to: hs:boller or hs:boilerPlant. Add a Hierarchy to a palette: 1. Open your personal palette's wire sheet. Create a new folder in the palette called Hierarchies. Open the wire sheet of this new palette. 2. Drag the entire HierarchyService from the station on your JACE drop it onto the wire sheet of the new Hierarchies wire sheet. Save the changes to your personal palette. 3. Review your personal palette in the Palette SideBar. (End of lab, Save your Station and stop here) May 11.2017 ORFcervices Niagara Technical Certfication Program niagara Lab Exercise Guide a Lab 32 — Security and User Admini: ion Part 2: Configuring the Category Service . In the Nav SideBar, open the Services container. Right-click the CategoryService object. Choose Views, then Category Browser. There are already two categories defined in a station. Parts of the station are already assigned to these categories. Category Browser Inherit User Admin Cot 2. Right-click the CategoryService object and choose Views, then Category Manager. 3. In the Category Manager, click the New button an the bottom of the window. Create 2 new categories. Call the categories Users_Accounts and Setpoints. 4. Change your view to the Category Browser (right-click CategoryService in the Nav SideBar, choose Views, then CategoryBrowser). 5. Adjust the category assignments to match the following view: bee Ben ™ — y erage Osermesen . te ’ Deen . Our oe May 11.2017 ORTservices ‘Niagara Technical Certification Program niagara4 Lab Exercise Guide a 6. Make these additional changes to the category assignments: Note: for the User Service, check the box in the User Accounts column. Each station object can be assigned to more than one category. When the category is changed. it becomes 2 new top level object. with its chiidren still inkenting from it. Each child object in the station automatically inhevits its permissions from its parent object unless the Inherit check box is not made. 7. Uninherit then assign the Setpoints for the RTUOL and VAVOI controllers to the SetPoints category. wean an 4 8. Save the changes made to the category file (click the Save button on button bar). 9, In the Nav SideBar, locate the AuthenticationService in the Services directory in your station. 10. Double-click the AuthenticationService to open its Property Sheet view. a. Unfold the Authentication Schemes folder, then the Digest Scheme folder. b. Unfold the Global Password Configuration slot container. Then Password Strenath. c. Change the Minimum Length setting to 8 and save your changes d. Repeat these setting for the AXDigestScheme. Save your changes. 11. For both schemes, set the Password Expiration Interval to 90 days and the Warning Periods to 14 days. (End of lab, Save your Station and stop here) n May 11,2017 OPservices Niagarad Technical Certification Program niagara4 Lab Exercise Guide = Lab 33 — Security and User Administration Part 3 Configuring the Role Service: . In the Nav SideBar, locate the RoleService In the Services container in your station. Double-click the Role Service to open the Role Manager. 2. Click the New button at the botiom of the view. Enter 3 as the number of new Roles to create. Edit the new Roles this way. a. Name the first new Role AdminLevel. b, Set Permissions at Superuser. . Viewable Hierarchies, select all in the list. d. Name the second Role Engineering. e. Set permissions to match this view: f. Set Viewable Hierarchies to HeatingSystems, BoilerControl and ZoneControl, g. Name the third Role Tenant h. Set permissions to match this view. |, Set Viewable Hierarchies to ZoneControl. 7 May 11.2097 OPRMscruces Niagarad Technical Certification Program niagara4 Lab Exercise Guide 3. Click OK to create the new Roles. 4, The Role Manager should end up looking like this: Role anager gitoneeo Stunt scram amen en poeta Ca etre Cer (End of lab, Save your Station and stop here) OFeiservices May 14, 2017 Niagarad Technical Certiication Program niagara4 Lab Exercise Guide aad = and r Administration Part 4: A lew. ser 1. Right-click the UserService. Choose Views, then AX Property Sheet. a. Change the Lock Out Period setting to 1 minute. b. Change the Lock Out Window setting to 1 minute and 30 seconds. Iflock out is enabled, this property defines the period of time a user account is locked out before being reset. While locked out, any login attempt (even 2 valid one) is unsuccessful, NOTE: The default Lock Out value guards against an automated, brute-force password attack, where a computer application issues hundreds of lagin attempts 2 second. The 10 second latency is thnvarts such an attack, as the attacker must wait 10 seconds after each five unsuccessful login attempts. If ceemed necessary, yOu can adjust to guard agamst human attack 2. Open the view of the UserService called AX User Manager. Edit the admin user by assigning your name in the Full Name slot. Click OK to Save. 4, The User Manager should stil be open in the View Pane. Click the New button at the bottom of the view to create a single new user account, Make these settings for the new user: a. Name: JohnG (this is the user name used when this user signs on) b, Full name: John Galt ¢. Set the account to expire in 30 days d. Assign the Tenant role & Unit Conversion: English f 9. h. Password: WhO1s}OhnG Force Password Reset on Next Login: True For the Default Web Profile make these settings: i. Click OK to create the user 5. Create a second user, user information: Name: Nikkiak (this the user name used when this user signs on). b. Full name: Nikkie Kikos. © Set the account to never expire. d. Assign the Engineering role. @. Unit Conversion: Engish. f. Password: NicandaSiyn 76 May 11.2017 OPesevices Nagar Technical Cenication Program niagara4 Lab Exercise Guide _— 6. g. Force Password Reset on Next Login: False. h. For the Default Web Profile make these settings; I. Click OK to create the user. Create a third user, user information: a. Name: Joe b. Full Name: Joe Cool Cc. Assign the AdminLevel role d. Unit Conversion: Metric ©. Password: Snoopy12345 fF. Force Password Reset on Next Login: False g. For the Default Web Profile make these settings: 1 RTE ——— trav wvesnovnn (Ste trace twsarte [Sra Tt h. Click OK to create the user. Create a fourth user, user information: a, User name: nnuser (Remember! Case sensttive!) b. No full name, ¢. Admin role assignment. d. Unit Conversion: none. e. Leave the Web Profile settings at the defaults. f. Force Password Reset: False g. password = Niagaral23. h. Click OK to create the user. After completing the creation of the users, Disconnect from the station (right-click the station in the Nav SideBar and choose Disconnect), Sign on to the station as JohnG. When prompted to change your password, change it to Wh01sJOhnGalt. Review the following parts of the station to see how the view and options have changed: Moy 11,2017 Oeservices NNiagared Technical Cemfication Program niagara4 Lab Exercise Guide —_ 10. Sign off from the station, then sign on to the station as Nikkiek. Review the following parts of the station to see how the view and options have changed: 11. Sign off as NikkieK and sign on as Joe. 78 If you can see the User Service, can you modify John’s Default Workbench Profile settings? 5. Can you see the Category Service in the Services directory in the station? ©. Double-click the BoilerControl folder, check the View menu, can you see the Wire Shai? (you need Admin read/write permissions to see a wire sheet) Open the AXPropertyShest of the folder. 9. Expand the view of Boiler_1. Can you see the Fallback slot? [yo @. In the PumpControl folder, can you put the HotWaterPumo_1 point in manual mode (using the Actons menu) Nit f. In the folder, can you modify the BooleanSchedule? g. Can you see the Files directory in the station? h. Expand the Alarm Service component in the Nav SideBar, Double-click the AlLAlarms Console bel &lAlam contole console recipient. Can you acknowledge an Alarm? Can you Force Clear an Alarm? |. Locate the occupiedCool Setpoint for the VAVOI contraller in your LON network. Can you ‘change the setpoint (use the Actions / Set command if you can)? Can you override the currentState point in VAVOI? “12>. — a. Can you modify John’s Default Workbench Profile settings? b. Double-click the BoilerContral folder, check the View menu, can you See the Wire Sheet? (you need Acmin read/write permissions to see wire sheet) Open the AXPropertySheet of the folder. ©. Expand the view of Boiler_1. Can you see the Fallback slot? 4 In the PumaControl folder, can you put the HotWaterPump_1 point in manual mode (using the Actions menu) 2. Can you modify the BooleanSchedule? {. Can you see the Files directory in the station? Open the All_Alarms Console Be AlLAlums comole console recipient, Can you acknowledge an Alarm? Can you Force Gear an Alarm? h. Locate the Occupied Cooling Setpoint for the VAVO1 controller in your LON network. Can You change the setpoint (use the Actions / Set command if you can)? i. Can you override the Current State point in VAVO1> 2. Review the following parts of the station to s2e how the view and options have changed: b. In User Service, could you modify Joe’s Unit Conversion setting? © Can you see the Category Service in the Services directory in the station? —_ ¢. Can you open the Files directory? & Double-click the PumpControl folder, can you sea the Wire Sheet? (you need Admin read/write permissions to see a wire sheet) f, Expand the view of HotWaterPump_1. Can you see the Fallback slot? 9. In the PumpControl folder, can you put the HotWaterFump_1 point in manual mede (using the Actions menu) hf you do see the Actions menu, can you put the point in Emergency Override? May +1, 2017 DFFiscavices Nagara4 Technical Certification Program niagara4 Lab Exercise Guide a |. In the PumpControl folder, can you modify the PumpSchecule? J. Can you expand the Files directory in the station? k. Expand the Alarm Service component in the Nav SideBar. Double-click the All_Alarms {be al Alarms. console console recipient. Can you see any alarms? If so, can you acknowledge them? |. Right-click any alarm. Do you see the Force Clear option? m. Can you successfully save the station? 12. Sign off as Joe and sign back on as admin (user name = admin, password = Super12345). ~ Biietory & Wining 13. Open the Audit History file AM sucittistoy and review the history for the users signing in and out of the station. (End of lab, Backup your Station and stop here) "3 May 11, 2017 ORT services

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