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Article · October 2019

DOI: 10.5419/bjpg2019-0013


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2 authors:

Patrick V. Mangili Victor R. Ruiz Ahón

Universidade Federal Fluminense Universidade Federal Fluminense


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BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593



Mangili, P. V. 1; a Ahón, V. R. R.

Fluminense Federal University, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Niterói - RJ - Brazil
Received: 15.01.2019 / Revised: 10.07.2019 / Accepted: 17.07.2019 / Published on line: 08.10.2019

Pressure-Volume-Temperature correlations are essential for estimating the required parameters
necessary for the identification of reservoir fluid properties when experimental laboratory data are not
readily available. Although several models have been published for different oil fields, there is a lack of
studies addressing the Brazilian pre-salt region. Hence, in this paper we compared twenty empirical
correlations for the determination of the solution gas-oil ratio, oil formation-volume-factor, and under-
saturated oil viscosity for Brazilian pre-salt oil samples collected from the Campos Basin region, originally
evaluated by Elias and Trevisan (2016). From our statistical results, some models presented good
estimation performances when compared to said reference’s results. In fact, through a statistical analysis,
Al-Shammasi (2001)’s correlation proved to be the best estimation method for solution gas-oil ratio,
whereas Al-Marhoun (1985) and Beal’s (1946) correlations were deemed the most accurate for the
prediction of oil formation-volume-factor and under-saturated oil viscosity, respectively.

Campos Basin; oil formation-volume-factor; PVT correlations; gas-oil ratio solution; under-saturated oil

To whom all correspondence should be addressed.
Address: Fluminense Federal University, Department of Chemical and Petroleum Engineering, Niterói - RJ - Brazil.
ZIP Code: 24210-240 | e-mail: pmangili@id.uff.br

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

1. INTRODUCTION Elias and Trevisan (2016). To the best of our

knowledge, such a comparison has not yet been
The oil and gas industry may be deemed one of performed for pre-salt reservoir fluids and,
the most dynamic engineering spheres to be specifically, from the Campos Basin region.
studied. This is due to not only the wearying
technical knowledge required to provide the In the next section, a brief revision regarding
community with fine, daily life-demand the main correlations is presented. In Section 3, we
commodities but also the wavy behavior associated describe the procedures for calculating Pb, Bo and
with such an industry. In fact, the Management μo, as well as the comparison approach, whereas in
Centre Europe (2018) stated that the petroleum Section 4 we discuss the results. Finally, in Section
market has been facing notable oscillations in the 5, we summarize the main findings and provide
last decades, especially with regard to the new some suggestions for future studies.
finds – which are located more frequently in
remote areas – and the changes in supply and
demand necessities driven mainly by population
growth, globalization, and climate change.

In light of such dynamics, the oil and gas 2.1 PVT properties
companies have been committed to either As previously discussed, reservoir engineers
developing new techniques or improving already-
frequently are challenged to design production
existing strategies to produce the so-called “black
facilities to process crude oil so as to achieve the
gold.” Therefore, understanding the phase
highest economic performance. They must,
behavior of hydrocarbons present in the reservoir
therefore, understand the phase behavior of
is of utmost importance, since it is highly necessary
hydrocarbons throughout the entire lifetime of the
for process design (Rasouli et al., 2008), evaluation reservoir and be able to estimate fluid properties
of reservoir performance (Elsharkawy et al., 1995),
that depend on different conditions of
and field development (Torabi et al., 2014). The temperature and pressure. According to Ahmed
thermodynamic behavior of petroleum fluids can
(2010), these properties are determined preferably
be determined through Pressure-Volume- through laboratory analyses that consist in
Temperature (PVT) tests, which are conducted on
studying the volumetric behavior of live oil
laboratory samples collected in situ. PVT analyses
samples, which are, then, characterized by being
are essential for providing the required parameters
subjected to several pressure level changes in a
necessary for the identification of reservoir fluid
PVT cell.
properties such as bubble point pressure (Pb),
solution gas-oil ratio (Rs), and oil formation- The results obtained from experimental PVT
volume-factor (Bo) (Karimnezhad et al., 2014; tests are essential for geophysics and engineers to
Salehinia et al., 2016). Nevertheless, PVT analyses perform material balance calculations and
depend on experimental data that may not be reservoir simulation studies, identify potential
readily available. In this regard, empirical risks, determine reserve recovery, and develop
correlations may be conveniently useful for production plans (Mansour et al., 2013; Potsch et
estimating such parameters, which can be carried al., 2017). For this reason, oil samples must
out by using field measured data such as preserve the same characteristics as their original
temperature, oil gravity, and gas density, among formation to provide reliable, high quality data,
others (Gharbi & Elsharkawy, 2003). and, thus, “reduce uncertainty” and “improve
investment efficiency” (Nnabuo et al., 2014).
This paper aims to demonstrate the significance
of applying PVT correlations in the estimation of However, as mentioned earlier, experimental
reservoir fluid properties in the absence of data may not be available, especially due to the
laboratory data. We compared twenty empirical inaccessibility of samples during the early project
correlations for the determination of the solution stage when only surface tests are carried out.
gas-oil ratio, oil formation-volume-factor and Hence, the lack of laboratory measurements led
under-saturated viscosity (μo) for oil samples from practitioners to use empirical correlations for
Brazilian pre-salt reserves originally evaluated by estimating the volumetric behavior of reservoir

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

Table 1. Examples of PVT correlations .

Model Parameter Location

Katz (1942) Bo North America
Standing (1947) Pb and Bo California
Elam (1957) Pb and Bo Texas
Lasater (1958) Pb U.S.A. and Canada
Knopp and Ramsey (1960) Bo and Rs Venezuela
Caixerio (1976) Bo Brazil
Glasø (1980) Pb and Bo North Sea
Vazquez and Beggs (1980) μod, Pb, Bo and Rs Global data bank
Al-Marhoun (1985) Pb and Bo Middle East
Obomanu and Okpobiri (1987) Bo and Rs Nigeria
Abdul-Majeed and Salman (1988) Bo Iraq
Dokla and Osman (1992) Pb and Bo United Arab Emirates
Petrosky and Farshad (1993) Pb, Bo and Rs Gulf of Mexico
Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt (1994) μod, Co, Pb and Bo Global data bank
μod: Dead oil viscosity. Co: Under-saturated oil compressibility.

fluids in terms of different pressure and visualization of the first bubbles or graphically in a
temperature conditions (Asadisaghandi & pressure to volume (PV) diagram, as shown in
Tahmasebi, 2011; Karimnezhad et al., 2014). Said Figure 1. The PV diagram is obtained through
models have been used widely for estimating Constant Composition Expansion experiments. Red
reservoir fluid properties, comparing data with and blue curves correspond to the two-phase and
laboratory results to identify associated errors and one-phase regions, respectively, whereas the
determine the quality of samples. inflection point represents the value of Pb.

Numerous studies regarding the foundation of The oil formation volume factor, in turn, refers
PVT correlations have been developed, among to the total volume of oil required to produce one
which some examples are disclosed in Table 1. We barrel under standard conditions, i.e. at 60° F and
note that the majority of the correlations published
so far refer to North American fields, where the oil
industry started to develop since the first oil well
drilling in 1859. We can also observe that bubble
point pressure, solution gas-oil ratio, and oil
formation-volume-factor received the most
attention due to the fact that, according to
Olatunji, Selamat, & Raheem (2011), “they are the
most essential factors in reservoir and production

According to Ahmed (2010), the bubble point

pressure refers to the pressure at which the first
gas bubble is formed as the mixture is expanded
isothermally. It is measured usually through Figure 1. Generic PV diagram.
laboratory tests and determined either by the

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

V 
R = (2)
 Vo 
s SC

Plot results related to Rs data are also obtained

through Differential Liberation experiments, as
depicted in Figure 3, which shows the dependence
of Rs on the pressure. Red and blue curves
represent the two-phase and one-phase regions,
respectively, while the inflection point refers to the
value of the solution gas-oil ratio at the bubble
Figure 2. Generic chart for Bo dependence on the point (Rsb) (Ahmed, 2010). Rs is constant above Pb
pressure. since all the gas to be produced is dissolved totally
in the liquid phase. Below Pb, in turn, the volume of
dissolved gas – and hence Rs – increases as the
14.7 psia, according to the American Petroleum pressure increases.
Institute. It can be determined as shown in Although the development of empirically
Equation 1, in which VR corresponds to the volume derived correlations allowed engineers to
of oil and dissolved gas under reservoir overcome possible issues of unavailability and
temperature (T) and pressure (P), and Vo denotes unreliability associated with laboratory analyses,
the volume of oil under standard conditions (SC) usually, they are not deemed as fully accurate.
(Mahdiani & Kooti, 2016). Various correlations have poor prediction for some
points and are not flexible to be tunned globally
 VR T,P due to differences in fluid characteristics, which
Bo = (1)
 Vo 
vary for each location (Rafiee-Taghanaki et al.,
2013). In this regard, researches started to apply
Plot results related to Bo data are obtained computer-based techniques for predicting PVT
through Differential Liberation experiments, as properties due to their precision, speed and ability
shown in Figure 2, which illustrates how such to process large data sets in a fast way, especially
variable is affected by the pressure. Red and blue in the cases where the fluid composition is known.
curves refer to the two and one-phase regions, This is particularly true in the case of studies that
respectively, while the inflection point corresponds deal with modeling and tuning equations of state
to the value of the formation volume factor at the (EOS), which have been usually carried out to
bubble point (Bob) (Rasouli et al., 2008). We describe phase behavior and fluid PVT properties
observed that below Pb, as the pressure increases,
the liquid phase becomes richer in dissolved gas,
increasing VR. On the other hand, above Pb the gas
is interpreted as being completely dissolved and,
therefore, Bo becomes nearly constant since it
depends solely on the compressibility of the liquid
phase (Pedersen et al., 2015).

Finally, the solution gas-oil ratio (Rs) is defined

as the measure of the volume of dissolved gas in
relation to the volume of oil produced. It can be
calculated as given by Equation 2, where Vg and Vo
denote the volume of dissolved gas produced and
the volume of oil in the stock tank, respectively;
both under standard conditions (SC) (Pedersen et Figure 3. Generic chart for Rs dependence on the
al., 2015). pressure.

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

Figure 4. Brazilian pre-salt layer.

for a wide variety of mixtures from different meters below sea level; in ultra-deep water (about
regions (Mansour et al., 2013; Ahmadi et al., 2,000 meters); and under a thick salt layer (up to
2019). However, according to Olatunji et al. 2,000 meters) (Magalhães & Domingues, 2014;
(2011), EOS models require well-defined Kutas, 2015), as illustrated in Figure 4.
composition data and depend heavily on fluid
characteristics and tuning procedures. To The total oil volume in such an area is estimated
overcome such drawbacks, numerous practitioners at about 80 billion barrels, which could make Brazil
have resorted to other computational strategies one of the world’s biggest holders of oil reserves
that may include, but are not limited to, artificial (Magalhães & Domingues, 2014). In fact, the pre-
neural networks (Asadisaghandi & Tahmasebi, salt region is comprised of various accumulations,
2011; Talebi et al., 2014; Mahdiani & Kooti, 2016); among which the Campos Basin stands out as the
support vector machine (Rafiee-Taghanaki et al., first discovery and the main sedimentary region
2013; Khamis & Fattah, 2019); and fuzzy logic from the Brazilian coastline to be explored. It has a
systems (Olatunji et al., 2011; Salehinia et al., total area of approximately 100,000 square
2016) among others. Nevertheless, said computer kilometers and currently accounts for 42% of the
techniques present some shortcomings related to total oil production in Brazil (Pré-Sal Petróleo S.A.,
instability and inconsistency when handling 2019).
The exploration of the pre-salt region is not only
2.2 Brazilian Pre-salt unprecedented but also challenging due to the
unfavorable natural conditions. To overcome
In late 90s, the Brazilian oil industry started to technical difficulties, it is a must to employ highly
track down new reserves to perpetuate its experienced professionals, use advanced
production levels. With the development of new technologies, and acquire a vast practical
exploration technologies (e.g. 4D seismic) and after knowledge about the area. In this regard, scientific
sedulous searching operations, the pre-salt layer oil studies play an important role in providing the
was discovered in 2006-2007 by Petróleo Brasileiro information needed to develop new strategies
S.A. (Petrobras) (Johann & Monteiro, 2016). Such towards progress.
milestone has impacted the Country’s economic
and political spheres over the past decade due to
its potential to lead the petroleum industry
towards a significant development. 3. METHODS

The pre-salt layer is located in the Brazilian Various studies regarding the development
exclusive economic zone. It encompasses several and/or evaluation of PVT correlations have been
oil reserves situated up to 300 km from the coast published, which evidence the significance of these
with different depths between 5,000 and 6,000 data to the oil industry. However, most of these

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

Table 2. Range of applicability for solution gas-oil ratio correlations .

Author T (° F) P (psi) γo γg
Standing (1947) 100-258 20-1425 0.72-0.96 0.59-0.95
Glasø (1980) 80-280 90-2637 0.79-0.92 0.65-1.28
Vazquez and Beggs (1980) 75-294 0-2199 0.74-0.96 0.51-1.35
Ostermann and Owolabi (1983) 122-180 515-1802 0.84-0.90 0.85-1.09
Al-Marhoun (1985) 74-240 26-1602 0.80-0.94 0.75-1.37
Obomanu and Okpobiri (1987) 123-190 73-2529 0.81-0.97 0.56-0.93
Farshad et al. (1992) 95-260 6-1645 0.80-0.95 0.66-1.7
Hasan et al. (1993) - - - -
Macary and El-Batanoney (1993) 130-290 200-1200 0.82-0.90 0.7-1.00
Petrosky and Farshad (1993) 114-288 217-1406 0.80-0.96 0.58-0.85
Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt (1994) 75-320 0-2890 0.74-0.97 0.38-1.17
Elsharkawy and Alikhan (1997) 130-250 39-1586 0.81-0.95 0.66-1.27
Levitan and Murtha (1999) 60-250 - 0.70-1.00 0.60-0.90
Al-Shammasi (2001) 74-342 32-7127 0.73-1.03 0.51-3.44
Dindoruk and Christman (2004) 117-276 926-12230 0.83-0.87 0.76-1.03
Hemmati and Kharrat (2007) 78-290 348-5156 0.79-0.94 0.52-1.42
Mazandarani and Asghari (2007) 100-250 1000-6000 0.84-0.90 0.87-1.17
Ikiensikimama and Ajienka (2012) 122-264 67-6560 0.77-0.97 0.56-1.29
Arabloo et al. (2015) 74-361 73-6629 0.75-1.03 0.52-3.44
Jarrahian et al. (2015) 68-330 83-6875 0.77-0.97 0.60-1.53
T: Temperature. P: Pressure. γo: Oil gravity. γg: Gas gravity.

Table 3. Range of applicability for oil formation volume factor correlations .

Author T (° F) Rs (scf/STB) γo γg
Standing (1947) 100-258 20-1425 0.72-0.96 0.59-0.95
Glasø (1980) 80-280 90-2637 0.79-0.92 0.65-1.28
Vazquez and Beggs (1980) 75-294 0-2199 0.74-0.96 0.51-1.35
Al-Marhoun (1985) 74-240 26-1602 0.80-0.94 0.75-1.37
Obomanu and Okpobiri (1987) 123-190 73-2529 0.81-0.97 0.56-0.93
Abdul-Majeed and Salman (1988) 75-290 0-1664 0.74-1.00 -
Labedi (1990) 100-306 13-3533 0.79-0.86 0.70-1.47
Dokla and Osman (1992) 190-275 181-2266 0.82-0.89 0.80-1.29
Farshad et al. (1992) 95-260 6-1645 0.80-0.95 0.66-1.7
Macary and El-Batanoney (1993) 130-290 200-1200 0.82-0.90 0.7-1.00
Omar and Todd (1993) 125-280 142-1440 0.77-0.89 0.61-1.32
Petrosky and Farshad (1993) 114-288 217-1406 0.80-0.96 0.58-0.85
Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt (1994) 75-320 0-2890 0.74-0.97 0.38-1.17
Almehaideb (1997) 190-306 128-3871 0.79-0.87 0.75-1.12
Elsharkawy and Alikhan (1997) 130-250 39-1586 0.81-0.95 0.66-1.27
El-Banbi et al. (2006) 186-312 0-8280 0.74-0.85 0.67-1.14
Karimnezhad et al. (2014) 59-306 9-3299 0.77-1.03 0.62-1.53
Sulaimon (2014) 125-280 142-1440 0.77-0.89 0.04-1.32
Torabi et al. (2014) 60-140 - 0.80-1.03 -
Mahdiani and Kooti (2016) 100-280 104-1439 0.77-0.90 0.61-1.32
T: Temperature. Rs: Solution gas-oil ratio. γo: Oil gravity. γg: Gas gravity.

studies are based on restricted criteria that usually ones best represent the characteristics of the
depend on specific properties of the given region Campos Basin reserves of the Brazilian pre-salt
where the data were retrieved from (Rafiee- region. The models for the estimation of Rs, Bo, and
Taghanaki et al., 2013). Therefore, in this study, we μo studied on the present study are disclosed in
compared different correlations to assert which Appendices A, B, and C, respectively.

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

Table 4. Range of applicability for undersaturated oil viscosity correlations .

Author T (° F) P (psi) Rs (scf/STB) γo

Beal (1946) 100-220 1515-5155 - -
Kouzel (1965) - 407-6000 - -
Vazquez and Beggs (1980) 75-294 141-9515 0-2199 0.74-0.96
Khan et al. (1987) 75-240 0-5000 24-1901 0.80-0.97
Abdul-Majeed et al. (1990) - 711-7112 60-1334 0.78-0.97
Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt (1991) - 25-6015 - 0.74-0.97
Labedi (1992) 100-306 60-6358 13-3533 0.79-0.85
De Ghetto et al. (1994) 80-342 227-15289 9-3299 0.92-1.03
Petrosky and Farshad (1995) - 1585-10235 - 0.80-0.90
Almehaideb (1997) 190-306 501-4822 128-3871 0.79-0.87
Elsharkawy and Alikhan (1999) - 1287-10000 10-3600 0.79-0.94
Dindoruk and Christman (2004) 121-276 926-12230 133-3050 0.83-0.95
Hossain et al. (2005) - 300-3400 - 0.92-1.02
Bergman and Sutton (2006) 32-425 100-25000 0-4631 0.73-1.03
Isehunwa et al. (2006) 124-289 284-9392 43-19149 0.80-0.94
Abedini et al. (2010) 134-272 1325-3485 647-1542 0.82-0.96
Hemmati-Sarapardeh et al. (2013) 205-255 730-12500 - 0.79-0.89
Taghizadeh and Eftekhari (2014) - 940-6015 315-1558 -
Al-Marhoun (2015) - 0-5000 <2000 >0.80
Alqahtani et al. (2018) - 400-3495 - -
T: Temperature. P: Pressure. Rs: Solution gas-oil ratio. γo: Oil gravity.

Table 5. Data ranges considered in this work (according to Elias & Trevisan, 2016) .

Parameter T (° F) P (psi) γo γg
Rs 68-204 711-5759.1 0.71-0.84 0.93-1.13
Bo 68-204 711-5759.1 0.71-0.84 0.93-1.13
μo 68-204 5759.1-9243.0 0.71-0.84 0.93-1.13
T: Temperature. P: Pressure. γo: Oil gravity. γg: Gas gravity.

Yet, one should note that all correlations may The disclosed correlations were compared to
be applicable only depending on specific the experimental data presented by Elias and
parameters. For instance, the equations evaluated Trevisan (2016), who recombined dead oil and
in this paper can only be used for the ranges of synthetic gas to obtain an original pre-salt live oil
temperature, pressure, oil and gas gravities sample. Although the authors stated that they had
disclosed in Tables 2, 3, and 4, respectively. This is analyzed oil samples found in Brazilian pre-salt
due to the fact that such prediction models were reserves in the region of Campos Basin, it seems
originally developed through experimental data that they have opted for not providing further
that were measured under those specific information regarding the respective oil fields due
conditions. The same applies to Elias and to confidentiality purposes. However, one may
Trevisan’s (2016) study, which was based on the infer that the experiments were carried out using
data ranges shown in Table 5. In this regard, it is oil samples that are representative of such a
expected that correlations using ranges of region.
parameters that are different from the respective
ranges considered by said authors may provide The qualitative comparison was carried out by
inaccurate or erroneous results. In addition to said means of crossplots regressions, whereas the
tables, Figures 5, 6, and 7 illustrate the comparison quantitative analysis was performed through the
between the validity ranges of the different calculation of the Average Absolute Relative Error
correlations, and the ranges corresponding to the (AARE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and
experimental data used by the referenced authors. Standard Error of Estimate (SEE), as shown in

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

Equations 3, 4, and 5, respectively (Hossain et al.,

2005; Rafiee-Taghanaki et al., 2013).

100 n  X calc -Xexp 

ARRE=   (3)
n i=1  X exp 
 i

1 n 2
RMSE=    X calc -X exp   (4)
 n i=1 i

 n 
SEE=    X calc -X exp   n  v  1 
 i=1 i

Where n is the number of experimental data

points, Xcalc refers to the calculated value, Xexp
corresponds to the experimental result, and v
denotes the number of independent variables.


Statistical results comparing Rs correlations are
quantitatively given in Table 6. An analysis of the
results shows that Al-Shammasi’s (2001)
correlation predicted the closest values with regard
to Elias and Trevisan’s (2016) data, having an AARE
of 13.7110%, a RMSE of 68.5537, and a SEE of
102.8305. Elsharkawy and Alikhan (1997), Arabloo
et al. (2015), and Jarrahian et al.’s (2015) models
also presented good performances. On the other
hand, Obomanu and Okpobiri’s (1987) model
showed to be the most inadequate for estimating
the solution gas-oil ratio for the Campos Basin oil
samples, since it presented an AARE, a RMSE, and a
SEE as high as 81.9856%, 764.8087, and 1147.2130,
respectively. Levitan and Murtha’s (1999)
correlation also proved to be quite inaccurate,
having an AARE of 55.1526%, a RMSE of 478.4374,
and a SEE of 717.6561.

The accuracy of Al-Shammasi (2001), Arabloo

et al. (2015), and Jarrahian et al.’s (2015) models Figure 5. Ranges for Rs correlations: (a) Temperature;
relates to their respective data ranges, which (b) Pressure; (c) Oil gravity; and (d) Gas gravity.
encompass Elias and Trevisan’s (2016). In fact, as
we can observe from Figure 5, the latter ranges of
temperature, pressure, oil and gas gravities fall Campos Basin data evaluated by the latter.
within the respective ranges of said correlations.
Nevertheless, it is imperative to note that the The results of the Bo correlations, in turn, are
ranges considered by Obomanu and Okpobiri’s shown in Table 7. We note that Al-Marhoun’s
(1987) equation are quite different from the ones (1985) correlation can be considered to be the
used by Elias and Trevisan (2016). Hence, the most representative since it estimated the closest
former cannot be deemed representative of the values to Elias and Trevisan’s (2016) results, having

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

Figure 7. Ranges for μo correlations: (a)

Figure 6. Ranges for Bo correlations: (a) Temperature; Temperature; (b) Pressure; and (c) Oil gravity.
(b) Oil gravity; and (c) Gas gravity.

an AARE, a RMSE, and a SEE as low as 0.4956%, accuracy of Vazquez and Beggs (1980), Al-
0.0116, and 0.0174, respectively. Marhoun (1985), Farshad et al. (1992), and
Almehaideb’s (1997) models can be associated
An analysis of Table 7 points out that models with their respective data ranges, which
presented by Al-Marhoun (1985), Petrosky and encompass the ranges considered by Elias and
Farshad (1993), Vazquez and Beggs (1980), Trevisan’s (2016) work. The ranges considered by
Farshad et al. (1992), and Almehaideb (1997) also Obomanu and Okpobiri (1987), Macary and El-
showed good performances. Once more, Obomanu Batanoney (1993), and Elsharkawy and Alikhan
and Okpobiri’s (1987) equation showed the worst (1997) are significantly different than those studied
prediction of performance, since it has the highest by Elias and Trevisan (2016) and, therefore, are
AARE (66.2463%), RMSE (1.0617), and SEE not representative of the latter’s data.
(1.5926). Other correlations that may be deemed
quite inaccurate for Bo estimation are Macary and Finally, the results of the μo correlations are
El-Batanoney’s (1993) (AARE of 50.3572%, RMSE of disclosed in Table 8. Based on these results we can
0.7562, and SEE of 1.1343) and Elsharkawy and state that Beal’s (1946) model has the best
Alikhan’s (1997) (AARE of 51.9248%, RMSE of performance, having an AARE, a RMSE, and a SEE
0.8703, and SEE of 1.3055). as low as 0.4557%, 0.0034, and 0.0051,
respectively. In addition, Almehaideb (1997) and
Comparably to the analysis of Rs models, the Al-Marhoun’s (2015) correlations also proved to be

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

Table 6. Statistical results for solution gas-oil ratio correlations.


Standing (1947) 19.6280% 124.7095 187.0642
Glasø (1980) 28.4030% 199.2099 298.8148
Vazquez and Beggs (1980) 31.9009% 267.7336 401.6003
Ostermann and Owolabi (1983) 46.3772% 468.4108 702.6162
Al-Marhoun (1985) 23.3597% 124.7855 187.1783
Obomanu and Okpobiri (1987) 81.9856% 764.8087 1147.2130
Farshad et al. (1992) 43.3295% 602.2207 903.3311
Hasan et al. (1993) 26.5825% 183.2466 274.8699
Macary and El-Batanoney (1993) 27.9560% 273.3704 410.0556
Petrosky and Farshad (1993) 26.3081% 206.8251 310.2376
Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt (1994) 27.3881% 250.7344 376.1016
Elsharkawy and Alikhan (1997) 14.5985% 82.9026 124.3540
Levitan and Murtha (1999) 55.1526% 478.4374 717.6561
Al-Shammasi (2001) 13.7110% 68.5537 102.8305
Dindoruk and Christman (2004) 26.4544% 213.1236 319.6854
Hemmati and Kharrat (2007) 19.8919% 155.5240 233.286
Mazandarani and Asghari (2007) 23.1238% 120.0571 180.0857
Ikiensikimama and Ajienka (2012) 40.3765% 469.0397 703.5595
Arabloo et al. (2015) 15.3604% 143.5444 215.3166
Jarrahian et al. (2015) 15.8614% 87.4754 131.213

Table 7. Range of applicability for oil formation volume factor correlations.


Standing (1947) 3.3561% 0.0649 0.0974
Glasø (1980) 2.7454% 0.0461 0.0692
Vazquez and Beggs (1980) 1.8727% 0.0390 0.0585
Al-Marhoun (1985) 0.4956% 0.0116 0.0174
Obomanu and Okpobiri (1987) 66.2463% 1.0617 1.5926
Abdul-Majeed and Salman (1988) 6.0462% 0.0942 0.1413
Labedi (1990) 2.5189% 0.0482 0.0723
Dokla and Osman (1992) 27.8514% 0.3964 0.5945
Farshad et al. (1992) 1.5888% 0.0240 0.0360
Macary and El-Batanoney (1993) 50.3572% 0.7562 1.1343
Omar and Todd (1993) 18.7229% 0.3017 0.4525
Petrosky and Farshad (1993) 0.8511% 0.0140 0.0210
Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt (1994) 28.3971% 0.4525 0.6788
Almehaideb (1997) 1.4679% 0.0285 0.0428
Elsharkawy and Alikhan (1997) 51.9248% 0.8703 1.3055
El-Banbi et al. (2006) 15.5575% 0.2965 0.4448
Karimnezhad et al. (2014) 2.2410% 0.0371 0.0556
Sulaimon (2014) 16.5538% 0.2645 0.3967
Torabi et al. (2014) 3.2751% 0.0522 0.0784
Mahdiani and Kooti (2016) 4.3533% 0.0761 0.1141

representative of Elias and Trevisan’s (2016) data, for μo estimation are Hossain et al. (2005),
since their statistical errors were quite low. Isehunwa et al. (2006), and Abedini et al.’s (2010).
Elsharkawy and Alikhan’s (1999) equation,
however, can be deemed the worst model for One can verify that, in the case of μo, the
predicting the under-saturated oil viscosity of the performance of PVT models does not seem to be
Campos Basin samples due to its significant errors strictly dependent on their respective data ranges.
(AARE of 16.2215%, RMSE of 0.1468, and SEE of Figure 7 shows that the aforementioned
0.2203). Other correlations that, due to large correlations, including the best ones, have different
errors, may not be considered as representatives ranges from the ones proposed by Elias and

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

Table 8. Statistical results for under-saturated oil viscosity correlations.


Beal (1946) 0.4557% 0.0034 0.0051
Kouzel (1965) 2.9965% 0.0284 0.0426
Vazquez and Beggs (1980) 2.1124% 0.0194 0.0292
Khan et al. (1987) 4.1631% 0.0396 0.0594
Abdul-Majeed et al. (1990) 2.0588% 0.0184 0.0276
Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt (1991) 4.2633% 0.0403 0.0604
Labedi (1992) 2.3359% 0.0223 0.0335
De Ghetto et al. (1994) 4.0243% 0.0355 0.0533
Petrosky and Farshad (1995) 3.7108% 0.0326 0.0490
Almehaideb (1997) 0.6473% 0.0055 0.0082
Elsharkawy and Alikhan (1999) 16.2215% 0.1468 0.2203
Dindoruk and Christman (2004) 2.3349% 0.0185 0.0278
Hossain et al. (2005) 4.9473% 0.0439 0.0659
Bergman and Sutton (2006) 2.4147% 0.0188 0.0282
Isehunwa et al. (2006) 4.9385% 0.0470 0.0706
Abedini et al. (2010) 6.4906% 0.0580 0.0870
Hemmati-Sarapardeh et al. (2013) 2.6063% 0.0248 0.0372
Taghizadeh and Eftekhari (2014) 3.2091% 0.0304 0.0457
Al-Marhoun (2015) 0.6062% 0.0053 0.0079
Alqahtani et al. (2018) 3.2577% 0.0263 0.0394

Trevisan (2016). It is worth highlighting that, in this references evaluated data sets with compositions
article, we aimed at comparing the behavior of similar to the ones found for Elias and Trevisan’s
generic PVT correlations when estimating fluid (2016) samples.
properties of the Campos Basin fluid samples,
The qualitative analysis for the comparison of
instead of calibrating the parameters and/or
Rs, Bo, and μo correlations with Elias and Trevisan’s
developing specific models.
(2016) data was then performed through the
It is worth pointing out that the correlations crossplots illustrated in Figures 8, 9, and 10,
that best predicted Rs for the Campos Basin oil respectively. Regarding the solution gas-oil ratio,
samples were developed originally for different most models resulted in under-predicted data,
fields. For instance, Al-Shammasi (2001), Arabloo while Farshad et al. (1992), Macary and El-
et al. (2015), and Jarrahian et al. (2015) carried out Batanoney (1993), Ikiensikimama and Ajienka
their evaluation on the basis of global data sets, (2012), and Arabloo et al. (2015) over-estimated
while Elsharkawy and Alikhan (1997) evaluated the values for higher pressures. In relation to the
samples from Kuwait. In relation to Bo, Al-Marhoun oil formation volume factor, in turn, Abdul-Majeed
(1985) and Almehaideb (1997) analyzed and Salman (1988), Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt
experimental data from the Middle East region, (1994), Omar and Todd (1993), El-Banbi et al.
whereas Petrosky and Farshad (1993) based their (2006), and Sulaimon (2014) under-predicted the
analysis on samples obtained in the Gulf of Mexico experimental data, whereas Dokla and Osman
area. Farshad et al. (1992) and Vazquez and Beggs (1992), Elsharkawy and Alikhan (1997), Obomanu
(1980), in turn, used oil samples from Colombian and Okpobiri (1987), Macary and El-Batanoney
fields and global data sets, respectively. Finally, (1993), and Mahdiani and Kooti (2016) presented
regarding the predictions of μo, Beal’s (1946) over-estimated results. Finally, with regard to
model was based on data retrieved in the United under-saturated oil viscosity, Abdul-Majeed et al.
States, while Almehaideb (1997) and Al-Marhoun (1990), Kartoatmodji and Schmidt (1991), Labedi
(2015) developed their equations on the basis of (1992), and Hemmati-Sarapardeh et al. (2013)
samples from the United Arab Emirates. This provided under-predicted results, while Kouzel
corroborates Danesh’s (1998) statement (1965), Khan et al. (1987), De Ghetto et al. (1994),
concerning the fact that petroleum properties do Petrosky and Farshad (1995), Elsharkawy and
not depend on the reserve location itself, but Alikhan (1999), Hossain et al. (2005), Isehunwa et
instead on fluid composition and reservoir al. (2006), and Abedini et al.’s (2010) models
conditions. Hence, it is possible that said resulted in over-predicted data.

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

Figure 8. Crossplots for Rs correlations (Part 1).

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

Figure 8. Crossplots for Rs correlations (Part 2).

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

Figure 9. Crossplots for Bo correlations (Part 1).

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

Figure 9. Crossplots for Bo correlations (Part 2).

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

Figure 10. Crossplots for μo correlations (Part 1).

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

Figure 10. Crossplots for μo correlations (Part 2).

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

In accordance with the quantitative results To the best of knowledge, most of the
disclosed in Tables 6, 7, and 8, we verify that Al- published contributions encompassing the
Marhoun (1985), Al-Shammasi (2001) and Beal’s presence of high CO2 contents in oil mixtures refer
(1946) correlations clearly are almost perfectly fit to equation of state modeling (Elias et al., 2014),
onto their respective equality reference lines. assessment of CO2-oil miscibility pressure
Therefore, they can be considered as the best (Shokrollahi et al., 2015), and development of
models for estimating Rs, Bo, and μo of oils from the specific CO2-dead oil viscosity and solubility models
Campos Basin considered by Elias and Trevisan (e.g. Welker & Dunlop, 1963; Simon & Graue,
(2016), respectively. Although current practices 1965; Barclay & Mishra, 2016). In this context,
frequently use computational methods for future studies should focus on considering the CO2
performing calculations, simple equation forms composition either as an independent variable in
may be preferred. In this regard, Elsharkawy and empirical correlations or as a validity range within
Alikhan’s (1997) model may be selected for Rs which such models could be well-represented.
estimation, while Almehaideb’s (1997) correlation Nevertheless, compositional modeling and
may be used to provide good and easy estimates simulation would be preferable since the accuracy
for Bo. In terms of μo correlations, Beal’s (1946) of PVT correlations depend highly on the specific
model may be already deemed the simplest. geographical regions from where the oil mixtures
are retrieved, which may render them fairly
It is noteworthy that most of the correlations laborious work due to the necessity of acquiring an
studied in this paper presented large statistical extensive amount of field data.
errors because the analysis of the present work
was carried out in a relatively limited range of data.
Such errors could be reduced through the
development of specific models for pre-salt fluids. 5. CONCLUSIONS
More specifically, the development of models for
oils from the Campos Basin region – which would Bubble point pressure, solution gas-oil ratio,
be performed by calibrating the parameters of the and oil formation volume factor are interpreted as
respective equations. However, a more substantial being the most relevant parameters for reservoir
amount of experimental data would be necessary. engineering and field development. Such PVT data
may be acquired either from laboratory analysis or,
In addition, a possible reason for obtaining such in case of its absence, through empirical
large errors may be related to the high contents of correlations.
CO2 in pre-salt reserves, which vary from about 8%
(e.g. Tupi reserve, according to Beltrão et al., 2009) Numerous models have been proposed for
to approximately 44% (e.g. Libra field, according to different oil types and reserves around the world.
Arinelli et al., 2015). The presence of carbon However, there is a lack of studies regarding the
dioxide in oil reservoirs influences strongly the Brazilian pre-salt region. Specifically, since it has
phase equilibria of such mixtures since CO2 is reshaped the Brazil’s economy and has the
soluble with crude oil (much more than other potential of making it one of the world’s biggest
conventional gases), especially when the former’s holders of oil reserves. Hence, we compared
density increases due to compression. As discussed twenty empirical correlations for the
by Mansour et al. (2019), high-pressure CO2 determination of the under-saturated oil viscosity,
dissolves in the oil, swells it, and reduces its solution gas-oil ratio, and oil formation volume
viscosity, increasing dramatically the gas solubility factor of oil samples from the Campos Basin
and the drive energy available to reservoir reserves in the Brazilian pre-salt region originally
production. For this particular reason, and evaluated by Elias & Trevisan (2016). The results
considering environmental issues, re-injection of obtained by the authors were tested against each
CO2 has become an important strategy for correlation to determine the model with the best
enhanced oil recovery. It is therefore safe to say prediction of performance.
that PVT correlations that do not account for
The qualitative comparison was performed by
higher carbon dioxide compositions tend to
plotting the data in regression crossplots, whereas
estimate over-predicted μo data and under-
the quantitative analysis was carried out through
predicted Rs values.
the calculation of the Average Absolute Relative

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

Error (AARE), Root Mean Square Error (RMSE), and Volume of oil and dissolved gas under
Standard Error of Estimate (SEE). From our results, reservoir conditions
and with regard to the Campos Basin fluids, Al- Xcalc Calculated value
Shammasi’s (2001) correlation proved to be the
best estimation model for solution gas-oil ratio, Xexp Experimental result
whereas Al-Marhoun (1985) and Beal’s (1946)
correlations were deemed the most accurate for Greek symbols
the prediction of oil formation volume factor and
under-saturated oil viscosity, respectively. Oil API gravity
Although the analysis of the present work was
γg Gas gravity
carried out in terms of a relatively limited range of
data, it is believed that the purpose of providing a γo Oil gravity
statistical comparison and defining the known μo Under-saturated oil viscosity
correlations for predicting PVT properties of pre-
salt fluids from the Campos Basin area could be μob Bubble-point oil viscosity
appropriately achieved. Nevertheless, future works μod Dead oil viscosity
should aim at gathering a more substantial amount
of laboratory data to develop a specific model for
such fluids.
AARE Average Absolute Relative Error
ACKNOWLEDGMENTS API American Petroleum Institute

This study was financed in part by the Coordenação CAPES Coordenação de Aperfeiçoamento de
de Aperfeiçoamento de Pessoal de Nível Superior - Pessoal de Nível Superior
Brasil (CAPES) - Finance Code 001.
PVT Pressure-Volume-Temperature
RMSE Root Mean Square Error

SYMBOLS SEE Standard Error of Estimate

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0.03008P 0.927 g2.15 1.27
Rs 

100.811T 0.497

APPENDIX A where γg = gas gravity, P = pressure (psi), γAPI = oil

API gravity, T = temperature (° F).
Solution gas-oil ratio correlations
Farshad et al. (1992)
Standing (1947)
0.30581.9013*log  X  0.26 log  X  

 P 
1.2048 10  

Rs   g   1.4 100.0125 API 0.00091T 460 
 18.2   X   g1.378 Rs1.053100.00069T 4600.0208 API
where γg = gas gravity, P = pressure (psi), γAPI = oil
where γg = gas gravity, P = pressure (psi), γAPI = oil
API (American Petroleum Institute) gravity, T =
temperature (° F). API gravity, T = temperature (° R).

Glasø (1980) Hasan et al. (1993)

 
Rs   0.0546 P  2.2  0.00091T 0.0125 API 

  API  2.8869 14.18113.3093log  P 0.5 
 
Rs   g   0.172 
10  10
  10 
  
 T  460   

where γg = gas gravity, P = pressure (psi), γAPI = oil where γg = gas gravity, P = pressure (psi), γAPI = oil
API gravity, T = temperature (° R). API gravity, T = temperature (° F).

Vazquez and Beggs (1980) Macary and El-Batanoney (1993)

  Psep   C2   API  


Rs  C1 g 1  5.912 105  API Tsep  460  log10    P exp CR3s  0.0049
 4.7927 
  114.7      
T exp  0.00077T  0.0097 API  0.4003 g 

 Psep   C2    API   where γg = gas gravity, P = pressure (psi), γAPI = oil

log10    P exp C3  
 114.7    T  API gravity, T = temperature (° F).

where C1 = 0.0362, C2 = 1.0937, C3 = 25.724, γg = Petrosky and Farshad (1993)

gas gravity, Psep = separator pressure (psia), P =
pressure (psia), γAPI = oil API gravity, T =  P  4 1.541
 5 T  460 
1.3911 
Rs    12.34   g0.8439107.91610  API 4.56110 
temperature (° R), Tsep = separator temperature  112.727  

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

where γg = gas gravity, P = pressure (psi), γAPI = oil where γg = gas gravity, P = pressure (psi), γo = oil
API gravity, T = temperature (° R). gravity, T = temperature (° R).

Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt (1994) Ikiensikimama and Ajienka (2012)

Rs   0.059155P  1.40573100.0128746 API 0.000913115T 

13.1405 API 1.23153

Rs  P1.001402 0.05958 g0.797210 T

where P = pressure (psi), γAPI = oil API gravity, T =

where γg = gas gravity, P = pressure (psi), γAPI = oil temperature (° F).
API gravity, T = temperature (° R).
Arabloo et al. (2015)
Elsharkawy and Alikhan (1997) 1.091273
   API   1 
5.651436 0.095371 
 T 
5000 6.102089e9   P     
 
1.2179  0.4636 API  
   API  50    g  5   T  500  

Rs   g P1.1802610  T  Rs  1.091273
   API   1 
5.651436 0.095371 
 T 
1  6.102089e 9  P  
   API  50    g  5   
 T  500  
where γg = gas gravity, P = pressure (psi), γAPI = oil  
where γg = gas gravity, P = pressure (psi), γAPI = oil
API gravity, T = temperature (° R).
API gravity, T = temperature (° F).
Levitan and Murtha (1999)
Jarrahian et al. (2015)
1.5 1.1765
Rs   g 805.887 P 1.5
o T  1.21255
 
 
where γg = gas gravity, P = pressure (psi), γo = oil 33.382 P g0.448067
Rs   
gravity, T = temperature (° R).  3.32023  0.542446 g  1.074756 
 o exp  T 
  o  
Al-Shammasi (2001)
where γg = gas gravity, P = pressure (psi), γAPI = oil
Rs  exp 1.841408 g  o  P o5.527215 g0.783716T 0.783716 

API gravity, T = temperature (° R).

where γg = gas gravity, P = pressure (psi), γo = oil
gravity, T = temperature (° R).

Dindoruk and Christman (2004) APPENDIX B

 P   Oil formation-volume-factor correlations
Rs    28.10133245   1.57905016
g 10 X 
 3.35975497  
Standing (1947)
4.86996 106  API  9.9251103 T  460 
5.730982539 1.776179364

X 2
 2 API
    g 0.5 

 44.2500268  0.744335673 
 P  Bo  0.9759  0.00012  Rs    1.25T 
   o  
where γg = gas gravity, P = pressure (psi), γAPI = oil
API gravity, T = temperature (° R). where γg = gas gravity, γo = oil gravity, T =
temperature (° F), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB).
Hemmati and Kharrat (2007)
Glasø (1980)
Rs  0.1769 1.0674
g  o5.0956T 0.1394 P 
Bo  1  10 X
where γg = gas gravity, P = pressure (psi), γo = oil
gravity, T = temperature (° F).  g  0.526
 
X  6.58511  2.91329log  Rs    0.968T   0.27683log  R
Mazandarani and Asghari (2007)   o   
  
     g 0.526 
T R g 

X  6.58511 o
2.113367 1.4556 5.48944 1.90488
Rs  994.3718 P  2.91329log     Rs    0.968T 
s  0.968T 0.27683log
  o     o  
   

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

where γg = gas gravity, γo = oil gravity, T = where γg = gas gravity, γo = oil gravity, T =
temperature (° F), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB). temperature (° R), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB).

Vazquez and Beggs (1980) Farshad et al. (1992)

 
Bo  1  102.65410.557log X 0.333log X 

 
  API  (C  C R )
Bo  1  C1 Rs  (T  520) 
  P  
2 3 s

  g 1  5.921 105   API  Tsep  460  log  sep   

 

 114.7    X  Rs0.5956 g0.2369 o1.3282  0.0976T

where γg = gas gravity, γo = oil gravity, T =

where C1 = 4.68x10-4, C2 = 1.75x10-5, C3 = -1.81x10-8, temperature (° F), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB).
γg = gas gravity, Psep = separator pressure (psia), γAPI
= oil API gravity, T = temperature (° R), Tsep = Macary and El-Batanoney (1993)
separator temperature (° R), Rs = gas-oil ratio
(scf/STB). Bo  (1.0031  0.0008T )  exp(0.0004 Rs  0.0006 )
Al-Marhoun (1985)
where γg = gas gravity, γo = oil gravity, T =
Bo  0.497069  0.000862693T  0.00182594 X  0.0000031809 X 2 temperature (° R), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB).
X  Rs0.74239 g0.323294 o1.20204
Omar and Todd (1993)
where γg = gas gravity, γo = oil gravity, T =
 g  0.5

temperature (° R), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB). Bo  0.972  0.0001472  Rs    1.125T X 
  o  
 
Obomanu and Okpobiri (1987)
 g 
0.79 X  1.166  0.000762  0.0399 g
Bo  1.0232  0.0001065  Rs   1.8T  460   g
  o 
where γg = gas gravity, γo = oil gravity, T =
where γg = gas gravity, γo = oil gravity, T = temperature (° F), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB).
temperature (K), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB).
Petrosky and Farshad (1993)
Abdul-Majeed and Salman (1988)
 5
  g0.2914  
Bo  0.563427  7.73 10 T  4.814110 X  6.8987 10 5 10 2 Bo  1.0113  7.2046 10  Rs0.3738  0.6265   0.24626T 0.5371 
X  
  o  

X  Rs1.2 g0.147 o5.222 where γg = gas gravity, γo = oil gravity, T =

temperature (° F), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB).
where γg = gas gravity, γo = oil gravity, T =
temperature (° R), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB). Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt (1994)
Labedi (1990) Bo  0.98496  0.0001 Rs0.755 g0.25 o1.5  0.45T 
   g 0.5  where γg = gas gravity, γo = oil gravity, T =
Bo  0.9897  0.0001364  Rs    1.25T 
   o   temperature (° F), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB).

where γg = gas gravity, γo = oil gravity, T = Almehaideb (1997)

temperature (° F), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB). T
Bo  1.122  0.00000141Rs
Dokla and Osman (1992)  o2

Bo  0.408345  1.56667 103 T  1.39775 10 3 X  380525 10 6 X 2 where γo = oil gravity, T = temperature (° F), Rs =
gas-oil ratio (scf/STB).
X  Rs0.773572 g0.40402 o0.882605

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

Elsharkawy and Alikhan (1997) APPENDIX C

 Rs (T  60) g 
Bo  1  4.0428 104 Rs  6.3802 10 4 (T  60)  7.8 10 6 
o  Under-saturated oil viscosity correlations
 
Beal (1946)
where γg = gas gravity, γo = oil gravity, T =
temperature (° F), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB).
o  ob  0.001 P  Pb   0.024ob
 0.038ob

El-Banbi et al. (2006)
   g 0.5  where μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), P =
Bo  47.23  8.833  Rs    1.325T   36.6 pressure (psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi).
   o  
Kouzel (1965)
where γg = gas gravity, γo = oil gravity, T =
temperature (° F), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB). o  ob exp  5.50318 105  3.77163 105 ob0.278   P  Pb 

Karimnezhad et al. (2014) where μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), P =

X pressure (psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi).
   

Bo  1.166  Rs o 
 4.4 10 ( RsT ) 0.894

    Vazquez and Beggs (1980)
  g  
o  ob  P / Pb 

X T 0.044
 
1.52 0.161
o g

X  2.6 P1.187 exp  8.95 105 P  11.513

where γg = gas gravity, γo = oil gravity, T =
temperature (° R), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB).
where μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), P =
Sulaimon (2014) pressure (psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi).

g 
Khan et al. (1987)
Bo  0.0000009 Rs   T   1.0367
 o  o  ob  exp 9.6 105  P  Pb 
where γg = gas gravity, γo = oil gravity, T =
where μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), P =
temperature (° F), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB).
pressure (psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi).
Torabi et al. (2014)
Abdul-Majeed et al. (1990)
Bo  0.733  0.000014P  0.00842 API  0.00053Rs X 5.21061.11log 6.894757 P  Pb 
o  ob  1000 10
where P = pressure (psi), γAPI = oil API gravity, T =
temperature (° F), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB). X  1.9311  0.89941ln  Rs   0.001194 API
 0.0092545 API ln  R

(2016) 0.89941ln  Rs   0.001194 API

X  1.9311
Mahdiani and Kooti 2
 0.0092545 API ln  Rs 

Bo  1.1292  0.67343  8.3272 106 T 2  0.00053679Rwhere μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), P =
s  0.0019306T
(T  g )2 pressure (psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi), γAPI
 8.3272 106 T 2  0.00053679Rs  0.0019306T = oil API gravity, Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB).

Kartoatmodjo and Schmidt (1991)

where γg = gas gravity, T = temperature (° F), Rs =
gas-oil ratio (scf/STB). o  1.00081ob  1.127 103  P  Pb   6.517 103 ob
 0.038o1
o  1.00081ob  1.127 103  P  Pb   6.517 103 ob
 0.038ob

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

where μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), P = Dindoruk and Christman (2004)
pressure (psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi).
o  ob  0.00006334  P  Pb  10 X
Labedi (1992)
X  C1  C2 log  ob   C3 log  Rs   C4 ob log  Rs   C5  P  Pb 
102.488 od
0.9036 0.6151
   P 
   ob   C3 log  Rs   C4 ob log  Rs   C5  P  Pb 
o  ob   X C11 C
 2 log
 100.01976 API    Pb  
109.224 where C1 = 0.776644115, C2 = 0.987658646, C3 =
od 
APIT 0.6739 0.190564677, C4 = 9.147711x10-3, C5 = 1.9111x10-5,
μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), P = pressure
where μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), μod = (psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi), Rs = gas-oil
dead oil viscosity (cP), P = pressure (psi), Pb = ratio (scf/STB).
bubble-point pressure (psi), γAPI = oil API gravity, T =
Temperature (° F). Hossain et al. (2005)

De Ghetto et al. (1994) o  ob  0.004481 P  Pb  0.555955ob

 0.527737ob

 P  103.8055 od
1.4131 0.6957
Pb    P  Pb   0.555955ob
 o  ob  0.004481 1.068099
 0.527737ob

o  ob  1   0.00288 API  
 Pb   10 
where μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), P =
where μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), μod = pressure (psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi).
dead oil viscosity (cP), P = pressure (psi), Pb =
bubble-point pressure (psi), γAPI = oil API gravity. Bergman and Sutton (2006)
  ob exp   P  Pb  

Petrosky and Farshad (1995) oo  ob exp   P  Pb  

 
  6.5698 1077 ln  ob 2  1.48211 1055 ln  ob   2.27877 1044

  6.5698 10 ln  ob   1.48211 10 ln  ob   2.27877 10

o  ob  1.3449 103  P  Pb  10 X
  2.24623 1022 ln  ob   0.873204
  2.24623 10 ln     0.873204
   1.3322 log  ob b 0.4876  log  ob    1.15036 log
        P  Pb ob
o  ob
ob exp
X 2 3
Xo  1.0146
ob 1.3449 10 P P 10

 P  Pb  X10X 1.0146  1.3322 log ob   0.4876  log  ob    1.15036  log  7 ln   2  1.48211105 ln     2.27877 104
 ob10
2 3
 
  b 

   exp  P  P  6.5698 ob ob

2 log  ob   0.4876  log  ob    1.15036  log 2ob  

o ob
ln  ob   0.873204
2 3
  2.24623 10 2

  6.5698 10 ln  ob   1.48211 10 ln  ob   2.27877 10

7 5 4

where μob = bubble-point oil viscosity

2.24623 102 ln ob   0.873204
(cP), P =
pressure (psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi). where μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), P =
pressure (psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi).
Almehaideb (1997)
Isehunwa et al. (2006)
0.1348191.94345104 Rs 1.93106109 Rs2
o  ob   o  ob exp 1.02 104  P  Pb  
 Pb 

where μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), P = where μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), P =
pressure (psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi), Rs = pressure (psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi).
gas-oil ratio (scf/STB).
Abedini et al. (2010)
Elsharkawy and Alikhan (1999)
o  ob  0.001( P  Pb ) X

o  ob 
10 2.0771
P  P 

 P 0.40712 0.7941 X  C1ob 1.45198

 C2 ob0.35997
 C3 ob
 C4 Pb0.41866  C5 Pb0.29981  C6 Pb0.1946 
ob b
X C  C ob
1 ob  C3 ob
 C4 Pb0.41866  C5 Pb0.29981  C6 Pb0.1946  C7 Pb0.31339
where μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), μod =
dead oil viscosity (cP), P = pressure (psi), Pb = where C1 = 0.05601, C2 = 0.47557, C3 = 0.2257, C4 =
bubble-point pressure (psi). 0.29598, C5 = 0.07734, C6 = 0.42436, C7 = 1.64149,

BRAZILIAN JOURNAL OF PETROLEUM AND GAS | v. 13 n. 3 | p. 129-157 | 2019 | ISSN 1982-0593

μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), P = pressure Al-Marhoun (2015)

(psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi).
o  exp  ln ob  0.151292 103  ob2  P  Pb  
 ob   o  2.18 104 Rs g  / Bob
Hemmati-Sarapardeh et al. (2013)

   0.3895556  ob 

o  ob   P  Pb  C1  ob
  C2    C3 obwhere
0.001254195 Pb  0.3026506

μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), P =
  Pb   Pb  
pressure (psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi), Bob
   0.3895556  
 = bubble-point oil formation-volume-factor
 C1  ob   C2  ob   C3 ob 0.001254195 Pb 0.3026506  (bbl/STB), Rs = gas-oil ratio (scf/STB).
  Pb   Pb  
Alqahtani et al. (2018)
where C1 = 7.376096x10-4, C2 = 0.2444663, C3 =
5.60643x10-4, μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), P    P    
o  ob  0.3055 0.1323   X  ob   0.0086  0.0099
= pressure (psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi).    Pb    
  
  P  
Taghizadeh and Eftekhari (2014) X  1.0529 0.1317    ob  1.7892   ob  3.4466  0.3579  ob 
  b
P 
   
o  ob exp 8.85 105 ( P  Pb ) 

where μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), P = where μob = bubble-point oil viscosity (cP), P =
pressure (psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi). pressure (psi), Pb = bubble-point pressure (psi).


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