Oasis Leadership Team LT Meeting Guide: General Terms To Know
Oasis Leadership Team LT Meeting Guide: General Terms To Know
Oasis Leadership Team LT Meeting Guide: General Terms To Know
Leadership Team Meeting (LT Meeting): A monthly meeting of the Oasis Leadership Team to handle
plan and review Oasis business.
Operational Period (OP): The period of time that the Oasis Leadership Team plans for at each monthly
meeting. An Operational Period starts two weeks after the LT meeting that plans for it and ends two
weeks after the following LT Meeting.
Senior Executives: Permanent members of the Leadership who have specific responsibilities.
Junior Executives: Team members who are leaders on a trial basis and have no official responsibilities.
VP Plans: “Vice President” plans, specific courses of action and schedules written down by senior
executives and approved by the team as a whole.
*Note on Numbering: Numbering of sessions, plans, and consent agendas are determined by the year,
semester, and meeting chronology. In the session number 112.1, the first two digits mean “2011” the
second digit means “second semester,” and the last digit means “first meeting of the semester.”
Meeting Preparation
All VP Plans, Event Plans, and Project Plans must be ready to present by the time of the meeting.
Scheduling should be done before the meeting as well and only confirmed and approved at the
leadership team meetings.
Meetings should be scheduled at the beginning of each semester for the whole semester. Team
members are expected to plan ahead so that they can attend the meetings.
A preliminary meeting agenda should be sent out by the President two weeks before a meeting. Any
executive will be able to edit or add to the agenda until two days before the meeting in which the
President will send out a final agenda.
A quorum of 7/10 of the Senior Executives must be present to begin a meeting. All Senior Executives are
required to attend unless they are excused by the President. Junior Executives are expected to attend.
Failure to attend meetings will result in suspension from the team.
Meeting Procedures
Meetings are presided over by the President or the Vice President of the Leadership if he/she is absent.
Meetings should follow the agendas set by the President with input from the team. Members may speak
during the meeting at any time (preferably when called on by the president.)
He may then ask for a motion to proceed. Any team member may make a motion to proceed.
A motion is the request of a team member for the team to make a decision. The President responds by
confirming and requesting a second,
“There has been a motion to proceed with Business Session…is there a second?”
A team member may second by simply saying “second” or “I second,” which confirms that more than
one person is in favor of the motion. The President confirms and the simple voting procedure begins.
After hearing the votes, the president will ask that “all opposed say ‘nay.’” If the outcome of the vote is
not obvious, the vote will be repeated by a show of hands.
Once the motion to proceed passes, the President will ask the Vice President of Administration to take
Roll Call. The VPA will say “Junior Executives present:” and list the Junior Executives present. The VPA
will then read the name of each Senior Executive and they will indicate if their presence.
Previous Minutes
The VPA will read important highlights from the minutes of the last meeting.
Opening Prayer
Senior executives will take turns saying opening prayers. For example, the President may pray at the first
meeting, the VPL at the next meeting, and the VPA at the next meeting, etc.
Senior Officers will report their plans, ask for ideas, say announcements, etc. pertaining to their offices
and responsibilities in the following order:
President’s Report
Junior Officers will then report on anything they have been assigned to or have been working on (if
anything) by raising their hands.
Finally, the Sponsors will be given a chance to speak pertaining to their duties if they are present.
Discussion: Review
Team members will discuss operations and business that have happened since the last meeting. This is a
time for discussing what was done well and what was not done well as well as ways to improve or things
to keep the same. All discussion should be productive.
All official business –such as constitutional duties of the team and formal actions and decisions- that
require a vote at the meeting should be discussed and voted on here. A general guideline for what goes
under Discussion with Action is that if there is paper involved or something is formally written down, it
belongs here. Discussion with Action is when plans are approved and the VPO is elected.
Any decision or action made by the team as a whole must begin as a motion made by a team member.
The President will confirm the motion and request a second. After the second the President may choose
to initiate a simple voting procedure or record the vote in the minutes by initiating a roll call voting
procedure. Roll call voting work exactly like normal Roll call, except that members will indicate their
vote “yes” or “no” and the VPA will record each vote.
A consent agenda may be voted on in Discussion with Action. It is a time-saving grouping of many items
that can be approved together (such as all the VP plans). Anything can be put in the consent agenda by
any member as long as they put it in the meeting agenda. Anything can be taken out of the consent
agenda and voted on separately at the request of a team member and the second of another.
The President will confirm and remove the item. No vote is required.
Discussion without Action
This portion of the meeting is for official business that is discussed but not officially voted on.
Old Business
This portion of the meeting is for non-constitutional or otherwise unofficial business that is unfinished or
was previously mentioned. Discussion as well as voting is allowed here.
New Business
This portion of the meeting is open to any new ideas or requests. Discussion and voting is allowed.
A volunteer from among the team will read a passage of scripture and share a testimony, short message,
or personal insight relating to the passage. Discussion is allowed if time is available.
Closing Prayer
A Junior Executive will pray here (turns decided by the President). The newly elected VPO will say the
closing prayer.
Modified voting procedures at the discretion of the President may be used to adjourn the meeting;
otherwise a simple voting procedure will suffice.
Types of Sessions
A session exists within a meeting. When a meeting is called to order by the President, any motions may
be made. The vote to proceed or enter a session implies special circumstances.
Business Sessions imply that the meeting is an official monthly meeting to plan for an operational
period. Proceeding with a Business Session means that an official agenda will be followed.
Work Sessions indicate any leadership meetings that do not follow the agenda format set above but
may follow an agenda set for a special purpose by someone other than the President.
Closed Sessions are sessions that only Senior Executives are allowed to be present at.