Paquibot Spatial Cognition and Cognitive Maps 1
Paquibot Spatial Cognition and Cognitive Maps 1
Paquibot Spatial Cognition and Cognitive Maps 1
Cognitive Maps
Paquibot, Shaianne C.
AB Psychology 2
Spatial cognition
2-Dimensional 3-Dimensional
Cognitive maps
Photo Source:
Williams, Y. (2016).
Cognitive Map: Definition
and Examples. Retrieved
from Study.Com
Edward Tolman
● Earliest work on cognitive maps
● Famous experiment “Rats in a maze”
○ Three (3) groups
■ i. Food reward
■ ii. No reinforcement
■ Iii.No food reward for 10
days,only on the 11th day.
● Earliest cognitive theorist
- Bees
- Homing Pigeons
Photo source:
Hippocampus : Anatomy, Function & Disorder. (2019). Retrieved
Three Types of Knowledge
1. Landmark knowledge
● particular features at a
2. Route-road knowledge
● specific pathways
3. Survey knowledge
● estimated distances
between landmarks
Photo source: Quesnot, Teriitutea & Roche, Stéphane. (2014). Measure of Landmark Semantic
Salience through Geosocial Data Streams. ISPRS International Journal of Geographic Information.
1-31. 10.3390/ijgi4010001.
- Rule of thumb technique
- Influence estimations of distance
● Landmark knowledge - distance of landmarks
- “as the density of intervening landmarks increases, estimates
of distances also increases (Thorndyke,1981)”
2. Symmetry heuristic - shapes as being more symmetrical than they really are
3. Rotation heuristic - images were more vertical or more horizontal than they
really are
4. Alignment heuristic - images were better aligned than they really are
Photo Source:
Sternberg, R. J., &
Sternberg, K. (2011).
Cognitive Psychology.
Semantic or propositional knowledge (or beliefs)
-Influence our imaginal representations of world maps
● Egocentric Perspective-
objects are represented or described
with respect to the body
● Allocentric Perspective-
objects are represented or
described with respect to each other,
using an environmental frame of
reference such as north–south
–east–west. (Taylor & Tversky, 1996).
Thank you!
Photo Source:
“Imagery abilities are potential keys to our survival and to what makes us intelligent in our everyday
lives” - (Sternberg,2011)
● Sternberg, R. J., & Sternberg, K. (2011). Spatial Cognition and Cognitive Maps.Book of Cognitive
Psychology.Wadsworth, Cengage Learning.
● Williams, Y. (2016). Cognitive Map: Definition and Examples. Retrieved from
● Hippocampus : Anatomy, Function & Disorder. (2019). Retrieved from
● Quesnot, Teriitutea & Roche, Stéphane. (2014). Measure of Landmark Semantic Salience through
Geosocial Data Streams. ISPRS International Journal of Geographic Information. 1-31.
● Hard, B. M., & Tversky, B. (2008). Embodied and disembodied cognition: Spatial perspective-taking.
Journal of Cognition.