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Evolution of Concepts in Forest Pathology

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Forest Pathology for the Last Century: A Retrospective and Directions for the Future

Evolution of Concepts in Forest Pathology

Paul D. Manion

State University of New York, College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse 13210.
Accepted for publication 7 March 2003.


Manion, P. D. 2003. Evolution of concepts in forest pathology. Phyto- concept, in my mind, to one of addressing what is the appropriate “healthy
pathology 93:1052-1055. amount of disease” in a sustainable forest ecosystem. (ii) The initial
concept that weakened understory trees and poorly managed forests
Foundation concepts in forest pathology are based on experiences deteriorate and decline over time because of numerous insults from biotic
evolving over time. Three examples will be addressed. (i) The primary and abiotic agents has evolved into a decline disease stabilizing selection
concept behind education and research in forest pathology is the widely concept whereby healthy dominant trees in the forest (the survivors) are
accepted attitude that disease-causing agents limit full utilization of selectively killed by a combination of specifically ordered factors. (iii)
forest resources. Therefore, we study diseases to find a weak link and The concept that heart-rot decay is initiated by infection through wounds
then utilize this information to enhance our portion of the shared re- that expose heartwood has evolved into the concept of infection in the
source. The sustainable environmental issues of today have changed this sapwood that is compartmentalized over time in the center of the tree.

In the latter part of the 19th century, Robert Hartig established nurtured from early childhood. Therefore, the evolution of “dis-
the foundation for concepts in forest pathology (11). His concepts eases as the unhealthy condition” to “forests need a healthy
were based on the recently evolved germ theory that has been the amount of disease” may be difficult to accept. This transformation
cornerstone for modern medicine, plant pathology, and forest of diseases as negative factors into positive factors involves the
pathology, as well as an array of industrial processes today. Al- appropriate characterization of a role for diseases in the forest and
though the core concepts of our profession trace their origins to the development of a quantitative baseline for assessing impacts
these earlier points in time, much of the rest of the foundational above or below the predicted baseline.
concepts for forest pathology are still in a dynamic evolutionary Current interest in documenting the health of the forest has
flux. Experiences over time provide the basis for new concepts fostered a need to better understand the role of diseases in forest
that may seem contrary to traditionally accepted ideas. Looking to health. Spatial and quantitative characterization of diseases and
the future, one must assume new experiences will modify our pests has been the traditional approach to forest health monitoring
current concepts. A book like “Tree Disease Concepts” (7) may and reporting. Does anyone know how to interpret a map with
seem like a definitive compilation of concepts for students, but different colors or shading representing damage area in percent
unfortunately, or possibly fortunately, both the author and the total forest area? These types of charts come and go, but in most
readers need to adjust their interpretation of what is written as instances the forest remains. The real questions are not where and
concepts continue to evolve over time. how much. The questions should be where is there an impact and
This symposium attempts to highlight the past as well as the what is the magnitude of the impact? It is possible and highly
future for forest pathology. My specific objective is to highlight probable that presence of disease-causing agents does not neces-
three examples of evolutionary changes in fundamental concepts sarily relate directly to some type of negative impact.
of forest pathology that have significantly altered my way of If presence does not necessarily relate directly to negative im-
thinking and consequently my teaching. The initial concepts were pact, then maybe there are other roles for diseases in the forest.
that (i) diseases represent an unhealthy condition, (ii) tree decline Yes, a number of papers have summarized specific positive roles
is a problem of weakened unfit trees, and (iii) heart rot is decay of for diseases in the forest (literature citation 1 provides an ex-
dead heartwood. This paper summarizes how these earlier ample). But, these papers do not provide an overall general frame-
concepts have evolved to the understanding that (i) forests need a work for considering the relationships of both positive and
healthy amount of disease, (ii) decline diseases kill the biggest negative impacts of diseases in the forest system. The Phoenix
and best trees to stabilize the forest, and (iii) heart-rot decay is helix (Fig. 1) visualization of the forest system attempts to pro-
initiated in the sapwood and compartmentalized to the center of vide an overall framework for considering the relationships of
the tree. diseases in the forest system (8). The metaphor relates decreasing
Forests need a healthy amount of disease. As plant patholo- density with size in an inward and upward time spiral. Forests,
gists, we all learn very early that disease represents an unhealthy like the legendary bird, therefore sustain life from death, but un-
condition. Furthermore, this negative connotation for disease was like the one-for-one replacement in the legendary bird, the forest
sustains life for the system from systematic death of portions of
Corresponding author: P. D. Manion; E-mail address: pdmanion@esf.edu the system over time. What facilitates the reductions in numbers
of individual trees as they grow over time? Figure 1 characterizes
Publication no. P-2003-0602-06O disease-causing agents as regulators, terminators, and resource
© 2003 The American Phytopathological Society recovery agents, the factors contributing to the death of large
numbers of trees (the forest behind the trees). The forest is there- eter class. A healthy amount of disease would lead to death of
fore sustained over time by a “healthy amount of disease.” Dis- approximately one in five trees for each 2.5 cm of growth. Sugar
ease-causing agents in this instance are defined in a very broad maple in northern New York State has an array of disease-causing
sense to include any agent that may negatively impact the survival agents, but overall mortality in the lower diameter classes is less
of an individual tree. than baseline (Fig. 2). Cutting in medium to larger diameter
The forest health question is not where and what amount of a classes when combined with natural mortality generates a total
pathogen or pest, but rather where does the combined impact of mortality greater than baseline. Sugar maple in this northern New
all pathogens and pests exceed a level that is appropriate for the York sample is therefore not a sustainable healthy population
sustainability of the system and what is the magnitude of the based on current cutting and natural mortality.
excess impact? Sustainability is often subjectively described, but Baseline analysis of the healthy or unhealthy amount of disease
sustainability can be objectively quantified by comparing actual is applicable for a large forest system. Synchronizing events as-
mortality (observed percentage of dead trees) in relation to a pre- sociated with individual stands may alter the density by diameter
dicted baseline mortality (predicted percentage of dead trees) to relationship. Groups of stands combine together into a sustainable
sustain the current forest system (8). system. The sugar maple population discussed previously is based
Baseline mortality is characterized as the amount of mortality on 1,236 trees from 279 randomly located sample plots from the
required to indefinitely maintain the current forest structure. Base- forest region of northern New York State (9).
line mortality (Fig. 2, dashed line) is calculated from the slope of The evolution of disease as an unhealthy condition to the forests
the best-fit regression line (Fig. 2, solid line) for the natural need for a healthy amount of disease provides a foundation
logarithm of observed tree densities (Fig. 2, triangles) across concept that should reduce the misuse of confusing, often inflam-
diameter classes using the expression m = 1 – eaX, where m is matory, anecdotal and subjective characterization of diseases of
baseline mortality (the predicted dead fraction), e is the natural the forest. What is needed is proper quantification of those situa-
logarithm, a is the slope of the best-fit regression line of the tions in which diseases and other events combine to impact the
natural logarithm of density by diameter class, and X is the diam- sustainability of forest systems. The healthy amount of disease
eter size class interval. Baseline mortality (dashed line), observed concept, based on the Phoenix helix metaphor and baseline mor-
total mortality (filled circles), and cut trees (open circles) are tality assessment procedures, is suggested as a framework for
plotted as percentages of all trees in each diameter class. All dead others to consider.
trees that have sufficient structure to be measured and have Decline disease kills the biggest and best trees to stabilize
sufficient bark for identification purposes are included in the the forest. Widespread mortality in eastern Canada and northeast-
observed mortality. ern United States of birch, maple, ash, oak, and other tree species
Baseline mortality is the healthy amount of disease of the sys- in the 1960s stimulated a number of forest pathology groups to
tem required to maintain the current density by diameter distribu- use the fundamental germ theory concept of our profession to find
tion as populations of trees grow from one diameter class into the causal factors. Inability to find a single pathogen lead to the
another. In New York State, baseline mortality in forests and for multiple factors (predisposing, inciting, and contributing factors)
the major tree species is generally around 20% per 2.5-cm- diam- decline concept, first proposed by Sinclair (16). This concept was

Fig. 1. Phoenix helix characterization of a forest system relating density to size class. The forest system, like the mythical bird, sustains itself based on a
capacity to derive life from death, not in a one-for-one replacement, but rather based on systematic death of portions of the system to allow for growth and
sustainability of the total system. Regulators, terminators, and resource recovery agents contribute to a “healthy amount of disease” in the forest behind the

Vol. 93, No. 8, 2003 1053

later expanded to include other complex diseases and illustrated as Consider, for example, a population of trees that has 20% base-
the decline disease spiral diagram (7). Multiple step equation-like line mortality for each 2.5 cm of growth. The less-fit individuals
diagrams have also been used to characterize these complex are culled from the population over and over again such that the
diseases (6). These and other aspects of forest decline were re- large mature canopy dominant individuals represent a narrower
viewed and summarized in the book entitled “Forest Decline range of “improved” genetic potential than the original popula-
Concepts” (10). tion. The canopy dominant trees are the best competitive domi-
Many have used these and other similar concepts to interpret an nants of the original population when the environmental condi-
array of tree dieback situations. It is hard to document the origins tions are relatively constant. If the breeding population for future
and specific examples, but there is a general interpretation of the generations was limited to the competitive dominant “improved”
decline disease concept as describing the process for removing population, this would not lead to stability characterized by a
weakened, less fit trees from the population (literature citation 3 zero-force relationship because the population would become
provides an example). The decline disease concept evolved to “bigger and better” with each generation. Zero force could be
explain the death of seemingly fit trees of the population. Death of achieved in this predisposed population if a decline disease, in-
canopy dominant (12) mature trees is not a process of removing cited or triggered by an unusual short-term alteration in the envi-
weakened, less fit individuals. Canopy dominant mature trees are ronment, tipped the balance occasionally against the competitive
the winners in the fitness selection process. Consider the numbers dominants to allow stress-tolerant dominants to attain canopy and
of less fit individuals that were removed using the Phoenix helix breeding positions in the population.
concept discussed previously. Decline diseases are a means for The mechanism involved in the death of the most-fit individuals
killing the biggest and best trees in the forest system. of the population relates to the competitive dominant versus
A possible explanation and interpretation for the death of the stress-tolerant dominant strategies. Competitive dominant trees
biggest and best can be derived from two general ecological con- mobilize resources to build a large crown and a large root system.
cepts (10). One concept categorizes life strategies for species of They also have a long, high-volume transport system to tie the top
plants into competitive dominants and stress-tolerant dominants and bottom together. They maintain their competitive advantage
(4). Different individuals within a species can also be characterized by stretching the length and flow rate limits of the transport
as having competitive dominant or stress-tolerant dominant ten- system to balance the large crown and large root mass. Because
dencies. Competitive dominance is often the selection criterion most of the transport in a tree occurs in the most recent annual
used in tree improvement programs. ring, a large annual growth ring must be produced each year. An
The second ecological concept is the zero-force relationship unusual disturbance (inciting factor) affecting either the top or the
(13), which simply suggests that ecological stability over time is bottom of the competitive dominant (predisposed tree) will even-
dependent on no change. This seemingly circular argument is the tually be translated into a smaller annual ring. Restriction in trans-
foundation for looking at what leads to change and what leads to port capabilities will limit maintenance and recovery of the large
stability. crown, leading to physiological alterations that redirect limited



H  0

Fig. 2. Observed density, predicted density (least squares best-fit regression line), predicted percent baseline mortality (based on the slope of the regression
line), total observed percent mortality, and percent cut trees across diameter classes of the sugar maple population of northern New York State. Total observed
mortality exceeds the baseline mortality to sustain the population in the larger diameter classes. The data are based on 1,236 sugar maples from 612 random
sample 10-basal-area-factor prism points in northern New York. Total observed percent mortality and percent cutting are expressed as three diameter class
running averages to smooth out the line.

resources into reproduction at the expense of growth. This reduced considered when addressing the impacts of declines. The concept
growth response further compounds the restriction of the vital further suggests possible interactions of management activities
transport system in subsequent years. that might set the stage for a decline. Activities that selectively
The cascade of events leading to decline and death of competi- enhance competitive dominant trees may generate increased eco-
tive dominant trees is less likely to occur in stress-tolerant trees nomic return, but this activity might also lead to increased vul-
that do not have large crowns and large root systems maintained nerability to decline and death of this selected population of trees
by a high-volume transport system. Periodic inciting events and following short term inciting events.
subsequent decline in canopy dominant trees provides an oppor- The “compartmentalization” concept provides a framework for
tunity for the less competitive individuals to contribute to the gene understanding the dynamic interaction of a decay fungus and a
pool for future generations. Decline diseases therefore contribute living host. Further understanding of the process should provide a
to the stability of the forest system. basis for management activities in young trees to minimize heart-
Heart-rot decay fungi are compartmentalized. According to rot decay impacts in older trees.
Merrill et al. (11), Hartig noted that the sapwood of Scots pine The three recently evolved concepts discussed previously are
was fungus free and that the decay fungus Trametes pini (Phel- examples of the present vitality and dynamic state of forest path-
linus pini (Thore:Fr.) A. Ames) utilized branch stubs to connect ology today. These modified concepts lead to an array of comple-
the interior fungus mycelium with the fruiting structure on the sur- mentary as well as conflicting management implications for
face. He further reported that he could not infect 30- to 40-year- resource managers to consider. These and other concepts are not
old Scots pines because of the lack of heartwood. This is the universally accepted, nor are they etched in stone for all times, but
origin of the concept that heart rot was decay of heartwood and rather they provide a foundation for summarizing current dis-
that infection occurred through exposed heartwood. Most forest cussion and thinking. Forest pathology will continue to build on
pathologists accepted the heart rot of heartwood concept until its traditional as well as modified concepts.
recent decades when Shigo and Hillis (15) popularized their
concepts of wood decay of trees based on years of cutting decayed LITERATURE CITED
trees, isolating fungi from decayed trees, and inoculating wounds
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