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Micropropagation of Important Bamboos: A Review: African Journal of Biotechnology May 2013

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Micropropagation of important bamboos: A review


DOI: 10.5897/AJB12.2122

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6 authors, including:

Dr KALPATARU Dutta Mudoi Siddhartha Proteem Saikia

Council of Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR), New Delhi CSIR-North East Institute of Science & Technology


Animesh Gogoi
Assam down town University


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African Journal of Biotechnology Vol. 12(20), pp. 2770-2785, 15 May, 2013
Available online at http://www.academicjournals.org/AJB
DOI: 10.5897/AJB12.2122
ISSN 1684-5315 ©2013 Academic Journals


Micropropagation of important bamboos: A review

Kalpataru Dutta Mudoi, Siddhartha Proteem Saikia*, Adrita Goswami, Animesh Gogoi,
Debashish Bora and Mina Borthakur
Medicinal, Aromatic and Economic Plants Division, CSIR - North East Institute of Science and Technology,
Jorhat 785 006, Assam, India.
Accepted 21 February, 2013

Bamboos are versatile, arborescent, perennial and non-wood forest trees with tremendous eco-
sociological and commercial importance. Different propagation techniques are available for bamboo,
such as seed propagation, clump division, rhizome and culm cuttings, but these classical techniques
suffer from serious drawbacks for large or mass scale propagation. For mass scale propagation, these
are largely insufficient and inefficient and micropropagation is the only viable method. Indeed, the order
of magnitude of the demand for bamboo planting material indicates that micropropagation will
inevitably be necessary for mass scale propagation. The potential of micropropagation for mass scale
propagation of bamboo has raised high hopes and a lot of research has been focused on the
development of protocols for large and rapid scale propagation. These encompass optimization and
establishment of in vitro culture techniques including micropropagation, somatic embryogenesis, in
vitro flowering, macro proliferation, field performance and clonal fidelity. This review briefly provides
the state-of-the-art information on tissue culture mediated biotechnological interventions made in
bamboo for large scale micropropagation, that being the need of the hour.

Key words: Bamboo, micropropagation, somatic embryogenesis, in vitro flowering, macroproliferation, field
performance, clonal fidelity.


Bamboo an important non-wood forestry products is one rural economies. However, in industrial economies, such
of the most important agricultural plants worldwide (Liese, practice leads to considerable over exploitation and rapid
1987). It is a fast growing world’s greatest natural and depletion of bamboo resources. Estimates regarding
renewable resources gaining approximately 75 to 400 future use of bamboo also indicate that there will be a
mm per day, whose rate of biomass generation is huge shortage of bamboo planting material in long terms
unsurpassed in the plant kingdom. In total, about 18 (Subramanlam, 1994; Nadgauda et al., 1997). To cope
million ha of bamboo are distributed in world ecosystems with this forecasted shortage, micropropagation via tissue
in Asia, Africa and America. Bamboo is a vernacular term culture thus attracted lot of attention. It was believed that
for the members of subfamily Bambusoideae of the family this method could solve most or at least many problems
Poaceae, the grasses. It is an important forest tree with in propagation of bamboo.
multifarious use in daily life, apart from having largest use Bamboos are distributed all over the world with 75
in the paper and pulp industry (Varmah and Pant, 1981). genera and 1250 species, but majority occur in the
One of the main problems with bamboo is that it has tropics although, they are found naturally in all subtropical
been regarded as a resource, which is simply those to and temperate zones except in Europe. Research on
take, as has been for thousands of years by people in tissue culture of bamboo was fairly recent. Extensive
research on micropropagation of bamboo species had
carried out using juvenile (zygotic embryo, seed or
seedling) and mature clump derived (nodal buds) tissues
*Correspondent author. E-mail: spsaikia@gmail.com. Tel: 0376 with more than 40 species of bamboo. A large number of
2370117, 2370121. Fax: 0376 2370011, 2370115. papers on in vitro studies of bamboo have been published
Mudoi et al. 2771

but all lacked crucial parts. They were either not very plasm.
efficient, or not applicable on other bamboos, or both. It is Research on tissue culture of bamboo was fairly recent.
the author’s opinion that there are now sound reasons to Micro propagation via tissue culture attracted a lot of
anticipate that micropropagation via tissue culture attention since it was believed that this method could
methods could solve most or at least many problems in solve most or at least many problems in propagation of
propagation of bamboo. We intend to explain the reasons bamboo. Extensive research on micropropagation of
for this renewed optimism against the background of bamboo species has been carried out using juvenile
knowledge accumulated that will be relevant to any (Zygotic embryo, seed or seedling) and mature clump
ultimate success in exploiting these new approaches. derived (nodal buds) tissues with more than 40 species of
bamboo. A large number of papers on micropropagation
of bamboo have been published as original papers or
Problems associated during in vitro culture of reviews including more general aspects. Apart from
bamboo micropropagation, these publications had focused on
somatic embryogenesis, genetic improvement and in vitro
Browning is a major problem that was associated during flowering. Micropropagation through juvenile explants
in vitro culture of bamboo due to phenolic exudation. As a (Table 1a) and mature clump derived tissues (Table 1b)
result, the multiple shoots were going to be blackish could help the regeneration of large number of plants in a
brown and ultimately dried up. This problem was solved relatively short time.
by the addition of some additives along with plant growth The first report on successful tissue culture of bamboo
regulators (Ganesan and Jayabalan, 2005). Browning of was by Alexander and Rao (1968) who described embryo
excised plant tissues as well as nutrient media occurs culture of Dendrocalamus strictus.
frequently and remains a major basis for recalcitrance in
vitro. The severity of browning has varied according to
species, tissue or organ, and nutrient medium and other Micropropagation from juvenile explants
tissue variables (Huang et al., 2002). Browning problem
is encountered either during culture initiation of bamboo Two major advantages of using seedlings are that it is a
or in sub-culturing stage. To overcome the harmful effect new generation as well as easier technique for in vitro
of browning, different types and concentration of multiplication, but its disadvantages are, insufficient
antioxidants are incorporated into the media or soaking knowledge of genetic background, restricted availability
the explants in liquid solution of those mentioned of seeds and loss of germination capacity etc.
(Zamora et al., 1988; Mehta et al., 1982; Saxena, 1990; In 1968, Alexander and Rao reported the aseptic
Saxena and Dhawan, 1999). It was also noticed that germination of bamboo seeds (D. strictus) heralding the
though incorporation of antioxidants may reduce the start of tissue culture of bamboo in White (1963) major
browning percentage, frequent transfer/subculture to the and minor elements. Since then, White’s basal medium
fresh medium is the most effective than the above all was used by Nadguada et al. (1990) in Bambusa
treatments. arundinacea and D. strictus; Mascarenhas et al. (1988) in
D. strictus; Ravikumar et al. (1998) in D. strictus for
zygotic embryo germination. Nadgir et al. (1984) reported
MICROPROPAGATION plantlet production from seedling shoot explants of D.
strictus. Murashige and Skoog (1962) (MS) basal
Conventional methods of propagation of bamboo are medium was routinely used by Joshi and Nadguada
based on seeds and vegetative methods. However, (1997) in B. arundinacea; Yasodha et al. (1997) in
availability of seed is limited to certain specific period. Banksia nutans and Dendrocalamus membranaceus;
Many bamboo plants develop flower and seed only two to Saxena (1990) in Bambusa tulda for the above purpose.
three times in a century and viability period of the seed is Moreover, Joshi and Nadguada (1997) used half strength
very short. Hence, the propagation is done vegetatively of MS basal medium for embryo germination of B.
by using different parts of the bamboo like off-set and arundinacea.
rhizome planting, branch and culm cuttings, marcotting Cytokinins, especially 6-benzylaminopurine (BAP) was
and layering but, vegetative propagation through cuttings, effective for inducing shoot proliferation in several
offsets and rhizomes are bulky and not available in bamboos viz. B. arundinacea, Bambusa vulgaris and D.
sufficient number, expensive and also cumbersome to strictus (Nadgir et al., 1984); in B. nutans and D.
handle and liable to desiccation. Moreover, the shortage membranaceus (Yasodha et al., 1997); in B. tulda
of supply has been compounded by absence of (Saxena, 1990); in D. asper (Arya et al., 1999); in
inadequate replantation. In this case, Plant tissue culture Dendrocalamus brandisii (Vongvijitra, 1988); in B.
offers special advantages as it ensures a continuous arundinacea and D. strictus (Nadguada et al., 1990); in
supply of planting material in a short span of time and Dendrocalamus hamiltonii (Chambers et al., 1991); in D.
helps in multiplication, as well as, conserving wild germ- strictus (Maity and Ghosh, 1997); in D. strictus
2772 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

Table 1a. Micropropagation of bamboo from zygotic embryo explants.

Explant Basal Growth regulators (as

Species Result Reference
source medium used indicated)
Bambusa sp. Zygotic White major Nil Shoot formation Alexander
embryo and minor and
elements Rao (1968)
Bambusa Zygotic Nitsch and # # 2,4-D (30.0 µM) Somatic Mehta et al.
arundinacea embryo Nitsch (1967) # # # BAP (5.0 µM) + embryogenesis (1982)
medium 2,4-D (30.0 µM) + PVP
(250 mg l )
B. arundinacea Zygotic MS ** BAP (1.0-10.0 mg l ) Plantlet formation Nadgir et al.
embryo + IBA (1984)
B. arundinacea Zygotic White * Basal + 2% sucrose In vitro flowering Nadgauda et al.
embryo + + Basal and seed set (1990)
MS *** BAP (0.5 PPM) + CW
+ IBA (0.5 PPM)
B. arundinacea Zygotic MS * ½ MS basal In vitro flowering Joshi and
embryo • BAP (2.22 µM) Nadgauda
• BAP (2.22 µM) + 2ip (1997)
(7.21 µM)
B. arundinacea Zygotic MS • BAP (2.22 µM) + CW In vitro flowering Nadgauda et al.
embryo 5% (1997)
B. nutans Zygotic MS * Basal Mass propagation Yasodha et al.
embryo ••• Basal (1997)
*** BAP (0.5 mg l-l)
+ IBA (0.5 mg l-l)
- ½ MS
B. tulda Zygotic MS * Basal In vitro Saxena (1990)
embryo ** BAP (3×10-6M) or propagation
*** BAP (8×10-6M) + Kn
+ IAA (1×10-5M) +
Coumarin (6.8×10-5M)
B. vulgaris Zygotic MS ** BAP (1.0-10.0 mg l-l) Plantlet formation Nadgir et al.
embryo + IBA (1984)
B. vulgaris Zygotic MS # 2,4-D (3.0 mg l-l) + Kn Somatic Rout and Das
embryo (0.25 mg l ) embryogenesis (1994)
# # ½ MS + Kn (0.5mg l- and in vitro
) + Ads (10.0 mg l-l) + flowering
2,4-D (2.0 mg l-l)
# # # ½ MS + Kn (0.5
-l -l
mg l ) + Ads (10.0 mg l )
+ 2,4-D (2.0 mg l )
*** Ads (0.5 mg l-l) + IBA
(0.25 mg l-l) + GA3 (0.5
mg l-l)
• Ads (0.5 mg l-l) + IBA
(0.25 mg l ) + GA3 (0.5
mg l )
Dendrocalamus Zygotic MS • BAP (1.0-10.0 mg l-l ) Micropropagation Arya et al.
asper embryo -l (1999)
*** BAP (3.0 mg l )
+ IBA(10.0 mg l ); NAA
(3.0 mg l )
Mudoi et al. 2773

Table 1a. Contd.

Explant Basal Growth regulators (as

Species Result Reference
source medium used indicated)
D. brandisii Zygotic MS * BAP (6 × 10 M) Micropropagation Vongvijitra
embryo 5 (1988)
*** BAP ( 0.5-2 × 10 M) + NAA
D. brandisii Zygotic White * Basal In vitro flowering Nadgauda et al.
embryo + + Basal and seed set (1990)
MS *** BAP (0.5 PPM) + CW 5%
+ IBA (0.5 PPM)
D. giganteus Zygotic MS # 2,4-D (3.0 mg l ) + Kn (0.25 Somatic Rout and Das
embryo mg l ) embryogenesis (1994)
-l and in vitro
# # ½ MS +Kn (0.5gm l ) + Ads
(10.0 mg l-l) + 2,4-D (2.0 mg l-l) flowering
# # # ½ MS + Kn (0.5 mg l-l) +
Ads (10.0 mg l-l) + 2,4-D (2.0 mg
*** Ads (0.5 mg l-l) + IBA (0.25
-l -l
mg l ) + GA3 (0.5 mg l )
• Ads (0.5 mg l ) + IBA (0.25 mg
-l -l
l ) + GA3 (0.5 mg l )
D. hamiltonii Zygotic MS *** BAP (4.4 µM) Micropropagation Chambers et al.
embryo • BAP (4.4 µM); BAP (22.2 µM) and in vitro (1991)
D. hamiltonii Zygotic MS # 2,4-D (1.0-3.0 mg l-l) Somatic Zhang et al.
embryo *** BAP (2.0 mg l-l) + Kn (1.0 mg embryogenesis (2010)
l-l) + NAA (1.0 mg l-l) and
+ IBA (5.0 mg l-l) organogenesis
D. Zygotic MS * Basal Mass propagation Yasodha et al.
membranaceus embryo *** BAP (0.5 mg l-l) (1997)
+ IBA (0.5 mg l-l)
- ½ MS
D. strictus Zygotic MS ** BAP (1.0-10.0 mg l ) + IBA Plantlet formation Nadgir et al.
embryo (1984)
D. strictus Zygotic White * Basal Micropropagation Mascarenhas
embryo MS + IAA, NAA, IPA (0.05-5.0 PPM) et al. (1988)
D. strictus Zygotic MS # 2,4-D (3.0 mg l-l) + Kn (0.25 Somatic Rout and Das
embryo mg l-l) embryogenesis (1994)
# # ½ MS + Kn (0.5 mg l-l) + Ads and in vitro
-l -l flowering
(10.0 mg l ) + 2,4-D (2.0 mg l )
# # # ½ MS + Kn (0.5 mg l ) +
Ads (10.0 mg l ) + 2,4-D (2.0 mg
*** Ads (0.5 mg l-l) +IBA (0.25
mg l-l) + GA3(0.5 mg l-l)
• Ads (0.5 mg l-l)
+ IBA (0.25 mg l-l)
+ GA3 (0.5 mg l-l)
D. strictus Zygotic MS * GA3 (1.0 mg l-l) Plant Maity and
embryo -l regeneration Ghosh (1997)
*** BAP (2.0 mg l )
D. strictus Zygotic MS ** BAP and Kn (0.5 mg l each) Plant Ravikumar et
embryo and + CW (200 mg l ) regeneration al. (1998)
White *** BAP and Kn (0.5 mg l-l each)
* Basal medium
• IBA (0.25 mg l )
2774 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

Table 1a. Contd.

Explant Basal Growth regulators (as

Species Result Reference
source medium used indicated)
D. strictus Zygotic MS # 2,4-D (3×10 M) Large-scale Saxena and
embryo -5 -5 propagation Dhawan (1999)
# # 2,4-D(1×10 M)+ Kn (5×10
M)+ soluble Polyvinylpyrrolidone
PVP (250 mg l )
# # # NAA (5×10-6 M) + Kn
(5×106 M) + soluble PVP (250
mg l )
D. strictus Zygotic MS * ½ MS + TDZ (0-1.0 mg l ) In vitro flowering Singh et al.
embryo -l (2000)
*** TDZ (0.01 mg l )
-l -l
• TDZ (0.5 mg l ; 1.0 mgl )
D. strictus Zygotic MS * 2,4-D (2.0 mg l ) Clonal Reddy (2006)
embryo *** ½ MS + BAP (2.0 mg l-l) propagation
+ ½ MS+IBA(2.0 mg l )
D. strictus Zygotic MS * 2,4-D Plantlet formation Zamora et al.
embryo (1988)
Dinochloa sp. Zygotic MS * 2,4-D Plantlet formation Zamora et al.
embryo (1988)
Gigantochloa Zygotic MS * 2,4-D Plantlet formation Zamora et al.
levis embryo (1988)
Otatea Zygotic MS # 2,4-D (0.3 mg l-l) + BAP (0.5 Somatic Woods et al.
acuminate embryo mg l-l) embryogenesis (1992)
aztecorum -l and plantlet
Gamborg et # # 2,4-D (3.0 mg l ) + BAP (0.5
-l regeneration
al.1968 (B5) mg l )
# # # 2,4-D (3.0 mg l-l)
# # # 2,4-D (3.0 mg l-l)
Schizostachyu Zygotic MS * 2,4-D Plantlet formation Zamora et al.
m lima embryo (1988)
S. lumampao Zygotic MS * 2,4-D Plantlet formation Zamora et al.
embryo (1988)
Sinocalamus Zygotic MS # # 2,4-D (6.0 mg l-l) + Kn (3.0 Somatic Yeh and Chang
latiflora embryo mg l-l) + PVP (250 mg l-l) embryogenesis (1987)
# # # 2,4-D (3.0 mg l-l) + Kn (2.0 and plant
mg l-l) regeneration

*, Embryo germination; **, shoot bud initiation; ***, shoot multiplication; #, callus formation; # #, somatic embryogenesis; # # #, embryoids
formation; •, in vitro flowering; ••, rhizome formationl; •••, organogenesis; +, rooting; ++, hardening; + + +, protoplast isolation and culture; x,
inflorescence proliferation; xx, cell suspension culture.

(Ravikumar et al., 1998) either singly or in combination hamiltonii (Sood et al., 2002).
with auxin and complex additives. Moreover, half strength
of MS with BAP was responsible for the same in D. Micropropagation from mature tissue explants
strictus (Reddy, 2006). In certain cases, Adenine sul-
phate (Ads) in combination with indole-3-butyric acid In order to supplement conventional methods of
(IBA) and gibberellic acid (GA3) was responsible for shoot propagation, an efficient in vitro propagation method by
proliferation in B. vulgaris, Dendrocalamus giganteus and using explants from selected mature plants would offer a
D. strictus (Rout and Das, 1994). Moreover, thidiazuron desirable alternative for large-scale propagation of
(TDZ) was suitable for the same in D. strictus (Singh et bamboo. Micropropagation through axillary bud prolifera-
al., 2000). tion by nodal explants resulted true to type plant popu-
Seedling explant was also used for multiple shoot lation without intervening the callus phase and thus
induction in B. tulda (Saxena, 1990); D. brandisii maintain the clonal fidelity. Being a clonal method, it high-
(Vongvijitra, 1988); D. strictus (Shirgurkar et al., 1996); B. ly reduces or eliminates the variation inherent in seed-
nutans and D. membranaceus (Yasodha et al., 1997); raised population but, endogenous contamination, hyper-
Thamnocalamus spathiflorus (Zamora, 1994) and D. hydricity and instability of multiplication rates affect the flow
Mudoi et al. 2775

Table 1b. Micropropagation of bamboo from mature clump derived tissues.

Explant Basal medium Growth regulators (as

Species Result Reference
source used indicated)
Bambusa ** BAP (5.0 mg l )
Nodal Arya et al.
arundinacea MS *** BAP (5.0 mg l-l) Mass multiplication
explants (2002b)
+ NAA (3.0 mg l-l)
shoots from Ramanayake et
B. atra MS + Basal Root induction
adult field al. (2008)
*** BAP (11.25 µM) + Kin
B. balcooa Nodal In vitro Das and Pal
MS (4.5 µM)
segments regeneration (2005)
+ ½ MS + IBA (1.0µM)
** BAP (1.0 mg l )
*** BAP (1.0-5.0 mg l )
B. balcooa Islam and
Nodal buds MS + ½ MS + NAA (1.0-3.0 Mass propagation
-l Rahman (2005)
mg l )
+ IBA (1.0-5.0 mg l )
Nodal MS -l
segments *** BAP (5.0 mg l )
Lloyd and Mc Arya and
B. bambos from nursery + NAA (3.0 mg l-l) Micropropagation
Crown (1980) Sharma (1998)
raised 3 yr
medium (WPM) • NAA (3.0 mg l-l)
old plant
*** BAP (5.0µM) In vitro rhizome
B. bambos var. Kapoor and Rao
Caryopsis MS •• BAP (2.0-5.0µM + GA3 induction and
(0.1µM) + NAA (50.0 µM) plantlet formation
Segments of • TDZ (0.5 µM) In vitro flowering
B. edulis Lin et al. (2003a)
in vitro MS + NAA (53.8 µM) and plantlet
spikelets + 2,4-D (4.48 µM) survivability
**BAP (1.0 mg l-l)
Single nodal ** BAP (1.0 mg l-l) + NAA
segments (1.0 mg l-l)
B. edulis excised from *** TDZ (0.01 mg l-l) Micropropagation
proliferated MS and in vitro Lin et al. (2004)
branches of + TDZ (0.01 mg l-l) + 2,4-D flowering
10-yr old field (0.5 mg l-l)
grown culms + TDZ (0.01mg l-l)
• TDZ (0.01 mg l )
B. edulis MS *** TDZ (0.1mg l-l) In vitro flowering Lin et al. (2007)
*** BAP (5.0 µM) + Kin
B. glaucescens Nodal In vitro Shirin and Rana
MS (15 µM)
segments regeneration (2007)
+ IBA (1.0 µM)
Small branch -5 Vongvijitra
B. nana MS *** BAP (3×10 M) In vitro culture
cuttings (1988)
** BAP (1.0 mg l )
*** BAP (1.0-5.0 mg l )
B. nutans Islam and
Nodal buds MS + ½ MS + NAA (1.0- 3.0 Mass propagation
-l Rahman (2005)
mg l )
+ IBA (1.0-5.0 mg l-l)
** BAP (2.22 µM)
Nodal Yasodha et al.
B. nutans MS + IBA (49.0 µM) + In vitro rooting
segments (2008)
2776 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

Table 1b. Contd.

Explant Growth regulators (as
Species medium Result Reference
source indicated)
mosaic virus *** TDZ (0.45 μM) Multiple shoot
B. oldhamii MS Lin et al. (2007)
(BaMV)-free + NAA (10.74 -26.85 μM) proliferation
** BAP (1.0 mg l )
*** BAP (1.0-5.0 mg l-l)
B. salarkhanii Mass Islam and
Nodal buds MS + ½ MS + NAA (1.0-3.0 mg propagation Rahman (2005)
+ IBA (1.0-5.0 mg l )
*** BAP (12.0 µM) + IAA
(0.1 µM) + Glutamine (100 Micropropaga Mishra et al.
B. tulda Nodal explant MS µM) tion (2008)
+ Coumarin (40.0 µM)
** BAP (4.44 µM)
*** BAP (4.44 µM) In vitro Huang and
B. ventricosa Shoot tips MS
+ NAA (5.4 µM) + BAP propagation Huang (1995)
(0.44 µM)
** BAP (5.0 mg l )
B. vulgaris Nodal Mass Arya et al.
MS *** BAP (5.0 mg l-l)
explants multiplication (2002b)
+ NAA (4.0 mg l-l)
** BAP (1.0 mg l-l)
*** BAP (1.0-5.0 mg l-l)
B. vulgaris Mass Islam and
Nodal buds MS + ½ MS + NAA (1.0-3.0 mg propagation Rahman (2005)
+ IBA (1.0-5.0 mg l-l)
** BAP (1.0 mg l-l)
B. vulgaris var *** BAP (1.0-5.0 mg l-l)
striata Mass Islam and
Nodal buds MS + ½ MS + NAA (1.0-3.0 mg propagation Rahman (2005)
+ IBA (1.0-5.0 mg l-l)
* BAP (2.0 mg l-l) Clonal
Nodal Ndiaye et al.
B. vulgaris MMS *** BAP (2.0 mg l-l) multiplication
explants -l (2006)
+ IBA (20.0 mg l )
Axillary buds
(single node ** BAP (2.0 mg l-l)
stem *** BAP (4.0 mg l-l) + IBA In vitro shoot
B. vulgaris -l Ramanayake et
segments) MS (3.0 mg l ) proliferation
‘striata’ -l al. (2006)
from field + IBA (3.0 mg l ) + TDZ and rooting
grown culms -l
(0.5 mg l )
** BAP (0-2.0 mg l-l) + CW
Dendrocalamus (0-20.0 mg l ) Suwannamek
Stem cuttings MS -l In vitro culture
asper *** BAP (5.0 mg l ) (1992)
+ NAA (0.5 mg l )
Small branch *** BAP (3×10-5M) Vongvijitra
D. asper MS In vitro culture
cuttings (1988)
** BAP (0.1-15.0 mg l )
* BAP (1.0-10.0 mg l ) Large scale
Nodal -l Arya et al.
D. asper MS *** BAP (3.0 mg l ) plantlets
segments -l (2002 a and b)
• NAA (3.0 mg l ) production
• IBA (10.0 mg l )
Mudoi et al. 2777

Table 1b. Contd.

Basal medium Growth regulators

Species Explant source Result Reference
used (as indicated)
Explants from *** BAP (3.0 mg l )
D. asper immature and ** BAP (1.0-4.0 mg l-l) Shoot Arya et al.
mature + NAA (2.0 mg l-l) multiplication (2008)
inflorescence + IBA (10.0 mg l )

** BAP (2.0-5.0 mg l )
D. giganteus Nodal Mass Arya et al.
MS *** Kin (10.0µM) +
explants multiplication (2002b)
BAP (10.0µM)
Nodal segments ** BAP (30.0µM)
collected from *** BAP (20.0µM) Rapid Arya et al.
D. giganteus MS
young shoot of + IBA (25.0µM) + multiplication (2006)
mature culm BAP (0.05µM)
Explants ••• 2,4-D (33.9 µM) + Ramanayake
derived from a NAA (16.1 µM) and
D. giganteus MS Organogenesis
70-yr- old adult xx 2,4-D (33.9 μM) + Wanniarachchi
field clump NAA (40.3 μM) (2003)
** BAP (2.0 mg l-l) +
Kn (0.1 mg l-l) +
Single node Benlate (1.0 gm l-l)
segments of *** BAP (6.0 mg l-l) +
Kn (0.1 mg l ) + CW Ramanayake
8.0% and
D. giganteus branches were MS Micropropagation
collected from a + IBA (3.0 mg l-l) (1997)
5-yr- old field + Major salts half +
grown clump IBA (3.0 mg l-l) +
Coumarin (10.0 mg l-
Axillary shoots Ramanayake et
+ IBA + TDZ + al. (2008)
D. giganteus from adult field MS Root induction
*** BAP (4.4 µM) Micropropagation
Chambers et al.
D. hamiltonii Epicotyl tissue MS • BAP (4.4 µM); BAP and in vitro
(22.2 µM) flowering
# BAP (1.0 mg l-l) +
2,4-D (1.0 mg l-l)
##½ Somatic
Sprouting buds MS+BAP(1.0mg l-l) embryogenesis Godbole et al.
D. hamiltonii of nodal MS -l
# # # BAP (1.0 mg l ) and plantlet (2002)
explants -l
+ 2,4-D (1.0 mg l ) formation
+ Basal + 8%
** ½ MS + BAP (0.5-
5.0 mg l )
*** ½ MS (2.5 mg l )
D. hamiltonii Seedlings jnjnjnjnM½ Large scale in Sood et al.
* BAP and 2,4-D (1.0 vitro propagation (2002)
mg l-l each)
# # # BAP and 2,4-D
(1.0 mg l-l each )
** BAP (2.0-12.0 µM),
NAA (10.0 µM)
D. hamiltonii In vitro Agnihotri and
Nodal explants MS *** BAP (8.0 µM) +
regeneration Nandi (2009)
NAA 1.0 µM)
• IBA (100 µM)
2778 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

Table 1b. Continued.

Explant Basal Growth regulators (as

Species Result Reference
source medium used indicated)
Ramanayake et
D. hookeri shoots from MS + IBA + TDZ + Coumarin Root induction
al. (2008)
field culms
x TDZ (0.45 µM)
D. latiflorus Albino Albino
+ NAA (26.82 µM)
mutant MS inflorescence Lin et al. (2006)
inflorescence ** 2,4-D (4.52 µM) + Picloram proliferation
(4.14 µM)
** BAP (12.0 µM) + Kn (3.0 µM)
Single nodal MS *** BAP (15.0 µM) + IBA (1.0
segments µM) + CW 10%
D. longispathus Somatic embryo Saxena and
and + IAA (1.0 µM) + IBA (1.0 µM) + and Multiplication Bhojwani (1993)
thin sections Coumarin (68.0 µM)
of internodes B5
# # 2,4-D (0.1-10.0 mg l-l) +
2,4,5-T (0.1-10.0 mg l-l)
** BAP (1.0-5.0 mg l-l) + NAA
(0.5 mg l-l)
Nodal *** BAP (1.0-5.0 mg l-l) + NAA Arya et al.
membranaceus MS Mass multiplication
explants (0.5 mg l-l) (2002b)
+ NAA (3.0 mg l-l)
+ IBA (10.0 mg l-l)
** IAA (0.5 mg l-1) + Ads (15.0
mg l-l)
Stem Chaturvedi et al.
D. strictus
MMS • IBAandNAA(1.0 mg l-l each) + Shoot multiplication
2,4-D (0.5 mg l-l) +
Phloroglucinol (1.0 mg l-l)
* ½ MS + BAP (0 -2.0mg l-l)
D. strictus * White basal In vitro propagation
In vitro grown Shirgurkar et al.
MS and White and rhizome
seedlings *** ½ MS + BAP (0.5mgl-l) (1996)
+ ½ MS
** BAP and Kn (0.5 mg l-l each)
+ CW (200 mg l-l)
D. strictus Nodal *** BAP and Kn (0.5 mg l-l Ravikumar et al.
MS and White each) Plant regeneration
segments (1998)
* Basal medium
• IBA (0.25 mg l-l)
D. strictus Nodal ** BAP (2.0-5.0 mg l-l) Arya et al.
MS Mass multiplication
explants *** BAP (2.0-5.0 mg l-l) (2002b)
** BAP (12.0 µM) + Kn (3.0 µM)
Single nodal MS *** BAP (15.0 µM) + IBA (1.0
segments µM) + CW 10%
Dendrocalamus Somatic embryo Saxena and
and + IAA (1.0 µM) + IBA (1.0 µM) +
sp. (6 Nos) and Multiplication Bhojwani (1993)
thin sections Coumarin (68.0 µM)
of internodes B5
# # 2,4-D (0.1-10.0 mg l-l)
+2,4,5-T(0.1-10.0mg l-l)
** BAP (3.0 mg l-l)
Guadua Nodal Jiménez et al.
MS *** BAP (3.0mg l-l ) In vitro propagation
angustifolia explants (2006)
+ BAP ( 3.0 mg l-l )
* ½ MMS + Plant Preservative
In vitro node Modified MS Mixture 0.1% Ogita et al.
P. meyeri Clonal propagation
culture (MMS) (2008)
+ ½ MMS
Thyrsostachys Small branch Vongvijitra
MS *** BAP (3×10-5M) In vitro culture
oliveri cuttings (1988)
Mudoi et al. 2779

Table 1b. Continued.

Explant Basal Growth regulators (as

Species Results References
source medium used indicated)
T. oliveri Nodal buds MS ** BAP (1.0 mg l-l) Mass propagation Islam and
-l Rahman (2005)
*** BAP (1.0-5.0 mg l )
+ ½ MS + NAA (1.0-3.0
mg l )
+ IBA (1.0-5.0 mg l-l)
*, Embryo germination; **, shoot bud initiation; ***, shoot multiplication; #, callus formation; # #, somatic embryogenesis; # # #, embryoids formation; •,
in vitro flowering; ••, rhizome formationl; •••, organogenesis; +, rooting; ++, hardening; + + +, protoplast isolation and culture; x, inflorescence
proliferation; xx, cell suspension culture.

of in vitro mass propagation. However, tissue culture Induction of roots

protocols from mature tissues of bamboo were very
limited to only few species. Roots were induced on shoots within 20 to 45 days of
Multiple shoots were produced from mature tissue explanting period either on auxin or on a combination of
explants (more than 20 years) of B. arundinacea (Arya et both auxin and cytokinin enriched medium. For
al., 2002b); Bambusa balcooa (Das and Pal, 2005; Dutta successful root induction, apart from the optimum
Mudoi and Borthakur, 2009); D. giganteus (Arya et al., concentration of growth regulators, selection of
2006); D. strictus and B. vulgaris (Nadgir et al., 1984) and appropriate size of shoot propagule was also more
D. hamiltonii (Godbole et al., 2002) in BAP supplemented important factor. A propagule of two to three shoots
MS medium. 15 to 20 years old tissues of D. hamiltonii should be selected from profusely growing healthy
(Agnihotri and Nandi, 2009) resulted shoot multiplication multiple shoots having1.0 to 2.0 cm in length. Longer
on combination of BAP and α-naphthalene acetic acid shoots (> 2.0 cm) with folded leaf lamina showed a lower
(NAA) fortified MS medium, whereas, B. vulgaris (Ndiaye rooting percentage. Placing of single shoot in rooting
et al., 2006) on only BAP enriched medium. From 8 to 10 media, failed to induce root formation. Similar to our
years old mature tissues, in vitro shoot regeneration of D. case, Arya et al. (2002a) reported that a propagule of
strictus (Chaturvedi et al., 1993) was observed on three shoots (1 to 2 cm long) was the best for root
modified MS of indole-3-acetic acid (IAA) and Ads induction of D. asper.
supplemented medium. In D. strictus (Ravikumar et al., Induction of roots was observed on zygotic embryo
1998) combination of BAP and Kinetin that is, 6- derived shoots of IBA supplemented medium in B.
furfurylaminopurine (Kn) was responsible; but in B. arundinacea and D. brandisii (Nadguada et al., 1990); B.
nutans (Yasodha et al., 2008) only BAP was responsible nutans (Yasodha et al., 1997); D. asper (Arya et al.,
for shoot multiplication. Moreover Boletus edulis (Lin et 1999) and D. membranaceus (Yasodha et al., 1997). IAA,
al., 2004) showed shoot multiplication either on BAP, NAA and indole-3-propionic acid (IPA) enriched medium
NAA or TDZ and 2-4-dichlorophenoxyacetic acid (2, 4-D) was also responsible for root induction in B. tulda
supplemented MS medium. (Saxena, 1990) and D. strictus (Mascarenhas et al.,
Nodal explants (1 to 5 years) of B. balcooa, B. nutans, 1988). Gibberellic acid (GA3) was also suitable for
Bambusa salarkhanii, B. vulgaris, B. vulgaris var striata, induction of rooting in B. vulgaris, D. giganteus and D.
Thyrsostachys oliveri (Islam and Rahman, 2005); strictus (Rout and Das, 1994).
Bambusa bambos (Arya and Sharma, 1998); D. Moreover, NAA treatments were favourable for
hamiltonii (Chambers et al.1991; Sood et al. 2002); promoting rooting on shoots of mature tissue derived
Guadua angustifolia (Jiménez et al., 2006) was cultured bamboos viz. B. arundinacea (Arya et al., 2002b); B.
on BAP fortified MS medium for shoot proliferation, but, balcooa (Islam and Rahman, 2005); B. bambos (Arya
B. vulgaris (Ramanayake et al., 2006) exhibited shoot and Sharma, 1998); B. edulis (Lin et al., 2003a, 2005);
multiplication on BAP and IBA, and D. giganteus Bambusa oldhamii (Lin et al., 2007); Bambusa ventricosa
(Ramanayake and Yakandawala, 1997) on BAP, Kn, (Huang and Huang, 1995); B. vulgaris (Arya et al.,
Benlate and coconut water (CW) supplemented MS 2002b); D. asper (Suwannamek, 1992; Arya et al., 2008);
medium. Thereafter, Ogita et al. (2008) reported multiple Dendrocalamus latiflorus (Lin et al., 2006); D.
shoot formation of Phyllostachys meyeri on Plant membranaceus (Arya et al., 2002b) and in T. oliveri
Preservative Mixture (PPM) enriched half strength of (Islam and Rahman, 2005).
modified MS medium. Mehta et al. (2010) established Similarly, IBA treatments were used for promoting
multiple shoots from nodal segments of B. nutans on rooting on shoots of mature tissue derived bamboos viz.
BAP supplemented MS medium. Single node segments B. balcooa (Das and Pal, 2005; Islam and Rahman,
from 5-year old B. nutans were cultured in BAP, Kn and 2005); Bambusa glaucescens (Shirin and Rana, 2007);
IBA fortified MS medium (Negi and Saxena, 2011). B. nutans, B. salarkhanii, B. vulgaris var striata (Islam and
2780 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

Rahman, 2005); B. vulgaris (Islam and Rahman, 2005; 68% in B. nutans (Yasodha et al., 2008) and 75% in B.
Ndiaye et al., 2006); D. asper (Arya et al., 2008); D. balcooa (Dutta Mudoi and Borthakur, 2009).
brandisii (Mukunthakumar et al., 1999); D. giganteus However, 100% rooting percentage was reported in G.
(Ramanayake and Yakandawala, 1997); D. hamiltonii angustifolia (Jiménez et al., 2006); B. bambos var.
(Agnihotri et al., 2009); D. latiflorus (Lin et al., 2006); D. gigantea (Kapoor and Rao, 2006) and in B. nutans (Negi
membranaceus (Arya et al., 2002b) and T. oliveri (Islam and Saxena, 2011).
and Rahman, 2005).
A combination of TDZ and 2,4-D in B. edulis (Lin et al.,
2004); NAA and 2,4-D in B. edulis (Lin et al., 2005); NAA SOMATIC EMBRYOGENESIS
and IBA in B. edulis (Lin et al., 2005); IBA and Glucose in
B. nutans (Yasodha et al., 2008); BAP and NAA in B. Somatic embryogenesis is a process whereby somatic
ventricosa (Huang and Huang, 1995) and B. balcooa cells differentiate into somatic embryos morphologically.
(Dutta Mudoi and Borthakur, 2009); IBA and TDZ in B. Plant cells can be induced to give rise to somatic
vulgaris ‘striata’ (Ramanayake et al., 2006); IBA and BAP embryos. Tissues which were not committed to an
in D. giganteus (Arya et al., 2006) and IBA and Coumarin embryogenic pathway can be induced to have embryonic
in D. giganteus (Ramanayake and Yakandawala, 1997) determination by exposure to an auxin. Somatic
promoted rooting of bamboo shoots. Use of combination embryogenesis can provide a convenient and
of IAA, IBA and Coumarin in D. longispathus Kurz dependable source for obtaining plants for bamboo. To
(Saxena and Bhojwani, 1993) enhanced rooting in this get somatic embryonic callus, explant selection is the
species. Moreover, more than 20 years old explants of B. most crucial factor. Calli have been raised from various
atra, D. hookeri and D. giganteus (Ramanayake et al., explants, viz. seeds, seedlings, isolated embryos, roots,
2008) induced rooting on MS medium while incorporated shoot apices, leaf explants, internodes and anthers.
with IBA, TDZ and Coumarin. Addition of GA3 in B. Somatic embryogenesis in bamboo was reported for
vulgaris and D. strictus (Rout and Das, 1994); TDZ in B. the first time from the zygotic embryo by Mehta et al.
edulis (Lin et al., 2004); 2,4-D in B. edulis (Lin et al., (1982) in B. arundinacea. Later on, many workers used
2003a); Coumarin in B. tulda (Mishra et al. 2008) and zygotic embryo for inducing somatic embryogenesis and
BAP in G. angustifolia (Jiménez et al., 2006) singularly plantlet regeneration in B. vulgaris and D. giganteus
enhanced rooting in these bamboo species. (Rout and Das, 1994); in D. hamiltonii (Zhang et al.,
Though majority of workers observed root induction in 2010); in D. strictus (Zamora et al., 1988; Rout and Das
either singular or combined hormonal treatments, yet few 1994; Saxena and Dhawan, 1999); in Otatea acuminate
workers also obtained rooting on hormone free basal aztecorum (Woods et al., 1992) and in S. latiflora (Yeh
medium e. g. in B. atra (Ramanayake et al., 2008); D. and Chang, 1987).
hamiltonii (Godbole et al., 2002); D. strictus (Shirgurkar et Mature tissues from nodal and internodal region of B.
al., 1996) and in P. meyeri (Ogita et al., 2008). edulis (Lin et al., 2004); D. longispathus (Saxena and
Bhojwani, 1993) and roots of B. beecheyana (Chang and
Lan, 1995) were responsible for somatic embryogenesis
Rooting percentage (%) and plantlet formation. From nodal explants of G.
angustifolia (Jiménez et al., 2006); D. hamiltonii (Godbole
All the treatments with plant growth regulators promoted et al., 2002) and floral parts of B. balcooa (Gillis et al.,
rooting; however, variations were observed among the 2007); B. beecheyana (Yeh and Chang, 1986b); B.
treatments for percent rooting of microcuttings. Hundred oldhamii (Yeh and Chang, 1986a; Kanyaratt, 1991); D.
per cent root induction was not observed in most of the asper (Kanyaratt, 1991); D. latiflorus (Kanyaratt, 1991)
bamboo species. It was 20% (Nadgir et al., 1984); 80% and S. latiflora (Tsay et al., 1990) somatic embryogenesis
(Mascarenhas et al., 1988); 50% (Shirgurkar et al., 1996) and plantlet regeneration was recorded. From young and
and 85-90% (Ravikumar et al., 1998) in D. strictus. It was tender shoots of Phyllostachys nigra (Ogita, 2005) and P.
reported as 80 to 85% (Arya et al., 2002b); 45.85% viridis (Hassan and Debergh, 1987) embryogenesis and
(Ndiaye et al., 2006) and 92% (Ramanayake et al., 2006) plantlet development was observed. From leaf explant of
in B. vulgaris. It was 27.8% in P. meyeri (Ogita et al., B. glaucescens (Jullien and Van 1994); P. viridis (Anas et
2008); 80 to 85% in B. arundinacea and D. asper (Arya et al., 1987) and seedlings of D. hamiltonii (Sood et al.,
al., 2002a, 2002b). Moreover, it was observed as 80.3% 2002) embryogenesis and large scale plant regeneration
in B. edulis (Lin et al., 2003a) and 25 to 30% (Sood et al., was noticed. Embryogenesis and haploid plant regenera-
2002) rooting recorded in D. hamiltonii. It was 80 to 85% tion was observed from anther of S. latiflora (Tsay et al.,
(Arya et al., 2002b) and 73% (Yasodha et al., 2008) in D. 1990).
membranaceus. Rooting percentage was observed as Sprouted buds of B. nutans induced somatic
30% in B. glaucescens (Shirin and Rana, 2007); 70% in embryogenesis under dark incubations with maturation
D. longispathus (Saxena and Bhojwani, 1993); 77.5% in and germination of well organized somatic embryos
D. giganteus (Ramanayake and Yakandawala, 1997); (Mehta et al., 2010). Nodal segments from secondary
Mudoi et al. 2781

branches of saplings of Phyllostachys bambusoides were reserve takes long time, and
inoculated in MS medium to assess the in vitro c. Climatic periodicity, it said that flowering of bamboo is
morphogenic response of leaf sheath. 4-amino-3, 5, 6- associated with climatic factors like drought.
trichloropicolinic acid (Picloram) induced the callogenesis
in leaf sheath of P. bambusoides. Although, the primary This assumption is similar to the climatic periodicity
and secondary somatic embryo induction was observed hypothesis where bamboo flowering was mentioned to be
from the callus, the plant development did not occur associated with climatic factors like drought. Drought may
(Komatsu et al., 2011). trigger mast flowering. Since in most cases bamboo
plants die after flowering, it is hypothesized that there
may be genes that are involved in programmed flowering
Organogenesis and callus culture followed by cell death. Moreover, this situation may
create a competition among the shoot clumps for
Organogenesis occurred in nodal explants of B. vulgaris survival, for which flowering may be formed for
and 70 years old adult field clump of D. giganteus generation of offspring.
(Ramanayake and Wanniarachchi, 2003). Callus culture The first report on in vitro flowering of bamboo from
was observed from lateral shoots of Bambusa multiplex, axillary shoot cultures of D. strictus, D. brandisii and B.
B. oldhamii, Pentachaeta aurea and Sasa pygmaea arundinacea (B. bambos), which developed viable
(Huang and Murashige, 1983). Moreover, callusing and spikelets and produced fertile seeds caused great
rhizogenesis was induced in B. ventricosa, excitement (Nadgauda et al., 1990). Since then in vitro
Schizostachyum brachycladum and Thyrsostachys flowering was observed in many varieties of bamboos,
siamensis (Dekkers et al., 1987) from culm internode and generated from seedlings viz. D. hamiltonii (Chambers et
culm sheath base. al., 1991); B. arundinacea (Ansari et al., 1996); and from
shoots of somatic embryonic sources of D. giganteus, D.
strictus and B. vulgaris (Rout and Das, 1994; Arya and
Cell suspension culture Sharma, 1998). Later on, in vitro flowering was reported
from field culm source of axillary shoot cultures of B.
A cell suspension culture system offered many bambos (Arya and Sharma, 1998); B. edulis (Lin et al.,
advantages for examining the metabolic role of nutrients 2003a, 2003b, 2004, 2007); and B. balcooa (Dutta Mudoi
in plants of interest and for its industrial utilization. Huang and Borthakur, 2012) etc.
et al. (1988) reported suspension cultures of B. multiplex,
B. oldhamii, P. aurea, Sasa pygmaea and Ogita (2005) of
P. nigra. Moreover, cell suspension culture was recorded Survivability in soil after hardening
from apical bud and nodal lateral bud explants of B.
edulis and oldhamii and nodal explants of D. giganteus One of the most important and critical steps in field
(Ramanayake and Wanniarachchi, 2003). transfer of micropropagated plants in their transition
during hardening from in vitro to an ex vitro environment,
and subsequent field performance is survivability in soil
Artificial seed after hardening. Poor survival of a plant under ex vitro
Artificial seed production was noticed from somatic conditions is mainly due to poor development of cuticular
embryo of D. strictus (Mukunthakumar and Mathur, waxes, non functional stomata, water loss due to poor
1992). excessive transpiration, poor root system and sus-
ceptibility to pathogens (Ziv, 1995). In course of
hardening, the micropropagated plants, gradually over-
IN VITRO FLOWERING come these inadequacies and adapt to ex vitro con-
Flowering in bamboo is a botanical enigma and there is After due hardening, different bamboo species were
no scientific method yet developed for predicting transplanted into soil and they achieved different survival
flowering. Till now, the exact physiological mechanism or rate. It was 80 to 90% (Arya et al., 2002b); 80% (Islam
ecological factors responsible for bamboo flowering is not and Rahman, 2005) and 80 to 90% in B. arundinacea, D.
known precisely. Generally in most cases bamboo asper and D. membranaceus (Arya et al., 2002a, b).
flowering is recorded at long infrequent intervals, which Similarly, 85% survivability recorded in G. angustifolia
occurs two to three times in a century. There are few (Jiménez et al., 2006); and 80 to 85% in B. bambos var.
hypotheses propounded by experts like: gigantea (Kapoor and Rao, 2006). Moreover, in D.
hamiltonii, it was 80 to 85% (Sood et al., 2002); 78%
a. Parental competition, (Godbole et al., 2002) and 85% (Agnihotri and Nandi,
b. Consumer satiation, this suggests that bamboo 2009). About 80% survival rates recorded in B. nutans, B.
produce large quantity of seeds and storage of food salarkhanii, B. vulgaris var striata and T. oliveri (Islam and
2782 Afr. J. Biotechnol.

and Rahman, 2005). Accordingly, 80% (Mascarenhas et plantlets derived from tissue culture, the height of the
al., 1988) and 90% (Shirgurkar et al., 1996) survivability culm, the number of culms per plant, the number of
was noticed in D. strictus. However, 100% field nodes of the main culm, and girth of the second
survivability was recorded in P. viridis (Hassan and internodes were nearly double those of seedling-derived
Debergh, 1987) in B. vulgaris (Ndiaye et al. 2006; plants (Mascarenhas et al., 1988).
Ramanayake et al., 2006) in B. balcooa (Gillis et al., Sood et al. (2002) recorded field performance of the
2007) in B. edulis (Lin et al., 2003a) and in B. nutans tissue culture raised six-year-old bamboo of D. hamiltonii.
(Negi and Saxena, 2011). The observations pertaining to shoot number (total culms
produced), height of culms and thickness of culms at third
internode from the base were made in October for six
MACROPROLIFERATION years on yearly basis. The field performance of D.
hamiltonii was also studied by recording plant height,
Bamboo seedlings possess the capacity to proliferate. By number of culms and leaf characteristics within one year
cutting the rhizome into pieces, each with roots and and six months of field transfer. Plant height was found to
shoots, each seedling can be multiplied three to seven be significantly increased with time and almost six-fold
times depending on species. Generally, this method is increment was observed.
only suitable for species producing seeds. After
successful acclimatization, macroproliferation can be very
suitably adapted for well established bamboo plantlets CLONAL FIDELITY
after three to five months of transfer of the micro plants.
By splitting the rooted tillers, it was possible to increase Identification of somatic clones of plants derived through
the production up to three times. This process can be tissue, with respect to their trueness to their mother or
continued for a number of years. By recycling of the between themselves can be done in various ways. Use of
macro-proliferation procedure, continuous plantlet highly discriminatory methods for the identification and
production resulted. Proliferated plantlets were small in characterization of genotypes in this respect is very much
size, hence easy to handle and transport. A small initial essential. Identification of somatic clones derived from
stock could produce large numbers of plants. This is a tissue culture raised plantlets, with respect to their
bonus point of this experiment. Thereafter, plantlets were trueness to their mother or between them can be done in
transferred to field condition. different way. The use of highly discriminatory methods
Banik (1987) developed this technique for bamboo for the identification and characterization of genotypes is
proliferation via rhizome separation. Likewise, Kumar essential for breeding programmes. In the last ten years,
(1994) multiplied B. arundinacea, B. tulda, D. hamiltonii several generations of molecular markers become
and D. strictus through macroproliferation. Similarly, increasingly precise, this requires a new approach every
Singh (1995) also conducted macroproliferation of D. time. Several cytological and molecular markers have
hamiltonii and this was recorded as one of the most been used to detect the variation and/or confirm the
dependable, simple and quick technique for developing genetic fidelity in micropropagated plants using allo-
large number of propagules. Dutta Mudoi and Borthakur zymes, random amplified polymorphic DNA (RAPD),
(2009) also performed this experiment successfully in B. microsatellites or simple sequences repeats (SSR), inter
balcooa and increased the production up to three times. simple sequences repeats (ISSR) etc. The big boom of
Recycling the macroproliferation procedure resulted in molecular markers came with polymerase chain reaction
continuous plantlet production in B. balcooa. (PCR)-technology with RAPD and related techniques
(Gielis et al., 1997a). RAPD have been used in Yushania
(Hsiao and Riesebergh, 1994) and Phyllostachys (Gielis
FIELD PERFORMANCE OF MICROPROPAGATED et al., 1997b). The need for assessing genetic stability in
BAMBOO bamboo tissue culture using molecular techniques had
highlighted by Gielis et al. (2002).
Field evaluation of tissue-culture raised plants and their Primers of ISSR (14 to 22 bp), longer than RAPD
performance (morphological and physiological primers (10 bp), have higher annealing temperatures.
evaluation) is important for long-term assessment and Higher annealing temperatures mean more stringent
commercial applications. The tissue-culture raised primer annealing conditions, which lead to greater
bamboo plantlets are being assessed in terms of the consistency; however, a low annealing temperature may
height of the plant, diameter and number of increase non-specific amplification, leading to artifact
culms produced. The field performance data of bamboo bands. Since simple sequence based repeat primers
are being compared with those from seed-raised check target the fast evolving hypervariable sequences (Tautz,
plants of the same age. Bamboo culm formation was 1989), ISSR markers are considered suitable to detect
observed within one year in micropropagated plants variations or ascertain clonal fidelity among tissue culture
compared with two years in seedling-derived plants. In produced plants.
Mudoi et al. 2783

Earlier, Das and Pal (2005) had reported about the Though, in vitro flowering from numbers of bamboo
establishment of clonal fidelity of regenerants of B. tulda species was reported, practical and commer-cially
and B. balcooa by random amplified polymorphic DNA exploitable results have not been reported yet. Factors
(RAPD) analysis. It was also well established that as that trigger flowering in bamboo are still not clear. As it is
compared to RAPD, ISSR marker assay reveals larger not possible to observe the cyclic nature of flowering due
number of polymorphic fragments per primer than RAPD to their long life spans, so it can be taken as a new area
because of the occurrence of abundant SSR regions. A for study of the breeding of bamboo as in vitro flowering
study was conducted by Negi and Saxena (2011) to can open up the possibility of controlled flowering.
screen the tissue culture raised plantlets of B. balcooa for Although, many hurdles still need to be taken before the
somaclonal variation by employing ISSR marker assay. methods really become applicable at agricul-tural scales.
This study had stated that there was no variability found Furthermore, the hardening and acclimatization are two
among the tissue culture raised plantlets by the ISSR important aspects for micro propagated bamboo species.
marker assay; therefore they said that the ISSR markers It is observed that multiplication via tissue culture, if
are highly efficient to ascertain the clonal fidelity of tissue followed by macro proliferation, could further increase the
culture raised progenies of B. balcooa. They also stated rate of propagation of bamboo plants. Though a large
that the in vitro clonal propagation using preformed numbers of reports are available regarding micro
organs such as axillary buds circumvents de- propagation of bamboo; yet a very few of them have
differentiation or re-differentiation of cells or tissues, studied up to macro proliferation and field performance
avoiding genomic aberrations and consequently study. It is necessary to define the plant quality standard
maintaining the clonal fidelity of in vitro raised plantlets of to characterize the in vitro plant quality and to estimate
B. balcooa. the establishment of plants in an accurate and economic
ISSR had confirmed the genetic uniformity of the tissue way. Moreover, a suitable quality control strategy is
culture raised plants up to 27 passages in B. nutans necessary to ensure the performance of the bamboo
(Negi and Saxena, 2011). This result corroborated the plants and the genetic fidelity of clonal planting stocks.
observation of Mehta et al. (2010). The lack of reports on ascertaining the genetic fidelity of
tissue culture raised plantlets could lead to serious con-
sequences, especially in perennials like bamboo where
CONCLUSION AND FUTURE PROSPECTS any undesirable variant would last for several years.
Several areas of work in the tissue culture of bamboo
Bamboo is one of the most valuable forest plants nature have opened up new vistas and much progress could be
has given to mankind, but to exploit its full potential, more expected in the future.
fundamental research is needed urgently to lay the
foundations for the future. It has been realized long back ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
that in vitro propagation is essential to meet the ever-
increasing demand of planting stock of bamboo. In this The authors are thankful to Dr. P. G. Rao, Director,
respect, basic research on bamboo tissue culture for CSIR-NEIST, Jorhat-6, Assam, India for permission to
production of quality propagules should be encouraged. publish this review.
For mass propagation of bamboo, micropropagation is
the only technique. According to Gielis and Oprins
(2002), micropropagation is the best available technique
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