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GeoWatch Issue 01

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geophysical measuring solutions
Issue 1 March 1993

A Breakthrough in Strong Motion Technology

Scientists and Engineers are aware of the importance of accurate and reliable data
acquisition of acceleration and velocity measurement. Market pressure for improved
products and increasingly demanding legislation call for the highest levels of product
To assist in meeting this commitment now and into the new century, GeoSys has
developed the GSR-12 Series of Strong Motion Recording instruments. This represents
a significant breakthrough for scientists and engineers in the quest for increase
accuracy and efficiency.

Total Digital Package

A proven range of sensors, the state-of-the-art microprocessor controller, menu-driven
user friendly software, and the ability to network are the fundamental components of
these powerful recording systems. To extend system capabilities, flexible configuration
with ease of access enables permanent monitoring of the system. GeoSys with its
affiliated partner Terra Technology Corp. who has extensive world-wide resources,
now offers a unique solution for Strong Motion Monitoring, giving you absolute data
reliability and maximum cost efficiency, coupled with simplicity of use and confidence
in results.

The Future
GeoSys Motion Recorders have been designed from the outset with the future in mind.
The open architecture, leading edge digital electronics, and the use of advanced
engineering facilities, such as Computer Aided Engineering has resulted in a system
design with the power and flexibility to perform not only today's but tomorrow's
motion and vibration monitoring requirements.
The GSR-12 series of Recorders are the most technically advanced, user friendly 12 Bit
Strong Motion Recorders available today and with price/performance ratio and
reliability hard to match by others.

GeoSys AG•Kanalstr. 11•8152 Glattbrugg•Switzerland

Tel 01-810 21 50•Fax 01-810 23 50
Project Watch

The need for strong-motion instrumentation of dams is identified and instrumen-

tation schemes are proposed accordingly. The instruments used for dam monitoring
have changed drastically in the last few years. Analog recording now belongs to the
past. The new digital generation of accelerometers is more versatile and reliable. The
stations of a seismic arrays can be easily interconnected so that all instruments record
in a synchronised fashion. The aim of this article is to present a brief overview about
the different techniques used in such arrays.
Hp. Boller, GeoSys AG

12 Bit Strong Motion Recorder Specs: Specs: Geophone based triaxial

GSR-12 GSR-12FB: triaxial servo (force velocity sensor GSV-13 (internal
balance) acceleration sensor; or external); measurement range
The GSR-12 is a 12 Bit accele- measurement range DC to 4.5 Hz to 340Hz, FS: ± 100, 50,
ration data acquisition system 50 (70) Hz, FS: ± 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25, 10 mm/s; Dynamic range 72 dB;
that represents the state of the 0.1 g; Dynamic range 72 dB; resolution ± 0.005 mm/s;
art technology in earthquake resolution ±50μg. sampling rate 1000 Hz; level-,
monitoring. The GSR-12 comes GSR-12FB: capacitive silicon LTA/STA-, hardware-, software
in two versions: the GSR-12FB triaxial acceleration sensor; and time table trigger; online
which uses the Servo (Force measurement range DC to vector calculation; RS-232 in-
Balance) Accelerometer SA-320 50 (100) Hz; FS: ± 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25 terface; Matrix Printer;
and the GSR-12CS with a silicon g; Dynamic range 72 dB; re- 350 x 260 x 190, 15.4 kg,
solid state triaxial capacitive solution ± 125 μg; sampling rate - 20° to 65°C
accelerometer. Both versions 200 and 400 Hz (oversampling
are available with internal or with digital signal processing); GPS-Receiver GSP-2
external sensor. The sensor level-, LTA/STA-, hardware-,
signals are captured by a 12 bit software and time table The Global Positioning System is
A/D converter and digitally trigger; RS-232 interface; a radio-navigation system that
filtered to increase accuracy and 280 x 180 x 100 mm, 6.9 kg, employs RF transmitters in
provide stable performance by - 20° to 65°C; 24 satellites. GPS receivers
reducing quantisation noise. Options: Internal modem, decode the satellites' signals to
memory card, alarm functions, calculate the latitude, longitude
A variety of trigger conditions LC-Display. and altitude of a position on
can be selected to start data earth. The UTC time is provided
capture into either a Solid State Civil Engineering Recorder with optional accuracy of up to
Memory Bank or into Memory SR-12CE one microsecond.
Cards (Flash EEPROM or SRAM)
for later analysis. Recorded data The Civil Engineering recorder Specs: Time Accuracy ± 1 μs;
can be conveniently transferred GSR-12CE is a compact vibration Position accuracy ± 25 m;
to the central station using the measurement equipment. RS-232 Interface; supply
serial interface (PC/RS-232 port voltage 8 to 18 VDC; supply
or modem) or by removing the Permanent surveillance is sup- current 230 mA; 180 x 100 x
Memory Card. Sophisticated ported by a statistical data re- 64 mm; 0.5 kg; - 30° to 50 °C.
software provides the key to duction algorithm combined
many features not possible in with selective event recording.
older instruments and includes a The GSR-12CE can be used as
comprehensive built in test portable equipment for tem-
facility, which can be used on- porary installation during ram-
line to monitor operations of the ming or blasting and as fix
GSR-12. installed equipment for traffic
vibration control or detection of
human induced vibration during
building civil engineering
Project Watch

Terra Technology specializes since 1973 in the design and manufacture of high-performance ground
motion monitoring and recording instruments which operate in a wide range of earthquake- safety and
engineering and in seismology research situations. Terra has chosen to develop its expertise into a
quality product line for specific markets which require the superior value added performance offered.

16 Bit Strong Motion Recorder Terra-Flex SA-102 Direct Digital Seismic Data
IDS-3602 Accelerometer Acquisition System

The IDS-3602 16 Bit digital Terra-Flex SA Series Servo The Direct Digital family of
accelerograph provides a Accelerometers offer the un- seismic data acquisition pro-
completely integrated Digital paralleled combination of ex- ducts for applications which
System for applications cellent stability and raggedness. require multiple channels of
requiring high accuracy record Designed for maximum user accelerometer data recording.
over a broad range of flexibility, standard features The Direct Digital system pro-
acceleration levels. The IDS- include field rangeability, choice vides unparalleled system per-
3602 is available as 'S'-Type of sensitive axis di-rection and a formance while minimising
which includes built-in Terra SA 1 g bias network which can be system costs through the utili-
series triaxial servo user connected. sation of Pulse Width Modulated
accelerometers well known in (PWM) signal trans-mission and
the market as the A special alloy flexure system advanced digitising architecture.
accelerometers with the most and stable differential electronic
linear output without cross axis detector/amplifier are combined The Direct Digital family
and hysteresis errors. The to provide high sensitivity, includes the DDA Direct Digital
IDS-3602 converts the sensor broad dynamic range, Accelerometer, the DDI Direct
output to 16 bit digital form at raggedness, long term stability Digital Interface and the DDX
1000 samples per second per and extremely low thermal drift. the Direct Digital Acquisition
channel. When the user selected Essentially no hysteresis System.
triggering criteria have been (<0.005%) and exceptional
met, the instrument records resolution ensures accurate Direct Digital Accelerometer
digitally filtered and decimated data. DDA-01, 02, 03
data and the synchronised
internal time into battery backed The flexure suspension, unlike The DDA series servo accelero-
CMOS RAM memory. pivot and jewel suspensions, is meter is part of the Direct
not subject to progressive Digital family of seismic data
Terra's IDS Menu software deterioration in the presence of acquisition products utilising
operation on a PC provides a vibration and shock. High shock Pulse Width Modulated (PWM)
menu driven user interface for tolerance virtually eliminates signal transmission and digi-
set-up, trigger definition, data breakage during handling. tising architecture. DDA acce-
transfer/analysis and system lerometers are based on Terra's
diagnostics. Direct or modem The SA series accelerometers patented SA series sensor which
communications is via RS-232C operate form a wide range of provides high dynamic range
port. input voltages and can be used and low noise performance while
for a variety of acceleration maintaining exceptional linearity
Specs: Servo (force balance) measurement applications. and extremely low hysteresis
triaxial acceleration sensor These applications include errors.
(internal or external); measure- seismic monitoring, control
ment range DC - 50 (75) Hz, systems, vibration monitoring,
FS: ± 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25g; Dynamic structural response, vehicle
range 96 dB; Pre amplification testing and tilt sensing.
factor 1, 4, 16 or 64 (36 dB);
resolution ± 0.24 μg; sampling Specs: Servo (force-balance)
rate 250, 200 and 100 Hz accelerometer (US patent
(oversampling with digital signal # 4'088'027); Signal to noise
processing); level-, LTA/STA-, > 148 dB; Hysteresis < 0.005%;
hardware-, software- Cross axis sensitivity
and time table trigger; < 0.0005 g/g; Frequency re-
304 x 355 x 203 mm, 21.6 kg, sponse DC to 50 Hz; FS output
- 20° to 65°C. ± 5 V; Input voltage ± 12 V;
Shock 3000 g (0.1 msec);
76 x 51 x 47 mm; 0.2 kg;
- 25° to 85°C.
Project Watch

Advanced micro controller INTENSITRON EIC300

technology enables the analog
signal to be digitised and The INTENSITRON is a reliable
converted to PWM data at the precision earthquake computer
sensor. The amplitude tracking designed to detect and analyse
accelerometer controller pro- potentially damaging earth-
vides 22 bits of signal dynamic quakes. The unit provides two
range with 16 bit resolution at separate alarms. The first alarm
each of three gain steps. alerts occupants, providing up
Step/Impulse test circuitry, to six seconds to take cover.
offset trim and gain adjustments The second alarm alerts
are all built-in and software occupants that structural
controlled. damage may have taken place,
and that building evacuation
PWM data transmission form the and utility shutoff may be
DDA to a remote PC based data required. The maximum
acquisition system (the DDX intensity attained is indicated on
system) offers more than 78 dB three liquid crystal displays.
(per 1000 feet of cable) of
additional immunity form Specs: Capacitive mechanic force
induced electrical/magnetic balance sensor (internal); DC to
noise vs. analog transmission 12.5 Hz; ± 1g; dynamic range 60
and DDA uses lower cost cable dB; 126 x 144 x 86 mm; 1.0 kg;
than analog systems. - 23° to 43°C.

The DDA connection to a stan- UTILITRON EIC300-R

dard PC computer printer port
provides 12, 24, 36 or 48 chan- The UTILITRON EIC300-R is an
nels of data acquisition (using earthquake intensity computer
the DDI interface/multiplexer). with utility shutoff trigger.

Utilising surface mount com- Additional to the functions of the

ponents and advanced manu- INTENSITRON, the UTILI-TRON
facturing techniques, a complete automatically actuates utility
triaxial DDA system is housed in shutoff devices and safety control
a very compact en-closure. The systems to avert fire and water
housing also incorporates a damage.
single bolt mount with tree point
levelling screws and MS style Specs: Capacitive mechanic force
connector or sealed cable entry. balance sensor (internal), DC to
12.5 Hz; ± 1g; dynamic range
Engdahl Enterprises have been 60 dB; 126 x 144 x 86 mm;
supplying earthquake monitoring 1.0 kg; - 23° to 43°C.
and warning instrumentation to
nuclear power plants as well as
other private and industrial com-
plexes for over twenty years.

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