GeoWatch Issue 01
GeoWatch Issue 01
GeoWatch Issue 01
geophysical measuring solutions
Issue 1 March 1993
The Future
GeoSys Motion Recorders have been designed from the outset with the future in mind.
The open architecture, leading edge digital electronics, and the use of advanced
engineering facilities, such as Computer Aided Engineering has resulted in a system
design with the power and flexibility to perform not only today's but tomorrow's
motion and vibration monitoring requirements.
The GSR-12 series of Recorders are the most technically advanced, user friendly 12 Bit
Strong Motion Recorders available today and with price/performance ratio and
reliability hard to match by others.
Terra Technology specializes since 1973 in the design and manufacture of high-performance ground
motion monitoring and recording instruments which operate in a wide range of earthquake- safety and
engineering and in seismology research situations. Terra has chosen to develop its expertise into a
quality product line for specific markets which require the superior value added performance offered.
16 Bit Strong Motion Recorder Terra-Flex SA-102 Direct Digital Seismic Data
IDS-3602 Accelerometer Acquisition System
The IDS-3602 16 Bit digital Terra-Flex SA Series Servo The Direct Digital family of
accelerograph provides a Accelerometers offer the un- seismic data acquisition pro-
completely integrated Digital paralleled combination of ex- ducts for applications which
System for applications cellent stability and raggedness. require multiple channels of
requiring high accuracy record Designed for maximum user accelerometer data recording.
over a broad range of flexibility, standard features The Direct Digital system pro-
acceleration levels. The IDS- include field rangeability, choice vides unparalleled system per-
3602 is available as 'S'-Type of sensitive axis di-rection and a formance while minimising
which includes built-in Terra SA 1 g bias network which can be system costs through the utili-
series triaxial servo user connected. sation of Pulse Width Modulated
accelerometers well known in (PWM) signal trans-mission and
the market as the A special alloy flexure system advanced digitising architecture.
accelerometers with the most and stable differential electronic
linear output without cross axis detector/amplifier are combined The Direct Digital family
and hysteresis errors. The to provide high sensitivity, includes the DDA Direct Digital
IDS-3602 converts the sensor broad dynamic range, Accelerometer, the DDI Direct
output to 16 bit digital form at raggedness, long term stability Digital Interface and the DDX
1000 samples per second per and extremely low thermal drift. the Direct Digital Acquisition
channel. When the user selected Essentially no hysteresis System.
triggering criteria have been (<0.005%) and exceptional
met, the instrument records resolution ensures accurate Direct Digital Accelerometer
digitally filtered and decimated data. DDA-01, 02, 03
data and the synchronised
internal time into battery backed The flexure suspension, unlike The DDA series servo accelero-
CMOS RAM memory. pivot and jewel suspensions, is meter is part of the Direct
not subject to progressive Digital family of seismic data
Terra's IDS Menu software deterioration in the presence of acquisition products utilising
operation on a PC provides a vibration and shock. High shock Pulse Width Modulated (PWM)
menu driven user interface for tolerance virtually eliminates signal transmission and digi-
set-up, trigger definition, data breakage during handling. tising architecture. DDA acce-
transfer/analysis and system lerometers are based on Terra's
diagnostics. Direct or modem The SA series accelerometers patented SA series sensor which
communications is via RS-232C operate form a wide range of provides high dynamic range
port. input voltages and can be used and low noise performance while
for a variety of acceleration maintaining exceptional linearity
Specs: Servo (force balance) measurement applications. and extremely low hysteresis
triaxial acceleration sensor These applications include errors.
(internal or external); measure- seismic monitoring, control
ment range DC - 50 (75) Hz, systems, vibration monitoring,
FS: ± 2, 1, 0.5, 0.25g; Dynamic structural response, vehicle
range 96 dB; Pre amplification testing and tilt sensing.
factor 1, 4, 16 or 64 (36 dB);
resolution ± 0.24 μg; sampling Specs: Servo (force-balance)
rate 250, 200 and 100 Hz accelerometer (US patent
(oversampling with digital signal # 4'088'027); Signal to noise
processing); level-, LTA/STA-, > 148 dB; Hysteresis < 0.005%;
hardware-, software- Cross axis sensitivity
and time table trigger; < 0.0005 g/g; Frequency re-
304 x 355 x 203 mm, 21.6 kg, sponse DC to 50 Hz; FS output
- 20° to 65°C. ± 5 V; Input voltage ± 12 V;
Shock 3000 g (0.1 msec);
76 x 51 x 47 mm; 0.2 kg;
- 25° to 85°C.
Project Watch