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Solving the advection PDE in explicit FTCS, Lax, Implicit FTCS and Crank-Nicolson methods for constant and varying
by Nasser Abbasi
The problem
Solve numerically
Solve the above for the following 2 cases: One in which (the advection speed, or the speed at which the mass is
being transported) is a constant value ( ft/min.), and one in which is a function of time: ft/min.
Where feet.
The initial conditions are
This PDE is an example of an IBVP (Initial and Boundary Value Problem).
Different numerical methods are used to solve the above PDE. The methods are compared for stability using Von
Neumann stability analysis.
The numerical methods are also compared for accuracy. This was done by comparing the numerical solution to the
known analytical solution at each time step. The comparison was done by computing the root mean square error
(RMSE) between the numerical and the analytical solution at each time step.
The method with the least RMSE at the end of the simulation is considered the most accurate.
The above PDE has a known analytical solution which is
The above analytical solution indicates that the initial concentration will move from left to right with the advection speed
The formulation of each numerical method is shown below. is used to represent the space between 2 space grid
point, or the space step size, and is used to represent the time step.
The space line has grid points. The spacing was fixed at ft for all the methods and for all the test cases, 3/4/2011
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while was changed. This made comparing the different methods simpler. The following diagram illustrates the
discretization used.
Would you consider the lower left and the lower right grid points above as part of the initial conditions, or part of the
boundary conditions?
Stability of each method is derived. Stability is important, since by the Lax-Richtmyer equivalence theorem Note_1 ,
stability implies convergence of the solution. Convergence of the numerical solutions implies that as the step size
becomes smaller, the numerical solution converges to the analytical solution.
Explicit and implicit numerical methods are used. When solving for the future value of the solution at a single node in
terms of only past values, the method is called an explicit method. In other words, when the only unknown is the future
value of the solution at a single node, and everything else on the right hand side of the finite difference equation is a
solution derived at earlier time step, the method is explicit.
An implicit method is one in which the finite difference equation contains the solution at a at future time at more than
one node. In other words, future solution are being solved for at more than one node in terms of the solution at earlier
time. Implicit methods therefor are usually solved by matrix methods by solving where represents present
present known solution values, and are the unknown future solution values, and is the coefficient matrix which will
usually be block diagonal (or tri diagonal) in shape.
In the derivations below, the notation of is used to indicate the solution at time step and at space node Hence
is written as . This notation seems to be more clear than the notation.
Different finite difference schemes for solving a PDE are obtained by using different methods of approximating the
derivative terms in the PDE.
This will be illustrated using the space derivative This derivative can be approximated in one of the following 3
ways (all at time step )
Backward difference (Upwind)
Center difference 3/4/2011
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The following are the derivation of a number of methods for solving the advection PDE obtained by using the above
definitions for the derivative when applied to both space and time.
Numerical schemes
Explicit Methods
With FTCS, the forward time derivative, and the centered space derivative are used. Hence the advection PDE can be
written as
Here, the forward time derivative for is used and also the forward space derivative for . This results in
Here, the forward time derivative for is used, and the backward derivative for is used. This results in
Looking at the FTCS eq (1) above, and shown below again
The term above is replaced by its average value to obtain the LAX method 3/4/2011
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By using the second-order finite difference scheme for the time derivative, the method of Lax-Wendroff method is
In this method, the centered derivative is used for both time and space. This results in
This method requires a special starting procedure due to the term . Another scheme such as Lax can be used to
kick start this method.
Implicit Methods
Implicit FTCS
Given the explicit FTCS derived above
The above is modified it by evaluating the space center derivative at time step instead of at time step , this
results in
Hence 3/4/2011
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Solving for which represents the solution at time step or at time . represents the current
solution at time step , and is the matrix of the coefficients shown above.
Due to the form of the matrix, (Called tri diagonal, or Block diagonal), an algorithm that takes advantages of this form
is used. This is called the Thomas algorithm. This greatly speeds up the solution. If we had used a general algorithm to
solve this system such as the Gauss elimination method, it would have been much slower, making the implicit method
not practical to use. (Some tests on the same data showed the Thomas algorithm to be 50 times faster than Gaussian
This method uses center difference for the derivative around the space step and the time step
This can also be solved using similar matrix method to that used for the implicit FTCS. This method is not used in this
By taking the average of the explicit FTCS and the implicit FTCS formulations (shown again below), the C-N scheme is
Now the system is setup to solve for future values as follows. Let , the system can be written as
Stability analysis
A numerical solution is stable if the "energy content" remain below some limiting value no matter how long the solution
is integrated. In essence, this means that the solution does not 'blow up' after some time. This can be called BIBO 3/4/2011
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Some numerical methods will be shown to be unconditionally unstable (such as explicit FTCS and the explicit upwind).
This means that even if courant number was , the numerical solutions will eventually become unstable.
Some explicit methods such as LAX, are conditionally stable if the courant number was
Implicit methods are unconditionally stable, hence courant number is not used for these methods. However, this does
not mean one can take as large step as one wants with the implicit methods, since accuracy will be affected even if the
solution remain stable.
Hence, the best numerical scheme is one in which the largest step size can be taken, with the least amount of
inaccuracy in the numerical solution while remaining stable.
For numerical scheme that are conditionally stable, it can be seen from the CFL condition that for a fixed speed and
fixed , the maximum time step that can be taken is given by
It can be immediately seen from above, that for the case when the advection speed is varying and is a function of time
such as the case when implying that the speed is increasing with time, then when using a fixed time step
it will eventually become larger than and the numerical scheme will be unstable. This is because as is
becoming larger and larger, while is fixed, the term will become smaller and smaller.
Hence to keep the courant number , the time step taken must remain less than , hence using a fixed time
step with increasing will eventually lead to instability.
This will affect the explicit methods that are conditionally stable such as the LAX method, since the Lax method is
explicit and depends on satisfying the CFL all the time for its stability. Implicit methods are stable for any time step.
In the following we derive the details of the stability analysis and use Von Neumann analysis to derive an expression for
the amplification factor for different numerical schemes.
So to summarize: 3/4/2011
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Using Von Neumann method, the following trial solution to the PDE is assumed
where and is the wave number and is the amplitude of the wave, as a function of time.
Let be the ratio of the amplitude of the wave at time step relative to that at time step . hence
This implies that regardless of the time step selected or the space step , hence
For a fixed speed , the instability can be delayed by making smaller, but it could not be prevented. Eventually this
numerical solution will blow up. This will be illustrated below in an animation. See case 3 and 4 as examples.
The instability can be delayed by making smaller for a fixed or by making larger for a fixed .
Stability analysis of the downwind method 3/4/2011
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since , a positive quantity, then the above condition can not be satisfied. Hence the downwind method is
unconditionally unstable.
Stability analysis of the upwind method
Hence 3/4/2011
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Hence the upwind method is stable if the CFL condition is satisfied. This will be seen as the same stability condition for
the Lax method below.
Stability analysis of Lax
Replace the trial function from (2) in Lax formulation in (4) and obtain
The Lax method is stable for however, a modified version of this method is more accurate, which is the Lax-
Wendroff method.
Stability of Lax-Wendroff 3/4/2011
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Divide by
To compare the stability and accuracy of the methods, the time step was changed (increased) and a new run was
made. 8 different values of time steps are used. So there are 8 tests cases. These 8 test cases were run for both fixed
speed and for ft/min.
This table below summarizes these cases. The appendix contains all the plots. The animations are added as HTML
Case 1
sec, 3/4/2011
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Note the following: The explicit FTCS remained stable throughout the run due to the small time step. All other methods
were stable as well during the run. For the CPU for the varying case, notice that for the implicit methods this value is
larger than the CPU for the same methods but when is fixed. This is due to the fact that the matrix is no longer
constant, and must be recomputed at each time step before calling Thomas algorithm to solve system.
Also notice that the CPU time for the implicit methods is larger than the explicit methods. This is due to the extra
computational cost in solving . Even when using Thomas algorithm, this is still more expensive than the explicit
methods when number of time steps is large.
Case 2
Speed Method CPU time (sec) RMSE Animation (2D) plots
U=2 Explicit FTCS 2.42 0.01264 HTML IMAGE
Explicit LAX 3.48 0.0057 HTML
Implicit FTCS 4.7 0.00742 HTML
C-R 4.9 0.00575 HTML
U=t/20 Explicit FTCS 2.5 0.00352 HTML IMAGE
Explicit LAX 3.5 0.00329 HTML
Implicit FTCS 7 0.00337 HTML
C-R 7.5 0.0033 HTML
The explicit FTCS is stable for most of the run, near the end it is starting to be become unstable.
Notice that around 26 minutes that "bubbles" are starting to show up in the numerical solution downstream. This is a
characteristic of how this method becomes unstable.
This will be more clear in the next test cases when the time step is made larger. For the varying speed case, the explicit
method using the same time step remained stable during the whole 30 minutes. This is because the average speed was
less than 2 ft/min, hence the mass did not have to travel as long a distance as with fixed speed of , and so the
instability did not show up. Mathematically this can be explained by looking at the term , hence for smaller , the
courant number is smaller. Notice also the RMSE is smaller for variable speed compared to fixed speed. Again this is
related to the smaller average speed making the courant number smaller.
Case 3
In this case, we slightly make the time step longer than before. We start to see the instability of FTCS. 3/4/2011
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For explicit FTCS, The solution now starting to show instability at 25 minutes. Lax remained stable since CFL is
satisfied. Explicit FTCS is becoming less accurate as well. Explicit Lax is most accurate at this time step.
Case 4
In this case, we slightly make the time step even longer than before. Now FTCS becomes more unstable.
sec, ft
FTCS Instability starts at around 20 minutes. LAX remained stable since CFL is satisfied. Lax remained the most
accurate at this time step. It accuracy actually improved as the time step became larger.
case 5
Again the time step is made longer than before. Now the explicit FTCS is completely unstable.
sec, ft
For the case of fixed , we have , while for varying , the maximum value will be at the
end of the run, which is ft/min., hence the CFL condition is changing, with a value of
at the end of the run which is still
Speed Method CPU time (sec) RMSE Animation (2D) plots
U=2 Explicit FTCS 0.73 blows up HTML IMAGE
Explicit LAX 0.281 0.000162 HTML
Implicit FTCS 0.437 0.1306 HTML
C-R 0.4 0.01028 HTML
U=t/20 Explicit FTCS 0.28 blow up HTML IMAGE
Explicit LAX 0.3 0.01117 HTML
Implicit FTCS 0.40 0.0386 HTML
C-R 0.4 0.01197 HTML
For the varying speed case, the explicit FTCS remained stable for the duration of the run as compared to the case with
the fixed speed. This is because the average wave speed is less than with the fixed wave speed case. 3/4/2011
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With the varying speed case, the coefficient was smaller during the whole run, since the maximum speed
attained will be ft/min. as compared to ft/min. in the fixed case.
We see than the smaller the speed the smaller the magnification (with everything else being fixed).
If we have run the simulation a little longer for the varying speed case, we will see the instability with explicit FTCS. This
below is a diagram showing 2 runs using the explicit FTCS both with ft/min, one was run for 30 minutes, and
the second for 53 minutes. The run to 30 minutes showed no instability while the run for 53 minutes showed the
instability. This show the explicit FTCS will eventually become unstable.
case 6
In this case, the time step is increased so that is just above the CFL condition.
Notice now that the Explicit LAX method become unstable as expected. The other implicit methods remain stable. the
explicit FTCS method now is completely unstable. The implicit FTCS method is starting to become less accurate.
sec, ft 3/4/2011
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Notice that explicit LAX takes much less CPU than any other method.
case 7
sec, ft
Speed Method CPU time (sec) RMSE Animation (2D) plots
U=2 Explicit FTCS 0.65 blows up N/A blows up IMAGE
Explicit LAX 0.9 blows up HTML
Implicit FTCS 0.42 0.1531 HTML
C-R 0.41 0.01244 HTML
U=t/20 Explicit FTCS 0.265 blows up N/A blows up IMAGE
Explicit LAX 0.29 0.01389 HTML
Implicit FTCS 0.36 0.0493 HTML
C-R 0.36 0.01525 HTML
Notice that the CPU for the implicit method when speed is fixed is now higher than the CPU for the explicit methods.
This can be explained as follows: since the time step now is larger than before, the number of times to solve
has been reduced. This made the implicit methods faster.
This implies that
Using a relatively large time step, implicit methods become faster than the explicit methods.
case 8
sec, ft
Speed Method CPU time (sec) RMSE Animation (2D) plots
U=2 Explicit FTCS 0.5 blows up N/A blows up IMAGE
Explicit LAX 0.89 blows up HTML
Implicit FTCS 0.453 0.1653 HTML
C-R 0.36 0.01403 HTML
U=t/20 Explicit FTCS 0.234 blows up N/A blows up IMAGE
Explicit LAX 0.2187 0.01564 HTML
Implicit FTCS 0.344 0.0557 HTML
C-R 0.312 0.0174 HTML 3/4/2011
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This table below summarizes the CPU time in seconds used by each method for the case of varying speed as time
step is increased. 3/4/2011
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This plot below compares the CPU time for each method when the speed is constant vs. when the speed was changing
with time. 3/4/2011
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Notice that the Lax method became more accurate when the time step was increased from to seconds,
then it starts to become less accurate as time step is increased. This is counter intuitive to what one can expect. It will
be interesting to investigate this further to obtain a mathematical explanation for this strange phenomena.
The accuracy of the implicit FTCS, and C-R also increased slightly as the time step became larger from to
, then the implicit FTCS became worst in terms of accuracy as the time step increased.
C-R method accuracy did not deteriorate as much with increasing the time step. This shows the C-R scheme to be more
This table below summarizes the RMS error from each numerical method as a function of changing the time step size.
This is for case of changing speed.
The effect of having the speed defined as is to delay instability for the explicit methods as time step is
increased. Notice also here the case where the Lax method became more accurate as the time step is increased from
to .
4 different numerical finite difference schemes are examined for CPU time, stability and accuracy in solving the
advection PDE for constant speed and for a speed which is a function of time.
For accuracy, an interesting result is observed. The Lax scheme is the most accurate for Courant number close to unity.
This means as the time step is increased, the Lax become more accurate of the 4 methods. But beyond the CFL
condition, Both explicit methods (FTCS and Lax) became less accurate. Explicit FTCS became unstable sooner than
Lax, while the implicit methods remained stable.
The implicit FTCS was less accurate than the C-R method. This implies that one should use the Lax method if one can
be satisfied with a time step such that the courant number is close to a unit. 3/4/2011
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For stability, Crank-Nicolson was the most stable of all methods. Stability by itself is not sufficient condition to use to
select a numerical scheme. It must also be accurate. The C-R method has both these properties for the range of the
time steps considered. But as mentioned above, there is a range of time steps in which the Lax method is more
accurate than all the other methods.
For CPU usage, the explicit methods used less CPU time when the time step was small, up to This can
be explained as follows: for small step size, the number of time to solve is large. Hence the implicit methods
will be slower. As the time step is increased to the range of and over, the implicit methods actually became
more CPU efficient due to the fact that the number of times to solve is less because the number of steps is
In conclusion, the selection of a finite difference scheme depends on many factors. Stability and accuracy being the
most important. The time step size plays a critical rule. For Courant number close to a unity, the Lax method is the most
attractive. For larger time steps, the C-R method should be considered.
case 1 3/4/2011
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case 2 3/4/2011
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case 3 3/4/2011
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case 4 3/4/2011
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case 5 3/4/2011
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case 6 3/4/2011
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case 7 3/4/2011
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case 8 3/4/2011
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Source code
A link to Fortran source code is here [ TEXT ]
1. Numerical Methods for physics. Second edition. Alejandro Garica
2. Applied Numerical Methods for Engineers. Terrence Akal.
3. Computational Techniques for fluid dynamics. Second edition. C.A.J.Fletcher 3/4/2011