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9390IT - 40KVA W Internal Battery

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Powerware series 40 kVA

Eaton 9390IT UPS

Eaton 9390IT.

The Eaton 9390IT uninterruptible power system (UPS)
is a double-conversion UPS that resolves all utility power
problems and supplies clean, continuous, uninterruptible
power to connected equipment – delivering superior
power protection for the ever expanding loads in today’s
shrinking data centers.

The 9390IT offers an industry-leading combination of

flexibility, scalability and power density – with a sleek, end-
of-row tower design. With a rating of 40 kVA and standard
internal batteries eliminating the need for costly and space-
consuming external battery cabinets, the 9390IT offers the
smallest footprint of any comparable UPS.

9390IT 40 kVA

2 eaton corporation 9390IT Uninterruptible Power System

9390IT features and benefits
 ll-in-one space efficient, completely integrated system with
internal batteries and distribution delivers optimal end-of-row
data center solution

 ouble conversion topology protects equipment from all of the
most common power problems

• Industry leading power density, providing up to 23 percent more

power capacity in a compact all in one tower with internal batteries

• Industry's smallest footprint at 40 kVA, providing up to a 61 percent

footprint reduction

 p to 40 percent more standard runtime, eliminating the need
for external battery cabinets.

 n-board pre-wired maintenance bypass and integrated distribu-
tion cabinets provide greater redundancy and reduce installation
and maintenance costs

 educed footprint extended run modules for longer runtime

• Inherently 208 or 480V capable with no transformers

 atented Powerware® Hot Sync paralleling technology enables

paralleling of up to four 9390 UPSs for additional capacity or

 ower management software suite includes applications for
remote UPS monitoring, management and shutdown to help
insure system and data integrity

• Highest efficiency in its class

Product snapshot

Power rating: 40 kVA at 0.9 power factor (three phase)

Form factor: End-of-row tower, black
Topology: Double conversion
Battery backup: 8 minutes at full load with internal
batteries, expandable to 66 minutes
Voltage: 208, 480V
Frequency: 55-65 Hz
Dimensions: 73.7"H x 27.9"W x 31"D

www.eaton.com/9390IT 1.800.356.5794 3
Energy efficiency means substantial cost savings Green power performance
All UPSs consume energy to operate, and some unused energy The 9390IT delivers the industry’s best combination of low input
is dissipated as heat as it passes through the UPS—the more heat current distortion and high power factor for maximum efficiency.
and dissipated energy, the higher cost of operation. The efficiency Operating at greater than 90 percent efficiency at all load ranges,
rating of a UPS measures how little energy is wasted. For example, the 9390IT helps to reduce utility costs, extend battery runtimes
a 90 percent efficient UPS delivers 90 kW of useful power for every and produce cooler operating conditions.
100 kW taken in. With a transformerless design and sophisticated
In addition, Eaton’s use of sustainable materials and highly efficient
sensing and control circuitry, the 9390IT delivers an efficiency of up
manufacturing technology results in dramatic savings in carbon
to 94 percent with double-conversion protection. In addition to the
footprint as compared to competitive UPS products.
cost savings, this enhanced efficiency extends battery runtimes and
produces cooler UPS operating temperatures, extending component Power factor performance maximizes compatibility
life and increasing reliability and performance. and meets high power factor load requirements
Consistent efficiency throughout UPS load range Power factor (PF) describes the slight phase shift between voltage
applied to a circuit and current that the circuit draws in response to
Many UPSs cite greater than 90 percent efficiency without men-
the applied voltage. The maximum power factor possible is unity
tion of low or no load range. Today’s average system operates at
(1.0), or no phase shift between the voltage applied and the circuit
only 55 percent of its rated load or capacity range. However, effi-
current response maximum transfer of power between source and
ciency is usually reduced in this lower load operating status. Unlike
load. However, in the real world, the UPS must be able to accept
conventional UPS models, the 9390IT reaches optimal efficiency
power from and deliver power to circuits that have a wide range
rates at less than half load and maintains this optimal efficiency
of power factors. Older or worn equipment often results in lower
throughout the load range!
power factor readings. Some new servers operate at unity power
factor. Lightly loaded facilities such as brand new data centers,
can often show leading power factor readings. On output, the
ultra high-speed switching pulse width modulation (PWM) inverter
enables the 9390IT to provide its full rated power capability to the
Eaton 9390IT 40 kVA Efficiency Curve load, down to 0.9 leading power factor without de-rating.

98% Double-conversion design offers highest available protection

96% 94.65% Unlike other commercially available UPS technologies, the double-
conversion design completely isolates output power from all input

power anomalies and delivers 100 percent conditioned, perfect

92% sine wave output—regulating both voltage and frequency, provid-
90% 40 kVA @ 480V ing protection from all nine common power problems. Due to the
9390’s built in high efficiency capability, it operates in a consistent,
efficient status without compromising power protection. Even
86% when presented with the most severe power problems, power
84% output remains stable with the 9390IT. Output voltage THD is held
within two percent of nominal specification for linear loads, within
five percent for non-linear loads—making the 9390IT ideal for sup-
80% porting equipment that is sensitive to a distorted voltage input as
10% 20% 30% 40% 50% 60% 70% 80% 90% 100% a result of harmonic loads. In the event of a utility power failure,
LOAD there is no delay transferring to backup power.

Comparison of 90% versus 94% efficient 40 kVA UPS

Wasted Annual Cost per Extra Air
Utilized Annual Annual
Efficiency kW kW wasted kWh and energy conditioning Total
kW hours savings
hours* kW demand cost cost

94 36 33.84 2.16 8760 18922 $0.13 $2460 $1722 $4182 $2788

90 36 32.40 3.6 8760 31536 $0.13 $4100 $2870 $6969

* Mostly dissipated as heat.

4 eaton corporation 9390IT Uninterruptible Power System

The culmination of power reliability
Powerware Hot Sync technology •B
 y using a peer configuration as opposed Each parallel unit operates with its own
to a master-slave configuration, Hot Sync battery string – if any unit goes offline or is
Eaton’s patented Powerware Hot Sync
ensures that each module is operating taken down for maintenance, the remaining
technology enables multiple UPSs to
independently units support the load fully with their bat-
share the load equally, eliminating the
tery capabilities. If any battery string fails,
transfer time when shifting the load from •N
 o added circuitry or components are the remaining strings continue to support
one module to the other. The load share required to be switched in to operate in the load – thus eliminating a key potential
control algorithms maintain adjustments parallel single point of system failure.
to variations in the output power require-
ments. When two or more UPSs operate •W
 ith thousands of successful systems
in parallel for capacity and redundancy, Hot installed globally,
Sync addresses the two primary concerns Hot Sync is a proven technology
of load sharing and selective tripping. To
address these concerns for reliability – the •T
 he output of multiple UPSs remains in
degree of autonomy and the complexity phase so that static transfer switches con-
of implementation – Hot Sync combines nected between the separate distribution
digital signal processing and an advanced paths may change state seamlessly when
control algorithm to provide automatic load necessary
sharing and selective tripping in a parallel
system, as well as complete autonomy of
the modules and a skillfully simple imple-
mentation. The 9390IT achieves optimum
reliability and flexibility with the following
design features:
 nlike other paralleling techniques, there
is no system level single point of failure

 ot Sync systems are capable of parallel-
ing for both redundancy and capacity

www.eaton.com/9390IT 1.800.356.5794 5
Flexible installation: expedite deployment, save valuable
space and simplify service
The 9390IT offers the smallest footprint of any UPS in its class— At 40 kVA, the 9390IT occupies
61% less footprint
up to 80 percent smaller than competitive units. Being a pre-wired,
integrated module, the 9390IT saves time, installation cost and
cabling expenses because of standard top or bottom entry design.
The 9390IT provides front panel access for all services and opera-
tion, increasing serviceability and reducing mean time to repair
(MTTR). And since the compact 9390IT cabinet can be installed in
than the competition
a corner or against a wall, you have more location options, installa-
tion is fast and easy, deployment cost is lower and you save valu-
able data center space.

At $.30 per pound, the 9390IT averages a cross-country freight
savings of over $550 compared to conventional UPS. With a trans-
formerless design, Eaton UPS solutions meet or exceed virtually all
floor loading standards. And with this lower weight, units can be
moved without heavy capital equipment and can fit in all standard
freight elevators.

Space savings
With a footprint of 864 square inches, the 9390IT is a fraction of
the 2238 square inches that the competition takes up. With a man- B
ageable size, including a compact 72-inch height, the 9390IT fits
through most doors with ease and requires no dismantling to get it A
to its final installation location.

Retrofit applications
The 9390IT is perfect for retrofit operations. When an existing UPS
is exceeding capacity but has no room to expand, or when the
service contract is expiring, the existing UPS can be removed and
replaced with a 9390IT that offers more power in less space.

With its convenient 40 kVA modular building block concept, the
9390IT provides a cost-effective solution for growth. For example,
a unit can be upgraded from 40 to 80 kVA, then to 160 kVA—all
performed onsite and without costly excessive cabinetry and con-
nections. This feature allows you to plan electrically for growth
and eliminate future cabling costs.

40 kVA Configurations
Competitor A
40 kVA 78.5 23.6 38
Competitor A
Battery Cabinet 78.7 35.3 38
Total Footprint 58.9 76 2238*
9390IT 73.7 27.9 31 864.9*
Footprint Reduction 61%

Competitor B
40 kVA 72.1 33.5 35.6
Competitor B
Battery Cabinet 72.1 26.5 33.5
Total Footprint 60 69.1 2136*
9390IT 73.7 27.9 31 864.9*
Footprint Reduction 60%

all dimensions are in inches

* Square inches

6 eaton corporation 9390IT Uninterruptible Power System

Service and support
Proven warranty and support services eNotify Remote Monitoring
Customers consistently rank Eaton services number one in quality. Eaton's eNotify Remote Monitoring Service provides 7x24 real-
Eaton’s comprehensive, world-class service solutions are designed time monitoring of the 9390IT and battery systems and alerts both
to improve costs, uptime, reliability, power quality and safety. And service technicians and the customer when a problem is detected.
with 240 customer service engineers in North America and 1,200 Proactive monitoring enables technical experts to respond immedi-
international authorized service providers, Eaton has more service ately to more than 40 alarm conditions and, in many cases, resolve
personnel than any other UPS manufacturer. issues remotely with minimal or no downtime. Additional eNotify
benefits include:
The 9390IT standard factory warranty covers:
 ne-way outbound status and event e-mails for security and
• System warranty: One year parts / 90 days labor reliability

• Battery warranty: Two years parts / 90 days labor • Fast diagnosis and notification of critical alarms

Extensive service options for enhanced reliability •M

 onthly customer reports including power event logs andoverall
UPS and battery health summaries
For support beyond the warranty period, Eaton offers enhanced
service options including onsite startup, corrective and preventive
maintenance, battery solutions, training, remote monitoring and
factory spare parts and upgrades. Customizable three-phase UPS
services packages allow customers to select the plan that provides
the right combination of system uptime, convenience and value.

www.eaton.com/9390IT 1.800.356.5794 7
Integrated Battery Cabinet (IBC)
In addition to the 8 minutes of runtime at full rated load provided by the Accessory cabinet dimensions and weight
standard internal batteries, Eaton offers two versions of external line- Accessory cabinet IBC-S IBC-L
and-match battery cabinets for 9390IT. 40 kVA (H”xW”xD”) 22.5 x 31.6 x 73.7 42.7 x 31.6 x 73.7
40 kVA (weight) Up to 2445 lb Up to 4835 lb
The available IBC-S and the IBC-L can provide up to 66 minutes of run-
time at full load in one integrated cabinet - providing industry leading
power density and run-time in one compact footprint.

These integrated cabinets offer exceptional flexibility with standard

integral, line-up-and-match configurations and available remote installa-
tion options. Serviceability is enhanced through the unit’s front access
design and the cabinets are UL 1778 listed with flame retardant batter-
ies that meet UL 94V2 for computer room installation.


8 eaton corporation 9390IT Uninterruptible Power System

Integrated distribution
cabinet (IDC)
Eaton’s available integrated distribution cabinets make the 9390IT
an optimal data center solution, providing a scalable 40KVA modular
building block and providing cost-effective voltage transformation,
maintenance bypass, and distribution options within one integrated

Integrated and pre-wired distribution cabinets make the 9390IT the

industry’s most deployable 40 kVA UPS – with K-13 rated isolation
and step-down transformers, 3-breaker maintenance bypass con-
figurations, up to 84 poles of distribution, and sub-feed breakers
in one cabinet. The Eaton IDC is specifically designed to comple-
ment the 9390IT, with the same look and finish to enhance the
appearance of your data center.

40 kVA IDC Bypass

Integrated Maintenance The IMB parallel tie sidecar

Bypass (IMB) and module reduces installation time and
tie-breakers total cost of ownership with all
disconnects and breakers pre-
At the heart of the 9390IT’s
wired, and also increases avail-
efficient design is the on-board,
ability by allowing the UPS to
pre-wired and fully integrated
be quickly isolated for service
maintenance bypass or paral-
without any disruption to your
lel tie side-car. The fully-wired
critical loads.
3-breaker maintenance bypass
allows the operator to isolate
In addition, optional 4 breaker
the UPS for maintenance
wall-mount tie cabinets are
available making the 9390IT
Additionally, the 9390IT can be
scalable up to 160 KVA using
equipped with 2 on-board mod-
all-in-one 40 kVA module build-
ule tie breakers to cost-effec-
ing blocks. With internal batter-
tively achieve modular N+1
ies, on-board pre-wired mainte-
redundancy or expand up to 80
nance bypass and module tie-
kVA without any incremental
breakers, the 9390IT is the most
site wiring.
user-friendly and efficient data
center solution up to 160 kVA.

Parallel Tie Sidecar

www.eaton.com/9390IT 1.800.356.5794 9
IDC technical specifications1

9390IT Integrated Distribution Cabinet Battery Runtimes

12V, 9 Ah
General characteristics
String voltage = 480V (40 batteries, 240 cells)
Installation Line up and match to UPS 2 strings = 80 batteries (480 cells)
Front access only
3 strings = 120 batteries (720 cells)
Color Same as UPS 5 minutes @full load with 2 strings
Construction NEMA 1 ventilated 8 minutes @ full load with 3 strings
Input voltage 208, 480V
Output voltage
Isolation 208, 208, 120V
Distribution 208, 120V
Dimensions and weight Load 2 strings 3 strings
73.7"H x 27.9"W x 31"D
1200 lb. (maximum) VA W Minutes Minutes
Certification 40000 36000 4.1 8.3
Safety UL 1778
36000 32400 4.9 9.9
Markings UL, cUL
User interface 32000 28800 5.9 11.7
Cable entry Top or bottom 28000 25200 7.5 14.5
Remote Optional
monitoring 24000 21600 9.7 17.2
Transformer option 20000 18000 12.7 21.8
Electrostatic Standard
shield 16000 14400 17.1 30.1
Insulation 150ºC Rise, Class H
12000 10800 25.0 42.7
Impedance 5% (maximum)
K-factor K13 8000 7200 40.6 60.0
Compensation 2-FCAN, 4-FCBN standard 4000 3600 71.2 86.5
Overload Standard
Power distribution option - Panelboard distribution
Quantity 2 (maximum)
Voltage 208, 120V
Main breaker 225A, 65 kAIC
Circuits 84 (maximum)
Distribution (in lieu of panelboards)
Quantity 1 (maximum)
Voltage 208, 120V
Size 250A, 65 kAIC, adjustable trip
Maintenance bypass option
Maintenance Optional; 3 or 4 breaker configuration

1. due to continuing product improvements, specifications are subject to change without notice.

10 eaton corporation 9390IT Uninterruptible Power System

Inside the 9390IT UPS

Top cable entry area


System Control
and interface boards



Input/Output Slide out fan tray


DC connections

Modular static
switch assembly

Bottom cable
entry area

40 kVA

www.eaton.com/9390IT 1.800.356.5794 11
1 Serviceability
Technical specifications Back/side against Standard
wall installation
Optional accessories
UPS rating (0.9 power factor) Module tie cabinet
kVA 40 External maintenance bypass
kW 36 Integrated distribution cabinet
General characteristics Isolation transformer
Efficiency Up to 94% Certification
Parallel capability 4 modules with tie cabinet Safety UL1778, cUL
Audible noise <65 dBA @ 1 meter EMC IEC62040-2 EN50091 Class A (restricted access)
Altitude (max) 2000m at 40ºC , 104ºF Surge ANSI C62, 41 Cat, A&B
Input characteristics eNotify Remote Monitoring service
Voltage 208, 480, 600V2 7x24 remote monitoring of UPS and battery alarms, daily heartbeat
Voltage range +10% / -15%3 check and monthly report required. ConnectUPS-X Web/SNMP Card and
Frequency range 55-65 Hz Environmental Monitoring Probe are included with enrollment. Please
Power factor 0.99 (min) visit www.powerware.com/enotify for more information.
Input current <4.5% (no input filter required) Communications
distortion Software compatibility - PowerVision, LanSafe, FORESEER, Power Xpert
Soft start Yes Communications cards - Standard system includes one ConnectUPS
capability Web/SNMP/-X Card with an Environment Monitoring Probe. Two com-
Internal backfeed Yes munications bays standard. Maximum of four communication bays with
protection the communication expansion option.
Broadcast global Yes The following connectivity options can be installed at any time:
support - Modus Card
- Relay Interface Card (Use for AS400s)
Output characteristics - Industrial Relay Card (5A@120V)
Voltage 208, 4804, 600V5 - Hot Sync CAN Bridge Card provides CAN communications,
Regulation ±1% isolated RS-485 port
Inverter PWM with IGBT switching - Environmental Monitoring Probe (EMP)
Voltage THD <2% (100% linear load); <5% (non-linear load) Remote inputs/outputs - two building alarms inputs and on summary
Load power Down to 0.9 pf leading without de-rating alarm contact (5A@120V) standard
factor range Four more building alarm inputs available with the Communications
Expansion Option Remote panel - eight backlit status indicator lamps
Heat dissipation 208V: 23.6
plus an audible horn
(BTU @ full load) 480V: 21.9
*Requires the Parallel Card option (RS-485 port) and requires an external 120V power supply to drive the
Battery remote monitor panel.
Battery types VRLA, 12V, 9Ah 1. Due to continuing improvements, specifications are subject to change without notice.
Battery voltage 480V 2. 600V applications require an input transformer.
3. At full load without battery discharge.
Temperature Optional 4. Output transformers are required if the desired output voltage is not the same as the input voltage.
compensation 5. 600V applications require an output transformer.
Charging method Advanced battery management
Dimensions and weights
73.7"H x 27.9"W x 31"D
Weight: 655 kg; 1445 lb.

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©2009 Eaton Corporation

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Printed in USA
March 2009

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