Who Is The Filipino Christian
Who Is The Filipino Christian
Who Is The Filipino Christian
Filipinos’ kalooban.
Who is the Filipino Christian?
Jesus the Suffering Servant can thus reach out to us
There are deep affinities between Christ’s message Filipinos as healing and forgiving who understands our
and the Filipinos inmost ways of thinking and weaknesses, our failures, our feelings of depression fear and
acting. loneliness
Much of the Gospel has become part of us –
compassion, forgiveness, caring, piety – and makes Jesus Christ calls: “Come to me , all you who are weary and
of us a basically decent people. find life burdensome, and I will refresh you.” ( Mt 11:28 )
Through Baptism draws into a new identity, and into family • We are often said to be naturally psychic
life with the heavenly Father.
• We have a deep-seated belief in the super natural
MEANING IN LIFE and in all kinds of spirit dwelling in the individual
persons, places and things.
We Filipinos are Meal Oriented
Jesus the “miracle – worker” who promised to send his Spirit
• We are known for being gracious hosts and grateful to his disciples to give them new life
The Holy Spirit, sent by the Father and the Risen Christ,
• Jesus as Eucharist is the host of the new Paschal draws us Filipinos into a community wherein superstition and
Meal, and even the guest in every gathering. enslaving magic are overcome by authentic worship of the
Communion – eating together in table fellowship with the Father in spirit and truth.
presence of the risen Christ. Who then are the Filipino Christians?
We Filipinos feels naturally at home in breaking bread with • We are Filipino who have experienced in one way
Jesus. or another our Filipino Identity, meaning, suffering,
Eucharist symbolizes transformation, salvation, liberation commitment, and world view are all tied to Jesus
through communion with Jesus. Christ. Like a diamond with a thousand faces,
Christ is able to reveal to every person and nation,
SUFFERINGS IN LIFE their very own unity, truth and value.
We Filipinos are Kundiman – Oriented (Kundiman is a sad
Filipino song about wounded love.)
• We are forgiving and patient to a fault.
Christians are men and women who are baptized in the faith
that Jesus Christ is the Son of God who became man to be
Savior of all. United in the Church as Christ’s people of God,
they live out this faith in personal conviction, committed
witness and Spirit -inspired worship of God their Father.
• The Church teaches that we Filipino Christians
must know our own culture, and by our Christian
Faith in Christ, purify, guard, develop, and perfect it.
• Likewise we must inculturate our Catholic Faith into
our Filipino ways.
Jesus Christ as Son of God and Son of Man: