Soal Latihan Colors
Soal Latihan Colors
Soal Latihan Colors
1. Red = Merah
2. Pink = Merah muda
3. Green = Hijau
4. Yellow = Kuning
5. Black = Hitam
6. White = Putih
7. Blue = Biru
8. Orange = Oranye
9. Purple = Ungu
10. Gray = Abu - abu
11. Brown = Coklat
2. Contoh Kalimat
- My hair is black.
(Rambut saya berwarna hitam.)
- The sky is blue.
(Langit itu berwarna biru.)
- The apple is red.
(Apel itu berwarna merah.)
- Sunflower is yellow.
(Bunga matahari berwarna kuning.)
- My teeth are white.
(Gigi saya berwarna putih.)
- The orchid is purple.
(Anggrek itu berwarna ungu.)
- His bag is grey.
(Tas dia berwarna abu-abu.)
- The leaf is green.
(Daun itu berwarna hijau.)
- Our flag is red and white.
(Bendera kami berwarna merah dan putih.)
- The color of my boyscout uniforms is brown.
(Warna dari seragam Pramuka saya adalah coklat.)
- I have a red doll.
(Saya mempunyai boneka berwarna merah.)