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Chapter 3: Undergoing Research Critique

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A critique is a systematic way of objectively reviewing a piece of research to highlight both its
strengths and weaknesses, and its applicability to practice. Professionals often need to be able to
identify best current practice, and the ability to evaluate and use published research is critical in
achieving this.

Evaluation Criteria in Research Critique:

Try to answer the following questions:

 What did the author do?

 Is the topic of the paper sufficiently interesting (for you personally or in general)?
 Did the author miss important earlier work?
 Are the evaluation methods adequate?
 Are the theorems and proofs correct?
 Are arguments convincing?
 What did the author say were the limitations of their research?
 Does the author mention directions for future research that interest you?

Remark: Given the answers to these questions for a number of research papers, you should be
able to construct a research proposal by considering how you could improve the work presented
in them

It is useful to have some background knowledge of the publishing process in order to understand
published research better. Researchers try to get their research published as a final step in the
research process. They aim for publication in professional journals to ensure the most
appropriate readership and potential for contribution to professional practice.


Peer-reviewed journals are considered the best for publication because the contents are
scrutinized by peers for quality. Briefly, the process involves:
1) Submission of a manuscript to the journal.
2) The manuscript is reviewed by two experts in the field (without knowing the author[s]’
identity). The reviewers each write a report referring to the article’s relevancy, the rigor
of the research and its potential contribution to the profession. The reviewers
independently make recommendations as to whether it should be published or requires
further work.
3) An editorial board then accepts or rejects the paper based on the reviewers’ reports.
4) Authors may decide to adjust their article based on the reviewers’ reports and then
resubmit to the same or a different journal for further consideration for publishing. The
paper will go through the same review process.



Consider the following:
 Who is the target audience?
 Does it favour a particular research approach (paradigm)?
 Is there an editorial board? What are their qualifications?
 Is the peer-review process clearly explained?
 When was the article published?
 Is the article a seminal piece of research (i.e. often cited by others)?

NOTE: Not all publications follow such rigorous procedures before publishing, and not all work
that is published is truthful or trustworthy.
Research terminology can be off-putting to those not accustomed to it. Below are some terms
that are useful to understand:
 Ethics (ethical) clearance: when proposed research involves humans and/or animals,
details of the research and how it will be conducted must be approved by an Ethics
Approval committee. This process aims to protect the rights of humans and animals so
that no harm occurs to either as a result of research.
 Identifying a ‘gap’: identifying a topic on which little or no research has been published,
in order to come up with a useful, original study.
 Reliability: an instrument’s ability to consistently and accurately measure the concept
under study.
 Representativeness (of a sample): the degree to which a sample reflects the population
from which it was drawn.
 Rigour: trustworthiness of documentation, procedures and ethics to establish credibility
and transferability.
 Theoretical framework: theories which provide boundaries for the study and guide all
 Validity: the ability of an instrument to measure what it is supposed to measure.


Critical reviews for research are systematic. They begin at the title and review each section until
the reference list at the end. It is useful to ask yourself questions about the purpose of each
component of the article, and whether it achieves that purpose.
Does the title clearly indicate what the research is about, without being extremely long or too
short to be informative? Are the variables or theoretical issues stated and any relationships
between them?
What are the author(s)’ professional and academic qualifications? Have they published
previously on a similar topic?
Some journals require keywords to help to identify main areas of focus. Are these informative
and relevant?
The purpose of an abstract is to provide a succinct summary of the contents of the article and is
usually 50-250 words in length, depending on journal requirements. It should contain enough
information to enable a reader to decide whether the article is of interest to them or not, so must
be informative.
Ask yourself:
 Does it explain the purpose of the paper?
 Does it explain why the research was carried out?
 What was accomplished?
 What were the main findings?
 What is the significance of the research?
 What conclusions were reached?
The introduction should orientate the reader to the study by:
 giving a firm sense of what was done in the study
 introducing the question/problem
 developing the background of the study
 stating the purpose and rationale of the research.

Ask yourself:
 Is the research question/problem researchable?
 Is the problem important enough to justify the research?
 Is the background of the research relevant to the research question?


The literature review should give an overview of the available literature which frames or
surrounds the problem being researched. It should look at the similarities and differences
between the literature, as well as the strengths and limitations. It should illustrate how the current
study fits into the existing framework of research or how it fills a gap in the literature.
Ask yourself:
 Is the literature review broad, yet focused on the issue?
 Is there historical as well as contemporary material to put the area of study into a context?
 Is there convincing evidence to support assertions?
 Does it fairly represent opposing views?
 Does the literature review use a theoretical framework?
 Does it reveal gaps in the knowledge which this research will fill?
The aim must be clearly stated, focused on one main idea and should convey the main purpose of
the study. Ask yourself: Do you have a clear idea of what the study tried to achieve?
This section should clearly state what the researcher did and how it was done, allowing the
reader to evaluate the methods used, the consistency, the reliability of the study, its validity and
whether it could be replicated. As a minimum, there should be a brief synopsis of the research
approach taken. Once the research method is established, the reader can critique the research
design for methodological rigour.
The method section of the research design usually has subsections which describe the
participants, the materials and the procedure. The detail should be sufficient to clearly explain
the research design, without excessive detail, so that no questions remain.
Participants or sample: The number of participants, their characteristics and the selection
process used should be described. Do the participants represent the research well? If any
participants did not complete the study, this should be explained. Details such as any
payments made to participants and details of major demographic information should be made
evident, for example, geographical location, gender, age, affiliation with any institutions, etc.
Ethics clearance: The process of obtaining ethics clearance and how ethical standards were
maintained should be made clear.
Use of apparatus: If any apparatus were used, it should be briefly identified and described,
and its function in the research explained. If any apparatus were obtained or donated by a
commercial source, this must be stated.
Procedure: Each step in the research procedure should be explained. This includes any
instructions to the participants, the formation of groups, and any experimental manipulations.
Any control features in the research design should be stated.
Ask yourself:
 Is there a clear rationale for the chosen research approach, methods and/or
instruments used?
 Is the research method appropriate for the research question?
 Was the collection of data appropriate for the research question?
 Is there enough information concerning the participants?
 What were the ethical considerations for the research and the participants?
 Were the methods and/or instruments described in enough detail?
 Were any ambiguous terms used?
 Is the method deemed reliable and valid?
 Are any limitations of the study discussed?

DATA ANALYSIS (also known as the ‘Results and Findings’ section)

This section should contain a summary of the data collected and the main results and findings, in
enough detail so that the reader can understand how the conclusions that are drawn later in the
article have been reached. In qualitative research, illustrative samples of data are frequently used.
In quantitative data, individual scores or raw data are not discussed. All relevant data, including
that which runs counter to the hypothesis, should be discussed.

Tables and figures should be used for clear representation of data (In the discussion section, this
data should be discussed in text, not as data.). The reader should be made clear as to what the
data provided means and why it is important.
Ask yourself:
 Were the steps involved in the data analysis explained and the strategies justified?
 Was the data analysis rigorous enough to substantiate the claims?
 Were all data taken into account? If not, why not?
 Are the presented results relevant to the research question?
 Do the tables and graphs (if any) make the data analysis clearer?

In this section, the implications of the research results are evaluated and interpreted in relation to
the research question. This is where the findings and the selected theoretical framework come
together. The discussion should contain a clear statement of support or otherwise of the original
hypothesis or research question. The results of this study and those of other studies should be
discussed, and any suggestions for improvements or further research are made here. There
should be no repetition of points already made in other sections.

Ask yourself:
 Have the results been interpreted in relation to the research question and aims?
 Have the results been discussed with reference to the research question, hypothesis
(if applicable) and theoretical or conceptual frameworks?
 Have conclusions and/or recommendations been appropriately drawn from the
data analysis?
 Did the researcher highlight the most important results?
 Have the results been used to support or refute the results of other studies?
 How relevant and useful are the results to practice?

This section should summarize the main points and indicate the usefulness of the research. It
should not include any new information. Areas for future research may be suggested.
Ask yourself:
 Were the main points drawn out?
 Were fresh insights or a new perspective on the topic demonstrated?
 Have any recommendations been made based on the research?
 Were there any suggestions for future research?


This should contain a list of all sources referred to in the article (in the case of a reference list) or
all sources actually accessed in preparation for the article (in the case of a bibliography).
Ask yourself:
 Are all sources cited clearly and with full bibliographic details provided?
 Has a wide range of works in the field been referred to?
 Does the list contain both seminal (classic) and more contemporary literature?
Chapter 4:
One of the skills essential to successful research is that of writing. Good communication is
required at every stage of the project, but the main writing tasks are located at the beginning and
end of the research project – at the beginning to explain what you will do in the research, and at
the end, to explain what you have done and what you have found out. The task is made much
easier these days with the help of word processing packages which provide simple ways to
record, store, edit, expand and condense text and to present it in an attractive fashion.


Before starting a research program it is necessary to work out exactly what you want to do, why
and how. A research proposal is a succinct summary. Obviously it will be very helpful to the
researcher to make it clear what the aims of the research are and what you need to do to achieve
the desired outcome.

It will also be useful as a way to inform others of your intentions. In fact, the presentation of a
research proposal is always required by courses that contain a research exercise, such as writing
a dissertation or a thesis.

Research proposals tend to follow a defined pattern. They all need to explain the nature of the
research and its context, and why it is needed. This then prepares the way for a statement of the
aims and objectives of the research and how it will be carried out and what the outcomes are
likely to be. Then there is a description of what resources will be required (time, money,
equipment, staffing etc.) in order to carry out the work.

The research proposal, once approved, will act as a contract outlining the basis of agreement
between the parties involved, e.g. the researcher, supervisors, institutions (e.g. university or
college). In funded research, this will be part of a formal signed contract with the providers of
the funds, which cannot be substantially altered without the agreement of all the parties.

In the context of research as an educational exercise, research projects should be suitable

vehicles for students to learn and practice the theoretical and methodological aspects of the
research process as much as being a way to gain new insights into the subject studied.


Academic research proposals are usually composed of the following: elements:
 the title;
 aims of the research;
 the background to the research – context and previous research;
 a definition of the research problem;
 outline of methods of data collection and analysis;
 possible outcomes;
 timetable of the project and description of any resources required;
 List of references.
This document has been set up to assist students in preparing the text for their research proposal. It is
NOT intended as a document to guide you through your research proposal development, but to assist you
in setting out the proposal, in terms of text layout, section headings and sub-sections.

The Research Proposal is a complete description of the intended research, developed under the
supervision of the assigned supervisor. Through the full proposal, the student needs to demonstrate
convincingly that the study will make a contribution to a public health issue or problem. The full research
proposal must be between 5 and 10 pages and should present the following:

 Title
 Brief Introduction
 Background and statement of the problem (this in the light of a thorough literature review)
 Research question or hypothesis, aim and objectives
 Study design (type of study)
 Study population and sampling
 Data collection methods and instruments
 Data analysis methods – if applicable statistical planning must be fully addressed, or the candidate
should provide evidence that statistics are not required.
 Mechanisms to assure the quality of the study – e.g. control of bias, safe storage of data
 Study period - Timetable for completion of the project
 Participants in the study – all people involved in the study, and the role they play, should be
 Ethical considerations
 Resources required for the study, including budget if applicable
 References
 Appendices (copy of questionnaire, consent forms, etc.)

The function of the title is to encapsulate in a few words the essence of the research. Ideally it
should contain all the essential key words that someone might use in an attempt to locate the
kind of study you are proposing. These words are likely to include the main concept and
variables, and limits to the scope. You can leave out such phrases as ‘an investigation into’, ‘a
study of’, ‘aspects of’, as these are obvious attributes of a research project.

Example: Consider the research entitled

‘The implications of the present Labor and Conservative policies on what is taught in
primary schools in Ethiopia’

 The independent variables are ‘Labor and Conservative policies’,

 The dependent variable is ‘what is taught’;
 The type of research task is implied as a comparative study;
 The theoretical basis is one of prediction of effects of policies; and
 The purpose of the study is to predict their effects on the curricula of primary
 Also important are the words which limit the scope of the research, e.g. only
‘present policies’, only those of ‘Labor and Conservatives’, only in ‘the present’,
only effects on what is ‘taught’, only in ‘primary schools’, and only in ‘Ethiopia’.
This goes right to the heart of the project. One main aim, and perhaps two or three subsidiary
aims resulting from it are sufficient. Precision is essential – too many or vague aims indicate
woolly (vague) thinking and will be difficult or impossible to achieve within the available
resources and time.


This explains to the reader the background from which the research problem emerges. It should
explain the major factors which surround your problem, and of any significant literature which
relates to it. It also has the function of capturing the interest of the reader.

Some of the factors which make up the context might be of a physical nature, such as location,
materials, artifacts, organizations, processes etc, while others might be more conceptual, such as
the economy, legislation, development policy etc. Even more abstract are theoretical concepts
such as power, poverty and Marxism. The research problem should emerge from this context.

Virtually every subject has been researched previously, so a critical account of what has been
achieved so far to address the problem is required in order to identify the gaps in knowledge or
contentious issues. Accurate referencing is essential here. The research should fill one of these
gaps or try to resolve the contention. It is quite difficult to pitch the level of your text so that any
intelligent reader understands the factors from which your problem emerges, while at the same
time persuading the expert that you are conversant with details of the principal issues. Do not
assume that the reader knows anything about your subject.
The research problem provides the focus of the research project. It is the culmination of the
background work and the initiator of the specific research tasks. It must be very clearly defined
to explain the nature of the problem and why it is significant. The problem may be expressed in
abstract terms initially, but through the statement of sub-problems, you should indicate how it
can be investigated practically.

This part of the proposal explains briefly what you are going to do in order to carry out your
research, based on your chosen research approach.

Every proposal is different in its description of methods, as these have to be specifically tailored
to efficiently collect and analyze data relevant to the specific research problem and to produce
the outcomes aimed at. One common feature is likely to be a review of the literature relevant to
the research topic.

It is generally relevant to distinguish between the methods of data collection and data analysis,
although in some cases, particularly in qualitative research, these may go hand in hand. The
explanation will outline which methods you will use for what, and why. You will probably need
to refer to books that describe the methods in detail. There may be only one method used, e.g.
experimental, or a combination of several, each suitable for different aspects of the research. You
may have to indicate how you will be able to access certain types of information if these are
obscure, in remote locations or only available to certain people. Access to materials or equipment
may also be discussed.


Although you cannot predict exactly what the outcomes will be (if you could, there would be
little point in carrying out the research) you should try to be quite precise as to the nature and
scope of the outcomes and as to who might benefit from the information.

The outcomes should relate directly to the aims of the research. Note that in PhD proposals and
most funded research there is a need to indicate what will be the original contribution to


There is always a time limit to research projects, particularly strict if it is a piece of university or
college coursework. The formulation of a timetable is therefore essential in order to allocate time
limits to the sequence of tasks that you need to accomplish in order to hand the finished report or
dissertation in on time. This is not only a test of the practicality of the proposed project, but also
an organizational guide when you carry out the work.

Resources that are essential to the project, such as equipment, transport, skills, software etc.
should be listed and availability assured in order to convince the reader (and yourself) of the
practicality of achieving the aims of the project.
The location of the cited work of others must be meticulously recorded in this list. Not only does
this ensure that you cannot be accused of plagiarism but also demonstrates that you are aware of
the latest thinking in the subject. However, keep the references relevant.


For a major undertaking such as a final year dissertation or research degree, it is important to
keep conferring with your tutor or supervisor as you refine the structure of the argument and
develop your successive drafts of the proposal. Comments from other members of staff and/or
colleagues can be useful too as they might see things from a different perspective. Remember,
however, that it is you who must decide what you want to do in the research, so be prepared to
discuss it further with your tutor if you do not agree with some of the comments or
recommendations made by others.

Why might a proposal be rejected? Here are some reasons:

 There is no need for the research,
 The scale of the proposed research is too big so an adequate conclusion cannot be
 The aims and objectives are vague or impractical or do not match, or are expressed as
personal goals,
 The research problem is not clearly defined so the research work has no adequate focus.
 The procedures are confused with the objectives,
 There is a lack of logic in the argument in the proposal, so the link between the research
aims and outcomes is broken,
 The project is formulated on an emotional or a political agenda rather than a factual or a
theoretical basis,
 Not enough information is provided about the details of the project,
 Access to information, equipment or other resources is uncertain or impossible.

The completed proposal must conform to the requirements of the course or project in which you
are taking part. Normally, there is limited space on the forms, and often you must ensure that
your proposal is no longer than can be comfortably fitted onto two sides of A4. This is not easy,
but is a very good discipline in writing a dense argument. Where possible, use the references as
shorthand to describe theoretical approaches.


Your thesis, dissertation or final year project will probably be the first lengthy piece of
independent writing you have to undertake. The main issue when faced with such a task is how
to structure the work so that it forms an integral whole. This structure will guide the reader as
well as providing a framework to fill in as you are writing.

In academic type writing, the aim is not to tell a story as one might in a novel, but to set up an
argument to support a particular view. You will be trying to persuade the reader that what you
have done is worthwhile and based on some kind of logical intellectual process. Whatever your
subject, there must be a central issue that is being investigated which provides the focal point of
the text.
The body of the thesis will then revolve around this focal point, perhaps considering it from
different perspectives, or examining causes or finding explanations. You will have to come to
some conclusions at the end, and this is why argument is required. These conclusions should be
based on evidence, and a reasoned argument from this evidence leads to your conclusions.


It is a daunting prospect to sit down in front of a blank computer monitor with the task of writing
a 20,000 word assignment. Thankfully, you can easily avoid this situation. First you will need to
prepare a structure for the writing as soon as you are clear what you will be doing, probably after
you have completed your proposal.

The trick then is to gradually amass a collection of notes, observations and data on the issues
relevant to your study, which you can then use as a basis for your first draft. The structure will
provide a framework into which you can insert your text. This way, you will have started writing
without even realizing it! Don’t expect either the framework or the text to be the final version.
Both will need refining and revising as your work and understanding progresses. Luckily, word
processors make revision very quick and easy.


The framework for your thesis is most easily created by making a list of possible chapter or
section headings. Consult your proposal and plan of work for indications of what these may be.
At the very simplest level the divisions may be like this:
 Introduction
 Background and previous research
 The main issues and research problem
 Research methods – how you will investigate the problem
 A description of the research actions and their results
 Conclusions in relation to the research problem.

This is a conventional format and can be applied to a study in almost any subject. If you want to
use an unusual structure or even want to develop your own, discuss this with your supervisor to
check that it will be acceptable. Once you have the main framework, you can elaborate on the
contents of each section by inserting sub-headings to identify the various aspects that you want
to consider in each. You will be able to reorder, expand or change these as you progress.

The whole point of collecting data and analyzing them is so that you can come to some
conclusions that are relevant to your research problem and achieve the aims of your project. This
is a quite demanding and creative process that requires a lot of clear thinking, perception and
meticulous care to build up a logical argument. All the previous work will be devalued if you do
not sufficiently draw out the implications of your analysis and capitalize on the insights that it

Coming to conclusions is a cumulative process. It is unlikely that the problem you have chosen is
simple, with questions raised that can be answered with a simple yes or no. Normally, you will
find that the questions have several sub-questions requiring individual investigation and answers.
Throughout the analysis part of your work you should come to conclusions about these
fragments of the main issues. The skill is to gather these up at the end in the concluding chapter
to fit them together into a ‘mosaic’ that will present the complete picture of the conclusion to the
entire research project. Just as you should be able to summarize the main problem that your
project addresses in one or two sentences, so you should be able to state the conclusion equally

The nice thing about using a word processor is that you can easily change things after you have
written them. This takes off the pressure of getting everything right first time – something that is
impossible to do anyway. Once your work is on paper, then you can review it, get a second
opinion on it, and discuss it. You cannot do these if it is still all in your head, hence the
importance to get on with writing as soon as possible.

Revision can be done at different levels. The more general levels are concerned with getting the
structure and sequence right. At a more detailed level, you might look at the sequence of
paragraphs – does each concentrate on one point, do they follow each other in the right
sequence? At the most detailed level you will be looking at grammar, punctuation, vocabulary
and spelling.

It is important to keep a track of your revisions, making sure you know what the latest one is!
The best way is to save your revision as a new file, clearly labeled with a revision number (e.g.
Chapter 3/1, 3/2 etc.). You will thus be able to go back to a previous revision if you change your
mind or want to check on some detail. Most word processing programs also provide a facility for
keeping track of revisions.

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