Grade 7 Math Lesson 22: Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials Learning Guide
Grade 7 Math Lesson 22: Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials Learning Guide
Grade 7 Math Lesson 22: Addition and Subtraction of Polynomials Learning Guide
Lesson Proper:
I. Activity 1
Can you represent the following quantities using the above tiles?
1. x – 2
2. 4x +1
Activity 2.
Use the tiles to find the sum of the following polynomials;
1. 5x + 3x
2. (3x - 4) - 6x
3. (2x2 – 5x + 2) + (3x2 + 2x)
The tiles can make operations on polynomials easy to understand and do.
Let us discuss the first activity.
1. To represent x – 2, we get one (+x) tile and two (-1) tiles.
2. To represent 4x +1, we get four (+x) tiles and one (+1) tile.
What about the second activity? Did you pick out the correct tiles?
1. 5x + 3x
Get five (+x tiles) and three more (+x) tiles. How many do you have in all?
Now, recall further that a pair of one (+x) and one (-x) is zero. What tiles do you have left?
That’s right, if you have with you three (-x) and four (-1), then you are correct. That means the
sum is (-3x -4).
Do you think you can add polynomials now without the tiles?
Perform the operation.
1) Add 4a – 3b + 2c, 5a + 8b – 10c and -12a + c.
4a – 3b + 2c
5a + 8b – 10c
+ -12a +c
13x4 – 20x3 + 5x – 10
4 2
+ -8x – 10x – 15x + 10
To subtract polynomials, change the sign of the subtrahend then proceed to the addition rule.
Also, remember what subtraction means. It is adding the negative of the quantity.
III. Exercises
A. Perform the indicated operation, first using the tiles when applicable, then using paper
and pen.
1) 3x + 10x 6) 10xy – 8xy
2) 12y – 18y 7) 20x2y2 + 30x2y2
3 3
3) 14x + (-16x ) 8) -9x2y + 9x2y
3 3
4) -5x -4x 9) 10x2y3 – 10x3y2
5) 2x – 3y 10) 5x – 3x – 8x + 6x
In this lesson, you learned about tiles and how to use them to represent algebraic
expressions. You learned how to add and subtract terms and polynomials using these tiles. You
were also able to come up with the rules in adding and subtracting polynomials. To add
polynomials, simply combine similar terms. To combine similar terms, get the sum of the
numerical coefficients and annex the same literal coefficients. If there is more than one term, for
convenience, write similar terms in the same column. To subtract polynomials, change the sign
of the subtrahend then proceed to the addition rule.