Father, today by faith we unhook ourselves from the voice of the Sun, the radiation
that came from it, the influence that black spots and Sun have on us and the
radiation come from the sun towards the earth, the vibrational frequency of that
voice. Today by faith I unfold myself and unhook my record from the power of the sit
of our solar system. Father, today in court I ask for papers of legislation of my
separation from the voice of the sun because it is written that the Sun shall not smite
me by day. Father, thank you that I am able to convert the radiation of the sun to
become a blessing to my life instead of curse to it. I unhook myself from the season
of the sun in my genealogy worship of the sun god. Today, Father by faith I unhook
and unfold myself from the planet voice of mercury. I unfold and unhook myself from
the planet voice of Venus. I unfold and unhook myself from the planet voice of the
Earth. I unhook and unfold myself from the planet voice of the Mars, of the Jupiter, of
the Saturn, of the Uranus and of the Neptune. Today, Father by faith, the influence
that the moon in our solar system have over my life. Today, by faith I unhook myself
from the time and the season of the Moon that surround the Earth. Today, Lord I
unhook myself from the voice and its dictates to me of the passage of the time and
the season. I unhook and unfold myself from the two Moons of the Mars, from the
sixty-three Moons of the Jupiter, from the thirty-one Moons of the Saturn and from
the sounds of Saturn’s ring, from the twenty-seven Moons of Uranus and from the
thirteen Moons of Neptune. I unhook myself from the voice of the Pluto. I unfold my
DNA from the known Moons and also from every unknown Moon that is unseen able
with human eyes, but exist in another radiation, another frequency and another
dimension in our solar system. I unfold my DNA and unhook my DNA from the power
of the unseen, the influence of dimensional engagements with our solar system. I
take my DNA out from providing to all those dimensions. I unhook myself from them
and I decree today that those things are no longer engage of me and I am no longer
subject to them. Today, in court I ask for divorce papers for every planet in our solar
system, every Moon known in our solar system and every unknown Moon in our
solar system. I ask for those divorce papers today. I establish in Heaven that I am no
longer subject to them that they are subject to me and the radiation of who I am as a
creative light being. Father, in midst of the dark metal to time and season that exist
between the solar system, planets and Moons. We ask that our voices begin to be
established, that we will be known as the untouchables, that we will not be able to
hooked in and linked in to any other voice other than the voice of our Father, who is
above every name that at His name every knee and every voice will bow and
acknowledge that He is the Lord to the glory of Jesus Christ in Jesus’ name. Father,
we receive those papers today, Father thank you that You are issuing us out from a
corrupt gate and sitting us in a righteous gate in Christ in Jesus’ name. Amen.