Hindu Rashtra: What RSS Thinks and Why?
Hindu Rashtra: What RSS Thinks and Why?
Hindu Rashtra: What RSS Thinks and Why?
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Why Secularism is irrelevant in context of Bharat!
The RSS has been sceptical about the use of the word secularism in these so-called secular political parties to further their own interests.
the context of India—why is that? Moreover, any discussion about misuse of secularism is dubbed as
Secularism is the most misused word in Bharat and is invoked mostly opposition to secularism and favouring a theocratic state. This is a
to pamper communal forces. Secondly, the way it was introduced in the blatant lie and falsification of facts.
preamble of our Constitution creates doubts. During constitutional The RSS seems unconvinced about the idea of minority rights. Why
debates, inclusion of the word secularism was discussed, debated and is that?
it was decided against. Dr Ambedkar also thought it was not necessary. In Bharat, traditionally, we believe that all religions lead to the same
Our Constitution already has all the provisions giving equal rights to all destination and hence are equal. Ninety-nine per cent of Muslims and
religious groups, including all minorities, to practice, preach and Christians in India are converted, having origin in Bharat. Then how can
propagate their faith. Still, secularism was included in our Constitution, a mere change of faith make them qualify as minorities?
in 1976, during the Emergency, without any need, demand or In Bharat, Parsis and Jews are the actual minorities, because they have
debate—when many opposition leaders had been put behind bars by come from outside with their own religion. But they have refused to be
the Indira Gandhi government. tagged as “minority” and never asked for any special privilege. The talk
Secularism is irrelevant in Bharat. It originated in Europe as a response of minority interests is nothing but vote bank politics.
to theocratic states. In Bharat, we never had a theocratic state. Here, all If everybody is equal before the law, why should we have a minority
religions have been treated equally for centuries. Look at the Parsis, the commission? A single human rights commission can address any
Jews, the Syrian Christians, all came from outside and settled in injustice done to anyone.
various parts, making Bharat their home and practicing their religion
freely, without any persecution and discrimination. But in light of communal violence such as the 2002 riots and the
Sachar Committee report it can be argued that minority rights need
Like Swami Vivekananda said in the Parliament of World Religions in protection.
1893, “we believe not only in toleration, but we accept all religions as
true. ”. The essence of Hindutva is spiritual democracy. The reason behind the poor state of Muslims as highlighted by the
Sachar Committee is that the majority of them (65-70%) live in Bihar,
But what is the harm in the word being included in the Constitution? Bengal and Uttar Pradesh—states that have been economically
We haven’t got anything against the grammatical meaning of the term backward. These states were ruled by so-called secular parties for
but due to the bad intent and usage it has become synonymous with most of the time since Independence. According to Sachar Committee,
anti-Hindutva /anti-national ethos. In practice, secularism is being used the economic condition of Muslims in Gujarat is much better than in
to further a communal agenda—to favour one particular community West Bengal.
over others. As for riots, they have been happening before 2002 too. Let’s not forget
Saying that Muslims have the first right on national resources, as Bhagalpur, Maliana (Meerut), Kokrajhar. Who was ruling the concerned
Manmohan Singh did, is that a secular statement? Why should our states when these riots happened?
state provide funds for Haj or any religious pilgrimage? Even Muslim Instead of blaming the ruling party, it is important to try and understand
countries don’t give grants for Haj. I am told that Haj is fulfilled only if why these riots happen. If you look at the communally sensitive spots
you do it with your own means. in riot-prone cities you will notice that they are invariably in Muslim
Temples are subjected to government scrutiny and intervention, but majority areas.
minority places of worship are not. Is this secularism? The likes of Why don’t riots happen in Hindu majority areas? I have never seen riots
(Asaduddin) Owaisi are not communal but very secular? in Nagpur where I grew up but when I moved to Gujarat, in 1983, I
This minority-ism is fostering separatism and harming the unity of this noticed communal riots invariably happening during Hindu festivals in
ancient, great country. The idea of secularism has been misused by these sensitive areas. Riots are bad and must be avoided but talking
only about 2002 riots is wrong.
Other instances of communal violence based on accusations of love Both the RSS prayer and oath feature a pledge to Hindu rashtra. How
jihad and cow slaughter are on the rise. How would you explain does the RSS define that phrase?
them? Rashtra is often equated with nation in English. But the evolution of
They are separate issues. Sangh did not coin the phrase “Love Jihad”. nation in Europe is a phenomenon of the 15th century, as a reaction to
It was used for the first time by justice K.T. Sankaran in a Kerala high the theocratic state. This was never the situation in Bharat. Here the
court judgment. He saw a pattern of people hiding their real identities concept of rashtra (nation) has existed since Vedic times, based on a
while getting into relationships. We are not opposed to bonafide inter- shared view of life by all people living in Bharat, evolving into a unique
religious marriages, but if it is a part of some kind of design then it is a way of life, Sanskriti.
serious matter that should be discussed and rebuffed. There is a distinction between nation and state. A state is a political
As for cow slaughter, it is not a religious issue but an economic one. association, while nation means the people. Well-known French
Importance of cows grew as we became an agrarian society. It is philosopher Ernest Renan had this to say about “What is a nation”:
observed that excessive use of chemical fertilizers is impacting our soil “The soil provides the substratum, the field for struggle and labour, man
and affecting the food we eat. Importance of organic farming is provides the soul. Man is everything in the formation of this sacred
increasing. The Indian breed of cow is important for organic farming. thing that we call a people. Nothing that is material suffices here. A
Medicinal properties of cow products help everyone (people of all nation is a spiritual principle, the result of the intricate working of
religions), not just vegetarians. history, a spiritual family and not a group determined by the
From Gandhi to Bahadur Shah Zafar, everyone has spoken about the configuration of the earth.
protection of cows. Cow slaughter is already banned in J&K, a Muslim- “Two things which are really one go to make this soul or spiritual
majority state. principle. One of these things lies in the past, the other in the present.
But the conversation about the importance of cows to our economy The one is the possession in common of a rich heritage of memories
and society can no longer be separated from incidents in Dadri and and the other is actual agreement, the desire to live together and the will
Una. to continue to make the most of the joint in heritance.
We are opposed to violence in this matter and any other, but laws that “Man cannot be improvised. The nation like the individual, is the fruit of
exist should be enforced. Also, there has been a lot of false information long past spent in toil, sacrifice and devotion. Ancestor worship is of all
circulated about Dadri and Una. Now the truth is emerging in the case of the forms the most justifiable. Since our ancestors have made us what
Dadri. As far as Una is concerned, the emerging facts indicate that it we are. A heroic past, great men and glory, I mean real glory—these
was stage-managed. should be capital of our company when we come to found a national
It is often said that the RSS has reservations about the Indian flag. Is idea.”
that true? So, Hindu rashtra is an adjective of rashtra (people of Bharat) and
The Indian ag as it was adopted by our Constitution must be respected stands for the way of life that people practise in India. The Hindu-ness
by all. There have been people from the Sangh who have given up their of our society lies in recognizing the divinity within each human being
lives to protect the ag so there is no question of us not accepting the but also in accepting that religion is a personal matter.
ag. We are not interested in changing it. You can choose any path you like to your spiritual goals. Hindutva is the
Was there no objection to the flag when it was adopted? same as Bharatiya values. The confusion also arises because dharma
is wrongly translated as religion in English.
The tricolour ag emerged in the political scenario in 1921. It was
Gandhiji’s idea to have a ag representing all major communities. So there is no contradiction between a Hindu rashtra and a secular
Hence, a tricolour ag with red (not saffron) at the bottom, green in nation?
middle and white at the top representing Hindus, Muslims and No. The best way to understand this is through a quotation by Tagore
Christians. about Bharat in his essay ‘Swadeshi Samaj’:
Then itself, a lot of people objected, calling it a communal ag. The very “To feel unity in diversity, to establish unity amidst variety—this is the
idea of identifying each community separately and trying to forge unity underlying dharma of Bharat. Bharat does not regard difference as
among them was termed as communal thinking. They demanded to hostility, she does not regard the other as enemy. That is why without
have a non-communal, national ag. sacrifice or destruction she wants to accommodate everybody within
This demand was so strong that All India Congress Working Committee one great system. That is why she accepts all ways and sees the
appointed a seven - member committee (popularly known as ag greatness of each in his own sphere.
committee) to look into the matter. After hearing both the sides, the ag “Because of this virtue, in Bharat, by seeing others we wouldn’t get
committee came to a unanimous conclusion. frightened as we don’t consider any society or people as our enemy.
The ag committee report published in 931 says, “It was decided that Each fresh conict will enable us to expand ourselves. The Hindu, the
our ag should be artistic, distinct and non-communal. It was decided Buddhist, the Muslim and the Christian will not fight each other and die
unanimously that it should be of one single colour. And if there is a in Bharat—here they will find a meeting point. That meeting point will
colour that is more distinct than another, one that is more acceptable to not be non-Hindu, but very specifically Hindu.”
the Indians as a whole and one that is associated with this ancient Dr Radhakrishnan has observed that Hindutva (Hinduism) is not a
country by long tradition it is the saffron kesari colour.” religion: it is a commonwealth of many religions. If you accept the
The ag committee recommended a rectangular saffron-colour ag Hindu way of life you are free to follow any religion you like.
with a blue charkha on the top corner. The communalization of the In that case, where does the impulse for initiatives like ‘ghar wapsi’
colour saffron has happened post-Independence—particularly post come from?
the insertion of the word secular in the Constitution, when the definition As Hindus we do not believe in conversions. There are many Muslims
of what is communal and what is secular began to get distorted. and Christians who attend RSS shakhas but we do not seek to convert
them. They keep following their own faith. A senior ideologue of the The great Sarvodaya leader, Acharya Vinoba Bhave said, “Salvation
RSS, M.G. Vaidya, was professor of Sanskrit in a college run by through this way only is non-Hindu and salvation through this way also
Scottish Church in Nagpur. is Hindu”.
Once, one of his colleagues, a Christian, asked him if he can join the However, it is commonly known that a lot of people were converted en
RSS. Mr Vaidya replied, “Oh! Sure! For that you need not leave your masse here and there is a growing urge among them to reconnect to
faith. Only you have to accept that there is salvation outside Church their roots. Facilitating this urge to reconnect to roots is ghar wapsi or
also.” On this the Christian professor quipped that he cannot accept home coming. It can be seen as a process of de-conversion.
this as he will lose his zeal to convert people.
• Have you ever met with a Sangh functionary? These are stories drawn from real life experience, which do not make it
to the hallowed pages of mainstream publications, however if you
• Have you read any literature from the RSS? observe carefully and eschew the rhetoric that is peddled, the stark,
They invariably get answers in negation. During my routine tour when I intolerance and fascist approach to heterogeneity of ideas is clearly
was in Agra, this couple insisted that I should stay with them. They also visible and increasingly stands exposed.
arranged my meeting with the Bishop there. We went to Bishop’s office They say Pranab Da has shown the RSS a mirror, however the Sangh is
and the meeting went well. But we can’t expect such openness from the quite open to looking in the mirror and does so every year at the Chintan
Left inspired RSS haters. Shivirs and Pratinidhi Sabha!
There is a Marathi poem, that says: In these meetings a careful examination of the activities undertaken and
Those who are habituated to say “Yes” do not want to hear any ‘No” necessary course correction is deliberated upon. Such a meeting took
place as recently as the month of April in Pune. But when will left-
And those who are habituated to say “No” have no place for a “Yes” liberals who stake claim on the progressive values of inclusiveness but
In the same vein: In our “inclusion” of all we also include these display every aspect of intolerance in their actions – look in the mirror?
“intolerants”. Whether they choose to look in the mirror or not, their truth is reected
But in their (intolerant) tolerance they cannot tolerate we the in their actions and the public continues to take note of the rampant
“inclusive”. hypocrisy, between words and actions.
During his travels the Sarsanghchalak of RSS often meets inuential On a lighter note – one must express gratitude, had it not been for their
people from all walks of life. During one such interaction he met with a shrill display of intolerance, the media would not have turned the lens
famous industrialist, who suggested that in place of using the word on a program that is an annual event and always invites distinguished
“Hindu” the Sangh should use the word “Bharatiya”. guests as speakers. Thanks to the intolerance of communists and
To this Dr. Bhagwat replied, “For us, there isn’t much difference those inspired by their hollow rhetoric, the general public got to witness
between the two terms. However the term Bharat has a territorial a live transmission of the program. From the 1st to the 6th of June the
connotation while the term Hindu has a value based resonance”. This is official RSS website “Join RSS” received (average)378 requests per
the reason why Pakistan born Tarek Fateh, refers to himself as Hindu. day, however on the day of the program, there were 1779 requests.
Hence you can say Bharatiya and we can say Hindu. Some others may Need one say more?
say Indic, and we would understand that we are speaking of one and the
same thing. This is what is meant by: “Ekam Sat Vipra Bahudha
But in the dogmatic and fascist world-view of communists these
values, so Bharatiya in their essence hold no significance. Their tribe Published in Indian Express
26th June 2018
Why Bharat needs to stay connected to its roots
A senior leader of the Congress recently said that if BJP returns to Dr. Radhakrishnan. Enumerating its distinctive features, he says:
power then India will become a “Hindu Pakistan”. “The Hindu method of reform enables every group to retain its past
Several leaders of the Congress party, perhaps supported by the associations and preserve its individuality and interest. As students are
evangelical Church and inuenced by the un-Indian ideology of proud of their colleges, so are a group of their gods. We need not move
Communism, continue to issue statements that hurt the very identity students from one college to another, but should do our best to raise the
and glory of Bharat. When these highly educated people make such tone of each college, improve its standards and refine its ideals, with
statements, one is reminded of the comment made in the report of the result that each college enables us to attain the same goal.”
education commission, by former President Dr. S. Radhakrishnan in He adds: “We see that the Hindu recognises one Supreme Spirit,
1949: “One of the serious complaints against the system of education though different names are given to it. In his social economy he has
which has prevailed in this country for over a century is that it neglected many castes, but one society. In terms of population there are many
India’s past, that it did not provide the Indian students with the races and tribes, but all are bound together by one common spirit.”
knowledge of their own culture. It has produced in some cases the
feeling that we are without roots, in others, what is worse, that our roots Gurudev Ravindranath Tagore also said the same thing in his essay
bind us to a world very different from that which surrounds us.” “Swadeshi Sam j”. He writes, “To feel unity in diversity, to establish
unity amongst variety -- this is the underlying dharma of Bharat. Bharat
Clearly, this un-Indianisation has gone so deep that it has inuenced our does not regard difference as hostility, she does not regard other as
thinking, even our vocabulary. Hindu Pakistan, Hindu Taliban, Hindu enemy. That is why without sacrifice or destruction she wants to
Terror – all these terms exhibit a completely un-Indian thought. In fact, accommodate everybody within one great system. That is why she
the expression “Hindu Pakistan” is a complete oxymoron. Before we accepts all ways and sees the greatness of each in his own sphere.
recognise the meaninglessness of this statement we should Because of this virtue in Bharat we shall not be frightened considering
understand what Bharat and Hindutva are. any society as our opponent. Each fresh conict will enable us to
Recently, speaking about Bharat in Nagpur, the former President Dr. expand ourselves. The Hindus, the Buddhist, the Muslim and the
Pranab Mukherjee said that “India was a state long before the concept Christian will not fight each other and die in India; here they will find a
of the European Nation State gained ground. This model of a defined meeting point. That point will not be non-Hindu, but very specifically
territory, a single language, shared religion and a common enemy… Hindu. However foreign may be her body parts, her life and spirit will be
led to the formation of various nation states in Europe. On the other of Bharat only.”
hand, Indian nationalism emanated from” universalism”, which finds Congress leaders forget that Pakistan was formed in denial of this
its roots in the Bharatiya philosophy of Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam and liberal, all embracing, integral and holistic spiritual tradition. This is the
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah, Sarve Santu Niramayah. We see the whole result of un-Indianisation through education and the inuence of un-
world as one family and pray for the happiness and good health of all. Indian ideologies like communism. As long as Bharat is embedded
Our national identity has emerged through a long drawn process of within Hindutva, it will never become Pakistan. It is only due to the
conuence, assimilation, and co-existence. The multiplicity in culture, rejection of Hindutva that Pakistan was born. The unity, independence
faith and language is what makes India special. We derive strength from and sovereignty of Bharat, is its existence “Astitva”, and the cultural and
not just tolerance but acceptance and respect. We accept and respect ideological heritage based upon spirituality of Bharat, is its identity
pluralism that forms the basis of our composite culture. We take pride “Asmita”. Due to petty political interest, leaders of the Congress are
and celebrate our diversity. These have been a part of our collective denying the very identity of Bharat. This is a matter of deep concern.
consciousnesses for centuries. Any attempt at defining our nationalism Don’t they realise that the denial of its inherent identity can threaten the
in terms of dogmas and identities of religion, region, hatred and very existence of Bharat?
intolerance, will only lead to dilution of our national Identity.”
The liberal Indian culture which celebrates diversity, and of which Dr
The foundation of this fundamentally liberal, all embracing, tolerant and Mukherjee spoke and which was called as “Hindu view of life” by Dr.
universal thought is the integral and holistic view of life based on Radhakrishnan and Rabindranath Tagore, was inherited even by
spirituality. . This view of life has been called the ‘Hindu view of Life” by
Pakistan. But it became Pakistan because it snapped ties with this rich eroding, then the narration starts changing. And so begins the narrative
heritage. If it reconnects itself to this heritage, then without leaving its that I am a Hindu but I am a Jain. I am a Jain but I am Shwetambar Jain. I
Muslim way of worship, it can remain Hindu. Innumerable people like am Shwetambar but I am a Sthanakavasi Jain and I am a Sthanakvasi
Sri M.C. Chagla, Dr. A.P.J. Abdul Kalam and the Pakistan born Canadian Jain but I belong to Tera Panthi.
resident Sri Tariq Fateh, while continuing to follow the Muslim faith, Further erosion of this deeper connect leads to a different narrative:
connected themselves with this heritage. In this way, even while whatever I may be – a Jain, a Swetambar, a Sthanakavasi or Tera Panthi
remaining Muslim, if Pakistan accepts this liberal and tolerant heritage, but I am not a Hindu. And then politics comes into play. Once the
then it will become “Hindu Pakistan”, in other words, it will become ultimate erosion of the deep connect to the roots, the core identity
‘Bharat’ . It can do this even while retaining its separate political identity. (Asmita), is complete, the process of de-Indianisation also is
Bharat deep cultural roots are its identity. Remaining connected to complete. Slogans like “Bharat tere tukde honge, Bharat ki barbadi tak
these roots, embedded in our identity (Asmita), is essential to our jung chalegi, jung chalegi”, are the outcome of this complete
existence (Astitva). This identity has been called Hindutva or Hindu disconnect with the roots of Bharat. Such expressions do not emanate
view of life by Dr. Radhakrishnan and Gurudev Rabindranath Tagore. If from illiterate, backward and poor people, but from by ultramodern
anyone has objection to the word ‘Hindu’, then they may call it young representatives of the Bharatiya intellectual community,
Bharatiya or even Indic. But its core content remains the same. Even representing the so-called ‘most progressive and modern’ educational
though the truth is one, it can be called by different names; that is the institution. Surprisingly, they also get support from academicians and
essence of Bharatiya thought. It is the content that is vital and scholars who are drawing perks and benefits from the resources of the
important. same country. Can there be a more glaring example of de-Indianisation
How does one think if one is deeply embedded to Bharatiya cultural- through education?
spiritual tradition? A good example comes from the saying of Acharya Therefore, Dr. Pranab Mukherjee tracing the legacy of over five
Mahaprajna ji. He was the head of the Tera Panth (a sect), which is one thousand years of togetherness and collective journey of the people of
of the spiritual traditions among Shwetambara Jains. Being a saint with Bharat – he did this during his speech in Nagpur -- that formed our
national perspective, he was recognised and respected far and wide. national identity, becomes all the more important. We can protect this
He used to say, I belong to the Tera Panth because I am a Sthanakavasi identity in the world and prepare ourselves for future challenges only if
Jain. I am a Sthanakavasi Jain because I am a Shwetambara Jain. I am we remain connected and embedded to our roots. To conclude in the
Shwetambara because I am a Jain and I am a Jain because I am a words of the well known poet, Sri Prasoon Joshi:
Hindu. This is a beautiful expression of the Bharatiya way. One can Why are you so disconnected, shallow tree?
simultaneously belong to the Tera Panth, be a Sthanakavasi Jain, a
Shwetambara Jain and also be a Hindu. This is because Bharatiya You will only wither away.
thought does not see any contradiction in these diverse layers of The deeper your roots go,
identities. It is only a different expression of the One. This is the
Bharatiya tradition. But when the connect to these deeper roots starts So much will you bloom!
Mind Set
On farmer distress and the recent deaths in police firing On Rahul Gandhi studying Upanishads and the Gita
Farmer suicides are unfortunate and a result of decades of gross It is important to read the Gita and Upanishads to understand Bharat. It
neglect by ruling parties and their awed policies. It needs a focused and is good that of late Rahul Gandhi has felt the need to read the ancient
holistic intervention and this will take some time. The present scriptures. We are happy that the RSS has provoked him to read the
government is working towards this and we are confident things will great scriptures of Bharat. One should always understand Bharat
improve. before speaking about Bharat.
“The Western technological and scientific system that developed in SATYA : The Reality
symbiosis with its colonial expansion underpinned and made more Now this new alternative paradigm that is coming forth is the same that
efficient the process of expropriation. The unsustainability and injustice the Indian (Hindu) visionaries and thinkers propounded thousands of
of this project can now be seen, though at the time of the “discovery” of years ago.
distant lands and new trade routes, neither moral nor ecological limits The salient features of this age old paradigm are :
to the accumulation of wealth occurred to them, mainly as a result of
the cultural imperatives embedded in the fabric of European society. The same One Divinity is present everywhere, be it living or non-living.
It has manifested itself in many forms. Hence apparently diverse forms
The West now claims the moral high ground as it castigates other are inherently one and the same. Unity in diversity. Oneness in
countries for their failings in human rights, for their inability to control multiplicity
population growth, for their corruption and mismanagement. But the
West has attained its apparent pre-eminence only after passing through Eeshaavaasyam Idam Sarvam Yatkincha Jagatyaam Jagat I
brutal and merciless phases of human rights abuse, the widespread Reality is one but is known by various attributes. It can be achieved
practice of tyranny and genocide, slavery and colonialism. Without the through various ways, some close, some far, some twisted, some
exploitation of occupied territories, the Industrial Revolution would straight.
have been aborted before takeoff. The West’s enormous structure of Ekam Sat Vipraah Bahudhaa Vadanti I
afuence has been constructed upon the sands of unsustainability and
injustice". This creation is one live organic unit which is mutually connected.
There is mutual coherence, not conict. Everything is offsprings
(It should be noted that the term”West” does not refer solely to any complementary.
geographical region, neither does it include all the people there. It refers
mainly to the agents of Western-style development, in the West or Vasudhaiva Kutumbakam I
elsewhere, particularly the TNCs, the politicians and academics. Their The nature is form of Motherhood and we are her children. The Earth is
beneficiaries encompass much of the populations of the West, our mother and we are it’s offsprings. Therefore, milking the nature is
knowingly or unwittingly, with the exception of perhaps the appropriate, but exploitation is not.
impoverished.)” Maataa Bhoomih Putroham Pruthivyaah I
By following the above agenda have these “progressive-developed- Earning wealth and enjoying sensual desires are the principle objects of
modern” societies been able to solve all of their problems? No. That’s human endeavor and should be pursued by righteous ways according
not even in sight. In spite of all round prosperity and afuence of all to ‘Dharma’. However by limiting our needs and wants, one should lead
kinds, there is no peace, happiness, contentment. The mind is in a simple and disciplined life. The residual wealth and efforts should be
turmoil. They are experiencing the heat of its social, familial and used for the welfare of the society and mankind.
psychological adverse outcome. But they are unable to find the way
out. Because their very conception of universe, nature, society, and Tena Tyaktena Bhunjeethaah I
human being is incomplete, distorted, superficial and incorrect. Divinity is omnipresent, whether animate or inanimate. It is more
Fritjof Capra notes: prominently manifested in the human being. This divinity within can be
manifested completely by one’s own efforts. It can be done by
“The paradigm that is now receding has dominated our culture for controlling nature internal and external to become “free”. Revealing the
several hundred years. During which it has shaped our modern western omnipresent divinity and being “free” is the ultimate goal of human life
and pursuit. This spirituality is the basic foundation and essence of members can adhere to different forms of worship.
social systems, dispositions and human life. Rucheenaam Vaichitryaat Riju Kutila Naanaa Pathajushaam I
Vayam Amrutasya Putraah I Nrunaameko Gamyastvamasi Payasaamarnava Iva II
Man and woman are complimentary to each other. Both are equally Worshipping female form of divinity, Goddess as a symbol of “Shakti”.
important and responsible for betterment of the society. Both have There have been women contributors of Vedic hymns that speak of,
equal right and opportunity to evolve spiritually and get liberated. mundane and spiritual knowledge and wisdom.
Based on this Hindu or Indian world-view, highly advanced, educated, Man and woman are complementary to each other. One is incomplete
cultured, afuent life, individual as well as social, prospered here since without other. To perform any religious ritual, wife is inevitable
thousands of years. Many foreign travelers have noted and recorded companion by the side of the performing husband. Highest and
this. Hindus (Indians) were the first to reveal, comprehend, understand ultimate gratitude is expressed by revering in the form of “Mother”.
this mystery of creation and life and hence is known as “Hindu World-
view”. Hindus are naturally pleased and proud to see that the modern Gomaataa, Bhoomaataa, Lokamaataa(river), Tulasi Maataa .
Western world has started to reveal, accept and appreciate this “Satya” Rebirth and Karma Siddhaant.
or reality, this view of life. Unique concepts of Pilgrimage, Punya, Dharma.
SWATTVA : Self Expression Considering every woman (except one’s wife) in the form of mother.
In the light of this holistic, organic, connected, spiritual world-view a Maatruvat Paradaareshu, Paradravyeshu Loshtavat I
way of life was created, developed and established here since ages. To
follow, establish and practice this world-view in individual and social Aatmavat Sarvabhooteshu, Esha Dharmah Sanaatanah II
life policies, systems and life-values were created. To propagate and One should take food only after feeding the birds and animals in near
establish this value system many people have staked their entire life surrounding.
and performed penance, thus creating ideals in the society. As a sum SATTVA : Core Strength
total of this a unique culture-Hindu culture-got evolved here. To share
this view and way of life, the sages, saints, cultural ambassadors went India- the abode of Hinduism-has a role to perform to help the Hindus-
throughout the world with the sole intention of enlightening the people spread all over the world-protect self identity, self expression
all over. The affection, love, compassion, patience, approach and ways (Swattva). This role is in augmenting its core strength (Sattva or
adopted by these cultural ambassadors to disseminate their knowledge essence). This “Sattva” lies in:
and share their experience are the salient features of Hindu culture. India being militarily strong and invincible. It has been a universal
Nowhere, never coercion, force and violence were adopted by experience till date that if any nation in the world grew in its military
anybody. This culture has become the identity, the expression, the soul strength it utilizes its power for invading other nations, fighting wars to
(Swattva) of Hindu society. If one desires to have a world living together expand their territory, exploit or plunder. India is the only honorable
in peace, free from conicts, with mutual understanding and exception which never used her strength to extend her boundaries.
cooperation, with harmony among the diverse people, sustaining the India did fight wars but only in self defence, for cultural protection and
ecological balance one has to resort to this holistic, organic, to establish righteous social order (Dharma). That is why Shri Ram and
interconnected, spiritual view and way of life or Hindu view of life. Shri Krishna are ideals and apostles of Indians. They fought and won
Hence, it is the paramount duty of the Hindus spread all over the world wars but not for territorial expansions.
to protect, nourish and nurture this Hindu way of life, their own India being economically prosperous and self-reliant. We may surely
expression(Swattva) by putting it in regular practice and present a live undertake trade and business with the world around but not at the cost
example of the “global and noble” culture. of our self-reliance.
Salient features of Hindu Culture: The purpose and content of our school and university education being
Mother, Father, Teacher and Guest should be revered and treated as based on Bharatiya philosophy that reects our soul. New ideas and
Godly personalities. achievements around the world shall be welcome if they stand true to
the test of our extensive, rich experience.
Maatru Devo bhava I Pitru Devo Bhava I Aachaarya Devo Bhava I
Atithi Devo Bhava I Our social systems being founded on our holistic, spiritual,
interconnected Hindu vision where standard of life is not determined by
Personal gains can be relinquished for the sake of family; family’s gains economic parameters only but on the basis of one’s life values and
for the sake of town; town’s interests for the sake of country and quality in life.
everything can be renounced for the freedom of the soul.
In establishing a social value system promoting simple living, moderate
Tyajedekam Kulasyaarthe, Gramsyaarthe Kulam Tyajet I spending and relinquishment in spite of an abundance of resources.
Graamam Janapadasyaarthe, Aatmaarthe Prithiveem Tyajet II Having socio-centric multi-power centered social systems instead of
Worshipping land, water, light, trees, Sun, Moon as divine politico-centric mono-power centered social systems,
manifestations and worshipping machines, tools, weapons, deity of The augmentation or strengthening of Hindu’s “Sattva” shall help
our home with a feeling of larger connectedness. protect Hindu’s “Swattva”, facilitating the inuence of Hindu holistic
To spend for the betterment of others is a great virtue. One who world-view (Satya) bringing happiness and betterment of each and all
sacrifices his self interest is elevated. throughout the world.
To work, toil, spend, share for the betterment of others in the society is
‘Dharma’ and is virtuous.
Variety of religions from worshipping formless Almighty to a God with a
specific form all lead to the same realization. Even in one family the
Sarve Bhavantu Sukhinah Sarve Santu Niraanyaah I Sai Makarand Dave: Sooryani Aamantran Patrika, Arunnu Aagaman
Sarve Bhadraani Pashyantu Maa Kashchit Duhkhamaapnuyaat II (Gujarati), P.16
S. K.Chakraborti: Rising Technology and Falling Ethics?; Journal of Fritjoff Capra : The Web of Life, P.6,7
Human Values 3:1(1997), P.104
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