LaserMaterialProcessing Assignment
LaserMaterialProcessing Assignment
LaserMaterialProcessing Assignment
Tejas Ladhe
Under the guidance of
Prof. Deepak Marla
Stereolithography Apparatus (SLA), being the earliest method of additive production, creates 3D
artifacts by selectively solidifying the liquid resin through a photopolymerization reaction.
Stereolithography brings a significant attention to the ability to produce objects with high precision
and a wide range of materials. Over the past 40 years, SLA has experienced four generations of
substantial technical advancement since its discovery in the 1980s. Thus, these advances have
resulted in a diversified range of stereolithography systems for creating complex 3D artifacts and
devices with significantly improved resolution, throughput, and material selection.
The four generations of stereolithography methods, which are scanning, projection, continuous and
volumetric stereolithography, are reviewed in this paper. Along with this, the apparatus and step by
step working of the process is explained. Some insights of mathematical modelling of
polymerization, which is the basis of Stereolithography, are also discussed in this paper..
In depth, representative stereolithography device configurations are also addressed for each
generation. In addition, other derivative technologies are also included in this study, such as
scanning-projection, multi-material, and magnetically assisted stereolithography processes.
Applications of Stereolithography and commercially available SLA systems are also discussed in this
Standard Tessellation Language (STL) is a file format native to the Computer Aided Design (CAD)
applications for stereolithography produced by 3D Systems. Many other software packages support
this file format; it is commonly used for rapid prototyping, 3D printing and computer-aided
manufacturing. Without any representation of color, texture or other typical CAD model attributes,
STL files describe the surface geometry of a three-dimensional object. Both ASCII and binary
representations are defined by the STL format. Since they are more portable, binary files are more
common. This paper provides the very basic information about history, the types of STLs,
representation of curved surfaces and uses.
Abstract 2
Introduction 4
1.1 History
1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages 5
Generations of Stereolithography 6
2.1 Evolution
2.2 Working System
a. STL File Format
2.3 Generations of Stereolithography 8
a. Laser Stereolithography
b. Projection Stereolithography 9
c. Continuous Stereolithography 11
d. Volumetric Stereolithography 12
Applications 24
4.1 Commercially Available SLA Systems
Conclusions 26
Chapter 1
Fig 1.1
A concentrated beam of ultraviolet light centered on the 1.2 Advantages and Disadvantages
surface of a vat filled with a liquid photopolymer is There are several advantages of using Stereolithography
mentioned in Hull's patent. The beam is centered on the as a manufacturing process. The process gives high
surface of the liquid photopolymer, by generation of detailing, smooth surface finishing and better
intermolecular bonds in polymers (crosslinking) to dimensional accuracy than any other process. It is
create each layer of the desired 3D object. It was ideally used for producing visual prototypes as it is not
invented in order to enable engineers to manufacture very time consuming, and can complete a job in a couple
prototypes of their designs more efficiently over time. of hours only. However, depending on the part’s
Hull co-founded the world's first 3D printing company, geometry complexity , it can take several hours or more
3D Systems, to commercialize it, after the patent was than a day.
issued in 1986.
The success of stereolithography in the automotive Although, there are several disadvantages of the process
industry allowed 3D printing to gain industry status, and too. Generally, the produced parts are brittle and don’t
in many fields of research, the technology continues to retain very good mechanical properties such as strength
find innovative uses. In order to decide whether a and toughness. Post processing is required after the
proposed object can be built using 3D printing, attempts process but that also does not improve the mechanical
have been made to create mathematical models of properties a lot. Moving mechanical parts with
stereolithography processes and to develop algorithms. demanding mechanical properties cannot be created
That is why the process is not suitable to produce
functional prototypes. Also degradation of visual and
mechanical properties occur overtime when the parts
are exposed to sunlight.
Chapter 2
Generations of Stereolithography
2.1 Evolution
The 3D objects are created layer by layer with
photosensitive materials that can be healed by
ultraviolet (UV) radiation, according to Charles W. Hull's Fig 2.1 - Hull’s Stereolithography System
concept. By scanning a laser beam over the liquid
materials, the first generation scanning 2.2 Working System
stereolithography described by Hull's work produced 3D The process of stereolithography (Fig 3) starts with a
products in the early stage. The second generation standard tessellation language (STL) file, which now is
method, also known as projection stereolithography, is the standard for every AM process. By slicing the STL
able to cure each layer simultaneously with the use of file, the 3D model is translated to 2D slices that contain
photomask technology to eliminate the limits of low the information of cross-sections. According to these 2D
performance. In 2015, Tumbleston et al. introduced the slices, the physical model can be produced layer by layer.
continuous stereolithography of the third generation.
They developed a Continuous Liquid Interface 2.2.a Standard Tessellation Language (STL)
Development (CLIP) technique, which makes it possible The STL file consists of a list of details about facets. Each
to manufacture parts in minutes instead of hours at a facet is uniquely described by a normal unit, a line
much higher print speed than previous approaches. perpendicular to the triangle and the length of the unit,
Most recently, a volumetric stereolithography was and three vertices. Three coordinates each specify the
reported that produces 3D artifacts on a time scale of normal and each vertex, so there are a total of 12
seconds with the unit of complex aperiodic 3D volumes, numbers stored for each facet.
and can be seen as the fourth generation. There are,
however, several other methods, such as color Facet Orientation. The facets define the surface of a
stereolithography and thermal stereolithography, which 3-dimensional object. The orientation of the facets is
are also used. specified by two rules -
a) The direction of the normal is outward. Below is the structure of the STL (ASCII) file format -
b) The vertices are listed in counterclockwise order
solid name
when looking at the object from the outside
(right-hand rule).
facet normal n_i, n_j, n_k
outer loop
Vertex-to-Vertex Rule. Each triangle must share two
vertex v1_i, v1_j, v1_k
vertices with each of its adjacent triangles.
vertex v2_i, v2_j, v2_k
vertex v3_i, v3_j, v3_k
All vertex coordinates are required to be positive.
Direction can be defined with the unit vector. In order to
maximize the performance of the slice program, sorting
the triangles in ascending z-value order is
facet normal n_i, n_j, n_k
recommended, but not necessary. Usually, an STL file is
outer loop
saved with the case-insensitive extension 'stl'. This
vertex v1_i, v1_j, v1_k
extension may be required by the slice program or it
vertex v2_i, v2_j, v2_k
may allow for the specification of a different extension.
vertex v3_i, v3_j, v3_k
. (Add more facets)
endsolid name
Generations of Stereolithography
Below is the structure of the STL (Binary) file format - Scanning with galvanometric mirrors, however, results
in light beam defocusing, as well as optical errors. To
UINT8[80] – Header
UINT32 – Number of triangles prevent these problems, an idea of using the X-Y
translation stage with a fixed centered light beam
foreach triangle instead of galvanometric mirrors was introduced. The
REAL32[3] – Normal vector centered laser point stays fixed on the resin during
REAL32[3] – Vertex 1 printing and the X-Y translation stage is intended to
REAL32[3] – Vertex 2 move either all the optical systems or the printing
REAL32[3] – Vertex 3 platform on which the object is printed. Fig 2.4 shows a
UINT16 – Attribute byte count system known as constrain-surface system. For this
end system, objects are produced below a transparent glass
window since the fixed light beam focuses on resin
2.3 Generations of the technology through the window and the vector tracing of each layer
Since Hull proposed modern stereolithography, it has is executed by motorized stages.
undergone four generations of technical advancement.
Using various technologies, researchers have built
different kinds of physical systems to improve
stereolithography efficiency. Benefiting from these
systems, we can use a variety of materials to print
sophisticated objects with several orders of magnitude
in size.
Generations of Stereolithography
Generations of Stereolithography
The large pixel size, very low transmission in UV and C. Sun et al. introduced their DMD-based
poor contrast seriously limit the further development of stereolithography system in 2005. In their system, a UV
projection stereolithography systems. light source and a UV curable resin of 1,6-hexanediol
The digital micromirror device (DMD) developed by diacrylate (HDDA) were used for the fabrication of
Texas Instruments, which is widely used in video complex 3D microstructures with the smallest feature of
projection applications, has been adopted as a dynamic 0.6 µm. Fig 2.7 shows a typical top-down projection
mask for projection stereolithography. The DMD is in stereolithography system. Due to the high efficiency,
fact an array of up to several millions of mirrors that can which only depends on the layer thickness and the
be controlled independently to generate mask patterns. required exposure time, and the excellent property of
Table 2.1 below provides the comparison between LCD DMD, projection stereolithography using DMD as a
and DMD. The first stereolithography system using DMD dynamic mask has been widely used for micro
was reported by Bertsch et al. while a light source with manufacturing applications.
visible wavelengths was used in their system.
UV Compatibility No Yes
Modulation Efficiency 12.5% (transmission) 88% (reflection)
Pitch Size 26 μm x 24 μm 14 μm - 17 μm
Pixel Size 33 μm x 33 μm 13 μm - 16.2 μm
Filling Ratio 57% 91%
Contrast 100:1 350:1
Switching Speed 20 ms 20 μs
Generations of Stereolithography
2.3.c Continuous Stereolithography light exposure area, Y. Chen et al. also presented their
To reduce time taken by cycles of steps, a continuous continuous stereolithography system. Differing from the
manufacturing process, CLIP, from layer to layer was passive resin feeding used in the CLIP technique, the
introduced. This converted the following 3 steps cycle to resin recoating in Y Chen’s system can be significantly
a single step cycle: accelerated by the side motion. It is therefore expected
a) To expose resin to UV light, that the printing speed of continuous stereolithography
b) The cured part needs to be mechanically moved would be further enhanced. The CLIP technique has
either to separate from the surface of resin vat quickly gained a lot of attention due to strong
(for bottom-up systems) or to lower into the competitive advantages, although it has only been a few
resin (for top-down systems) for resin renewal, years since it was first proposed.
c) Re-positioning
Since each step takes several seconds, the printing speed Some researchers have documented their various
is restricted to a few millimeters per hour. Continuous continuous stereolithographic approaches in addition to
Liquid Interface Process (CLIP) (See Fig 2.8), achieved CLIP. A thermal controlled continuous stereolithographic
by creating a persistent liquid interface (dead zone) with approach that uses a mobile liquid interface to decrease
an oxygen-permeable window below the UV image the adhesive forces between the window and the curing
projection plane, is devised to print objects without artifacts was stated by Chad A. Mirkin (Fig 2.9).
stops from layer to layer.
The photopolymerization between the window and the Since the mobile liquid interface (flowing immiscible
polymerizing part can be inhibited by the fluorinated oil) can reduce interfacial adhesion and
oxygen-containing dead zone, which enables the part to dissipate heat in the building field, high-area rapid
be continuously exposed when elevated. The latter two printing (HARP) can be achieved without thermal
phases that have existed in conventional limitations by rapid printing speeds. A dual-wavelength
stereolithography may therefore be omitted. The pieces CLIP method was demonstrated by Timothy F. Scott et al.
can be continuously drawn out of the resin at rates of (Fig 2.10), where one wavelength of light is used to
hundreds of millimeters per hour by using CLIP. By suppress polymerization while a second wavelength of
integrating a side motion along the X axis between the light initiates resin polymerization.
resin tank and the Z platform to actively feed resin to the
Keywords: CLIP
Generations of Stereolithography
An inhibition region can be created between the window By the compensation between each beam, volumetric 3D
and the curing parts, eliminating adhesion and allowing geometries can be formed in a single exposure from the
continuous printing by varying the intensity of two light superimposed profile. Timothy F. Scott’s team further
sources. explored their dual-wavelength process to realize
volumetric 3D printing (Fig 2.12).
Generations of Stereolithography
(a) (b)
Fig 2.13 - Concept of Tomographic Volumetric Stereolithography
Fig 2.13 - The printing process and a model printed by tomographic volumetric stereolithography
Chapter 3
Stereolithography Cure Process Modelling
Stereolithography Cure Process Modelling
where φi is the initiation quantum yield, Ia is the the rate constants when the reactions are not limited by
absorbed light intensity (mol/m3 -s), [P•] is the chain diffusion. Ap and At are temperature-independent
radical concentration, [M] is the monomer constants to be determined by fitting the experimental
concentration, and kp and kt are the propagation and data. The initial radical concentration is obtained by
termination rate constants, respectively. The integrating the rate of initiation:
dependence of kp and kt on temperature and free volume
can be incorporated into following relations - [𝑃•]0 = φ𝑖𝑆0(1 − 𝑒 ) (10)
𝑘𝑃0 (8)
𝑘𝑃 = 𝐴𝑃(1/𝑓 − 1/𝑓𝑐𝑝)
where ε and S0 are the absorption coefficient and initial
1+𝑒 concentration of initiator, respectively, and E (mol/m2 )
is the exposure applied on the resin.
𝑘𝑡 0 (9)
𝑘𝑡 = 1 3.1.c Model Parameters
1+ 𝐴 (1/𝑓 − 1/𝑓 )
𝑡 𝑐𝑡
𝑅𝑟𝑑 𝑘𝑝 [𝑀] / 𝑘𝑡0 + 𝑒 The process and laser parameters were obtained from
where f is the fractional free volume, fcp and fct are an actual process in a SLA-250 machine and are shown
critical fractional free volume terms for propagation and below in Table 3.1. Liquid monomer used is E4PETeA
termination, respectively. Rrd is the reaction diffusion tetraacrylate with 2 wt% photoinitiator DMPA.
parameter. kp0 and kt0, dependent on temperature, are
Density (polymer) kg/m3 1200
Keywords: MDSC, DSC
Stereolithography Cure Process Modelling
Stereolithography Cure Process Modelling
monomer and its cured polymer are determined using a the Tg measurement. In the range of heating rates tested,
standard differential scanning calorimeter, DSC 2920. the measured Tg value increases linearly with the
The samples were weighed ~16mg for several heating heating rate. For Tg measurement, a heating rate within
rates: 5, 10, 15, 20 C/min. Figures 3.5 and 3.6 are the 10-20 o C/min is recommended. A lower heating rate
heat flow curves at 10C/min heating rate and leads to gradual material change and thus less obvious
Keywords: Glass Transition Temperature
Stereolithography Cure Process Modelling
Fig 3.7 - Heating Rate vs Tg Value of Monomer Fig 3.7 - Heating Rate vs Tg Value of Monomer
To eliminate the heating rate effect, the Tg values 3.8 to 0 C/min, -67.5 C and 215.2 C, are adopted for
obtained by extrapolating linear curves in Fig 3.7 and liquid monomer and cured polymer, respectively.
Stereolithography Cure Process Modelling
Before ellipsometric measurement, the film was heat where V is the volume of the material over the
treated to minimise the entrapped solvent to the point temperature range investigated.
Keywords: Ellipsometer
Stereolithography Cure Process Modelling
Stereolithography Cure Process Modelling
3.2.g Absorption Coefficient The investigated system assumed to obey the Beer’s law,
The absorption coefficient of the photoinitiator, DMPA, the extinction coefficient spectra of the three solutions
was determined by using a UV-VIS spectrometer and of different concentrations overlap with one another.
Beer’s law. To obtain the absorption spectrum of DMPA
in its E4PETeA solution, spectral subtraction was
3.3 Summary
In this chapter, the material thermal and physical properties are measured experimentally and verified by the
theoretical calculation and literature values for similar materials. These properties and relations can be used to carry a
computer based simulation of the process to produce a resulting surface and compare with a physical experiment.
Keywords: UV-VIS spectrometer
Chapter 4
A. Chapter 1 - Introduction:
a. Wikipedia
b. 3D HUBS
D. Chapter 4 - Applications:
a. Christina Schmidleithner, Deepak M. Kalaskar: “Stereolithography”