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International Journal of Plant Production 3 (3), July 2009

ISSN: 1735-6814 (Print), 1735-8043 (Online) GUASNR

This is a refereed journal and all articles are professionally screened and reviewed. www.ijpp.info

Development of yellow rust resistant doubled haploid lines

of wheat through wheat × maize Crosses
P. Moradia,*, A. Haghnazarib, R. Bozorgipourc, B. Sharmad
Research Center of Agriculture and Natural Resources, Zanjan, Iran
Department of Agronomy & Plant Breeding, College of Agriculture, Zanjan University, 313, Zanjan, Iran
Seed and Plant Improvement Institute, Karaj, Iran
Division of Genetics, Indian Agricultural Research Institute, 110012 New Delhi, India
corresponding author; Email: parvizmoradi@gmail.com

Received 17 November 2008; Accepted after revision 24 May 2009; Published online 10 July

In order to produce doubled haploid lines of bread wheat resistant to strip or yellow rust, three F1
wheat hybrids were crossed using pollens of three maize hybrids. Out of 1071 pollinated florets,
success in seed set ranged from 63.1% to 93.3% (mean 78%). Differences in seed set among the
crosses were not significant. Embryo formation in the seeds developed on different crosses also
varied from 17.2% to 60.7% (mean 27.4%). Embryos continued to develop up to 16 days when 2, 4-D
was applied after pollination. One hundred three out of 211 embryos cultured, of which 42.7%
developed into plants. Colchicine treatment resulted in diploidization and seed production on 56% of
plants. Significant variation was observed among wheat genotypes in the frequency of DH plants
(overall success). There were no significant differences among crosses dependent on various maize
genotypes, indicating non-influence of maize genotypes. Response to yellow rust of 51 DH lines was
assessed along with two parental cultivars, 'MV17' (a Hungarian cultivar resistant to the yellow rust
pathotypes prevalent in Iran), and 'Falat' (a susceptible cultivar) and the check variety 'Bolani' at
seedling stage in greenhouse. Resistance was evaluated in terms of infection type, latent period,
pustule size, and pustule density using the most virulent race of yellow rust in North- west of Iran,
166E134A+. Analysis of variance showed significant differences among the DH genotypes for all the
resistance parameters. The results demonstrated the high effectiveness of the method to produce
yellow rust resistant homozygous wheat genotypes in short time by doubling of haploid lines
generated through pollination of wheat F1 plants with maize pollens.

Keywords: wheat × maize hybridization; doubled haploids; embryo rescue; yellow rust resistance


Stripe or yellow rust, caused by Puccinia striiformis West. f. sp. tritici, is one of the
most important diseases of bread wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) in temperate areas of the
world, particularly those with cool, maritime climates such as northern Europe and north-
western America. This disease is also common at high altitudes in some subtropical
78 P. Moradi et al. / International Journal of Plant Production (2009) 3(3): 77-88

regions, including parts of East Africa, Central and South America, and the Indian
subcontinent. The disease has also been recorded in the warm and arid areas of Egypt, Iran,
and Turkey (Imtiaz et al., 2003). In Iran, it is the most important wheat disease. According
to Torabi et al., (1995), this disease caused a loss of 1.5 million tons in wheat production of
Iran in 1993.
Although chemical control can be very effective and is the preferred means of control in
some areas, resistance remains a major objective for many breeding programs, especially in
lower yielding regions and developing countries. Resistance to rust diseases may comprise
genes effective at the seedling and adult growth stage, genes effective at the post-seedling
and adult stages only, or combinations of both types. Genes effective at the seedling stage
tend to contribute greater effects on phenotype. Seedling-effective resistance genes are
present in cultivars and breeding populations in different parts of the world (Eriksen et al.,
Creating sources of resistance to different pathotypes of yellow rust and developing new
resistant cultivars could be the most urgent task to protect the wheat crop from this
devastating disease. Among various approaches (backcross, pedigree method, bulk method,
multiline breeding and so on), haploidy breeding is the most appropriate biotechnological
way to produce cultivars resistant against yellow rust because of its advantages; speed, and
selection efficiency (Snape, 1989; Moeini, 1997). Production of haploid wheat plants
through interspecific hybridization and subsequent production of dihaploids (doubled
haploids) can fix desirable characters in a single generation. Utilizing this technique,
attempts have been made to obtain variation in resistance to yellow rust without drastically
altering positive agronomic characteristics of the original genotypes. This is one of the most
useful techniques in gene transfer experiments (Mehta and Angra, 2000).
By this technique, chromosomes of the male gamete are eliminated in the developing
embryo due to cytoplasm–chromosome incompatibilities, and haploid plants can be
produced through embryo rescue (Laurie and Bennet, 1989; Laurie and Bennet, 1990;
Berzonsky et al., 2003; Mochida et al., 2004). Kasha and Kao (1970) first applied this
procedure in H. vulgare × H. bulbosum crosses. Using the bulbosum technique, Barclay
(1975) produced bread wheat haploids. Subsequently, Laurie and Bennet (1986, 1987)
reported production of wheat haploids by crossing with maize. This method is being used in
a large scale as it is believed to be applicable to all wheat genotypes while other methods,
such as anther culture is genotype dependent and microspore culture needs complex
medium. Furthermore, the bulbosum technique is used only for genotypes which have
recessive alleles of kr1 and kr2 at the crossability loci on chromosomes 5A and 5B (Sitch
and Snape, 1986; Laurie and Bennet, 1987; Singh et al., 2004; Bakos et al., 2005) and the
use of anther culture is limited by an overall low level of haploid production and frequent
albinism in regenerants. The wheat × maize hybridization technique is less genotype-
dependent with no albinism; and the ease with which it can be applied makes it more
efficient than anther culture for the production of haploids in common wheat (Sadasivaiah
et al., 2001).
`Here we report the results of study to produce yellow rust resistant doubled haploid
lines of wheat through pollination of wheat F1 plants with maize pollens.
P. Moradi et al. / International Journal of Plant Production (2009) 3(3): 77-88 79

Materials and Methods

Plant materials

Three F1 hybrids of wheat (Triticum aestivum L.) were: 'Falat'×'MV17', 'MV17'× 'Falat',
and 'Sabalan*2' × 'Kal-Blo”s”'. 'Falat' (Kvz/Buho/Kal/Bb), a commercial variety of Iran, is
susceptible to yellow rust. 'MV17' (Salvia/MVTE/ZG4431) is a Hungarian cultivar resistant
to the yellow rust pathotypes prevalent in Iran. Seeds of the hybrid 'Sabalan*2' × 'Kal-
Blo“s”' were obtained from the Dryland Research Institute of Iran (Sabalan*2 and Kal-
Blo“s” were susceptible and resistant genotypes to yellow rust, respectively). The variety
'Bolani' was used as control for evaluation of susceptibility to rust resistance in seedling
stage. The maize genotypes used as pollinators were single cross hybrids 'KSC 108', 'KSC
301', and 'KSC 704' obtained from Yugoslavia.

Emasculation and pollination

Seeds of the parent genotypes were sown in 3-inch pots. After germination, the pots
were transferred to greenhouse. Emasculation and pollination were carried out in
greenhouse according to the method of Laurie and Bennet (1986). Totally 1071 florets were
pollinated, including 644 florets of 'Falat' × 'MV17', 246 of 'MV17' × 'Falat', and 181 of
'Sabalan*2' × 'Kal-Blo“s”'.

Treatment of spikes with 2, 4-D

Twenty four hours after pollination, 5 ml of a solution of 2, 4-D (10 mg/l) was injected
into the stems of the donor plants and a drop of the same solution was also placed into each
pollinated floret. Treatment of spikes with 2, 4-D enabled the embryos to remain alive until
they were large enough to survive the shock of the conventional embryo rescue procedures
(Laurie and Bennet 1986; Laurie and Bennet, 1987).

Embryo rescue

The spikes were transferred to laboratory 16–18 days after pollination, and the embryos
were excised under stereomicroscope in a laminar flow hood. The excised embryos were
transferred to vials containing MS (Murashige and Skoog, 1962) basal medium
supplemented with 20 g sucrose/lit and 8 g agar /lit (Zhang et al., 1996; Inagaki, 1997).
Embryos that developed into plantlets with 10 cm long stems were transferred to small
pots. Ten days after transfer to the pots, chromosomes were counted in root tips. One
hundred eleven embryos were rescued in the FM, 46 in MF, and 54 in KS crosses

Colchicine treatment

Roots of the haploid plants with 3–4 tillers were treated with 0.05% w/v colchicine
solution for 5.5 h. The roots were washed after treatment and the plants replanted in pots
(Mujeeb-kazi et al., 1995).
80 P. Moradi et al. / International Journal of Plant Production (2009) 3(3): 77-88

Test for yellow rust resistance at seedling stage

Fifty one DH lines, two parental cultivars ('MV17' and 'Falat') and the 'Bolani' as a
control were tested using pathogen race 166E134A+ in a completely randomized design
with unequal replications (base replications were 3) and treatments were used wheat DHs as
well as parents. Observations were recorded on infection type (IT), latent period (LP),
pustule size (PS), and pustule density (PD) after inoculation of seedlings with urediospores
(Knott, 1989; Mc Neal et al., 1971; Cromey, 1992).

Statistical analysis

Observations were recorded on percentage of seed set, embryo formation, haploid

plantlets and DH obtained. To evaluate the effect of wheat and maize genotypes on haploid
production, two-way analysis of variance and mean separation was carried out by the
MSTAT-C statistical package. Appropriate data transformation was applied when it was
needed. Cluster analysis was carried out by JMP ver. 3.1.2.


Seed set and caryopsis

In total 1071 wheat florets crossed with the pollens of maize bore caryopses at 15 days
after pollination that were smaller than those obtained by self pollination. The caryopses
were filled with an aqueous solution instead of the solid endosperm normally found in the
wheat, and some contained immature embryos. As shown in table 1, seed set (No. of grains
obtained out of florets pollinated) varied from 63.1% to 93.3% with the average of 78.1%.
In other words 78.1% of pollinated florets formed caryopses with the lowest number in
'KSC704'× 'FM' cross and the highest one in the cross 'KSC301'× 'SK', respectively.

Table1. Frequency of seed set (% of pollinated florets) in each of the crosses.

Genotypes ‘FALAT’ × ‘MV17’ ‘MV17’ × ‘FALAT’ ‘Sabalan*2’ בKal-Blo s’ Total

KSC 108 185 (86.6) 70 (85) 55 (85.9) 310 (86.1)
KSC 301 126 (81.2) 47 (69.1) 38 (93.3) 211 (78.7)
KSC 704 174 (63.1) 65 (68.3) 51 (70.1) 290 (65.7)
Total 485 (75.3) 182 (74) 144 (79.6) 811(75.7)

Embryo formation

Lack of endosperm in the caryopses harvested served as the initial criterion for
identifying haploid embryos. There small embryos were observed floating in watery
embryo sacs, from where they were rescued onto the MS medium. A total of 211 embryos
(26% of caryopses) were rescued and transferred to vials containing support medium. The
obtained embryos grew well and formed normal shoots and roots. As shown in table 2
embryo formation (No. of embryos obtained from seeds) ranged from 17.2% in the 'MF' ×
'KSC301' cross to 60.7% in 'SK' × 'KSC704' with an average of 27.4%.
P. Moradi et al. / International Journal of Plant Production (2009) 3(3): 77-88 81

Table 2. Frequency of embryo formation (% of seed set) in each of the crosses.

Genotypes ‘FALAT’ × ‘MV17’ ‘MV17’ × ‘FALAT’ ‘Sabalan*2’ בKal-Blo s’ Total

KSC 108 43 (25.7) 18 (33.8) 20 (18.2) 81 (26.1)
KSC 301 24 (23.2) 10 (17.2) 12 (25) 46 (21.8)
KSC 704 44 (19.7) 18 (25.2) 22 (60.7) 84 (29)
Total 111 (22.9) 46 (25.7) 54 (37.5) 211(26)

Regeneration of haploid plantlets

One hundred three out of 211 embryos cultured of which 42.7% were developed in to
haploid plants. The haploid status of plants (n=21) was confirmed by counting of somatic
chromosomes of randomly selected plants (Figure 1). Haploid plants were produced from
all wheat×maize crosses, indicating that fertilization was successful in all cross
combinations. The frequency of haploid production (No. of haploid plantlets regenerated
out of embryos germinated in culture) ranged from 22% in the ('MV17'×'Falat') × 'KSC108'
cross to 60% in ('Sabalan*2' × 'Kal-Blo”s”') × 'KSC301' cross (average 43.3%) (Table 3).
This parameter actually indicates efficiency of embryo rescue operation.

Figure 1. The haploid status of plantlets (n=21) confirmed by counting of somatic chromosomes of randomly
selected plantlets.
82 P. Moradi et al. / International Journal of Plant Production (2009) 3(3): 77-88

Table 3. Frequency of haploid plantlets (% of rescued embryos) in each of the crosses.

Genotypes ‘FALAT’ × ‘MV17’ ‘MV17’ × ‘FALAT’ ‘Sabalan*2’ בKal-Blo s’ Total

KSC 108 16 (37.2) 4 (22) 12 (60) 32 (39.5)
KSC 301 11 (45.8) 3 (30) 8 (60) 22 (47.8)
KSC 704 18 (41) 5 (27.8) 13 (59) 36 (42.9)
Total 45 (40.5) 12 (26.1) 33 (61.1) 90(42.7)
Mean 41.3% 26.6% 59.67%

Doubled haploid production

Regenerated plants were treated with colchicines and diploid plants were obtained.
Colchicine treatment resulted in depolarization and seed production of 56% of plants. The
seeds of doubled haploids showed normal chromosomes of common wheat. In total, of 90
colchicine treated haploid plants, 51 doubled haploid plants (4.8% of pollinated florets)
were obtained. Table 4 shows the frequency of doubled haploid plants obtained from
different cross combinations. The lowest number of DH plants obtained from the cross
'MV17 × Falat' ×'KSC 704' (1%) and the highest one was observed in the cross 'Sabalan*2'
×'Kal-Blo s' ×'KSC 704' (11.1%).

Table 4. Frequency of DH lines (% of pollinated florets ) in each of the crosses.

Genotypes ‘FALAT’ × ‘MV17’ ‘MV17’ ‘FALAT’ ‘Sabalan*2’ בKal-Blo s’ Total

KSC 108 11 (5.1) 2 ( 2.4) 6 (9.4) 19 (4.7)
KSC 301 6 (3.9) 1 (1.5) 3 ( 6.7) 10 (3.4)
KSC 704 13 (4.7) 1 (1) 8 (11.1) 22 (4.3)
Total 30 (4.7) 4 (2.2) 17 (9.3) 51 (4.8)
Mean 4.6% 1.6% 9.1%

Effect of maize and wheat genotypes

In general, according to the analysis of variance, there were no significant differences

among maize genotypes used as male parent (Table 5). This means that the genotypic
composition of pollinator has not affected the amount of seed set, embryo formation,
haploid and DH production.
The grain or embryo development traits were mostly not influenced by the hybrid wheat
genotypes used as female parent (Table 5). Significant differences were observed among
wheat hybrids only for haploid regeneration and DH production (P<0.01). After mean
separation with least significant difference (LSD), hybrid wheat 'Sabalan*2' × 'Kal-Blo”s”'
(SK) showing 59.67% haploid regeneration ranked as the best female parent followed by
'Falat' × 'MV 17' (FM) (41.33%) and 'MV 17' × 'Falat' (MF) (26.60%). The hybrid wheat
'Sabalan*2' × 'Kal-Blo”s”' (SK) had also the highest amount of DH production with the
mean of 9.07% and female genotypes 'Falat' × 'MV 17' (FM) and 'MV 17' × 'Falat' (MF)
with the means of 4.56% and 1.63%, respectively, located in later groups.(Tables 3 and 4).
P. Moradi et al. / International Journal of Plant Production (2009) 3(3): 77-88 83

Table 5. Effect of maize and wheat genotypes on the studied traits (two-way analysis of variance).

Mean of squares
Source of Degrees of
variation freedom Embryo Haploid
Seed set DH efficiency
formation efficiency
Maize 2 283.42 141.43 n.s. 22.97 n.s. 2.50 n.s
Wheat 2 63.02 n.s 115.06 n.s 823.29** 42.05**
Wheat × Maize 4 48.62 228.86 6.507 1.64
**; Significant at α=0.01 ns; non significant

Evaluation of DH lines for yellow rust resistance

Of 90 colchicine treated haploid plants, 51 doubled haploid plants were obtained. All
DH lines along with two parental cultivars (MV17 and Falat) and Bolani as a control were
involved in evaluation against a prevalent race of stripe rust at seedling stage. Analysis of
variance showed significant differences among the DH lines for all the resistance
parameters (Table 6). Mean separation using Duncan Multiple Range Test (DMRT)
revealed that there are significant differences among 51 DH lines in terms of latent period,
infection type, and pustule size and pustule density (Table 7). Pooling data recorded on
infection type (IT), latent period (LP), pustule size (PS) and pustule density (PD) using
cluster analysis revealed three phenotypic resistance classes; resistant (R), moderately
resistant (MR) and susceptible (S) against stripe rust pathotype 166E134A+ (Figure
2). Finally, four DH lines were selected as resistant against disease. The most resistant and
the most susceptible lines were originated from the crosses 'Sabalan*2' ×'Kal-Blos' and
'FALAT' × 'MV17', respectively.

Susceptible Mederately Resistant Resistant

Figure 2. Grouping of 51 DHs, two parental lines (MV17 and Falat) and a check variety (Bolani) in three
resistance classes.
84 P. Moradi et al. / International Journal of Plant Production (2009) 3(3): 77-88

Table 6. Analysis of variance for disease resistant traits (at seedling stage) in unbalanced completely randomized

Mean of squares
S.O.V df
Latent period Infection type Pustule size Pustule density
Genotypes 53 39.09** 24.75** 47.77** 53.57**
Error 68 0.78 0.53 2.41 3.65
** Significant at α=0.01.

Table 7. Mean separation of studied traits for 51 DHs, two parental lines (MV17 and Falat) and a check variety
(Bolani) using Duncan New Multiple Range Test.

Latent Period Infection Pustule Size Pustule Density

Code line
(no. of days) Type (mm) (per cm2)
1 15-6-fm-1 9e 7a 10.31cd 6.85cde
2 21-8-fm-1 11cd 7a 15.74a 9.51abcd
3 26-8-fm-6 9e 8a 11.78bc 12.03a
4 37-11-fm-4 13b 4b 6f 4.66cd
5 41-11-fm-1 11cd 8a 10.4cd 9.04abcde
6 41-13-fm-3 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
7 45-13-fm-5 20a 0d 0g 0.7f
8 49-14-fm-4 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
9 51-16-fm-1 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
10 57-16-fm-7 13b 4b 6f 6.86cde
11 65-19-fm-3 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
12 73-20-fm-6 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
13 76-21-fm-1 10de 8a 11.2c 10.98ab
14 79-22-fm-1 10de 8a 13.94ab 10.12abc
15 85-24-fm-1 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
16 88-25-fm-1 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
17 93-26-fm-1 12bc 8a 7.5ef 15.8a
18 95-28-fm-1 20a 0d 0g 0.7f
19 100-30-fm-1 20a 1cd 0g 0.7f
20 103-30-fm-4 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
21 106-30-fm-1 20a 0d 0g 0.7f
22 106-31-fm-3 20a 0d 0g 0.7f
23 110-32-fm-2 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
24 112-33-fm-2 20a 0d 0g 0.7f
25 116-33-fm-5 20a 0d 0g 0.7f
26 123-35-fm-3 20a 0d 0g 0.7f
27 126-36-fm-2 20a 1cd 0g 0.7f
28 129-36-fm-2 20a 0d 0g 0.7f
29 132-38-fm-2 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
30 138-38-fm-7 20a 0d 0g 0.7f
31 143-39-mf-3 20a 1cd 0g 0.7f
32 145-39-mf-5 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
33 148-40-mf-1 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
34 149-40-mf-2 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
35 75-22-5-1 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
36 76-22-5-2 20a 0c 0g 0.7f
37 78-22-5-4 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
38 89-28-5-1 20a 7a 6.7ef 7.67bcde
39 90-28-5-2 13b 7a 7.8def 10.25abc
P. Moradi et al. / International Journal of Plant Production (2009) 3(3): 77-88 85

Continue Table 7.

40 90-28-5-3 13b 8a 7.5ef 12.62a

41 93-28-5-5 12bc 1cd 0g 0.7f
42 95-29-5-2 20a 0c 0g 0.7f
43 172-58-5-1 20 0c 0g 0.7f
44 173-58-5-2 20a 0c 0g 0.7f
45 176-58-5-5 20a 1cd 0g 0.7f
46 190-61-5-2 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
47 192-62-5-1 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
48 194-62-5-3 20a 1cd 0g 0.7f
49 196-63-5-1 13b 4b 5f 0.7f
50 199-64-5-1 20a 2c 0g 0.7f
51 200-64-5-2 13b 7a 5f 5.97de
52 MV17 20a 1cd 0g 0.7f
53 FALAT 12 7a 6.51ef 5.78de
54 BOLANI 12bc 7a 5.73f 8.25abc
Means with similar letters do not show significant differences (α= 0.01)


Pollination with maize pollens coupled with the post-pollination treatments proved
effective in producing haploids and doubled haploids. However, the frequency of both
haploid embryo development and DH production varied considerably in different cross
combinations. All the wheat F1 hybrids were crossable with maize as shown by caryopsis
and embryo forming in all wheat genotypes. Non of the parental lines of these hybrids are
known to carry recessive crossability alleles kr1 and kr2. Thus the wheat × maize system,
as demonstrated earlier (Singh et al., 2004; Bakos et al., 2005), is independent of
crossability alleles kr1 and kr2. The success in seed set obtained in this study (78.1%) was
close to the value reported by Matzk and Mahn (1994) with 12 wheat genotypes. Percent of
seed set represents the efficiency of emasculation and pollination procedures. Pollination on
the day of anthesis gave the highest frequency of fertilization (data not shown). Cutting the
glumes to expose the stigma reduced the success, and if the number of haploid embryos
produced per unit of time is considered, the benefit of leaving the glumes intact might be
offset by the time saved in emasculating and pollinating florets with cut glumes (Laurie,
1989). Side emasculation resulted in higher seed set.
As reported by Zang et al., (1996) and Brazauskas et al., (2005) application of 2, 4-D
significantly improved embryo development. It was observed that placement of coleoptiles
upward while transferring to the culture medium improves success in embryo production
and plant regeneration. It appears that 2, 4-D concentration and method of it’s application
as well as timing of pollination are the most important factors determining success (Laurie
and O'Donoghue 1994). According to Brazauskas et al., (2005) 2, 4-D induces caryopsis
swelling and subsequent haploid embryo development up to 14-17 days after pollination.
Most probably 2, 4-D treatment has a critical concentration for the induction of caryopses
formation and further increase in concentration has less influence on it.
Several studies have analyzed the influence of wheat and maize genotypes on embryo
formation in wheat×maize crosses (Sarrafi et al., 1994; Suenaga, 1994; Li et al., 1996;
Zhang et al., 1996; Verma et al., 1999). Almouslem et al., (1998) showed that genotype of
the maternal parent does play an important role in haploid wheat production. Verma et al.,
86 P. Moradi et al. / International Journal of Plant Production (2009) 3(3): 77-88

(1999) reported the influence of maize genotypes to be striking in comparison to the milder
influence of wheat genotypes. As known from former investigations and also confirmed in
this study, the percentage of haploid regeneration and doubled haploid production is
dependent on the wheat genotypes, but it is independent of maize genotypes. Although,
there was no significant difference among maize genotypes in this study but it could be
generally concluded that 'KSC108' is the most suitable male parent for DH production in
wheat due to its higher amount of pollen production.
A comparison of various male and female genotypes involved in crosses clearly
established that 'Sabalan*2'×'Kal-Blos' hybrid, crossed using the pollens of 'KSC108' maize
genotype, gave the highest frequency of embryo formation and resulted in maximum
number of haploid plants. Since the frequency of conversion of haploids into doubled
haploids after colchicine treatment varied in a narrow range (often around 50%), the
'Sabalan*2'×'Kal-Blos' × 'KSC704' combination is expected to be the most productive cross
in terms of DH yields.
Anther culture is an alternative way to produce homozygous fertile plants within one
generation. This method uses the microspores (immature pollen) to regenerate plants by
androgenesis. With this method, regeneration rate is influenced by the wheat genotype and
a lot of albino plants are produced which are unable to survive. Therefore the use of the
anther culture in breeding programs is restricted. Although, the expenditure of labor is
twofold higher than by using the anther culture (unpublished data), the wheat × maize
method is more effective in production of DH plants.
Low genotypic specificity from the wheat side enhances the wheat breeding
applicability of the system. Anther culture and the H.bulbosum system have been shown to
have much stronger genotypic responses of wheat as compared to the wheat × maize system
(Inagaki and Tahir, 1990; Kisana et al., 1993). The incompatibility between wheat and rice
which is most stronger than between wheat and maize (Bakos et al., 2005), leaves the latter
system as the best choice for production of doubled haploids in wheat.
Although a large proportion of the DH lines were identified as susceptible and moderate
resistant, transgressive segregation was apparent in the population of lines. Similar results
have been reported by other researchers (Zwer and Qualset, 1991; Imtiaz et al., 2003). The
mean DH population IT was 2.7, but there were DH lines with ITs ranging from 0 to 8. The
numbers of DH lines exhibiting R, MR and S responses were 14, 8 and 19 respectively.
This segregation pattern is in accordance with results reported by Imtiaz et al., (2003).
From DH lines developed through this research, resistant DH lines were selected to be
involved in field evaluation experiments.
The results demonstrated high effectiveness of the method to produce yellow rust
resistant homozygous wheat genotypes in short time by doubling of haploid lines generated
through pollination of wheat F1 plants with maize pollens.
P. Moradi et al. / International Journal of Plant Production (2009) 3(3): 77-88 87


This work was conducted at Agricultural Biotechnology Research Institute of Iran

(ABRII) and authors thank the former head of the institute.


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