IV - Measures of Relationship
IV - Measures of Relationship
IV - Measures of Relationship
It is a relationships or association existing between two variables.
Correlation analysis is a method used to measure the strength of relationship between two or more variables.
Relationship could be roughly estimated using the scatter diagram. This could be done by plotting the point
corresponding to each observation on a Cartesian plane. If points closely approximate a line , there is a
Positive Correlation
this exists when high scores in one variable are associated with high scores in the second variable and vice
Points in the scatter diagram closely follow a straight line rising to the right
Negative Correlation
This exists when high scores in one variable are associated with low scores in the other and vice versa.
Points in the scatter diagram closely follow a straight line falling to the right
Zero Correlation
Scores in one variable tend to score neither systematically high nor low in the other variable
The points in the scatter diagram are spread in a random manner.
This is a descriptive measure that describes the magnitude or degree of relationship between two variables
Usually denoted by r, value of which ranges from -1 to +1
Value of r Interpretation
± 1.00 Perfect correlation
± 0.80 to ± 0.99 High correlation
± 0.60 to ± 0.79 Moderately high correlation
± 0.40 to ± 0.59 Moderate correlation
± 0.20 to ± 0.39 Low correlation
± 0.01 to ± 0.19 Negligible correlation
Test of Significance
when two variables are related, it is imperative to determine whether the relationship is significant or not. If
it is significant, there really is a relationship. Otherwise, the relationship is simply by chance.
Steps in testing significance.
1. Determine degrees of freedom using the formula df = n – 2 , where n is the number of paired
2. Get tabular value using Critical Values of the Correlation Coefficient.
3. Compare tabular value and the computed value.
If valuetab < valuecomp , then r is significant
Coefficient of Determination
this tells the amount of variation in Y that could be accounted for by the variation in X.
this could be obtained by squaring the value of r and is denoted by r2.
Ex. – r = 0.8, r2 = 0.64, means that 64% of the variation in Y is attributed or due to variations in x
Illustrative Example.
A businessman would like to determine if there is a relationship between the size of a store and the profit to
be earned. The following data gathered from 8 storeowners pertain the size of the store in sq. m and the profit earned
in thousand pesos.
a. Calculate r and interpret.
b. At 0.01 level, is there a significant relationship between the store size and the profit earned?
Store X Y X2 Y2 XY
Store Size Profit
A 35 20
B 22 15
C 27 17
D 16 9
E 28 16
F 12 7
G 40 22
H 32 23
6 D2
= 1 - -------------
N (N2 – 1)
Testing Significance
same as Pearson r except that the table to be used should be the critical Values of the
Spearman Rank Correlation Coefficient
Illustrative Example
Store X Y Rx Ry D D2
Store Size Profit
A 35 20 2 3 -1 1
B 22 15 6 6 0 0
C 27 17 5 4 1 1
D 16 9 7 8 -1 1
E 28 16 4 5 -1 1
F 12 7 8 7 1 1
G 40 22 1 2 -1 1
H 32 23 3 1 2 4
0 10
appropriate for nominal dichotomous variables
formula was also derived by Carl Pearson in 1901
Phi coefficient table
1 2
1 a b a+b
2 c d c+d
a+c b+d
ad – bc
r = ----------------------------------------
(a + b) (c + d) (a + c) (b + d)
Illustrative Example:
Let x represent sex , (1) male and (0) female, and let y represent opinion toward Charter Change, for (1)
and against (0). Ten male respondents were for the ChaCha while 6 were against. Likewise, 5 females were for the
Chacha while 12 were against. Find the degree of correlation between sex and opinion in the chacha.
Sex ( x )
0 1
0 12 6 18
1 5 10 15
17 16
Illustrative Example:
Five boys (1) and 4 girls (0) took a 20-item test in psychomotor dexterity x. The results
are tabulated below: Compute for the correlation between x and y
Sex Dexterity
Students y x
1 1 12
2 0 10
3 1 20
4 0 15
5 1 15
6 1 12
7 0 18
8 0 10
9 1 7
Discusses the formal procedure for predicting one variable from a knowledge of another variable.
Line of best fit – the line that best represents the set of points in a given data.
Prediction equation – the equation of the line that best represents the set of points
Ŷ = A + Bx
A = y - Bx
Alternative formula: Sy
Ŷ = rxy ------ ( x – x) + y
Standard error - is the standard deviation of all the errors in the set of data
Se = Sy 1 – rxy 2
Illustrative Example:
Given that the following are scores of 9 students in Science and Math tests, find the
corresponding math scores for a science score of:
a. x = 1
b. x = 3
c. x = 8