E-ISSN : 2454-8006
and Engineering (ijasre)
http://dx.doi.org/10.7324/ IJASRE.2017.32472 Vol. 3 (6) July-2017
Now a day’s huge technological development around the world. The era of self driving car is not far. Autonomous vehicles
(driverless, self-driving
driving and robotic vehicles) are having travel demands and transportation planning in near future. Many car
manufacturers trying to implement self drive cars. Telsa inc., company already implemented such technology in its cars. It uses
GPS, RADAR, LIDAR, Ultra Sonic Sensors, High Definition camera, Machine Learning and Computing Technologies. The
analysis indicates some advantages like fully fledged independent mobility for affluent non-drivers,
drivers, but high impacts includes
reduced traffic congestion and parking deadlocks, independent mobility for low
income people, enhanced and increased safety,
this may probably happens in the 2040s to 2060s.
Autonomous vehicles have long been prediction in automotive industry. In past few years, major corporations have announced
plans to begin and sell vehicles in a few years called as telsa inc., and some of the laws have been passed by legislation to allow
hese vehicles so that they can operate on roads, still it is good indication for the growth of automotive sector.
Null Automation (level -0): Driver will fully control vehicle all times. Automation is unavailable for none oof the parts of an
This kind of automation is available for specific control operations these include functions like cruise control, automated pparking.
Overall control of the vehicle is handled by driver.
Combined function Automation (level-2): 2): in this type of automation is available in multiple and integrated control functions.
Drivers are fully responsible controlling and monitoring.
Full self-driving automation (level 4): vehicles are responsible fully to perform all the driving functions; they also monitor
conditions of roadway for an entire trip.
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International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research
E-ISSN : 2454-8006
and Engineering (ijasre)
http://dx.doi.org/10.7324/ IJASRE.2017.32472 Vol. 3 (6) July-2017
The Architecture block diagram of Google driver less car is depicted below. It includes sensor Section, drive by wire techno
and processor section. The main controller of the goggles driver less vehicle is the microprocessor section. There are two
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International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research
E-ISSN : 2454-8006
and Engineering (ijasre)
http://dx.doi.org/10.7324/ IJASRE.2017.32472 Vol. 3 (6) July-2017
Processors; one is for the general working and one for handling the sensory inputs which is real time. There are two coproces
for handling the steering and the brake. Accelerator is directly controlled
controlled by the general purpose processor. The general purpose
processor is constantly communicating with the engine control unit.
The concept of self driving cars is to be always on and always connected to the internet. To feed real data, to push software
updates, to supply live traffic data and fixed bugs, to send data usage and to send all updates vehicle need to connected alw
More over to receive real updates from neighboring
ghboring cars and to process artificial intelligence vehicle must be connected.
2.2. Lidar
LIDAR -Lightight detection and ranging, is optical remote sensing technology which helps to measure the distances to and other
properties. It illuminates the target with
th its laser light and analyzes the backscattered light.
It produces safe and unseen laser rays and these rays reflects from solid body around car are perceive by sensors.. Based on what
type of object, distance ,size and density laser rays reflects diffe
rently, these received by sensors. By observing, the lidar create a
3d virtual map its look like a virtual 360 paranomic image. It captures 1000000 shots per second .it can system can scan each and
every object up to 600 feet. Laser light is has higher ene energy
rgy level and shorter wavelength when compared to radio waves, it
reflects better from objects such as non-metals
metals and provide better result over radar technology.
2.3. Radar
Radio Detection and Ranging works similar way of a lidar except to know the dist distance
ance of an object, distance and speed it uses
radio signals. Radar is used as object-detection
detection system which contains electromagnetic waves to check the range, direction and
speed of moving as well as fixed objects. It enables self driving car to maintain pperfect
erfect distance between preceding and following
cars by increasing or decreasing speed of the car that is without using driver.
www.ijasre.net Page 30
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research
E-ISSN : 2454-8006
and Engineering (ijasre)
http://dx.doi.org/10.7324/ IJASRE.2017.32472 Vol. 3 (6) July-2017
2.5. Gps
2. 6. Latest processing
GYROSCOPS, ALTIMETER, BAROMETER like different sensors sends large amount of various real time data to the central
processing unit. By analyzing these real time data can navigates towards its destination without any difficulties. These real time
data received
ved and need to be processes and rapid movement of vehicle signals need to be produced. To perform this super
computer capability required. Nvidia ,Intel,Qualicomm, Texas instrumentation etc companies already supplying drive less car
Costlier: - The equipments and technologies used are costly the main equipments used in this technology .until this
technology implemented fully on road price of the car may be rise. Hence can customer afford this high cost?? Recently
valve, pyne time Inc produced low cost lidar system for driverless car. Its cost around $8,000 that is 500000 rupees.
Unavailability Clear map:- usually, if we compare Google map and street view , Google driverless car map is very clear
nd in depth, which includes length and br breadth of the road, dead end and obstacles in roads, to process this it's a
complicated task. To maintain search map of entire country and routing live traffic of every road and updating requires
high computing capabilities.
Government Law and Regulation: - Regulations and legal factors are one of the critical obstacles for self
self-driving cars.
Insurance underwriting is a major issue for autonomous vehicles.
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International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research
E-ISSN : 2454-8006
and Engineering (ijasre)
http://dx.doi.org/10.7324/ IJASRE.2017.32472 Vol. 3 (6) July-2017
Legal and Humanitarian Matter: - The question of to whom this vehicle belongs is a risk if an autonomous vehicle is met
with an accident this issue need to be addressed for convergence solutions to gain mass mass-market adoption. Assume that,
for self driving car, if situation arises, where to avoid accident, it can lead to another accident, e.g.. If a kid and anima
unters in accident? To whom save? If the driver was a human being, obliviously it may save kid and hit animal??
Can driver less car do this???
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