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Persistent Interview Experience Online

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What is a Relational Database Management System?

// means remaining
Batch : 2021
kya akarekjflkdsj

Technical Round:

1.Tell me something about yourself.

2. What is RDBMS ?

3. What is relation in RDBMS ?

4. Unique Key vs Primary Key.

5. Write a query for finding second last number in table.

6. Write a query for deleting duplicate row on a table.

7. C program for reversing a number without recursion.

8. Array vs Pointer.

9. What is Pointer in C.

10. Pointer advantage over array.

11. What is memory leak?

12. Call by value vs Call by reference.

13. C vs C++.

14. What is OOPs?

15. How will you find the position of mouse in C?

16. Huge Pointer in C?

17. Pointer of arrays.

HR Round:

1. Your have 1 candle that can burn 1 hour, how will you know 30 minutes are

2. 10 men handshake each other, how many handshake are there?

3. Why Persistent?

4. Where do you see yourself in next 5 years?

5. Why should I hire your, give 5 reasons.

6. If you are in testing phase in Whatsapp then what will you check that is
critical to fight.
Candidate Name: Harish Jain

Branch: Computer Science

Technical Round:

Hello all my interview started with my introduction, after that they saw my
resume which was uploaded by me during application from they told me they will
start from Java python and then c, c++, concepts. He started with java

1. Difference between JDK, JRE, JVM

2. Difference between array list & vector list

3. Size of array

4. Two Situation questions

// 5. SQL qurey to write.

The query was to find the 7th highest salary and grade of employee from employee
table, grade table and salary table.
Overall the interview was good at last he asked me do I have any question for him.

Candidate Name: Ritika Mehta

Branch: Not Mentioned

Persistent Interview Experience

Location : Virtual Mode
Month : November 2020
Batch : 2021

Technical Round:

I had done with my interview, interviewer asked me data structures and 5 programs
and OOPs concept

//1. Print the fibonacci series in pyramid pattern.

//2. Print middle number in linked list.

//3. Use the stack to print the 2nd highest duplicate element in string.

//4. Print the 3rd non repeated element in string

//5. How to perform insertion sorting

Candidate Name: Sai Ram
Branch: Not Mentioned

Location : Virtual Mode

Month : November 2020
Batch : 2021

Technical Round:

1. What is Constructor ?

2. Example to describe constructor ?

3. What is Method overloading ?

4. What is Method overriding ?

5. Two database select queries.

6. Difference between drop and truncate.

7. DNS Server

8. Code to reverse array.

9. Linked list

10. Array list

11. Which one is fast?

Candidate Name: Anonymous

Branch: Not Mentioned

Month: December 2020

Batch : 2020

Rounds :

1. Online Test
2. Technical Round - I
3. Technical Round - II
4. HR Round

Technical Round:I

Interviewer asked, briefly introduce your self

1)They asked me to explain exception handling.

2) What is custom exception ?

3) What is normalization and its forms ?

4) What is BST ( Binary Search Tree ).

5) What is abstraction and abstract method are private or static.

Technical Round:II

1) What is OOPs concept and explain encapsulation and polymorphism.

2) What is difference between Hashset & TreeSet.

3) Difference between concurrent collection and synchronised collection.

4) Difference between interface and abstract class.

5) What is 2nd NF and overloading.

Candidate Name: Anonymous

Branch Name: Not Mentioned

Month: December 2020

Batch : 2020

Rounds :

1. Online Test
2. Technical Round - I
3. Technical Round - II
4. HR Round

Technical Round:I

1) Tell me about yourself ?

2) Tell me about your project ?

3) Which technologies you have used in your project ?

4) Program to find 1st duplicate from a string.

5) Do you know any nested query ?

6) Difference between constructor and methods ?

7) Types of joins in SQL ?

8) What do you know about HTML ?

9) Basic questions from data structures ?

Technical Round:II
1) Tell me about yourself.

2) In which language are you comfortable ?

3) Asked about clr, managed, unmanaged processes, MVC architecture and

garbage collections.

4) What are languages in DBMS ?

5) Drop, truncate, delete query to find odd ids from employees table.

6) Acid properties ?

7) TCP and IP ?

HR Round:

1) Tell me about yourself.

2) Why Persistent ?

3) Tell me your strengths.

4) What will be your response for change flexible locations ?

5) What would you do if we put you in a different domain rather than your
interest ?

6) Who is the founder of Persistent ?

Candidate Name: Anonymous

Branch Name: Computer Science

// glassdoor.com

1)Differnece between c++ and Java

2) tcp and udp difference
3) ipv4 and ipv6 difference.
5) abstraction and encapsulation difference
6) what is scheduling
7) what are the access modifiers in c++ and java++
8) default access modifier.
9) super keyword
10) This pointer IN c++ , is it possible to use this in Java?
11) components of the OS
12) what is rdbms?
13) acid properties of rdbms
14) what is stack, practical application
15) what is queue, practical application.
16) what is Jvm, jre and jdk.
17) explain the entire process of what happens after you compile the code in Java.
18) explain your project.
19) project related questions
20) how to find duplicate records.
21) joins in sql
22) operator overloading.
23) what is CPU, hardware or software.

Write a program to find the largest element in array

1 Answer
Write a program to find the leaf nodes of binary tree
Answer Question
Method overloading and overriding
Answer Question
DBMS questions
Answer Question
Data structures questions
What is deadlock?How to avoid it?

Latest Wi-Fi standards

Ethernet in OSI model
1 Answer
IPv4 vs v6
Differences in architecture of Windows and Linux

Program to find count of alphabet in string.

basic questions on Core Java, Spring, hibernate, Rest

1. Java basic concepts

2. How hashmap works.

Check whether the given string is palindrome or not

1) Tell me something about yourself

2) What are your favorite subjects
3) Some python and c related questions (coz I mentioned them in my resume)
4) Database Questions (joins, keys, normalization)
5) OOPS concepts with examples
6) Linked List and Pointers questions
7) WAP for bubble Sort
8) WAP for linked List reversion with and without recursion
9) Project related questions
10) OS questions

Dynamic Polymorphism, Memory layout / leaks. OOPS Concept. Stack unwinding. Basic
data structures. Floyd Cycle Detection algorithm etc.

1. Questions on android project

2. Database : difference between primary key and unique key
3. Code for bubble sort
4. Questions on Real Time Operating Systems
5. Puzzles
6. Linked List
7. Situation based questions
8. Questions on software testing- specifically selenium

How will you make a class Singleton?

Answer Question
What is a better method to check if a number is prime or not?
Answer Question
Why is a router considered to be a Network layer device though it is actually a
physical device?

Asked questions on database normalization, all types, real time examples.

Answer Question
Questions on types of software development models, their advantages, disadvantages,
real life examples
Answer Question
What are your areas of improvements? and why? what you did till today to overcome
Answer Question
What is big data, real life examples?

Explain encapsulation.
Explain object oriented aspect of a language.

what will happen if we will do

int *ptr=null;

write producer consumer program using semaphore

Basic oops questions.

Static variable and function.
Pointers & refrences.
Copy constructor.
Virtual function, vptr, vtable.
Diamond problem

explain finally, finalize, final

Answer Question
reverse linked list
Answer Question
explain spring MVC architecture
Answer Question
reverse string
Answer Question
path variable in spring MVC

Data structure algorithms(Binary search, Merge sort),


Consider a matrix is converted to cube and you push it once...how will you execute
the code?

where u use abstraction ??

Answer Question
what is jQuery? can we use jQuery to call services
Answer Question
questions related to inheritance method overriding
Answer Question
state management in web api
Answer Question
simple join SQL query
Answer Question
about controller in Web API
Answer Question
exception handling in Web API
Answer Question
questions related to asp.net MVC
Answer Question
use of interface

What is clustered index in SQL?

1. How would you detect if a linked list is a circular one.

2. Stuff about garbage collector in java.

Considering a cache memory which is faster- array or linked list?

1 Answer
How does compiler know which function to run at runtime?(i.e. vtable and vptr)
Answer Question
Pseudo code for client-server socket program
Answer Question
Standard puzzle of 10 machines and one machine producing a ball of defective weight
Answer Question
Some basic sql queries, Group by, Order by, etc.

SQL Joins, Semaphores, Multi-threading, Doubly Linked List

What kind of data structure does fb use for keeping track of followers

Round 1-Telephonic
1. Memory layout in C
2. Tell me about signalling protocols. Explain them.->SIP,MGCP
3. Diff between process and thread
4. Explain all OOPs concepts
5. How 2 threads communicate with each other
6. What is mutex and semaphore? Which one you used
7. Diff between TCP and UDP
8. Have you worked on socket programming ? which sockets you used?
When TCP and UDP sockets are used?
9. Can we allocate memory to all the members of union?
10. Explain Aricent project
11. Design a class for Teleconference system. He gave me one scenario
Scenario- where there is host who can start and stop the conference,
12. What is memory leaks? When it will happen
13. Have you used wireshark.
14. Linux command for changing file access mode, kill process, check process
running on system, check available space on disk.
15. Difference between stack and queue? Where you have used it?
16. Diff between vector and list? When to use where?
17. Command for collecting wireshark logs on linux- >tcpdump, netlogger
18. What is unicast and multicast
19. I want to execute one function when system boots up. What I will do to achieve
20. How to do DB connectivity in C++?
21. Can we deallocate memory of an obj. outside the function block where it is
created?-> no
22. I want to pass 10 value in an function how can I do it?->pass by val and ref.
23. Explain complete execution of program ie. Compilation, linking, execution
Round 2-Face to Face
1. Mirror image of tree
2. Find 3rd last element in singly linked list, in single iteration where link list
has n nodes.
3. How to do database connectivity in C++?
4. Sql query- Calculate avg all the subject of each student in student db
Check following schema
Stud_id sub Marks
1 A 60
1 B 98
1 C 55
2 A 45
5. Output for following program. Does it will work? Give Segmentation fault?
#include <stdio.h>
using namespace std;
void fun(char* x)
int i;
int main()
char c[]="abcdefgh";
return 0;
6. You know farmvilla game on facebook. You have to design class for that where you
will call methods to draw object like man, tractor, car, bird, tree etc.-> use
virtual fun concept
7. What will be the generic fun for base class->Drawable, because we are drawing
obj over here.
8. How system will decide that it has to execute derived class method not base
class at runtime polymorphism. How runtime polymorphism work.

9.Here Cental DB is Shared by all the 6 cluster N0 to N5. These cluster have there
own cache memory. These cluster are in same network and can communicate with each
other by using some network layer protocol. Here load balancer allocate object to
these cluster and depending on unique key ie. Object having key 0 will be send to
cluster0 only and so on. To process that object cluster will take some parameters
from central DB process the obj and result will again be saved in central DB. Load
balancer don’t have its own memory.
Note-1: Here object having same key have same result almost all the time.It might
change once in a while.
Note-2: Lets consider we have obj-1 having key=1, according to our design it will
go at cluster-1, but if load on that cluster is >90%. Load balancer will send that
obj to some other cluster(eg. Cluster-3) as well, but this will happen only in this
condition. In normal condition obj-1 will go to cluster-1 only

9.1. How to reduce transaction from cluster to db?

9.2. In Note-2 Scenario if the result of object is updated, this time it will
update result in central db as well. But when after some time the load on cluster-1
comes to normal state and this time obj1 will be send to cluster-1 according to our
architecture, now this time it has old copy of result in its cache and it will
return old result which is wrong. How to rectify this situation.

9.3. Through which protocol cluster-3 send broadcast msg ?

1. Implement Stack using array

2. What are the real life applications of stack ?
3. Can views be updated ?
4. Draw database schema of your BE project.
5. Also asked a puzzle
6.What is the use of virtual functions?
7. What are mutexes, semaphores ?
8. Implement insertion and deletion in linked list.
9. Explain concurrency control.
Traverse a linked list without back traversing.

WAP to reverse a string and some more variations in it as watching my approach. He

asked me to calculate the time complexity and how asked me a better approach to do

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