Modeling and Simulation of An Isothermal Reactor For Methanol Steam Reforming
Modeling and Simulation of An Isothermal Reactor For Methanol Steam Reforming
Modeling and Simulation of An Isothermal Reactor For Methanol Steam Reforming
ISSN printed: 1806-2563
ISSN on-line: 1807-8664
Doi: 10.4025/actascitechnol.v36i2.18850
Departmento de Engenharia Química, Universidade Estadual de Maringá, Av. Colombo 5790, 87020-900, Maringá, Paraná, Brazil. *Author for
correspondence. E-mail:
ABSTRACT. Due to growing electricity demand, cheap renewable energy sources are needed. Fuel cells
are an interesting alternative for generating electricity since they use hydrogen as their main fuel and release
only water and heat to the environment. Although fuel cells show great flexibility in size and operating
temperature (some models even operate at low temperatures), the technology has the drawback for
hydrogen transportation and storage. However, hydrogen may be produced from methanol steam
reforming obtained from renewable sources such as biomass. The use of methanol as raw material in
hydrogen production process by steam reforming is highly interesting owing to the fact that alcohol has the
best hydrogen carbon-1 ratio (4:1) and may be processed at low temperatures and atmospheric pressures.
They are features which are desirable for its use in autonomous fuel cells. Current research develops a
mathematical model of an isothermal methanol steam reforming reactor and validates it against
experimental data from the literature. The mathematical model was solved numerically by MATLAB® and
the comparison of its predictions for different experimental conditions indicated that the developed model
and the methodology for its numerical solution were adequate. Further, a preliminary analysis was
undertaken on methanol steam reforming reactor project for autonomous fuel cell.
Keywords: mathematical modelling, methanol, steam reforming, hydrogen.
precursor source of hydrogen that may be easily kinetic equations and data presented by Purnama
stored. Methanol has been widely studied as a et al. (2004) and validates the model by experimental
source of hydrogen and it has been shown to be an data from the literature.
attractive alternative, as hydrogen is made available
via steam reforming reaction. Methyl alcohol with Material and methods
its high concentration of hydrogen (4 hydrogen Research by Purnama et al. (2004), which
atoms for each carbon atom) may be obtained from demonstrated methanol steam reforming at
biomass. It may therefore be characterizes as a atmospheric pressure in a tubular stainless steel
biofuel. Methanol steam reforming reaction is very reactor (10 mm i.d.), was the main source for the
convenient for hydrogen production since it occurs development of current study. The commercial
at relatively low temperatures (200-350°C) when catalyst used by Purnama et al. (2004) in all
compared with other reform reactions. Further, it experiments consisted of CuO/ZnO/Al2O3 with a
exhibits good conversion at atmospheric pressure copper mass fraction of approximately 50%. The
reactor was placed in an aluminium heating block
warranting its use as a source of hydrogen for
with six 125W cartridge heaters for better heat
autonomous fuel cells, especially on a small scale.
transfer. The reactor temperature was adjusted by a
Methanol steam reforming is the chemical reaction PID controller connected to the cartridge heaters.
of water and methanol in the presence of a catalyst, Two type J thermocouples (Fe versus
usually CuO, ZnO and Al2O3 (JONES et al., 2008). (Cu+43%Ni)) were used, or rather, one was placed
The reaction produces hydrogen, carbon dioxide, in the aluminium block and the other in the catalyst
water and carbon monoxide. However, the presence bed. Purnama et al. (2004) used a stainless steel grid
of carbon monoxide in the reactor production to support the catalyst. For gas flow conditioning,
stream is an obstacle to the direct use of the inert Pyrex® beads with the same size as the catalyst
hydrogen from the reactor by the fuel cell, as carbon were placed on top of and below the catalyst bed.
monoxide is a contaminant to the fuel cell anode In their studies Purnama et al. (2004) used the
(NARUSAWA et al., 2003; TRIMM, 2005). The mechanism of methanol steam reforming taking
poisoning of the platinum anode of the fuel cell into consideration two reactions, namely, the steam
impairs and in some cases impedes its operation reforming reaction (SR), Equation 1, and the reverse
(FISHTIK et al., 2000; PEÑA et al., 1996; water-gas shift reaction (WGS), Equation 2.
According to the above kinetic model, CO
production occurred as a side product due to the
Modelling and simulation are powerful tools in
the analysis and synthesis of autonomous systems of water-gas shift reaction (AGRELL et al., 2002;
electricity production using fuel cells coupled to BREEN; ROSS, 1999; JIANG et al., 1993;
reforming reactors. The development of a LEDJEFF-HEY et al., 1998; PEPPLEY et al., 1999;
mathematical model that represents the process of PETERS et al., 2000; WIESE et al., 1999).
methanol steam reforming in a fixed bed reactor is a
key step in the design of an autonomous fuel cell. CH 3 OH H 2 O
k 1
3 H 2 CO 2 (1)
This is due to the possibility of achieving rapid
results that provide time and resource savings and k2
Figure 1. Flowchart for the solution of the developed mathematical model using MATLAB.
Results and discussion duly adjusted and represented the process´s main
trends. It may be observed that only the partial
Figures 2 to 5 illustrate the simulation results of the
pressures of H2 at 230oC (Figure 2) could not be well
mathematical model compared with the experimental
represented by the model for low contact times
data obtained by Purnama et al. (2004). It might be
(< 0.70). This fact suggested the possibility that
observed that the reactor behaviour in the four
measurement errors had occurred to H2 concentration
operational conditions showed experimentally by in this range contact time.
Purnama et al. (2004) was well represented by the The adjustment quality quantification might be
model proposed in which one of the main objectives of carried out by inspecting Table 1 as a function of the
a methanol steam reforming was to produce hydrogen relative deviation means for component i (RDMC)
for use in a fuel cell. However some aspects must be and the global mean deviation (GMD) respectively
taken into consideration, such as the 10 part per defined by Equations 12 and 13. As Table 1 shows,
million (ppm) of carbon monoxide in the feed of fuel the relative deviation mean for component, ranging
cells, because it contaminated the anode of proton from 2 to 29%, failed to demonstrate a clear trend
exchange membrane fuel cell (PEM) (KIM; CHA, due to temperature. However, the global mean
2003; KIM; LIM, 2002; LEE et al., 2004). deviation indicated that as the temperature rose,
Figure 2 shows that contact time, obtained from there was an improvement in the fitness quality of
the ratio of the mass of catalyst by the input flow of the the model, or rather, from 19.8% DMG at 230oC to
reactants in the reactor, affected the trend in hydrogen 9.6% DMG at 300oC.
production profile. Experimental data were virtually
linear, 0.5s to 0.6 seconds, after which there was a n
Pexp Pcalc
0.8 0.8
Simulated H2 H2
0.7 Experimental 0.7
0.6 0.6
0.5 H2O 0.5
P [kPa]
P [kPa]
0.4 0.4 Experimental
0.2 0.2
0.1 CO 0.1 CO
0 0
0 0.2 0.4 0.6 0.8 1 0 0.12 0.24 0.36 0.48 0.6
Contact Time (s) Contact Time (s)
Figure 2. Model predictions and experimental data at 230ºC. ….. Figure 3. Model predictions and experimental data at 250ºC.
0.8 0.8
0.7 0.7 H2
0.6 0.6
0.5 0.5
Simulated Simulated
P [kPa]
P [kPa]
0.4 Experimental
Table 1. Mathematical simulation of global error compared to First, the design of a reactor operating at high
experimental data.
temperature: it implies the use of small amounts of
Temperature DRMC (%)
DMG (%) catalyst (low contact time) and consequently a
230 19.8 16 16 29 18 - reduced size reactor to achieve high conversions of
250 15.8 22 22 13 12 10 methanol (approximately 100%, Figure 6); however,
270 13.2 16 16 14 15 5
300 9.6 8 8 2 2 28 there is a need for subsequent purification steps in
CO was not detected at 230oC, which made impossible the calculation of DRMC. the hydrogen stream to compensate for a large
amount of CO in the effluent stream (Figure 7).
Methanol steam reforming occurred at lower
temperatures for copper-based catalysts (230 to 300oC),
generating mostly hydrogen and carbon dioxide and a
small amount of CO, usually less than 1% (LEDJEFF-
HEY et al. 1998; PETERS et al. 2000; WIESE et al.
1999). The mathematical model used in this study may
be used to determine the condition of operating a 90%
reactor of autonomous fuel cell that produces low level 80%
possible to build compact reformers for adequate
hydrogen production on-board. Figure 6 shows the
90%-100% 80%-90% 0%
above 270°C favor a high conversion, which tends
70%-80% 60%-70%
50%-60% 40%-50%
inconvenience of low conversions of methanol Results point to the possibility of designing two
(approximately 70%, Figure 6) is that they require types of autonomous fuel cell which depend on the
subsequent operations for the separation of the operating temperature. High temperature will be
residual methanol, possibly by condensation, employed in small reactors with high methanol
followed by re-feeding of the reactor. conversion and high CO concentration in the
effluent stream. The above requires the
implementation of further steps to remove CO to
acceptable levels (< 10 ppm) to the perfect
operation of the PEM fuel cell. Moreover, low
temperature reactor will be larger and it will present
low conversion and a significant amount of residual
14000 methanol. The above requires subsequent stages for
12000 the separation and recycling of the reagent at levels
10000 below 10 ppm of CO, which makes the removal of
this contaminant unnecessary.
14000-16000 4000
10000-12000 2000
Current research was funded by the
8000-10000 0
Coordination for the Updating of Higher Education
0-2000 Technology for Development (LACTEC).
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Catalysis. v. 179, n. 1-2, p. 21-29, 1999. and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.