Assignment 3
Assignment 3
Assignment 3
Q2- The accountant of a concern transferred the difference in Trial Balance to a newly
opened suspense account. Subsequently, the following mistakes were discovered:
(a) Materials costing Rs. 1,500 in the creation of machinery and wages paid for it Rs. 800
were included in the purchases account and wages account respectively.
(b) Goods sold on credit to Indra Sen Rs. 3,800. Carriage outward and freight paid Rs.
550 chargeable to him were posted to sales expenses account.
(c) Sales returns by Subal Sahay Rs. 1,200 were correctly recorded in the Sales Returns
Journal from where they were debited to Subal Sahay account as Rs. 2,100.
(d) Old furniture originally costing Rs. 3,800 written down to Rs. 760 was sold for cash
Rs. 950 and was credited to sales account.
(e) Machinery purchased on credit Rs. 8,700 was recorded in the Purchases Journal and
transport charges for the machine Rs. 1,300 were debited to trade expenses account. Pass
Journal entries to rectify these errors and ascertain the difference in the Trial Balance.
Q.3-Pass the rectification entries and show the suspense account in the books of a
partnership firm, from the following particulars:
(a) The total of sales returns day book was over-cast by Rs. 1,000.
(b) Purchase of equipment, from Raj Mohan & Co. worth Rs. 2,000, in cash, was
centered thought the purchase day book and accordantly, credited to the supplier’s
(c) Discount Rs. 500 allowed by P. Sahoo, a creditor, has not been entered in the books of
(d) Rs. 360 paid for carriage on sale of goods was credited to carriage inward account
when posted from the cash book.
(e) Bill receivable worth Rs. 1,800 received from a debtor was entered in the bills
payable book though correctly entered in the debtor’s account.
(f) A sum of Rs. 2,500 collected from Suraj Singh, a debor, whose dues were already
written off as bad debt, was posted to the credit side of Suraj Singh account.
(g) Goods worth Rs. 1,500 bought by the partner Mr. Besra for his personal use without
any payment being made as yet, was wrongly entered in the purchase day book.