Wiretap Laws and Procedures
Wiretap Laws and Procedures
Wiretap Laws and Procedures
1. Introduction
In recent years, state statutes have been modified to keep pace with
rapid technological advances in telecommunications. For example, New
Jersey amended its electronic surveillance statute in 1993 to include
cellular telephones, cordless telephones, digital display beepers, fax
transmissions, computer-to-computer communications, and traces obtained
through "caller-ID".
Wiretaps are limited to the crimes specified in Title III and state
statutes. In New Jersey, the list includes murder, kidnapping,
gambling, robbery, bribery, aggravated assault, wrongful credit
practices, terrorist threats, arson, burglary, felony thefts, escape,
forgery, narcotics trafficking, firearms trafficking, racketeering, and
organized crime.
(d) the period of time for the interception (at most 30 days -
extensions may be permitted upon reapplication);
After the documents are approved by the DOJ's OEO and by FBI HQ, they
are referred to the Deputy Assistant Attorney General (or above), who
reviews the documents and signs off on them. At this point, the DOJ
authorizes the local U.S. Attorney's Office to file the final version
of the documents (application, affidavit, court order, and service
provider order) in court. The U.S. Attorney's Office then submits the
documents and the DOJ authorization to a federal judge. The entire
process can take as long as a month.
1. FBI agent
2. FBI field office attorney (principal legal advisor)
3. FBI field office management
4. Attorney in local U.S. Attorney's office
5. DOJ Office of Enforcement Operations (OEO)
6. FBI HQ Legal Counsel Division (LCD)
7. FBI HQ Criminal Investigative Division (CID)
8. DOJ Deputy Assistant Attorney General (or higher)
9. Federal District Court judge
(c) normal investigative procedures have been tried and have failed
or reasonably appear unlikely to succeed or to be too dangerous;
(d) there is probable cause for belief that the facilities from
which, or the place where the communications are to be
intercepted are being used, or are about to be used, in
connection with the commission of such offense, or are leased
to, listed in the name of, or commonly used by such person.
2.3 Emergencies
Normally, the government leases a line from the service provider and
the intercepted communications are transmitted to a remote government
monitoring facility over that line. In many cases, the bridging
connection is made within the service provider's central office
facility. Alternatively, a law enforcement agency may request the
service provider to give the "pairs and appearances" (a place to
connect to the suspect's line) in the "local loop" for the suspect's
phone. A law enforcement technician then makes the connection.
2.4.2 Minimization
2.4.3 Recording
2.6 Reports
One of the reasons for the significant amount of post wiretap reporting
is to provide a substantial record for legislatures when considering
whether or not to reenact or modify wiretap statutes.
3. FISA Interceptions
Applications for a court order are made by Federal officers and require
approval by the Attorney General. Each application must include:
(9) the facts concerning all previous applications involving the same
persons, facilities, or places;
(10) the period of time for the interception (maximum 90 days or,
when the target is a foreign power, one year);
Within the FBI, the process of applying for a court order under FISA is
as exacting and subject to review as under Title III. The main
differences are that under FISA, the FBI Intelligence Division is
involved rather than the Criminal Investigative Division, the DOJ
Office of Intelligence Policy and Review (OIPR) is involved rather than
either the U.S. Attorney's Office or the DOJ Criminal Division, and the
application is approved by the Attorney General (or Acting Attorney
General) rather than by a lower DOJ official.
3.3 Emergencies
Like Title III, FISA places strict controls on what information can be
acquired through electronic surveillance and how such information can
be used. No information can be disclosed for law enforcement purposes
except with the proviso that it may only be used in a criminal
proceedings under advance authorization from the Attorney General. If
the government intends to use such information in court, then the
aggrieved person must be notified in advance. The person may move to
suppress the evidence.
3.5 Reports
Each year, the Attorney General must give the Administrative Office of
the United States Courts (AO) a report of the number of FISA
applications and the number of orders and extensions granted, modified,
or denied. In 1992, there were 484 orders. Since 1979, there has been
an average of a little over 500 FISA orders per year.