Rational Fluid Resuscitation in Sepsis For The Hospitalist: A Narrative Review
Rational Fluid Resuscitation in Sepsis For The Hospitalist: A Narrative Review
Rational Fluid Resuscitation in Sepsis For The Hospitalist: A Narrative Review
Administration of fluid is a cornerstone of supportive care for sepsis. Current guidelines suggest a
protocolized approach to fluid resuscitation in sepsis despite a lack of strong physiological or clinical
evidence to support it. Both initial and ongoing fluid resuscitation requires careful consideration, as
fluid overload has been shown to be associated with increased risk for mortality. Initial fluid resus-
citation should favor balanced crystalloids over isotonic saline, as the former is associated with
decreased risk of renal dysfunction. Traditionally selected resuscitation targets, such as lactate
elevation, are fraught with limitations. For developing or established septic shock, a focused hemo-
dynamic assessment is needed to determine if fluid is likely to be beneficial. When initial fluid therapy
is unable to achieve the blood pressure goal, initiation of early vasopressors and admission to intensive
care should be favored over repetitive administration of fluid.
ª 2021 Mayo Foundation for Medical Education and Research n Mayo Clin Proc. 2021;nn(n):1-10
epsis is characterized by a maladaptive
Internal Medicine, Adoles-
systemic inflammatory response to the acute care internist. cent and Internal Medi-
infection that results in organ cine, Western Michigan
University, Homer Stryker
dysfunction. In 2017, an estimated 48.9 BASIC RATIONALE OF FLUID THERAPY IN M.D. School of Medicine,
million cases occurred worldwide.1 From SEPSIS Kalamazoo, MI (A.T.L.);
the original early goal-directed therapy trial The primary objective of fluid therapy is to and the Department of
Critical Care Medicine,
to the Surviving Sepsis Campaign, fluid ther- increase ventricular preload. If the heart is Respiratory Institute,
apy has played a central role in the treatment on the steep part of the Frank-Starling rela- Cleveland Clinic, Cleve-
land, OH (G.S.T., M.T.S.).
of sepsis. Although current guidelines tionship, an increase in preload is expected
recommend a standardized prescription for to cause a rise in cardiac output (Figure 1).
fluid therapy, this recommendation is not In sepsis, ventricular preload can be reduced
supported by strong clinical or physiological by 2 distinct mechanisms: intravascular vol-
data. As such, it is critical to understand the ume depletion and venodilation. Both factors
rationale behind the use of fluids in sepsis. result in a fall in venous return and preload.
The general awareness of sepsis has Intravascular depletion may be caused by
grown considerably in both professional actual fluid losses such as diarrhea in gastro-
and lay circles. Subsequently, both public intestinal infection, insensible loss from
and private insurances have developed tachypnea, and anorexia with poor oral
sepsis-focused metrics that emphasize a intake before presentation. Furthermore,
standardized approach to fluid management. some intravascular volume may be trans-
Hospitalists find themselves at the forefront ferred to the interstitial compartment
of managing sepsis, and, as such, it is imper- because of capillary leak. Cytokine-
ative to have a thorough grasp on the ratio- mediated damage to the vascular endothe-
nale for intravenous (IV) administration of lium leads to fluid extravasation from the
fluids. Choosing which IV fluid to admin- intravascular to extravascular compartment.2
ister, how much, and when are critical deci- The second cause of reduced ventricular pre-
sion points. This review discusses the load in sepsis is venodilation that increases
Stroke volume
perfusion pressure and may cause acute kid-
ney injury; high CVP values have been asso-
ciated with increased risk of kidney injury as
well as mortality.16,17 Intestinal edema may
lead to increased intraabdominal pressure
and further reduction in renal perfusion.18
The various adverse consequences of fluid
overload underscore the potential benefit of
an individualized approach.
The use of colloids is not supported by FIGURE 1. Example Frank-Starling relationships demonstrating the impor-
strong evidence and is associated with a tance of fluid responsiveness assessment. On the upper cardiac function
higher cost, so the discussion will focus on curve (green solid line), additional preload will translate into higher stroke
crystalloid selection. The Isotonic Solutions volume if the patient moves from point A to point B, and to a lesser extent
and Major Adverse Renal Events (SMART) when moving from C to D. The patient with the lower cardiac function
trial was a cluster-randomized trial in 5 curve (dashed brown line) will have a modest increase in stroke volume
intensive care units that compared normal moving from point A to point B but not when moving from C to D.
Additional administration of fluid past that point is likely to lead to organ
saline with balanced crystalloids (lactated
congestion and adverse outcomes.
Ringers or Plasma-Lyte) in a heterogeneous
patient population. This trial demonstrated
a reduction in 30-day major adverse kidney
crystalloids should be favored except in
events (a composite of death, new renal-
rare circumstances, such as hyponatremia
replacement therapy, or persistent renal
requiring correction, neurologically injured
dysfunction) with balanced crystalloids.10 A
patients, or concurrent metabolic alkalosis.
secondary analysis of patients enrolled in
SMART with sepsis in medical intensive
care units affirmed this finding. In addition, RESUSCITATION TARGETS IN SEPSIS AND
patients receiving balanced crystalloids had THE ROLE OF FLUID THERAPY
lower risk of death (adjusted odds ratio While discussing goals of resuscitation in
0.74; 95% confidence interval, 0.59 to sepsis, it is helpful to cognitively decouple
0.93), as well as an increase in days free of shock and hypotension. Shock can be
renal replacement therapy and described as a state of global impairment in
vasopressors.11 oxygen delivery or use. Hypotension, on
The term normal saline is certainly a the other hand, is a hemodynamic problem
misnomer. Aggressive resuscitation with in which systemic blood pressure drops
0.9% sodium chloride may result in hyper- below critical limit of autoregulatory poten-
chloremic acidosis. Hyperchloremia has tial of vital organs (eg, heart, brain, kidneys).
been shown to cause renal vasoconstriction It is possible to have shock with a normal (or
in preclinical models19 and may be the high) blood pressure such as normotensive
mechanism behind increased incidence of cardiogenic shock. Also, anesthesia-induced
acute kidney injury with normal saline. hypotension is commonly treated with vaso-
Based on the available evidence, balanced pressors, but these patients typically do not
Mayo Clin Proc. n XXX 2021;nn(n):1-10 n https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2021.05.020 3
TABLE. Summary of Key Trials of Fluid Therapy and Resuscitation Targets in Patients With Sepsis and Septic Shock
Median fluid Antibiotic adminis-
Outcome administered tration before
Study Population Intervention Comparison (primary) before enrollment enrollment Notes
ProCESS 1341 adults with Protocolized Usual care Protocolized care Approximately Approximately Higher amount of
septic shock (3 EGDT or did not improve 2100 to 2200 76% of patients fluids in protocol
arms) in the protocolized, 60-day mortality mL in each arm in each arm arms; higher rate
United States non-EGDT of vasoactive
medications in
ProMISe6 1260 adults with EGDT Usual care EGDT did not Approximately 100% of patients in Higher rate of
septic shock in improve 90-day 2000 mL in each each arm administration of
the United mortality arm vasoactive
Kingdom medications and
transfusions in
the intervention
ARISE7 1600 adults with EGDT Usual care EGDT did not Approximately Median time to first Higher rate of
Mayo Clin Proc.
70 minutes)
SSSP-29 212 adults with Early fluid Usual care Absolute risk Not clearly Median time to first Higher rate of
sepsis and resuscitation increase 15.1% reported antibiotic administration of
hypotension in protocol (2000 (95% CI, 2.0% to Median time to administered did vasoactive
Zambia mL fluid initially, 28.3%) of enrollment not differ medications in
repeated hospital approximately between arms the intervention
received no fluid
89.5% of patients
enrolled were
HIV positive
SMART10 15,802 unselected Balanced crystalloid 0.9% saline Reduced odds of Not applicable Secondary
critically ill adults major adverse analysis11 of
Continued on next page
TABLE. Continued
Mayo Clin Proc. n XXX 2021;nn(n):1-10
therapy days in
the balanced
CENSER12 310 adults with Early Usual care 27.7% absolute Approximately 800 Not clearly Fewer episodes of
sepsis and norepinephrine increase in rate mL in each arm reported arrhythmia and
hypotension in of achieving pulmonary
Thailand target blood edema in the
pressure at 6 intervention arm
hours in the
intervention arm
ANDROMEDA- 424 adults with Capillary refill time Lactate-guided 8.5% absolute Approximately 25 Median time to first Bayesian re-
SHOCK13 septic shock in guided resuscitation reduction in 28- to 30 mL/kg in antibiotic analysis14
South America resuscitation day mortality each arm administered did demonstrated
(95% CI, not differ >90% chance of
1.2% to 18.2%) between arms 28-day mortality
in intervention (approximately benefit of
arm, did not 1.5 to 2 hours) intervention arm
reach statistical for all priors
FRESH15 124 adults with Dynamic fluid Usual care 1.37 liters lower Approximately Not clearly Fewer patients in
septic shock in responsiveness fluid balance in 2100 to 2400 reported the intervention
the United assessment intervention arm mL in each arm arm required
States and at 72 hours (mean, renal
United Kingdom calculated from replacement
supplement) therapy and
CI, confidence interval; EGDT, early goal directed therapy; ICU, intensive care unit; kg, kilogram; OR, odds ratio.
meet the criteria for shock. It is widely receptors are stimulated by endogenous
appreciated that patients with sepsis have epinephrine, leading to cyclic-AMPemedi-
reduced arterial tone, which may cause hy- ated generation of pyruvate, leading to
potension. Sepsis can also cause shock by excessive production of lactate. Therefore,
diverse mechanisms. Overall, the goal in sepsis-associated lactic acidosis has been
sepsis resuscitation should be to correct proposed to reflect severity of illness. It is
both hypotension and tissue hypoxia. likely that both type A and type B lactic
Clinically, the most common trigger for acidosis play a role in sepsis.
fluid therapy is hypotension. As highlighted The ANDROMEDA-SHOCK trial was a
earlier, fluid therapy in a preload-responsive multicenter study comparing a resuscitation
heart would result in an increase in cardiac strategy guided by capillary refill time to a
output. Although this increase in cardiac lactate-based strategy, with the primary
output would cause some increase in blood outcome of all-cause 28-day mortality.13
pressure, this effect would be blunted in The study was unable to detect a statistically
the presence of reduced arterial tone.20 significant difference in outcomes between
This, of course, is a common scenario in the 2 strategies; however, a post hoc
sepsis. Anecdotally, it is not uncommon to Bayesian analysis of the trial suggested lower
see multiple fluid boluses given in a futile mortality and faster resolution of organ
attempt to treat hypotension in patients dysfunction when targeting capillary refill
with reduced arterial tone. To that effect, if time.14 Importantly, yet another post hoc
the initial augmentation of preload does analysis of the same study demonstrated an
not resolve hypotension, a prompt consider- association between lactate-based resuscita-
ation of vasopressor therapy should be made. tion and higher mortality if capillary refill
Timely initiation of vasopressor therapy has time was normal at enrollment.23 This
been associated with improved outcomes. finding calls into question the current prac-
In the Early Use of Norepinephrine in Septic tice of attempting to normalize lactate in pa-
Shock Resuscitation (CENSER) trial, early tients with sepsis and septic shock, although
administration of norepinephrine showed a confirmatory studies are needed. If capillary
higher rate of resolution of shock at 6 hours refill time is chosen as a resuscitation target,
and lower incidence of pulmonary edema it should be performed in a systematic
compared with standard treatment, although fashion as in the original trial. First, apply
no statistically detectable difference in mor- firm pressure to the ventral surface of the in-
tality was seen.12 This was also supported dex finger with a glass microscope slide until
by a prospective observational study in the skin blanches, then maintain pressure for
which norepinephrine was shown to in- 10 seconds. Finally, release and measure the
crease cardiac preload and cardiac output time for color to return to normal. Abnormal
in septic shock when administered early.21 capillary refill time is defined as longer than
Although blood pressure is easily 3 seconds.
measured, the available markers of global Apart from hypotension, the second
perfusion are imprecise. The most trigger for fluid therapy is evidence of shock,
commonly used perfusion marker is serum as detected with the aforementioned perfu-
lactate level. The inherent assumption in sion markers. Intuitively, the mechanism
this practice is that a raised lactate level re- by which fluids may improve perfusion is
sults from increased anaerobic glycolysis by augmenting cardiac output given a
resulting from tissue hypoxia: type A lactic preload-responsive heart. A retrospective
acidosis. All causes of increase in serum analysis of patients with sepsis and septic
lactate level independent of the aforemen- shock demonstrated an association of
tioned mechanism are considered type B lac- improved mortality if fluid was given in the
tic acidosis. There is significant evidence that first 3 hours, rather than later.24 Further
several pathways in sepsis may result in type analysis of the ANDROMEDA-SHOCK trial
B lactic acidosis;22 for example, beta-2 provides important insights in this regard.
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6 Mayo Clin Proc. XXX 2021;nn(n):1-10 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2021.05.020
Yes No
Administer 30 ml/kg
Strong history of balanced crystalloid
hypovolemia? unless overt symptomatic
Yes No hypervolemia
Resolution of poor
Consider 1-2 additional 500 No perfusion or Yes Exit algorithm
ml boluses targeted to CRT hypotension?
and/or urine output*
No or unable to determine
Exit algorithm
FIGURE 2. Proposed fluid management approach for the inpatient with sepsis and hypotension or signs of poor perfusion. *Urine
output may be an unreliable resuscitation target in the setting of acute kidney injury; use with caution. CRT, capillary refill time, CO,
cardiac output (measured by echocardiography or noninvasive monitor); IVC, inferior vena cava; PLR, passive leg raise test; SV, stroke
volume (monitoring in the same fashion as cardiac output).
n n
8 Mayo Clin Proc. XXX 2021;nn(n):1-10 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2021.05.020
shown to be useful predominantly for esti- Abbreviations and Acronyms: CVP = central venous
mation of central venous pressure.34 Howev- pressure; EGDT = early goal-directed therapy; IV = intra-
venous; IVC = inferior vena cava; PLR = passive leg raise
er, IVC collapsibility in spontaneously VTI = velocity-time integral
breathing patients has not found to be useful
in predicting fluid responsiveness.35 Lack of
standardization of inspiratory effort is likely Potential Competing Interests: The authors report no
competing interests.
one of the major reasons for this. On the
other hand, CVP itself has not shown to pro- Correspondence: Address to Matthew T. Siuba, DO,
vide any useful information regarding fluid Department of Critical Care Medicine, Respiratory Institute,
Cleveland Clinic, 9500 Euclid Ave, L2-330, Cleveland, OH
responsiveness and should not be used for 44195 (siubam@ccf.org; Twitter: @msiuba).
this purpose.26
Determining fluid responsiveness is a ORCID
Matthew T. Siuba: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-4321-
challenge, and yet it is important to define
if additional administration of fluid is
considered. Patients in the Fluid Response
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10 Mayo Clin Proc. XXX 2021;nn(n):1-10 https://doi.org/10.1016/j.mayocp.2021.05.020