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Life Stages Based Experiences

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Leadership is one of the major skill that helps a person to make an effective decision

regarding his different stages of life. He is that kind of person who motivates a large
number of followers to follows his path and way of life. A good leader must be that
person who formed a good experience of life in front of his followers. He must be good
communicator, decision maker, honest, passion, committed and integrated towards his

In this reflection paper, there is a brief description of the Personal Development Plan
(PDP) for my professional life. In this paper, I discussed my different experiences in the
course of MBA along with professional life, where I learned a lot of things regarding an
effective leadership style. I also make an overview of my results outcomes in 360-
degree leadership circle. I also explore some my weakness, skills and future planning
regarding the leadership. This reflection paper explores my whole personality and
leadership traits in my student and professional life.


In my student life, I was such a type of student who only focused on the study and did
not make any interaction with other students. Most of my teachers tried a lot to involve
me in different curriculum activities. At that time, I learned that if you are interactive,
confident, intellectual power and good communicator, then you can become an effective

In my psychological perspective, I need to further work on my self-esteem factor as

most of the time; I feel proud of my level of achievement that I am working in a well-
known company along with MBA studies. This factor can create a major barrier to
effective communication with the surrounding people. As in my personality perspective,
I am a good and developing nature person and love to work with others to better the
situation. This approach will help me to upgrade my communication, knowledge and
leadership skills that will help me to become a successful person in my life.

Before getting the admission in MBA, I was appointed as a Youth leader for my local
community church. At that time, I learned a lot of things regarding how to manage things
and makes effective decisions. This was one of my great experience because, in this
experience, I made many mistakes and learned a lot of things regarding how to
collaborate the things in an effective way.

I studied on different articles, books and other information sources regarding social and
youth development because I was working as a couch of that people. My learning skill
was developed during that scenario because I also pass the new information to the
followers. I learned how to become impatient and motivate people to work effectively.
My time of such effective leadership was a short span because, after it, I had to get
admission in MBA Program. This was my student life experience, which I learned from
this leadership tenure. After this, it becomes quite easy for me to adjust to the MBA
program based education.
In my professional life experience, I learned that most of the people would become
motivated to actively participate in the workplace when they realize that they are not
threatened by the management. In this way, a healthy environment within the
organization is also become develop because in this most of the people become
engaged with one another and positive word of mouth regarding the management of
leader will be developed in the workplace.

Before I believed on technical advancement and learning requirements for effective

leadership, but now I changed my definition of leadership that an effective leader must
be that type of person who creates a friendly relationship with his team members. A
technically skilled person can be a good manager but not an effective leader, but an
effective leader can be a good manager. This minor difference between both
personalities is becoming understandable in front of me when I see the response of the
team members towards their leader that an adverse situation in the workplace can be
effectively managed through friendly leadership skill.

In my daily life experiences, I learned a lot of things from the people’s behaviour that
helps me to make a decision regarding how to communicate with them in an effective
and convincing way. My personal choice to change my way of communication and
leader allows me to get more rather than any other manager in my own function.

In the case of bad supplier performance, I did defend my case in front of the Toyota
Management who wants to make blame on my unperformed negligence. At that time, I
felt the self-realization concept that a good leader should be able to face any adverse
situation in a lighter mood. After this task, it is concluded that being a manager; I
handled all the adverse situation in a more effective way because, in that situation, I
display the clear picture of all the documents which shows that I was nor liable for such
negligence. At that time, I realized that the backup plan and authentic evidence is one of
the effective ways to clarify all the important points in front of upper management.

There are many events in my life that completely change my way of thinking, talking and
learning related perception values. I am an introvert personality type person in front of
others where I mostly do no talk with a large number of people at the same time. I
majorly focus on my internal feelings, thoughts and moods rather than seeking the
external stimulation. There may be a chance that in the future, the company can give
workload compensation in front of other regular employees. In this situation also, I
learned a lot of things regarding the importance of extrovert personality in the workplace
through this way, a person becomes aware regarding how to communicate with people
in the right way.

In the perspective of my emotional mood, I am passionate to achieve my goal through

any way like I am working hard in both sides, i.e. education and job. But I am also very
emotional towards other people. The success factor is mostly energized me. In case of
anxiety, I become silent and critically analyze the things to drive solution. I do not want
to show harsh behavior towards others, but sometimes due to workload, my behavioral
become change.

After considering my last two-year life experiences and the resultant outcomes of the
leadership circle, it becomes clear that I am that kind of person, who is passionate and
loyal towards his goal. A person who is having an introvert personality, but he is capable
of observing the behaviors of others and effectively communicate with a small number
of people. In the case of introvert leadership, the major norm of a person is to become
alone in order to recharge the brain and making some effective decision. The norm of
my leadership style is to practice and experience humility, treat every person with
dignity and due respect, listen to understand, be genuine with others about feelings,
ideas and challenges, respect the times and convince others and support other people.

In the future perspective, my major assumptions are based on driving effective

communication skills with others so that confusion regarding behavioural approach can
be resolved. As leadership is a journey, not a destination that consists of continuously
building and refining a set of skills that allow me to guide, inspire and effectively work
with others (Nawaz & Khan_ PhD, 2016). My leadership edge is based on my
competencies to perform my work well on time by using the competency-based
approach. In my personality perspective, the lack of effective communication is one of
the major factors of ignorance that may create an alarming situation in future dealings.

This is the personality barrier that sometimes creates misunderstandings just like my
workplace experience with a supplier where he sends wrong goods to the company’s
warehouse, and in result, upper management starts involving me in this case. In the
current situation of my promotion where the upper management promotes me in a
complicated and tough project of 2020, due to a lack of communication between me and
them, creates problem in front of me.

From my past experiences, I learned a lot of things regarding how to handle an adverse
situation with the calm mood, how to transfer the urgent information to the management,
how to follows the legal requirements and how to creates a friendly environment in the
workplace. I learned a lot of things from my supervisor, before joining the Toyota
Company, I had only a student life experience and did not know how to communicate
with suppliers professionally. But from Peter, I learned how to convince the team
members to work efficiently and creates a positive word of mouth among other people. I
am a learner because I learned a lot of things from people’s behaviour, their moods,
likeness, dislikes and other ones. So, in that case, I have the ability to make an effective
decision for the betterment of an organization.

When I critically analyzed my behavioural patterns in last two year experiences, then I
come to realize that I have just personality traits in which a person is mostly engaged in
listening, having focused and deep conversation with others, taking quiet time and have
a structural way of thinking. This concept is similar to the trait theory of leadership in
which the leaders are born, and due to their belief, they possess correct traits and
qualities that are best suited to the leadership. It is because a habitual pattern of
thoughts, behaviour and emotions are formed. This theory may vary from culture to
culture (Fleeson & Jayawickreme, 2015).

First one is my self-evaluation scale, the second one is the outside evaluators, the third
one is my boss response, and the fifth one is my peer’s response regarding my
personality and leadership qualities. The tools of personality characteristics that are
asked from them are based on relating, complying, authenticity, controlling, self-
awareness, system awareness, protecting, leadership effectiveness and achieving
based characteristics. In the field of my creative dimension, I mostly connect with other
people and have a warm relationship with them; it shows that I have a strong, caring
connection. While in case of goal achieving based capabilities, my strategic focus,
achievement-oriented approach, decisiveness, purposeful and visionary are critically
considered. In the controlling perspective, my personality is perfect, autocratic, ambition
and driven, while in considering complying factor, a sense of belonging, passive,
pleasing and conservative is my major behavioural approach towards others. On the
other hand, in case of protecting based personality perspective, my personality has a
minimum characteristic of distance, critical and arrogance are considered.

My 360-degree feedback shows the dimension of my personality in Me-We-Work level
of perspective. According to the leadership circle; my identity is considered through
different parameters, as I mentioned above. Now I would like to make a critical analysis
of each response percentile. This is the 360 degrees based evaluation circle where the
authenticity, system awareness, achieving, controlling, complying relating, self-
awareness and protecting factors are further divided into sub-sections. While in the
broader perspective, my personality is critically analyzed through four major factors like
creative, task seeker, relationship-oriented and reactive.

Like in case of understanding a relationship between the task-oriented and relationship-

oriented, the achieving, controlling, relating and complying factors are considered.
According to the result outcomes, the other assessment rate in my capability of
achieving based parameter is 88% means that majority of people thinks that I am a
good decision maker, have the ability to drive the result, have a strategic focus and
have a purposeful visionary in my working activities.

The majority of the people are showing their positive response regarding this factor.
While 20% of them do not show a positive result regarding my personality. But I give me
a rate of 75% in the field of achieving because I feel that there is a need to make some
development in my learning outcome. While this achieving personality parameter is
considered, then it is further divided into four major parts. In the case of the
decisiveness, the range of other assessment is reached up to 95% means only 5% of
people do not believe in this factor.

In the case of the second subheading like archives results, there are 72% of the
respondents believe that I am having that personality while I rank myself 87%
indecisiveness and 89% in achieves results in the case of other subheadings like
strategic focus and systematic thinker. The response rate of other assessment is
somehow resembled with one another like in case of purposeful visionary, 89% are
showing their positive response while remaining do not believe in this factor.

In case of strategic focus, there are 80% respondents showing their positive regarding
this factor because they believe that introvert personality based person is a good thinker
and strategic maker in the organization because they have a broad vision. But I give
myself 47% in purposeful visionary factor and 70% in strategic focus factor. All the
results of this responding parameter are above than 50%, which means that the majority
of people are showing their positive response regarding my leadership approach.

In the perspective of system awareness, the majority of the respondent shows a positive
response regarding this characteristic in my leadership style. There are 90% of the
respondents highly agreed on this factor because they think that I am a system thinker
and have a good community concern. I also give me a high rate in the case of system
awareness because I believe that I have a good understanding and observing the skill
of a person. I give me a 90% rate in this perspective. When their subheadings are
considered, then it comes to know that the rate of sustainable productivity range is
relatively lower in my personality as compared to other variables.

That’s the reason that majority of the respondent give me a 70% positive response rate
in case of sustainable productivity, and I also give myself a 53% rate in this case. It is
because I think that there are some deficiencies in my personality that creates a barrier
in the advancement of productivity. While in the system thinker variable, the majority of
the respondent give me a 99% rating because it thinks that I have a broad vision and
have the power to make an effective decision for the organization. And in the
community concern perspective, 88% are agreeing on this factor that I can effectively
communicate with a small group of people in the workplace.

The overall response rate of myself and other assessment, the characteristic of self-
awareness are present in a higher range in my personality. When the personality
characteristic of authenticity is concerned, then I comes to realize that there are a
minimum number of respondents thinks that I have such characteristics, and that’s the
reason, they give me 57% of response, but internally, I think that I have a minimum level
of such characteristic and I give myself 15% rating because I think that there is a need
to make more work on this factor. In its subheading of integrity and courageous
authenticity, the range of the other assessments is lower than other variables which
shows that majority of the respondent do not think that I have such characteristics in my
personality traits.
Their perception is easily explored in the resulting outcome that there are 69% of
respondent shows a positive respondent in the courageous authenticity based response
variable and 45% of them agree in the integrity-based characteristic. I also give me a
lower rate of 9% in courageous authenticity based person and 59% of my self-
assessment is given to the integrity-based factor. In this personality trait, there is a need
to majorly work on it because it majorly effects on the creative based factor in my

When my self-awareness related perspective is critically analyzed from the response

outcomes, then it comes to realize that majority of the respondents are showing their
active response rate regarding the effective selfless leader, perfect balance based
personality, personal learner, and composure. Majority of the respondent give 81% of
the positive response regarding the effective self –awareness based characteristic in my
personality while I give myself 60% of the positive response rate. In the future
perspective, there is a need to make some further improvement in this factor.

The majority of the respondent are showing their positive response in case of balance
requirement while I give myself 53% in my self-assessment. In the case of selfless
leader based characteristics, all-around 79.5% of the respondents showing the effective
positive response, but I give myself 50% in this sector.  While in the case of composure,
there are 55% of the positive response from the other assessment and 30% of my self-
assessment. While the comparative result outcome is totally different in case of
personal learner where 80% of them believes that I am a personal learner. But in my
perspective, I majorly focus on this factor in my personality trait, so that’s why I give
myself 90% of this factor.

In the region of an effective relationship with others, the results of both self and others
are somehow interlinked with one another. In perspective relating based characteristics,
there are 78% of the respondents shows the strongly agreed based response. While
according to my assessment, I am 60% reliable on this factor. According to the other
assessment based results, there are 73% of respondents show a positive result in
caring connection perspective, 80% agree in fosters team-play, 90% of collaboration,
72% in developing mentoring rate and 51% in interpersonal intelligence level. While in
my own self-assessment, I think that I am having 84% of caring connection based
capabilities,75% in fosters team-play, 95% in case of effective collaborator, 69% in
mentoring developing and only 6% interpersonal intelligence level. This shows that I
have much better capabilities in effective communication with other employees.

In the case of complying based characteristic, the outsider assessments give us 77% of
positive response in this factor while I give myself a 67% positive response in this factor.
Both result outcomes are somehow interlinked with one another. This complying based
perspective is further divided into four major portions like passive, belonging, pleasing
and conservative. There are only 20% of respondents think that I am conservative in my
approach, 71% believe that I have a pleasing personality, 79% believes on belonging
based characteristic and 70% of them, shows the positive result in case of passive

Their range of positive response is within the range of 70% to 80% accept from a
conservative approach, which shows that majority of the outsiders think, I have a good
complying characteristic in my professional activity. While in my perspective, I am 10%
conservative in my behavioural approach, 50% have a pleasing personality, 60% having
the sense of belonging and 70% of passive personality. This shows that my surrounding
people think that I am doing much better in the workplace as compared to another

In the second last perspective of protecting, there are 51% of respondent shows the
positive result regarding the occurring of such characteristic in my personality but I think
that I am 12% capable of having the protecting based characteristic. The response rate
in case of distance, arrogance and critical is much lower than any other perspective like
there are only 49% of the outsiders think that I maintain a distance between person,
42% critical behaviour and 69% of arrogance based personality factor.

While in my own assessment based outcomes, I am 34% of having distance

personality, 15% of critical and 0% in arrogance. In this case, the great contradict is
present in arrogance based variable in protecting based personality characteristic. Like
the majority of my peers and other one think that I am arrogant in my attitude, but I think
that I have a good relationship with others. This result shows the communication gap
between other ones and me.

In the last personality parameter of control, there are 68% of respondents’ shows that I
have a good controlling power within my leadership while I think that I have less
controlling based characteristic in my personality. That’s the reason; I give a 25% rate in
this factor, which is further divided into four major factors. In their analysis, there are
31% of respondent think that I have an autocratic personality, 100% shows the positive
response in ambition, 98% positive response in the driven case and 95% in perfect
based characteristic. This personality parameter shows the highest positive response,
which shows that I have a good controlling power in effective team management. But
according to my response rate, I have 9% autocratic, 79% of driven and 69% of perfect
based characteristic.

In the overall perspective, it becomes clear that the majority of my surrounding people
that I have good decision-making power, broad vision, perfect personality, ambitious
systematic thinker, balance person and collaboration based personality. This response
shows that I am more self-aware regarding things, having good complying and
relationship characteristic. According to the response rate, I am having good system
awareness and efficient achieving characteristic in my personality trait.


According to the responses, most of the respondents giving some suggestions that play
a major rule ineffective leadership practices. Like most of the respondent, majorly focus
on doubting a factor. In my personality perspective, I mostly become disappointed
regarding any adverse situation and become overexcited in a positive situation. My
peers suggest that I must work to strengthen my emotional factors. I learned a lot of
things regarding how to communicate with others in an efficient way. My boss suggests
me to become more socialize in front of others because, in this way, I will become able
to communicate and transfer the information from one person to another.

In this feedback review, there is a different perspective of learning in front of me like

somebody likes my approach of leadership and decision making, but others are
criticizing me for changing my way of working. This reflection from the surrounding
people is helpful to analyze and evaluate the situation from a different perspective
critically. Like in the reflection review, somebody says to be satisfied with your
achievement while on the other hand, the other one said to work ward. Each review is
important in front of me because they taught me how to polish myself in my professional

According to the responses, I lack passion and a wishy-washy in decision making. I

need to accept by others because sometimes, it becomes quite difficult to remain alone
and make a difficult decision. I am conservative and confirm my own way of doing and
majorly focus on conforming rules. In my personality style, I must work on the other
acceptance factors because if I want to suck in my professional life, then there is a need
to make an effective decision by consulting with other people. In case of arrogance, I
am self-centred because I don’t bother what people thing amount me. I think that I have
to work on my arrogance based factor. I must work on minimizing the distance between
people and myself. This reflection from myself and surrounding is quite informative for
me because, after this, I become able to make certain changes in my personality and
makes an effective decision in my leadership approach.


According to this test, there are majorly four major categories of analysis like vision,
interdependence, action and structure factor. Out of the 4 major personalities based
question, I scored high marks in the structural formatted of working where I got 29
marks and then in an effective action based factor; my performance level is 28. After
these two variables, I got 24 marks in a vision-related factor. But I got the least marks in
my interdependence related factors. These results show that I am a good structural
based person who makes an effective decision, a person with a broad vision and an
effective performer in any task. This results also show in the diagram of VISA to whole
personality leadership in the appendix where the range of my personality is majorly
between structural, action and broad vision. But in the case of interdependence, I got
lower marks which means that I do not majorly follow on other people work. This type of
personality shows my personality as an autocratic leadership who have a broad vision
and is self-motivated to achieve his life goals.
So, in the case of developing my leadership skills, I must focus on my integrity,
composure, interpersonal intelligence, autocratic, critical and conservative based
personality approach in the workplace. In case of future perspective, I will focus on
these factors in my future life. According to test, the result regarding protecting and
authenticity based characteristics are not based on reality because there is a difference
between me and other assessments especially in arrogance variable in which I think
that I am not arrogance, but a large number of people believe that I am arrogant in my
attitude. My generative powers influence my behaviour towards others like I do not want
to share my personal information towards others, highly committed towards my job and
have the courage to handle any adverse situation.

Based on my life experience that I had discussed briefly throughout the paper, there are
different aspects that need the consideration when it comes to the development of the
leadership or more accurately, the future development of my leadership. There has
been many ups and downs in my professional and academic life.  Due to my personality
or style of personality and style of leadership, different challenges and problems were
faced, which sometimes, as a result, affected me. The outcome of such challenges and
problems led towards the consequences which may have affected my performance
accordingly. Everyone has got different perspectives, and with their different
perspectives come different kinds of personalities and approaches.

These approaches of people define them who they are, what they are, and why they are
the way they used to be. In this case, as discussed thoroughly in this reflective essay. I
possess a personality of an introvert, and this leads me towards the approaches that
form a strong leadership style of an introvert with an introvert personality. It has played
a stronger role in my life and proved as a significant one in my life due to the
advantages and benefits that I have gained through such personality and leadership,
which includes introvert personality traits.

However, this has led me towards some challenges and formed a single story about
me, not just once but many times. This, as a result, formed some barriers between me
and others. This can easily be reflected by the results of the respondents about my
personality. This is a result that made me stronger enough to explore the edges even
more, which, as claimed by people I lack in or am ignorant. It is necessary that I identify
the areas of my ignorance and incompetency more deeply and clearly. This will help me
learn more about my self being as a leader, which indeed I have done to some extent.
The reviews and the results have shown me who really I am and in what areas of
leadership I lack or am ignorant. I will effectively work on my weaker part, as a lack of
effective communication and makes different strategies to create a good reputation in
the workplace.
As being a learner, I learned that it is necessary for me to cultivate any required areas
and cover the edges of my personality and leadership that affect the overall progress
and holds an impact. It holds significant importance for the future as it is necessary to
enhance my traits of personality and leadership styles accordingly. It will also help me in
eliminating any barriers that keep me and my progress away from growth and increase
the overall productivity and way of engagement with others. As a result, a change of
perception and integration of personality and leadership style will occur. This is my
mission and vision, and as being a leader are now infused in my leadership. The goal is
that the necessary or required areas will be cultivated in order to ensure the growth of
personal leadership.

It is necessary to keep the evaluation up as it already helped me in identifying the

current progress and status of my personality traits and leadership. Taking in the
account of the current evaluation that is conducted by the use of the 360 charts as it
provided significant information which is reliable and helpful. It helped in identifying the
underlying factors causes of the current status of my personality. The responses that
people provided on the basis of the traits and areas that were categorized accordingly
had helped me in learning more about my personal leadership. This evaluation,
however, holds a significant value which identifies the importance of the evaluation.

Therefore, the future development of leadership will also include an evaluation. For this
purpose, I will include response based evaluation as different people around me or in
the firm where I am working will be provided relevant data about my personality and the
grading or marking will do on the basis of the identified factors or underlying causes in
some cases. This evaluation of mine as about personal development as a leader will
help me to learn more and more about myself in a way and perspectives of others. This
will help me in keeping enhancing my leadership and lead towards a more developed
approach and perspective accordingly.

On the basis of the responses that are provided in the 360 charts, it helped in identifying
the overall effectiveness of my leadership. However, the overall effectiveness of my
leadership was about 83% to 84%, which is quite effective. But, there are some
personality and leadership factors and traits that are marked positively. But, this is not
the case for every factor that is included. Beginning with the term arrogance, according
to my own evaluation, arrogance wasn’t the case by any means.  But, the respondents
rated the arrogance to almost 78%. This identified that my personality and leadership
include arrogance, which affects the overall leadership style.

Being a person of introvert personality and leadership, courageous Authenticity is not

really for me as I like to focus on the goals alone and draw the pattern internally without
including ideas and concepts of others. Even this is what makes my leadership
effective, but the reason for 68 per cent grading of this trait does not reflect the actual
cause. However, this would be my leadership style and progress that copes with the
goals and objectives, and this is why the effectiveness is that much for this factor. If that
is the case, I will keep my focus on the same path to integrate and cultivate the factor
even more so that overall effectiveness will be improved.

What is more threatening is the rating of integrity. If honesty is not included among the
strong moral and its principle, the outcomes can be challenging and bad. The current
evaluation shows that the integrity area of my leadership is not effective and good as it
lies on the scale of 50. This indeed affects my overall productivity and holds an impact
on my overall leadership effectiveness. Therefore, the focus for future personal
development will include integrity as well. This will help in providing clearer and deeper.

Focusing on ethical aspects and factors will increase the integrity as well. However,
cultivating the authenticity will affect both integrity and courageous authenticity in a
positive way and will help in developing personal leadership. This cultivation of the
terms and factors will be done accordingly, which is dependent on the nature of the
factors. The proposed actions and steps to be taken accordingly will help in the
development of future leaders. This is completely based on the personal experiences
that I had in my professional life and the challenges that I faced as consistently working
for my future while carrying academic and professional life responsibilities accordingly
at the same time.

The personality changing experience which I learned is from my study course of MBA
along with the challenging professional life shows that I have an introvert personality
with a broad vision, intellectual and decision-making power. My personal theory
regarding my life journey to become smart, patience and have a broad vision based
personality person. According to my introvert theory, introverted leaders are excel in its
effective communication in person to person or through a small group. The introverted
leader is stronger in the case of a mentoring point of view because he has the power to
establish a genuine and deep connection.

I want to be a good and corporate leader in my workplace. I have learned from my

experiences, especially in my professional life, that integrity holds significant value in
performance and progress. Further areas like conservative, belonging, autocratic,
interpersonal intelligence, passive and belonging will be taken into account for the focus
to be cultivated for my future development. My core leadership believes based on
respect, wisdom, integrity, courage and humility because I think that if every person
does not know each other than a collaboration will never occur. In future, I will focus on
cultivating this trait towards lower value in future. I will focus on improving my listening
skills and communication skills

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