127 Pursuits Gholdy Final
127 Pursuits Gholdy Final
127 Pursuits Gholdy Final
Intellectualism (How will my instruction build Criticality (How will my instruction engage
students’ knowledge and mental powers?) students’ thinking about power and equity
What are students using to ground/deepen their and the disruption of oppression?)
learning? (Ex. Topic, question, issue, etc.) Are students learning about and challenging
What are students working with to attain their skills
the societal “norms” or understandings of
and meet the objective?
the topic you are teaching?
How are students deepening their learning around
the topic through different Do students have the opportunity to engage
voices/perspectives/formulas/etc. in refuting a bias they have or know exists in
Does the end product allow students to demonstrate their society?
their learning and understanding in different ways Are students being asked to think about
and from different perspectives? their own identity and where it connects in
Part of this is differentiation
the larger social strata?
Layered texts as a means of supporting different
Does the lesson offer the opportunity for
modalities and promoting understanding and critical
students to differentiate between facts and
. § Audio (Podcasts, NPR, Etc.) perceptions?
§ Video (TedTalks, YouTube, Etc. Is there an evaluation/use of marginalized
§ Images (Infographics, DBQ’s, Graphs, Etc.) voices and those that might have silenced
§ Text (Articles, Excerpts, etc.) them?
Joy: (How am I providing opportunity for my students to celebrate their own beauty, power, or
Lesson Plan
Modeled after Cultivating Genius by Dr.Gholdy Muhammad
Content Standards:
How are students expected to demonstrate their learning? What questions and content will they grapple with to do
Preview/Opening Credits: Learning Opportunities
How will you introduce the theme/skill to your learners?
What are potential misunderstandings? How will you leverage
these to deepen understanding?
Vocabulary &
How will you know when students have attained the skill AND grasped the challenges around the theme?
Intentionality &
After executing your lesson, which of After executing the lesson, which
the pillars did you include and execute pillar do you want to strengthen?
well? Provide evidence Why? How will you work toward