Tender Specification of Vsat Network For BN: Restricted
Tender Specification of Vsat Network For BN: Restricted
Tender Specification of Vsat Network For BN: Restricted
bidder shall be selected based on all essential items and services, freight, training,
civil works, locally supplied item and optional item (selected by BN).
5. Eligibility of the Bidders. Only the genuine manufacturers of VSATNET Hardware
or their authorized dealer (as principal/ bidder) can submit quotation through their
authorized local agents enlisted at DGDP. In the case of the dealer (as principal/ bidder),
the manufacturer’s certificate(s) of authorization has to be submitted with the offer. The
bidder shall have the following qualification to participate in the tender:
a. The bidder shall have at least 5 years working experience on the satellite
communication system and supplied, installed, commissioned, and maintained at least
one VSAT networks including Hub station. Bidder’s qualification must necessarily be
satisfied by relevant experience documentation and client list.
b. The bidder shall have experience of supplied, installed, commissioned at least
two remote VSAT on board ships. Bidder must necessarily be satisfied by relevant
experience documentation and client list.
c. Bidder shall have a HUB license/ VSAT equipment production license/ HUB
equipment installation license from the competent authority of the respective country.
License to be submitted with offer.
d. Bidder shall have a local presence and service support team for maintenance and
operational support 24/7 or as and when required by BN during the warranty period. A
separate certificate on the consensus of setting up of local office is to be submitted by
the bidder with the offer.
e. Local agent shall have HUB License/ VSAT/ Radio equipment importer and vendor
enlistment certificate from BTRC. The License/ certificate to be submitted with the offer.
6. Equipment Manufacturer & Reliability. The equipment should be from a
well-known manufacturer, brand new, unused and of recent model, proven reliability in the
field at least one year of operation and the bidder ensuring continuity of the network
operation in case of equipment obsolete over time. The offered composition of VSAT shall
satisfactorily operate in the environment and climatic conditions of the Maritime
environment and Bangladesh. Further, the system shall be capable of satisfying the future
BN requirement with the least modifications.
7. Bidder’s Responsibility. Bidder is to comply with all the clauses of this tender
specification as specified below:
a. Bidder is to submit full specifications and relevant documents, the latest
brochures for the equipment/system along with the offer. The information in the
brochure needs to be self-explanatory and must support and validate the
information mentioned in the specification. Deviation or variation of information
between the brochure and formally offered documents would be treated as non-
b. Bidder is to provide a detailed explanation of the technical matters if deemed
necessary and cross-reference relevant pages of their offer/ original supporting
c. Bidder is to provide performance/ technical data, specific figures and
information as asked against each condition of the tender specification.
bidder will be evaluated. A four-member BN team shall visit the bidder premises for a
minimum of 04 days to evaluate and assess the offered system. The team will observe and
evaluate the followings:
a. Functional demonstration on offered VSAT network and associated Hub
station (Demo setup for field evaluation trial/ visit to a similar type of offered network
used anywhere).
b. Live operation of marine terminal and its antenna stabilization system.
c. Functionality of major hardware (Radio, modem and maritime antenna
control equipment) of offered system.
In this regard, all the administrative cost (airfare, food and accommodation) will be borne
by the purchaser and internal transportation will be arranged by the bidder. Cost of internal
transportation is to be quoted.
13. Additional Features Offered by the Bidders. The VSAT HUB and terminal
stations will be integrated and interlinked (terminal to Hub/terminal to terminal). The bidder
must fully understand the scope of work and BN requirements. If anything, else is required
to fulfill BN requirements in configuration and software arrangement that must also be
provided by the bidder within the quoted price. The bidder may suggest and/or offer
features for the system that adds to what is described in this tender schedule. In this case,
bidders have to explain the detailed advantage of that/those features of the system.
14. Presentation by Bidder. Bidder will be required to give a presentation at Bidder’s
expense for any clarification at NHQ as desired by BN any time during the evaluation of
the offers. In that case, Bidder is to submit necessary information and bio-data including
photographs and passport for foreign nationals of the team to BN Headquarters (DSIG) at
least 02 weeks before the presentation. The presentation may cover more aspects than
those which have been covered in Bidder’s proposal.
15. Purchaser Reserves the Right. DGDP/ BN reserves the right to accept or reject
any bid or to annul the bidding process and reject all bids at any time prior to contract
award (without thereby incurring any liability to the bidders).
(2) 05 X Fixed Terminal Station with all necessary equipment/ module, user
services equipment and associated accessories (Naval Bases).
(3) 09 X Marine Terminal Station (MIL-STD Certified) with all necessary
equipment/ module, user services equipment and associated accessories
(Onboard BN Ships).
(4) 01 X Manpack Terminal with equipment for user-end services and
associated accessories.
b. Construction of 02 storied building for Hub Station including require system,
furniture and ancillary equipment.
c. Alternative power arrangement for HUB station using Generator and Online
GPS and Remote Terminal Station using Online UPS.
d. Operator and Maintenance Training.
e. Spares (as optional).
f. Backup Software and software Licenses.
g. System layouts, installation diagrams and Manuals.
h. Installation, Supervision, Setting to Work and Commissioning.
j. Test/ Trail and Acceptance.
k. On-site Technical Support Team during the warranty period.
19. General Information.
a. Name and Addresses of Major Hardware Manufacturer(s). To be
mentioned by bidder.
b. Name and Address of the Principal/ Bidder. To be mentioned by bidder.
c. Name and Address of Local Agent. To be mentioned by bidder.
d. Brand & Model. To be mentioned for all equipment (A list is to be submitted
mentioning Brand/ Model, Manufacturer, Country of origin, Country of assembling,
Year of Manufacture and Manufacturer address).
e. Country of Origin. USA/ Canada/ UK/ Denmark/ France/ Germany/
Netherlands/ Norway/ Spain/ Switzerland/ Sweden /Japan for main equipment.
f. Country of Manufacture/ Assembly. Main equipment of HUB and
terminal stations must be from USA/ Canada/ UK/ Denmark/ France/ Germany/
Netherlands/ Norway/ Spain/ Switzerland/ Sweden /Japan. However, ancillary
equipment may be manufactured in USA/ Canada/ UK/ EU Countries/ Japan/
Singapore/ Malaysia/ Turkey.
g. Year of Production. 2020 or later.
h. Equipment Quality. The offered system should be designed and
implemented with proven equipment. All major items such as RF equipment,
Satellite Modem, Network devices, RF and Network Cable, Power supply system
are to be as proven design and from renowned Manufacturer.
j. RF Equipment and Parameters. The offered RF equipment and their
parameters shall be of International Telecommunication Union (ITU) standard for
data transmission/ reception.
20. General Requirement. The offered VSAT system must support (but not limited
to) the followings:
a. Environmental Condition.
(1) Hub Station and Fixed VSAT terminal station:
(a) Temperature : 0°C to 55°C.
(b) Relative Humidity : Up to 95% (non-condensing).
(c) Wind Speed : 20-35 km/h and up to 200 km/h
(d) Salinity & Storm : Bangladesh coast area.
(2) Marine VSAT terminal station:
(a) Temperature : -5°Cto 55°C.
(b) Relative Humidity : Up to 95% (non-condensing).
(c) Wind Speed : 20-35 km/h and up to 200 km/h
(d) Rain : 10 to 18 mm/hr and tropical storm
(e) Salinity & Storm : Bangladesh coast area.
(f) Shock, Vibration, Motion and EMI/ EMC (for Marine terminal
i. Standard for Shock : MIL-STD 810 (To be mentioned).
ii. Standard for Vibration: MIL-STD 810 (To be mentioned).
iii. Standard for Motion: Roll ±30 deg, Pitch ±15 deg, Yaw
±10 deg (To be mentioned).
iv. Standard for EMI/ EMC: MIL-STD 461F/ MIL-STD 461G
(To be mentioned).
b. Composition of VSAT Network System. The VSAT network shall be
designed to work and integrate a total of 75 remote terminal stations in various
phases with a provision to up-gradable up to 200 remote terminal stations in future.
In the first phase, the planned VSAT network will be composed of the following sub-
system/ terminals:
(1) HUB Station. 1 x Hub Station with the full redundant system
(except an antenna) to be installed in designated BN Premises (Dhaka).
(2) Remote Terminal. Total 15 x VSAT Terminal stations where:
(a) 05 X VSAT Fixed Terminal Stations (Land Based) in Dhaka,
Khulna and Chattogram area
(b) 09 X Marine VSAT Terminal onboard BN ships and
(c) 01 X Manpack Terminal for mobile use.
(3) Disaster Recovery Center/ Alternative HUB station (optional). 01
X Land Terminal Station shall be used as DRC HUB in the Khulna area.
(4) HUB Station Building. A 02 (two) storied HUB station building is
to be constructed (Dhaka area) where a HUB antenna will be installed on the
(5) Alternative Power Supply System. Alternative power supply
arrangement for HUB using independent Generator and Online UPS. Fixed
terminal, Marine and Manpack terminal shall have only Online UPS.
c. Network Topology. The offered VSAT network shall be designed
based on Star topology. However, Bidder is to propose additional features such as
Mesh Topology for maritime terminals along with a list of additional hardware/
software and cost (as optional package 1).The Bidders must have to clearly explain
the features of their offered network topology including the followings:
(1) Network layout diagram.
(2) List of users of the offered network and no of terminals connected.
(3) Critical failure, recovery and redundancy options.
(4) Disaster recovery options and switching time between primary to
recovery system (if any).
The purchaser will evaluate the offered system through performance evaluation
trial, independence of system, power requirement and MTBF cycle.
d. Disaster Recovery HUB station (Geo-redundancy). The offered system
shall have the provision to configure a backup HUB station using one of the fixed
VSAT stations within the network as a temporary disaster recovery option. The
antenna size of the DR HUB station should be as per the link budget requirement.
Bidder is to propose necessary additional hardware and software required for such
option. The price shall be quoted separately as optional (Optional Pack 2).
e. Incorporation with Global Satellite Network. The offered VSAT maritime
terminal station shall have the provision to communicate/ beam switching capability
to other global satellite systems so that BN ships can communicate with BN from
UN mission or other deployment areas through BN VSAT Network. The bidder is to
offer the integration of such requirement considering the followings:
(1) Bidder shall mention the provision for installation of required hardware
(integrated or separately from BS-1 VSAT equipment) onboard ship including
(10) HUB and fixed terminal stations shall be connected with the existing
PABX of BN (IP and non-IP) to work as the alternative means of
(11) GPS synchronization between HUB and all remote terminals.
b. Bandwidth and Data Rate requirement. Bandwidth requirement at
Hub site (in MHz) shall be suggested by Bidder based on minimum 1:30 and 1:50
concurrent connections considering the following requirement at present conditions:
(1) Fixed terminal station: 4 Mbps downlink and 4 Mbps uplink.
(2) Marine terminal station: 4 Mbps downlink and 4 Mbps uplink.
(3) Manpack terminal station: 2 Mbps downlink and 2 Mbps uplink.
c. Link Budget. Bidder shall prepare two types of link budget analysis:
(1) Based on satellite parameters, environmental parameters and terminal
data requirement to suggest the necessary hardware to be procured.
(2) Based on satellite parameters, environmental parameters and specified
Antenna size/parameters to suggest the optimum data rate can be achieved.
d. User/ Services Requirement. Each VSAT Terminal (User unit) shall
have a Unified Communication system that is capable of handling the followings:
(1) Telephone Connectivity (IP, SIP and existing Digital PABX of BN).
(c) All computer system shall have the licensed operating system,
anti-virus and software.
(d) The price of user license (minimum, increment and maximum)
of all offered network devices must be mentioned and the list is to be
submitted with a financial offer.
(2) IP Support. The system must support static routing and dynamic
routing based on RIPv2and should have the ability to be controlled per
segment (remote-to-LAN, over satellite, HUB-to-WAN etc).
(3) IP Address Restriction and Access Control. There should be no
restriction on IP Address assignment. Both public and private IP must be
supported. Must have multicast support-both from remote terminal and HUB.
Must have access control list capability in either direction, configurable
independently. Must have provision to enable or disable inter-remote routing
within the HUB.
(4) VPN. The VSAT system must support VPN traffic to communicate
with HQ to access the internet and must be able to access BN HQ in case
logging on to provider Hub during roaming by establishing VPN first to BN
HQ. The modem must support QoS to prioritize Internet, VoIP, Video
Conference, and critical data applications.
(5) Internet Access. Each terminal shall have VPN connectivity
services from terminal to central gateway server at HUB station for internet
(6) VPN via Public Network. Maritime terminal shall be connected to
commercial satellite operator when out of BS-1 coverage. In such a case,
each maritime terminal shall have the facility to connect with the BN
communication network (HUB station) the rough internet backbone via
(7) VLAN Support. The system shall support IEEE 802.1Q routed
VLANs. VLANs must support private and public IP addressing. Shall support
overlapping VLANs. Satellite Modem must have support for DHCP server
and NAT. The system shall support QoS parameters (CIR, MIR, priority,
cost) simultaneously per application, per VLAN, per remote, per group of
(8) Bandwidth Management and Allocation. The system must
implement advanced bandwidth management and bandwidth allocation
mechanisms. The System must support dynamic Committed Information
Rate (CIR), static CIR, Minimum CIR and CIR overbooking. Must support
free slot allocation. Slots that are free after all bandwidth requests have been
satisfied are allocated to the sites in a fair manner. The system should
reduce jitters for time-sensitive applications.
(9) Software and Software Update. All operating system (OS)
must be genuine and registered version. Software update shall be done from
a centralized HUB station and over the air. The network should have
backward compatibility to ensure older version remotes can function in a
newer version of NMS/ Network software.
b. Fixed Terminal. Primary supply from PDB supply, Secondary supply from
offered online UPS (minimum 30 min backup).
c. Marine Terminal. Primary power from Ship’s supply and Secondary power
from offered online UPS (minimum 30 min backup) only.
24. Civil Works for HUB Stations. The supplier is to construct a building to install
and operate the HUB station. The requirements of civil works for HUB Station are as
a. Construction of HUB station Center. A 02 storied building (Length: 80
feet X Width: 30 feet) shall be constructed in the Dhaka area (BNS SHEIKH MUJIB)
for installing the HUB station. The floors of the building shall be designed as the
ground floor for the data centre and the 1st floor for office. HUB station antenna is to
be installed on the roof. The structure of the building shall be designed with enough
strength to support at least 01 X 9-meter antenna on the roof. Steel structure
foundation and mounting may be considered for such purpose. Room size should
be adequate for installing various equipments and there should be enough space to
maintain a good working environment. A pre-bid site survey shall be conducted by
Bidder to determine the feasibility and accommodate the user requirements. Bidder
may ask the user (DSIG at NHQ) for necessary information before finalizing their
building layout plan and design.
b. Drawing. Bidder is to submit all necessary layout/ diagrams/List of the
provision/civil works for HUB station along with the offer. The detailed design is to
be submitted by the supplier after signing the contract which will include
drawing/layout plan, list of furniture, finishing, painting, water, drainage, electricity
etc and to be duly approved by BN.
c. Utilities. Supplier is to facilitate the rooms and sheds with appropriate
electricity connections, water supply, drainage system and lightning and surge
protection system as per building code and standard. During the pre-bid site survey,
Bidder may discuss with MES (Navy) through NHQ (DSIG) to obtain the necessary
information in this regard.
d. Furniture and Ancillary Equipment. Supplier is to supply necessary
ancillary equipment and furnish all the equipment rooms and office room with
appropriate furniture (Brand: HATIL/ AKTER, best quality) as per corporate
standard. The list of required furniture is to be collected from NHQ (DSIG).
e. Generator Shed. Supplier is to construct shed or place for generator
adjacent to the Hub station.
f. Surge Protection Device (SPD) and Earthing. Power system should
have adequate surge protection devices (SPD) to protect from over-current/
overvoltage. There should be proper earthing of the equipment, power line and
building to protect from thundering. Earth resistance must be less than one ohm.
g. Price quotation. Supplier is to quote the price of associated civil works in
local currency.
Indoor Equipment
33. Large Wall Display (For CCTV 01 Display (4ft x 8 ft) (Brand:
and system monitoring) Barco/ Delta)
34. CCTV System( BOSCH, EU 01 5 X IP camera, 1 X NVR with
Country) 2TB HDD
(Model is to be mentioned)
35. Access Control 01 5 x Reader, 100 X Card and 1
(Brand and model to be
36. Fire Detection and Alarm 01 Fire detection system for HUB
System station (2 storied building)
(Brand and model to be
37. VRF Air Conditioning System 05 Each AC shall be of at least 4
tons (Brand: Panasonic/
General/ Samsung Country of
Manufacture: Malaysia/
Thailand/ South Korea).
38. Dehumidifier 04 Brand and model to be
Power System
28. Fixed Terminal Stations (Land Based). A fixed terminal station shall be
installed and integrated with the VSAT network. Fixed terminal stations shall be integrated
with BN existing PABX system for voice communication. The fixed terminal stations shall
have the following sub-unit along with the features (not limited to):
a. Antenna System. Suitable Ku-band antenna for ground or roof mount as
system demands including antenna tuning unit to be supplied with followings:
(1) Antenna size. Minimum 1.8 meters for fixed terminal.
(2) Reflector Material. Carbon/ Aluminum/ Glass Fiber Reinforced
Polyester. To be mentioned.
(7) Provision for laying IFL Cabling from antenna to IDU shall be
arranged by Supplier.
(8) List any other equipment needed but not mentioned above for the
installation and operation of the system to be supplied by bidder.
29. Scope of Supply of Fixed Terminal Station. Each fixed terminal stations shall be
composed of (but not limited to) following equipment:
(4) Provision for laying IFL Cabling from antenna to IDU shall be arranged
by Supplier.
32. Specification of Manpack Terminal. One complete set of Man Pack terminal is
to be supplied (Brand, Model, Country of Origin, Country of Manufacture and detail
features are to be mentioned) as per following specification:
a. Antenna unit: 1 m (approx) auto tracking man pack antenna system (Ku-
Band). BUC and LNB specifications to be mentioned.
b. Weight: To be mentioned.
c. Case Size: To be mentioned.
d. Case Type (Soft/Hard case): To be mentioned.
e. Portable power supply unit: Back up time minimum 06 hours. Battery- Lithium
ion battery pack.
f. Certification (Military): Mil-Standard (To be mentioned).
g. Tx/Rx Frequency: Tx: 12.75 GHz - 13.25 GHz and Rx: 10.70 GHz - 11.70
h. Compatible with BS-1 (Ku band): To be mentioned.
j. Beam Switching: To be mentioned.
33. Scope of Supply of Manpack Terminal.
a. Complete set of Manpack terminal station (Ku Band) with associated
b. Laptop Computer (Brand: HP, core i7, 8GB RAM) – 01.
c. Wifi-Access Point: To be mentioned.
d. Any other equipment is necessary for the system to be mentioned.
34. Software, Manual and Publication. The bidder is to quote necessary software
with licenses. The bidder will also provide 03 (Three) sets of manuals, publications, parts
catalogue of the system hardware and software in hard copy and soft copy in English as
applicable for the offered system free of cost.
35. Foreign Training. A comprehensive training package shall be arranged by the
bidder for BN personnel. The bidder is to quote separately the following foreign training
a. Operator Training on VSAT system.
(1) Trainee: 12 Persons (3 x Officer, 3 x Radio Electrical trade sailor, 6 x
(2) Duration: 3 Weeks.
(3) Course Content: Basic overview on VSAT system, voice
communication, video conferencing, data communication, fax, signal
messaging, configuration, user-level troubleshooting and all other additional
services using VSAT.
(3) Course Content: Basic overview on VSAT system, all services using
VSAT, IP networking, Cisco Router, Cisco Switch, Server & firewall
configuration, SQL & Oracle Database configuration, VSAT network
management, bandwidth management, troubleshooting, terminal installations
and configurations.
c. Maintainers’ Training on VSAT System.
(1) Trainee: 09 Persons (3 x Officer, 6 x Artificer).
(3) Content: Training shall be conducted for HUB, Remote station and
manpack terminals Installation and configurations, Troubleshooting and
schedule and unscheduled maintenance. The training shall be conducted by
bidder technical expert.
b. Operator Training on VSAT system (OJT)
(1) Trainee: 30 Persons.
(2) Duration: 4 Weeks.
(4) Course Content: Basic overview on VSAT system, voice
communication, video conferencing, data communication, fax, signal
messaging, configuration, user-level troubleshooting and all other additional
services using VSAT.
c. Network Administrator’s Training (OJT).
(1) Trainee: 20 Persons (two groups).
(3) Course Content: Basic overview on VSAT system, all services using
VSAT, IP networking, Cisco Router, Cisco Switch, Server & firewall
configuration, SQL & Oracle Database configuration, VSAT network
management, bandwidth management, troubleshooting, terminal installations
and configurations.
37. Technical Support Team (TST). The supplier is to provide a required
number of members for TST with the additional required number of interpreters (if they are
not English spoken) during the warranty period (i.e 12 months) from the date of
acceptance of VSAT Network. In addition, the bidder is to mention the cost of TST per
month in case BN decides to extend the duration of TST after the warranty period. The
responsibility of TST is as follows:
a. Routine maintenance of equipment(s).
b. Diagnosis, troubleshooting and repair of equipment(s).
c. Software troubleshooting and configurations.
d. Train BN personnel on radio equipment, network operation and maintenance.
e. To raise the warranty for the unserviceable item and expedite the restoration
f. The supplier shall bear all related cost of air tickets, food, accommodation
and transportation etc for the members of TST and interpreter (if any). In this
regards the cost is to be quoted. BN shall provide the local transportation and
primary medical support for the team within the BN area only.
38. Spares, Tools and Test Equipment (Optional Items as Optional Pack 9). Price
quotation of optional items is mandatory. Bidder is to mention item wise price so that BN
may choose all items or partial items or may reject all optional items. The price of optional
items is to be quoted as follows:
a. Spares.
(1) The bidder shall submit a list of recommended spares/ first moving
spares with the price required for maintenance of the VSAT system for the
next 2 years after the warranty period.
(2) The Supplier shall maintain sufficient backup stock of spare parts and
tools locally at sites, for the maintenance of the supplied equipment, during
the warranty period.
(3) The Supplier shall ensure availability of spare parts and technical
assistance for all components for at least 02 (two) years, without major
changes, after the completion of final acceptance.
(4) The Supplier shall give six months advance notice on any
discontinued part(s) with a suggestion for appropriate alternatives.
(5) The Supplier shall also identify and provide the following:
(a) Items (repairable spares, parts and consumable supplies) that
are needed to maintain design performance, reliability and availability
standards prescribed in the Technical Specifications. The quantity of
spare parts and consumable items provided and kept shall be equal to
the requirements for one year of operating stock.
(b) Critical items, whose failure would cause a system failure.
(c) Items of high cost and/or long lead time (over thirty working
(d) Items whose design reliability is such that normal stock
replenishment would not justify maintaining a level of the item in stock.
b. Consumables. The bidder shall provide a list of consumables with part
no and manufacturer and same shall be quoted considering for next 02-year
maintenance period from the date of acceptance of VSAT Network.
c. Test Equipment and Tools. The bidder shall submit list of Test
Equipment and Tools with the make, model, brand, Country of Origin and indicative
part numbers along with the offer. Price to be quoted for min test equipment and
tools (1 X spectrum analyzer (frequency: up to 20 GHz, desktop type with
necessary accessories),1 X signal generator-Ku band operation, 2 X RF power
meter– upto 20 GHz, 16 X Tool Box with tools).
39. Security Clearance. BN will arrange security clearance for the visit of bidder’s
specialists including TST for assembly and technical support of the VSAT. The list of the
team members along with necessary information is to reach NHQ (Directorate of Signal) at
least 30 days before the date of arrival.
40. Installation and Commissioning of VSAT.
a. The supplier shall send an assembly/installation team comprising suitable
technicians to Bangladesh for the assembly and installation of VSAT. BN will not be
responsible for the engineering works at assembly sites. BN technicians are to be
trained while installing the VSAT.
b. Turn-around time for completion of assembly/installation and acceptance will
be maximum 90 (ninety) days from the date of arrival of all VSAT equipment at port
of disembarkation in Bangladesh. After completion of assembly/installation of the
VSAT, the supplier shall carry out a Test Run of the VSAT.
c. All costs for assembly/ installation including food, accommodation and
internal transportation of foreign specialist are to be borne by the supplier. In this
regards the cost is to be quoted. However, on request of supplier, BN may arrange
food and accommodation (subject to availability of such facilities). In that case
supplier is to pay the necessary bills to BN as per BN Mess regulations.
41. Testing/ Trial Run. On completion of the installation of the system, the same
is to be given trial run and operation for at least 1 (one) month in presence and under
direct supervision of Supplier’s technical experts at BN site. The installation Engineer
should be available at the site during whole period of the working hours and remain stand
by for on call service after cease hours. The bidder is to rent at least 10 MHz satellite
bandwidth from BS-1 for test and trial run for one month at Bidder’s cost. If trial run is
extended due to bidder’s requirement, extended trial run period shall be covered by the
bidder’s cost.
k. Any other certificate which is not mentioned above, but required for the
smooth functioning of the system must be given.
Delivery, Pre-Shipment Inspection (PSI), Shipment and Transportation
46. Delivery. One complete set of VSAT Network System along with all Hardware,
Software and Accessories are to be delivered, installed and commissioned within 12
(Twelve) months from the date of signing the contract as per scope of supply. The delivery
period may be sub-divided into following timelines:
a. Hardware delivery period is 09 months from the date of signing the contract.
b. Civil works including building construction for HUB station and remote
terminal sites (fixed and marine) preparation are to be completed within 09 months
from the date of receipt of approved design from NHQ/ BN authority.
c. Completion of Installation, Acceptance and Commissioning of the VSAT
System shall be within three (03) months from the delivery of items in Bangladesh.
d. Training is to be completed within 12 months after signing the contract.
e. Delay in delivery shall be dealt as per the existing rules of DGDP.
47. Pre-shipment Inspection (PSI).
a. Pre-shipment inspection (PSI) program for 05 (Five) working days at
manufacturer’s premises to be arranged by the supplier before shipping the
b. The supplier should inform the buyer/ DGDP about the date and schedule of
PSI at least 12 (Twelve) weeks prior to the date of commencement of the PSI.
c. A team comprising 05 (Five) members of BN will conduct the pre-shipment
inspection at manufacturer’s premises.
d. All expenditure for travel, accommodation and food for the PSI team will be
borne by BN and internal transportation will be borne by the bidder. The cost of
internal transportation is to be quoted.
e. After PSI a joint inspection report will be prepared and signed by both the
seller and buyer’s representatives at PSI premises. On completion of PSI, BN PSI
team will submit their report to NHQ (concerned directorate) and Supplier will
submit the same certificate with the shipping documents. During PSI the Supplier
will provide all required material/ test equipment to carryout PSI without any extra
cost. The Supplier will not make shipment of any goods/ equipment of the contract
without the clearance of DGDP.
48. Packing. VSAT and its equipment should be packed in such a way that those
should be transported by air, land and sea (as applicable). The package is to provide
VSAT (and its components) protection from the external mechanical and environmental
factors exposure during its transportation and storage. The manufacturer shall pack the
equipment in accordance with the packaging instruction. In case total or partial
preservation is required, the manufacturer shall apply temporary anti-corrosive protection
(preservation) to the equipment in accordance with the correspondent instructions.
49. Port of Shipment.
a. For main equipment. Any port of county of origin/ manufacture.
b. For network-related equipment/ accessories. Any port of country of
origin/ manufacture/ assembly.
50. Transportation. The VSAT will be transported by ship/air from the assemble
place/ factory. The bidder is to quote the cost of shipment by sea and/ or by air separately.
In addition:
a. The supplier is to ship the VSAT and its associated items within the time
specified in the contract. Before shipment, the supplier is to get written clearance
from DGDP for shipment of the VSAT and its spare parts.
b. The contracted VSAT and its associated items are to be delivered to the BN
site at Chattogram in case of shipment by sea, and at NSSD, Dhaka in case of
shipment by air. All removable segments must have appropriate safe packaging for
transportation. The supplier is also to bear the expenditure for internal
transportation from the port of entry to respective BN sites (Hub station and
Terminal station).
c. Insurance expenditure related to shipment will be borne by the buyer.
51. Warranty.
a. Warranty Period. Minimum 12 months/ Manufacturer’s standard warranty
(whichever is higher) of all products and services from the date of acceptance is to
be provided.
b. Warranty Services.
(1) Any unserviceable up to 24 (twenty-four) hours will be deemed as
normal but more than 24 hours, if any, will be deducted from the warranty
(2) Replacement/Repair of defective equipment or services, if needed
during inspection/warranty period, the supplier is to provide the same free of
cost within 01 (one) months from the date of reporting. Freights and
Insurance charges for both the ways and cost for site visit by manufacturer
engineer (if needed) are to be borne by the supplier. Certificate to this effect
is to be attached by the Principal supplier/manufacturer.
user. requirement
6. Replaceable VSAT 4
equipment with the software
license for standard Ku band
(Marine Terminal)
7. Ancillary Equipment (AC, As per list
Humidifier, Generator, UPS,
Phone, Fax, SIP etc)
8. Training (Foreign and Local)
As per the
(1) a. Foreign Training
(Admin cost such
accommodation, food,
internal transport etc)
b. Local Training As per the
9. Technical Support Service As per the
(per month) stated
10. Other essential items (list to
be included with item-wise
11. Installation cost (HUB and all
remote terminals)
12. Freight Cost
13. Insurance (shall be paid by Not to be Not to be Not to be
the purchaser on actual quoted quoted quoted
14. Miscellaneous cost
Sub-Total (Mandatory Item) =
Optional Item and Services
15. Mesh Topology for maritime
terminals along with a list of
additional hardware/
software and cost. As per
para 20.c.(Optional Pack 1)
16. Disaster Recovery HUB
station (Geo-redundancy).
As per para 20.d (Optional
pack 2)
17. Hardware and software
including license requirement
for voice and data application
for the provision to interface
with Bangladesh Army (C-
band) and Bangladesh Air
Force (Ku-band) VSAT
system. As per para 20.g(3)
(Optional Pack 3)