Family Act of Consecration To The Immaculate Heart of Mary
Family Act of Consecration To The Immaculate Heart of Mary
Family Act of Consecration To The Immaculate Heart of Mary
To be prayed by the families and members of the Philippine Crusade of the Queen of the Most Holy Rosary after the Rosary, as a
special prayer on a Saturday or as much as one intends.
Oh Holy Mary,
You who are the dawn of our redemption,
the Woman foretold of, whose feet will crush the head of the Serpent,
the untarnished Virgin prophesied from of old
to bear in her womb Emmanuel who is God with us: May your name be blessed forever!
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The Almighty God ordained that you name His Son Jesus
to reveal to all mankind that only in His Name we will be saved.
This saving power was first manifested through your most efficacious pleading
when He turned water into wine at the wedding feast at Cana.
Free us, our loved ones, and those to whom we are indebted of,
from all harm of body and soul, and, most urgently,
deliver us from the pandemic of COVID-19
so that we may have the freedom to serve Your Majesty in this present life;
so after we patiently bear the hardships of this life for Your greatest possible Honor,
we may have the favor of joining you in unceasing adoration,
and loving God in Heaven for all eternity.
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