Environmental Issues From Coal Mining and Their Solutions
Environmental Issues From Coal Mining and Their Solutions
Environmental Issues From Coal Mining and Their Solutions
Mining Science and Technology 20 (2010) 0215–0223
Abstract: The environmental challenges from coal mining include coal mine accidents, land subsidence, damage to the water en-
vironment, mining waste disposal and air pollution. These are either environmental pollution or landscape change. A conceptual
framework for solving mine environmental issues is proposed. Clean processes, or remediation measures, are designed to address
environmental pollution. Restoration measures are proposed to handle landscape change. The total methane drainage from 56 Chi-
nese high methane concentration coal mines is about 101.94 million cubic meters. Of this methane, 19.32 million, 35.58 million
and 6.97 million cubic meters are utilized for electricity generation, civil fuel supplies and other industrial purposes, respectively.
About 39% of the methane is emitted into the atmosphere. The production of coal mining wastes can be decreased 10% by reuse of
mining wastes as underground fills, or by using the waste as fuel for power plants or for raw material to make bricks or other infra-
structure materials. The proper use of mined land must be decided in terms of local physical and socio-economical conditions. In
European countries more than 50% of previously mined lands are reclaimed as forest or grass lands. However, in China more than
70% of the mined lands are reclaimed for agricultural purposes because the large population and a shortage of farmlands make this
necessary. Reconstruction of rural communities or native residential improvement is one environmental problem arising from min-
ing. We suggest two ways to reconstruct a farmer’s house in China.
Keywords: mine environment; management of mining wastes; reuse of mine gas; mined land reclamation; clean coal mining
to increase the waste quantities involved. Theoreti- drained during mining operations to keep working
cally, mining methods could be made more sustain- conditions safe. At active underground mines in
able by minimizing waste production. The need to China, large-scale ventilation systems move massive
accommodate both dry mine stone and ‘wet’ fines quantities of air thereby releasing methane into the
imposes the main engineering constraints on tip de- atmosphere at very low concentrations.
sign and that controls the pace of progressive restora- Table 3 Methane emissions from coal mining (million tons
tion. Although waste reduction and reuse have re- CO2 equivalent)
cently become the most preferable methods of waste Methane Most recent year available
Rank as
management (for example, mine stone has been ac- of 2000
Country emissions
in 2000 Year Methane emissions
cepted in many places as alternative aggregate for use
1 China 117.6 2004 193
in embankment, road, pavement, foundation or 2 US 56.2 2003 54.0
building construction) most of the coal mining waste 3 Russia 29.0 2002 20.6
still must be transported to dumps or used to fill gul- 4 Ukraine 28.3 2001 27.0
5 Australia 19.6 2005 21.8
lies or tipped as a hill. 6 India 15.8 2005 19.5
Mining wastes have significant impacts on the en- 7 Poland 11.9 2003 6.7
8 Germany 10.2 2005 5.4
vironment in the following ways: slope failure and
erosion; occupation of lands; potential leaching of
contaminants into groundwater; dust pollution driven 2.6 Landscape change
by wind; air pollution and explosion by spontaneous Coal mining changes the local landscape dramati-
combustion; visual and landscape impact; and land cally by introducing things such as mining waste
use constraints. Oxidation of pyrite within spoil-heap dumps, high shaft towers, large scale surface scarring
waste will pollute the air as well as ground water. from surface mining or land subsidence from under-
This oxidation is governed by access to oxygen, ground mining. All of these are typical within the
which in turn depends upon the particle size distribu- mine landscape. In addition, land use can change,
tion, the amount of water saturation and the degree of native residents may migrate away from the coal
compaction[6]. mining or the course of rivers may change. All these
The impact of mining waste can have lasting envi- things will affect the structure and function of the
ronmental and socio-economic consequences and be ecosystem. For example, in the Yulin coal mining
extremely difficult and costly to address through re- area, which is located in western China, fallow land
medial measures. Coal mining wastes have, therefore, decreased by 125148 hm2 between 1985 and 2000
to be properly managed to ensure the long-term sta- while at the same time grassland and woodland in-
bility of disposal facilities and to prevent or minimize creased by 107975 and 17157 hm2, respectively[9].
any water and soil pollution arising from acid or alka- The major factors responsible for these changes are a
line drainage and leaching of heavy metals. change in the government policy on preserving the
2.5 Air pollution environment, continued growth in mining and ur-
banization. Efforts to restore the deteriorated ecosys-
Air pollution from coal mines is mainly due to the tem have reaped certain benefits in reducing the spa-
fugitive emission of particulate matter and gases in- tial extent of sandy land through replacement by
cluding methane, sulfur dioxide and oxides of nitro- non-irrigated farmland, woodland and grassland. On
gen. Surface mining operations like drilling, blasting, the other hand, continued expansion of the mining
movement of heavy earth moving machinery on haul industry and of urbanization has exerted adverse im-
roads, collection, transportation and handling of coal pacts on the landscape. Coal mining has caused the
and the screening, sizing and segregation units are the destruction of land resources and the fragmentation of
major sources of such emissions. Underground min- the landscape accompanied by land desertification;
ing also emits dust from uncovered coal piles and the situation is even serious in some localities. In the
wastes dumps. The emission of CO, CO2, NOx, SOx Xuzhou coal mining area, which is located in eastern
happens because of spontaneous coal combustion and China, farm land decreased by 13.04% from 1987 to
methane leaking from the coal strata and coal seams. 2001, construction areas increased by 37.62% and
Methane is a “greenhouse gas” that is 21 times flooded land resulting from mining subsidence in-
more potent in its greenhouse effect than carbon di- creased by 137.62%. This subsidence accounts for
oxide. Methane emission from coal mining depends 30% of the total subsided land[10].
on the mining method, the depth of coal mining, the
coal quality and the entrapped gas content within the 3 A conceptual framework and potential
coal seam. As mining proceeds methane is released solutions to the mine environment
into the mine air to be eventually discharged into the
atmosphere. Methane emissions from coal mining are 3.1 A conceptual framework for solving mine
listed in Table 3 by country in terms of the rank as of environmental issues
2000. Methane is highly explosive and has to be The key words green mining, ecological mines,
BIAN Zhengfu et al Environmental issues from coal mining and their solutions 219
recycling economy, industrial ecology, site charac- 3.2 Use of mine gas
terization for remediation of abandoned mine lands
Venting mine gas imposes a considerable burden
and life cycle assessment were proposed by environ-
on the environment and also wastes valuable energy.
mentalists, economists and scholars working in the
Because mine gas is explosive in certain concentra-
field of mining science. The core ways to solve mine
tions it is traditionally removed by intricate ventila-
environmental problems may fall into two types. One
tion systems during active operations of the mine.
is the taking of measures to lessen the impact of min-
Recent statistics show that the number of Chinese
ing on the environment during mining. The other is
coal mines with high methane concentrations is
the taking of measures to clean or remediate or re-
49.8% of all the mines and coal production from
store or reclaim the environment post mining as illus-
these mines accounts for 42% of the total production.
trated in Fig. 4.
Furthermore, coal mine accidents from mine gas ex-
(QYLURQPHQWDOLVVXHVIURPFRDOPLQLQJ plosion account for 94.97% of the total accidents and
deaths in these accidents account for 96.25% of all
(QYLURQPHQWDOSROOXWLRQ /DQGVFDSHFKDQJH deaths. Reducing mine accidents and making full use
of methane as a new energy source is an important
goal. The Ministry of Environmental Protection and
the General Administration of Quality Supervision,
Inspection and Quarantine of China have jointly is-
sued the Emission Standard of Coalbed Methane/Coal
Mine Gas (on trial). The Standard requires that
measures to drain and utilize the mine gas must be
&OHDQRUUHPHGLDWLRQ 5HVWRUDWLRQRUUHFODPDWLRQ taken before mining. Coal mining operations may
only be implemented after the methane content in the
coal seam is reduced to less than eight cubic meters
per ton of coal. If the concentration of methane is
Fig. 4 A conceptual framework for solving higher than 30% atmospheric release is prohibited.
mine environmental issues There are currently two ways to drain mine gas in
China. One is by drilling wells through the coal seam
Green mining as posed by Professor Qian, a Chi- at the coalfield before mining operations begin. The
nese Engineering Academician, is one of many ideas concentration of methane obtained this way is higher
proposed to solve the environmental issues. The than 90% the other method is to drill boreholes
foundation of these ideas is the distribution behavior through the goaf after coal has been mined. Methane
of joints, fractures and bed separations and the seep- concentrations obtained in this way are higher than
age flow of methane and water through broken rock 30%.
strata caused by mining[11]. Green mining techniques The total magnitude of methane drainage from 56
under development include water-preserved-mining, Chinese coal mines high in methane was about
coal mining under infrastructures, grouting into the 101.94 million cubic meters. Of this gas 19.32 mil-
space between separated rock layers to reduce surface lion cubic meters, 35.58 million cubic meters and
subsidence, partial extraction and backfill mining, 6.97 million cubic meters were used for electricity
simultaneous extraction of coal and coal-bed methane, generation, civil fuel and other industrial purposes,
underground roadway support, underground dis- respectively. About 39% of the methane was not util-
charge of partial mining wastes and underground coal ized and was emitted into the atmosphere. Methane
gasification. The principles of industrial ecology and continues to escape from the old workings of aban-
mining science also should promote the rational doned coal mines where it reaches the surface
utilization of natural resources by reducing waste, through cracks and crevices caused by mining activity.
reusing waste and recycling waste. A reduction in the In Herne, Germany, more than a million cubic meters
mining waste produced by excavating roadways of mine gas were discharged into the atmosphere an-
along coal seams and other innovative mining meth- nually up to the end of 1997 from the closed No.3 pit
ods are one approach to this. Using coal mining waste of the Mont-Cenis colliery, which ceased operation
as fuel for thermal electric plants is a good example 38 years ago. In 2000 extraction units pumped gas
of reusing mining wastes. Recycling of mining waste with a methane content of up to 80% from the old
is a more environmental friendly technique. For ex- mine and delivered it to a cogeneration plant where it
ample, after mining waste is burned in an electric was converted into power and heat. A local utility
plant the fly ash can be used as raw material for ce- company, Stadwerke Herne AG, installed the pilot
ment production. Or rather than just converting fly plant in 1997 and feeds the electricity generated,
ash into cement some useful elements of the fly ash, around 300 million kilowatt-hours per year, into its
such as refractories, can first be extracted. network. The roughly 4.5 million kilowatt-hours of
220 Mining Science and Technology Vol.20 No.2
energy produced each year are used to heat a college method for treating AMD is the addition of alkaline
of continuing education, a hospital and around 250 compounds to raise the pH above the threshold re-
homes[12]. quired by iron oxidizing bacteria; This radically re-
duces the rate of acid generation[17].
3.3 Conservation and restoration of the mine
water environment 3.4 Management of mining wastes
The focus in mine-water environmental research is Coal mining generates huge amounts of waste, in-
on the conservation of aquifers during mining, mak- deed this is the largest source of solid waste account-
ing full use of mine water and the remediation of ing for 40% of all solid wastes in China. The waste
polluted mine water. The conservation of aquifers is consists of materials that must be removed to gain
an important component of green mining. There are access to the coal resource such as topsoil, overbur-
different effects from mining on aquifers and differ- den or waste rock as well as wastes from coal prepa-
ent remediation methods for different mines that have ration and gangue from underground mining. A series
different geological conditions. In general, in eastern of accidents in recent years has highlighted the sig-
China coal mines always are deep underground and nificance of reuse of these mining wastes and the ur-
there is abundant water in the aquifer. Mine-water gent need for better waste management procedures.
invasion into the mine is one of the main disasters. In Management of mining wastes involves their re-
western China the arid climate makes the overburden duction, recycle and reuse. This method goes by
water-poor. Therefore, the methods and the aims of many other names such as cleaner production, clean
water preservation are different, too. technology, waste minimization, pollution prevention,
We developed some mining techniques that make waste recycling, resource utilization, residue utiliza-
full use of water leaking from fractured aquifers that tion, TRU (Total Resource Utilisation) and TPD (To-
preserve the aquifer. For coal mines in western China tal Project Development)[18-19]. Innovative mining
constructing a concrete wall along mined lanes and techniques are the main way to reduce the production
cavities and channeling water resulting from mining of mining wastes. Waste accounts for an average of
into an underground reservoir has proved useful. The 15% of the material removed by traditional long-wall
Bulianta coal mine operated by the Shendong Branch mining methods in China. The exact ratio depends
Company of the Shenhua Group, which has an annual upon specific geological conditions. As fully caving
coal production of about 20 million tons and is lo- methods are improved, road driving along the next
cated in Inner Mongolia, collects 4000 tons of water goaf has been one effective way to improve resource
per day from underground mining operations after recycle efficiency. This also yields economic benefits
constructing such an underground reservoir. For coal and reduces the production of mining wastes. A trial
mines in eastern China we proposed that key strata was carried out to try and reduce mining wastes lifted
should be controlled to prevent fracture, or be re- to the surface by back-filling mining wastes into the
stored by grouting after fracture, to prevent water cavity formed after excavating the coal pillars at the
burst into the mined space. Xingtai Coal Mine in Hebei province, China. The
Acid Mine Drainage (AMD) is a widespread envi- Suncun Coal Mine, operated by the Xinwen Coal
ronmental problem associated with both working and Mining Company in Shandong province, crushed
abandoned mining operations resulted from the mi- mining wastes and mixed them with cement to
crobial oxidation of pyrite in the presence of water back-fill mined cavities as a way to lessen surface
and air. The product is a solution characterized by subsidence. It was verified that the production of coal
low pH and high concentrations of heavy metals and mining wastes could be decreased by 10% using these
other toxic elements. AMD can severely contaminate new techniques. Mining wastes are also widely used
surface and groundwater, as well as soils[13]. For ex- as fuel for power plants, raw materials for making
ample, AMD has adversely impacted at least 44 of bricks and other infrastructure materials such as pav-
Pennsylvania’s 67 counties covering 189000 acres of ing, dam or subsided land fill. The recycle of mining
land and approximately 3100 miles of streams. AMD waste is the way to achieve the goal of sustainable
is widely studied by scientists from all over the world development. It is very difficult to reach the target of
who have developed principles and methods for pre- zero wastes. For example, we can burn coal-bearing
diction, prevention and treatment of AMD[13-16]. The wastes to generate electricity but then more than 80%
primary factors affecting the rate of acid generation of these coal-bearing wastes end up in the combustion
have been recognized to be pH, temperature, oxygen residues as fly ash, bottom ash or boiler slag, which
content of the gas phase (if saturation is less than must then be used for other purposes. Fig. 5 shows
100%), oxygen concentration in the water phase, the the concept of TPD and illustrates the concept of
degree of saturation with water, the chemical activity mining waste recycling.
of Fe3+, the exposed surface area of metal sulfide, the
chemical activation energy required to initiate acid
generation and bacterial activity. The conventional
BIAN Zhengfu et al Environmental issues from coal mining and their solutions 221
houses and severely changed the agricultural ecosys- occur during mining. There is also the emission of
tem. Since the beginning of coal mining there has CO2 during coal utilization to consider. But coal is
been conflict between the mining company and local also cheap, affordable, abundant and available. It is
residents. This has been an intractable problem. There easy to transport and secure and will be with us for
are two ways to reconstruct a farmer’s house in China. the long term. It must be considered that the present
The first way is that the farmers are moved outside energy structure in some countries can not be
the original sites affected by coal mining. Land for changed over the short term because of the natural
the new construction sites must be requisitioned and deposits of energy resources. For example, China
the land at the original sites would then be reclaimed predominantly relies on coal resources for energy not
together with the surrounding subsided lands. The because China does not want to use more clean en-
second way is that the farmers’ houses are recon- ergy, such as natural gas or oil, but because these are
structed on the original sites after filling to lift the not abundant enough to meet the needs of rapid social
ground level. The foundations are specially built and and economic development. Demand for coal contin-
anti-deformation measures are taken in the design of ues to grow and coal reserves are adequate to ensure
the structure. Anti-deformation measures include re- that demand can be met far into the future. Therefore,
inforced bottom and top concrete ring beams, install- it is necessary to strengthen cooperation between
ing a slip layer at the building foundation, structural multiple parties to solve the environmental problems
columns, a rigid reinforced concrete mat foundation due to coal mining.
and deformation joints for construction of super long On the one hand, we must seek clean substitute en-
buildings. ergy. On the other hand, we must consider that coal
As farmland decreases because of urbanization and will still be the dominant energy source in some
industrialization the second method has become countries. We must develop clean mining technolo-
popular and more technical problems need to be re- gies. European countries used coal as their main en-
solved. Besides deformation control measures other ergy source for a long time but now coal mining has
things must be considered. Indeed the farmlands sur- become a sunset industry and many coal mines are
rounding the rebuilt housing would still be a lake due abandoned. They also faced environmental problems
to mining subsidence, leaving the local farmers on an from coal mining and have had more experience in
isolated island. Therefore, there are serious technical how to resolve the problems. The United States has
requirements for reclamation of flooded subsidence the most abundant coal resources and the second
lands for reuse as croplands in eastern China. largest coal production in the world. Many develop-
In fact, this second method also has vital short- ing countries in Asia rely on coal resources for energy
comings for the coal mining company. Slow rural for their economic development. Coal continues to
community reconstruction will affect the planning of underpin the economic and social development of the
underground mining works, the mining face, mining World’s biggest economies in both the developed and
and transport lanes and the ventilation system. We are the developing worlds. To solve environmental issues
trying to practice integrated planning of rural com- related to coal mining the developed and developing
munity reconstruction and mining engineering to- countries should work together to draw up and im-
gether. This covers land use policy, mining engineer- plement mine environmental quality control standards,
ing planning and technologies, rural community to develop and extend clean mining technologies,
planning and is different from the methods described such as mine gas utilization, treatment, reclamation
above. In this new way all villages over the coalfield and the utilization of mining wastes and mined land
to be mined are moved outside of the original site reclamation. The industry is committed to sustainable
before mining. The villages are reconstructed in resi- development and will work to meet that challenge in
dential groups as part of the planning. Then the sites partnership with customers, governments and other
of old, dispersed villages are reclaimed into farm- stakeholders.
lands. The new village site is planned to occupy less
farmland than the original sites. At the same time the 5 Conclusions
infrastructure for the rural community may be effec-
tively constructed. Of course, this new approach faces Coal is one of the World’s most plentiful energy
difficulties in terms of land use policy and acceptance resources. It is today and will be in the future the
by the local residents. most important global source of electricity. This is
likely to be true for the next 50 years in light of
4 Strengthening cooperation between par- available natural resources and technological ad-
ties to solve environmental problems vances. Coal mining and utilization will inevitably
from coal mining cause negative environmental effects including coal
mine accidents, land subsidence, pollution of water
Coal is a dirty energy source because of land dis- environments, disposal of mine waste and air pollu-
turbance; subsidence; AMD and water pollution that tion. Current Chinese coal production and its envi-
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