Ielts Writing Task 1: Process: Prepared by Ms - Trung IELTS 0914470149
Ielts Writing Task 1: Process: Prepared by Ms - Trung IELTS 0914470149
Ielts Writing Task 1: Process: Prepared by Ms - Trung IELTS 0914470149
The diagram below shows the water cycle, which is the continuous movement of water on, above
and below the surface of the Earth.
The diagram below shows the various stages involved in the production of beer.
The diagram below shows the production and processing of milk and dairy products for
commercial sale.
Natural processes include things like the life cycle of a butterfly or frog, pregnancy, the water
cycle or how cows produce milk.
You might also be asked to describe a man-made process like how coffee, tea, beer or wine are
made, how cement or bricks are produced or how an ATM or the internet works.
It does not matter if it is man-made or a natural process. The same skills and system we use to
answer process questions is the same for both.
4. Is it a cyclical (in a circle) or linear (one start point and one end point) process?
6. What is produced?
Body 1
Body 2
I- Introduction: paraphrase
II- Overview
There are ….main stages (steps) in the process/in the process of producing…,beginning
with…and ending with…
The process (of producing…) includes…main stages (steps)…,beginning with…and
ending with…
In general, the process includes a series of stages like a natural circle / a life cycle
of…………., but involves……………..main steps which begins
with……………………..and finishes with…………………….
1. Is it a man-made or natural process?
2. How many stages are there?
3. What is produced?
4. Where does it start and where does it end?
5. Is it cyclical or linear?
6. Are any materials added?
Photosynthesis is a natural linear process that starts with sunshine and carbon dioxide
being absorbed and ends with the production of sugar, oxygen and starch. There are five
main stages to this process and it allows plants to convert light energy to chemical energy
in the form of sugar.
This is a man-made linear process that starts with the uranium fuel and water creating
steam and ends with electricity being sent to the grid. There are 6 main stages including
steam production, turbines driving a generator and a transformer creating electricity.
Oxygen and water are the byproducts of this chemical reaction and it is extracted through a
process called transpiration. Water evaporates from the leaves and O2 is released. Any extra
sugar is deposited in the roots as starch.
The picture demonstrates the different steps to produce beer. The procedure starts with the
processing of malted barley and ending with the packaging of beer.
Firstly, the production of beer begins with the milling of malted barley. Then, it will be added
with water to be mashed and lautered in separate containers. At the end of this process, spent
grain is collected to feed the animals.
After the spent grain is separated, the liquid is passed to another container to be boiled with sugar
and hops. Then, it will be transferred to a whirlpool before cooling.
The cooled liquid is then added to a combination of carbon dioxide and yeast to be fermented.
After fermenting, the mixture will be left to mature in another container. The matured beer is
then ready for filtering and packaging in which it will be bottled, pumped into kegs or loaded
onto trucks for delivery.
The flow chart shows how bricks are produced for, and delivered to the building industry
Overall, there are 7 stages in the whole brick producing process, beginning with clay excavation
and ending with the delivery of the bricks to the customers.
Firstly, clay is dug up by using a big digger. To get rid of the oversized pieces, clay is placed on
a metal grid and small pieces drop onto a large roller. At the next stage, sand and water are added
to the clay. After the bricks are shaped by using a wire cutter or a mould, they are moved to a
drying oven for 24 to 48 hours.
Those bricks are then fired in a special kiln at a moderate temperature (200c - 980c) at the fourth
step. Afterwards, they continue to be heated for the second time at a higher temperature (870c -
1300c) in another kiln. Before being packaged at the sixth stage, the bricks are treated in a
cooling chamber for 48 to 72 hours. The entire brick producing process concludes after the
bricks are delivered to customers.
The diagram explains the way in which bricks are made for the building industry.
Overall, there are seven stages in the process, beginning with the digging up of clay and
culminating in delivery.
Prepared by Ms.Trung IELTS
0914470149 Page 6
To begin, the clay used to make the bricks is dug up from the ground by a large digger. This clay
is then placed onto a metal grid, which is used to break up the clay into smaller pieces. A roller
assists in this process. Ví dụ Following this, sand and water are added to the clay, and this
mixture is turned into bricks by either placing it into a mould or using a wire cutter. Next, these
bricks are placed in an oven to dry for 24 – 48 hours.
In the subsequent stage, the bricks go through a heating and cooling process. They are heated in
a kiln at a moderate and then a high temperature (ranging from 200c to 1300c), followed by a
cooling process in a chamber for 2 – 3 days. Finally, the bricks are packed and delivered to their
Question 1: The diagram below shows the process of photosynthesis.
Paraphrased: The illustration demonstrates how plants produce energy from sunlight.
Question 2: The diagram below shows how electricity is produced in a nuclear power station.
Paraphrased: The illustration below shows the process of how nuclear power plants make
Clay (dất sét): clay is a type of earth which is very heavy, unlike sand which is
relatively light
Brick (gạch): a brick is a rectangular object made by heating clay until it becomes solid.
It is used in many countries to construct houses or other buildings.
Digger (máy dào): the machine shown in the diagram is often referred to [at least in
the UK] as a JCB. Its function is to ‘dig’ or to make a hole in the ground.
Excavation (sự dào): although there are two similar verbs – ‘dig’ and ‘excavate’, the
noun ‘excavation’ is commonly used in the construction industry. It suggests
something on a large scale where we make a big hole in the ground, as in the excavation
of clay for example.
Dug up (dào dất dể lấy lên): note the irregular past simple tense/and past participle of
the verb ‘dig’. Here the phrasal verb ‘dig up’ is used to mean an activity when we make
a hole in the ground with a machine.
Cutter (máy cắt): in the same way as a ‘digger’ is something which digs, a ‘cutter’ is
something which cuts. In this case, the cutter is made or ‘wire’ or thin metal as shown
Prepared by Ms.Trung IELTS
0914470149 Page 7
in the diagram.
Mould (khuôn): a mould is an object which is used to form a shape. In this case, the
sand and water mixture is placed in a mould to make the shape of a brick.
Fire (lửa): the verb ‘fire’ has several meanings. Here, it refers to the action of heating
an object made from clay.
Kiln(lò sấy): a kiln is similar to an oven, but it has a different function. An oven is
used for cooking or heating food – usually in the home. A kiln – like the one in the
diagram – is usually used in industrial processes for making some material very hard.
It can be used in different processes at really high temperatures for heating things, to
make iron for example.
Chamber (buồng): the process in the diagram shows that the bricks are very hot when
they go into this closed space or chamber. They undergo ‘cooling’ – they become less
and less hot.
circulation of water [sự luu thông của nuớc, vòng quay của nuớc]: the circulation
of water refers to the motion of the water, how it moves from one location to another;
in this case, it refers to the water cycle.
Example: “His explanation of the circulation of water was spot on.”
beginning with [bắt dầu với]: starting with; a good way to talk about consecutive items
Example: “There are three parts to this project, beginning with a visit to the museum
this weekend.”
formation of [sự hình thành của]: the formation talks about when something is formed
or comes about or is created; in this case the cloud is formed or created.
Example: “They were waiting for the formation of the team to occur.”
falling to the ground [roi xuống dất]: in this case it is talking about the water falling
to the ground when it rains; to fall means to start from one place and go down towards
the ground, the earth
Example: “The leaves were falling to the ground during the windstorm.”
as a result of [kết quả của]: as a consequence of; to explain the reason of something
Example: “As a result of all his studying, he aced the exam.”
estimated that [uớc luợng rằng]: to make an educated guess at something;
Example: “They estimated that it would take them 2 years to finish the project.”
following this [tiếp theo dó]: used to describe the next thing in a sequence; like after
this or next
Example: “He will first need to take the exam and then following this, he will be given
a six-month internship.”
goes into [trở thành, xâm nhập]: describes the movement of something, in this case,
the water
Example: “The pollution goes into the river and kills the fish.”
to be absorbed into the ground [duợc thấm vào lòng dất]: in this case it is talking
about the water going into the ground, being soaked into the ground, into the dirt
Example: “The rainwater wasn’t absorbed into the ground and therefore a mudslide
surface runoff [dòng chảy trên mặt dất]: Surface runoff is water, from rain, snowmelt,
or other sources, that flows over the land surface, and is a major component of the water
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Example: “They tried to calculate the amount of surface runoff that had occurred.”
Từ vựng:
mating: [noun] [kết dôi] the act of having sex between animals.
Example: In the UK, the time of mating for frogs is in spring.
hatches: [verb] [nở ra] comes out of an egg.
Example: The hen sat on her eggs until the young chicks hatched.
emerge: [verb] [mở ra, nổi lên] come out of a dark, confined or hidden place.
Example: After ten days trapped underground, the workers finally emerged into the
limbs: [noun] [các chi tay chân] arms and/or legs.
Example: For a long time after the accident, he could not use his limbs, but the doctors
and nurses helped him to walk and use his arms again.
distinct: [adjective] [riêng biệt, khác biệt, rõ ràng] clearly different or of a different
Example: In Australia, the culture of native people is completely distinct from Western
generation: [noun] [sự sinh ra, sự phát diện] the production of something, such as
energy, electricity or heat.
Example: In France, nuclear power is the principal source for the generation of
external: [adjective] [bên ngoài] located on the outside of something [in this case, the
Example: The external walls of the building were painted a red colour.
current: [noun] [luồng, chiều, huớng của dòng diện] the movement of electricity
through a wire.
Example: The light bulb will only function when an electrical current is passed
through the connecting wire.
regulates: [verb] [kiểm soát] controls the speed, pressure, temperature or amount of
something in a machine or system.
Example: The barrier regulates the amount of water which passes through it.
the grid: [noun] [luới diện a national system of electrical wires for sending power over
the area of the whole country.
Example: The development of the country’s grid enabled all households to have a
supply of electricity.
flow: [verb] [luồng, chảy] move steadily and continuously in a given direction.
Example: Electricity flows through the wires to supply all the homes, shops, offices
and factories in the city .
Từ vựng:
emerges: [verb] [xuất hiện] comes out of a dark, confined or hidden place.
Example: After ten days trapped underground, the workers finally emerged into the
maturity: [noun] [sự truởng thành] the state of being fully grown or developed.
Example: These young trees that we have planted will take 50 years to reach maturity.