Tajan To Diao
Tajan To Diao
Tajan To Diao
Two of the petitioners were senior law students in UP Law, Private respondent ban was working as legal assistant for
as part of the law curriculum they are required to render the petitioner.
legal assistance. Aban was terminated by the petitioner on the ground of
The said petitioners filed separate appearances as friends failure to perform his duties.
of petitioner Catimbuhan. Aban filed a complain for illegal dismissal in NLRC.
Respondent fiscal opposed the appearances and the Labor arbiter ruled in favor of Aban.
respondent judge disallowed the appearances of Petitioner contends that Aban was not an employee and
petitioners. he was performing an acts constituting practice of law thus
NLRC has no jurisdiction over the case.
W/N petitioners may appear as private prosecutor in this
case. W/N private respondent Aban was an employee of the
petitioner in this case.
YES. Petition is dismissed,
YES. TRO lifted.