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Earth Motors Presentation

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earthmotors.io 1
Earth Motors is an en-route,
Zero Emission Vehicle filling station.

Our goal is to keep drivers on the go,

one charge at a time.

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We look to own and provide
comprehensive charging stations
for ZEV drivers — by ensuring a
consistently simple, seamless and
ecologically sustainable experience.

Recycled EV Batteries
consistently added to Battery Station


Earth Motors Battery Station Charge Point Zero Emission Vehicle v2b [vehicle-to-business] auto-payment

Grid Excess Energy sold back to Grid

earthmotors.io 3
Our Goals

Introduce sustainability standards

that enable decarbonization and
dematerialization of the entire
mobility value chain.

Making sure the organization can

implement the principles of the
circular economy (reduce, reuse,
refurbish, repair, and recycle) will be
key to realizing change.
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Our Differentiator, Brand Promise

Earth Motors will be the first

regenerative, carbon negative
transportation hub in California.

We believe sustainability minded

drivers will align with our vision,
and look for Earth Motors when they
are looking to recharge.

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Our Differentiator, Competitive Advantage

Earth Motors will be independent,

and lease the latest charging
technology, nimble to consumer
trends and data, while loyal to
clients’ needs.

Purpose built modularity and

sustainable principles will build
a durable yet future-fluid brand
that will connect with drivers.
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A Warming Planet

Distribution of transportation sector greenhouse gas
emissions in the United States in 2019, by vehicle type

The problem
Modern transportation relies heavily on petroleum, as cars, SUVs and trucks
contribute half of the carbon dioxide emissions from the U.S. transportation

The Solution
A variety of efficient electric vehicles that can be powered by clean,
renewable electricity are entering the marketplace, removing barriers to
electric vehicle adoption.

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The Problem

Burning one gallon of gasoline creates

about 20 pounds of CO2—which
means the average vehicle creates
roughly 6 to 9 tons of CO2 each year.1

U.S. Greenhouse Gas Emissions by Gas and Sector, 2019

Gas Sector

1 Reducing Your Transportation Footprint, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

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The Problem

The Ford F-150 is America’s #1 selling

vehicle, and emits 100 tons of CO2
within a 200,00-mile lifespan. 1

1 Reducing Your Transportation Footprint, Center for Climate and Energy Solutions

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The Solution

Results show that even for cars Read the Report

registered today, battery electric

vehicles (BEVs) have by far the lowest
life-cycle GHG emissions. 1

1 ICCT: A global comparison of the life-cycle greenhouse gas emissions of combustion engine and electric passenger cars

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The Verdict

“Combustion engine vehicles of

any kind are not able to deliver the
greenhouse gas reductions we need
to live with climate change,” the
ICCT says. “That’s a global finding,
therefore we need globally to phase
out combustion engine cars.” 1

1 The Verge: One of the biggest myths about EVs is busted in new study

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Keys to Success

An extensive, sustainable charging

network is key to the success of zero
emission mobility.

Successfully utilizing the three Es of

sustainability [economy, ecology, and
equity] will be key to standing out in
an already crowding field of public
charging options. Source: Volvo Cars/Harris Poll

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Keys to Success

Earth Motors believes that through

the application of sustainable principles,
strategically purpose built ZEV charger
stations can:

1. be a highly profitable business

2. be a business that can scale
3. shift transport to carbon free
4. add equity to surrounding communities

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From Gas Station to Charging Station
Visualizing the Concept

Visualizing the Concept helps to demonstrate some of the equity Earth
Motors could utilize via strategic thinking and design. The following case
studies demonstrate humanistic user experiences, reclaiming asphalt
space for a autonomous green space, as well as thinking through different
partnerships and opportunities a transit hub in the near future.

1. E.ON Drive & Clever, Denmark

2. Car Parks 2.0 created by Studio NAB, Paris
3. Gas Station of the Future commissioned by Aral, Germany

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Case Study 1 — E.ON Drive & Clever, Denmark

E.ON Drive & Clever’s design for

ultra-fast charging stations is based
on a complete rethinking of the
“mobility experience” driving an EV.
The charging station is meant to not
only minimize the charging time but
also create a meaningful break for
the driver and passenger and inspire
both the driver and other road users to
change their habits.
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From gas station to recharge station

Powered by. E.ON Drive & Clever, Denmark Key features:

First pilot station completed in 2019 as part of an upcoming network of 48 1. Modular concept which can be tailored to site-specific requirements.
ultra-fast, sustainable charging stations along Scandinavian highways. 2. Timber frame design, from locally sourced sustainable logging.

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From gas station to recharge station

Electric vehicles are the way of the future. With our design we offer EV Cobe developed an ultra-fast charging station modular kit including Timber is in its own right a performative building material that absorbs
drivers a welcome break and an opportunity to recharge mentally in a structural components as well as surface and landscape elements scalable and stores CO2 as it grows. Today, wood processing, including milling,
green oasis. The energy and the technology are green, so we wanted the for different contexts and conditions. The canopy is constructed for future prefabrication and assembly, is among the most technologically advanced
architecture, the materials and the concept to reflect that. Hence, we disassembly to enable reuse and upcycling of materials as needed. processes in the industry.
designed a charging station in sustainable materials placed in a clean,
calm setting with trees and plants that offer people a dose of mindfulness
on the highway.

— Dan Stubbergaard, project architect

Case Study 2 — Car Parks 2.0 created by Studio NAB, Paris

To transform a car park into an

ecological site, Studio NAB
converted the sterile coated soils into
autonomous green spaces, recycling
the asphalt areas into natural terrains
that reintroduce biodiversity.

The project ensures eco-responsibility

by introducing sustainable means
throughout the site.
earthmotors.io 19
Sustainable Parking Space for an Eco-Responsible Generation

Car Parks 2.0 created by Studio NAB, Paris Key features:

Studio NAB created Car Parks 2.0, an ecological parking space that rethinks 1. In compliance with the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.
commercial parking areas and transforms it into a more sustainable and 2. Powered by Solar, surplus income from energy produced and sold to grid.
humane place. 3. Rainwater is recovered an used.
4. Organic matter is recycled on site.

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Sustainable Parking Space for an Eco-Responsible Generation

The project ensures eco-responsibility by introducing sustainable means

throughout the site. The hypermarket and parking are powered by solar
panels installed on site. The surplus of energy produced is resold to the
neighboring houses, generating an additional income and providing the
parking’s neighborhood with sustainable energy. Rainwater is recovered and
filtered in natural ground, and the organic waste is recycled.

earthmotors.io 21
Case Study 3 — Gas Station of the Future commissioned by Aral, Germany

Petroleum corporations such as

Shell and Aral are reacting to the
approaching shift to new forms of
mobility by setting up charging
stations. Many filling stations have
already begun serving battery electric
and hydrogen-powered vehicles.
Designs for future filling stations also
see them as “green” service worlds
and modern mobility hubs.
earthmotors.io 22
Gas Station of the Future

Gas Station of the Future Key features:

A joint study by Aral and the German Aerospace Center (DLR)
1. Excess energy from roof-top photovoltaic systems will produce ‘fuels’.
According to a joint study by Aral and the German Aerospace Center (DLR), 2. Nodes where many different forms of mobility meet.
filling stations will become traffic nodes and places serving various forms 3. Landing sites for electric micro-aircraft such as passenger drones.
of mobility. For example, future filling stations might offer not only fast 4. Passengers could change directly on the filling station premises from
charging for e-cars, but also a battery-changing service for scooters and airborne taxis to autonomous robotaxis or rented electric scooters.
e-bikes. 5. Assume a larger role as logistics centers [UPS, Amazon, USPS, etc.]
earthmotors.io 23
Case Study & Research Synopsis

Enviroment Economic Equity Future Proofing

Research • Reduce: Zero Emission Vehicles • $kWh sold - $kwh cost = profit • Federal, State, County, City • Currently Tesla dominates the
reduce global warming • Bloomberg ENEF: EVs hit 10% of Carbon Reduction Goals market in reach and technology,
• Reuse: first life in electric vehicles global passenger vehicle sales by • Creating a safe space for everyone, other players are hopping in the
to a second life in stationary 2025, rising to 28% in 2030 and accessibility for everyone market but are behind
energy storage 58% in 2040, with 80% by 2050. • Passenger exchange - car sharing, • Charging market is non-
• Recycle: Disassemble dead • 15-30 mins per charge to offer an rentals, etc. unified, each OEM has different
batteries and extract valuable additional transaction for customer configuration
metals at scale [ex: coffee, snacks, car wash]

Discoveries • Green Space > Asphalt • Excess energy from roof-top can • Nodes where many different forms • Modularity - think about semi-
• Clean energy use and production produce excess energy for sale of mobility meet permanence and malleability
• 90% of charging patrons are • A larger role as logistics centers while designing
• Rain water and organic waste
recycled on-site potential customers 20-30 mins [UPS, Amazon, USPS, etc.] • landing sites for electric micro-
• Dematerialization, free from oil, • United Nations Sustainable aircraft such as passenger drones
• Reusable/sustainable materials for
site builds free from currency, based on kWh Development Goals • Regenerative build practices could
currency • Green Space > Asphalt enhance a ‘dead’ site
• Blockchain and/or Ai use in energy • Charging preferences are bound to
consumption and transactions change over time, be nimble

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Green is Good

1. Modeling
2. Projections
3. Costs
4. Profit Margins

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Earth Motors Inventory Inventory Land Area for Scale

7800 ft2 24 Charging Stations

Battery Station 3MWh 115 ft2

~ 152,460 ft2 Solar Panels

24 Charging Stations 7800 ft2

Solar Panels 3MWh Solar Farm ~ 152,460 ft2 (3.5 acres)

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Recycled EV Batteries
$0.05 per kWh consistently added to Battery Station


$0.2275 - $0.35 per kWh

Earth Motors Battery Station Charge Point Zero Emission Vehicle v2b [vehicle-to-business] auto-payment

$0.2275 per kWh

Grid Excess Energy sold back to Grid

Energy Charging Vehicle Payment

On-site solar power Cloud secure transaction

Tesla - 79% of current EV market


v2b [vehicle-to-business]
Battery Megapack on-site DC Supercharger auto-payment
Rivian - Coming 2022

Local Provider

Canoo - Coming 2023

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Earth Motors Proposal
24 Stalls - DC Level 3 250 kW gross ~$66,300 /month
24 Stalls - Supercharger DC Level 3 250 kW
3 MwH Battery Back [3000 kWh]
3 MwH Battery Back [3000 kWh] ~795,600 /year
Average Tesla Charging Station1

Per station: 45 MWh per month (1.5 MWh per day)

1,250 sessions (41 per day).

Per stall, it is on average over 5.1 MWh per month (170 kWh per day)
through 142 sessions (over 4.7 per day).

Energy Charging Retail

~ 122.4 MWh/month ~142 sessions/stall x 24 ~ 3,200 sessions/month

Solar cost = ~$6100/month @~$11 /charge @~$9.02 /transaction1
Grid cost = ~$27,000/month = ~$37,500/month = ~$28,800 /month

Solar Power Battery Storage Charge per Vehicle Charge Time On-site retail Vehicle Services
$0.05-0.03/kWh Solar storage, peak times, sell back to grid ~25-50 kWh, avg > 36 kWh ~20-30 mins 90% of gas stations make a purchase Car wash, tire & wheels, detailing

Electricity Costs Battery Recycling b2b / b2g opportunities Seamless Transactions

~ $0.22/kWh California Grid Mandate Reuse in-house, recyle for profit Corporate accounts, government vehicles Cloud and fintech set-up

1 In 2019, the average value of in-store convenience store transactions was 9.02 U.S. dollars in the United States. In contrast, motor
1 InsideEvs: In July Tesla Superchargers Dispensed 72 GWh Of Electricity [2019] fuel convenience stores registered an average of 31.82 U.S. dollars per transaction. Statista Research Department, May 11, 2021

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Earth Motors Proposal
gross ~$66,300 /month
24 Stalls - Supercharger DC Level 3 250 kW
3 MwH Battery Back [3000 kWh]
~795,600 /year

Energy Installation Retail

24 Stalls - DC Level 3 250 kW 4 employees @~$31,200 /year
~ 122.4 MWh/month 3 MwH Battery Back [3000 kWh]
3 MWh Solar Farm ~ 1.09 mil/MWh1
2 employees @~$90,000 /year

Solar cost = ~$6100/month ~$305,000 /year

Grid cost = ~$27,000/month $2.5 mil - 24 DC Level 3 Chargers

$1.25mil - 3 MwH Battery Back2
~$25,000 /month

$3.5mil - 3 MWh Solar Farm

$6.25mil total

Santa Barbara Downtown

Subsidies and/or partners could be found Low: $7,500 /month
to offset installation costs. High: $30,000 /month
Santa Barbara County
Low: $1,500 /month
High: $7,500 /month

1 What is a solar farm? Costs, land needs & more

2 Tesla reveals Megapack prices: starts at $1 million : Elektrek.co
earthmotors.io 29
Profit Margins
Earth Motors Proposal

24 Stalls - Supercharger DC Level 3 250 kW

3 MwH Battery Back [3000 kWh]

Solar with Funding Blended No Solar or Subsidies

~ 122.4 MWh/month ~ 122.4 MWh/month ~ 122.4 MWh/month
100% Solar Energy 50% Solar Energy 0% Solar Energy, 100% Grid dependent
40% Government Subsidy 20% Government Subsidy No Government Subsidy

$Energy = ~$6,100/month $Energy = ~$16,500/month $Energy = ~$27,100/month

$BuildLoan = $15,000/month [30 yr] $BuildLoan = $18,000/month [30 yr] $BuildLoan = $22,500/month [30 yr]
$Employee = $25,000/month $Employee = $25,000/month $Employee = $25,000/month
Rent + Insurance = $10,000/month Rent + Insurance = $20,000/month Rent + Insurance = $30,000/month
Sub-total = $56,100/month Sub-total = $79,500/month Sub-total = $74,600/month

Gross Net ~$66,300 /month Gross Net ~$66,300 /month Gross Net ~$66,300 /month

Total Profit = ~$10,200/month Total Profit = -$13,200/month Total Profit = -$38,300/month

~$122,400/year -$158,400/year -$459,600/year

earthmotors.io 30
CALeVIP Alternative Fuel Vehicle Refueling
Link Property Tax Credit (or 2020 30C Tax
Incentive Project Planning
South Central Coast Incentive Project Link
San Luis Obsispo, Santa Barbara, Ventura counties
Level 2 up to $6,000 per Connector
DCFC up to $80,000 per Charger Fueling equipment for natural gas, propane, liquefied hydrogen, electricity,
E85, or diesel fuel blends containing a minimum of 20% biodiesel installed
through December 31, 2021, is eligible for a tax credit of 30% of the cost,
not to exceed $30,000.
California Capital Access Program
(CalCAP) DOT Funding & Financing
Electric Vehicle Charging Station Link
(EVCS) Financing Program
Link The U.S. Department of Transportation’s (DOT) Federal Highway
Administration (FHWA) supports the Biden-Harris Administration’s goal of
installing 500,000 new electric vehicle (EV) chargers by 2030.
Offers EV infrastructure loans (up to $500,000) with up to 15% rebates
for small business owners and commercial landlords who install electric
vehicle charging stations for employees, clients or tenants.
Guide to Federal Funding, Financing,
and Technical Assistance for Plug-
Electrify America in Electric Vehicles and Charging
$800M over 10 yr investment in California covering 4 areas: (1) Installing Link
charging infrastructure (approximately $120 million), (2) Building a Green
City to showcase the benefits of ZEVs and promote increased ZEV usage
(approximately $44 million), (3) Public Education initiatives (approximately While dated (2016), this guide still houses a complete guide on organizatios
$20 million), and (4) Access initiatives like ride and drive events. EA is and contacts for funding, financing and permitting for EVCS.
accepting recommendations for proposed charging sites.

earthmotors.io 31
Notable Vendors
Megapack Link
Supercharger Link

Volta Charging

Electrify America


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The tools are available, i.e. chargers,

solar energy, system management, Ai,
consumer demand to create a zero-
emission filling station. The variable
is how to make a profit-per-charge;
and how via partnership, power
generation, or some other innovation
Earth Motors can insure a safe, easy,
clean charge for ZEV drivers that will
be more compelling then competitors.
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I want to build a clean, green and

profitable charging station. If you are
interested, please contact me.

Andy Hawgood — Founder

earthmotors.io 34
Stay hungry. Stay foolish.
The Whole Earth Catalog #1180 October 1974 titled Whole Earth Epilog

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