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Gold Pre-First Unit 10 Test: Name - Class

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Name _______________________________________ Class _______________________

Gold Pre-First Unit 10 Test

1 Choose the option (A, B, C or D) that best completes the sentences.
A fantastic event will take (1) _____ next month in our village. We are celebrating 500 years of existence!
Nearly everybody wants to be involved, although there are a few people who don’t feel (2) _____ celebrating.
They have (3) _____ their excuses, which I don’t believe, and will be staying away. In the centre of the village
is a sculpture of the founder of the village school. Unfortunately, the statue is not the (4) _____, as that was
destroyed two hundred years ago, but a young artist has created a new statue, and this will provide the focal
point for the celebrations. The statue will be lit (5) _____ during the festivities. Many people will be (6) _____
on fancy dress for the final party, and I’m going dressed as the ghostly horseman who haunts the streets at
1 A part B post C place D position
2 A as B as if C same D like
3 A done B told C made D said
4 A original B unique C initial D previous
5 A out B in C on D up
6 A wearing B going C doing D putting

2 Use the word given at the end of some of the lines to form a word that fits in the gap in the same
Gordon Tamworth is a well-known (1) __________ who has written over forty NOVEL
books. While he became successful writing fiction, he now likes to write factual
books. Last year his book about young people and their acts of (2) __________ MIND
vandalism of public property in the towns and cities where they live was a
surprising best-seller. His arguments were (3) __________ by lots of facts and STRONG
interviews with the young people concerned, and I think everyone should read it.

His latest book is about modern culture. While writing the book, he spent several
months with an orchestra learning about (4) __________ music. He also had lessons CLASSIC
on how to be a (5) __________. After that he went on to spend just over three CONDUCT
months with some rock (6) __________ and even played the guitar at one of their MUSIC
concerts. He then moved on to looking at modern artists and (7) __________. The PAINT
book offers a window into the minds of modern cultural thinking.


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3 Combine the sentences using defining and non-defining relative clauses. Use that if it is possible.
1 His paintings are now in the Louvre. They sell for millions.

His paintings, ___________________________ the Louvre.

2 We live in a town. It has an interesting history.

We live ___________________________.

3 She was talking to a man. He was the manager.

The man to ___________________________.

4 Do you know the man? He is asking to speak to you.

Do you know ___________________________?

5 That’s the boy. His bike was stolen.

That’s ___________________________ stolen.

6 That’s the hotel. We stayed there last year.

That’s ___________________________ last year.

7 The Royal Palace Hotel was very expensive. We stayed there last year.

The Royal Palace Hotel, ___________________________ expensive.


4 Complete the text with a, an, the or ᴓ.

There are several good restaurants in our town, but (1) __________ new Italian one has just opened and we
are going there this evening. (2) __________ food is supposed to be very good and there is (3) __________
excellent menu. What I’m looking forward to most are (4) __________ desserts; I hear they are superb – and I
just love (5) __________ sweet things!



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