Current Challenges and Future Directions of Drug Development
Current Challenges and Future Directions of Drug Development
Current Challenges and Future Directions of Drug Development
Allen Cato
Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina
Lynda Sutton
Cato Research Ltd., Durham, North Carolina
It may be easier for a camel to pass through the eye of a needle than it is for a
new chemical entity to reach the marketplace. Drug development is a long and
costly process fraught with tribulation. The tortuous pathway traveled by a new
drug from synthesis to sale requires the constant percolation of data through rigor-
ous clinical and regulatory filters. This process is complex, and success cannot
be guaranteed. The ability to always predict which drug will have all the qualities
necessary to gain regulatory approval and to be marketed remains as elusive as
a camel in a needle’s eye.
New drugs do make it from discovery to the market, but only at the approxi-
mate rate of one in every 10,000 new molecules synthesized. It is a long, costly,
and extremely risky process involving a steady progression through multiple
stages, with treacherous decision points along the way. Most of all, it is a process
involving the constant percolating of data through rigorous filters strewn with
tribulations and complicated by the difficulty of making decisions that affect
human health when all the facts are not known.
Despite the daunting challenge of bringing a new drug from discovery to
market, new medicines continue to be developed that may have a significant
effect on our health. You may wonder, ‘‘What has medicine done for man-
kind lately?’’ In the United States, the adult life expectancy increased by nearly
Smallpox killed an average of more than 1500 people per year between
1900 and 1904; it is now eradicated worldwide, and children are no
longer vaccinated against the disease.
Polio struck more than 16,000 people annually in the early 1950s; today,
it has been eliminated from the Western Hemisphere.
During the past 50 years, vaccines also have been responsible for drastically
reducing the morbidity and mortality from measles, Haemophilus influenzae
type b (Hib), diphtheria, pertussis, tetanus (DPT, typically administered together),
hepatitis B, and chicken pox. In addition to improved health, substantial economic
benefits have been realized. For example, the CDC estimates that the United
States recoups its investment in the eradication of smallpox every 26 days. De-
spite the obvious advances of modern medicine, many patients still have infec-
tious, chronic, or genetic diseases and will benefit from the research of today
finding the effective treatments of tomorrow. Pharmaceutical research targeting
the top 12 major medical needs exceeds $645 billion annually in direct medical
expense and lost productivity. The diseases included in this figure are Alzhei-
mer’s disease, arthritis, asthma, cancer, congestive heart failure, coronary heart
disease, depression, diabetes, hypertensive disease, osteoporosis, schizophrenia,
and stroke (2). Just as it did 50 years ago, innovation continues today to bring
us new knowledge through genetic research, molecular biology, and enhanced
computer technology. This is the promising future of drug development.
However, developing the vaccines or any of the drugs potentially used to
treat the indications listed above is a substantial undertaking. To comprehend
clearly the magnitude of the drug-development process, it is useful to consider
the many different areas involved. Figure 1 depicts some of the key disciplines
contributing to the process. Information from each of these areas feeds into a
common funnel with a filter, where multiple decisions must be made progres-
sively regarding the compound’s survival, or lack thereof.
Figures 2 and 3 illustrate the process broken down into preclinical and
clinical segments. Keep in mind, however, that the process is a dynamic one.
The various disciplines listed are constantly interacting, and the entire flow of
data requires constant feedback and fine tuning. For example, a compound’s tox-
icity, however slight, may be considered to outweigh its pharmacological effect.
This information would be given by the toxicologist to the chemist, who would
make other compounds with slight modifications, attempting to retain the pharma-
cological effect while decreasing or eliminating the toxic effect.
Once a compound has been synthesized in the lab and tested in animals,
an Investigational New Drug (IND) application is submitted to the U.S. Food
and Drug Administration (FDA), requesting permission to initiate clinical studies
of the drug in humans. The IND summarizes the preclinical work and includes
the first clinical protocol. It is not until the drug has been experimentally tested
in humans under controlled conditions (after Phase III) that the company may
file an application to market the drug (a New Drug Application [NDA] if filed
with the FDA, or a Marketing Authorization Application [MAA] if filed in Eu-
rope). The application summarizes all preclinical (safety and efficacy in animals),
clinical (safety and efficacy in humans), and manufacturing data known about
the drug, and requests permission to market this new drug.
Figure 4 illustrates the attrition ratio of a new chemical entity as it works
its way from synthesis through preclinical development to IND, and subsequently
through clinical development to NDA. An attrition ratio of 10,000:1 (not consid-
ered good betting odds by most people) is the bad news. The good news is that
95% of all drugs for which an NDA is submitted are ultimately approved for
Dose Time
Species Drug (mg/kg/day) (months) Effect
In animals
Imipramine (Troframil) Antidepressant
Fenfluramine (Pondimin) Anorectic
Thioridazine (Mellaril) Antipsychotic
Chlorcyclizine (Fedrazil) Antihistamine
Zimelidine Antidepressant
In humans and animals
Chloroquine (Plaquenil) Antimalarial
The case described represents just one of many decisions that must be made
before beginning clinical trials. Clinical drug trials are described as Phases I–V.
The first trials in humans that test the drug for safety are considered Phase I.
These studies usually employ normal volunteers, and may expose about 50 indi-
viduals to the drug. For known toxic compounds such as anticancer agents, only
patients with the targeted illness would be used.
The first studies to define efficacy are considered Phase II. These studies
are typically conducted to determine the best dosage regimen for the Phase III
efficacy studies. In general, 100–300 patients would be entered into various con-
Before discussing some of the problems that can arise during clinical trials, a
brief review of some of the basic components constituting a clinical trial is in
order. Figure 7 illustrates the study periods providing the framework for any
clinical trial.
Prestudy activities include design and setup of the study, and poststudy
activities include data entry, analysis, and report generation. Inclusion and exclu-
sion criteria are determined early in the clinical development process, during the
screening period. Before entry into the study, baseline determinations are made
to which all subsequent changes will be compared. The heart of a trial is the
treatment phase, which consists of drug safety modules and auxiliary modules
(Fig. 8), many of which will repeat measurements made at the time of the initial
screening or baseline. For Phase II and Phase III trials, specific parameters of
efficacy will be assessed. The posttreatment period is the stage at which final
measurements are made for safety; it is also the time to assess the effect of with-
drawal of drug relative to elimination of the disease state or a return toward the
baseline state.
Complex problems reach the decision filter at every stage of drug develop-
ment, even in the early clinical pharmacology phase (Fig. 9). To delineate the
pharmacokinetics of the compound in humans, it is common during Phase I to
situation above in the Phase I trial describes a tribulation that can occur at any
point in clinical drug development. However, many issues specific to Phases II
and III also must be anticipated. As seen in Fig. 10, different types of efficacy
studies may be undertaken (see Chapter 6). Special studies, such as tests for
addictive potential or studies allowing compassionate use of the drug (see Chapter
9), occur during these phases.
As already shown in Fig. 8, information regarding safety is collected in
every study. An attempt is always made to determine any adverse events that
may be caused by the drug. The process is especially difficult in patients, because
illness itself is defined by a grouping of adverse events. The critical question
when any adverse event occurs during a clinical trial is, ‘‘Why did it occur?’’
Did the event occur spontaneously, or as a result of an underlying disease, or as
a result of a procedure conducted? Or was it caused by the drug?
What data are needed to answer those questions? Figure 11 depicts points
along the course of a clinical trial at which data must be gathered to make an
assessment. Figure 12 lists some of the numerous information points required
before an accurate judgment can be made.
If Figures 11 and 12 seem unnecessarily complex and unduly detailed rela-
tive to the assessment of causality for an adverse event, consider the study of an
antidepressant. A probe was made at baseline just before initiation of treatment
(see Fig. 11) to determine the clinical status of the depressed individuals who
were about to enter into the study. As seen in Table 4, an impressive background
of complaints existed before any drug medication. In a 6-week study, multiple
probes will be performed to detect adverse events. Consider, then, if headache
is reported as an episode during treatment (Fig. 11), it will be extremely difficult
to assign causality relative to baseline when more than half the patients reported
headache at baseline.
The symptoms listed in Table 4 afflict all of us from time to time, but
assessments of causality for more serious events should not require the detailed
data reporting depicted in Fig. 12, right? Wrong! Table 5 lists serious adverse
events not present at baseline but occurring during placebo treatment. If these
events had taken place during active therapy, it would have been very difficult
to avoid assigning causality to the drug (see Chapter 14).
Any type of adverse event must then flow through the decision filter. The
tribulations associated with assessing causality can be multiplied if case report
forms (CRFs) are improperly designed. Poorly designed CRFs during Phase II
will compound and multiply the problems encountered in Phase III. Proper design
of CRFs at the start of clinical trials will create a firm foundation for passing
through the multiple decision filters on the way to new drug approval.
A type of tribulation that occurs more in Phase II, and particularly in Phase
III trials, involves adherence to the drug regimen. Drug adherence is loosely
described as the number of dosages actually taken by a patient compared with
the number prescribed. Alas, as with most things in life, further reflection reveals
a far more complex subject. Were dosage administrations properly spaced, were
they taken with meals (if required) or without food (if required), were they taken
with forbidden concomitant medications? With larger Phase III outpatient studies,
the variability of adherence is exaggerated. Adherence is further hindered by
prolonged or complex prescriptions. It can destroy the statistical validity of an
otherwise carefully controlled trial.
Consider the extreme example of a 71-year-old patient who was admitted
to the intensive care unit after being found unconscious at home. Because of his
Insomnia 92
Tiredness/fatigue 74
Anorexia 59
Headache 54
Although the search for new chemical entities or natural product extracts to treat
diseases is likely to continue for years to come, changes are underway that will
have a profound impact on how we diagnose and treat disease. The identification
of various active entities such as cytokines and delineation of their functions has
already led to a new class of molecular therapies. This process is going to take
a quantum leap forward now that the entire genetic code of a human being is
accessible on the Internet.
One new area generating interest and huge investment is called pharmaco-
genomics—an attempt to identify therapy targeted to an individual’s specific
genetic composition. The desired result would enhance efficacy, or minimize
toxicity, or both. A consequence of deciphering the human genetic code is the
increasing number of blood tests that can reveal disease-gene mutations and pre-
Guiding a new chemical entity through the tribulations involved in the drug test-
ing and approval process is a task that is exciting and rewarding as well as long
and complex. Advances in gene transfer, electronic data capture, and real-time
data analysis all promise to increase our chances of success. Ultimately, however,
it is through dedication, skill, and lots of luck that the drug development process
is successful and we can provide a new medication to the people who need it to
fight the pain and suffering of illness. At those times, the camel truly has made
its way home through the eye of a needle.