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Instruction Manual: BHS-Corrugator - Safety

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Instruction Manual

- Safety -
Version 0605

General Safety Information

Specific Safety Instructions
Safety instructions für BHS installations
Scope of training
Safety Instructions for
BHS Installations
Version 0501
Table of Contents

Operator Safety Requirements.............................................................................3

Provision of Safety Equipment ..........................................................................................3
Removal of Obstacles, Protection of Apertures...............................................................3
Measures to Avoid Noise Emissions ................................................................................3
Measures to Avoid Burns And Burning ............................................................................3
Initial Safety Briefing of Operating Personnel..................................................................3
Customer Commitment to Further Personnel Safety Training .......................................4
Marking of Danger Areas of Running Board and Paper Web .........................................4
General: ................................................................................................................................................ 4
Stacker Modular (AS-M): ...................................................................................................................... 4
Roll Stand / Splicer group (RS-M/V, SP-M/X):...................................................................................... 5
Modul Facer (MF-B/P): ......................................................................................................................... 5
Preheater (PH-M): ................................................................................................................................ 5
Glue Unit (GU-M/S): ............................................................................................................................. 5

Manufacturer Safety Requirements .....................................................................6

Scope of Delivery................................................................................................................6
Initial Briefing on Safety Requirements ............................................................................6

Form “Safety/First Aid“ on Sites..........................................................................7

Safety Instructions for BHS Sites, 0501 2/7

Operator Safety Requirements Removal of Obstacles, Protection of Apertures
► Before the initial start-up the customer has to remove all assemblies and auxiliary
The listed measures are recommended during the projects stage, prior to tools out of the machine area such as moveable lifting platforms, installation tools,
installation. They are essential for the protection of personnel during installation, etc., which are not required for the operation of the corrugator.
operation and maintenance of BHS machines. The non-compliance of these ► Before the initial start-up the customer has to protect and/or cover all apertures
minimum requirements leads to the refusal of claims against the manufacturer in within the operating range against falling (recesses in foundation).
case of damage and/or could lead to claims against the customer of the
corrugator in case of personal injury.
Measures to Avoid Noise Emissions
Provision of Safety Equipment
► The customer has to take appropriate noise protection measures to areas which
exceed the admissible noise emissions due to process techniques (sound protection
► Before the installation start, the required sanitary and first aid equipment for the
cabinets and/or personal protective equipment).
protection of the installation and operating personnel are to be provided according to
the regulations valid in the customer’s country. ► To avoid inaccurate operation due to communication problems, the manufacturer
recommends the use of radio headsets (simultaneous sound protection).
► It is necessary to indicate safety details to the manufacturer before starting the
installation (name and address of the safety representative, addresses of hospitals
and doctors, etc.)
Measures to Avoid Burns And Burning
► On installation start the customer has to provide certified mounting and installation ► The customer has to fix insulation and separating protective devices on machine
aids, as well as means of moving machinery. parts which cannot be insulated after having checked the tightness and function of
► By means of a general plan „Arrangement of lock-out switches“, the customer has heat-conducting parts on the corrugator.
to provide the desired type and required quantity of lock-out kits (padlocks, hasps) ► There have to be appropriate fire-fighting means in immediate proximity of the
and tags (signs, tags). He has to provide them at the time of installation start-up machine. They have to satisfy your fire insurance, be regularly checked and be
and he has to instruct the personnel in regard to their use. (BHS documentation just replaced as required.
contains indications concerning the lock-out switches and their use).
► The padlocks, keys and markings, which are required for the locking and marking Initial Safety Briefing of Operating Personnel
of electrical main switches and lock-out switches are not part of the delivery of BHS.
The customer has to select, procure and use them according to the local regulations ► The customer nominates the participants, latest immediately before carrying out the
and to the requirements of the company. safety briefing. The names of these persons are listed in corresponding forms.
► The manufacturer recommends the use of moveable lifting platforms (can be ► The customer ensures that each person engaged in the operation and maintenance
purchased as option) to facilitate the authorized mounting and dismounting of raised (inspection, maintenance, repair) of the corrugator in the customer’s plant will be
machine areas where the machine is protected. present on the date agreed between manufacturer and customer for the
manufacturer’s safety briefing.

Safety Instructions for BHS Sites, 0501 3/7

Customer Commitment to Further Personnel Safety Stacker Modular (AS-M):
Training ► Zone of Upstacker belt between protective grating brush station (OS) / switch
cabinets (DS) and 1st frame – distance 1000 mm to the belt sides
The manufacturer’s commitment to inform the customer concerning the correct
handling of the delivered product following safety requirements in general
terminates on completion of the “Initial briefing on safety requirements” carried out
by the BHS trainer or the supervising BHS technician on site. This takes place
immediately before the first start-up. In case the delivered equipment changes due
to modifications or supplementary deliveries by the manufacturer, then BHS has
to meet the obligation to arrange further training.

► The customer has to assume full responsibility for employees who were not
instructed by the manufacturer or who did not appear on the agreed date of initial
safety briefing. They have to be instructed correspondingly. The respective
operating manuals in the national language serve as training documents.
► The customer cares that persons working on machines in operation or carrying out
any work within the danger area of BHS machines have read the corresponding OS DS
documentation with the prescribed safety instructions prior to start of this work.
► Zone of Upstacker chamber on DS – distance 1000 mm to side transport.
The manufacturer will not accept liability of any bodily injury or material damage
resulting from the non-observance of the safety directives, design modifications by
the customer or the handling of machinery by persons who have not taken part in
the manufacturer safety briefing.

Marking of Danger Areas of Running Board and Paper

According to BHS specifications, the customer has to mark danger areas which
are not limited by design before start-up by yellow-black marking: DS


It is obligatory to keep a safety distance of 2000 mm to all uncovered

running paper edges on the corrugator (except for the tables) due to the
high cutting risk, which could lead to fatal injury.

Safety Instructions for BHS Sites, 0501 4/7

Roll Stand / Splicer group (RS-M/V, SP-M/X): Glue Unit (GU-M/S):
► In general a safety distance of min 2000 mm has to be kept to the paper edges on ► On DS and OS the safety distance is 2000 mm. This area is to be marked as
DS and OS within the Roll Stand/Splicer area. described with the Preheaters each up to the following adjacent machine (DF-B/S,
► On the front a safety distance of 2000 mm has to be kept to the Splicer frame
(single machine).

Modul Facer (MF-B/P):

► If no sound protection cabinet is installed, it is possible to connect the markings of
Roll Stand/Splicer groups in front of and behind the Modul Facer. In this case, the
markings, which are placed at right angles to the paper-going are not required.
► In case of a single machine (without BHS RS-M/SP-M) and sound protection
cabinet, it is obligatory to keep a safety distance of 2000 mm in the access area on
DS and OS.

Preheater (PH-M):
► For the Preheaters the same procedure applies as with the Modul Facers.
► With single machines, the safety distance is 2000 mm on DS and OS, too. This
distance is to be kept in and against paper-going each up to the following adjacent
machine (GU-S or MF).

Safety Instructions for BHS Sites, 0501 5/7

Manufacturer Safety Requirements

Scope of Delivery
The manufacturer ensures the conformity of the supplied machines and
corrugators with the current technical regulations, standards and laws of the
manufacturer’s country relating to safety. Moreover, the manufacturer guarantees
to keep the safety standards as agreed by contract.

Initial Briefing on Safety Requirements

Before start-up of the machine or corrugator, a detailed safety briefing is carried
out on site by a BHS trainer or a supervising BHS technician or by an authorized
All measures which are required for the safe handling of the delivered machine or
corrugator are part of the briefing.

Safety Instructions for BHS Sites, 0501 6/7

Special dangers known on site:
Form “Safety/First Aid“ on Sites
Plant manager: Name ………………. Phone …………………
Safety representative: Name ………………. Phone …………………
Responsible first aid
attendant: Name ………………. Phone ………………… ………………………………………………………………………………………….

Responsible first aid ………………………………………………………………………………………….

assistant: Name ………………. Phone …………………

The customer agrees to the preliminary service work as well as to the indications
in regard to safety of the manufacturer, which have been demanded from him.
Location of first aid facilities (rooms, equipment): The customer ensures having indicated all known specifications. The customer
will immediately inform – after having become known – the corresponding
…………………………………………………………………………………………. supervising technician of the manufacturer about the supplements of unknown
specifications and modifications having been made at the time of signing.
Emergency medical
services: Phone: …………………………….. The manufacturer signee is responsible for transferring these documents to the
supervising BHS technician on site.
Address: ……………………………..

Authorized representative of customer

Hospital: Phone: ……………………………..

------------------ ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------

Address: ……………………………..
date first name and surname signature

Doctor (to be
reached on): Phone: ……………………………..
Member of BHS staff
Address: ……………………………..
------------------ ---------------------------------------- ---------------------------
Fire brigade: Phone: …………………………….. date first name and surname signature

Address: ……………………………..

Safety Instructions for BHS Sites, 0501 7/7

Important Information!
Appendix for Safety Instructions These instructions do not claim to be complete! Each supervisor, in
for BHS Personnel in the Plant in cooperation with his / her employees, shall be obliged to check his
range of responsibility for additional instruction items. This applies
Weiherhammer and on Site to new installation procedures or to all process materials, tools, etc.
that are used. Possible amendments or appendices shall be
submitted in writing to department “Occupational Safety/SI“!
Version 0507
Table of Contents 21. Special Instructions at the Allocated Workplace .............................................5
21.1 Cleanness at the Workplace ............................................................................................. 5

General....................................................................................................................3 22. Instructions According to §14 – Regulations for Hazardous Materials..........6

1. Safety Clothing....................................................................................................3 23. Safety Flyers of our Customers .........................................................................6

2. Work on Drilling and Milling Machines and on Lathes ....................................3 24. Traveling by Car (Company and Rental Car) ....................................................6

3. Portable Machines (Drilling, Grinding Machine, Circular Saw).......................3 25. Industrial Accidents............................................................................................6

4. Young People (under the Age of 18) .................................................................3 26. Regulations for the Prevention of Accidents....................................................6

5. Cranes..................................................................................................................3 Start-up ................................................................................................................... 7

6. Lifting Belts, Lifting Eyes, Ropes from Fibers, Chains, Steel Ropes and 1. Test Field .............................................................................................................7
the Like ................................................................................................................3
2. Test Runs.............................................................................................................7
7. Cleaning Industrial Clothing Using Compressed Air Is Prohibited!...............4
8. Smoking...............................................................................................................4 Additional Rules of Conduct on Site ................................................................... 7
9. Work Involving the Production of Dust, Bonding and Spraying Work...........4 1. Duty for Instruction and to Monitor Production ...............................................7
10. Jewelry.................................................................................................................4 2. Prohibited Actions ..............................................................................................8
11. Consumption of Alcohol ....................................................................................4 3. Elimination of Obstacles, Securing of Openings .............................................8
12. Instruction of Forklift Truck Driver....................................................................4 4. Marking of Remaining Risks on the Machines .................................................8
12.1 Manually Operated Floor Conveyor Vehicles ................................................................... 4 5. Personal Safety Equipment................................................................................9
12.2 Stackers ............................................................................................................................ 4
6. Measures for Elimination of Burn Hazards .......................................................9
13. Lifting Platforms .................................................................................................4
7. Lockout and Marking of Electric Safety Elements (Main and Lockout
14. Oxygen Bottles....................................................................................................5 Switches) .............................................................................................................9
15. Sound Protection ................................................................................................5 8. Work on a BHS Machine in Operation ...............................................................9
16. Defective Machines and Power Cables .............................................................5 9. Work around a BHS Machine in Operation (Area of the Building)..................9
17. Ladders and Treads............................................................................................5
18. Traffic within the Plant, Traffic on Site and Traffic Routes .............................5
19. Special Instructions for Electricians .................................................................5
19.1 The 5 Safety Regulations ................................................................................................. 5

20. Special Instructions for SPL Warehouse ..........................................................5

Safety Instructions for BHS Personnel in the Plant and on Site, 0507 2/9
General 3. Portable Machines (Drilling, Grinding Machine,
Circular Saw)
1. Safety Clothing • Before starting to work, the machine is to be checked for possible damage
• Do not take or deposit portable machines on the connection cable, but only on
• Wear appropriate industrial and safety clothing the handle
• Safety shoes (in all areas of the installation and factory buildings) • Tools to be exchanged in deactivated condition only
• Safety helmet (for all kinds of overhead work and in danger areas)
• Goggles (for all kinds of metal removing work like e.g. turning, milling, 4. Young People (under the Age of 18)
• grinding and work to remove chain rivets)
• Approved and appropriate safety gloves (in case of cut hazard) Young people under the age of 18 may not perform any kind of work on planing,
sawing machines or high-pressure cleaning machines (with supervisor only!)
• Warning jacket for road traffic (outside the vehicle)
• Do not carry screwdriver in working jacket 5. Cranes
• Do not carry lighter in industrial clothing (burn hazard!)
• Cranes may be operated after corresponding instruction only. Young people
2. Work on Drilling and Milling Machines and on are permitted to do this from their 18th year only!. Staying and working below
lifted loads is prohibited!
Lathes • Observe operating instructions for cranes!
• Observe operating instructions for machines and cooling lubricants! • In case of faults, switch off mains switch and secure it against switching back
(See bulletin boards in the buildings or machines) on
• Clamp part • PML - special caution with the radio crane in building M8!
• Do not work with gloves on • PMM - special caution with remote-controlled cranes in building M2!
• With long hair, wear a hairnet
• Safety equipment must not be bridged or removed 6. Lifting Belts, Lifting Eyes, Ropes from Fibers,
• Safety equipment is to be checked before starting to work Chains, Steel Ropes and the Like
• Careful sight check to be performed before each use
• Exchange damaged parts immediately!
• Observe operating instructions

Safety Instructions for BHS Personnel in the Plant and on Site, 0507 3/9
7. Cleaning Industrial Clothing Using Compressed • Electrically operated vehicles: operation only from the 18th year (after
corresponding instruction)
Air Is Prohibited! 12.2 Stackers

8. Smoking • Stackers may be operated after receipt of the driver’s license only.
• Order and cleanness in the stacker stores prevent accidents caused by falling
Smoking is prohibited in the are of the painting shop and in the area of materials objects
subject to fire risk (oil warehouse, paint warehouse)! Smoking is strictly prohibited • If required, use even support and pallet frame
in the entire central warehouse, also in the restrooms!
• After commissioning, put back storage boxes completely at all times
• Keep aisle coating absolutely clean
9. Work Involving the Production of Dust, Bonding
• During commissioning by the forklift truck, store aisles may not be entered
and Spraying Work
• Prior to each forklift truck takeover, check device
For any kind of work involving the production of dust, bonding and spraying work • Work on the forklift truck batteries to be performed with appropriate safety
e.g. in the painting shop, wear corresponding safety masks! clothing (apron) and goggles only
• Keep safety fence closed at all times
10. Jewelry • Personnel not entitled to stay in the area of the stacker stores have to be
removed immediately
It is prohibited to wear jewelry e.g. watches and rings when working!
• During operation of the stacker stores, the assigned stacker drivers only are
permitted to stay there
11. Consumption of Alcohol • When storing pallet goods, the pallet drivers have to register with the stacker
drivers. As long as the pallets are being supplied, any stack operation on the
The consumption of alcohol and other intoxicating drugs may not affect area 04 in front of the store aisles is prohibited
occupational safety.

12. Instruction of Forklift Truck Driver 13. Lifting Platforms

Forklift trucks may be operated after receipt of the driver’s license and after Lifting platforms may be used after corresponding instruction by colleagues of the
written commissioning at the Weiherhammer site only. departments PMF and PMI and after written commissioning by the respective
Before starting the forklift truck, it is to be checked for perfect condition. superior only (forms to be obtained at PMF or PMI). Young people may do this
Non-BHS forklift trucks may be operated after detailed instruction only. from their 18th year only!
Observe operating instructions for forklift trucks! Observe operating instructions for lifting platforms!

12.1 Manually Operated Floor Conveyor Vehicles

• Observe operating instructions!
• Lifting carriages may not be used as scooters
• All vehicles are at all times to be moved forward from the pole

Safety Instructions for BHS Personnel in the Plant and on Site, 0507 4/9
14. Oxygen Bottles 19. Special Instructions for Electricians
The oxygen bottles and oxygen-conducting pipes are to be kept clean of oil and 19.1 The 5 Safety Regulations
grease. Oxygen bottles may be stored in the provided tanks or in lying condition
only. • Isolate
• Securing against switching back on
15. Sound Protection • Making sure that unit is de-energized
• Grounding and short-circuiting
Sound protection is obligatory from a noise level of 80 dB! The use of sound • Energized neighboring parts are to be covered and put in cabinets
reproduction devices which are not required for work is prohibited.

16. Defective Machines and Power Cables 20. Special Instructions for SPL Warehouse
Defective machines and power cables are to be repaired immediately (by a For any kind of work with the welding machine, the strapping machine and the
specialist only) or another one has to be obtained from the supervisor and they tacker, utmost caution is advised.
have to be exchanged!
21. Special Instructions at the Allocated Workplace
17. Ladders and Treads
21.1 Cleanness at the Workplace
• Observe operating instructions for ladders and treads!
Each employee has to keep his / her workplace clean and to dispose of waste on
• Do not step onto the two uppermost ladder steps of a double ladder the basis of the different waste and the waste regulations valid in the plant.
• Do not use double ladders as simple ladders
• Do not lean out too far Paper/board waste ⇒ green container
Metal waste ⇒ blue container
Other waste ⇒ gray/red container
18. Traffic within the Plant, Traffic on Site and Traffic Cable waste ⇒ brown container
• Observe car, truck and forklift truck traffic!
• Caution! There is forklift truck traffic also in the installation, warehouse and
production buildings
• Be especially cautious when leaving the side doors of the installation buildings!
• If the roll warehouse has a passage to the workplace, utmost caution is
advised. If possible, avoid staying in the roll warehouse!

Safety Instructions for BHS Personnel in the Plant and on Site, 0507 5/9
22. Instructions According to §14 – Regulations for 25. Industrial Accidents
Hazardous Materials
Each injury, however minor, in the plant in Weiherhammer shall be entered into
Observe operating instructions on the machines or on the bulletin boards. the book of accidents / bandage. The books of accidents / bandage can be found
in the first-aid boxes or in the office for occupational safety. For installation outside
the plant, the supervisor shall be informed, who shall record the accident in the
23. Safety Flyers of our Customers installation report indicating possible witnesses and sign the incident.. The
superior and the office of the works council (extension –114) shall be notified
Prior to each visit by a customer, each employee has to get information on the personally about each accident with the consequence of only one day of sickness.
local safety regulations of the customer. These special safety regulations – if The company paramedics can be reached at tel. No. 884. Via emergency call, tel.
available – can be seen in the live report of the respective customer (customer *2010, the ambulance can be reached day and night. In this case, also the BHS
poster / safety instructions). doorman shall be informed via tel.-111 to enable quick passing of the ambulance.
Preferably, a colleague shall be positioned at the gate as a guide!
24. Traveling by Car (Company and Rental Car)
26. Regulations for the Prevention of Accidents
• Before starting, check car for perfect condition (e. g. brakes; sight check –
tires, lamps, stop light, indicator, etc. The regulations for the prevention of accidents of BHS can be called on the BHS
• If possible, change drivers Intranet by clicking on the red cross.
• Warning jackets have to be provided. Their number depends on the number of

Safety Instructions for BHS Personnel in the Plant and on Site, 0507 6/9
Start-up Additional Rules of Conduct on Site

1. Test Field 1. Duty for Instruction and to Monitor Production

• Unauthorized entering prohibited! • BHS shall point out to the operating personnel to observe all safety
• Instructions of the test personnel to be observed! regulations/instructions for operation, adjustment, maintenance and safety
documented by BHS
• Blocking to be maintained!
• The duty to wear personal safety equipment is to be particularly pointed out to
these personnel
2. Test Runs • Prior to start-up of the machine or corrugator, all safety equipment (E-stop),
protections, doors, etc. shall be mounted and operative
• The machine shall be blocked completely and with sufficient space around it
• Any irregularities or imperfections on BHS machines relating to safety which
• The test run sign shall be put up are recognized by BHS personnel during installation, start-up or monitoring the
• The blocked areas shall be entered by approval of the person performing the production are to be immediately submitted to the respective departments
start-up only within BHS so that they are able to eliminate the problems
• Start-ups shall be performed on the basis of the respective machine-related
acceptance protocol

Safety Instructions for BHS Personnel in the Plant and on Site, 0507 7/9
2. Prohibited Actions 3. Elimination of Obstacles, Securing of Openings
• Bridging or removal of safety equipment (e.g. E-stop or safety light barriers) • Prior to first start-up or prior to each start of operation, BHS personnel have to
during normal operation shall be strictly prohibited for BHS personnel remove all constructions and tools, i.e. movable platforms, installation tools,
• Should these activities be required for the performance of test, maintenance or ladders, etc. which are not necessary for operation of the machine or they
check purposes, it is to be ensured in advance that all personnel on the have to advise the user/client to do so.
corrugator have been informed • Prior to first start-up, BHS personnel have to check whether all openings within
• the hazard area and of the bridged part has been marked the machine have been secured or covered against fall by the user (foundation
extensions, roof openings, etc.); if required, the user/client is to be advised to
• and that all additionally required safety measures have been applied do so. All mechanical changes or modifications are to be performed safely
• Access shall be limited to authorized persons (e. g. electricians only) (e.g. no cable clips as fixing device of railings).
• Personnel joining the group after instruction and marking of the safety risk, • Due to locally different conditions, correct evacuation of board, e.g. by chutes,
shall be immediately informed about the abnormal situation by the supervising shall be the obligation of the user/client
• Any modifications at the customer’s request or on the initiative of BHS that 4. Marking of Remaining Risks on the Machines
reduce the safety level of our corrugator and deviate from BHS standard
equipment are prohibited! If the user asks for them, the modification has to be
• Prior to start-up, BHS shall check whether the risk areas created by running
taken down and confirmed in writing and Documentation Department is to be
paper or board webs have been marked by the user/client
informed immediately.
• Prior to start-up, BHS personnel together with a person authorized by the
• Procedures deviating from the respective documentation and directly relating
user/client shall check whether safety signs and markings have been installed
to safety aspects are to be refrained from (role model function – no tips and
correctly according to the respective operating instructions. If required, they
are to be corrected or signs and markings are to be added
• In the start-up protocol, attachment shall be confirmed by both parties

Safety Instructions for BHS Personnel in the Plant and on Site, 0507 8/9
5. Personal Safety Equipment 8. Work on a BHS Machine in Operation
• On installation start, BHS personnel shall check whether all necessary safety • Before servicing (any kind of work), the respective documentation shall be read
equipment and clothing is available. Missing equipment has to be immediately at all times
requested from BHS • The corresponding activity described in the prescribed safety measure of the
• For each activity, for which according to the documentation, safety equipment documentation shall be performed!
has to be used, BHS personnel shall wear this equipment in accordance with • The marked risk areas at the corrugator shall be observed
the regulations/instructions
• BHS personnel shall check whether the user has provided for first-aid
equipment in immediate proximity of the machine. All colleagues are to be 9. Work around a BHS Machine in Operation (Area
informed on the location of this first-aid equipment prior to installation start of the Building)
Any kind of work in the risk area of a BHS machine in operation is strictly
6. Measures for Elimination of Burn Hazards prohibited!
• BHS personnel shall check whether the user has installed insulations and
safety isolation equipment on machine parts that cannot be insulated,
immediately after checking tightness and function of heat-conducting parts on
the corrugator. If required, the BHS technician shall advise the user/client to
provide for these measures
• BHS shall check whether the user/client has provided appropriate fire-fighting
devices in immediate proximity of the corrugator. Prior to installation start, all
colleagues shall be informed about their location

7. Lockout and Marking of Electric Safety Elements Performed on......………………………………………………………………….

(Main and Lockout Switches)
BHS personnel shall check whether the user/client has provided the locks, keys
(kids) and tags required to lock and mark electric main switches and lockout
switches. They are not comprised in the scope of delivery of BHS. It shall be Instructed by..........………………………………………………………………..
pointed out to the user to select, purchase and use them on the basis of national
regulations and company-specific requirements.

Safety Instructions for BHS Personnel in the Plant and on Site, 0507 9/9
Instructions Level 0
Instructions for Mechanical Maintenance
of BHS Corrugator
Version 0808
Pressure roll module - check scraper of the pressure roll
To avoid incorrect or incomplete explanations of descriptions to
our customers, the respective customized operating instructions, Pressure roll module - change / adjust seals on the pressure roll module
available on site, are to be used! QF-P
Pressure roll module - check / clean scraper of the pressure roll

Reel Stand Bridge

Replace brake pads of the pneumatic brake Transport length - check / tension conveyor belts

Splicer Glue Unit

Festoon carriage – tension chains Pressure bar - check / adjust gap dimension of the pressure shoes
SP-M Doctor roll - check scraper
Brake bar – change nap foil on the brake bar (theoretical) Glue dams - disassemble / mount glue dam

Brake bar – change cellular rubber on the brake bar (theoretical) Glue dams - check / change upper glue dam seals
Glue dams - check / change rear glue dam seals
Single Facer GU-S
Preheater - check steam joint (sight check) Glue supply pan / glue discharge pan - check lateral seals of the glue pan
CR module - check steam joint (sight check) Dosing roll - check scrapers of the dosing roll
CR module - check / exchange cleaning plates of the corrugating rolls Dosing roll - check lateral scrapers of the dosing roll
Glue unit - check sealing bar (seal against pressure roll) Applicator roll - check lateral scrapers of the applicator roll
Glue unit - check sealing bar (seal against corrugating roll module) Glue width adjustment – check scrapers of the glue width adjustment
Glue unit - adjust stops of the sealing bar Glue width adjustment – change scrapers of the glue width adjustment
Glue unit - check sealing segments of the doctor roll
Glue unit - check glue dam seals Double Facer
Glue unit - change glue dam seals Preheater - check steam joint (sight check)
Glue unit - check scraper of the doctor roll Upper belt - check / adjust belt regulator for the upper belt
Inclined belt conveyor - tension conveyor belts Upper belt - release tension of the belts and tension them
Hydraulic system - check hydraulic oil filter Pressure system - tension pressure chains of the Double Facer
Hydraulic system - change hydraulic oil filter (theoretical) Pull (traction) section - check / adjust belt regulator for the lower belt
Cooling water circuit - check cooling water circuit for function
Cooling water circuit - rinse and clean water filter
Upper belt / lower belt - check belt lacing (80h)
MF-B Pressure system – Platetrol bars - check shoes for wear (300h)
Belt module - check steam joint (sight check)
Belt module - change pressure belt
Cleaning - clean pressure belt

Instructions, Version 0808 BHS WPA 2

Slitter scorer Lubrication
Knives - refill oil for knife lubrication In the context of the instructions, all prescribed lubrica-
Knives - check lubrication felts for wear and glue adhesion tion work must be described for each machine type.
Knives - check symmetry of knife bevel
NOTICE ► For description, use the lubrication instructions supplied with
Knives - adjust grinding unit on the knife bodies the operating instructions.
Knives - change grinding disk
Knives - check and adjust support table on the Swing Change
Knives - check and adjust knife immersion depth into the brush roll
Knives - check and adjust knife immersion depth into the support table
Knives - change knives
Brush roll – change brush segments

Brush roll - move brush roll

The descriptions of the knife bar adjustments supplied until the
end of 2006 are incomplete and / or partially not correct.
NOTICE ► For description, use the operating instructions, version 0701
(applies to HQ-M, KQ-F, KQ-M)!
Cutting unit - readjust knives (radial knives, steel knife bars)
Cutting unit - readjust knives (tangential knives, steel knife bars)
Cutting unit - readjust knives (CFRP knife bars and mass-reduced knife bars)
Cutting edge lubrication - check and adjust cutting edge lubrication

Conveyor belts - check / adjust belt units
Upstacker - check / tension drive chains of the lifting belt
Upstacker - check / tension connecting chains of the lifting belt
Downstacker - check / tension drive chains of the lifting table

BHS Steam System

General maintenance items

Instructions, Version 0808 BHS WPA 3

Reel Stand
Replace brake pads of the pneumatic brake

Instructions, Version 0808 BHS WPA 4

Festoon carriage – tension chains

Brake bar – change nap foil on the brake bar (theoretical)

Brake bar – change cellular rubber on the brake bar (theoretical)

Instructions, Version 0808 BHS WPA 5

Single Facer MF-B
Belt module – check steam joint (sight check)
Preheater – check steam joint (sight check)
Belt module – change pressure belt
CR module – check steam joint (sight check)
Cleaning – clean pressure belt
CR module – check / change cleaning plates of the corrugating rolls
Glue unit – check sealing bar (seal against pressure belt)
Glue unit – check sealing bar (seal against corrugating roll module) Pressure roll module – check scraper of the pressure roll
Glue unit – adjust stops of the sealing bar Pressure roll module – check / change seals on the pressure roll
Glue unit – check sealing segments of the doctor roll QF-P
Glue unit – check glue dam seals
Pressure roll module – check / clean scraper of the pressure roll
Glue unit – change glue dam seals
Glue unit – check scraper of the doctor roll
Inclined belt conveyor – tension conveyor belts
Hydraulic system – check hydraulic oil filter
Hydraulic system – change hydraulic oil filter (theoretical)
Cooling water circuit –check cooling water circuit for function
Cooling water circuit – rinse and clean water filter

Instructions, Version 0808 BHS WPA 6

Transport length – check / tension conveyor belts

Instructions, Version 0808 BHS WPA 7

Glue Unit
Pressure bars – check / adjust gap dimension of the pressure shoes
Doctor roll – check scraper
Glue dams – disassemble / mount glue dam

Glue dams – check / change upper glue dam seals
Glue dams – check / change rear glue dam seals

Glue supply pan / glue discharge pan – check lateral seals of the glue pan
Dosing roll – check scrapers of the dosing roll
Dosing roll – check lateral scrapers of the dosing roll
Applicator roll – check lateral scrapers of the applicator roll
Glue width adjustment – check scrapers of the glue width adjustment
Glue width adjustment – change scrapers of the glue width adjustment

Instructions, Version 0808 BHS WPA 8

Double Facer
Preheater – check steam joint (sight check)
Upper belt – check / adjust belt regulator of the upper belt
Upper belt – release tension and tension belts
Pressure system – tension pressure chains of the Double Facer
Pull (traction) section – check / adjust belt regulator of the lower belt

Upper belt / lower belt – check belt lacing (80h)
Pressure system – Platetrol bars – check shoes for wear (300h)

Instructions, Version 0808 BHS WPA 9

Slitter Scorer
Knives – refill oil for knife lubrication
Knives – check lubrication felts for wear and glue adhesion
Knives – check symmetry of knife bevel
Knives – adjust grinding unit on the knife bodies
Knives – change grinding disk
Knives – check and adjust support table on the Swing Change
Knives – check and adjust knife immersion depth into the brush roll
Knives – check and adjust knife immersion depth into the support table
Knives – change knives
Brush roll – change brush segment

Brush roll – move brush roll

Instructions, Version 0808 BHS WPA 10


The descriptions of the knife bar adjustments supplied until the

end of 2006 are incomplete and / or partially not correct.
NOTICE ► For description, use the operating instructions, version 0701
(applies to HQ-M, KQ-F, KQ-M)!

Cutting unit - readjust knives (radial knives, steel knife bars)

Cutting unit - readjust knives (tangential knives, steel knife bars)
Cutting unit - readjust knives (CFRP knife bars and mass-reduced knife
Cutting edge lubrication - check and adjust cutting edge lubrication

Instructions, Version 0808 BHS WPA 11

Conveyor belts – check / adjust conveyor belts
Upstacker – check / tension drive chains of the lifting belt
Upstacker – check / tension connecting chains of the lifting belt
Downstacker – check / tension drive chains of the lifting table

Instructions, Version 0808 BHS WPA 12

BHS Steam System
General maintenance items

Instructions, Version 0808 BHS WPA 13

In the context of the instructions, all prescribed lubrica-
tion work must be described for each machine type.
NOTICE ► For description, use the lubrication instructions supplied with
the operating instructions.

Instructions, Version 0808 BHS WPA 14

Scope of Training





Type of briefing: Briefing level: Inhouse-Level:

Process Safety Level 0
electrical Pre-training Level 1
mechanical briefing Level 2
Start-up Level 3
Advanced training


Bestätigung 0507 Trainingsprotokoll 1/7

Briefing machines and software

Participant Customer Trainer Type Machine Designation

RSC/T Reel Supply Chain / Tracks

PS Peeling Station
RDS Reel Supply Display System
RS-M Reel Stand Modular
RS-V Reel Stand Variable
RPA Reel Pick-Up Automatic
RRC Rest Roll Computer
SP-M Splicer Modular
SP-X Splicer Modular
SSS Splice Synchronisation

BC Bridge Construction
BD Bridge Drive
BB Bridge Brake

STC Steam & Condensate System

Bestätigung 0507 Trainingsprotokoll 2/7

Participant Customer Trainer Type Machine Designation

PH-M Preheater Modular

PC-M Preconditioner Modular
MF-B Modul Facer Bandleader
MF-P Modul Facer Pressure Roll
SF-X Single Facer Modular
CF-B Cassette Facer Bandleader
CF-P Cassette Facer Preassure Roll
IBC Inclined Belt Conveyor

GU-M Glue Unit Modular

GU-S Glue Unit
DF-C Double Facer Chaintrol
DF-B Double Facer Bartrol
DF-S Double Facer Shoetrol
DF-P Double Facer Platetrol
KQ-M Rotary Shear Modular
KQ-D Rotary Shear Die Cutting

Bestätigung 0507 Trainingsprotokoll 3/7

Participant Costumer Trainer Type Machine Designation

SR-P Slitterscorer Parallel

SR-S Slitterscorer Seriell
SR-R Slitterscorer Robot
SC Swing Change
DC Disc Cut
KQ-F Shear Order Change Modular
LFS Line Following System

WD Web Diverter
NQ-M Rotarc Cutoff Modular
HQ-M High Speed Cutoff Modular
CMC Cut To Mark Control
AAR Automatic Stacker
AS-M Automatic Stacker Modular
AS-X Automatic Stacker
SAM Stack Arrange Modul

Bestätigung 0507 Trainingsprotokoll 4/7

Participant Costumer Trainer Type Machine Desigantion

AOC Automatic Order Change

AQC Automatic Quality Change
BLC Bridge Level Control
CCC Corrugator Control Center
CCD Central Control Desk
DK Data Concentrator
FDM Format Data Management
FPC Fire Protection Control
PDA Production Data Analyser
PDM Process Data Management
PSP Pallet Slip Printer
QDM Quality Data Management
RVS Roll Verification System
WCS Warp Control System

Bestätigung 0507 Trainingsprotokoll 5/7

Confirmation of Participation Signature Trainer

I herewith confirm having received safety training on BHS machines. I was

instructed in:
Date First name Surename Signature

• General safety instructions and notices

• Safety concept “Fundamental Safety Measures“ -------------------------------------
• Explanation of signs and symbols in the operating instructions Date First name Surname Signature
• Instructions like duties of the user, requirements on operating and
maintenance personnel, duties of operating and maintenance personnel
• Special sources of danger -------------------------------------
• Workstation to be taken by the operating personnel Date First name Suname Signature
• Safety measures to be taken on site
• Remaining risks on the machine
• Safety equipment on the machines and their effect
• Safety signs and tags on BHS machines

I am aware that I am not to disregard, alter or stop any safety equipment without
having informed the persons responsible for operational safety.
Signature safety specialist customer
Moreover, it was pointed out to me to inform the person responsible for
operational safety on any visible change on the safety equipment of the BHS
scope of delivery to enable this person to take the necessary measures.
Date First name Surname Signature
I hereby confirm to have read any written instructions available on the subject of
safety on BHS machines. I will inform subordinates on admissible and
inadmissible conduct and the duty for information.
Date First name Surname Signature

Date First name Surname Signature

Bestätigung 0505 Einweisungsprotokoll 1 /7

Signature Costumer Signature Costumer

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Date First name Surname Signature Date First name Surname Signature

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Date First name Surname Signature Date First name Surname Signature

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Date First name Surname Signature Date First name Surname Signature

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Date First name Surname Signature Date First name Surname Signature

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Date First name Surname Signature Date First name Surname Signature

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Date First name Surname Signature Date First name Surname Signature

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Date First name Surname Signature Date First name Surname Signature

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Date First name Surname Signature Date First name Surname Signature

Bestätigung 0505 Einweisungsprotokoll 2 /7

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