Population Dynamics and Development of Suitable Pest Management Module Against Major Insect Pests of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum)
Population Dynamics and Development of Suitable Pest Management Module Against Major Insect Pests of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum)
Population Dynamics and Development of Suitable Pest Management Module Against Major Insect Pests of Tomato (Solanum Lycopersicum)
Investigation on the population dynamics and evaluation of pest management modules against major insect pests of tomato were carried
out at Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari, south Gujarat in rabi, 2007-08. Results revealed that aphid and whitefly population
commenced from transplanting with 1.35 aphids leaf-1 and 0.37 whiteflies leaf-1, reached to peak level (7.31 aphids leaf-1and 6.01
whiteflies leaf-1) at 11 WAT. Peak level of percent infested leaves by leaf miner was 31.75 % at 10th WAT. The higher population of
Helicoverpa on foliage (2.80-3.40 plant-1) was noticed during third week of January to end of February (10-16 WAT). The population
of mirid bug, which acts as a potential predator of sucking pests reached peak (1.90-2.05 plant-1) when population of aphid and
whitefly reached maximum. Correlation studies between insect pest population/damage and weather parameters showed that there
was significant negative correlation of aphid (r=-0.491) and whitefly (r=-0.449) with maximum temperature and negative significant
correlation with minimum temperature (r=-0.645, r=-0.599). Further, the wind velocity showed significantly positive correlation with
aphid (r=0.574) and whitefly (r=0.534) population. The wind velocity gave positive and significant correlation with the population of
mirid bug as natural enemies. The IPM module was found most promising in reducing the population of aphids (2.1 leaf-1), whitefly
(2.4 leaf-1), Helicoverpa larva (1.0 plant-1) on foliage. Besides, it reduced leaf infestation by leaf miner (17.8 %) and fruit infestation
by Helicoverpa (15.4 %) and increased yield (36445 kg ha-1). The sole insecticidal module was equally effective as IPM module in
recording low population of aphids (2.2 leaf-1), whitefly (2.5 leaf-1), Helicoverpa (1.1 plant-1), leaf infestation (18.3 %), fruits infestation
(16.3 %) and also increased fruit yield (34684 kg ha-1). The biological module and botanical module ranked third and fourth in efficacy
with respect to pest control. Besides pest management, population of mirid bugs (0.8 plant-1) as natural enemy was also conserved in
IPM module. The net ICBR obtained in IPM module was 1:9.45 which was comparable to the insecticidal module (1:15.92).
Key words: Aphid, Chrysoperla, Helicoverpa, IPM, leaf miner, mirid bug, population dynamics, tomato, Trichogramma,whitefly
Materials and methods recorded same as in case of population dynamic study throughout
the crop season on 5 randomly selected plants in each replication.
To study the population dynamics of major insect pests of tomato, Total ten pickings were carried out commencing from 90 days
a field experiment was conducted at College Farm, N.M. College after transplanting and at every picking, damaged and healthy
of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, Navsari during marketable fruits obtained from all the plants of each treatment
rabi season of 2007-08. A variety, Gujarat Tomato-2 (GT-2) plot were separated and percent damaged fruits was worked
was grown in 400 m2. The experimental area was kept free from out.
insecticidal spray throughout the crop season in order to record
the incidence of insect pests. To study incidence of major insect Results and discussion
pests on tomato, 30 plants were selected randomly and weekly
observations were recorded throughout the crop season. In case Population dynamics of major insect pests of tomato and
of aphid, number of nymphs and adults, while in case of whitefly, natural enemy: In the present investigation, A. gossypii
number of adults were recorded during early morning on selected population commenced from 1st week after transplanting (WAT)
plant. For recording leaf miner infestation, pernectage of damaged i.e. second week of November with 1.35 aphids leaf-1. Further, the
leaves was worked out. In case of vegetative stage of the tomato mean population indicated that the activity of this pest increased
crop, population of fruit borer was counted from selected plants, steadily and reached peak level of 7.31 aphids leaf-1 at 11th WAT
whereas during fruiting stage, perncetage of damaged fruits were coinciding with third week of January, then aphid population
worked out. Besides insect pests population, the population of gradually decreased. Low aphid population was noticed from
mirid bug plant-1 as natural enemy were also recorded. In order last week of February to last week of March (5.43-2.83 leaf-1)
to study the influence of weather parameters viz., maximum coinciding with 16-20 WAT (Table 1). Hath and Das (2004)
temperature, minimum temperature, average temperature, found low population of aphid from third week of February
maximum relative humidity, minimum relative humidity, average to the last week of March, whereas Reddy and Kumar (2004)
relative humidity, rainy days, sunshine hours, wind velocity and reported peak population of two aphid species (A. gossypii
rainfall on population of insect pest of tomato and there natural and M. persicae) during November and February on tomato
enemy, the simple correlation coefficient was worked out. Weekly at Bangalore, Karnataka. Reddy and Kumar (2004) recorded
meteorological data recorded at the meteorological observatory, highest white fly population during November and December. In
N.M. College of Agriculture, Navsari Agricultural University, the present investigation higher white fly population (5.28-6.01
Navsari were used for this purpose (Fig.1). leaf-1) was noticed during last week of December to third week
To assess feasibility of pest management module against of January (8-11 WAT) (Table 1). Thereafter, population steadily
major insect pests of tomato, the Integrated Pest Management declined, which indicates almost the same trend as reported by
(IPM) module (M5) was compared with four modules viz; Non- earlier workers.
Pesticidal Pest Management (NPM) module (M1), botanical pest The similar trend was noticed in case of leaf miner, Liriomyza
management module (M2), biological pest management module trifolii, Burgess infestation which commenced from transplanting
(M3), insecticide based pest management module (M4) and and continued up to end of the crop season. Peak level of percent
untreated control (C) (Table 3). The experiment was conducted infested leaves were 31.75 % at 10th WAT coinciding with second
in a randomized block design (RBD) with a plot size of 3.6 x 2.7 week of January, then it gradually decreased at the time of last
m with each treatment replicated four times. Tomato variety GT-2 harvesting (Table 1). Reports of Hath and Das (2004) and Reddy
was transplanted on 5 Nov, 2007. Five days after transplanting and Kumar (2004) indicated peak infestation of leaf miner (L.
of tomato seedlings, 40 days old seedlings of marigold were trifoli) during March to April and thereafter population declined.
also transplanted (marigold 2 rows per 5 rows of tomato) in non The slight different trend in the present investigation could be due
pesticidal and IPM based pest management modules. Weekly to different sowing periods as well as different agro-ecological
observations on insect pest population and their damage were conditions where the crop was raised.
The larval population of H. armigera, Hubner on foliage started
from 2nd WAT i.e. third week of November (0.25 larvae plant-1)
and gradually increased and reached the peak population level
(3.40 larvae plant-1) during 16 WAT i.e., second week of February
(Table 1). The data on percent infested fruits by Helicoverpa
revealed that at all pickings, the infestation was observed.
However, the highest percent infested fruits were observed during
eighth picking (28.96 %). The mirid bugs are important predators
of sucking pests of tomato. Their population in the form of adult
bugs appeared along with population of sucking pests. The peak
population of mirid bug (1.90-2.05 plant-1) was observed when
population of aphid and whitefly reached at maximum level.
Correlation of insect pest population/damage and mirid bug
with weather parameters: The data on different insect-pest
population/damage during 2007-08 were correlated with weather
Fig. 1. Weekly meteorological data during the investigation period. parameter and presented in Table 2. It was revealed from the
152 Population dynamics and management of insect pests of tomato
Table 1. Mean population of aphids, whitefly per leaf, Helicoverpa larvae Table 2. Correlation of insect pest population/damage of tomato in
per plant and per plant percent infested leaves by L. trifoli relation to weather parameters
WAT Date Mean population Infested Weather Parameters Aphid Whitefly Leaf Helicoverpa Mirid
Aphids Whitefly Helicoverpa Mirid leaves by miner bug
leaf-1 leaf-1 plant-1 bug leaf miner
Maximum Temp -0.491* -0.449* -0.013 -0.175 -0.152
(nymph+ plant-1 (mean %)
adults) Minimum Temp -0.645** -0.599** 0.136 -0.328 -0.333
1 12.11.07 1.35 0.37 0.00 0.05 14.67 Morning RH (%) 0.095 0.095 0.403 0.287 0.202
2 19.11.07 1.35 1.40 0.25 0.10 15.03 Evening RH (%) 0.140 0.144 0.279 0.281 0.238
3 26.11.07 1.66 1.96 0.25 0.05 13.56 Average RH (%) 0.128 0.130 0.382 0.315 0.243
4 03.12.07 3.19 3.53 0.35 0.25 24.96 Wind velocity (km/h) 0.574** 0.533* 0.274 0.429 0.451*
5 10.12.07 3.99 3.45 0.80 0.50 23.67 Sunshine hours 0.211 0.137 -0.421 0.378 0.372
Rainfall (mm) 0.199 0.277 -0.200 0.370 0.358
6 17.12.07 4.14 4.18 1.75 0.45 26.17
* Significant at P=0.05 (r = ± 0.443), ** Highly Significant at P=0.05 (r
7 24.12.07 5.18 4.96 1.90 0.60 27.22 = ± 0.561), RH=Relative humidity, Temp.= temperature
8 31.12.07 6.21 5.28 2.05 1.05 28.91 reduced population of mirid bug (0.6 plant-1) which played its
9 07.01.08 6.70 6.00 2.20 0.95 28.55
role as an effective natural enemy of aphid and whitefly. Next to
insecticidal module, botanical insecticide module in vegetative
10 14.01.08 7.20 5.75 2.80 1.35 31.75 phase also gave effective control of aphid (2.3 leaf-1) and whitefly
11 21.01.08 7.31 6.01 2.80 1.30 29.35 (1.6 leaf-1). The biological module was found moderately effective
in combating sucking pest population, whereas non-pesticidal
12 28.01.08 5.13 5.94 3.05 1.70 14.67
module did not exert any effective control of sucking pests.
13 04.02.08 6.51 5.05 3.15 1.95 15.03
The biological control through release of trichocards having
14 11.02.08 7.11 5.60 2.95 2.05 13.56 300 parasitized eggs in combination with Chrysoperla larvae
15 18.02.08 6.43 5.04 3.15 1.90 24.96 and neem extract played an important role in management of
Helicoverpa (Usman et al., 2012). Senguttuvan et al. (2005)
16 25.02.08 5.43 5.00 3.40 1.90 23.67
reported that NSKE were found effective against white fly.
17 03.03.08 3.94 4.55 2.90 1.75 26.17 Thus, in all the above reports, efficacy of bio-agents, neem and
18 10.03.08 3.58 3.69 3.15 1.45 27.22 their products have been successfully demonstrated. In present
investigation, the use of neem as a component of IPM module as
19 17.03.08 3.31 2.96 2.45 1.20 28.91 well as its sole use in botanical module has proved its significance
20 25.03.08 2.83 2.68 2.45 1.10 28.55 over remaining modules besides control. Sharma and Lal (2002)
indicated highest reduction of white fly, B. tabaci population
data that, there was significant negative correlation of aphid (94.8 %) when thiamethoxam was used. Similarly, Leeuwen
(r=-0.491) and whitefly (r=-0.449) with maximum temperature et al. (2005) found spinosad at 5 mg as most effective against
and negative significant correlation with minimum temperature the tomato whitefly. In the present experiment, thiamethoxam
(r=-0.645, r=-0.599, respectively). Further, the wind velocity and spinosad were incorporated as a component of chemical
showed significantly positive correlation with aphid (r=0.574) insecticidal module (M4), wherein the sucking pest population
and whitefly (r=0.534) population. The morning relative was significantly lower than any other module or treatment except
humidity, evening and average relative humidity showed positive M5, i.e. IPM module which in turn did not differ significantly with
correlation with the entire insect pest population/damage but chemical insecticidal module (M4).
found to be non-significant. Sunshine hours and rainfall also gave
positive correlation with insect pest population except percent
damaged leaves by leaf miner which was negatively correlated.
There was no any impact of abiotic factors on percent damaged
leaves by leaf miner and larval population of Helicoverpa. The
wind velocity gave positive and significant correlation with the
population of mirid bug as natural enemies. Sarangdevot et al.
(2010) reported that aphid population was significantly negatively
correlated with mean temperature and positively correlated with
relative humidity which supports the present investigation.
Efficacy of pest management modules against sucking insect-
pests of tomato: The IPM module played significant role in
controlling population of aphid (2.1 leaf-1), and whitefly (2.4 leaf-1).
Besides pest management, population of mirid bug (0.8 plant-1) as
natural enemy also flourished in IPM module (Fig. 2). Though, sole Fig. 2. Mean population of insect pest of tomato in diffrenet treatments/
application of insecticides was equally effective (2.20 aphids leaf-1 modules. LSD (P=0.05) valued for aphid, whitefly, Helicoverpa and Leaf
and 2.48 whitefly leaf-1) as compared to IPM module. It drastically miner, mirid bug are 0.06, 0.15, 0.05, 0.04, respectively.
Population dynamics and management of insect pests of tomato 153
Table 3. Details of pest management modules used for the management of major insect pests of tomato
Module Components and practices of Concentration Time of application Source
respective modules used
M1 1. Trap crop (marigold 2 rows/5 rows of 25 days old seedlings of marigold and Hath and Das (2005);
tomato) 40 days old seedling of tomato were Sushil et al. (2006)
2. Collection and disposal of immature stages transplanted together
of Helicoverpa armigera Hubner At weekly intervals commencing from
and infested tomato fruits transplanting
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