Lesson 1: A Perspective On Enrepreneuship
Lesson 1: A Perspective On Enrepreneuship
Lesson 1: A Perspective On Enrepreneuship
What is Entrepreneurship?
Entrepreneurship refers to the economic activity of a person who starts, manages, and assumes the risk of a
business enterprise.
The Entrepreneurial Mind
Production Process
In the attempt to make profits, the entrepreneur performs the following specific functions:
1. to supply the necessary capital;
2. to organize production by buying and combining inputs like materials and labor;
3. to decide on the rate of output, in the light of his expectation about demand; and
4. to bear the risk inherent to the venture.
The Entrepreneurial Mind
New Ventures and long-term Enterprises
The transaction from a new venture to a successful long-term enterprise consists of at least four major stage.
1. prestart-up stage;
2. start-up stage;
3. early growth stage; and
4. late growth stage.
The Entrepreneurial Mind
Entrepreneurship and Business Size
Examples of innovations
1. offering business services during Sundays and holidays;
2. manufacture and sale of new products; and
3. selling on a deferred payment scheme.
Ask yourself:
1. Why is entrepreneurship an important component of economic development?
2. What role of does the entrepreneur play?
3. In what ways are entrepreneurs useful to suppliers?
4. Why is innovation an important entrepreneurship activity?
5. What does “innovation” consist of?