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Garcinia Xanthochymus

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British Biotechnology Journal

13(2): 1-11, 2016, Article no.BBJ.25244

ISSN: 2231–2927, NLM ID: 101616695

SCIENCEDOMAIN international

Ethnobotanical, Nutritional, Phytochemical and

Antimicrobial Studies of Garcinia xanthochymus
Fruit Extracts
Prabir Murmu1, Sanjeet Kumar1, Jayanta Kumar Patra2,3*, Nihar Ranjan Singh1
and Sakti Kanta Rath1*
School of Life Sciences, Ravenshaw University, Cuttack- 753003, Odisha, India.
School of Biotechnology, Yeungnam University, Gyeongsan-712-749, Republic of Korea.
Research Institute of Biotechnology and Medical Converged Science, Dongguk University,
Ilsandong-gu, Gyeonggi-do 10326, Republic of Korea.

Authors’ contributions

This work was carried out in collaboration between all authors. Authors SKR and JKP designed the
study and wrote the first draft of manuscript. Authors PM and SK did the ethno-botanical survey and
carried out the lab work. Author NRS performed the statistical analysis. All authors read and approved
the final manuscript.

Article Information

DOI: 10.9734/BBJ/2016/25244
(1) Chan Yean Yean, Department of Medical Microbiology and Parasitology, School of Medical Sciences, Universiti Sains
Malaysia, Malaysia.
(1) Ukwubile Cletus Anes, Federal Polytechnic Bali, Nigeria.
(2) Wouyo Atakpama, University of Lome, Togo.
Complete Peer review History: http://sciencedomain.org/review-history/14242

Received 24 February 2016
Original Research Article Accepted 12th April 2016
Published 20 April 2016


Aim: An attempt has been made to document the ethnobotanical values of the fruits of
G. xanthochymus in and around the Similipal Biosphere Reserve (SBR) forest and evaluate the
nutritional, phytochemical and antimicrobial potential of fruit extracts of G. xanthochymus.
Study Design: Ethnomedicinal collection were made, followed by nutritional evaluation of the
fruits. Phytochemical analysis was carried out by qualitative method and antimicrobial activity was
Place and Duration of Study: Samples were collected from Similipal Biosphere Reserve and its
adjoining areas during 2013 to 2014. Laboratory work was done at Ravenshaw University, Cuttack.
Methodology: Ethnobotanical data collections were made mainly through semi-structured
questionnaires focusing on local name(s), present knowledge on uses as food, degree of uses,

*Corresponding author: E-mail: jkpatra.cet@gmail.com, saktirath@gmail.com;

Murmu et al.; BBJ, 13(2): 1-11, 2016; Article no.BBJ.25244

medicinal and economic values. Nutritional and qualitative phytochemical analysis was done by
standard methods. Antimicrobial activity was evaluated against two Gram-positive bacterial strains,
three Gram-negative bacterial strains and one fungal strain by disc diffusion method.
Results: Ethnobotanical survey suggested that the plant is widely used as a food or food
supplement by the tribal people as well as in treatment of various ailments like fever, stomach
problems, skin diseases and sexual disorders. Nutritional evaluation showed that the fruit was rich
in carbohydrate and starch. The qualitative phytochemical analysis revealed that the fruits are rich
in different types of bioactive compounds like saponin, tannins, alkaloid, terpenoid and phenolic
compounds. The pathogenic strains showed concentration dependent susceptibility to crude
Conclusion: The results support the traditional use of the plant parts for the treatment of bacterial
and fungal infections. However, further work on this fruit will open avenues for discovery of new
lead molecules which might be used in pharmaceutical industries.

Keywords: Anti-microbial activity; bioactive compounds; ethnobotany; food values; Garcinia


1. INTRODUCTION Andhra Pradesh, Assam, Goa, Karnataka,

Kerala, Maharashtra, Meghalaya, Odisha, Bihar,
The plant from the genus Garcinia belonging to Sikkim, Tamil Nadu, Tripura [4]. The plant is
family Clusiaceae, consists of over 200 species widely distributed throughout Odisha.
distributed in the tropical area of the world. About
35 species exist in India, many of which are The fruits have fleshy endocarp which is very
endemic and economically important with huge delicious [5]. In north eastern region of India
medicinal properties [1]. In India, Garcinia these Garcinia fruits are used for culinary
species grow extensively in the Konkan region of purposes and as folk medicine. It is rich source
Maharshtra, Goa, coastal areas of Karnatak, of oxygenated and prenylated xanthones [6,7].
Kerala and evergreen forests of Assam, Khasi, The fruits of Garcinia xanthochymus are highly
Jantia hills, Nagaland, West Bengal and Gujarat acidic, bitter taste and used as food for preparing
and Odisha [2]. Garcinia xanthochymus (Hook). pickle, chutney and flavour curries [8,9]. The
f. is a plant having good agronomic fruits are usually consumed by the aboriginals
characteristics (Plate 1). It is commonly known and tribes throughout India. In odisha, the tribes
as false Mangosteen. Botanically, it is a medium like Kandho, Gond, Santal, Soasa, Shabar,
sized, branched evergreen tree or shrub with Munda, Bhatudi and Bhunya use these Garcinia
greenish gum resins perennial up to 17cm high. xanthochymus fruits as their source of food and
Trunk rough, brown bark with white latex. livelihood. The fruit also contain several
Branches numerous, slender, decussate, phytochemicals such as xanthones, flavonoides,
horizontal and twigs distinctly angled. Leaves are saponins, tannins, alkaloids, lipids,
mostly opposite, elliptic to lanceolate and oblong. benzophenones and biflavonoids [10-13].
The leaf is pale green when young and becomes Methanol extract of Garcinia xanthochymus fruit
dark green and shiny on the upper surface and produced two new benzophenones, guttiferone H
glabrous and petiole is thick. Flowers are white, and gambogenone. These compounds play
small, solitary, fascicled, umbelled or panicled, major role for prevention of colon cancer and
polygamous or dioecious. Sepals are leathery breast cancer [13,14]. The petroleum ether and
persistent. Fruits are thin skin, berry with fleshy methanol extract of Garcinia xanthochymus fruits
rind enclosing 2-8 large pulpy seeds. Fruits are showed good activity against Staphylococcus
green in colour and turn to a deep yellow to arueus, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus faecalis,
orangey yellow colour when ripen. Garcinia and Pseudomonas aeruginosa [15]. Fungi play a
xanthochymus grows very dynamically and can vital role either directly or indirectly in our daily
adapt to a variety of soil types. This is a heavy life. Some of them are beneficial as well as
bearer and sometimes even bears two crops a harmful to us. The petroleum ether and
year. It is cultivated and has grown to be semi- methanol extracts of Garcinia xanthochymus
naturalised in condition [3]. It is distributed in fruits showed prominent activity against
Asia-temperate and tropical regions, western Trichophyton mentagrophytes, Sporotrichum
Africa, Australia, South America, and Polynesia, aureus, Aspergillus fumigatus and Candida
regions of world. In India it is distributed in albicans [13,15].

Murmu et al.; BBJ, 13(2): 1-11,, 2016; Article no.BBJ.25244

Plate 1. Photograph showing the whole plant (A) of Garcinia xanthochymus (Hook).; leaves
with the fruit (B); stem of the plant with unripe fruits in a bunch (C); and collection of fruits
from the forest of Similipal Biosphere Reserve by the tribal people for eating purpose (D)

Keeping the importance of this plant, an and peripheral regions of SBR covering randomly
investigation was made to document the selected villages of the locality. The field surveys
ethnobotanical data from peripheral
ripheral areas of were carried out in the weekly markets (H (Haat) of
Similipal Biosphere Reserve and to evaluate peripheral regions of SBR. Opinions of tribal
the nutritional, phytochemical and antimicrobial people were taken regarding the uses of
properties of Garcinia xanthochymus fruits. experimental plant species through
questionnaires. Primary data collection were
2. METHODOLOGY made mainly through semi-structured
questionnaires (Passport Data Form) focusing on
2.1 Collection of Ethnobotanical Data local name(s), collecting season(s), present
knowledge on use(s), mode of use(s), part(s) of
The field work was conducted with the t rural and the plant used, degree of wildness, economic
tribal communities of Similipal Biosphere values, change in collecting pattern over time,
Reserve and its adjoining areas during 2013 to possible threats and potential of the experimental
2014. The methodological frameworks for the plants. A clear expression of consent was
ethno botanical study, were as per the standard obtained from the informants before the interview
techniques of exploration and germplasm to provide information on elaborating the aim of
collection [16], qualitative
tative and quantitative ethno-
ethno the study as per the guidelines and code of
biological approaches in the field, interviews, ethics of International Society of Ethnobiology
elicitation methods, data collection and further (ISE 2006). To elicit food values and
authentication [17,18]. Intensive and extensive ethnobotanical
thnobotanical information from the informants,
field surveys were done in different landscapes two methods were adopted, such as (1) open- open
and micro-ecological niches across s forest types, ended and semi-structured
structured interviews for
adjoining valleys, homesteads, kitchen gardens, qualitative data collection and (2) Structured
farm lands, fallow lands etc. in the core, buffer interview using the predetermined questionnaire.

Murmu et al.; BBJ, 13(2): 1-11, 2016; Article no.BBJ.25244

2.2 Collection of Plant Materials sulphoxide) were applied in the plate. The activity
is determined by the measurement of diameter of
Fruit of Garcinia xanthocymus were collected inhibitory zone in mm after incubation at 37 ºC
from Similipal Biosphere Reserve and was for 24 h. Only the solvent (DMSO) was poured
identified by second author (Reference into the disc in another set of plates as part of
herbarium specimen Voucher no. 2764-rprc, negative control. The positive control set
RPRC, India). consisted of standard antibiotics like Kanamycin,
Neomycin, Gentamycin and Gatifloxacin. Zones
2.3 Preparation of Fruit Extracts of inhibition, free of microbial growth appeared
around each disc in the form of clear rings, which
Successive solvent extraction procedure was confirmed the antimicrobial activity of the
used to prepare different solvent extracts of the respective extracts. Those extracts which did not
fruit by taking 50 ml each of the solvent (Hexane, have any inhibitory effect on the microbe did not
acetone, ether, methanol, butanol and aqueous) form any clear ring. The cleared zone around
on the basis of their polarity using Soxhlet each disc was measured and average diameter
apparatus. 50 g of powdered fruit was fed into was taken. Results were presented as triplicates
the apparatus for each extraction. Extracts were of mean with SEM.
collected with acetone, hexane, petroleum ether
and water after 5-6 siphons. The extracts were
then dried over a period of 24 hours at room Ethnobotanical survey about the plant along with
temperature. The dried samples were then the documentation of medicinal uses (Table 1,
weighed and stored. Plate 1) clearly indicates that Garcinia
xanthochymus fruit is widely used as a food or
2.4 Estimation of Biochemical and food supplement by the tribal people of Similipal
Phytochemical Analysis and its adjoining areas. The fruit as a whole or its
extracts are used in treatment of various ailments
Biochemical analysis and qualitative analysis like fever, stomach problems, skin diseases and
was done using the standard methods [19-22]. sexual disorders. The plant is also used in
treatment of various ailments of livestock. In
2.5 Microbial Strains addition to the above uses, the fruits are also
used in batter system i.e. tribal exchange the
The microbial strains employed in the study fruits of this plant for other commodities in the
included Vibrio cholera (MTCC 3909), market. Hence, results of ethnobotanical survey
Salmonella typhimurium (MTCC 1252), Shiegella indicate that Garcinia xanthochymus fruit exhibits
flexneri (MTCC 1457), Streptococcus pyogenes potential to be treated as a source of medicines
(MTCC 1926), Streptococcus mutans (MTCC along with high nutritive value.
497) and Candida parapsilosis (MTCC 2513)
procured from IMTECH, Chandigarh. All strains The forest of Similipal is among the most
were maintained on nutrient agar slants. The first luxuriant and valuable forest of the state. It
three are Gram negative strains, the second two harbours a rich flora of 1076 species of vascular
are Gram positive and the last one is a fungus. plants which includes 93 species of Orchids, 52
species of rare and endangered plants and more
2.6 Antimicrobial Activity Assay Using than 300 species of medicinal plants [24]. There
Disc Diffusion Methods are 61 villages within the biosphere reserve and
1200 villages all around within a distance of 10
Disc diffusion method [23] was followed to test km from the periphery. The tribal population of
the antimicrobial activity of various extracts SBR mainly includes Santal, Kolha, Bathudi,
against the five bacterial strains and one fungal Kharias, Mankadias, Gond and Ho. They depend
strain. Nutrient agar plates were prepared as per solely on the surrounding forest for most of their
manufacturer’s instructions. 100 µL of nutrient requirement from food to medicines. The
broth cultures of the test microbes prepared a indigenous traditional knowledge of medicinal
day before were poured over the plates uniformly plants has been transmitted orally for centuries.
and a lawn culture was prepared using a sterile This practice is slowly becoming extinct, due to
spreader in a laminar hood. After drying (not changes in traditional culture and introduction of
more than 15mins), Watman (No.1) paper disc of modern technologies. Hence, these traditional
6cm diameter, containing 10 µL of crude fruit practices need proper documentation. Limited
extracts dissolved in 100% DMSO (dimethyl studies on ethnomedicinal uses of medicinal

Murmu et al.; BBJ, 13(2): 1-11, 2016; Article no.BBJ.25244

plants from Similipal have been reported [25,26]. Phytochemicals are major components
However, the present study gives information responsible for bioactivity potential and hence it
about the ethnomedicinal uses of Garcinia has become all the more important to determine
xanthochymus from Similipal. Ethnobotanical the phytochemical constituents in plants.
uses of this plant have not been documented Production of a variety of phytochemicals
earlier from Similipal. Nutritional analysis of raw through development of various physiological
fruit of G. xanthochymus was carried out to mechanism, are the most successful adaptation
evaluate the quantity of carbohydrate, starch, of plants by which they protect themselves from
total oil and saponin present. Raw fruits were biotic and abiotic stresses [29]. The metabolites
macerated and evaluated for the presence of belonging to a variety of chemical classes like
nutrients. Raw fruit was found to contain 11.44% aliphatic alcohols, starch, amino acids,
carbohydrate, 9.06% starch, 1.64% total oil and carbohydrates, carotenoids, hydrocarbons, free
28.04% saponin (Fig. 1). High carbohydrate and fatty acids, lipids, phorbol esters, phenolics and
starch content attribute to the high nutritional related compound, steroids, tannins, terpenes
value of the fruit. Manohar et al., (2014) [27] and related compounds have been characterized
have reported that 2.35% ash, 45.22 % from medicinal plants [30]. The curative
carbohydrate and 6.93% protein are present in properties of medicinal plants are perhaps due to
Garcinia xanthochymus. Garcinia xanthochymus the presence of various secondary metabolites
seeds contain about 29.4% saponin [28]. Both like alkaloids, flavonoids, glycosides, phenols,
primary and secondary metabolites are saponins, sterols etc. [31]. Sodipo et al. [32]
necessary for normal metabolism and defense of reported that saponins are special class of
the plant respectively. glycosides that have been shown to be antifungal
agent. Flavonoids are currently of growing
Different extracts (aqueous, acetone, methanol, interest owing to their supposed properties in
hexane, butanol and ether) of fruits of G. promoting health [33]. Steroidal compounds are
xanthochymus were screened for presence of of importance and interest in pharmacy due to
various phytochemicals like saponin, tannin, their relationship with such compounds as sex
flavonoid, alkaloid, phenol, steroid and terpenoid hormones [34]. Tanins are responsible for many
and the result are presented in Table 2. Except physiological activities like stimulation of
hexane extract all the solvents showed the phagocytic cells, host mediated tumor activity
presence of almost all phytochemicals. Hexane and anti-infective actions in humans [35].
extract did not show the presence of any Alkaloids are associated with cytotoxicity in
phytochemicals. Steroid and terpenoid were physiological systems [36]. Isolated plant
absent in aqueous, acetone and petroleum ether alkaloids and their synthetic derivatives are used
extract. Similarly, phenolic compounds and for their analgesic, anti-spasmodiac and
steroids were absent in butanol extract. bactericidal effects [37].







Oil Starch Carbohydrate Saponin

Fig. 1. Approximate nutritional composition (in %) of Garcinia xanthochymus fruit

Murmu et al.; BBJ, 13(2): 1-11, 2016; Article no.BBJ.25244

Table 1. Ethnomedicinal values of Garcinia xanthochymus (fruits) collected from selected villages of Mayurbhanj

Village Block Races Age (Sex) of Local name(s) Food values Ethnomedicinal values Commercial value
person enquired
Sialinai Jashipur Santal Male (48) Pita ambo Fruits are eaten mostly Used in diarrhoea This fruit rarely available and
by monkeys and birds so it has less demand in the
local market.
Tulsibani Jashipur Santal Male (65) Gaaliyam Fruits and seeds are Fruits are used against stomach Selling the fruit in tribal
edible problems markets.
Durdura Jashipur Santal Male (75) Mithuul Fruits are used in The latex of fruit used as Fruits are exchanged for other
making pickle medicine for curing wound and commodities.
other skin diseases
Podagoda Jashipur Kolho Male (75) Gansargi Fruits are edible. Oil of Fruits are used as medicine in Fruits are exchanged for other
seeds are edible sexual disorders commodities.
Mohanpur Jashipur Santal Male (65) Gurchi Fruits are edible Grinding fruit and mix with rice Fruits are exchanged for other
water (pejo). It is then given to commodities.
goats for curing fever.
Burndeiposi Jashipur Bathudi Male (71) Pinar Fruits are edible Use as medicine for curing Fruits are exchanged for other
pakulia disease of cattle. commodities.
Jamuani Jashipur Gond Female (35) Kaadu Tribal people use the Wound healing Fruits are exchanged for other
seeds and fruits for commodities.
preparation of jaau
Kundagoda Jashipur Santal Male (78) Makolul Fruits are edible Tribal people use bark of the Fruits are exchanged for other
plant for homeopathic medicine. commodities.

Murmu et al.; BBJ, 13(2): 1-11, 2016; Article no.BBJ.25244

Antimicrobial activity is an important aspect of The bacterial and fungal strains selected in the
bioactivity studies of medicinal plant extracts. study are responsible for causing many diseases
Antimicrobial activity has been performed by disc in humans. Vibrio cholerae causes cholera, a
diffusion method. Gram positive bacteria, gram severe diarrheal disease [39]. Shigella flexnerii
negative bacteria and a fungus were employed in causes diarrhea, dysentery, fever, nausea,
determining the antimicrobial activity. The vomiting and stomach cramps [40]. Antimicrobial
antimicrobial activity of fruit extract of activity might be due to the active components
G. xanthochymus showed prominent zones of present in the extracts. However the
inhibition against Vibrio cholera (MTCC 3906), antimicrobial activity varies with plant species.
Salmonella typhimurium (MTCC 1252), Shigella Such activity might be due to distribution of
flexnerii (MTCC 1457), Streptococcus pyrogens antimicrobial substances, which varied from
(MTCC 1926), Streptococcus mutans (MTCC species to species [41]. The antimicrobial activity
1497) and Candida parapsilosis (MTCC 2513) at of plant extracts may be attributed to the
different concentrations. The antimicrobial presence of phytochemicals like alkaloids,
activity in terms of zones of inhibition showed tannins, flavonoids etc present in the extracts
that the extracts were active against a wide [42]. These findings have great practical
range of microorganisms and also their activity applications in the recent times as infectious
varies with response to dose. The activities of the diseases are leading cause of death worldwide.
extracts were compared with standard antibiotics Use of antibiotics is the only solution to this
(Tables 3-6, Figs. 2-3). Goel et al. [15] have problem. Further, indiscriminate use of antibiotics
reported that the petroleum ether and methanol has led to the development of antimicrobial
extracts of Garcinia xanthochymus fruits showed resistance to drugs which has forced the search
prominent activity against Staphylococcus for new antimicrobial substances from various
arueus, Escherichia coli, Streptococcus faecalis, sources [43]. Thus the present study revealed
and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Similarly the great potential of the studied plant and its
Streptococcus faecalis showed the highest part (fruit) for the discovery of antimicrobial
degree of inhibition and Candida albicans substances which may find its application for
showed less inhibition in petroleum ether and microbial infections. However, further studies are
methanol extracts of Garcinia xanthochymus required in this direction to identify the active
fruits [38]. Our study suggests that other solvent principles (lead molecules) responsible for
extracts are also active against not only bacteria significant bioactivity and isolation and
but also fungus. Also the antimicrobial activity is characterization of compounds of this plant.
dose dependent.
Table 2. Phytochemical screening of Garcinia xanthochymus fruit
Solvents Phytochemicals
Saponin Tannin Flavonoid Alkaloid Phenolic compound Steriod Terpenoid
Aqueous + + + + + - -
Acetone + + + + + - -
Methanol + + + + - - +
Hexane - - - - - - -
n-butanol + + + + - - +
Petroleum ether + + + + + - -
‘+’- detected. ‘- not detected

Table 3. Zone of inhibition of antibiotics using antibiotic discs

Strains Inhibition zones in diameter (mm)*
Kanamycin Neomycin Gentamycin Gatifloxacin
Vibrio cholera 16.33±1.53 21.33±0.58 26.67±0.58 43.00±0.00
(MTCC 3906)
Salmonella typhimurium 15.67±0.58 21.33±0.58 26.33±0.58 41.33±0.58
(MTCC 1252)
Shigella flexnerii 17.33±0.58 21.67±0.58 27.00±0.00 42.33±0.58
(MTCC 1457)
Streptococcus pyrogens 17.67±0.58 21.67±0.58 28.33±0.58 42.33±0.58
(MTCC 1926)
Streptococcus mutans 17.33±0.58 22.67±0.58 26.00±1.00 42.33±1.15
(MTCC 1497)
*Data expressed as mean value ± standard deviation

Murmu et al.; BBJ, 13(2): 1-11, 2016; Article no.BBJ.25244

Table 4. Antimicrobial activity of fruit extracts of G. xanthochymus using disc diffusion

method (1000 µg/ml)
Extracts Salmonella Shigella Vibrio Streptococcus Streptococcus Candida
typhimurium flexnerii cholera pyrogens mutans parapsilosis
(MTCC 1252) (MTCC (MTCC (MTCC 1926) (MTCC 1497) (MTCC 2513)
1457) 3906)
Petroleum 1.5±0.057* 0.8±0.1 1.4±0.115 0.8±0.1 1.4± 0.057 1.5±0.057
Acetone 0.8±0.1 0.9±0.1 0.7±0.1 0.9±0.1 0.7 ±0.1 0.8±0.1
n-Hexane 0.8±0.1 0.9±0.1 0.8±0.1 0.7 ±0 0.9±0.1 0.8±0.1
Aqueous 0.7 ±0.1 0.8±0.1 0.7 ±0 1.5±0.057 0.9±0.1 0.9±0.1
*Data expressed as mean value ± standard deviation

Table 5. Antimicrobial activity of fruit extracts of G. xanthochymus using disc diffusion

method (500 µg/ml)
Extracts Salmonella Shigella Vibrio Streptococcus Streptococcus Candida
typhimurium flexnerii cholera pyrogens mutans parapsilosis
(MTCC 1252) (MTCC 1457) (MTCC (MTCC 1926) (MTCC 1497) (MTCC
3906) 2513)
Petroleum 1.2±0.1* 0.8±0.1 1.4±0.051 0.8±0.057 1.4±0.1 0.8±0.1
Acetone 0.8±0.152 0.7±0.1 0.7±0.057 0.8±0.1 0.7±0.057 0.7±0.1
n-Hexane 0.7±0.152 0.7±0.152 0.7±0.1 0.7±0.057 0.7±0.115 0.7±0.057
Aqueous 0.7±0.115 0.8±0.057 0.7±0.152 0.7±0.115 0.9±0.057 0.8±0.115
*Data expressed as mean value ± standard deviation

Fig. 2. Antimicrobial activity of fruit extracts of G. xanthochymus using disc diffusion method

a b

Fig. 3. Antimicrobial activity of Petroleum ether and Acetone extract of Garcinia xanthochymus
fruit in three different concentration. 1) 1000 µg/ml. 2) 500 µg/ml. 3) 250 µg/ml. against
a. Streptococcus pyogenes b. Streptococcus mutans

Murmu et al.; BBJ, 13(2): 1-11, 2016; Article no.BBJ.25244

Table 6. Antimicrobial activity of fruit extracts of G. xanthochymus using disc diffusion

method (250 µg/ml)

Extracts Salmonella Shigella Vibrio Streptococcus Streptococcus Candida

typhimurium flexnerii cholera pyrogens mutans parapsilosis
(MTCC 1252) (MTCC (MTCC (MTCC 1926) (MTCC 1497) (MTCC 2513)
1457) 3906)
Petroleum 1.0±0.1* 0.8±0.057 1.3±0.1 0.8±0.057 1.2±0.057 0.8±0.1
Acetone NI NI NI NI 0.7±0.1 NI
n-Hexane 0.7±0.057 0.7± 0.057 0.7±0.152 0.9±0.1 0.7±0.152 0.8±0.152
Aqueous 0.7±0.057 0.8±0.1 0.7±0.1 0.7±0.152 0.9±0.152 0.7±0.1
*Data expressed as mean value ± standard deviation; NI- No Inhibition

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