Convolution Study On Lansoprazole Delayed-Release Capsules - Application of Similarity Factor To in - Vitro Dissolution
Convolution Study On Lansoprazole Delayed-Release Capsules - Application of Similarity Factor To in - Vitro Dissolution
Convolution Study On Lansoprazole Delayed-Release Capsules - Application of Similarity Factor To in - Vitro Dissolution
Received on 20 July, 2014; received in revised form, 11 September, 2014; accepted, 01 December, 2014; published 01 March, 2015
degradation of three PPIs including lansoprazole in product is manufactured by Novartis with a solo
buffer phosphate media with different pH ranges of strength of 15 mg in 14, 28 and 42 capsules per
3, 4, 5, 6 and 7.5, at 37 using differential pulse package 9, 13. Nowadays, there are three more OTC
polarography to quantify proton pump inhibitors lansoprazole 15 mg by DR REDDYS Labs Ltd,
and their degradation products in a current-time PERRIGO R&D, and WOCKHAR Ltd., available
manner. They found that as the pH of the medium in the market.
increases, the degradation rates of proton pump
inhibitors decrease. Also they found that Although the formulation is product specific, one
lansoprazole degraded at pH up to 6 while it was of the empirical formulations has been published 15.
stable at pH 7.5 11. Briefly described, lansoprazole was added into a
medium to spray coat on sugar spheres (Figure 1a
Due to the acid labile nature of lansoprazole, many & 1b). After being dried in the same spray coater,
commercial products are formulated as enteric- the drug beads were further enteric coated with
coated pellets (15 mg, 30 mg) byDR REDDYS methacrylic acid and polyacrylate 14 in the case of
Labs Ltd., MATRIX Labs Ltd., SANDOZ, Rx brand lansoprazole DR capsules and
TAKEDA Pharms NA, and TEVA Pharms. methacrylic acid copolymer in the case of OTC
TAKEDA Pharms NA, and TEVA Pharms also brand lansoprazole DR capsules (Figure 1c)
marketed this drug as DR orally disintegrating according to the ingredients listed in the package
tablets 12. In 2009, the only OTC lansoprazole inserts.
can be used in this situation to explore the defect in mg) of lansoprazole reference standard was
the MR formulation coming from concomitant dissolved in 0.1 M HCl or phosphate buffer pH 6.8.
alcohol administration 18. Each medium contained 0.3% sodium dodecyl
sulfate based on the suggestion in the lansoprazole
Therefore, the overall project goal can be divided monograph. Samples were scanned using a UV-
into three aspects. First, it was to propose a three Vis Spectrophotometer from 190 nm to 700 nm to
pH stage study (0.1 M HCl, phosphate buffer pH identify the optimal wavelength at 285 nm.
4.0 and pH 6.5) to investigate lansoprazole 15 mg
DR capsules. The current USP-NF 19 guidelines Standard curve in each study medium which
were to test in 0.1 M HCl for 1 hr and then progress correlated between the responses of absorbance or
to phosphate buffer pH 6.8 for another hour. AUC to a series of known concentrations in the
Second, it was aimed to examine the OTC product working range (2, 8, 20, 40 μg/mL) was built. In
of lansoprazole 15 mg DR capsules would have addition to the acid stage medium (0.1 M HCl),
similar dissolution and simulated absorption profile Lansoprazole was spiked in three media to make
to the Rx lansoprazole 15 mg DR Capsules. In into four concentrations respectively to construct
order to achieve this aim,the USP dissolution standard curves. They were (1) lansoprazole in
apparatus 2, the U.S.FDA similarity factor (f2), phosphate buffer pH 6.8, (2) lansoprazole in
two-tail t-student test, lansoprazole IV plasma phosphate buffer pH 6.8 containing 5% alcohol and
concentration time data retrieved from the literature (3) lansoprazole in phosphate buffer pH 6.8
(30)and convolution study using Kinetica 2000 containing 11.5% alcohol. The standard
would have to apply. preparations were then quantified using UV
spectrophotometer as well as HPLC
Out of the general concern regarding the potential simultaneously.
effect of alcoholic beverage might alter drug
release from an oral formulation is, the third aim of The detection of the AUC in HPLC method and the
this project was to examine dissolution profile of absorbance in UV method were conducted in the
the OTC product containing alcohol vs. no alcohol. same wavelength, 285 nm to establish the
Two common alcoholic drinks are 5 % representing correlation between these two methods. The HPLC
beer and 11.5 % representing white and red conditions adopted from USP-NF 2014 20 were: (1)
wines20.Since we could not test all beer and wine acetonitrile, water, and triethylamin (40:60:1),
products available in the market, alcohol USPwas adjusted to pH 7.0 with phosphoric acid as the
used in our laboratory to prepare into simulated mobile phase, (2) 150 × 4.6 mm, 5 µm C18, 37oC
beer and wine. were the column type and temperature, (3) flow
rate 1.2 mL/min, (4) run time 10 min, (5) detecting
METHODS: wavelength 285 nm and (6) injection volume 50
Market products: microliters.
Prescription (Rx) Prevacid 15mg delayed-release
capsules (Takeda Pharmaceuticals) were ordered In vitro dissolution study: the USP two-stage and
from Cardinal Health (Dublin, OH) while OTC our proposed three-stage:
PREVACID 24 HR 15 mg (Novartis, lots 101493, In acid stage, each vessel of the USP dissolution
110158, 110179, 110538) was purchased from two apparatus 2 was filled with 500 mL of 0.1 N HCl
different local pharmacies in Boston, MA. preheated to 37oC19. One capsule of Prescription
(Rx) Prevacid15mg DR capsules (Takeda
Chemicals and reagents: Pharmaceuticals) or a capsule of OTC PREVACID
Lansoprazole USP (lot C142353) was ordered from PCCA
24 HR 15 mg 12
(Houston TX).
was Hydrochloric
loaded into the
mL 36.5
of 0.1- 38%), ace
M HCl dissolution medium maintained at 37 C
Standard preparation to calculate the sample stirring at 75 rpm for 60 min. Eight mL of samples
concentrations: were collected at 20, 40 and 60 min for quantifying
Standard preparation was adopted from the USP37- the drug release in the acid stage. In buffer stage,
NF32 19. Briefly described, a known quantity (10 8.175 g of monobasic sodium phosphate, 3.525 g of
sodium hydroxide, and 1.5 g sodium dodecyl Both were 15 mg in strength (n = 6) with the
sulfate were dissolved in deionized water to make plasma concentration time profile for IV bolus
into 0.5 L of buffer concentrate. Four hundred and administration retrieved from a publication of
twenty-five mL of this buffer was added to the Gerloff et al.25 (Figure 2).It was performed by
remaining 475 mL of acid stage solution, 0.1 N entering the cumulative drug release of in vitro
HCl, in each vessel with pH adjusted to 6.8, with dissolution of a study lansoprazole product into the
either phosphoric acid or sodium hydroxide. The OS (standing for by mouth) spreadsheet of the
apparatus operation condition 21-24 remained the software and the plasma concentration time profile
same as the acid stage (75 rpm, 37oC and 60 min) of lansoprazole intravenous bolus retrieved from
according to the USP dissolution guideline in the literature.
Lansoprazole monograph 19, but we voluntarily
increased the run time of the Rx product in the Alcoholic Beverage Effect on Lansoprazole DR
buffer stage for additional 60 min because the Capsules:
release was found not completed by the end of The USP dissolution apparatus 2 was used to study
buffer stage set by the compendium. the alcoholic beverage effect on the lansoprazole
release from its OTC brand of DR capsules.
The Acid stage preparation of our three stage in
vitro dissolution study was the same as the USP Medium preparations of laboratory simulated
Method. In Buffer stage 1, we added 125 mL of beer and wine:
simulated duodenum buffer concentrate which Alcohol USP of 13.16 mL was mixed with water to
contained 5.13 g tribasic sodium phosphate and make into 250 mL to simulate a glass of beer
1.5g of sodium dodecyl sulfate to the remaining (which contains 5% alcohol). Alcohol USP of
solution in the vessel of acid stage to bring pH to 30.26 mL was mixed with water to make into 250
4.5 and let the USP dissolution apparatus 2 stir at mL to mimic a cup of red or white wine (which
75 rpm for 15 min to simulate the retention time of contains 11.5% alcohol). 250 mL of water was
capsule pelletsin duodenum. In Buffer stage 2, 0.44 prepared to simulate the administration of a DR
g of NaOH was dissolved in 300 mL deionized capsule with water as the reference group. The
water to adjust dissolution medium to pH 6.5 to simulating beer, simulating wine or water of 250
simulate the jejunum environment and stirred at the mL was further mixed with 250 mL of 0.1 M HCl
same rate until all capsule pellets were dissolved. to load into a dissolution vessel of the USP
dissolution apparatus 2.
Convolution study:
Convolution program in Kinetica 2000TM (Inna The Acid stage study was then conducted at 75 rpm
Phase) was used to convolute the mean values of in with temperature maintained at 37oC and the
vitro dissolution data for the two commercial duration for 1 h. Eight mL of medium was
products: Rx Prevacid DR capsules and the OTC collected at 20 m 40 and 60 min with
PREVACID 24 HR. replenishment of fresh medium. The Buffer stage
medium preparation, operation condition, and
sampling time were the same as those described in
the Section 2.4: In vitro dissolution study.
should be rejected when the f2 value is less than 50
f 2 50 log1 1 / n R T 100 26
t 1
(Eq. 1) RESULTS:
In vitro dissolution study: the USP two-stage vs.
Where f2 is similarity factor, our proposed three-stage: 2.46% of lansoprazole
n: time points, was released from a 15-mg Prevacid capsule in the
Acid stage and completely released (108.2%) in the
R: cumulative percent of the alcohol free sample as Buffer stage medium, pH 6.8 (n = 7, Figure 3a).
reference at the time point, Using our proposed three-stage method with four
T: cumulative percent of the alcoholic beverage sampling points: 30 min and 60 min in acidic stage,
(test) sample at the time point. 15 min at pH 4.5 and 15 min at pH 6.5, it was
found 2.77% of a 15 mg Prevacid capsule was
The f2 value is the average sum of squares of the released in acidic pH, while 94.9% was released in
difference between test and reference profiles and duodenum pH (pH 4.5) in 15 min, and the release
fits the result between 0 and 100. A critical value of was completed in jejunum pH (pH 6.5) within
50 is derived for similarity of dissolution profiles. additional 15 min (n = 6, Figure 3b). Since the
If the f2 value is between 50 and 100, this suggests proposal has not yet gained recognition by the
that the dissolution profiles are similar. A f2 value USP37-NF32, 2014 19, because only one
of 100 suggests that the test and reference releases pharmaceutical product (Prevacid 15 mg delayed-
are identical, and as the value becomes smaller the release capsule by Taketa) was studied, the present
dissimilarity between two release profiles project proceeded with the dissolution method
increases. Thus, the release from a test product listed in the compendium.
The In vitro dissolution study between Rx and However, the drug release at the end of 1 h buffer
OTC products: stage study were 101.2 % ± 10.72 % for the OTC
The percentage dissolved versus time profile of Rx brand and 94.33 % ± 5.59 % for Rx brand. The
and OTC lansoprazole DR capsules products Buffer stage of the Rx brand was thus further
suggested that there was almost no drug release in extended for an additional hour and the drug
Acid stage as the dosage form designed for (1.21 % release was finally completed with the results of
± 1.14 % for OTC product and 2.82 % ± 1.74 % for 107.35 % ± 1.93 % (n = 6, Figure 4).
the Rx productat the end of one h, n = 6, Figure 5).
PRODUCTS. (a) After the Rx brand product and OTC
product being taken by mouth, the drug concentration of the
Rx brand product was predicted to reach its C max at 0.4
mcg/mL in about 1 h and 20 min, while the OTC product
reached its Cmax between 1 h 40 min to 2 h. (b) The maximal (c)
absorption rate was predicted as 30.9 mg/h for the Rx brand
and 26.1 mg/h for the OTC brand (see text)
intermediate compound which leads to the To assure the quality of the release profile,
formation of lansoprazole dimer. To prevent this dissolution studies are conducted and the FDA
interaction form occurring in the stomach, similarity factor f2 are compared. Also to make sure
lansoprazole is thus formulated as enteric coated that different brands of the same formulations can
beads with a pH sensitive polymer 9, 13-14. provide similar pharmacokinetic parameters such as
C max, t max and absorption profiles, these dissolution
But two questions related to formulation were raised experiments can provide a great insight to these
here. First, both Eudragit L100-55 and Eudragit parameters. We cannot say that the method that was
L100 17 have been used as enteric coating ingredient. advised by the USP to analyze the dissolution
As seen in Figure 1c, this pro-drug degraded linearly samples of lansoprazole by the UV
while the formation of dimer increased linearly when spectrophotometer is invalid just because the HPLC
it was allowed to be exposed to this pH 6.0 longer. gave us different or more accurate results. The
rational is that in the dissolution apparatus, these is
Therefore, Eudragit L100 (dissolution threshold at more chance for this pro-drug to degrade unlike what
pH 6.0) should be better than Eudragit L100-55 would happen in vivo.
(dissolution threshold at pH 5.5). Second, have the
commercial products been formulated into delayed In other words, lansoprazole is classified as class II
release followed by immediate release (DR-then-IR) drugs, which means it is going to be absorbed rapidly
or delayed release followed by extended release once it is released in the small intestine. As a result,
(DR-then-ER) based on the drug release pattern? the susceptibility of lansoprazole to breakdown in
Two reasons led us to believe that it is DR-then-ER vivo will be lower than in the in vitro dissolution
were (1) the biological half-life of lansoprazole is 1.1 study. That means less amount of its byproducts will
hr, (2) PREVACID 24 HR 15 mg is marketed for interfere with the UV reading. Therefore, UV is
once a day, the release is expected to be in aslow and suitable for quantifying the dissolution samples of
extended manner after the enteric coat is dissolved. this BCS class II drug. Our finding is consistent with
But Figures 2a and 2b suggest that lansoprazole was the analytical tool listed in Lansoprazole monograph
formulated as DR-then-IR based on the release of USP-NF 2014 19. However, ultra performance of
pattern. We further explored the rationale of making liquid chromatography (UPLC) would be an even
into DR-then-IR through literature search. better too if available.
Based on the study of Beel et al.30, once lansoprazole CONCLUSION: The project examined the
reaches the parietal cells from the systemic absorbance wavelengths of the two-phase in vitro
circulation, it will block the ATPase enzyme, thus dissolution study for lansoprazole and found 288 nm
reduce the secretion of protons into the stomach with was more sensitive than the 331 nm. Both
the half-life of 22 hr. Thus, it is reasonable to wavelengths are superior to 306 nm which is
fabricate the beads into DR-then-IR pattern instead suggested in USP-NF for the acid stage. Both our
of DR-then-ER by suspending lansoprazole in a study and the USP-NF 2013 agree that 285 nm is the
medium to spray on sugar spheres. Once dry, they suitable detecting wavelength for lansoprazole in the
were further coated with an enteric coat 14. buffer stage dissolution study. Correlating the
detective strength between ultraviolet/visual
Any small change in the formulation of such spectroscopy and HPLC showed linearity. However,
products could result in variation of the bio- UV spectrophotometer only reported the sum
pharmaceutical properties. Dissolution test is an absorbance of drug and its degradant, while HPLC
important tool to understand the release behavior of was able to quantify them individually. The two-
various pharmaceutical formulations and the effect stage in vitro drug release profiles between Rx and
of alcohol on these formulations 12, 17, 27, 28. The OTC lansoprazole products were compared. There
appropriate selection of an analytical method, such was almost no release between the two products in
as ultraviolet spectrophotometry or high performance the acidic stage, 0.1 N HCl (1.21±1.14% for OTC
liquid chromatography for in vitro dissolution study product and 2.82±1.74 for Rx brand, n = 6 each).
plays major role in the accuracy of the data. This finding adheres to the claim of the dosage form
design as delayed release capsule. Nevertheless, assay. To avoid this problem, UPLC instead of
judging from the time course of in vitro dissolution HPLC should be tried in the future.
study and the convolution study combining the data
collected in the lab with the plasma concentration It should be noted that fermented alcoholic
time profile of the IV bolus retrieved from literature beverages, such as beer and wine, could increase
, the Rx release the drug slightly faster in the buffer gastric acid secretions 33. Therefore, peptic ulcer
stage reflecting that this product possibly was patients should avoid consumption of such
designed to target at the duodenum while the OTC beverages. Future study on whether higher alcohol
brand started drug release in duodenum and concentrations (such as two glasses or three glasses
completed its release in the proximal jejunum. of laboratory simulated wine) on lansoprazole DR
capsules may increase the chance of pre-drug release
The pharmacokinetic parameters that I obtained from in the stomach and result in drug inactivation should
convulsion study suggested that both products be conducted with an in vitro approach but not in
showed simulated plasma concentration peak that human subjects with the disease, because the
fell within the range of 1.5 to 2 h after ulcerative condition may be worsened.
administration. This finding is relevant to the range
that is obtained from the clinical studies conducted Last but not least, this project is insightful in gaining
by Freston JW et al. 31. the knowledge of pharmaceutical formulation.
Through the step-by step investigation of this dosage
In vitro dissolution study was conducted to examine form, the merit of making this pro-drug into DR-
the effect of coadministration of alcoholic beverage, then-IR beads were explored. We also comprehend
such as beer (containing 5% alcohol) or wine that although lansoprazole is more stable in pH 7.0,
(containing 11.5% alcohol), on the dissolution there is not much medium in the proximal colon for
properties of OTC enteric coated lansoprazole drug dissolution.
pellets. Our finding suggested that there was no
significant effect of the simulated cup of beer. The Therefore, targeting to the small intestine is
same study in the simulated wine quantified by UV appropriate in this case, because the drug absorption
showed the drug release in the alcohol-free medium is much effective in this region than in the colon due
was higher than the group in alcohol-containing to the presence of abundant microvilli. However, we
medium in the Buffer stage (Figure 7b), However, also identified a formulation drawback. From the
the same observation was not remarkable when the literature Eudragit L100-55 polymer was less
same sets of dissolution samples were quantified by favored than Eudragit L100 to be used in the
HPLC (Figure 7c). formulation work which dissolution threshold is pH
5.5 causing the conversion of lansoprazole into a
It was found that in addition of drug peak (which dimer more than that in pH 6.0. Since the dimer
retention time is 4.7 min in the stated HPLC cannot block the ATPase to reduce proton secretion,
method), there was an unidentified chromatographic the conversion may be reduced by properly selecting
peak (which retention time was 8.6 min) in both the Eudragit polymer in the subtype of L100.
alcohol-free and alcohol-containing groups. The
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