Vydehi School of Excellence Unit Test-Iv Portions (2019-20) Grade - V
Vydehi School of Excellence Unit Test-Iv Portions (2019-20) Grade - V
Vydehi School of Excellence Unit Test-Iv Portions (2019-20) Grade - V
(Prose) From The Box To Books
The Rat’s Feast – ASL Role play
Chapter-9 Love, Wealth And Success
Chapter-10 One Man’s Trash,Another’s Treasure
रिनात्मकलेखन औपिाररकपत्र,
अनुच्छेद लेखन,
अपरठत गद्ांश
व्याकरण स्िरऔरव्यंजन ,मात्राएँ,संयुक्तव्यंजन,
नुक्तािालेशब्द,वगनती(1-10),ििन, विलोमशब्द,ललग
4. MATHEMATICS Chapter-11 Measurement
Chapter-12 Perimeter, Area and Volume
Chapter-13 Time and Temperature
5. SCIENCE Chapter-11 Earth, Sun, and Moon
Chapter-12 Light and shadows
Chapter-13 Volcanoes, earthquake, and tidal waves
Chapter-14 Our environment
6. SOCIAL Chapter-17 The United Nations
SCIENCE Chapter-18 The British Raj and the First War Of
Chapter-19 The Struggle For Independence
Chapter-20 Gandhiji Leads The Nation
Chapter- 21 Our Government
7. COMPUTER Chapter-9 Introduction to MS Excel
SCIENCE Chapter-10 Algorithm and flow charts
Chapter -11 Network and Internet
8. KANNADA Chapter-6 Kaagadada Doni
(III Language) Chapter-7 Kalitha paata
Chapter-8 Balakiya saahasa
9. KANNADA Chapter-9 Amma
(II Language) Chapter-10 Dhreera balaka Narendra
Chapter-11 Udhaya raaga
Chapter-12 Nari – drakshi-tomato
15. GENERAL Chapter -40 Musically Inclined
KNOWLEDGE Chapter -41 Animation
Chapter -42 Star Couples
Chapter -43 It’s My Home
Chapter -44 Ladies First
Chapter -45 Paintings
Chapter -46 Family Ties
Chapter -47 On the Farm
Chapter -48 Keen Observation
Chapter -49 Mind Benders
Chapter -50 Amusement Park
Chapter -51 Time Management
Chapter -52 Self-Service
Chapter -53 Table Manners