JBT HSE Management System
JBT HSE Management System
JBT HSE Management System
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JBT Corporation is committed to the highest standard of responsibility in every activity it
undertakes to protect the environment, public health and employee safety and to comply fully
with all applicable laws and regulations.
Our commitment to protecting the environment and the health and safety of our employees and
the communities we serve worldwide represents a critical part of the core values that guide our
corporation. As part of that commitment, all JBT Corporation employees actively support
these values and strive to achieve continual and measurable improvement of all our processes
and products.
JBT actively monitors global risks and develops strategies to control exposure to our
employees. This HSE Management system is the foundation of our over risk management
plan regarding Health, Safety and Environmental challenge globally.
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This Worldwide HSE Management System applies to all JBT Corporation businesses,
including joint ventures in which JBT Corporation holds more than fifty percent share or has
operational responsibility or both.
Leadership &
1. Management Commitment & Direction
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Employee involvement and active participation in the HSE process is
critical to identifying and controlling risks. Employees are encouraged to
participate in the development of allocation of resources, policy and
procedures, correcting unsafe conditions and behaviors, reinforcing safe
behaviors, providing solutions for solving problems, action plans, and being
responsible for their own safety and that of their fellow workers.
Planning (PLAN)
3. Hazard Control and Risk Management
A. Risk Assessment
Each site will identify the risks and hazards posed to JBT
Corporation’s facilities and operations. Each business shall
endeavor to eliminate or manage risks and hazards through sound
engineering design, well-executed installation and construction, and
appropriate control systems.
Management will assure that plant and processes are operated and
maintained in a manner to protect the environment and the health
and safety of the workers and public. Critical procedures will be
documented, and management will assure the competence of the
workers to safely operate and maintain facilities.
Risks are evaluated based off an internal Risk Matrix. This process
evaluated probability vs. risk exposure and directs appropriate action
to prioritize, mitigate and control risks. Risk control followed a
hierarchy involving the priority of Engineering out the risk,
followed by Administrative controls and as a last resort issuing
Personal Protective Equipment.
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Provisions must be made for furnishing personal protective
equipment (PPE) to employees at those operations where potential
risks and/or exposures have not been eliminated or controlled
through engineering design and revision. Whenever PPE are
provided, procedures must be adopted to ensure that the equipment
will be used as required and meets regulatory requirements. Local
policies should be developed relating to the
purchase of approved equipment only, and the maintenance of an
adequate supply with replacement parts, whenever practical, with
instructions on the issuance, use, care and replacement of such
C. Management of Change
Each facility will assure that all personnel, as appropriate, understand and
comply with all HSE laws, regulations and ordinances relevant to their
operations and activities. Every business unit and facility will maintain
all necessary permits, licenses and other approvals or registrations, in
current and operative status. Each business unit and facility will maintain
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documentation of compliance with applicable HSE laws, regulations and
Implementation (D0)
5. Education & Training
6. HSE Communications
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HSE meetings shall be used to communicate HSE issues and train
employees. The frequency of the meetings shall be based on the needs
of the facility. The results of the meetings shall be documented.
HSE rules and procedures shall be established and made available to all
employees. Also departmental rules and procedures shall be established
based on the safe operation and handling of specific equipment, process
jobs or machines. These rules and procedures should be developed
based on site job requirements and any applicable regulatory
requirements. All HSE rules and procedures should have significant
employee input.
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Emergency equipment shall be adequate for the facility and maintained
in working order.
Every facility shall provide appropriate medical treatment for all work-
related illnesses and injuries. Appropriate medical approval shall be
required to return to work following an extended illness or injury. A
light duty/return-to-work program shall be established at all sites.
Post offer, post incident and random substance abuse testing programs
shall be established at all sites unless prohibited by law.
Each facility shall establish a program for addressing health issues for
employees who travel to regions of the world where there is a risk of
disease. The program shall include appropriate training and
immunizations. For areas where malaria is a high risk, the JBT
Corporation Malaria Control Procedure shall be followed.
Management will assure that all contract services performed for the
company are suitably protective of the environment and of human
health and safety. Contractors working on JBT Corporation sites will
perform their tasks in accordance with JBT Corporation’s HSE
standards. Sites shall have a written procedure for managing contractors
and vendors that meet the requirements of the JBT Corporation
Contractor Procedure. Appropriate HSE information (i.e.-current and
past HSE performance, programs, policies, etc.) shall be requested as
part of the job bid package. Once the contractor has been selected and
is on the job site, provisions shall be made for an HSE orientation.
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11. Product Safety
A. Security
B. Travel Safety
The effect that the site HSE management process is having on HSE
performance can be monitored by a series of audits and inspections
designed to identify and correct unsafe behavior and conditions. These
programs shall be present at each site and involve all levels of the
organization. For the purposes of this element of the HSEMS, audits
are spot checks that are conducted of behavior, conditions, programs,
etc. while inspections are detailed evaluations of equipment, work
areas, procedures, regulations etc.
a. Audits
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personnel. The frequency of these inspections will vary to some
extent depending on the equipment, its frequency of use
and nature of conditions being disclosed as a result of
experience. Each location will develop a written checklist for
those items requiring periodic inspections. Appropriate
personnel will be assigned to ensure that the inspections are
conducted, results documented, and corrections made.
Site management will investigate incidents and near misses that had (or
might have had), significant consequences for employees, the local
community, the environment or plant facilities. All investigations will
be conducted promptly and will gather sufficient information to identify
the direct and indirect (root causes) of each incident. The site will
implement corrective action to prevent recurrence of the event as
quickly as possible and will document such corrective action.
• Empower our employees to contribute to CSR
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• Minimize waste streams
• Improve resource efficiency
• Provide visibility and accountability for resource usage
• Understand our customers’ CSR goals
• Continually improve efficiency of our product offerings
• Communicate successes to customers
• Give back to our communities
• Be responsible stewards and citizens
Business and site management will periodically assess its HSEMS, HSE
performance, conformance with JBT Corporation HSE standards and
compliance with all legal and regulatory requirements. This evaluation
will be performed at least annually to drive continual improvement of
HSE performance and will be formally documented in an HSE
Improvement Plan.
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