2.chapter - 9 - Public Key Cryptography and RSA
2.chapter - 9 - Public Key Cryptography and RSA
2.chapter - 9 - Public Key Cryptography and RSA
Network Security
Sixth Edition
by William Stallings
Chapter 9
Public Key Cryptography and RSA
“Every Egyptian received two names, which
were known respectively as the true name
and the good name, or the great name and
the little name; and while the good or little
name was made public, the true or great
name appears to have been carefully
—The Golden Bough,
Sir James George Frazer
Misconceptions Concerning
Public-Key Encryption
Digital signatures
• How to verify that a message comes intact from the claimed sender
Encryption Decryption
Plaintext Public key Private key Ciphertext
algorithm algorithm
The the
readable Performs ciphertext
Used for Used for The
message various and the
encryptio encryptio scrambled
or data transform- matching
n or n or message
that is fed ations on key and
decryptio decryptio produced
into the the produces
n n as output
algorithm plaintext the
as input original
Table 9.2
Conventional and Public-Key Encryption
Public-Key Cryptosystem: Secrecy
Public-Key Cryptosystem: Authentication
Public-Key Cryptosystem:
Authentication and Secrecy
Applications for Public-Key
• Public-key cryptosystems can be classified into
three categories:
•The sender encrypts a message
Encryption/decryption with the recipient’s public key
• The sender knows the value of e, and only the receiver knows the
value of d
• Public-key cryptanalysis